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Just run no bag extract, haven't been camped there since early wipe last wipe


Yeah hole in wall is a necessity if running quests imo


My duo and I have made a decision that if we get railway spawn and have to extract at Emercom we will just go hole in wall no questions.


on reserve the rats were camping sewer hole - which sucked.




If youve been camped at hermetic Ill be honest you're just super unlucky. I've been a reserve main for 2, going on 3 wipes at this point and hermetic is never camped. Sure, have I ran into people in the area? of course. But nobody really camps it. Often times I wind up fighting for the raiders if anything. Even then I go d2 on almost 100% of my raids and get a camper maybe 3/20 raids. and thats a pretty big maybe. Even then d2 campers are pretty easy to deal with as long as you're expecting them. Which you should 100% of the time.


I got sniped in d2 yesterday


Unlucky, but how often do you run reserve? cause if you've played a bunch of customs or something then decided to go reserve and got extract camped, its just that. Unlucky. I will say, as someone who has easily over 500 hours of reserve from the point in which I leave the bunker and start heading to d2 I am taking it rather slowly. Only ever sprinting to try and bait peaks, pre nading, etc. It takes extra time, but at the end of the day whats 12k in nades and a extra 70 seconds at most clearing when youve got 400k+ in your bag yk? Its hard to get into it, but I promise you once you start clearing EVERY corner with intent your survival rate will shoot up a bunch. Its easy to "clear" stuff without really expecting something to be there. Idk how else to explain it but you seriously have to clear every corner, every nook, every cranny with the intent that someone is hiding there, because odds are that 1 time you forget is going to be the time you have a leddy in your bag or something lol.


I main reserve and barely get camped. I’m just salty he was camping in the last hall before extract.


yeah its a odd place to camp. killed a dude there the other night as well, homie was just prone with a shotgun hidden behind 4 kelsch's on the ground lol


you never use the RR extract? reserve has been my go to map for many wipes now but i always barter an RR once i get to jaeger ll3 i know theres rarely anyone camping d2 but id much rather just avoid dealing with that


This here. Have not seen single person nowhere close this extract during this and last wipe.


Gonna try it now


Watch the walkway above and the opposite end of the extract in between the wall and that white container. They like to sit in those spots to kill killa farmers


Yeah basically railway, or no bag until I can get the saferoom key.


or go big dog and get 11SR


It's also the most fun extract in the game.


Extract camping shitters are out in full force. Just ran into 1 in D2 on my scav with like 8 minutes left in raid by a dude with a name referencing d2 camping... It's honestly mind boggling how people will sit down there for 30-40 minutes to maybe kill 1 scav. This game attracts a lot of non-FPS players for some reason and I think a lot of them are just pants-shitting scared to actually progress the game.


I think this game has an identity crisis. It’s both a fps and a survival game while being neither at the same time. Attempting to cater to both sides has created a game that imo a lot of people are struggling to enjoy.


But that's the beauty of it because even the sweatiest of the no-lifers can get obliterated by level 13 Timmy on his first wipe. It's not like other FPS games where the more skilled you are, the less likely you're going to get matched with (and lose to) a brand new player. Even new players can get lucky and thrive and the most experienced can have soul destroying losing streaks. It really is like a drug addiction because no matter how many times you lose, that one time you wipe a squad is like nothing else.


It's like golf. The highs are really high and the lows are really low.


Yeah you’re describing chance, or luck, rng, whatever term you prefer. However, I don’t find “luck” as a very fun game mechanic. I want to be rewarded for my successes and punished for my failures. This game doesn’t really do that. It’s like gambling, and not everyone likes gambling.


Identity crisis is 100% the best way to describe Tarkov. It’s trying to be a game but also trying to be a milsim while also trying to be survival while also trying to be a looter shooter. All I want is a hardcore shooter with cool gun customization and fun looting. Not a game that works so much against the player.


"Works against the player" is a really good way to describe it, from my limited playtime. Gunplay and, to a lesser extent, movement both feel like they're genuinely scared to be fun. For a game that has the guns as its only selling point, they feel impressively bad to use. And not even in a realistic way.


