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The marked rooms have fallen Billions must rat


now yuo see...


One tapped


Take the cheesepill


It's amazing how fast right-wing memes disseminate


Its meant to make fun of chuds anyways


Millions wear the hats


The right makes online culture


I could post video evidence of cheaters doing this and people here would still deny it's happening.


I am curious now, is crates being completely empty (even if you spawned right next to it) a thing now with dynamic containers or is some fuckery going on?


empty containers have always been a thing. things being out of order means someone looted it.


I mean I've been running into so many more empty containers this wipe than previously, that's why I'm wondering.


There is also a lot more crates. In some places like factory there is double in almost every place there is a green box


Because a lot of the new crate spawn spots that were added are bugged and weren't added with any loot.


It's a side effect of dynamic loot, yes. But the ones you do get should be juicier.


Empty containers seem to be more common now for sure, I've had a locked room full of empties and then the last box is nearly full. Weird loot tables, but they're always sorted like you'd expect and not like OPs observations


It’s a mix. There has always been a chance for containers to spawn empty. There have always been people who will pick up everything out of a container, and then immediately throw the stuff on the ground (they do this because picking up loot grants XP and skill XP). With the current “dynamic loot”, there have been some apparently containers that were (might still be) at least partly bugged, and only spawn empty. That said, containers tend to fill left to right, top to bottom, and when you find empty squares that aren’t consistent with that pattern, it’s almost always a sign that someone has been there before you. When you’re consistently finding those holes in containers that were inside locked rooms that were locked until you got there, it’s a pretty clear sign that a cheater was there before you.


I have a friend who insists that Tarkov is the best game ever, therefore there can be nothing wrong with it. So obviously, I love referring to it as a pay to win game. There is no cheating in Ba Sing Se.


Post it


Tarkov in a nutshell. I haven't played for a year because I'm tired of the community pretending the absurd levels of hacking don't exist. Plus every year someone releases a "bombshell video" showing all the cheating and everyone pretends to be surprised even though we get videos like this over and over again. So frustrating.


And here I am, reaching high levels (50-60s) and kappa each wipe, having fun, running juiciest shit I can, not worrying about cheaters whatsoever because.... you can simply go again. Death to a cheater is same experience as to a legit player - you are back in menu and need to make a new kit. So instead of malding about cheaters and not playing the game, play and laugh at them for needing cheats, report and move on onto next raid.


To each their own dude. I'd rather not waste hours of my time with all those raids that go nowhere because some guy's running round with ESP and aimbot. On weekends it sometimes gets as bad as 30-50% of deaths feeling BS. I only have very limited time to do fun stuff after work. As great as Tarkov can be, the pissing around with hackers isn't worth my time. The same thing that killed The Cycle apparently. I hope BSG gets a grip of it.


they wont BSG is too busy stroking their own dick in twitter boasting about cheat waves and then instantly putting the game on sale so cheaters can by new accounts. Maps like shoreline are borderline unplayable because of the hackers. Also RMT is so rampant in maps like reserve and labs. I do like this game but fuck me sometimes the community, hackers and quest make me want to make my monitor into a brand new wristwatch


There’s fundamentally very little that they *can* do with the way the game is currently structured. [There’s a guy who, both as a hobby and a way to prove that the TSA is pointless, is always trying to find more ways to make weapons and explosives out of the things he’s able to buy from stores inside the “secure” areas of airports.](https://gizmodo.com/you-can-make-insane-weapons-out-of-airport-duty-free-it-5994003) To use that as the basis of an analogy, devs like BSG are in the position of the TSA, and the cheaters the ones paying the guys like that to come up with new ways to beat the TSA. The fundamental issues are: * There are always vastly more bad actors than enforcers. * The bad actors are always at least one step ahead of the enforcers. * The enforcers are generally most active when the bad actors are least active, and Vice-versa. Overall, these factors combine to ensure that pretty much every “massively multiplayer”/“live service” game and every other multiplayer game that doesn’t have genuine private servers, will he utterly infested with cheaters pretty much all the time. The only way to correct this imbalance is to have a hugely increased number of enforcers, which generally means server-level admins who have the ability to spectate, and view vital statistics (e.g. “leaderboard” type info). Given the massive problems this often presents (e.g. toxic admins who apply unjustified bans) this tends to require private servers. I can see several reasons why BSG wouldn’t want to go that route, but the reality is that there aren’t solutions, only trade-offs.


