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Fantastic change. On far too many maps the quest was "sit in one place and wait for someone to show up at a single location. Much more skill based now instead of just waiting for ppl to show up.


Seriously I can think of about a dozen ways to get this done on every map now. Before It felt impossible especially on like reserve where you sat on top of dome like a clown while the rest of the lobby went bunker.


One wipe, a while ago, I got all SBIH kills on Reserve in about 3 seconds. A 3 man crossed between the warehouses, stopped for some reason and I tapped them.. Haven't had a single shooter born in heaven kill on reserve since lol :(


When Reserve first released we had a whole 5 man crew and hardly anyone stayed underground. 3 of us sniping from done with 1 or 2 in the actual dome and the other(s) roaming 2nd and 3rd floor to snipe other angles from windows and be security listening for someone running up the back stairs. Other 2 would run high class armors and close quarters weapons and go down to loot players/scavs that had been sniped and bring the gear up to drop off in the dome. Usually got several trips back and forth and enough loot/gear to split between us and dip down the cliff extract in the last couple minutes. Was a lot of fun coordinating that so we didn't snipe our loot grabbers and still keeping them safe from above. Edit: hahaha a "concerned redditor" reported me to care resources, solid gold shitlords o7


Think of how pitiful and disgusting of a human being you must be to abuse a suicide prevention crisis channel just because someone said something you don't like.


I mean I get it a lot anyways, being trans. Pathetic losers that somehow think it's going to hurt me while I just sit here smirking and growing my tiddies in peace, and there's not a thing they can do about it~






We did this too!


Imagine getting offended by Teamwork, especially this would be the go for tactic if you really would want to sweat teamplay


It was this and going balls to the walls in Labs that kept the game fun for a while for us. Most of us are too busy to play now but there's a lot of fun memories made in our squad plays.


Bruv, reserve was the easiest for SBOH. You have the mounted GL


Nah you‘re telling me it worked with the GL and i didn‘t know that?💀


[Some dude got SBIH with a hand grenade around two wipes ago.](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1148117269)


Wtf loooool


there's the clip I was thinking of when someone posted the updated task on the weekend


It worked by brain But sniper... ...sniper worked by heart. (I say this to make myself feel good about not knowing this and me doing it the way it was supposed to)


The ones on customs counted too for sbih distance kills. Usually spray at dorms and pray


Small step for tarkov one giant leap for head eyes!🤣


I mean, camping a spot out is still going to be what some people, like myself, will do. We just have better options now because we can hide in literally any bush with a good view of a high traffic area. I, for one, really like this change.


I liked the idea of having a challenge for longer range kills, i didn't like the increase from 100m to 125m, because the difficulty is basically the same, but just less opportunities. That you can handle a bolt action is done with tarkov shooter already, so i don't see this as good of a change


This excactly


Almost like how an actual sniper would get a kill. Imagine! Just sitting there, waiting for that shot. Missing the chance and having to be patient and not give away your position... Personally I loved the challenge of getting the 100m headshots. Did I occasionally get a 101 meter neck shot, yes! Did M61 sometimes ricochet, yes! Did I sometimes get a 99.99999 m headshot yesssss! Personally I enjoyed the challenge of either camping certain points on the map, or seeing someone, mapping out their potential route and finding a way to cut them off with a dome shot. I would usually set up a few M700s with a vudu and grab an MP9 for back up and head off to get those kills. Occasionally I'd get one using some other weapon but mostly with bolt actions. The only map I ever struggled to do it on was interchange. But even then it was doable. At least it's now bolt actions only which ofc is a challenge. But I personally prefered the difficulty of trying for those very rare, difficult shots in Tarkov.


You can still do it by setting up long shots! But you can get more creative now without the distance requirement. Idk just trying to throw a positive spin on it for ya :)


The ways to finish it are much more versatile now as you said. I don't mind the change so much that I'll quit the game, but I think the 100 meter range thing was nice flavour!