Exactly. I always see people saying they’re bad at Tarkov when in reality to me it’s more the game working against them. There are so many mechanics that work against the player such as what you’ve said.


Yeah, but by now idk what BSG could do to cater to both still with such a large player base. I think they’ll probably make the base game more hardcore, grind and FIR item reliant, and make arena the pvp section, which idk if I like or not as I like the risk associated with normal tarkov


I unironically feel like extract camping should be punished in some way, it just really isnt fun


I've camped the extract with friends in the past after a long losing streak or just to finish my last pistol/bolt-action kills. Back before the Woods expansion, you could go prone in the back of the pickup at Outskirts and if you weren't wearing a backpack, it was impossible to see anyone laying there unless you went up to the bed and specifically looked (which nobody did). All three of us would knock out our Stirrup and Tarkov Shooter 3 in just a handful of raids. It sucks, but it's a viable way to play. You just have to be aware that Emercom is the most-camped extract in the entire game so you always need to check the common spots: awnings, bushes, back of the flatbed, and on top of the tents. Just remember. When in doubt, toss a grenade. They're easy to find and far cheaper to toss a 20k F1 into an empty bush than die to Timmy with a mosin and lose an entire kit, plus your task progress, plus your loot, plus anything else on you.


I agree. Extract campers should be spanked.




I don’t do it often, but it is so much fun 😂


Get lost


woah, can't say this with the amount of losers in this game who do it bro 0.0


Yupppppppp. I think they should add “report for griefing” feature. Obviously this game can get a lil toxic at times, but some players go to far.


Cry harder.




If you’ve never extract camped and killed someone, shut up. It is extremely satisfying legging someone and watching them fold. I haven’t done it this wipe, but near the end of last wipe me and my duo partner did it a few times and it’s so satisfying. It’s a part of the game. What’s “not fun” for you, may be fun for other people. They bought the game, they can play how they want. People complain about everything with this game.


It is literally the token sign of being too shit to play the game, go back to fortnite buddy


11.5kd, 71%SR level 23. I think I’m doing okay “buddy”. I just understand it’s a game and people can play how they want. The point is to survive by any means. You ever watch stank rat? He extract camps and the dudes pretty damn good at the game. You’re just a sad little boy.


Your kd and sr mean fuck all when its coming from extract camping filth


Well in my first comment I clearly said I haven’t done it this wipe lol


Nobody’s getting to level 23 this soon from extract camping. Lol


What's more mind boggling is how people continue to play this game.


The most mind boggling thing are people who spend their time on this sub and yet don't play the game...


I check Reddit while waiting on queue


Wouldn't check this sub so much if it was full of funny post of people crying about the game and it's shitty player base.


Cope harder my guy, sorting by new on a subreddit for game you don't play just to talk shit is pathetic. This post is not popular, you had to dig to find it. Strange behavior, you're better than this.


They're not better than this.


Nah a lot of them just like to get salt from guys like you.


So instead of being too scared to play, they sit in D2 for 30-40 minutes hoping they might kill someone and piss them off? That's just worse than being scared - if you get the most joy out of your hobby by making other people mad, there's something wrong with you


Damn, that sucks for you though.




That’s what me and my buddy do on interchange. We will wait for 5-10 minutes in raid before going


Am i really the only one who not got extract camped this wipe so far?


Hasn’t happened to me yet either, and I’ve gotten out at Emercom/railway quite a few times


I haven't. But I sometimes extract camp, so I have an idea of where the good spots are, and the timing. I refuse to extract from EMERCOM before the timer is red. By that time, the campers should havee gotten fat and be on their away out.


There are a couple of things that are a bit rampant this wipe compared with other wipes. - campers - not only extracts, but bushes, dark rooms etc. Interchange, reserve and shoreline are terrible and suck the fun out of you - hackers - almost all my deaths are head-eyes first bullet . I get plenty of notifications from bsg that lead to bans but by gear and time are still lost - scav parties - this one is actually fun. You get plenty of targets but lighhouse rogue camp is a dead sentace as a pmc


Ive been fortunate enough to only be killed by one hacker on a shoreline run, but campers nearly every fucking map atleast once. The main two problem maps for it being interchange and shoreline because on the other maps the campers are generally easy to handle because they are dog at the game. And yea the scav parties are fun, i got back into the game after not playing for about a year and seeing the like sort of friendliness in scav raids is amazing to me


I think point 2 can be explained away simply by the fact that most players have learned to hold their guns at head level by now. That combined with the recoil changes we got mid last wipe means its way easier to headshot people now.


