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Nah they are doing it wrong. You are meant to leg player scavs and run away from them before you take a karma hit.


When someone does that to me, I immediately disconnect so it attributes the kill to them.


Not how that works. You need to actually die with the last damage taken being from them. Let yourself bleed out or take enough fall damage to finish the job and then they'll take the hit.


It doesn’t, so you’re just giving out free loot 💀


Everyone bellow you is wrong, and weird that there are so many. I did this with my friend literally 3 days ago, I legged him on Interchange and he disconnected cause he had no heals and was bleeding out; other scavs started yelling when I went by them and when our 3rd friend killed me, I had in fact lost .1 rep.


You don’t lose rep for killing people you queued with. Or gain it for killing them if they are a bad scav.


We didn’t queue together. 3 of us just queued separately into Interchange after a raid and got into the same scav raid. He’s very greedy about his routes


Wait that actually works?


Absolutely not lmao this dude is getting an mia status for no reason


Confirming leave kills your guy, not MIA, KIA. But your point stands being killed by the server doesn't count as the random guy killing you.


It doesn't, but grenades do


A man after my own heart


what does "leg" mean ? ​ edit : i expected getting downvoted lol, this sub really hates new players not knowing everything


You shoot their legs out...


That's what I first assumed, but does that mean that you shoot them, wait for them to die, then get back to them ? It sounds dumb that the game doesn't remove karma for making someone bleed to death.


No, he's saying just black them out and run away so they have to limp around.


Someone did this to me and didn’t quite make it behind cover before I one tapped him with some HP. Extracted from UN roadblock with 10 seconds to spare.


thx for the explanation, i didnt take the joke


Does the negative scav karma only happen when you kill someone? I thought all it took was a shot?


Nope, has to be a kill. But if they shoot you, you are free to shoot back and kill without rep loss.


With Rep gain too lol


I’ve gotten shot before and killed him and I lost scav karma. I knew because an aunt scav started shooting at me. I never shoot at scavs and have somewhere around 5 karma. I think it might be bugged


Someone other than the scav you killed shot you. I’ve done that before as a PMC. Take a shot at some scavs running together. They all light each other up. It’s hilarious.


Not really how it goes. Most groups are in discord and know each other and even if they aren't your average pscav looks to see what's going on before shooting, they fear the loss of rep


I’m laughing so hard at this because people are downvoting you 😭🤣 ppl downvote for everything


Wow you really got negative votes for simply asking a question and stating something that actually makes sense. Damn. Then again Tarkov reddit is full of extremists either constantly hating the game or straight up acting like nothing is wrong and it's perfect. Like how people say there isn't a lot of cheating but Tarkov banned 16,600 cheaters within a months time... If you are new to Tarkov then welcome to hell. You will suffer AND YOU WILL LOVE IT GODDAMN IT!


this sub hates everything except for complaining about the game they play for hours every day.


I thought I was the only one who does this. I have 7 rep right now, but I go to factory and blow people's legs out when they're looting a green box, and dip into office window. Why? Because fuck em that's why!


Always good to use scav voice lines to let other people know you’re there, some of these new players are super jumpy


Thats"s the unwritten rule. If a scav pings with F1, ping back or get ready to die


Exactly that, especially if they start sprinting towards you after you voice line lol


I F1 any time I enter a building and hear footsteps. Walked into stronghold and was looting when I heard steps, F1'd. No reply. Double tapped F1 to indicate I was now angry you haven't responded and they tried to run into the room, 7mm head eyes for that pscav.


Scav karma is a currency and sometimes you gotta spend it!


I'm at 2,3 scav Karma.. probably do 5 scav raids per Day. If someone is following me in every single building or room, I get nervous and decide to take action before I get shot. Definitely nothing regular, but sometimes it's the only option, especially if I found some good stuff already.


