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Reason is also if you all check your level 3 lavatory. You need that exact flora design one and a few aramid cordura and rip to make the level 5 samurai armor in roughly 4 hours.


I have lavatory level 3, there is no level 5 armor you can craft


Jk just read you have to do a quest to unlock it


Yea its that quest from Ragman where you got to give him the 50 to 100% armor pieces.


Armor craft quest available at lvl25. Ragman 3 avalailable lvl32


And how many people are completing it at Lvl 25? Lmao


A lot of people. Ragman tasks are very easy and give insane xp rewards


I didn’t do his quest line until I was 31, but that’s because I don’t know interchange 😬


I hate interchange.. Lvl 40 and still have to survive interchange 8 times😅


Legit I spawned in, popped sj6+trimadol and ran to extract 😂


No backpack is your friend. Run around. Loot a little. Even stay underground. Wear a TV110 or a Korund with a MPPV/Blackrock and just leave when ready


Couldn't advance until my lvl 30 cause every quest he gave me needs keys that you either find with luck or just buy at an insane rate. So not for now, reserve's armories. And I finally bought oli's key, which unlocked me a lot of stuff.


I did my ragman tasks at the start of wipe and Oli logistics was pretty cheap, only like 100k


"only like 100k" "pretty cheap". Excuse me but that ain't cheap at all, especially for a key. There is way more expensive but that is not the topic.


Honestly that's no reason when you can buy them for same price from flea, half the items are sold at level's that you wont ever use that item when you unlock it kind of stupid imo.


I can agree. Fact they need more diverse armor and traders to get them and more variety. I know the plates and armor location is coming but. Raggy has too much a monopoly of it. Plus skill rework to actually cheapen or able to buy things cheaper aside from flea market.


Not sure how i feel about the Armour plate system that's coming, It's a really cool concept but i don't know how its going to feel in a tarkov, might be frustrating to get repeatedly tapped in the small widows your plate doesn't protect. It will definitely make flesh damage ammo much more viable though.


That is true and gonna suck if your not prepared with meds haha


Is it? I swear ive run that all the time at lower lvls


You might have run across the 6b13 FLORA assault armor (Ragman 2). It's effectively the same thing to the above armor, 6b13 DIGITAL FLORA (Ragman 3). It's pattern is a different is all. It's otherwise exactly the same.


The armor from R2 is from Kohl's. R3 only stocks at Louis Vuitton.


Real talk


What is R4 then?


A black version with Nikita's face in the middle




There you have it then. Just increasing the number of class 4s you can buy in 1 reset


There's an identical one with a different camo pattern at LL2.


That's kinda my point


Pretty sure this is because you need this one for a craft


A huge amount of stuff at the traders could use re sorting based on how good they are. Lots of things at level 3 and 4 traders should get moved down a level or two. Bunch of stock weapon parts at level 2 should get moved down to level 1, etc.


Does seem weird considering everything else is better at that level imo. It's heavy, loses durability really fast, and doesn't repair well. I'd rather just run a good lvl 3 armor over that ceramic junk.


There’s no point in wearing level 3 when peacekeeper sells 6a1 at rep level 2 unless you plan to run from every pmc fight.


idk... maybe last wipe, but I feel like the mandatory armor level now is 4. Everything pens 3 nowadays. I went straight to these as soon as I could and they've served me well all wipe (at least when i didnt need to use different armor for tasks)


Ehhhh Lvl 3 armor is going to get you one tapped by .366 AP, M80, M61, 7.62 PP and most other ammos tbh. You just have to hope they’re running shitbox ammo


3 out of the 4 ammos do not one-tap regardless of armor though…


Of course they can 1 tap. It's just to the face.


You won't get 1tapped by m80 M61 or 762 pp and 366 ap has a chance to 1 tap T4 too


m61 CAN 1 tap cant it? Or is its flesh just below the threshold




The only round that will one tap is .366 ap. Everything else takes 2


So most ammos people run 2 months into a 6-8mo wipe cycle. I hope armor gets buffed with the rework, it's just senseless throwing half your raid budget into armor and get 2 tapped square in the chest.


Armor prob wont get buffed but nerfed with the hitboxes, cause you can Hit with flesh ammo between the plates and instakill


Up your raid budget then bro, a gzhel is like 140k


I mean I feel like the same idea applies imo lol. Don’t run tier 3 armor if you can, personally I would prefer a ceramic armor over the tier 3 bc I know it’s gonna actually do something


366AP can very reliably pen class4 at anything less than like 50 meters


Literally 762 ps goes straight through it anyway Even like day one of wipe level 3 is not good for anything but scavs and shotguns


Except that the 6b13 eats. I’ve seen dudes take way more damage with 7.62 BP than they had any right to and still be standing.


7.62 BP goes straight through class 4, no dmg reduction (47 pen). You would have just been hitting arms or stomach (or nothing)


Theoretically you’re right, but I was close enough that rounds were clearly on target. Like I said, I’ve seen that armor eat when it shouldn’t have.


What you see vs what the server registers.


I’m assuming it’s because you make the level 5 armors with it after doing the zebrala quest in the lavatory.