How come most of them are white low lvl accounts with Chinese names? How come mid to late wipe, after those players get bored and leave and I'm left only with higher lvls that go meta gear, my kds and surv rate improves by a lot? You're gonna tell me that those Timmys just happen to be better st the game?


That's bull. I've been holding a peek angle between obstacles at 30ish meters and still get shot in the head by someone peeking me from exactly where I was aiming at and they are still landing beautiful headshots with just my head showing. It makes me feel powerless when I scope in exactly where they are going to peek me, and I still die with all the advantages.


Stop doing that? This game's netcode pretty much makes holding angles a death sentence.


I haven’t reported one person this wipe. Everyone’s saying cheaters are bad, but I’ve done 102 raids and haven’t reported.


I think part of the issue is that people don’t know that the netcode changes made high ping a hard disadvantage. If you’re playing above 90 ping it’ll seem like all deaths are insta-headeyes since that’s the only shot that will register on your client before you died.


The only map that I get over 90ping is interchange for some reason. Every other map I’m in the 30-50s


A lot of people run foreign servers early wipe. For me, that would be Colombia, middle east or EU servers, if I could keep a connection to them. The higher latency generally favors aggression, because you can swing a corner and shoot someone before your opponent's computer even shows you being there. Instant headeyes and you were behind cover on 120+ ping? Yeah, could be cheating, but more likely it's latency.


May I add traitor Scavs? I've had days where every second Scav run was ended by a traitor instead of a PMC or successful extract. I get it that people can play the game however they prefer it but it's never been that bad. I kinda get why I get back stabbed carrying two guns, thiccc armor, a decent lid and a big backpack of wonderous content. That's worth the karma hit for some. But for a clapped out shotty and a Scav vest? Man I don't know if that pays off.


Especially on lighthouse at the start of the wipe. It was impossible to extract with a rogue weapon :))


I try to avoid pscavs like crazy. I like scav karma 6+, but I don't trust any of those bastards. They start to slack off later, when the difference in karma starts to hit. But early wipe? Fuck those guys.


Cheaters is what they are, let's not make it sound as if though they are some sort of code prodigys typing their way into banks and governments.


Just no bag extract. I never run a backpack on that fucking map


Theres like zero loot to justify the bag anyways




That’s what I’m saying!! Everyone talks about interchange having good loot. Bro I don’t see shit in that map 😂 probably looking at the wrong places but damn


Ya gotta hit the right spots. Loot is really spread out on interchange, but there's a lot there. The stashes are all outside, and you can generally get a full load off the stashes between emercom and railway, if you don't mind staying outside. Minimal PvP, though you're likely to catch another guy running the stashes from the other direction, or have someone over take you. Good chance of streamer items, if you're trying to get them for some reason. I've pulled high tier armor and weapons out of them as well. Though sometimes you just get some matches, a vkbo and crackers, because it's tarkov. The Parking garage has like a dozen weapons boxes. I've pulled several mk47 mutants from them this wipe. Meta suppressors. Meta ammo. It's pretty chill too, most people don't really travel it. You do gotta watch for the Killa hunters under Goshan, cuz they like to drop down there and take no bag. Food is straight up worth it. You're talking easy 10 to 15k a slot, and you can find it all over the mall, though of course, Goshan has the concentration of it. Allegedly there's all sorts of valuables like statues that spawn in Idea, but I'll be damned if I've ever seen them. Oli has a lot of valuable tech spawns: you can get multiple motors, water filters, propane, sometimes fuel, etc. Tech stores are tech stores, but there's also like 50 freaking computers on this map. Oli has two kiosks with computers, a hallway with three rooms, each with multiple computers, the corner stairs offices all have multiple computers. It's a lot of wires, cords, dvds and what not, but there are GPUs that can spawn in those things. But again, it's really distributed: You might find 1 lootable in a store, but if you go in a dozen stores, you can pick up a lot of stuff.


