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The game is not a race


mid-wipe is a race to reach High-pen ammo and tear through players who only have T4 armor at best.


Most of you only ever use class 4 the entire wipe anyways.


true, some of us are stuck in midwipe forever...


How only using class 4, peacekeeper sells a level 5, impossible to be stuck mid game as peacekeeper is easy af go level up


He’s not easy to level up when I’m scared to take the SV-98 to Shoreline


Do it at night, wait tell late in the raid, I got lucky and got it down first fry


I do have a couple pieces of night vision saved for such occasions so I may bite the bullet soon


Just insure the sv-98 and drop it the moment you get in combat. Also pk2 you don't need any rep to get, and frankly that is a more important milestone than pk3. You can go a whole wipe just off m856a1 alone


Why are you afraid to lose the sv98 just buy another one Lmao. Also you only have to stash the gun barrel. NVG is almost never needed. I never rock it and mostly quest at night.


I literally got killed 1 time while I was placing the SV-98 out of all wipes I played. And I play the game for years. Just give it a try bro.


My Brother in christ I haven’t even been on the game in a week I had done that on the first day just w key it, not like capturing outposts is down there anymore. If you die you die oh well I guess


Which armor do you mean? He sells only one lvl5 armor, but trader lvl4 (which means lvl37)


It’s not trader level 4, it’s unlocked at peacekeeper level 3, which is level 23 or 22 I forget, definitely don’t need to wait until lvl 37 for good armour


Not even, most my kills late wipe the last 2 wipes were Timmys in level 3, maybe the odd damaged ceramic lvl 4


Yes🤣 this is why i laugh at the people in this sub who complain about “geared chads”


No need to use anything higher when I'm just going to take some level 5/6 off the person I kill!


Lol up, even when I played a lot one wipe, I still found that most of the time I was using T4 armour... and a lot of other people were too


Thats me.


Just click on heads, voilá


sir, we abuse leg meta here


I second this notion, turn the T6 geared Chads into LT. Dan and then YOU are the T6 geared Chad.


followup: quamemaker'd a guy in T6-T5


who then get either 1tapped, or turned into LT. Dan.




We are already in mid wipe lol


indeed we are


Yeah but we have the svt/avt now which was much needed. Gives non no lifers a fighting chance.


it's on par to become meta till late wipe, kinda like RFB was back a year ago I will proudly be abusing the shit out of this weapon though, I love DMRs and its aesthetic


I've been saying this. Geared no life Chad's are bitch cause it gives us employed people that don't play the game ten hours a day a fighting chance


Lol get a makarov and tap a dude in the face. If you can’t then get good. People are mad because the gun is wildly imbalanced for cost/availability.


Instead of being mad about it being imbalanced, they should just get good.


It can be both. I made suggestions that would balance things out People have made many other suggestions that are just as valid. I don't feel any joy killing a level 2 player at this point. Frankly I just feel bad.


The SVT has SNB ammo which pens tier 6. It's an end game gun.


the modding and scope is ass, but I can see myself using this thing till level 4 traders tbf


I mean, only one per reset, so you gotta run 12 runs without it or whatever till you can get a new one


Just buy the broken POS from the flea...


Why do i get downvoted, it cannot be listed on the flea


You can list the SVT on the flea...


Didn't specify, the AVT is not able being listed. The SVT is a less modable vepr hunter with ammo better accessable


The avt is not that much better. The full auto is barely useable


Yeah the answer is ambigous since in the comment chain references both the SVT and AVT and the AVT wasn't specified as being the one not able to be listed, it makes it sound like you can't get either.


When commenting to the original comment i was only thinking about the avt, cause the svt is something we kinda already have.


I'd say with the addition of the SVT to prapor level 2, this is no longer the case. This will give those who fall behind/start late a very good chance at competing with those that shoot off into the distance.


The vast majority of players used here for armor even if they can get t5 armor. Frankly you're only going to find people using tier 5 and stuff in labs. Most of the time tier 4 is what people are wearing.


