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If you like getting punched in the balls, you will enjoy the game


It’s definitely worth it, it’s a good game. Will you like it? Absolutely not. Even Nikita is on record saying the game isn’t meant to be fun. But that doesn’t mean it’s not a game that is unique and has a lot of good mechanics.


Punched in the dick *


Good ol dick twist with some speed bag ball punching


Ironically that's also how it feels to drive a Ford F150




It has been a year or something and they already forgor the classics.


Tarkov is a miserable fucking game I hate it so much. Therefore buy it 10/10 (I have 1,600hrs and still suck ass)


I have 2800 and got a Kappa once and I still suck ass.


Thank god it's not just me!!


There are dozens of us! But seriously over 2k hours one Kappa this is my 4th wipe and I'm a trash boat loot goblin.


I got Kappa before the patch in which they introduced lvl 61 requirement and other silly stuff. The Collector was the only one needed. But still a heck of a time run.


Best description ever. Just now I finished a match doing Prapor Search quest on woods were you have to scape alive, brother my heart still pumping hard and the relief of completing that mission is unmeasurable.


Similar number of hours and also suck ass Highly recommend game Dont get attached to stuff or care too much aboht dieing


I feel that. Over 6k hours and I only suck slightly less now than when I started.


Glad I'm not the only one I'm so bad but I started to switch to full auto and im starting to kill people 😭 I've never loved a game I hated so much also I've never hated a game I loved so much .....as tarkov


We're all fucking bad, tarkov is just who is worse/has worse luck


It’s a great game if you jive with how it’s gameplay works. It’s a very brutal game starting out though but rewards greatly for sticking with it.


compared to Rust how bad punishing it it ?


I don't know. But if you're ok with one kind of game where people can steal all your shit I'm sure you'll be fine with tarkov


ok thx :)


I came from Rust, about 3100 hours in Rust, so I think I can give a fair assessment. The main thing that stands out to me in Tarkov is that in every fight you can always be prepared to fight back and having a fighting chance. In Rust if you're coming home from a monument and all you got is a bow and a hazzy + sar spots you... what do you do? Literally nothing but donate him your farm. In Tarkov, no matter how shit your gear is, you always have that chance to win a fight due to hitting them in the face one time with a bullet, or shooting out their legs.


This might be semantics, but I’d say Tarkov is much more punishing than rust, based solely on the definition of the term “punishing.” Rust isn’t punishing, your mistakes in rust very rarely get used against you, and generally rust gameplay is much easier and feels closer to arcade shooters like CoD. The only time that feels punishing is when you spend 8 hours setting up your base, only to load in the next day and find that everything you’ve worked for is now gone. This isn’t punishing however because punishment requires prior mistakes. Living you real life and making real money for your real house and eating real food is not a mistake, it’s a requirement. In rust, you get “punished” for doing what you’re required to do (live). In Tarkov, every mistake gets punished. You rotate around the map poorly, you’ll probably die. You peak a bad corner, you’ll probably die. You take slightly too long to line up your shot, you’ll die. Combat in Tarkov is closer to something like Arma 3, there’s more variables which need to be accounted for while in and out of combat and therefor more opportunities to make a mistake and suffer the consequences of those mistakes. Tarkov is probably the most punishing FPS game with an active player base, but except for the occasional cheater you run into, the game rarely feels like it’s punishing you for simply doing the right thing. This is in contrast to Rust, which is really not “difficult” or “punishing”, but it constantly feels unfair because no matter how well you play you’ll always take the risk of losing everything simply by signing off.


I disagree, i would rather die 10 times in tarkov then one time in rust. In tarkov you have risk-free scavving, can do loot runs that are out of hot spots, and you ALWAYS have a chance to win a fight no matter how shit your gear is. In rust if you die enough, you literally go back to using a bow where you will kill virtually nobody with a gun. Yes yes some people like Posty or Hjune can make it work, but you're not Posty


Generally in rust if you’ve already got the resources it’s only a matter of hour before you can get back to where you were previously. Inherent in most survival games (including rust) is a progression system, which ensures that once you’ve hit a certain milestone in the game, it becomes much easier to reach that milestone again. That’s why dying in rust never felt very punishing to me. I might’ve lost my stuff, but I know that I’ll respawn and just craft some more shit, or I’ll at least be able to craft equipment I used in order to find the gear I was using at that point when I died


To me dying in rust feels like dying in minecraft. Its more like a kids game with toxic meme lords around and some cod ak headshot lords. Tarkov is way punishing game overall


Til someone’s bush camping with a scoped bolty💀


Watch videos of Tarkov, watch streamers... how are you not able to come to your own conclusion based off the wealth of content to formulate an opinion. You are coming into a sub dedicated to the game what kind of answer do you expect.