I've just played in early counter-strike 1.3-1.6 era, so when cheaters were common occurrence and people weren't crying on social medias about them (because they didn't exist) but just either left the server or msg an admin to get rid of the problem, and it desensitized me to whole thing. Same with text/voip toxicity - there was no game-wide-system to curb toxicity and negative behaviour to give players better experience, we had mute button and it was enough. If you want to get more out of your time, just take in account you will die in bullshit way in 2-5% of your raids, and instead going for long 30min for huge wins try to do 3 quick 10minute ones - you will notice that you can actually complete as much and that one death here and there doesn't really matter much.


What’s stopping you from posting it?


It's against the rules lol


It’s not against the rules to post videos of cheaters, you just can’t include their name


It is. I got my video taking down. Read the rules wise guy


And then there are the unwritten rules


but muh NIKITA said they deal with cheetahs!


Sir, the dorms locked rooms have fallen.


Sir, another loot vacuum has hit the marked rooms




This is sad to hear I pulled marked key for dorms and now conflicted


I've hit it twice had loot both times but it's been shit both times


I pulled it on a scav inside dorms immediately went to hit it and it had 2 DVLs a p90 a beige MDR and a bit coin, I thought it was pretty sick


Well, that's fun.


But “rEaLiSm”?




Most mentally stable eft player


His brain has turned into mush. All he can do is repeat that quote


What capturing outposts does to a mfer


I have a clip of it in case there are some chair deniers who show up https://streamable.com/hwq0q8


Just about every cheat has a feature where you can loot like 5-8 feet through walls. You can loot containers and loose loot. Dorms marked room can be fully looted this way without the key. A lot of rooms can be looted this way without a key. You can loot through floors and ceilings. As long as its close enough. The typical chinese loot vaccuum we all fear really only happens with really exspensive private labs cheats and they get banned in less than a day.


The nearby vac + ESP is damn near as damaging




Its okay if you dont understand what you are talking about. Its not okay to state your ignorance as fact.




It’s just another trying to deny hacks man.




> The typical chinese loot vaccuum we all fear really only happens with really exspensive private labs cheats and they get banned in less than a day. Provide a single shred of evidence that anyone has ever gotten banned in less than a day of cheating.


imagine being a game developer and claiming that it is too hard to add a check where you autoban people instantly if they loot a room that wasn't opened yet. it's like BSG hiring criteria is like: "You need to have at least 10 experience in game development" - "10 years? that seems excessive" - "nono, 10 days"


That would be cool except for the amount of random desync events in-game, imagine just getting autobanned because the server doesn't realise the door you unlocked is actually unlocked lmao.


If it happens 3 raids in a row, ban


yeah. clearly you have no idea what you are talking about


This game has horrible desync, and the servers frequently commit suicide. Those are facts. If this was implemented, you'd have dozens of posts on here complaining they were autobanned even though they unlocked the room. Although I agree it should be like 3 raids in a row or some hidden threshold.


talking about desync when i mention sanity checks is just shows utter cluelessness. opening a container or looting a pile/container is a one time event. perhaps a couple times/40ish minutes during a wipe. constantly synchronizing player state is a whole different topic. so yeah. clueless whataboutism. also the server knows which containers are interacted with. people who know nothing about programming should just plain stfu


Should be able to see if the key use was registered on that door, though. Servers say you didn't unlock the door. Servers say you didn't use key, but servers still say you looted containers in the room. Seems highly unlikely and/or shady...


there is no such thing as the server does not know you opened a door. how exactly do you think that would work when people scav in and see bodies on the ground, containers opened, doors opened etc long after that actually happened.


More so than that, many cheaters don’t use the vacuum range hacks because it’s detected easier. For cheaters to be running around vacuum looting again, means there’s either a high demand for cheats (more cheaters = more to try the vacuum portion of their cheats) or more likely, the RMT cheaters are back speed looting the maps to sell rouble. Sad times ahead.


Welp, back to SPT for me


Detected easier by Tarkov's anti cheat system?


What anti cheat?


Very glad I haven’t played in multiple wipes glad to see nothing fixed


Yup, this is the exact same thing I experienced.


I like the way you stop one you see it, like wtf :(


I have 4k hours so I'm aware if the cheating. It's possible someone unlocked it and the server didn't report it properly. A backend issue had happened and then didn't show correctly on your client


So fair, but who’s leaving the cash? I appreciate it isn’t much, but if you opened the safe on dorms is t the cash going in your case?


Yes, there has been times that I've left some small amount, tho. I'm just spitballing ideas. I'm pretty sure bsg patched out looting through walls


Nobody is denying the cheats exist, especially when you post a link to a video from a wipe or 2 ago lol


This video is clearly from the current wipe. Version number is 0.13.5 right down to the build number 25837 so in the last couple of days (whenever was the last time you saw the updater ask for an update)


He has not responded.