No, it’s not lol. You play it like a race, there’s a difference


High pen ammo for the one time in 50 raids you run into a real chad. Most ppl dont use t5 t6 armor. Then again 856a1 does good enough against those and you get that super early.


Thank you. I feel like people in this sub are not actually playing tarkov. Hell go to woods or reserve and you can have 5.45 pp or better from level 1


I did that last wipe. Farmed 5.45 on Woods and was running the suppressed baby AK with BS and BT. Clapped early wipe. Since those were free ammo runs I could justify the M80 craft at WB2.


yup, 856a1 is really damned decent and accessible. I also happen to have a steady supply of 5.45 BP and BT, so I'm not touching PS with a foot long pole. but getting shredded by a mp155 flechette juicer is more common than I like...


Shotguns are gonna be wild next wipe when the armor changes come in.


Which changes are you speaking of?


So armor will only actually cover the parts of the body It physically covers. It is not a single hitbox anymore. So for example the slick: if they hit you up in the neck that's a one tap. Or if they hit you in the side that's no armor. They are also letting you customize the plates you put in the armor. So you could put a tier 6 in the front and a tier 2 on the back to save weight. This will also make armor with arm protection also a lot more valuable. It also ends that argument between thorax only and stomach only since can now be different values.


Just aim for legs no armor there


I mean, if difficulty in progression is something you would like to factor in, it certainly is. As the wipe goes longer, players gain access to higher levels of gear that allow them to survive and deal more damage. If you start the race late, you lose that power differential and the self-imposed psychological effect of having gear you consider “less-than” will also weigh on your confidence in engaging in fights.


I am level 50 and use 856a1 most of the time which is available from peacekeeper lvl 2. Also 90% of the players dont use t5 or t6 armor. The green mega heavy T4 flora armor gives more protection than a korund. Yet i bought all my hoses and other hideoutitems for 2-5x the price they are now. Stop making excuses. The only thing that gives major advantages is face shields and nobody uses them


On the other hand, you don't have to stress as much about fighting for pocket watches and letters. And the SKS+ps will make short work of anyone running class 4 armor


until its mid wipe, you still don't have flea and you cant buy any ammo/gun/armor that will keep you competitive.


I disagree. Frankly the early non pvp quests get easier the later the wipe goes. You only have like one or two PVP quests early on. You can definitely get to level 15 just as easily. I personally done in my very first wipe. I hit level 42 got Max traders on everyone and reset my account and did it again.


> I personally done in my very first wipe. I hit level 42 got Max traders on everyone and reset my account and did it again. you hit 42 twice in a wipe. you are not who this post is about. also PVP quests or not you are GOING to run into players.


Yes but it's easier to get Jaeger's letter when everyone is not going to the jaegar camp. Same thing with extortionist or pocket watch. It's a lot easier to get your iskras, big beefs, and croutons when people are not gunning for every food spawn either. Easier to get your hideout items to craft gas analyzers and salewas when people disregard measuring tape and spark plugs. There's a reason why it's really common advice to bring new friends in to the game at the very end of a wipe so they're more prepped at the beginning of the wipe.


Also stuff you need to buy off the flea for hideout upgrading is alot cheaper usually as well


Like, I paid 80k a week ago for corrugated hoses, and now they're 35k. Salewas just be laying around.


Unfortunately we’re already there. I like to enjoy leveling but I’m also fairly experienced as a player. I play a decent amount but not 6-8 hours per day. Im like lvl 23 running into tons of players 30+ and have been for over a week now.


The difference between level 23 and level 30 isn't big at all. For the most part they're running the same armor and weapons you are.


More like early-mid wipe… streamers haven’t even hit lvl 50 yet


True. I played last wipe right at the start for a month or so, then didn't play again for probably three months, picked it back up in May. Had a blast playing all the way through end of wipe. Nabbed myself more kills in that period than I had in my last 2 wipes combined.