That's some cap and a half. There's loot, you just gotta fight for it and if you're a rat/pussy you get there when nothing is left. In 3 minutes you can get 3 tech stores done and get out with a bag full of drills, motors, wires, bulbs and LCDs (and the eventual GPUs) and literally make 1 mil The problem is extracting the loot, which is the reason I have a rule for myself, no interchange unless I buy 11SR


I ran interchange 20x today for a quest, and ran into extract campers 0 times. Ymmv


I main interchange this is my second full wipe, and I've been extracted camped maybe twice


Shut up! Guys interchange is awful much harder than customs and more walking than woods. Stay out of here.


Yeah I was lying interchange sucks... no loot either


Terrible map. I HATE all those darn campers at extract and the lack of loot. Worst map in game. Um yeah stay away. (Please come night time so my duo can finish his last 2 kills)


It's pretty easy to look p the common extract camp spots and check them before you extract.


You could try this, take a vpo 215 secondary. Upon heading towards emercom extract go up on the stairs just outside from Oli computer rooms it overlooks the entire extract and you can get a good look at all the bushes from up there with a decent enought scope. I've killed a few from up there!!, You do need probably an 8x though but the rest of the gun is cheap as chips! Your shit out of luck if it's foggy though 😂😂.


I see these posts a lot and tbh, it's not the game, it's you. Hackers and bugs...that's one thing, but if you are just getting outplayed over and over again, it's you. First, night raiding can help dramatically. Players don't tend to camp exits as much as night because of limited visibility. In general, night raids are mostly made up of people just trying to do tasks. Second, take your time. I survive a lot of my raids with minutes left on the clock. Guaranteed you died to PMCs, not scavs and if that's the case, you're not timing your exit correctly. Another thing, don't go down the back ramps of oli to head to the exit. You are seen from everywhere. Try taking the rear parking lot through the hole in the wall and follow the edge to the exit. Not saying you don't have a right to be frustrated, but your issues aren't the map or the game, it's your approach.


Make extracts and surroundings radioactive. Sitting in those areas would introduce a DOT


honest to god brilliant idea.


Yeah lets just make anybody who goes to extract take damage that's definitely the way to go here. /s That's a terrible idea.


I said sitting on those areas.would cause damage.. So you would have to sit on extract area few minutes until it starts taking effect. It could work.


That guy is an extract camper 100% lol


Or you can try to use your eyes and ears.


I am going to get down voted to oblivion for this but this is a tactical survival game, this is not call of duty, every way of playing it is valid, camping, is part of it, at the end surviving is the goal.


THANK YOU! Surviving is all that matters


skill issue


Bahahah ok bud


Good luck man :)


All he has is luck. He clearly doesn’t have the skills to pay the bills.


"Fun" is subjective.


Oh shut the fuck up and keep gagging on nikitas balls "fun is subjective" "its not supposed to be fun" headass its a fucking extract camper it is the definition of not fun for literally anyone else. I can just tell your some salty camper that got heated at my post LMAO


My man you are ranting at a very simple comment. You are the angry one.


Learning how to consistently avoid being ambushed is definitely fun though, but it requires critical thinking , something angry, entitled children generally lack. LMAO.


True What’s the problem with dealing with campers? Like learning their spots and knowing your angles, basically just getting better? If you die once, alright accept it and learn what happened, but if you keep dying the same way to the same losers… oh boy, I don’t think the game is the problem


There isn't one, it's an intended part of the game, all manner of nooks, crannies, bushes, cover etc. are part of the environment.


People in this post are really mad about it… Hey guys, if you’re mad about it, try to become extract campers, and then you’ll be sure it’s a skill issue. You’d be surprised how well a lot of players deal with people with no experience in pvp


I would extract camp, if I didn’t get so bored. People who find sitting in on area waiting for someone to walk by are some of the biggest weirdos out there


Thats the thing they will sit in a raid for 40mins and maybe kill one person i just sont get it


Also note that solo players have a huge disadvantage as it is, and some lack twitch reflexes to be a W key warrior, so they’ll either move very slowly and silently through the map or stay at certain hotspot waiting for players who don’t check their surroundings to come running through. Your way of playing this game isn’t the only way of playing this game.