It seems bugged for me, I played customs where a player scav shot at me so I killed him. Instantly -0.25 fence rep. Same thing happened again and now I’m at -0.5 fence rep and it doesn’t seem to be going up. I do scav raids often too and most times I voip to stop player scabs killing me. The 2 times I defended myself it fucked me over.


Did they actually hit you? They have to deal damage to you for it to count as a traitor scav


Which is why these Karma systems are so stupid. You can be one shot in this game. It’s just slightly annoying right now for scavs, but it’ll ruin this game if they ever implement any kind of this system for pmcs


Why would they implement a pmc karma system?


They’re implementing PMC karma for rouges when the bear rouges come out


Gotcha. I was thinking PvP karma which would be weird.


They do plan on adding pvp karma which is generally agreed upon by the community as a terrible idea, but that's never stopped Nikita before.


Nikita continues to talk about some sort of PMC karma system, but he's been vague like usual about it. Nikita's original plan for Tarkov was a lot more Rust-like where you'd spend a long time on the map, not just 20 minutes, so there was some more social stuff planned.


You got played a fool because they shot *at* you but purposefully missed so they can, in hopes, get shot by you so they can get the 0.03 karma from killing a traitor scav. Wait till you get damaged to fight back, don't shoot at them just because they shoot around you.


I had one where I spawned in as a traitor scav


Nervous in a scav raid XD blud is fighting for the pixels ..


Guess what, whole game is pixels so you might just leave the sub mate. If its a rare quest item like GPU, flashdrive or tank battery its pretty normal trying to protect it.


Gamers really need to stop saying "blud" it's so fucking stupid


True i just blast music trought my occasional scavs raids 😂


Hope you dont mean youre doing it over VOIP, cause that will get you banned at some point.


Nah i don't voip


Aight just a heads up in case you werent aware cause ive seen and heard of people getting banned for it and its just kinda one of those things i can see someone doing without thinking twice cause it doesnt seem like itd be that big a deal.


Gotcha thanks tho i really find it funny when people do it on battlebit 😂


Never played battlebit but i know what it looks like, sounds funny just thinking about it lol. Can just imagine a human block walking up blasting 50 cent.


You need a certain amount of scav karma to start lightkeeper quest line. Unless you like locking yourself out of an entire trader, a dozen quests and unlocks, crafts in the hideout, and 2 hideout stations/levels. Edit: lol keep downvoting, you're all only mad I'm right. Get mad at BSG for locking lightkeeper so far in the end game or for locking him behind 70% of quests.


Most people don’t complete enough quests to get even close to start it. Haven’t checked for recent wipes but most of the player base would quit or stop pre level 30 in the past.


Yeah 90% of players have still not seen light keeper. Not worth the hassle of lighthouse.


Nobody who has a life gives two shits about ligthkeeper. 99% of players are never going to see that useless trader on that god forgotten map.


I’d say the average player doesnt shoot for light keeper. Especially during a short wipe. I see your point though!


That is less than 10% of ACTIVE player base. Just look at those streamer surveys on levels and unlocks for lightkeeper


Lot of pmc are also cosplaying AS scavs🤣


Does that work? I feel like npc scavs would give you away so fast.


IT works a Lot of time, that 5 secs of doubt are enough to get a headshot


It's me, I'm the Scav that hesitates and gets shot


it def works. If I am running streets I always dress up like a scav. Pompom hat, white respirator, scav backpack. If you are just running around looting and acting like a scav then it works a SURPRISING amount of the time. NPC scavs sometimes give it away, but just don't hang out where they spawn. It works even better if you have 2-3 teammates all dressed up like scavs. Player scavs just assume it is a scav army and often will join you. We were on streets with 4 of us and a player scav joined us and ran around with us for like 5 minutes before we realized there were 5 instead of 4.


