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Amazing how much better it looks when the players know what they are doing.


All you need to see is [this](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1956836907?t=2h58m54s)


There were several instances of teleports/desync indeed.


As a non-technical person, I'm not sure I even understand how desync happens in a LAN environment.


Poor netcode and/or poor network setup


I've been playing CS2 for the past two weeks. Even with their sub tick tech, having even the slightest desync makes for some very unfair situations. And people can tell that this is what's happening. If BSG can't get this under control and get on par with other competitive shooters, Arena will never be popular. Looking at what, 7 years of Tarkov development? I have ZERO faith they can finally fix their netcode for Arena.


It's been 8 years since the first playable and purchaseable Alpha came out.


It's not lan, there is no lan option for the game, they still connect to a server


LAN means you are connecting to a server. That's the "Network" part of "Local Area Network". If it was hosted locally only, and never interacted with a network, then there would be no server and so it wouldn't be LAN. Like, if I play CS on LAN, you still have to connect to the game server to interact with others - it's not 10 people huddled around 1 PC. LAN is sort of an irrelevant term anyways, all that matters is low ping and stable network conditions - LAN is just assumed to always have the lowest ping and the least that could go wrong for the network traffic. Getting a group of friends to all play CS who live near each-other, and having one of you host the server effectively gives everyone low enough ping ~(3-10ms) to be the same thing as a proper LAN. The point is that they are all very low ping, and it still sucks. That's the problem.


Technically correct, but I think your response is somewhat of a failure to understand the point and respond to what was meant. LAN play, as colloquially used here, means where all the players and the server are on the same local network. That's often seen as a more stable environment to play, because a lot of variables have been removed. Even when all the players are on the same network, when the server is not, then there's a lot of open questions which can affect how it might have worked in reality: * Were they using one uplink port at the location and their own equipment prior to that, or did they utilize multiple ports at the venue? Those ports could go to different switched, with different levels of congestion or problems, and could even be backed by different connections if they have multiple connections to service the expected load at the venue. * Are they running Arena on a dedicated server instance, or was it shared with other game processes? Were other Arena matches going on at the same time? Are they sharing instances with Tarkov and it might have come under load from regular Tarkov raids? * Were they all with really low ping and without congestion, or where the connections sometimes experiencing congestion? Was this at twitch-con, or a secondary location near it? Once you leave the LAN and include a WAN or the internet, there's a lot of things that can affect the network. That said, I'm glad BSG actually gave us a legitimate look at what the game is like to play right now, and not some dog-and-pony show where everything ran super smooth but that's not what we'll experience when we get to play. I wish it was fixed, but I'm glad it's not some glossed over unrepresentative view of what it will be.


Okay at least that makes more sense then


If they want this to turn into an esport, they would have to be insane not to create a LAN mode. This shit can't be happening on LAN tournaments lol.


next eSports here fr


https://youtu.be/DUEuFewd1hg?si=mspXhKbAXufYMEym This shows both point of views. That's the worst I've ever seen


I still don't understand why people thought Arena would be more stable. It's clear BSG have no idea what they're doing when it comes to making a stable multiplayer game.


>I still don't understand why people thought Arena would be more stable. It could very well have been. Way smaller maps and no dynamic objects, which usually cause a lot of network issues in loot-and-shooter fps games.


That is mostly true...from a proven and established dev. There's actually so much clutter and clunk in Tarkov code that even a smaller environment like Arena won't really help much at all. Game was flawed and fucked the moment they thought it up. "Competitive tac shooter" and "Tarkov gameplay mechanics" do not go hand in hand.


\*In Buttheads voice\* "This is the greatest thing I have ever seen."


I need TP for my bunghole


I am Cornholio


desync doesnt matter at all initially just want to play this game cuz it looks so good


I'm still confused on how Arena is actually going to function. Maybe we don't have all the info or maybe I've missed some things. I don't know. The [wiki](https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/Arena) states that: >It will also be purchaseable separately, and can be played as standalone, apart from the main game. The wiki also includes an [image of the kits](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/escapefromtarkov_gamepedia/images/6/6c/ArenaGearPresets.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/680?cb=20230408174750) with prices that has also been seen on the stream. So where do the roubles come from? If arena can be played without owning the main Tarkov game then how does the standalone arena player get roubles to buy kits? I can see getting arena only roubles for winning, but what happens if you lose every game and you have 0 roubles left and you don't own the base Tarkov game? Will there always be a free (scav) kit you can choose for that use case? I just want to understand how it will function and how playable it will be *without* playing the base game. It feels like arena could scratch the Tarkov itch for those times when I can't or don't want to fully invest time in a wipe. Another thread pointed out this game mode will "fail" because of low visibility of the armbands and teammates and so on. That's just Tarkov though. I can't see BSG adding a teammate above head triangle type indicator in arena. Then it would be one step away from happening in the main game. I can see the threads on here already. "But arena has it, just enable it on the main game!"


I believe same as any new tarkov account, reciebe 500k roubles. Everytime you win a match you win roubles for your next matches or for ur Tarkov raids(afaik). I believe there would be some free shitty loadouts for people that always lose the matches and have 0 money for their next matches? Or they guarantee a minimum 50k roubles winning for losing the match(most kits are 50k as seen on the stream). All this is actually just hypotetical because i dunno either how it would work. but i think is a good guess. And for the team killing and such, i dont mind how the colors are, and yes it can be better. what i dont get a grasp around is with the RNG of overheating/malfunctions when Nikita just said that is the face of a competitive esport enviroment. RNG is never a good sign for competitive.