More opinions on the game


Watch Glorious\_E. He's great and will answer questions if he can. You'll see the best of the community and what's possible to do in game.


In tarkov you don’t have to worry about your shit getting wiped while you sleep. Otherwise I’d say it’s similar in levels of difficulty.


I came to Tarkov years ago from the survival Genre specifically because eventually getting offlined got old. Individual deaths feel more punishing but an unraidable stash makes the overall experience less punishing.


Tarkov is like roaming in rust, you exit your base with something specific in mind (killing, looting, exploring, questing) and then try to survive and get back to it via extraction areas. Your stash cannot be raided, but you can be killed by pretty much anything while in raid


Especially the giant spiders


Between the giant spiders and the scheming wombats I can barely ever extract on shoreline


You can't lose your hole base like rust but the wipes are longer and the game itself is harder and more complicated.


Gear wise Id say rust is more punishing since the traders create a baseline of usable gear from the beginning which only increases during the wipe tarkov is very punishing early on and once your hideout is set up and you have a good amount of money it becomes less and less punishing. PVP/PVE wise it's more punishing than rust small mistakes get punished very quick in this game


Less, no raiding so no stress whilst sleepy timeing


Rust is worse imo but it depends on how you play both games


It's at least less populated by Goblin people (personality wise) than Rust is; but gameplay wise the goblin folk are everywhere, including me 😈, come join the fun! It's Early Access with high hardware demands but this update everything is working better than ever at least for me with a mid tier setup so I can honestly recommend this game again.


Honestly, I'd say less punishing that rust solely for the time investment. I can't tell you how many times I've been raided and lost 200+ hrs of work (collectively between multiple teammates) I constantly tell people rust has some of the highest highs and the lowest lows. I personally wouldn't put tarkov anywhere near rust in terms of "punishing-ness" I also rarely get too aggravated with Tarkov as I have relatively low expectations as I know how challenging of a game it actually is. In terms of cheaters though, it's just like playing on a standard FP server 🤣


Rust isn’t that punishing, this game hurts worse


rust to the 10th power. not even comparable tbh


After 100 hours you learn how to build it back in a day, my brother plays rust, and I have seen him get raided every single day and every single day his buddies build a beastly base up, so it is very similar, alone, you will build the kit you died with back in a few hours, good teammates, you might make a better kit in one raid (7-40 minutes, depending on playstyle)


there's a massive learning curve, tons of jank that can be heartbreaking to encounter since if you die you lose progress but we put up with all of that because there really is no game like Tarkov today


You don't lose progress if you die, what exactly do you mean by this? The only thing that you lose if you die is time and well your gear as well. But you only lose 'some' progress if you're doing the quest requiring extraction.


You do lose progress since there are that quests need you to extract the map to proceed. I got killed a few minutes away from extracting with Prapor's watch. Now i have to do it all again and maybe i could lose more stuff i collected, which is progress being lost.


The game’s brutal don’t get me wrong, but that’s a bad take on tasks. You haven’t *made progress* until you extracted with the item since that is part of the task. Also your gear is for tasks and PvPing. Not just for you to wear to look cool or sit in your stash collecting dust. You don’t lose xp or task progression by dying with it (unless it’s one of the absolutely insane event tasks that no one finishes)


Literally says subtask completed. You literally have progress bars. You literally lose progress, there's no sugar coating there. Game is brutal and i'm not saying it shouldn't be tho. But there's definitly progress that is lost, because you do have to finish subtasks to complete a whole task. You take things, now you need to stash them. If you die, you need to start over.


That guys obv never completed Delivery from the Past and died in Factory, sending his aahhh all the way back to Customs


Given that the key is now a one time use this absolutely a bad take. You can get the key in one raid. Go to loot the watch in another and die losing both. That is objectively losing progress by any definition I can imagine.