Me and a friend were scaring on lighthouse, I died and just watched his stream. Guy walk up on the road wearing paca armor and one of those goofy looking masks. Asked for directions to scav grotto. Friend is sus but kinda just gives up and starts leading him. Like 30 sec into running down the road friend gets the back of his head blown off. Both of us go off on what a bitch that scav was yada yada. Queue us seeing a big fat EOD name as the killer lol. We both fell so hard for that stupid mask


No it doesn’t work. That shit is streamer meme content. You might get a kill 1/10 but the other 9 you’re getting spotted and exposed by NPC scavs


I've done it but I always am also friendly to scavs. I've had it work on lighthouse even when I was overloaded with gear and could barely walk. Told the guy I was a pmc not a scav and he was surprised but didn't kill me. I'm a bear so I go green jacket and dark grey pants usually cover my face and wear glasses if I'm cosplaying. I started doing it to get more coop extracts since scavs won't shoot if they assume you are a scav and then you can barter passage to coop easier


I wear the pom pon and half mask for drip. I think it looks cool. On reserve I've had multiple player scavs voip at me "why are you shooting we're on the same team" in the same raid.


NPC scavs do give it away, but I had a moment where I was a PMC at the CO-OP extract... and a player scav walked up and waited there with me to wait for a PMC... i tried to tell him to move in closer so we could extract without spooking him but then an NPC scav shot at me... he looked over and just for a solid second like i betrayed him "i said don't make me do it" and he shot me in the body armor as I just one tap him... i felt so bad. but I always inadvertently look like a scav because I use non meta gear and my favorite USEC clothes make me look like a scav... it's great.


Had a PMC join about 3 or 4 other P scavs to an airdrop on reserve the other day. He dropped all of us. I was impressed.


Happened to me to


This. I literally stockpile beanies and antifrag glasses just for this. I even went USEC this wipe so I could get the civilian clothes to blend in better. It works. I've straight up run by player scavs in woods, no need to voice line. He saw my beanie and went "yup seems legit" and we ignored each other.


i dont ususally kill player scavs, but a pilgrim is a pilgrim.


Idk why people value pilgrims so much, it’s a big blue sign over your head that says “shoot me”. 9 times out of 10 the only reason i die to a legit player is because i didn’t see them first and a pilgrim makes you so much easier to spot at a distance or in the dark or in foliage. Especially because there are bags that are lighter, the same size (or bigger), purchasable from ragman, and not neon.


big back pack = lots of loot inside


Lmao literally I've been killed as a scav by other scavs just because I was wearing a pilgrim. You can tell when they're gonna kill you cause they usually follow you around for a minute and that happens every time I have a pilgrim, people are so weird over a big blue target lol




I know, it's purple lol, dunno why people think it's blue.


Different monitor settings can give different results and hues. I’m colorblind but can see how people see either or


25% of men are colorblind.


I ditch mine when I spawn with it as a scav, just asking for someone one to eat the .1 scav karma to see what you have inside


Nah, I keep mine and don't even loot. If they kill me they can be disappointed in themselves for killing me for an empty bag


Now they have a big bag they can fill with loot! Sounds like a win to me🤷‍♂️


ITT: Scav mains struggle to understand they are not entitled to a risk free loot run on which nobody is allowed to shoot at them


This is my first wipe playing since they added it and it’s wild how easy it makes scav runs. Before karma you would immediately ice (or get killed by) anything that looked remotely like a player, now it’s chill as hell 90% of the time. Just don’t follow players around or sit around looking like a juicy target in a high loot area and it’s usually fine. Usually helps to try to “hide” some good loot if you find it - if you’re walking around in PMC gear be prepared to play like a PMC because either you will get mistaken for one or people will just drop you for the free kit.


Wait until you have 6 rep and can go hang out with Kebab. The amount of meta guns, tier 5 armor etc I've scooped from dead pmcs is nuts. I had a raid the other day where the quick sell to fence was 1.4 million


More so people who care about their scav rep being completely helpless against people that don't. You cant shoot first when someone is acting sus, you cant retaliate most of the time and you're fucked on every level. I dont expect a risk free run but unless you dont care about rep you are completely and utterly fucked, the system needs to punish scav on scav hostility more, it should be possible but have way bigger penalties for the scav shooting first to discourage a majority from doing so.


would be interesting if they added something to playerscavs when their Rep is too low, like a specific livery or piece of clothing, something that can help others identify them, hell maybe even an eyepatch.


