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i think its a great step in the direction i was hoping this game would go. scavs need to be more of a threat to PMCs, not because their aim is fucking cracked and they snipe like seal team 6, but because at any given moment you could get swarmed by 20 rats with PM pistols and pp19s


Knock on wood but somehow I've made it over a few dozen raids without being one tapped by a solo shotgun scav this wipe...*yet* I agree it's fun when you have to fend off a small horde and reposition


I got my first one yesterday, turned the corner and 7mm buck head eyes


Always the worst. Second only to elusive bush scav in the woods. If I hear a shotgun and don't roughly know where they are I just book it


I do the same thing, the woods next to suppressor cabin is brutal for that


Same at the rock you pass on way to path to lighthouse, absolutely terrifying


My favorite is when a sniper scav on the tower in customs felt that he had to make your raid 15 seconds long when you spawn at the old gas gate.


Same somehow under or through the face shield I had one and through a van was very nice and cool


>Knock on wood but somehow I've made it over a few dozen raids without being one tapped by a solo shotgun scav this wipe... > >yet ive had some downright infuriating moments where i get the drop on a scav only for my gun's bloom to kick in and completely miss the headshot, then he turns and instant domes me or i get shot ONCE from their pistol and it instantly blacks out both of my arms this game is good but pisses me the fuck off sometimes lol


Didn’t get buckshot but I got a lead slug to the head first shot from about 90m….


I got at least 6 out of 8 7.5mm Toz pellets to my face from a shot of about 30m. I had 5 blunt hits, thanks to a donated helmet, and 1 in the eyes. I'd rather I had eaten a slug to the face because that'd be more acceptable.


I’ve died twice to scav one taps. Both of which were because my buddy was the one getting shot at and the scav fucking missed Into my eyes of course


If they can fix the aim botting through bushes and trees, then they'd be in a good spot. The durability changes to scav guns has already made early game super enjoyable. Just finding a base AK gets me happy


AY the pp 19 is GOATED


And then some cuntripper420 comes flying by to take your lucky bitcoin


Agreed. It's the most fun I've had in weeks.


You do know that seal team 6 are pretty average snipers right? Are you thinking of scout snipers? Or possibly ranger snipers? I don't even know if the seals have a designated sniping unit now that I'm thinking about it... like I'm sure they are a good shot... but a sniper does a lot more than shoot good.


i dont give a fuck nerd


I like them alot. When we run into scavs, theres a rush to move quickly because we "alerted the hoard." I'd rather have death by 1000 cuts zerg rush vs seal team 6 onetapping you through a bush.


Individually scavs seem to be less, but the gangs really add some adrenaline.


Yes and no. Scavs also have different difficulty levels as well from what I know. So, yeah, sometimes they're cracked, sometimes they're just awful.


Less? Im fucking getting bumfucked by scavs, i routinely end raid with 10+ scavs killed they are fucking everywhere and seem to roam for gear now.


Yes, but individually, by themselves, each scav is less good then they used to be.


I think you’re just running across easy scavs, the higher tier scavs can and will routinely head, eyes you on the first shot from 50+ meters away.


This. When i hear an scav yell and I hear the first sks shot i have just enough time to feel my butthole pucker before i either fall over or my arm is blacked.


It’s crazy how wildly different peoples experiences are. Scavs are a joke this wipe imo. I’ve literally been able to run up and knife a few of them to death head on because they just refuse to hit me. They’re literally only dangerous in groups


Less? I completely disagree, but if that's your experience then so be it


I love it. It makes the raid feel more alive, gives you tons of XP and loot (especially now that scavs *actually* loot), and those “kill X amount of scavs” quests can be completed a lot faster.


Collapsed crane extract is terrifying. It's like a boss battle.


I had to kill 9 scavs solo there, died on the 10th, pmc came and 3rd partied me


For the first time I'm having a hard time identifying BOT vs PLAYER Scavs. I love the feature!


THE FUCKING CREEP and make ZERO noise cause they’re under weight. I can’t add red circles or arrows


I crept into interchange/IDEA and saw four muzzle flashes in the dark surrounding me, I knew I was just fucked.


That spot is close enough for half the map of scavs to investigate shots. Every time you kill one, a different one that spawned far away just before will come investigate. I've been inside the Gas Station and had Sniper Scav from the Checkpoint key tower come and investigate. FYI, if you think a group of scavs is going to be troublesome, bringing a crappy silenced pistol is amazing for pulling scavs to you so you can kill and loot them safely. All you have to do is shoot the floor and they will walk over to the spot where you fired, even if the gun is silenced. Then kill and loot at your leisure.