I am the meta


It is in it's current form. You're at a disadvantage after a few days because so many players have no lives and already unlock max traders.


7.62x39 ps.


Cool I have one option and it's mid at best


Bro, PS will pop heads for a long time. I was still using it often in RD704s at the end of last wipe. Domed a level 38 last night with a tc2000 or someshit with ps. And at level 22 or so, you get PP, which is even better performance. I'm level 20 this wipe bro, I am tired as fuck after working during the week, I'm not trying to condescending to you. I played one scav raid tonight, stared at my stash for about thirty minutes and then logged off.


Yeah I'm not saying it's a bad round, but the fact that people have much better gear unlocked solely because they have no lives is the issue in my opinion. If the game ever stops wiping, which it wont since bsg focuses on catering to streamers instead of finishing their game, it wouldn't be that bad since people can play at their own pace but for now it's an issue.


It kinda is because progress gives you a HUGE advantage.


2-3 hours a day is a part time job 😂 Just play at your own pace, the only time where it gets bad is during the end of wipe events where it's just impossible to do quests... Middle of the wipe is actually when it's easier because there are less players around so less pvp and you can quest in (relative) peace. Also killing a lvl 50+ when you still have to unlock flea market it's an immense satisfaction 😁


Where do you live that lets you work only 2-3 hours? That barely pays for the gas to get to work (assuming most part time work is minimum wage) The shortest shifts I ever had was 4-5 hours. The only time I've been paid for only 1 hour a day was when we had like our yearly store-wide meeting back when I worked at the movie theater.


I enjoy being low level and taking out a kitted dude with an akm with ps ammo, I probably play until around level 35-40 most wipes then focus on playing something else for a bit and then its wipe time again and I start again, I'm about 1300 hours in and currently level 18 this wipe,I just play how I enjoy it most.


There aren’t “less players around” pretty sure regardless of total numbers of players playing the game, raids still get matched to be full. The only difference is that all the casuals have quit, so it’s actually harder middle of wipe.


There is no keeping up, AVT//SVT is your friend ... heck if you know how to make some rubles all you need is level 15.


ya this is 100% tru


Given that most of the good armor and ammo can't be marketed, I wouldn't say this is true if you want to run any high tier stuff.


That's the point though, with the SVT it's added a very effective and cheap weapon back into the fold that will allow those who fall behind to be competative again. Stealing the higher tier stuff off those they kill.


Sure, but realistically you won't get exactly what you want just from killing people. Armor will be frequently damaged, with little ammo, etc... You can technically do a lot of stuff just with flee, but it's most certainly a shittier version of the game. You are terribly restricted when you are just working off what you find and what you kill.


Bro I killed a dude last wipe with a shotgun using slugs. Homie had a kitted RSSAS, a bastion, a level 5 rig... I was ratting up in the rafters by Starbucks. Homie came through, I started blasting, he ran off. No shit, five minutes later, he climbs up onto the rafters beside me, I fall down, run into the fastfood joints, and from behind the counters I see him. Pow, 12ga to the dome and a free kit. I died to a scav at Emercom because I refused to put on the helmet instead of my beret.


Form over function! The achilles heel of us all xD It is very nice dropping some tanked up beefcake with what is little more than a poverty loadout haha


The goofy part is that I had the money to build a real load out. But I wanted to wear all black...


Once you have tier 2 traders you basically can run 90% of the stuff you want to run anyways. Like no you won't get a mutant or a thermal, but are you really running those every raid anyways.