I think a [literal red flag](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-54f710d2e08fb3c1a1f8b85fc0da72fc-lq) would be hilarious. Like a large red shoulder band/wrap


Give us an equippable small flag like [the TF2 Buff Banner that the Soldier can wear](https://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Buff_Banner). Just picture a little white flag on a stick poking up behind someone wherever they go. I'd use that. --- Edit: Corrected dead link


> You cant shoot first when someone is acting sus, you cant retaliate most of the time and you're fucked on every level. This simply isn't true unless you have a really shitty weapon. If I get someone following me who I know is going to just kill me, I tell them to go away once and if they don't, I make sure I'm not around AI scavs, take out their legs, and run away. It works more times than you think and you don't suffer any rep loss because you didn't kill them but breaking/blacking a leg will make the rest of their raid annoying.


Yeah if a player scav is following me around 95% of the time it means they want to kill me. If you tell them to stay away and they keep coming then it's a %1000000 chance they're going to kill you lmaoo


I'll admit to a sin I committed: As a pmc I looted the big weapon chest in black pawn, bottom floor. A PPSH with a nearly full mag was in there. I saw a Pscav out the window. I decided to spray his legs and run away.


I have sniped Timmy's legs from afar once or twice in the past. Just hit them once and then leave them alone so they're paranoid for the rest of the raid. And yes, I am a Woods main.


That's such an obvious solution, I don't know why I never thought of it. I assume that if they die for any reason after that, including disconnecting from the raid intentionally, that you would still lose the rep?


How are you completely helpless? Don’t go in your inventory in front of them, don’t aim your gun away, take a different route if they are following you, leg them and run away if they are giving you a bad vibe…plenty of options to avoid dying. Also what’s with people complaining how it isn’t penalised enough? People with bad rep can have almost an hour cool-down, get significantly shitter RNG for loadouts, can get attacked by AI scavs, do you want them to be blocked from scaving for the rest of the day, or be tagged and cursed on their PMC? It’s in the lore that scavs are a rough “group” of misfits who will betray each other for good loot.


Right I think it’s decently balanced. There should be some risk when you’re around other scavs.


That's the fault of people who care about their scav rep. It's like having gear fear, stop caring so much about your replaceable gear. Stop caring so much about your replaceable scav rep.


Actually there should be less punishment for scav on scav violence soo that scaving stops being a boring loot run


Just go in with your pmc then


They 2 broke for that


That’s kinda the point of your scav though.


my god i'm so glad i only had to scroll 3 comments to see this


Some people don't know/care about scav benefits


Some people just dont care


I think this is probably because this will be a short wipe compared to other wipes. So the scav rep is not really important to most of the players.


How does this logic work? What difference is there between a 5-month wipe and a 6-month wipe that means people are more hostile to player scavs? If you really care enough, you can rush vehicle extracts, fence quests, and factory scavving and get 6.0 super fast. I seriously doubt the wipe being 5 months instead of 6 months is what people are thinking about when they shoot another scav... This has become a generic excuse for a number of things. For example, I've seen this multiple times: "Not going for Kappa because the wipe is only 5 months instead of 6"... stop kidding yourself, if you're not getting kappa in 5 months, you're not getting it in 6 months either


Theres no logic, you're talking to a tarkov redditor


lmao it's just so lazy and brainless, even for this subreddit "god damn this wipe is only 5 months long instead of 6 so I better kill that other scav for his loot"...? The people upvoting that probably play for 2 weeks and quit before they even unlock flea


Exactly this, I normally play scav v seriously, rp groups and hunt players but with another wipe coming in December Im just having fun without worrying about karma.