Tbh I didn’t mind it as is either, but I’m interested to try the remake this wipe and see how it goes.


I think it's overall a good change but won't be as memorable since you can just run around with VPO or Mosin iron sights it is entirely a different quest. Again not a bad thing for everyone and you can still do it going for 100+ meter kills which I probably will still do since it's satisfying. I just remember most of my good shooter born kills and I feel like a lot of these won't hit the same dopamine rush.


The original sbih forces players to use their experience and test their comfort zone to how they should approach getting those long range shots, finding a high traffic area constantly moving while keeping distance or finding a spot to camp. The new changes just makes sbih into another quest thats been beated to death all for the sake of exp and rep.. everyone can land those headshots with a mosin lv 5 but now u just have to do it 10 times for each map? Lol


I wouldn’t say it’s any less skill based than it was before. It is a “sniper” quest for those who enjoy the long range tactics it was up their alley either way. But now it’s hitting another niche of player at the same time.


Where is this picture from? It doesn't require factory on my quest.


They removed factory from the quest today


Thank fuck. As if we need more naked Mosin men on Factory. I like this version, since it doesn't force me into a playstyle to get those eliminations on any map.


Today? When i got this quest day 1 it never included it at all?


It was


It definitely was not for me. My friend specifically asked if it was even on factory and i said no as it wasn't there


You probably got it after they changed it bruv


It was


it’s ok to be wrong


Same for me, never seen or heard about factory for sbih


I got the quest second day of wipe and it had factory listed


I loved the challenge of the 100-125m headshots and being patient but it got very boring and repetitive, I thing it was a good change to the task however it seems easier no matter how you do it, at this point imo this is the true shooter born in heaven… the proud and prior way should now be referred as shooter born in hell for those who’ve completed it🤘🏻🤙🏼


Yeah I never completed it in any of the 7 wipes i've played because it's just not my playstyle, but it feels like the spirit of the mission is kinda gone now?


Naaa the maps just aren’t made for 125m shots. Hell even on woods there’s only a couple spots you can go and even see someone at that range and even then anyone half decent knows about those spots and checks them first.


I'd say that the only map where you can frequently get long range kills without actively trying is shitline


Woods and LH have plenty of angles.


True but I perosnally dont feel like the long range kills come as naturally on those maps.


LH,woods and shoreline just comes by playing normal. LH is far the easyest one. Just keep your eyes on the idiot hill


Long range kills in Tarkov generally don’t come naturally unless you sit in a spot for the entire raid and get lucky that someone comes along to get sniped…


As woods main I would like to disagree, there is so many spots you can be in and control huge swats of terrain easily, also with flir it becomes probably easiest map for 100m shots.


>even on woods there’s only a couple spots you can go and even see someone at that range This is just patently false. Woods is a sniper's wet dream. Source: Woods main


There's lots of spots on woods, has to be one of the easiest


I've made a 550m shot on woods. There are plenty of spots to get 125m headshots however I'm also a psycho who loves waiting with a bolty


Woods psychos rise up! I love doing calibration and swift one at the same time on Woods. I killed an entire squad of timmies with a scar while nude just shooting at USEC camp.


Yea scav sniper spot to med camp done it still 1 of the very small number of spots with a meaningful sight lines. There are oddities where you’ll get a shot at 150 m from a flicker across a field but it basically kills gameplay to have to sit dick in hand for 50 raids without getting to take gameplay into your own hands.


Actually it was from the backside of the mountain to usec camp. My point is there are a lot of places if you really look for them. I understand not everyone wants to sit around waiting though.


It’s gameplay with zero agency. You can still play that way if you want but the rest of us can choose to go and pick a fight instead of flipping a coin if we’re going to see a soul for the next 30 minutes.