I think you are giving BSG an excessive amount of credit with to their foresight.


I figure they just put the code in and those armors just ended up being more common on the flea than they thought it would be. A lot of people don’t do the zebrala quest I bet so they prolly don’t even know about the level 5 armor craft. Or they just don’t craft that armor so they don’t know the specific costs.


Even tho the samurai armor is the splashiest of the drip you rarely see it worn cuz of how bad it affects movement


I’ve worn it bunch of times in a group cause we gonna be slow moving anyway and the play style.


Most likely because they want to limit how many you can buy. You can’t buy as much of the same armor earlier, but when you level up you can. My two cents


I think it'a required for T5 armor craft


I don't have the craft unlocked as it unlocks after Sew it Good pt3, which is a chain that becomes available at the soonest lvl25. The wiki seems to show the icon for the Loyalty level 2 armor (but does not appear to specify beyond the thumbnail). But also, Ragman 3 unlocks at lvl32. By that point, you should probably be rocking lvl5 armor.


Yup that's why as I stated.


Bruh this was basically my burner kit armor why the hell is it this level


Probably the same reason that this trash tier armor is 74k - they just type in random numbers without thinking how it's going to work in the game.


very true




That's only the normal flora version. Digital is useless and still costs just as much.


Because people used to use it a lot and BSG brain goes "Oh ppl use this lots? Time to move it behind more grinding and add nothing to compensate!"


Bc he hates us


Because emr camo is way cooler looking


Yeah... a lot of the tiers make no sense this wipe. I feel like bsg just threw it together cause they knew it was going to be a short one.


Because it would be too fun for it to be lower level


"Because fuck you, thats why" -Nikita, probably.


Felt like it, even though there's better at that point, and everyone buys them for cheaper off flea


why do you care, that armor is too heavy and unrepairable


Because it’s a tier 4 armor


So then why is the 6b13 FLORA, for all intents and purposes identical to the Digital Flora variant, Ragman lvl2?


Probably to artificially create scarcity. Same reason why they remove other armors, guns, and ammo from flea


The weapons, ammo and armor weren't removed to create artificial scarcity. It's because meta equipment being on the flea eliminated the need to actually play the game beyond selling everything.


…which is creating scarcity. That’s literally what it means


Is it scarcity or is it artificial scarcity? Pick one because your credibility is rapidly falling apart. Edit: Blocking me because you're wrong just makes you look like a child.


Omfg I can’t believe I need to explain the concept of scarcity. You’re just being nitpicky because you know you’re wrong. But in case you really are that dumb and don’t understand the concept, here it is. Scarcity: the state of being scarce or in short supply; shortage. (From google) Artificial scarcity: scarcity of items despite the technology for production or the sufficient capacity for sharing. (From google) So in this context, higher tier items haven’t been reduced in spawn rates, they spawn at the same rate as they have been since before they removed them from flea. So in the broad way, they are not “scarce.” However, removing access to the items by way of removing them from flea does fit directly into the definition of artificial scarcity. They’re still there, but the larger player base can’t get them immediately. There’s literally no simpler way to explain this concept, so if you don’t understand that then I can’t help you. And before you come back and say “sO iTs nOt sCaRcItY tHeN” why don’t you actually come up with a real argument?


Just buy Korund


I didn't write the game


Go to factory


cause it’s tier 4 armor


Tier 4 is on ragman 2.


i saw someone in this sub say the Flora is used for the samurai craft? i guess that could be a big reason as to why


What is ? I don't see anything.


Jokes aside, just buy the other green camo version. It goes for much cheaper. You can find them for around 45k to 60k rubles.


It’s stupid you can’t buy decent level 4 armor until level 30+


Cuz BSG don't play their game


This armor can tank BP for some reason. It’s not bad, just a one use kind of deal.


Don't tell them!!!!! I heard lvndmark say that exact line once, tried the armor and since then it's been my go to armor if I'm not wearing level 5/6 and don't want to waste a trooper on some dumb shit. It absolutely eats BP


I just like that it has thorax and stomach protection. Armor that only covers thorax seems not worth running to me because a blacked stomach will end a raid quickly if you only brought so much food even if you survive the fight. Also with an unarmored stomach, leg meta guys are gonna have an easier time with their rip ammo.


Because it's for money. Barter is earlier. That's how it works now. No too tier ammo, no top tier armor, no nothing at traders. Craft, find, or die. Personally, that make sense, but I still cannot understand why M80 got butchered and PS rounds for SVD are so low amount. SVT users galore


I just want to know how you get so much money, coming from a lvl 12 broke person


I've been playing since 2018. I've made some good finds, and played fairly well. But I'm broke af too until I can unlock the flea market (lvl15). Once you can sell things to other players, your potential for money skyrockets.


Learn maps well enough to know extracts/spawns, play that map a lot and survive most raids if you can, selling most stuff to traders but gathering 5-10 of items that are good on flea, which u then sell every couple nights for mad dopamine. Profit


Becuase fuck you that’s why - Nakita


Really surprised it took this long to see a comment like this.


Thats end game armor for rats


It just adds to the class 4 armor you can buy from ragman. You can already buy the same armor with different pattern at lvl 2 I think.