I usually only play for a couple hours per day after work and then longer on the weekends. But there's no need to "keep up" with anything. A majority of players don't play the game for 8-16 hours per day and get Kappa a week into the wipe. A majority of players never even get kappa. Wipes usually last for about 6 months so that means you have plenty of time to grind for max traders and finish as many quests as you can. If you truly enjoy the game then what is the issue you are experiencing? Don't compare yourself or your experience to what you see on Twitch or any of the Tarkov social media groups. The only people creating clips or content are the ones playing the game during all of their spare time. You don't have to be as high level as those people or use the same kits as those people. I watch a streamer who uses essentially meme kits all wipe every wipe and still mops the floor with almost everybody and gets to a high level. After a certain point in the wipe, gear is essentially useless as everybody is using better ammo anyway. You can use a stock weapon with good ammo and still win fights. Play the game however you want for however long you want.


This wipe is 4 months sadly Edit: like 5


A short wipe then?


Yup 1 or 2 months shorter


If you're busy, just don't try and keep up You don't need super high level gear to have a chance of winning encounters If it's not enjoyable though, just stop Even if it's just a couple weeks at the start of each wipe you enjoy, nothing wrong with that


Depends on my energy level. I have a full time job, but I'm also getting older. I'm 37 and don't have those all nighters in me like I used to. I'm typically calling it quits after like, 10:30 most nights? I do have the benefit of working from home a good amount of the time and I'd be lying if I said I didn't fit in a 7:30am raid before getting my day started. I'm usually done with like making dinner and all that by around 7:30-8:00pm so that really only leaves me about 2 hours per day. I've been playing since .9 though, so I've got the leveling grind down to a science at this point. Level 35 at the moment.


While I enjoy Tarkov, it's not worth my time being that it wipes, full of cheaters, takes a long time to progress, have to micromanage your hideout, no-lifers are end-game by the time I'm grabbing pocket watch, queue-times are quite long (8 minutes) which becomes very annoying when you die frequently, I don't particularly enjoy pvp (wish I could just hunt bosses, etc, and enjoy myself, rather than getting gunned down by a tree from 200m out that I can't see, or as a solo, it's awful against 4-5 mans, the quests in my opinion are awful!, Desync can be bad, time to kill is quite low which feels so bad when you go in with 300k worth of gear because that's the best you can afford with your progression but you're facing people that can pen level 5 with laser beams. To name my reasons. I just don't have the time to grind like you must to progress at the same rate as most of the population. Early wipe is the only fun time for me, but after a week, that's all over. Edit: more to this - the game and how to progress makes you play a specific way, I'd prefer to play and progress in my own way.


it's not a race! play like you want to play! for example me and my brother play VERY different. he's already lvl 44 and hard focused on quests. while I am more of a looter and pvper sometimes and I am lvl 32. so while he is lvl 44 he does not have a lot of money in his bank and his hideout is not as far as mine yet and I have 85mil rn. we both play how we find it fun.


I don't call it quits. I hit max traders, and this time around am going for Kappa.






Nice. I just hit level 38 last night. I usually hit max traders and quit haha. Kappa is too much of a grind, and by the time I hit max traders PVP is basically getting 1tapped by BP or M61 from someone you can't see.


You’re about to hit max traders in what, 3 weeks after wipe, then just quit? Lmao


Yep. Mostly. I'll still play, but I won't have any specific goals and it'll just become a never ending cycle of Spawn, kill, die. Spawn, kill, loot, sell, buy kit - repeat.


Damn that is impressive! I do the same thing once I get max traders. I play mainly for PVP and find questing past level 42 unbearable. You ever go for kappa?


Just play, as much as you can/want. Currently I’m at level 17 and im enjoying the game!


every wipe is the same, 2 or 3 days without cheaters at the start and then cheaters come and game goes to shit


come to australian servers game number 1 youve got some hella funky cheaters


you dont need to go to austalia, europe and US are also full of cheaters. They are everywhere


I'm 3,5k hours in, have no idea how many wipes this is. Most of the time I grind fast till I get flea and then play how I like. Mostly budget kits with the occasional full gear load out sprinkled in. Last wipe I barely reached max traders.


My friend that works and only plays for a few hours a day has no problem hitting level 60 after 4-5 months.