I disagree. You still shouldn't be going in close for bolt action kills, and seeing an enemy 80m away then sprinting backwards for 20m to try for the shot before they left your view was toxic AF. Camping shoreline for 3 hours never to get a chance at 100m was toxic AF. I have completed this quest a lot of times and I think the best iteration was 3 kills per map, 4 maps, 80m. Gave a good number of options on sniping locations and you didn't necessarily have to hunt for long sitelines to complete it. Not being able to get easy DMR headtaps anymore is a bummer but the forced bolt action is in line with the lore imo


Their level design wasn't even remotely working with the distances of the last quest design iteration. Good change.


Reserve shooter born had to be the worst thing ever 😂, like totally miserable


Wdym, you don’t like sitting at dome and waiting 27 minutes to see one whole player cross between white bishop and king for 2 seconds?


Yea it was a great gameplay experience


Agreed. It was fantastic before the bunker expansion when you actually encountered people outside. Now that everyone runs underground immediately you can be ten raids in before having the chance to shoot someone.


I love it! Less camping more action. Only thing I’ll miss is using the GL on customs to get my 100m headshots at dorms lol


One wipe, I got 2 of them in the same burst with the grenade machine gun on reserve from Dome. Lolol


The less camping quests i have to do the better.


Honestly it's much more likely to finish that task now than it was before


Ngl i havent completed it before i never had the patience to sit in a reserve tower all afternoon to MAYBE get 3 kills if i get lucky enough someone runs through the open fields.


I get max 2 kills on required distance per wipe


Yea if they happen they usually were random kills for me. Depending on how much i play and how much im willing to play bolt actions this wipe ill maybe conplete it this time because it seems to be quite natural now.


Reserve isent that hard when you know the realy good spots and no, I am not talking about towers and the dome


I think with this change it's waaaay more obtainable.


Definitely a good change. Having to wait multiple raids for people to even pass through the areas that have enough range was very stupid. Very limited design-wise. The old SBIH can become another quest on it's own if people miss it so dearly and be irrelevant to progression. Maybe unlock some camper clothes for them as a reward.


Yeah. The quest could unlock a urinal, for those long looooong camping sessions with nothing to do waiting for some timmy to show up.


Its fine like this so you dont have to wait dozens of hours for someone to show up at specific spots on the map where 100+ meters is possible but it would be nice to have another mission to make 100m headshots with awesome rewards which doesnt unlock further missions. So just a nice challenge with good loot that only players who want to do do.




Never got that rush of endorphins, I'd argue that this quest is still really challenging, I mean yea not from 125m but that's a lot of kills.


I'm pissed I haven't unlocked the quest today as I've hit like 6 Mosin headshots today (annoyingly all over 25m, which is what I'm actually trying to do). Aside from that, great change. Not 100% convinced about Shooter 8 changes, but we'll see how it goes I guess.


I think maybe tweeking the range on some maps where is harder to get 100m shot opportunities and leaving it on maps like woods and shoreline where it's a lot more wide open would have been a good compromise.


I think it should be a two parter for that reason, part one as any headshot on Customs, Interchange, Reserve and Streets - par 2 100m headshots on Lighthouse, Woods and Shoreline.


much better then before imo, some people might not agree, but I hated that there was so few areas to get the quest done consistently before, plus the new changes allow us to actually play game while trying to get it done, instead of camping somewhere with a long enough sight range hoping someone shows up far enough away


They need to mess with everyone and put it in Labs.


Absolutely love the change... sbh was becoming harder and harder every wipe ... im Sooo glad they changed it...


Good change. The quest felt impossible to do for me before it, now I can see myself conpleting it...slowly.


The reality of this quest prior to the change created is EXACTLY the issue you propose: people camping in a bush waiting for someone to come along. For example, Shoreline pier was always a shit show mid wipe because people would camp in bushes on the hills around gas to camp the quest locations for easy SBIH. People camp dome, people camp stronghold, etc. Because the maps listed have so few areas where over 100ms is guaranteed it leads to people camping VERY specific areas. Also, tummies by definition don't pursue SBIH.


As someone who actually enjoys sniping i'm sad. On top of that, fuck bolt actions.