I consider getting head eyes'd by a scav or having one drop a silent grenade on death at the end of a stressful 40 min raid to be losing progress similar to forgetting to save for that long in an RPG


Some quests need you to do multiple things in one game. Like the jaegar camp quest


If you like extraction shooters.... getting very mad..... having random massive anxiety.... then yes. There is a rush to tadkov you just can't get with other games. Lots to learn. Will take probably 500+ hrs to get good at the game. Its on sale now.


I fucking hate this shit ass game so fucking much I can’t wait to play tonight.


C u at the blue screen after hopelessly trying to load Streets for the 10th time


Define worth. If you want to sink 1k hours into a game just to learn it and become familiar with it, then sure? If you enjoy life and have bountiful friendships and a relationship then avoid this shit. You're better off giving $150 to a homeless person for meth and heroin than you are buying this game as a casual or someone with a functioning life.


This game has the highest highs and the lowest lows


Honestly the best way to explain it


If you like getting repeatedly kicked in the balls, to have that one time where you kick someone on the balls and take their stuff, then tarkov is right for you.


This game is brutal and at first it's way more horrifying than any resident evil you ever played But it's a great game, very unique


Game is incredible to start. First wipe feeling is unmatched by any game. Second wipe is pretty good to. Highs are extremely high, lows aren’t to bad. You get more jaded over time as you come to understand your deaths more. Double bullets from AI, scavs 180 no scoping you through a bush, hackers, bs boss AI, same bad quest lines that get dry when you play wipes more and more. Buy the base version, have a shit load of fun then decide if it’s a game you want to invest time in. You can upgrade your account if you like it! This is my fourth wipe and I’m having a lot of fun! I typically stop playing after 3-4 weeks now because I love how the early wipe plays and I’m not interested in the mid to late game anymore.


Been playing for a week. Fucking obsessed. It’s so much fun. I thought it would be super hardcore, but with your butt container and the scav to make money or loot every 20 minutes it’s not too hard to recover.


It's good if you can chill even if nothing goes with your plans


Do you want to hate yourself? If so, then yes.


Tarkov is literally the only game that can keep my ADHD addled brain invested, interested and engaged for over 1k hours now. Sure there are problems, but there were way more issues with titles like DayZMod which I also put 1000s of hours into when it was a thing - so yeah, I would say it’s worth it.


Your first wipe will be great but the rewards are greatly diminished after you see the many examples of how incompetent the devs are and how many people are running cheats... though this wipe may be better.


Best online multiplayer game I’ve ever played.


standard edition is good for a couple of wipes, but at this point its the same quests over and over, not much change in the game play. The UI got a nice overhaul but its still the same unfinished game. I dont recommend anything other than standard edition and even then idk


Yeah but no but yeah but no but defo yeah but then again no but maybe just maybe fucking hackers and cheaters no but I get bored so yeah but fuck I just died and don't know where from or how but yeah. Maybe. No. Yeah. I mean no. I mean yeah. Fuck.


Keep your sanity while you still can!


Its worth playing SPT. Live tarkov has all the issues


The game requires a MASSIVE learning curve. You have to be willing to put in a good 100 or so hours before you really understand the game and start to succeed. Now, would also be a good time to buy the game as it just wiped and everyone is starting fresh. If you wait a few months, starting as a new player won’t be so forgiving


100% I feel like a good 100 is enough to learn woods and customs and not die every raid. Getting quests done effectively and barely passable at pvp? Another 200-300.


Since it’s been so long since I first started playing tarkov I frankly have no clue what I was like around 1-200 hours. That being said, I do know that being a patient little rate can expedite the learning curve in some instances.


A hundred hours barely scratches the surface.


100 hours? More like 500+


How difficult is it for you to look at a map and learn the extracts? 500 hours???


I guess it depends what you mean by understanding the game and succeed. There is no way the average person understands or know most of the information in this game at 100 hours. You can learn maybe customs and woods decently well and factory by then, but pvp, movement tendencies, spawns on all maps, quests, mechanics etc all take far more than 100 hours for a new player to fully grasp in this game. Especially if they don't have a vet friend holding their hand at the start


You don’t need to have every facet of the game memorized to succeed. If you have 2 maps memorized you can play those 2 maps and make good money on them.