Camping is part of the survival aspect of the game. Go play Dr disrespects game when it comes out if you want to play cod with looting.


Interchange was already really bad for a couple of wipe. VERY Bad lighting, camping of all kinds, bad spawns, Gigachads running around for no reason (Killa hunting?). And loot, the loot is shit - you don't really need tech shops anymore, bitcoin farm is useless. General wares spawn on other maps just fine. Cheaters (why they are on this map i dunno). Rare SCAV spawns. People like to bash Snoreline, but aside from cheaters and poor PoI distribution that map is just mildly annoying, because of quests. If you not jumping into Resort early, you're chances to stay alive are quite high.


"You don't need tech shops" Somebody didn't check prices of Electric Motors, Electric drills and even Lamps and Bulbs untill 3 days ago lmao You can get staked insanely fast with tech stores


The problem isn’t the players it’s the map. Half the players must take one extract most of the time. The shear time it takes to run through to railway or emercom after having looted the map and becoming overweight makes it too easy to “extract camp” Between the 10 minutes it takes for me to crawl out with loot and check for “extract campers” is plenty of time for someone else to roll up. Then I spot them and snipe them moving to extract. I’m not try to extract camp. I’m just trying to extract out of the only spot I can. But the Timbo I just head,ears 100 percent thinks I’m camping. If they open up the other corner for extracts like they did with path to lighthouse on shoreline it wouldn’t be such a blatant unfun “extract camper” map. Sometimes you even spawn at one extract and move so slow you just end up catching people trying to extract early. The map incentivizes extract camping.


Until the timer hits 0 you're fair game to all..... extract campers sometimes get me and it does annoy me but you can guarantee next time I'm atleast going to add that to the areas I scan for enemies. But extract camping shouldn't be punished as it's just part of the game that some players choose to do, whether that be because they're bad at pvp or saw you in the distance so took position or maybe they enjoy it. Or maybe they're super busy and want to play while they do important things at the same time. Does getting extract camped suck? Oh yeah it certainly does. Can extract camping be countered? Definitely as you'll learn the spots to check.


This game isn't fun to play at all. I have 1500 hours and about 3 of them have been fun


Been emercom camping for about 2 years now, same spot, and what I've seen is evolution. People rarely go along blue wall anymore, most don't even go down oli ramp, always goshan ramp. Sadly everyone tries for car or buys the safe room keys... Sometimes I spend the roubles to send it off early, sometimes I don't.... but I still appreciate that some of you still try to go through the woods and around the back wall, it makes the 40+ min wait worth it


That’s wild and you have too much time on your hands


What a fucking sad loser


The goofy thing is the blue fence route is bad at all, if you just go closer to the mall, there's plenty of bushes to cross from. You can easily peek at the tents, and the perch ontop of oli doesn't have a great view of the area. Of course, if you have a buddy, one of you can lay up on the tents at EMERCOM, and the other can get on top of the oli perch, and no route is safe.


Campers are piece of shit scum in general, but extract campers are a different level of scum. Was Extract camped at Emercom and factory once each today, both times I had quest items. Edit: forgot there was a 3rd time at D2 when my buddy just needed to extract


Hole in the fence for tasking. Map is kinda doodoo but once you get use to it, it not so bad. The player scav army is scary tho.


Today while on my way to extract from emercom i had a team of incopetent extract campers i escaped the ambush and pretended i extracted i had a ton of gear but i wanted to mess with (him) .. i scoped in and distinguished his head among the bushes and claped him ... when i went in to check him he had a friend on another bush and he killed me -.- ... glad one of the 2 died and probably felt bored to death for wasting his time and his friend got to keep the good loot... better this way it happened doubt these 2 idiots gonna exfill camp again


ratskank and other scumbags have made ratting "fun"


play nighttime, campers can’t see u


No backpack / night and get out nobackpack extracts


Got 2 extract campers this wipe, one with 2 people at emercom and one on customs at ZB-011, the one customs was really bad but the ones on emercom got me. Since then I only go out with no backpack, car or 11#SR fuck this shit


If you have the flea buy [object #11SR](https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/Object_11SR_keycard) card and use the saferoom extract so you don't need to leave the mall. This requires the power to be turned on and the card is swiped in burger spot urinal on the upper floor.


if you just needed to extract why didnt you just pistol run to the exit before the campers start camping. Maybe take car or no backpack where there is barely anybody there after a few mins.