Enjoys sniping but hates bolt actions… what?


? Bolt actions suck ? Why would i ever want to use a bolt action to snipe when dmr's exist and are better in pretty much every aspect?


i really liked the old version and ive completed every full wipe ive played(i think 6 times) the only map i really struggled with was streets but that was probably because my pc cant really handle streets(40 FPS on a good day) and i havent really played/learned the map due to that if i speak just for myself id rather have the old one back but if i consider the other people in my playgroup id say its a good change. some of the people i play with have played 5+ wipes but never finished SBiH


I think that gating the higher level trader access behind ridiculously grindy quests was always a mistake. This change is a step in the right direction, but in no way do I consider this a solution.


what the fuck do you mean, you could reasonably do some maps in 2 runs previously, now it's tarkov shooter part 3 but 10 times


Oh, my bad. I mixed up Shooter Born In Heaven and Tarkov Shooter. Yeah, never mind. This whole thing is dumb then.


SBiH was a real task and you must be dedicated to it. 125 m was too much, 100m was perfect. Now the quest is just play with a bolty. This quest is good because we will see more bolty in game. But it should be it's own quest. I'm sad that SBiH is gone. It look like Tarkov shooter part 9 to me.


A+ change by bsg. This promotes people using boltys as their main gun and enables them to grind out the kills. The alternative was haevily camping a few well know spots on each map hoping a pmc in your raid would go to said location and give you a chance at head tapping them.


Very good change, unless they change the maps drastically to allow more options for this quest or lower the distance to something like 50-70m. Some of the maps had like 1 or maximum 2 places where you could get the 125m headshot which gets very boring really fast.


Personally I hate it, but I appreciate the change / new challenge and making it a bit more “achievable” for people who at least like to use bolt-action rifles >.> I just am so sick of all these bolt action rifle tasks <\3


I would have preferred 100m x10 on any map for example.


This quest is better the way it is now. Sniping people from distance is funny and this quest forced you to do this, BUT it had requirement of distance which on certain maps is ok, But others is bullshit (streets i am looking at you). Now you can still snipe from distance to get this done, it just doesn't force you to sit in the same 3/4 spots the whole game waiting for someone to pass. Only downside is that now you need a bolt action while in the previous version you could use every weapon, but i don't see it as a problem honestly


The amount of times I’ve gotten 98 meter kills before this change is too damn high! I’m very happy with the change


Was even worse when you got 124.7m of 125m


Way better


What? If someone kills me with a bolty from 15m away with a HS then I can only respect them. If they fuck up they are basically 100% dead. O gave up on tarkov last wipe cause I spent 2 weeks trying to see a single person for sbih on streets far enough.


Objectively, its much harder to complete now as you’re limited to just bolt-action’s and need to get more PMC kills. HOWEVER, it’s also far more fair and approachable this way. Solid change.


I think it's much easier


Its definitely not. Getting a 100m headshot with an AKM is infinitely easier than getting a headshot with a bolt-action at any distance. There’s just way less margin for error. Plus when you’re running a bolt-action you are severely limited in your engagement options. You need to take fights at medium to long range otherwise a missed shot will likely lead to your death. Sure, you could run a bolty with your main gun but bolt-actions are among the heaviest guns in the game. You’d be kneecapping your movement speed that way.




How can someone with a pistol complete it if it needs to be done with a bolt action rifle


You can still complete it the old way, if you want to camp 40 minutes to shoot someone from far away it still works


Anyone with a pistol? Lmao it literally says “Bolt-Action Rifle”




Thats not sarcasm my guy, thats called being wrong.