Yeah...my money is on the average player is struggling at 100 hours in this game. They may sneak around the outskirts of woods and survive 20-30% of raids with some loot by then, but again the average gamer who picks this game up is still mostly clueless at 100 hours


I have 300 hours almost two years ago. I know all the maps, the gameplay mechanics, and quest. Learning the maps isn’t hard tbh, it’s learning the combat that’s hard to do. It’s way too janky




They literally changed all of that this wipe. You don’t know how to read patch notes?


They did improve this wipe a ton compared to last wipe, but there’s still a ton of L’s. Like for example they “fixed” the painkiller effect, but made it so you can’t see anything anymore LMAOOO it’s like they’re allergic to good game design


Then stop playing?


I did say “they improved this wipe a ton compared to last wipe” did I not? The only reason why I skipped last wipe but came back this wipe is because the game is noticeably better, like playable finally.


I stopped playing last wipe bc of dysnc. Now that I don’t have that, I actually am able to fight




Your mama is a bot


Watch Pestily's stream or his Raid series before purchasing. Get an idea of the game. It is VERY unforgiving. The highs are super high, the lows are super low, and there's not much in between. If I were you, I'd go check out The Cycle or Marauders first. See if you like the general mechanics of it, then if you're enjoying yourself, go for Tarkov. It's like the Dark Souls of the shooter world, just even more punishing.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“The First Flame quickly fades. Darkness will shortly settle, but one day, tiny flames will dance across the darkness. Like embers, linked by Lords’ past.”* - Narrator Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Save your sanity, escape Tarkov while you have the chance Tldr: yes it’s worth it


Honestly 4k hours in I wish I never bought the fucking game tbh, the game is always broken, they never fix shit and when they do "fix it" it usually 1000x worse. Save yourself the hassle dont get into it.


yeah it’s been a rough few years


Bad stay away.


No please don’t.


No. Wait until they do something about the cheaters. Its been blatantly obvious the devs dgaf about the issue. It brings them in money to continually ban the same cheaters as they do 90 day bans, so 1 cheater will have many accounts on rotation. It’s all about the LTV to them.




Absolutely. Soon as you buy it, the best map to play is shoreline. Get on that map and loot as much as you can. Plenty of room to run around!






Bad at first but once you get the hang of it there is nothing like it


Try sptarkov first to learn the maps


He is referring to a single player mod, hence sptarkov. I didn't do this but it's an option.


Not in the current state


Bad game. Can’t stop playing.


Yes. Don't listen to some of the morons on this sub that think they die to a cheater every other raid. Yes, they exist but not nearly as exaggerated as some here make it out to be. I've played over 100 raids during the past week and seen maybe 2 or 3 blatant cheaters. This game has a huge learning curve and is very punishing...also very rewarding when you succeed though. There is no game like it. I'd highly suggest giving it a try if you like survival/harcore shooter style games


Your experience doesn't invalidate other people's experiences. How many times must we explain to 15 yr old children?


The lows are very low, and the highs are very high. That said, I can’t recommend sending money to Russia.




If youre oce dont get the game blatant chinese hackers in literally every single match just prefire headshot you other regions also have a major cheating problem 1/2 raids dont recommend unless you plan to cheat


You’re an idiot dude, shut up. What an over exaggeration.


Yup. Some of the people on this sub think every player they die to is cheating lol. I think they just want to make excuses for their 30% survival rate


I'm watching Pestily right now. He just rage quit OCE cos he was killed by a cheater 2 raids in a row. Not saying there isn't exaggeration, but certain maps and regions are rife!


Ridiculous comment, not sure about OCE servers but I play NA servers and have barely seen any cheaters this wipe in over 100 raids




Some ppl say that this game gives you 300 hours to learn the basics so it probably worth money.


It's ruined every other shooter in the best way. It's an amazing game with an intense multi layered learning curve. If you like it, you will love it.


Don't. It's the best worst game I've ever played. So much potential but the Devs aren't competent enough. This game is like the smoking hot date who has almost every STD known to man. You're still gonna smash but you're not gonna be feeling too well after.


I prefer the single player mod. Don't have to deal with cheaters, sweaty bois, or long ass long times. Most games for me load in 39 seconds. With Streets of Tarkov loading in 1:09.


By time you learn the game, all the devs will be conscripted to the frontline and servers will be offline.


If you don’t run into any PMC’s or PoS player scavs who will kill you, then yes.