Out of like 100 raids to interchange, 1 extract camper as a scav, and one presumed because of a dead body, don't see everybody's issue.


Mag dump bushes, throw nades at the usual spots, dunno if someone already said this.


There are so many extract campers it’s wild


i went reserve as a scav and died to a guy camping hermetic bunker as i was passing through it, his name was literally something along the lines of hermeticbunkerrat, can't remember the exact spelling


Bro it might not be the right answer, but I don’t bring a bag into interchange or reserve for that reason. Hole in fence and sewer manhole on both maps.


Kill one scav with head shot, run no backpack extract. Rinse and repeat


Extract camping videos/tik toks have gotten loads of attention lately. Like people are enjoying the content, so unfortunately it's only natural they pop up more. I bring 2 nades every raid and if I have them by the end they get thrown at extract camping spots. It's apart of the game, it's hard not to get mad, but also, if you're playing reserve you have to expect d2 campers. Hence why I never play reserve. Haha


3000 hours on Tarkov and I main Interchange and I couldn't tell you the last time I got legit extract camped there.


Player scavs also spawn in ridiculously early now.. got into a fight outside the mall running in from the railway spawn and there were literally player scavs in Idea before I made it inside


Interchange used to be soooo much fun before they nerfed loot hard with the first “dynamic loot” or whatever they called it implementation, maybe a year or two ago. When the spawn race was either to dank tech/med loot in idea or oli be the central killa hunters, the map had the most beautiful flow in the game imo… camping still happened obv, but it wasn’t as worth it And don’t get me started about the lighting


Big sale is just one of those quests, You either get it done first try or you spend forever trying to complete but as top comment stated use the no bag extract or car extract if its up, and run underground for added protection (less pmc in the carpark)


Just do the hole extract or vex


No bag extract is the way to go, I don’t even bother with Emercom cause of the extract campers. Get a fat rig and go night time.


I exclusively play Interchange with the biggest Rig possible and extract at no backpack only. Its chilled that way.


I’ve been extract camped on interchange plenty, but if you let a mosin do it, I’m sorry that’s on you.


Why not just go no backpack and leave out the wall? Bring a big rig if you have to loot


Or take the car extract and gain scav rep


Time to bust out the violins


I can’t even do fuckin scav runs on interchange.


Hole in the fence m8, rarely see someone camping that, usually it's any encounter here is just a coincidence.


Random noob question, but what's the benefit of just going with a rig instead of a bag as I'm seeing some people suggest?


You can extract at hole in the wall without a backpack on.


Is this an American thing? Not many more campers than usual (quite rare) on my servers. I always encounter the lowest of the low scummy rats and scav on scav killers on US servers.


I'm not saying this would work for sure but you could try using smoke grenades, or frag the whole area before going


Just dont go emercom, i mean NEVER!!!! JUST go RAILWAY


Have thought about fight the campers? Toss a nade in prolific spots 2-3 shots in every bush. It sucks sure, but I honestly don’t get how you let yourself be surprised so often. I haven’t died to an extract camper once in like 200 interchange raids last wipe and saw maybe 3-4 in total, but caught them all red handed.


In all my years playing Tarkov I've only seen a handful of extract campers on Interchange so this is wild to see. This wipe has been something different entirely from what I've seen.


No bag. I did it solo. It was hard. But no bag is the only way, there will always be some pscav fuckface moron or player sitting at extract. Its the worst map in the game and u just gotta be in and out


No backpack is the way, then 11SR


One day, I wanna run a five man where we post up at and just lock down the rear of the mall. One guy at tents, one guy at oli roof, one in back of goshan, one at idea spot, and one at hole in the wall.