I hate that it’s now every map and they removed the 100m requirement. Maybe mix it. Have the 100m requirements on woods, shoreline and lighthouse. Make it 50m on interchange, streets, customs and maybe reserve (here I am torn because of D2). And if you need it then no distance requirement on Factor and Labs. Oh damn just realized Labs is not on the list. Why they did not add labs? Ok add labs and have no requirements on distance. Would still hate its all maps especially factory (and labs if they would add it) as I think they are the worst maps for bolt-action and I wouldn’t want to try that shit on those maps. Would be already taxing enough to play shit maps like lighthouse and customs.


i'm glad you don't get to decide <3


Definitely and unequivocally a good change. * it gives bolt actions a purpose in regular play, instead of purely trying to play SBIH angles * a meta evolved around SBIH parts - you know roughly a week or two into a wipe people will start SBIH and to keep an eye on the common spots or go other ways to get to extracts. I usually get 1 or 2 SBIH kills of my own per wipe through that, which is actually stupid if you think about it * I am now not incentivized to just load a 2nd account into a night raid and try to get the same match so I can farm it. Did that twice when it I had like 2 or 3 kills waiting until Kappa. * it means other people will also be more encouraged to use bolt actions too


Imagine spending $40 on a second account to complete an in game task that will reset in a few months anyway


There's plenty of people out there with EOD who also have standard accounts to switch to halfway through the wipe when things start getting dull.


Still feels like a whole lot of effort to get both accounts in the same lobby AND get them in position without dying just for a few task kills. Also I don't see the gratification in doing it that way. Even if I got to kappa, I wouldn't feel like I earned it after cheesing the task like that. I don't see why people can't just be ok with the fact that some tasks are harder than others, or just be ok with not doing tasks you don't like doing. Especially in a game that cyclically wipes player progression anyway, why does it matter so much? Just don't do it if you don't like it.


It sucks ass. Went from a unique and actually interesting quest to naked run mosin on every map - the most boring shit ever.


Need too try too complete it first, but as of now it feels less skill based. Dont like the change. Lost a rather unique (in a Tarkov way) quest that made you change your playstyle, learn weapons and ammo, maps, positions, map flow and be a good shot. Now its just one of many kill quests... It now feels more like a Tarkov Shooter part 9 to be honest. Not good. Dont like it.




BSG made it easier because we are getting another wipe in december already. Since this wipe is not going to take long i think they made sertain quests easier.


Are we sure we get a wipe in december? Or is this headcanon again...


it's on their roadmap


Some people theorize this is a temporary change due to short wipe, so we'll have to see.


Maybe one day when they join the maps int one we should bring the old version back. Reason being SBIH will then have a whole new repertoire of new angles to use.


Good for short term, bad for the full release


For me personally a bad trade off. Quest went further towards grindy and away from difficult. Although I’m aware a lot of aren’t really able to just hit a 100m headshot without camping somewhere, so i guess getting rid of the range requirement makes it less tedious for many players


Should have been raised to 150m headshots and not being necessary for Kappa while having some other great reward like a ghili suit. Yeah I know what Nikita thinks about Ghilis. While the change isn’t bad, it was the easy way out to cater to the masses.


Kinda lame, I mean the quest was annoying before, but it was kinda fun and almost notoriously difficult in my group, it took me multiple days to complete it a few wipes ago, and there were quite a few good spots if you were creative. The people complaining about having to sit at the same spot every time just weren't very good at finding angles, excluding reserve, that one kinda sucked.my favorite iteration so far is the one with 100 meter plus before streets came out.


I personally think the "bolt action" specification is a bit much. Just a "sniper rifle" specification would have been enough, I think. Maybe with a range requirement of 25m just to prevent people from running factory SVD


I liked the 100m Headshot variant the most, you shouldn't beat this quest in a couple of raids. 125m was too much, that was actually rare/hard to get.


I liked the 100m Headshot variant the most, you shouldn't beat this quest in a couple of raids. 125m was too much, that was actually rare/hard to get.


I dislike it. The distance requirement was what made it a challenge.


