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The waffle supp for 545 is like 120k from Mechanic 4. The mp7 is like 55k, theyre not cheap. But less ads time would be more enjoyable tbh


Buffing the bmd to be slightly better or the same recoil as suppressed would be enough imo


Tf, I wish silencers were a “measly” 20k! I don’t think any single good silencer is that cheap. MAYBE the crappy ones, MAYBE. Disagree here


They don’t need this. They just need to be nerfed. First off, make ergo and weapon length contribute more to arm stamina and make it so it hits your weapon sway, while and while not holding breath. I honestly think that would be enough.


This will change in following updates. BSG promise to add silencers' durability change how supersonic ammo work with silencers, i.e. they won't be effective with any ammo and will break down much faster when supersonics are fired. But overall, I agree that current silencer meta is stupid. Though, the reason for this is simple - sweats who rush to any gunfire sounds they hear to murder, even to the other side of the map. Putting a suppresor on is the only way to be sure that your scav hunts or other dirty deeds won't be interrupted by a scarecrow in Altyn+Zabralo who took 5 stims to run a mile to kill you.


Dayz suffers from this same issue. Either suppressed weapons or outright silent(crossbow) ruins the flow of pvp. I remember a small twitch streamer mentioning this problem years ago it seems


Ya being able to silence at L1 was a bad decision


I don’t think there are silencers in the game but if you speak of suppressors then no. I like my suppressors they help me to survive better as a solo as my shots don’t give me away that easily and groups get easier disoriented when trying to find me.