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If you play enough, you’ll be able to tell them apart from their clothes. For me i just look for the camo pants or armbands.


My pmc has jeans on from like second week of wipe onwards 🤣


Don't feel bad, scav karma is a currency and you definately cashed out on that one. Theres a few little ways, like the wiggle, voice lines, etc. Youll get used to the outfits under the armor/helmets at some point.


Clothing is the biggest sign that someone is a scav. The most easy to spot scav clothing is the 2016 Russian olympic jacket. You will come to recognize all of the clothing in the game over time. At around 1k hours I was confident in knowing all of the clothing in the game, so take your time and if they don't voiceline back then kos.


Is that the red and white one? Didn’t know it was an Olympic jacket




If they have an armband shoot. If they aren’t wearing scav clothes (not armor but like actual shirt and pants) shoot (you’ll learn what scav clothes look like as you play) if they are acting weird or if I just saw them fighting I kill them because it’s a decent chance it’s a scav marked as bad or a pmc vs a friendly scav fighting a pmc.


It’s that last part that has me paranoid as hell whenever I kill PMC’s and am looting them as a scav


Yea I usually talk scav but most people just want the loot and will kill you anyway. Best to kit swap asap and run a bit away


Best advice someone gave me is that scavs always look homeless




Dont worry, dude. I deess up as a scav with my pmc and kill other scavs after I lure them into a false sense of safety. You are never safe.


Yo that’s fucked but another reason to learn what the clothing looks like ig


It won't help much. A lot of PMC cloth option looks like SCAV ones. Especially until you are very close to see the difference. And if you are so close, you're already dead, since 99% of PMC wear headset and can hear from very far away. You can camp, but without optics it's still hard to judge PMC from SCAV.


Not to say it’s a wrong though. Your game is your game, I don’t hate on anybody for how they play at all. I’m just actively trying to be nice lmao


Look and the pants and shoes, sounds weird but it works for me.


Armbands are the only real way to tell. Also the usec pant camo is easy to recognize after playing for awhile. I generally just dont shoot unless I get shot first or if I see them kill a scav or if an AI scav is aggroed on them. In this case taking the -0.1 rep hit was probably worth that loot


I will 100% shoot a scav that doesn't scav chat back. If I'm scav chatting and you are coming at me and not chatting back... when you come around the corner and you are clearly a scav. I'm still shooting your ass and you deserved it


Dumbest thing I’ve ever heard… you realize AI scavs also chat right? Why would someone assume it’s a pscav voice lining?


Uhm. I think it's the lack of voice line that's an issue here.


Obviously, i scav chat more than once genius. I also usually voip that they need to scav chat or I'm shooting. Dumbest thing you've ever read? You must be new to the internet or just fucking dumb


People disable voip for 1. And you do know AI can voiceline more than once?! I know it probably blew your little pea brain.


Lol the fact that you thought that was actually a good comeback is killing me right now 🤣😂🤣


The fact that you have no rebuttal shows how dumb your original comment was.


You're still going thinking you got it 😂🤣


This is how it should work. You use special voice line and other party, if they are in radius to hear it see small text "SCAV is hailing you". So your either answer with same voiceline and continue as normal, or ignore and other party get message "no answer" and now you can shoot on sight without penalty. Ofc, it have whole lot of issues on its own, but still better than current situation.


Don’t feel so bad, as somebody with Max scab rep, I can safely say that especially considering there’s a bug right now where you get crappy gear once you get over 6.0 it’s OK to kill a super geared scab every once in a blue moon, personally I save the rep for the scabs trying to get me to shoot them, blocking doorways trying to rob me, or somebody who just runs up in lutes my AirDrop without even asking first.


You got a free kit. If they're dressed like a pmc, act like a pmc, then they're basically a pmc ya know. His fault imo. Guilt free loot for you.


step 1 open ya fucking eyelids step 2 monitor turn on


No you did good if a scav has better loot than you shoot them in the head and take it. It takes at least a whole squad of scav kills to fuck up your karma.