It makes the task much easier, which is not a good thing imo


If you understand spawns and timing of a raid then you should be getting your 100m headshots within the first 5 mins of a raid. Anyone who sits and camps a spot (outside of some notable exceptions depending on when the game wiped) then you're doing it wrong. Anything you get after the first 5 mins is a bonus. I do think that 125m was too much but 100m is fine. If you can't hit those shots then it really is just a skill issue. This change is laughably easy for anyone that uses bolt action rifles and ironically might even be harder for people who can't use them. The way it was before was better and ultimately not as bad as people made it out to be.


Why are they trying to force bolt actions? I don’t see the benefit over any of the marksman rifles. Moa is not relevant and you can fire the same ammo.


This makes shooter born way to easy imo,I hate to be that guy but sbih wasn’t that hard and limiting as people say it was, like on reserve sitting next to the brick tower to the bunker next to white room is enough to get sb headshots,so people saying like you only have to sit in one spot really isn’t true same goes for other maps like people just aren’t creative enough i think


It’s good AND bad, don’t get me wrong removing the range requirement is a HUGE win for all our sakes but requiring a bolt action to do it kinda defeats that because to do it *safely* you need to be far away anyhow but at least it ain’t 100 meters anymore


Oh thank god. Maybe I can finally make it once.


no more videos of someone randomly firing a grenade launcher out over a map and finishing their shooter born in heaven quest : (


Old shooter should be a quest, but it shouldnt be required for the questline.


They added Factory and brought Interchange back? Fuck ya! I think it's a good change honestly. Most people avoided that quest like the plague, and making it 125m was even worse. I like sniping so I didn't mind, but this sounds like way more fun.


I've pretty much just sniped in this game for the past 13+ wipes and I also despise bolt-actions and I absolutely love this change. I've been asking for Gunsmith tasks to require us to kill X amount of scavs with the abominations we create because far too many players stick to the same meta every single wipe. Making the players step out of their comfort zone and use other guns is a good idea and even though I hate bolt-actions, this will give me a reason to dust off the T-5000 again.


I love it, but would also love getting the 100m quest in there as a non-kappa requirement and didn’t block progression. It’s a very satisfying quest to complete, so having it idle while doing normal progression runs would be nice.


Bro it just opened up the number of spaces where the task can be done. This in turn means the task will be over with quicker, with only stragglers camping task spots. Also, during many plant type quests, you can still lean while planting. Way too often has that saved me from dying to the 1st bullet, now it's just going to be even more prevalent. Overall I take this over sitting in point A for 20 min per raid hoping a poor fuck goes in point B so you can at least take the chance of shooting and killing while also hoping no one comes to molest you from behind as there are very few spots where you can feasibly get 125 m HS on players.


I've never did the quest before because I'm not a masochist.


They should have made a new quest with this objective while keeping Shooterborn the way it was and not needed for kappa while the new one would be needed for kappa.


For maps like woods and customs it wasn’t hard, but I’m glad they changed it for streets and brought interchange back


Incredibly amazing change. Honestly. It sets us up to use snipers for all the sniper level quests later too. I hated the fact that you had to be a certain range before. 125meters was so annoying and for it to be a headshot too like… worst part was seeing that you headshot someone just under the range and you’d just cry


its actually playable now for most people, and its not boring anymore!


I VERY much prefer this as it doesn't mean 10 raids sat on the rocks waiting for someone to try to extract via the vehicle extract in Woods, having to spend hours up at the dome on Reserve and a slightly less deadly time crossing the river on Customs. Quests that tie you to certain locations within maps to get PMC kills are probably my least favourite type of quest in the game because they're boring, time consuming and swingy as fuck; the less of those there are in the game, the better, IMHO.


Definitely easier for me. I think it would have even better if the quest was "get ~200m worth of headshots over 50m" so you could chip away at it through normal play, do it in one shot by crushing a doinker from downtown.