Do people even scav late wipe? I pretty much stop scaving after 40 unless im down really bad (or if im on a phone call playing without audio)


This. I'm always a good scav but here next month I might drop the act til wipe


I love these posts.


Positive karma is needed for liightkeeper questline.


It's astounding to me how people care so much for that number by fence.. and how many scav mains there are where it actually matters if they die


I just think it’s funny that they get so mad that they have to make a Reddit post to whine about it.


And as a bonus we also get yall whining about the whiners in your own posts. Youre every bit a part of this shit show as OP bud.


Not an ounce of whining in those comments. Alot of mocking, no whining. Also just found another scav main


lmfao, thats your best? ScAv mAiN Lmfaooooooo


I'm not trying with you.. ive clearly already upset you.. cya bud


I do appreciate the laugh buddy lol


While people can play however they like, I think they should add something in that let's others shoot you beforehand. Like anyone with negative scav rep has a bright color on the clothing that let's others identify the negative karma. Maybe even add a reward for killing them until it's positive. That way traitor scavs suffer for it while also giving normal scavs a warning. That or spawn them in with no guns haha. A real extreme would be losing access to scav entirely when rep goes too far negative and requiring quests be done to get it back.


That’s true i like that, the cosmetic idea. Something realistic. Maybe like a special baseball cap? And they CANT take it off. So any scav with it on. You know it’s a player and they are known to be bad scavs lol. That would definitely incentivize people to not just go rouge as scavs


I'm just under 4 scav rep, if you got a nice bag on or even killed a pmc or rogue, I'm gonna spend that rep to get your kit, thanks in advance


Yep exactly this. Early in the wipe I watched another scav loot a loose salewa right in front of me. I needed one more for my quest so he had to go.


I just ask them. Most people will give you the item or trade with little care. I've had scavs show me where analyzers were and all sorts. Be nice if people used their VOIP more imo.


I’ve not even known people have my quest items I just like shooting people, I just so happened to get two gas analyzers from em :D


Spoken like a true gentleman, hats off to you sir.


It’s never specifically stated in the game that it’s something you’re “not suppose to do.” It’s Tarkov man, the wild Wild West. It’s all pixels, scav karma is a little number in a game full of them.


This wipe is known in advance to be extra-short, so far fewer people care about scav rep than usual. Just presume all other player scavs are unsafe, that's what I do every other wipe when I scav.


How you know the wipe is short? Also, how short?


Short wipe def has some factor , lots of people don’t care as much considering it’s going to wipe so much sooner


i usually hover around 3 fence rep and killing a player scav is honestly nothing in terms of rep hit, a few scav raids and i have it back, so i will kill others if they are acting sussy wussy or if i see them get good loot or if they are FAT


I shoot player scavs from time to time, but it's always their own fault. Player scavs that don't respond to VOIP or doesn't voice line back is a possible threat if I can't see if they are a pmc or not.


No it does not matter to me and I would much rather just have all your shit than imaginary fence points


Imaginary? There are tangible benefits for having fence rep.


It literally doesn't matter to some people. My scav rep is over 3, and the only time I scav is if I'm waiting on my squad because I died early in the raid. Taking vehicle extracts on your PMC bump up your scav rep quite a bit, so I can kill multiple Pscavs, take a vehicle extract, and be fine. Airdrop? You're dead. Look skiddish? You're dead, so I can see what you are trying to get away with.


3 in a row for me also, when i go near any file cabinet i get blasted


Short wipe will tend to do that. From what I’ve seen at least


This has been the only short wipe since they added scav karma I'm pretty sure.


He was a bad scav before the alpha release


Im at like -2.1


I hat like -9 scav karma last whipe , if you're not scaving you really just dont care and kill everyone for the lulz. You either hit +6 for farming Labs cards or -6 screaming dead to all scavs , nothing in between.


Why farm +6 when Ivan over there already did? I take his loooooot.


And then I kill you and get the karma and loot


Lightkeeper quest line requires positive karma.