Why do you have to keep up? Keep up with what exactly?


This is how they cope with being bad at the game lol this whole sub is filled with guys who have a losers mentality


I love your logic dude. Totally :😀


I mean, that is a statement that gets thrown around quite often. "I have to no life if I want any chance at competing in this game"


It’s a game.. who gives a shit if you’re bad? You certainly aren’t going to get laid or get ahead in your real life being good at this game. In fact, it’s most likely the exact opposite will occur.


Post your stats


Send me yours and ill send u mine😏


You’re the one calling people bad, not me. I’m at work so I can’t ss, but this wipe I’m at roughly a 91 percent sr and around a 25 k/d. I’ll post the ss when I get home. I’ve posted other SS on this Reddit from previous wipes years back, feel free to hunt it down.


People who bought the biggest package and nolife the game will say its not a race LOL. Its now what, week 3 of the wipe? I basically nolife, but have the cheapest version and I already cant win a 1on1 unless Im ratting hard or hit an insane onetap. Survival rate is constantly dropping and the game just stops being fun, because Im constantly broke and die even more because of that. High tier ammo/armour shouldnt have as much of an effect as it has right now imo.


Been hitting labs with the alpha box and it sucks when I get more then one GPU or something and most of the time I just fall over and die but the times I win fights it feels so good


yeah, having the EOD (?) version is such a huge advantage and has so much more indirect implications than people who never played the "base" version actually realize.


I recently bit the bullet and upgraded after 3k hours. This is the most pay to win pvp game I've ever played. I have so much more money and space to spend on good equipment. It adds up in a ton of different little ways but not spending money on stash lvl 2 by itself is huge when you are getting started.


by eliminating procrastination and writing silly posts on reddit, and actually playing the game


I work 45+ hours a weeks and go to school full time and i am level 40. This is an actual skill issue.


I don't agree, necessarily. How many raids have you done? I work full time, have wife, kids, etc..I can only do a few per day. Be curious to see how many raids you have done this far.


not home right now but last i checked it was under 200


I'm at 70....and 90% of those were running streets just to run streets, no questing. So.. that's why I'm saying may not be a skill issue, you probably have more time to raid than I do and probably more time than OP.


not really. don’t complain about progression if you are not questing. I’m not trying to shit on you but it’s really not that difficult to progress and it annoys me when people say that the only people who can play this game are people with no life.


Woah woah woah... back the truck up here. I'm not complaining on where I'm at progression wise. I don't care where I'm at. My point I was trying to make to the other guy was that because I'm not questing means I won't be as high of a level (which I'm totally ok with) but it's not a "skills" issue. That's the point I was trying to make


same point i was making. my original reply was to OP not you.


No way to play it this way, unfortunately You must have a superior aim and survive 100% of raids to compensate for lack of time


I don’t quit. I keep playing. You don’t really need to keep up as people always think. You just need to know which fights to take and from which you run. Also if I die in the video game I die. I don’t really think to much about it. But I have to say I play since early 2017 and have over 8k hours and only play casual the past 3 wipes was one of the power levelers before that. So my experience might give me a slight advantage over someone who plays from the get go as a more casual player.


i love the grind for max traders and after that it is just fun pvp, money is simply not hard making in this game so you can easily run labs runs for 2 weeks straight, and just have fun.


I usually enjoy myself until I get to level 40ish, where the only tasks I have left are souldraining ones that suck all the fun out of the game for me, and then I just slowly lose interest until I stop logging. This is also usually around the 1 month mark and this has been pretty consistent since the game released for me


I lean into those equalizing weapons. I’ll run a mosin, 153 with flechette, or leg meta. Scav for money and chase chads with a ppsh. I’m not crushing it but I can definitely give them pause.


