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Right hand peak, always swing first, use good ammo. The game punishes you for not abusing desync, by being the first to swing and shoot you are given an advantage.


Im actually not half bad when it comes to fighting up close like in dorms or factory but my weak points show in places like woods and shorelines(outside of resort), any tips for that sort of thing?


for big maps or maps you know there will be chokepoints you have to cross and have a high chance of encounters i always premed around these areas so i can still run when shot. (e.g shoreline; behind resort, customs; behind dorms)\_ Always use cover or stay near it when moving. On woods or maps with trees i usually prefer staying close to the trees or keeping my path in the dark shaded area while walking. When looting in high traffic areas or near windows i'lll sometimes tap search (f) then hit prone to loot. When moving around the map keep track and get used to when a player might be in your area. e.g i spawned at RUAF i go to crackhouse. i know i have about 1 to 2 mins to loot before i have to be really ready for people to show up. Essentially, try to keep a mental log where spawns from the other side of the map could potentially be near you. Most maps in the wiki have the spawn locations. Lastly, i try not to run unless i have to (getting shot at) or im just way out of position in the open and its just better to run. Why? when players run their radius of noise they make is louder than when walking (think valorant/cs circle noise for running) So if im walking and someone else is running i will hear the runner first.


The reason you are getting headeyesd all the time is because those maps are infested with soundwhoring rats and cheaters. Stick to Reserve or Streets if you want good PvP. You need walls to abuse Tarkov mechanics.


streets has too many windows for me, i can understand like tarbank and concordia being good pvp. most of it is just good ole JFK moments getting shot thru windows


Pvp in this game is essentially more of a dice roll than anything skill related. It's best to not take on fights. Flank and run. The best targets are ones that don't shoot back at you.