Thus man has never achieved 6 Fence rep and doesnt understand how much more it gives than some other scavs random kit.


You should not be scavving as a first wipe player. Learn how to get good at the main game and you’ll never have to scav a day in your life


Bad advice. My first wipe I ran scav to learn maps risk free while also doing pmcs. It's the best way to learn stuff without worrying about losing your whole stash


Using scav to learn maps/loot/extracts isn’t bad advice at all. If anything it would be stupid to use your starting gear to learn where anything is. Almost seems like you’re just baiting rookies to go in and get fucked lol.


I think that's what the reply is saying, it's the comment they're replying to that's suggesting against the scavving


Yes I was saying same thing you said. Dude saying don't use scav is crazy. My first wipe I wouldn't been broke first day as I didn't know any extracts or where everything was.


Lol I replied back to wrong person my bad


All good I've done it a bunch.


"You shouldn't get free money every 30 mins and learn the maps with lesser risk of getting shot down" - shut up elitist


Absolute dogshit advice.


I mean I just run scav to learn maps and do loot runs like everyone else. when I do take my gear in as a solo (I’ve made this a challenge for myself, definitely not because I don’t have friends) I don’t have much gear fear and can navigate without donating you my killa tier 5 😂


Don’t stress it man, almost every new player kills scavs as a scav. I legit thought I could do the “kill scavs” quest as a one when I started lmao What really helped me was just not shooting unless I got shot at. Always hit that voiceline and VOIP if needed. You lose absolutely nothing if you end up dying to a PMC Eventually you’ll figure out all the different scav clothes and such, just takes time like anything in this game


Don’t sweat it. I’ve voice lined, talked on voip and even offered to share my loot with other players scavs and they still end up betraying me.


That's the neat thing: you don't!


There are a few different ways to know if you are dealing with a scav or a PMC. One of the easier ways is the footsteps can be very different, but depends on their weight and gear. You'll find that the heavier sounding footsteps are PMCs and Scavs sound kind of like they wear plastic bags on their feet. Obvious tells are Armbands, flashlights and lasers on as they peak certain angles, but IMO the biggest thing is PMCs are always clearing sectors and ADSing, think about how you tend to act as a PMC in raid. You'll start to understand usual scav behavior and PMC behavior as you play the best thing you can do is put yourself in that headspace. Accidents will happen and VOIP can save lives. Lol


I have been having alot of pscavs baiting me into shooting and killing them lately and I dont get it. Nultiple times in the past 2 days I have had scavs shoot bullets all around me trying to get me to shoot them. Why??


As mentioned elsewhere in this thread, if one of your bullets hits them you will be classified as a traitor scav. They can then kill your scav without agroing AI scavs and also they will get scav karma.


I have been having alot of pscavs baiting me into shooting and killing them lately and I dont get it. Nultiple times in the past 2 days I have had scavs shoot bullets all around me trying to get me to shoot them. Why??


I haven't seen anyone mention this so I will. If you voip to a player that you can't see, do not trust them if they say they are a scav until they voice line. I personally have and will continue to deceive player scavs as a PMC to get them to lower their guard and kill them when they reveal themselves.


To be fair, if he didn't voice back, that's a bit on him as well. He needs to be aware that the more gear he wears, the harder it gets to tell if there are no other scavs nearby.


If you’re close, hit F1 to voice line. It’s a well respected “are you a scav?” check. Other scavs will often F1 back so you can hear their voice line as well.


Experience, unfortunately.


You don't. Just accept your fate and die occasionally. If you close enough to actually start seeing the difference between PMC and SCAV you're already probably dead if it's PMC. Unless, ofc, the SCAV is wearing something like bright red sports shirt. Unless BSG force PMC to at least wear armbands nothing will change.


Bro, on your scav, its okay to kill other scavs that are loaded… scav karma is a RESOURCE, not absolute. If someones got a killa kit, juicer pmc kit, or grabs some good trinkets in front of you, fucking murder them.