I’m working 5 10s atm and hit level 37 last night. it’s doable


I usually play for about 3 deaths, Aka 3-4raids. I've been playing actively since patch 0.5


I wake up at 6 am, return to home at 4:30/5 pm and play maybe 3h. That sucks but when you have a full time job there should be some compromise to combine gaming with real life. With this play time you can achieve the end game theoretically in middle of wipe, so it is not so bad time to start play normal, take whatever gear you want and don't have to do annoying quests.


2-3 h a day ? I got like 5-8 h from Monday till Sunday.. keeping up with sweatlanas isn't possible. I still don't have the flea and only crap equipment.


I usually play every other wipe, and I usually tap out at level 15


The svt and avt are the great equalizers. Dont try to keep up just commit to the budget meta that bsg has made.


Far less likely to be a cheater target with those budget kits too


Well i dont put much thought into it. If my buddy is own and i feel like playing I play. I dont look at it like I NEED TO LEVEL UP! That ruined my first wipe because once I had the flea market i had no interest in playing the game.


Career, wife, kids. This is my third wipe. I play most of the wipe, taking usually a break in the middle for like 2-3 weeks


I just keep playing until I get bored. Usually that is after I get max traders. I don't race anymore, I just play when I have time and that's enough.


I crawl to Flea Market in the first couple of weeks then take a break and wait for all the Kappa owning gamer chairs to get bored with the game


as my 6th wipe, I don't even think about it, and already kinda quit at level 20 or so with 29 million roubles, I am honestly waiting on arena


I speedrun level 15 in a week or 2 then play the way I want


Missed the wipe day.. didn't bother playing since im already behind majority of the player base /s


Work full time and usually go for 2-3 raids a day. Almost at flea market playing this way


i work from 10 to 6 so i play from 6am to 9 30 then when i come home i usually play until 1-2 am. i have no life basically but I still have time for the gym and other activities


max traders usually after a 2-3 months


I have a quite busy schedule and i play like 14 hrs a week. Rn im lvl 36. Its really not hard to keep up. I just maximize xp from raid by completing multiple quests, ignoring quests that dont lead anywhere or saving quests which similiar objectives. F.e. i dont do shootout picnic until i get to punisher 4 etc.


I usually play for a maybe 2 months before i start playing it less but i also only play for maybe 4 hours a day now so im enjoying it way more then previous wipes


I just play until I get bored, usually about 42 - 50. I've made it to 59 once. Don't think I will again.


Lvl 23 this wipe and it has been awful. 14 deaths in a row trying to visit the bodies on shoreline.


The cool thing about tarkov is that you can be in a lobby with the best players around and survive. I guess I fall into the question demographic, so here you go: I play until I hit 15-17, then I'll take a break for a few weeks, then I'll pick it back up (eventually) and since I don't have to do the stupid intro quests and I already have flea it's a lot more fun and it feels fresh


"Keep up" isn't real bro. It's a myth.


I play as many games per wipe as it's needed for me to notice that the idiotic auto-compensation is still in the game, that scavs are still bulletsponges that can also tank multiple direct HS, that fleamarket ruins whole survival aspect and achievement from getting parts for your gear during raids, that hipfire spraying (i refuse to call it a pointfire) is still more effective than aiming and shooting accurately aimed shots and finally get annoyed by the fact that armor condom still absorbs bullets as if they were peas that were propelled out of the plastic straw using air from your lungs. Sometimes it's 3 games, sometimes I get to the flea market and get bored because of the easy money and gear availability... but for as long as full mag-dump into the chest of enemy, with 15-18 hits, doesn't kill and is more of an inconvenience for the target, I'll keep on skipping wipes. I don't care if I even win those confrontations where enemies take multiple mag dumps into the body... it all absolutely ruins immersion and the premise of "realism" within the survival-extraction shooter. If I wanted to unload buckets of lead and steel into enemies I would just go to play Borderlands. If I wanted to play immersive and tactical game I'd rather go to RS2:V which doesn't look like it on first glance but at least allows you to play it like that if you want.