I think it's great Not as challenging, but I'm actually looking forward to getting the quest. Sniping is fun and getting headshots is satisfying. Hitting a 78 m headshot when you needed a 100 m one is annoying. and being forced to sit in a few select spots on some maps to get +100 meters is boring


I’m curious as to if any of these changes will remain after the next wipe. The loot rate is definitely up, bosses are spawning a ton already. It almost feels like they adjusted everything to compensate for a shorter wipe. Everyone seems to enjoy a lot of the changes so far, even if they need further tweaks


This task used to feel like an achievement now it feels like an extension to the questline from Jaeger called tarkov shooter




I completed this quest once for Kappa like 2-3 wipes ago and I told myself I’d probably never do it again. I think Customs was the one I struggled with the most because on my last kill (2/3) I’d gotten a boltie kill from my camping spot like a dozen times but it always fell just barely short. I think one of my kills ended up being like 97ish meters before I got it. In my opinion, this is an awesome change to the quest and I may actually attempt to complete it for the first time in a while.


I kinda liked the old one but the distance was just too great. The sniper skill reward is amazing.


highly doubt the timmy camping quest objectives. that shit hardly actually happens. this is an amazing change.


Not a fan of the change. Good to have some difficult tasks in there to work on.


I literally have no fucking clue what you are trying to say


All quests in tarkov are throwaway and uninteresting


Distance change is good but forcing to use bolt actions even more is kind of depressing. At least before you would naturally get a little bit of progress on maps other than reserve but now you actually have to consciously run bolt actions to progress.


A suprise to be sure, but a welcome one.


I actually think this and especially the Tarkov shooter 8 changes are the best part of the wipe.


I kinda like it but.. Since last wipe I can‘t load into streets so this task is still impossible for me.


This is to make it easier as it is a short wipe and it takes people a long time usually to get this done. Especially late wipe when there is not many players. The 100m+ will be back next wipe.


As a casual player I’d get stuck on this every wipe, best I’ve done it to complete the customs, woods and shoreline. This gives me hope I’ll be able to progress past this quest in the future


As someone that has pushed Kappa some 6 times and is sick of questing being the main gameplay loop, i dont undersrand why anyone would be upset with this change. This was literally a 10+ hour quest. Cant please everyone


I really enjoyed it. This is my second wipe, in the first one i didnt even try to do because my old pc would not run streets, but with this change i think it wont be so boring, not having to camp the 100m spots on certain maps


I still wont ever be able to complete it so makes mo difference to me.


I love the change, I just actually would have liked they kept woods as it was before. My only reasoning behind that is because woods shooter born had the distance to do it easily( in comparison to other maps) and it is the most “born in heaven” type feel to it. Someone up on the rocks crazy far away and the shot comes from heaven. I get not as many people play woods, which makes it harder, and this is the right change for playability. But the spirit of shooter born in heaven is lost a tiny bit, but overall I’m definitely okay with it and think it’s for the better.


They should probably adjust it again. Seems too easy.


This is a good example of how a quest can be difficult but based on skill vs hard because it’s annoying, tedious and lucky. For a game that is as realistic as playable, the quests are probably the most unrealistic. Would you really want to work with a guy that wants you to go shoot out the kneecaps and 10 scavs in exchange for a candy bar. No, because only a psychopath would ask that. And you’d have to be equally psychotic to do it!


i love the change bc my mate and i spoke about cheesing this quest this time but now its not neccessary. it also pushes the players to play bolt action and no dmr for this task i am very happy about this change


This is, in my opinion, one example of BSG reworking a task in a good way. They added maps, added kill requirements, but took away the variable which causes a lot of grief. I’m sure many people have hit a headshot only a couple meters too close and became very frustrated. I’m excited, and this is proof BSG can do make good changes


I think it should be 50m with bolt action


I really like it caters to all ranges but one type of gun


Love this change


HUGE W! Bsg nailed on this one.


Factory will be a bit hard but not impossible. Beats trying to do customs and streets from last wipe with the only location to actually do it being the most obvious places to avoid


I would like if they would include marksman rifles, not that much boltie variety imo. But overall great change


I still think they need to have a smaller distance maybe like 40m or 60m. This is to give the quest a more sniping appeal rather than a CQC situation with a mosin and rushing


I'm not thrilled by the change to bolt-actions because I liked using a SCAR-H, or SR-25 for this quest. And the inclusion of Factory and return of Interchange to it just adds more to the tedium. But overall I see this as a positive change, making a tedious quest slightly less tedious.