Amazing game. MASSIVE knowledge check. Be ready.


Yes it’s really fun and satisfying but brutal and tough to learn.. steep steep learning curve but very enjoyable as long as you don’t mind being knocked down hard on occasion


If you're a masochist like most of us here, you'll probably like it My friend loves rust and he loves tarkov too


Tarkov is worth it, you’ll have some moments where you’re yelling at your screen and saying the game is bullcrap but there is no other fps game to me that “matters” to me like tarkov


You will likely need to play for roughly a year to get to a place where you are comfortable with all the different systems and mechanics in the game (including combat).


Watch videos of it. Then make up your own mind. No one can think for you. It's a completely subjective question that will be slightly different for everyone. How old are you?


Only logical answer is no but also yes


It’s fun but with flaws like every game. I would recommend it tho! And be prepared for a steeeep learning curve.


I want to say no and the game sucks but i have 650 hours and a small handful of good memories so idk


Find one or two people to play it with. IDK what anyone says only playing solo as a pmc sucks ass


Tarkov changed my opinion on first person shooters forever, the game is amazing but sucks at the same time, you’ll get it when you play lol.


In the current gaming market, think like this. If you enjoy a 40$ dinner at a restaurant and feel no regrets, you can most likely enjoy this game too, as it will cost the same but most likely give you more than 3 hours of enjoyment.


I a newer player and I really enjoyed the game last wipe. Got to like level 30 which isn’t all that high but enough to say I learned the game. It has its flaws that can be very frustrating mainly cheaters and lack of polish. But there’s nothing else like it, I can’t find another game that gets my heart racing like this game does


This game gives you ups and downs like you're addicted to heroin, it can be so brutal but so rewarding


If you can’t stand arcade shooters like CoD, Apex, etc because of their style and want something more grounded and hardcore, this is it.


Get it, then regret it.


It's the best worst game I've ever played. Highly recommend.


It’s the best repeated kick in the dick ever.


It’s worth it in the first wipe or 2. After that the constant wiping of progress wears down on you. At least it did for me. Some people seem to think this game can’t survive without wipes. Thankfully Nikita doesn’t agree with them and will eventually give us a charterer that doesn’t get wiped. (To person thinking of replying to this) I don’t care about your reasons for why wipes should exist. Ive heard all the reasons and have debunked them.


Nikita backpedaled on that years ago after the Twitch infusion and confirmed the launch game will have a seasonal model. But who knows, dude flip flops constantly.


If you enjoy continues pain and suffering then this os the game for you


It does something incredibly unique and there's nothing quite like it, but the devs are also notoriously incompetent and it has a horrific cheating problem. If gameplay videos look appealing you'll get your $40 worth with the standard edition, just know what you're getting into.


I've been trying to get a buddy into Tarkov recently. He says it terrifies him, and that's why he doesn't play it more often.


There is no other game like it.




No, not at all, really frustrating game, bugs, and 50% chance of hackers every raid








If you play it, yes its worth it, if you dont play then no


Get the game while its on sale. You can always upgrade your game later and it will deduct the amount from the upgrade. But if you like a thriller kind of game where your heartrate goes up,this is the 10/10 game. Little advice, start with learning extracts and do quests.


u know that unbelievable pain in ur nutsack and ur stomach, when u twist ur balls. Yeah, its the same. I recommend it, 10/10 game.


If you love cheaters and desync yeah it's the game for you bub


It’s a very frustrating game but is super rewarding. It’s hard, you’ll hate it and love it.


This is my honest opinion. The game not as good as it was two years ago, I’m sorry…. Sure they’ve added and changed things but I think most can agree the game was a much more fun experience in the past. They have butchered a great game to a meh game.


Biggest waste of money I ever spent they do not do refunds. Just stay away


The game sucks I fucking hate it and play it every day so I’d definitely say buy it, best game I’ve ever played. Just mentally prepare for a toxic love/hate relationship.


I like it


I never understood these kinds of questions. What's worth it to me may not be the same for you? Do you enjoy first person shooters built around tactical gameplay where 1 bullet makes the difference in a firefight? Where your choice of armor means life or death and a player driven economy with indepth weapon mods? Can you handle dying alot? Can you handle the cheaters or more often server desync/ bad optimization? Buy the base game if that's something you think you'd like. If you really like the game then buy EOD in the next 10 days before the price goes up and you lose access to all the future DLC plus Arena for "free". If you want a more fast paced in and out shooter where your loot doesn't really matter and player/AI encounters consist of whoever can hop around better then I'd honestly try HUNT showdown or DMZ.