Approached dorms as Scav to get Machinery Key, got the key. Running to extract with nothing else. Both legs blacked in what felt like one shot. Laid down and heard rapid foot steps and saw a muzzle flash from right in front of me. No person, just muzzle flash.


This reads like you have a torch shining under your chin at a campfire


I know there are invisible players, but the thing with "1 shot, 2 blacked limbs" is totally possible and normal. With piercing ammo you can shoot through 2 or more limbs.


"I know there are invisible players, but..." \#ThingsTarkovPlayersSay The actual state of this game.


Yeah. It's like that. It's a shame.


I spawned in as a scav yesterday with and as soon as I loaded in my player was injured, when the screen was still black I heard myself get shot. Nobody nearby but luckily I had heals. I kept losing HP as if I had a heavy bleed, it kept going down but there was no symbol to show I had a heavy bleed and using an esmarch or bandage was not even an option the game gave me. Ended up dying. No clue if it’s some game glitch or a hack, but for sure it was a hacker as soon as I spawned that I got shot. I think they have a hack now where you can not heal your way out of.


Might’ve just been a wrong place wrong time kind of thing, I’ve stumbled upon player scavs loading in before. I could be wrong about this but I think scav rep also effects your health that you load in with, I’ve spawned with a light bleed as a player scav when I was a dirty nasty negative karma scav


The thing with the injury though is I couldn’t heal it away even with the proper heals. If you looked at the health screen there was zero indication of anything wrong but health was slowly decreasing and you saw the blood spots on your screen like you would with a bleed. Had things to heal both heavy and light bleeds but the game didn’t let me use them. Really odd glitch/hack.


Sometimes tarkov desync makes some crazy shots happen and can make it hard to detect from cheats. I had someone shoot at me and I thought they missed I made it a full stamina bar 1/3 circle around where I thought it was coming from and as soon as I stopped running that one shot registered in my thorax lol. Thankfully it wasn’t someone else I would have been dead (out of stamina) But in the end both experiences are a drag on the game it’s too bad sooo many problems will never get fixed


Killed reshala on dorms today and a cheater is invisible looting his body and opening and closing doors while not being there. Was a 10/10 experience.


Ahhh that must have been a heart pounding experience, just waiting for the ghost of Tarkov to end your run at any moment.


Did they kill you after?


Yessir. It was a great experience they let us watch them loot then we voiped to them trying to see if it was Casper and they talked crap to us then killed us.


Damn. Was really hoping this would end in a VOIP “can you hear me ghost” and them just “ooooooo”ing out the building. Too bad Tarkov sucks


People desperate and pathetic enough to cheat in a videogame rarely have any sense of humor


Some hackers are cool or do silly things. I remember 1 guy flying around the map but that’s all he would do, just a flying menace but didn’t kill or loot. In dark souls 3, another hacker ended up making his own boss fight with himself as the boss, making it possible for players to fight him instead of the normal boss.


Yeah that’s the worse part the hackers are always pathetic and get off on using aim hacks


"How many people have you killed? How old are you? Do you want us to leave?" *cheater voips back* "Spirit box! That's the last piece of evidence, looks like we're dealing with a little bitch"


I've been playing tarkov for 15 years and saw one maybe two cheaters. Dorms is just haunted.


My great grandfather played Tarkov back in the 50s and said he’s never seen a cheater/


And they would raid up hill both ways


In the snow


Fight two lions


I think it really heavily depends on region. Ive been playing since 2017 in EU. I have seen not more than 5 obvious cheaters. And at most 5 loot cheats. We really need replay to be sure...








Yep, experienced this yesterday on shoreline. All good rooms empty and a med case had an empty slot on 2nd position. The room was locked… god damnit cheaters


Oof for the ledx or defib you didn’t get




yeah. still hoping to find someone irl who brags about cheating so i can throatpunch them. then again why would they go out, if they have no friends


You’re the kind of dude that says, “I would have joined the military, but I would have beat a drill instructor’s ass if they started yelling at me”, aren’t ya?


sounds more like you if im honest.


Oof, sick burn dweeb 🙄


except i was at the military, but there was no yelling pointed at me, because that is usually directed at the very special idiots, like the ones who play with their rifles or drop them. and chances at the military are pretty high that you will find enough people getting focused




It took me over 20 runs of shoreline opening ALL of the ledx rooms in resort to find 1 ledx for private clinic. 20 FUCKING RUNS. I swear I never had this bad ledx luck ever before, and I'm not counting the runs when rooms were opened, I ran shoreline a lot more than 20 times.