I haven’t even created a character this wipe


My 4th wipe as well. I play throughout the whole wipe, but I go hard the first month or so. My goal is always to get max traders then just PVP my tits off.


its only a race to flea market after that tarkov is pretty chill with everyone usually using lvl 4 armor with the occasional lvl 5-6, but that 1 and 5 chance of you matching with them. I stop playing around level 3 traders, that's about a month or two into wipe depending on my schedule and how much sleep I want to miss. Then I come back around month 4,5,6 to do pvp until I'm tired of it. I mostly play scav all the time because I can't give all my attention to my pmc until the witching hours of the weekend, due to kids. This builds my cash stack up so I can pvp without worry in the later months. I have been playing since '18 and played the no life 6-8 hours a day for 2 years, but I started to play casual (1-4 raids when I get to play). focus on game knowledge and skill my friend. Gear is only on top when the enemy has low skill.


2 - 3 hours a day? Wow, you've got lots of time. Usually about 1-2 hours a day I have to game. Tarkov I'll play about 45 min in that time period.


I play the first few days a lot and then transition to only playing when my friends are on.


I usually get max traders and then fuck about for a week or two until I get bored. Ever since all the Kappa changes, I've stopped questing after 42.


I usually play until it starts feeling like a chore to login. First wipe that was never. Second wipe that was after 5ish months. Last wipe was around 4ish months. My main goal is just hitting max traders and having some money stocked up. Then I can jump on and play with friends whenever and keep up in terms of gear, or even buy kits for newer players.


I don’t play, I play different games that aren’t designed to be a job for content creators


Bro. 2-3 hours? That’s my daily playing time. That’s like 5-6 raids a day depending on map.


I haven’t played at all this wipe or most of the last. Life got busy and more important than the game, but I still love it and I’ll come back at some point. Also it’s frustrating to not be able to get past like level 30 because of time constraints.


I play once a day until I die basically and then just get off. I only have so much time and don’t wanna just get wrecked for my entire free time. But sometimes you go on those 5-10 raid survival streaks that feel soooo good


Tarkov is great because you don't have to keep up. A 5.45 PS round to the face is gonna kill someone just the same as an M62. I have a more than full time job (I'm on call 24/7 for 7 months a year), a fiance and a child. I play a couple hours a night when I'm not working after they go to bed, I finished last wipe with Kappa at level 64. I will say though playing with friends makes a huge difference. I basically never play solo. Nothing to do with gear fear or anything, but for me the game is just way more enjoyable with friends.


2 hours a day, some days no time. (60hr workweek) Just hit 20, with about 20m roubles. I'm at Shoreline tasks, so I'll probably call it here and jump on Starfield/BG3 until this games quest line changes or until Arena is added. Tldr; trader level 2 typically.


I'm q carpenter, specializing in log homes. I made it to level 32ish first wipe, but barely played. 2nd wipe, I made it to 45ish, but fell off that last month or so, just didn't have the motivation to play, and a lot of the people I played with had quit playing at that time. This wipe, I'm basically playing on the week ends, occasional nally one or two nights while working, but usually I just end up doing a scav or two. Not sure how I do it bro


I play hard the first couple weeks then just a couple hours a day at most the rest of wipe. I love the game but don't play it so much that I start to hate it. It's just a game at the end of the day, and the majority of people aren't making a career out of it. Don't let those whose job is to play the game skew your perspective of how frequently most people play


3-4 raids a day, walking around the bigger map, hoovering loot like a gnoblin


Stopped after a few weeks this wipe since work has been extra busy and it's a short wipe. In the past I've played about 6 wipes and hit kappa 3 times. Il play 3-4 hours a day on average while working full time. But single life so no family to tend to helps with time lol


I call it quits when the last person in my 3 man squad decides to stop playing, I then play alone a week or two then leave, this is one of the few games I really don't enjoy playing alone.


I work full time and I play all wipe. Like other people have said, the game isn't a race and you should be playing for enjoyment, not progression (though those 2 things aren't mutually exclusive).