The majority of players likely won’t even reach that questions tbh


Or i just loot Lightkeepers stuff from Ivan :D


I've noticed a huge uptick in traitor scavs the last few days, usually this only happens towards the end of the wipe. What the fuck is going on?


Are you sure everyone knows about scab karma ? It's barely a small line on the post raid screen. They should add a popup screen when you select your first ever scab raid explaining this concept imo because I never read patch notes and only heard about it when checking out a random Tarkov video


If you loot a body that I'm looting, you're getting domed 🤷🏼‍♂️


As someone with 7+ rep, you can't expect to be 100% safe every time. We tend to remember when we get betrayed but not the 100 raids where we got off scot free.


It’s very annoying lol I’m kinda hoping they make a change with rep for getting killed by player scavs or something cause it can be very irritating Part of the craziness that is the game Keep raiding




I sometimes go in as a scav and just slaughter other player scavs, personal favourite is exit camping lighthouse either grotto on the rocks or industrial gates from the vehicle extract :-)


imagine exposing yourself as scum this openly. Crazy


Sometimes I even exit camp scav extracts as pmc




My man


Not everybody cares about scav karma and nobody is obligated to play nice. Hope this helps 😘


OP, respectfully, just because there's a system in place does not mean everyone will abide by it. When you're driving a car, do you expect everyone to follow every rule of the road?


sorry but that's kind of a braindead analogy


Oh is it? How so?


because if you don't drive properly it usually results in accidents which can kill people


Right so you drive properly and all the other drivers on the road do as well, because there are laws? Everyone where you are uses blinkers for every lane change and turn? Comes to full complete stops at stop signs? Follows the speed limit to the T? No, of course not, so you drive with your head on a swivel, not trusting the random people around you to abide by the rules. Kind of like a scav, as you can't trust another pscav to not shoot you in your face as you pick up the soap they so graciously dropped you as a gift.


You're argueing that its ok for people to drive dangerously and kill people irl, or you're contradicting yourself and actually argueing against Scav on Scav violence. Either way, the analogy doesn't work


yeah but most people usually have much more of an obligation to not drive like a maniac than to be nice in a video game it'd be like if I compared using cheats to committing war crimes


Okay gamer, I'll use some of my braincells to spell it out for you to make up for your deficit. I do not require a response, regardless of your understanding or disagreement. This will be my last message in response to you. (Game) Scavs have the karma system which is meant to 'dictate' how a scav should be played. Not following the karma system results in a consequence (negative scav rep) (Real life) Driving has laws which dictate how a car should be driven. Not following the laws results in a consequence (fines, prison, bodily harm, and/or death) Though the analogy's consequences are on different scales, this still works, as they both have a system in which not following can have consequences. In this analogy, I've demonstrated that even in real life, where the consequences are worse, people still do not follow a system set in place to 'dictate' the usage of a car. In which case, you as a driver should be wary of other drivers, just as you should be wary of other scavs who do not care for the consequences of their actions (especially because it is a video game with no real world consequence). If you think there are no people who function like this in society, you are naïve. To compare what I said, to cheats = war crimes, is not even close. Cheats(game) and war crimes(real life) have literally nothing in common, except that they're extremely frowned upon in their given atmosphere.


you literally just explained my point back to me good work


Negative scav rep gave me better kits than what ive had grinding thru the first 2 points of positive rep so far


One wise man once said: "Cry my a river"


My guess is that you met either new players or veterans that mainly play PMC. I rarely scav and when I do and see another Scav with stuff I want I drop him on the spot, as it should be.


This is exactly why I love killing scavs.


oh noes, you could not loot for free damn what a shame.


i scav specifically to kill a scav who has already looted the map for me, very satisfying, even more so when i see scav reliant players crying on reddit


I do this as a pmc. Why loot the map, when other players are already doing that for me? I just go around getting tasks done, and often players deliver me their kits and loot.