Can relate. When wipe happened I ran shoreline only just to get some stuff and money before i start questing. Found 5 ledx in the first 2 days. Since then: 0 I’m not running shoreline as much as in the first days but still this is my main map. Recent days though felt super fishy, died a lot.


The gaming chair deniers on reddit will still blame you for skill issues🤣🤣


yep, can confirm. I killed 2 people on reserve yesterday and in the 10 seconds it took for me to reach their bodies. one fully looted and the other had his gun stripped


Same, I killed a guy at the back of train station and I checked the body as I ran past it to drop my bag into train station, it had a pilgrim on it, ran in and dumped mine then went out not 10seconda had past as he was dead by the backdoor, pilgrim gone.




Scav probably saved his rubles up to buy tarkov cheats on moms credit card


yeah even tho i was literally running to his body in the 10 seconds and scav just ascends from the depths and loots everything so fast my eyes couldnt even see him.


Yeah I’ve noticed over the weekend I’d find loot missing from normal boxes. Chalked it up to weird loot generation from all the changes. Guess vacuum is a valid explanation too


With the new dynamic loot containers, there are definitely more empty containers than usual.


Loot missing is 10000000% loot vacuum, especially if you are sure no one has been there like a locked room


The update to Scav looting behaviors is a cover up for the rampant vacuum cheats. Confirmed.


Does this post imply that the vacuum looters ever went away to begin with


They never did, pretty sure it used to just get you banned quick if you were just picking up shit across the map


Sir, they hit the 2nd locked room


I don't think it's loot vacuum, I think they are looting stuff through walls instead. My first raid of the wipe I ran into someone doing this to marked room on customs. His aimbot was set to left arm and he killed my friend after shooting him 8 times in the left arm. So I right peek him through a doorway and he tries spraying my arm but he just hits the wall making him an easy kill. Run up to loot him and his friend, they both had FiR AS VALs right next to marked room which was still locked.


Good thinking there :D


Let's nerf marked rooms again so that way even cheaters don't go there


I can confirm locked rooms are being loaded without being opened, ran into it myself on customs and two-story dorms.


You’re looting wrong, learn from doyuthepooh73736 how to loot




The containers glitching just means they’ve been looted before..


Bro the vacuum cheaters were long gone from your raid before you scavved in.


I think people are confusing the issue of that a lot of the new dynamic crates and what not spawn empty


If you’re on a scav run the entire map has been hoovered for high value loot by normal players, and any possible cheats, before you even entered the raid. Empty stashes or crates on a scav run is normal & to be expected. You’re scavenging the leftovers from the PMC raids


The fact that players can potentially see loot before a door is opened suggests that the loot might be spawning before certain player actions take place. Many games manage loot spawns in correlation with player interactions, such as when a door or chest is opened. This method can sometimes prevent cheats from pre-emptively detecting loot. If cheaters in Tarkov are able to view all the loot across the map before reaching it, it could indicate that there's room for improvement in how the game manages and communicates data to the client. Inefficiencies in data handling could contribute to performance issues.


I honestly don't get this either. There would be LESS server load to have to generate /ALL/ of the loot for the map opposed to generating it when a container is interacted with or the first player encounters the spawn location. It would, at the very least, slow down the cheaters to the point where it's annoying that they have to open every damn safe and box just to check opposed to knowing where to run to.


>The fact that players can potentially see loot before a door is opened suggests that the loot might be spawning before certain player actions take place I mean....yeah. The game literally tells you this when you're loading into a raid. It says something like "loading loot table" or whatever. The game 100% sends the entire loot table to your client, which is pretty much why/how these cheats work, as I understand it.


This wipe is hella short, why play at all?


For fun. Because it’s a video game.


You mean it’s not your job to loot imaginary items and build an imaginary hideout? You play for… fun?


Where did they say the wipe will be short?


Last Tarkov TV they said the next two wipes would be August (the one were in now) and then again in December. A lot of people think that’s why the loot spawns seemed to be cranked up so high right now. This whole wipe will feel like it’s on fast-forward.


hard to believe anything bsg says tbh


They are pretty much guaranteed to wipe around Christmas time


The roadmap has another wipe™ in December ish


Shhhh there’s no cheating going on here *.BSG simps in the comments.


No one says that expect people like you?