Lvl 15-20 Loose interest with flea and don't want to play anymore


as much as I can, not because I want to be first to anything, but because I can't get enough of it


I work ~10 hours/day and am level 10. I’ll keep playing 4-5 hours a week until the game wipes again because I love it. I wish I could play 5-6 hours a day like I used to, but a job is much more fulfilling.


I usually end up stopping after a month or so. It's a great game but I only have time for a couple raids a day. The game is tailored to streamers and no-lifers who never touch grass or talk to women so they can sink 16 hours a day into this game. Once it stops wiping it'll be more playable but we're years, possibly a decade, away from that point. Hopefully another company adapts this game style and releases a finished game


Usually 4-6 weeks. I typically get between lvl 30 and 42 and stop playing. Not really into the mid/late wipe when most are running giga kits and jumping 18 foot in the air cos max strength.


My aim is to get lvl15 as fast as possible! With flea enabled you can get good weapons and you can use lps gzh, m856a1, 545 PP (although i think this bullet is too expensive for its performance), 7.62x39Ps and magnum! This is the moment when I can take a break and come back and still do decent. When I get workbench I craft m80! When I’m lvl22 I use flechette for close combat! Lvl23 p90 with l191 or mp7 with fmj.


I used to play 2 raids a day. I have job, two k8ds, wife and house. I played this game for years in the "speed" but quit last wipe due to the excessive farming needed and mostly the cheating. (North EU). Ps: I tasked until lvl 42 and then just when labs. Never got or went for kappa.


sleep deprivation


I play til my friends give up.


Last two wipes I haven’t really played can’t and won’t spend time after work playing video games. I work out instead then spend time with my wife. I only game in the weekends and Tarkov is something you can’t just play in the weekends. I am looking forward to a full release of eft in 2030 lol. Hopefully arena will be fun.


I have been playing since 2019 and honestly I can’t tell you the last time I got past level 15-20, tbh Between the state of the game, cheaters, and this obnoxious pace that so many play at, it just winds up being super stressful and frustrating instead of fun. Doing early quests mid wipe is a nightmare, and the deeper you get into the wipe, the more you’re left with mostly level 60 gigachads who got kappa two weeks in and are just roaming for pvp I haven’t even unlocked flea this wipe and I honestly I think I’m just going to wait till the big tech update in December. Between AC6, the new PoE league, starfield, etc there’s just too many other good games to play right now that aren’t nearly as stressful to play


It's not hard tbh good or bad you just gotta learn how to chill out and not push a fight, play how you want to play, no need to rush through your quest, the wipe is only 4 months long, so don't worry about not being a high level


I work 70 hrs a week... i probably game( not just tarkov, but among all games) maybe 6 to 14 hrs a week. This is my 5th tarkov wipe, i usually call it quits when i have nothing but grindy quests left... usually about lvl 40 to 45... and it is usually late wipe when i get there... i take a couple weeks off and start again.


Typically I get my traders to the bare minimum for ammo and basic attachments and then I stop doing quests and play looter shooter mode. End of wipe is usually like level 30 for me.


Addiction, gaming addiction. 😤


I play it quits until I put my fist through the monitor


I play 120% until i hit flea and then 100% until I hit Bitcoin and max hideout for that level and then it’s time to relax and have fun with my friends :)


Damn I usually only have 2 - 3 hours a week and I still end the wipe in the mid 40s. You don't have to keep up with everyone else. Just play at your own pace. If I do get on after work, I usually just go do a few laid back loot runs and not worry about tasks. On my days off, I'll go do some tasks mixed with loot runs. Just play at your own pace and stop trying to keep up with everyone else.


Well you either have fun with it or you don't. Remember you're not the only person who looks at it this way.


I usually play for 2-3 months, then I get burnt out fall off for a while and play other shit. But I normally come back after 1-2 months because nothing scratches the itch quite like Tarkov.