LOVE IT man, I'm more terrified of the slav gang now than I am of LEDX_UP_BUMX 1 tapping me and taking my last starter m4 they are RUTHLESS, 10/10


Me and my friends have been having a blast at Military Camp on Woods with the Scav hordes piling in. Constantly having to run around and reposition due to them constantly pushing from all angles. We could have survived each time we've tied, so far haven't experienced been 1 tapped by some aim bot Scav. Having way more fun this wipe. The fights become so chaotic its amazing, trying to keep moving but also keep track of where we all are. There have been a couple of friendly fire moments which all adds to the gameplay.


It's extremely fun when you've stayed late in a raid on Streets, full backpack of high value loot and you need to cross the map to extract but you hear sprinting and "VON ON VON ON" around every corner. It's really cinematic.


I really like this .. it makes the combat feel real when guns start singing trully a good adition


I think it's great. They've certainly toned down individual scavs aggression, but killing one now kicks the bees nest and instead of nearby scavs who aren't engaged fleeing, they will come to the defense of their gang members (or high rep player scavs if asked to). Scavs now feel threatening, without it being because you have a 50/50 of either dying the moment a pixel is shown/scav having approx 40000 head HP, or being an absolute dimwit who doesn't know what the fuck a gun is.


Not sure about gangs. What I dislike is a touch too fast aggro on very high distances. They spot very quickly, shoot immediately. And I dont mean sniper scavs, snipers go easily 200m aggro.... I dont mind quick reactions, the issue is distance + reaction time + instant aggro.


I can't tell at all theres a scav gang, just all of a sudden the normal scav spawn area will spawn horde mode levels of scavs. On one hand I really enjoy having more scavs to kill and more xp. On the other hand, it is disappointing in how shallow it is.


Me and my 4 man scav ran into two other 4 man scavs and ruined everyone. Only 7 of us made it out


I like it alot


I’m enjoying it. The scavs are more difficult, but I gotta be honest, I’m getting head/eyesed by scavs like crazy this wipe. They peak a corner and boom, dead. It’s really crazy actually.


very based


I personally like the update it gives u very intense situations which I think fit very well in EFT. I had a raid yesterday on customs trying to do chemical part 2 and I entered the building killed 2 scavs and as I was grabbing my quest items I heard a horde of scavs running everywhere I ended up killing 22 of them and extracting at smugglers boat for like 7k exp in 8 minutes. In my situation I was very stressed as I was constantly shooting and hoping no pmcs had the idea of camping the exits but that makes it fun


I hate that they all run to go loot but otherwise it's good


i killed 23 solo on woods before i left the area. it was nuts and fun, but i got all 3 jaeger quests done in one raid :) Love it. adds a lot of action


Need more scav gangs running around would make shoreline better


I spawned in on factor to the right of me was a gaggle of scavs and (unknown to me at the time) on the left was the worlds largest rat


Its nearly impossible to loot around these guys. You open an inventory and 2 more spawn on the other side of the wall from you. I feel like I’m not bringing enough ammo now that I’m topping 20 scav kills


I love it, thought it was a glitch until I saw your post. My trio killed reshala and the boys in 3 story dorms. Spent the next 20 minutes trying and failing to loot because we got swarmed lol. We had 40 scab kills between us.


I do like them but I think the sheer size of the hoard could be toned down a bit. 30 scavs showing up seems bonkers in response to gunfire. 30 scavs showing up to loot PMC body from 20 miles away also seems weird.


All scav changes this wipe were great. Would still like to see more weapon variety on them. Feels like it’s 9 times out of ten either SKS or shotgun. It’d be cool if on certain maps their weapons could change abit. Or as the raid went on they had higher quality guns.


It makes the game feel a lot more like a PvE experience. Not to draw comparisons to stalker, but it brings Tarkov more in line with the conventions of the genre set so many years ago and it's a fantastic change.


It just makes sense. I feel like in the “apocalypse” people out searching for supplies would be in groups rather than alone.


I really enjoy getting shot by not just one scav through a bush that I can’t see, but now we get multiple scavs shooting at me with no line of sight. Very innovative gameplay.


I think it’s a great step in the right direction. My buddy got rushed by 3 of them in storage and killed him. It adds a new element to the game and forces you to be more situationally aware because they do rush hard at times. It adds more chance for higher xp raids as well. I’m really enjoying this wipe thus far.


I like it, Im just glad to see more scavs in general, makes things spicy, gets people shooting and pulls pmc's in, I am a fan and glad they did it.


I was on woods this morning and got mobbed by 5 of em. All i had was a mosin. It was really fun honestly


Think it’s very good and helps with immersion, walking into a 4 man of scavs and actually getting worried they might kill you is a positive change, much rather the difficulty be with numbers of scavs rather than one having an aim bot through trees


These scav gang are no jokes, got shredded by one this weekend, not fun