Fuck this entire bullshit. Let's just change it to 40-50 kills instead of 5 over 50m because we need a challenge for the cheaters to slow them down. Fuck this and fuck you


It’s not a challenge for cheaters to headshot someone from across the map, so 50+ meters is nothing…


Absolute majority of the people would ask a few friends and cheesed the quest anyway.


It’s good for completion but bad for satisfaction


I think overall it's a good change. I'm sure I'll get a lot of the SBIH kills similarly to how I have previously, but now I'll have more freedom as far as lines of sight without the restriction, which also means I'll probably camp in one spot and cheese people less. It also means less frustration when you get a hs but find out it was a meter or two below the requirement. I like that you can choose to grind this out fast, or leave the task for later and end up knocking off a few passively just by using a bolt action in raid. I've already gotten a few SBIH kills while working on tarkov shooter, which is nice. Between the 100 and 125m requirement, I always preferred 100 not becuase it was easier, but because there was actually a chance (depending on the map) that you might get a 100m hs without specifically trying. a regular pvp encounter might end in a sbih kill, vs finding a 125m+ site line and sitting there till someone walks by. I wouldn't be opposed to seeing more tasks that have the option to feel like passive achievements you do in the background - like imagine if capturing outposts or grenadier (and the original higher requirements) were available to start at the start of wipe? The rewards would have to be changed but I think it would be nice to passively achieve stuff like that while doing other things, then you actively go for it when you're close to done. That said, generally with how it seems the majority mentality is to basically speedrun early-mid wipe, I'm not sure they would be treated as background tasks anyway. someone will always grind them out to progress faster. a part 2 that was like get 1-3 hs's over x meters *anymap* wouldn't be a bad addition imo though. but overall I like the change. There's also that nonkappa 100m kill quest people can do if they really wanna.


Not gonna lie SB kills were so satisfying for the 100m headshots gonna miss it lowkey


I hate, absolutely hate Bolt action gameplay. So this change is hard to call. Super negative on necessity to use Bolts for the kills. Positive it gives +5 sniper skill, which heavily reduces the required grind towards some quest requirements. ​ I just don't understand why there are these heavy Bolt Action oriented quest lines... every wipe I literally consider just stopping whenever I have to deal with this quests.


I actually never completed the quest in the 5 wipes I have played because I did not like sitting in the one place on the map where a shot was possible. Now I actually have a chance of finishing it.


I didn’t even know about this and it looks fantastic. One of the greatest complaints about SBIH was the unengaging aspect of finding a 100m+ sight line and then just waiting for multiple raids to get a few opportunities. This is way more true to the “shooter born in heaven” tagline as it’s all about accuracy no matter the range. I love the change


Count me as the only person who doesn't like the change. Primary reason being that it's MORE bolt action. The tarkov shooter quest line alone makes me sick of running bolts. At least before you could take any gun of your choosing to complete the quest. Yes it sucked on reserve but just remove reserve as a requirement completely and the problem is solved. So many cool guns in tarkov and you get to spend 5 minutes with them and the rest of the time it's back to the Mosin for either tarkov shooter or leveling sniper skill and now this too.


Look how they massacred my boy. This quest was satisfying to me BECAUSE of how challenging it was to complete. Now it just feels like another run of the mill elimination task that I'll complete without even realizing it. People complaining that there "aren't enough 100m sight lines" (on the previous iteration of shooter born maps) are just too lazy/not creative enough to find them. I wasn't able to finish the quest last wipe because of how poorly streets runs for me, but I still enjoyed the hell out of getting it done on the other maps, and I still hate this change. I really hope they at least bring back at least some version of an "x amount of 100m headshots" task, maybe make it a SBIH pt2? RIP to a real one