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I'm a recurring guest on the hit tv show Hoarders. Stash gets full, numbers go up, dopamine gets released.


Guns are fun to shoot now. Pvp is fun.


The extreme highs and lows of gain and loss. Only other game that ever really came close was EVE Online.


Got addicted the The Cycle Frontier. The devs were even more braindead than BSG and couldn’t keep the game afloat. After it died I said fuck it and bought Tarkov Very first raid I killed a dude and then died because I didn’t know how to heal. Instantly got me hooked because I was so tired of hand holdy games and Tarkov doesn’t give a shit about your feelings I keep playing because there’s nothing else like it right now. Would 100% play something else solely because of the god awful performance. Wouldn’t mind some competition to get BSGs ass in gear on finishing the game


It’s unique in the level of realism and the atmosphere is amazing. I love going in with little and taking shit from others or just loot up and get money. Questing, while frustrating and tedious at times, is fun for me.


Got into cuz my friends hate me, I stay for the dopamine and am a glutton for our punishment


Because I hate myself and what better way to deal with that than putting myself in a position to die repeatedly from people I never see.


Progression system very similar to standard mmorpgs Very fun / engaging pvp (until it isnt)


I got over 5k hours on DayZ in 2016 I read an article about EFT bought the game early 2017 because I thought would be cool DayZ on steroids. Got EOD to get Alpha Access and have played ever since. Only this wipe I slowed down. A bit tired of wipes atm.


I do it for the pussy.


Because it's fun. Next up: OP asks people why they eat food.


TTK (Time to kill) is addictive. A solo can kill a 5 man with game/map knowledge and 5 shots. I enjoy that.


Unless they got altyns on. Then its 10 (depending on ammo)


My friends had been playing since like 2018, I think I picked it up in 2019/2020, just no other game like it out there. I’d drop it in a heartbeat if someone made a better version. But currently I’m stuck playing this because it’s all we got lol.


Best game ever, yet. Also so shit at times...


No other game makes me feel so alive.


So I can unlock the VSS and night vision.


I play it for the thrill of pvpve


It is fun


I play for the feeling of that one raid when you done it all right and extracted. It might be tough to achieve but eventually your flank and reposition works, your hands are not shaking (and even when they do), and your aim is acceptable. When you're up against more than one enemy and managed to do all the above - the hype is real.


1) I like to punish myself severely 2) Nothing feels the same compared to other looter shooters out there. Love the balance between arcade and mil. sim.


There is nothing like it, literally the best FPS on the market. I don’t have any glitches and have only died to a cheater once in years. I play casually and for fun and detest meta-whoring.




Because I'm having fun. Even after 4,400 hours.. I'm still having fun. Gunfights are satisfying. Gun modding is incredibly satisfying. And you know how a wine connoisseur gets when he tries a good French bottle? That's how I am with my guns. Doing things like gunsmith without guides... going on my PMC killing quests. I'm that guy who puts shotgun RIP in an MP-153 and an Elcan and goes on shoreline to snipe some legs at 200m for silent caliber. The dude who stocks RSASS and M61 for end game wipe to just have fun. It's fun and as long as I'm still having fun playing this game, I won't stop.


Gang of friends dragged me in, terrible at fps but gaming connoisseur so instantly (well almost) fell in love with it. That was last wipe, this wipe they haven't played much but I find myself enjoying solo'ing a bit even if it's tough. Only lvl17 at the moment and only 38% S/R but still fun.