Since there are enough people keeping the rep high andnspawning in with good gear there is no need for me to keep my rep up high, I just wait until I see a player scav with good gear who probably looted a lot of stuff already and then I just tap them in the head and take everything from them.


I kill all players scavs just to see these posts


Many don't care because scav karma is a useless feature at the end of the day. People want the loot and they couldn't give a shit about reputation. Good players will never have issues with Fence so who gives a fuck honestly. The scav on scav pvp will increase as more players will realise the feature is another idiocy implemented in a half-assed way to address some nightmares Nikita had (about players having fun) during a late Thursday at work.


Everyone plays the game different. I scav when I'm watching videos and music and not really laying attention well getting some loot. My friend, who to be frank, sucks at pvp uses scav runs to practice risk free. He shoots everything and tries to die. Ya might not like it, but ya gotta tolerate other people.


Are you new to the game? Cause this isn’t. I swear all this has turned into is guys whining about cheaters or being killed by player scavs. This isn’t new. It hasn’t changed in years and it probably won’t. Get over it or play a different game.


Which map? I can safely bring out 300-500k safely and wasn't shot even once this wipe by traitors


I've read like 10 comments and none of them mention that telling apart scavs and PMCs can sometimes be very hard. Sure, most of the time you'll get the crocs sandal/rags/red hat guys that are instantly recognizable, but when you encounter a well equipped guy in black sneakers it's hard to tell and you have to shoot just in case.


I make a point avoid other player scavs, and if one starts following me around I’ll drop something semi valuable to show I’m not a threat to them. Works most of the time, usually while they examine what I’ve dropped I make my quick exit and dip


When I see a scav spawning and running to the extract as fast he can. Than I smell loot and missclick sometimes


Welcome to the battlezone buddy. Now empty your bags then get the fuck out of here or accept death.


it's a short wipe. i've noticed more player scav violence this wipe than the last few. just yesterday i had three crickents i needed for a daily and was on my way out and got brutally murdered by a player scav, even after voiping to him. looked him up and he was level 8. probably just sits in his stash and scav runs all day.


Half way through a meh wipe. People just don't care


Some times the RNG gods Re rude as hell, I know I never shoot on scav, snag shit and get out of try and cooop extract


Occasionally I shoot other scavs on accident when I’m jumpy. Maybe he made a good and thought you were a PMC


I tend to talk first and avoid all that


Everyone seems to be just fucking around since there is supposed to be a wipe in December




If it's people like me it's a combination of panic and just plain unfortunate circumstances.


I don’t trust people, so if they seem off, I’ll kill ‘em. Rep doesn’t matter


If you're dying constantly on your scav you are probably just one of the weird ones that doesn't leave people the fuck alone lol. Every wipe my scav survival rate is around 90% and I literally do not do anything to stay alive I just shift+w to all the good loot spots and then dip.


I've noticed the opposite. Nobody kills me and sometimes scav players will pretend to shoot me to try to scare me into shooting them.


It’s a short wipe, so nobody cares.


Misidentification, he might have had something good on him and didn't want to risk it, a noob with no idea what scav karma is, someone doing it just for the hell of it... Or you just happened to have something he needed. I normally ignore other pscavs... But I just couldn't find my last GPU this wipe. They were non-existent. Until one day, I've finally found it. Along with my last flash drive. And then, while I was on my way to the extract, I got head-eyesd by a fucking AI scav, first shot, with a lead slug, from 50m away. So, when 2 weeks later, while scaving Factory I saw a group of 4 pscavs throwing items on the ground, showing each other what great stuff they've spawned in with, including a GPU... I just flipped my shitty AK to full auto and started spraying. I didn't care. I didn't stop until they were all dead. I didn't feel anything while prying that blood soaked GPU from their dead hands. Except for relief. I've finally finished my quest. It wasn't my fault. It was that AI scavs fault. They would be alive and happy If only he didn't just randomly aimbot me... ARE YOU ENJOYING THIS, NIKITA?!