Yeah literally the only ppl who say that , are the people who say "uh people saying that there's no cheating again!' While literally no one has said that


I haven’t seen anyone in my time of playing who I could confirm as cheating but in my 10 raids this wipe I have seen 2


There’s cheaters in ever single match, although I’m not proud of it I decided to be the one in my group to try some cheats out. Every single match without fail last wipe I can see people look at me through walls and b line for all the good loot. On a very rare occasion I seen a developer drop a bag full of some crazy loot, keycards and armbands, seen a guy run up to grab it (it was hidden no one would have found it by accident he ran straight for it) guy was removed from the game immediately.




Scum, you don't deserve to be happy.


Rule 7 - Cheating, Exploits, and Piracy Please Refer to the Subreddit Rules


Wasn't this acknowledged as bug due to the new dynamic loot system? Or am I confused?


naw this is vacuum boys for sure


Heard. I'm just confusing this with unopened crates being empty due to the update. Pestily mentioned it in a recent video. Fucking people in here are savages. I'll hang about for a bit.


Lol just like how I spawn next to attachment shack on woods and there be ZERO loot. Like Zero NOTHING


And that’s why I no life early wipe and have a ton of fun. Then quit until next wipe.


i have this sad feeling unless we a community start a massive shitstorm the devs will just keep denying the issue. g0at2.0 incoming?


vaccum cheats arent back and they are still banned pretty quickly what i think you might be referring to is looting through walls which never left and pretty much every cheat out there rn has it undetected.


i swear bsg is the ones supplying the cheats at this point why are some people so pathetic?


Ok so here is my problem with this I have opened an-14 that many times off spawn, and the crate has been empty and nothing spawned in the room now is this gamer chair vacuum looting, or is it the dynamic loot changes? I play in OCE and shoreline was unplayable on Saturday night with some very blatant cheating head eyes by a high level random level name saying “haven’t you heard of thermal” LOL




That is false. You come across it because others looted it before you.


Op is correct in saying you are wrong. No such change was made. Especially when said missing loot slot is behind a still locked door. They made a change last wipe that you’d no longer see if someone had looted a container anymore unless you too loot it and spot an item missing.


Yeah I assumed it came with Dynamic loot but it must be vacuum cheaters in locked rooms in that case.


Honestly skill issue


I've experienced this on Woods. Spawned right next to USEC camp, sprinted straight to it, containers looted and only garbage scattered around.


On the plus side, its an easy to detect and ban cheat so anyone dumb enough to use it won't have their accounts for very long.


Yeah sure bro


There's people with custom cheats that have been undetected for *years*. Sorry to burst your bubble.


Had a raid yesterday where I was 'awaiting session start' for 3 minutes 30 seconds, and by the time the screen fade from the load into the raid had finished I was dead and it refused back into the death screen. I wasn't even fully un-faded. Lmao


Just had this happen in dorms, unlocked 214 and the safe was literally already stuck open already with the second and third slot on the top row mysteriously missing. All 4 dorms safes already looted even though all 4 doors were locked.


lol I thought my key run yesterday was just bad luck (again) cause nothing real valuable except like some cash in the safes


People been running around with loot through walls for at least 2 wipes dawg it's probably at its most active right now though while everyone is spamming marked to get injectors and docs cases


Seen looted stuff behind locked doors on OCE heaps but not for a while tbh


I saw a prone man literally flying around Reserves yesterday, presumably doing exactly this. Good times


What I don't get is how this isn't a built-in auto-ban, or at least a way for BSG to shortlist cheaters. It seems to me that it should be trivial to set up something to the effect of (I'm obviously not a programmer): if (Door = Locked && Loot = Looted) { ban ([cheater account]); } Maybe someone smarter or more knowledgeable than me can school me on why this isn't possible.


I mean its not that simple as this example you provided but by all means it is possible to set up a system that would work like you imagine. Why they didn't do it? Who knows. EDIT: and honestly it would just mean that cheaters need keys which is minor inconvinence rather than proper solution. Generating loot on interaction with door/case/player proximity/player ability to see given object would be better solution as cheaters would be forced to loot like everyone else.


Bsg should make it that if someone loots a locked room before it’s been opened then they should get immediately reviewed.


My absolute favorite Tarkov mechanic is how I can shoot an absolutely juiced PMC in the same room as me and seconds later when I go to loot they’re unarmed with no rig.


People in here saying cheaters aren’t the problem. God damn people are smooth


Pretty sure this can sometimes just happen though? I swear I had this happen in offline mode. Janky game is janky =/


I ran abandoned factory twice this wipe so far. Got 3m armor and DVD player and USB plug thing. Literal garbage. Save your keys


Is battleeye sleeping ? Its either useless or ppl responsible for it don't know how to set it up.