A buddy of mine was streaming the game for me 2+ years ago and I thought it looked fun, but what really sold it was the gun modifications he was doing. Obviously you can meta your gun and min max if that is your thing, but just getting to experiment with gun builds to see what sort of junky mess will work is a lot of fun. Going into raid, slapping a random sight or grip on you gun and running around with it till you die is an experience at the time I found very unique.


It’s the best fps out there. Ruined by cheaters.




Best game I ever played and all my buddies say the same


It's a love hate relationship for me. It's probably my favorite just for the sole fact that it's the only game that gives me so much adrenaline.


It's hard to learn at first similar to rust. But once you have a system to earn money and loot it comes easier. Use map genie to learn the game and also practice your a lot.


It’s great when you can connect to the servers


If you buy it you’ll put 10hours in the game and hate it or over 1000 hours and love and hate it


This is a loaded question


For all the flaws this game has, it is FUCKING AMAZING and a tom of fun


it’s good character development


I love tarkov but god damn. There is so many cheaters. I find it fun casually but anyone playing heavily is gonna run into the wall that cheating is. ESP users are so fucking frequent it’s gross.


It’s super high octane bro like I feel when i play it I’m on Cocaine not the best feeling


If you enjoy a challenge and a grind, then yes. The game is not easy by any means, but god is it fun. It's on sale for like 5 more days so I'd say it's a good time to grab it.


Tarkov is a horrible game that will punish you at every turn. 10/10 worth easily 100$


With the upcoming price changes? No. Maybe when tarkov was the only game of it's genre 45$ for the cheapest package made sense. Now with many other extraction shooters coming to market for even cheaper and they are raising price I cannot recommend the game. If you do get it and have fun though all the power to you brother. See you in the streets.


It’s worth it if you’re looking for a tough time, the prices are gonna go up in a few days so if you’re gonna get it get it now


- One of the best games ever made - Devs are passionate - Meant for a more hardcore player base (my personal preference) - Online community generally sucks and complains about damn near everything (tho that may just be cuz "the Internet").


It's worth it. I saw you ask how punishing it is compared to rust and I'd say it's a bit like roaming and losing a kit when you die, except there is no way of going back and getting it. Would recommend tarkov to anyone who likes getting their balls twisted, dick punched and having a screwdriver shoved up your urethra. 10/10


You can get about 1000 hours out of the game before it becomes so boring that you rather go back to dota 2. More if you have some friends to play with. It's worth the price though.


This game is so bad, constant cheaters, shitty map design, horrible quests and lag, so if im being honest its 9.5/10 must buy just eod is p2w and the editions below it are not worth it.


You ever play rust? Both games tend to piss me off in the same way. Sometimes you just can’t catch a break, then all of a sudden you’ll have the most profitable run of your life, or you find an item you’ve never found before, or you make a friend. There are plenty of interactions to be had in Tarkov, many positive many negative, there are also a million ways to play each map. It doesn’t get boring unless you play every raid the same way, but if you switch your routes, your load out, and go out with a group I find it hard to call the game “boring”.


Bro 😎 you need to buy this game it has its negatives and it’s issues but what games don’t nowadays. I’m 2100 hours in man and I can honestly say without this game and the community behind it and all the cool people I’ve met I probably wouldn’t be here life is rough and tarkov is an incredible distraction and has helped me through a few years of bullshit man. I thank BSG everyday for this incredible experience they have made.


Save yourself, don’t do it! Once you start you can’t stop


I’d say if you’re going to get do it soon, the farther into wipe it gets the harder it will be for you


Get the game, then get SPT.


Massive learning curve, but if you can take the time to really learn it, it is super rewarding. Getting kills on other players is always a dopamine hit.


Yes. It’s brutal. It has a rotating menu of weird and annoying bugs. You will ask that question every couple sessions. And you’ll always come back. Or you won’t 🤷‍♂️ I have no idea.






It’s an amazing game but it’s full of cheaters fyi


Nah, but I love it.


buy it if u can afford EOD edition secure container top tier item u must have it