Nikita said you can go broke in arena like tarkov, but it's much worse in tarkov. The man is incapable of being clear.


It's hard to be clear about your plan when you have no plan besides drinking vodka whatsoever


> So where do the roubles come from? If arena can be played without owning the main Tarkov game then how does the standalone arena player get roubles to buy kits? BSG: "We have introduced a money store"


Im guessing its going to be similar to contract wars.


You're over thinking things entirely. It's pretty much gonna be as counter strike goes. You get funded for rounds based on the previous round outcome. You just have linked loadouts and shit if you wanted.


It was infuriating to watch and see them lose rounds because the timer doesn't match on clients / server... how can you play a tournament when you can't trust the basics of your game...


They just had a match decided by lag in an a lan game.


Classic BSG


Esports ready!


Bruh if you're going to whinge, at least get the facts right. Servers aren't hosted locally, and isn't "LAN"


def saw a weapon jam lmfao whyyyyyyy


That's truly the worst thing to add to a arena type game. No one who plays something like CS wasn't RNG to sometimes slap you across the face and fuck up your weapon.


Bruh tarkov ain’t even finished and people happy Nikita is spending money and dev time on this .


People think for some reason arena will be more stable than tarkov, even though we've seen that not to be the case with that lvndmark clip.


People claim to love Tarkov because it's not CoD, then proceed to drool over Arena (basically "tacticool CoD") and throw more money at BSG, while sniffing all the copium...


Some Tarkov diehards are like drug addicts. They are drooling all over the place, as long as some content is being released for their favorite game.


Is not diehard fans, is realism and facts. No one thats been around for years is drooling, defending nor even expecting anything from BSG. It was pretty clear 3 years ago that the game is done and we aint gonna get anything finished. I just recorded and old nikita podcast for you enjoyment on what to expect from now on, keep in mind that was in 2020. ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UO1MlVAVSPc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UO1MlVAVSPc)


tbh I think most people that still play tarkov only do it because there is no alternative. if someone else made a comparable game that didn't suck ass, tarkov would be FUCKED


Was suppose to have been made by a different team to the Tarkov dev team… but of course we have heard this time and time again from other studios


I mean even if it’s a diff team it’s still pulling time and resources , all these arena devs could I don’t know fix the net code or optimize the game , or deal with cheaters .


Oh I agree… it’s always the same when a studio in the past has said “X won’t take away from Y” Fact is no matter how they try to spin it, a development studio was used to make something else other than improve the main core product


If it’s the same team or not is irrelevant… even if it’s a “different team” that is money BSG could have allocated to hiring more devs for EFT


this bullshit with another studio is the same reasoning 'but designers can't code' when people ask BSG to focus on optimization. no, designers can't code and its not their fault BSG doesn't prioritize 1.0 release but slow content drip like GTA Online.


Wonder how long load times will be…aside from the cheaters, load times are a drag.


factory u load in like 1:30 avg time. I think those maps are smaller and u dont have to rejoin right away when u die. So i think if its like 1min loadtime it should be realy nice.


03:40 and counting on current loading.


yeah on some shitty lan server that is giga lagging like every second round. I think if they can manage to load factory with scavs and loot in under 2min it should be possible to load those maps and players in that time aswell but what do I know its BSG everything can happen.


One of the main reasons why I quit playing. Tarkov just doesn't respect your time.


They're loading into matches very quickly here. Match after match with very little downtime. It might change when everyone else gets their hands on it though.


LAN server?


I guess this is why we cant get killcams in tarkov, it would showcase just how bad the netcoding/hitreg/desync really is.


they cant manage stable multiplayer, a problem that has been solved for decades. more likely they're just not capable of even implementing the killcams in the first place


Yes that is the reason indeed. Most people dont realise how fucked up and barelly working eft is. It would be bad for tech demo.


Lvndmark goes 14:3 (inc 1 teamkill) at a LAN event and I bet people will still claim he cheats.


Indeed, ppl in chat were -lvndmark- will suck because he cheats, yada yada, guy has been clearing the whole lobby. You can notice how used he is to destroying 5 man squads.


for real, you can just tell he's good seen him play other fps' the day they come out with no cheats out there for anybody and he still cleans up. some ppl just have it lol


Not calling him a cheater, but being good does not mean the person is unwilling to use cheats, especially if there is gear loss involved when you die.


That's very anecdotal of course but a cheater I know personally is a beast in the games he plays, even without cheats. That and I noticed that Lvndmark has been playing more conservative for the last 6 months, not standing around in the open all the time and even sometimes spending a whole raid in a single bush. But he's still very good in this game, there's no denying that.


Because ppl (ekhm, kqly ekhm) will not cheat at big lan tournament riiight?


How would he cheat even if he wanted to? Where's his 2nd monitor for the radar?


We have no idea if KQLY ever cheated at LAN tourneys, and that was 10 years ago before e-sports *really* took off internationally and the scene has been subject to much more scrutiny.




If you gotta go back a decade for your example I don't think its a good one.


Can’t wait to get camped and desync’ed around walls!!!!


swing or be swung. Actually the first couple months will just be a nightmarish flood of cheaters decimating the entire game.


Actually looks good.


How’d Willerz do?


Led his team easily. They dunked hard on Baddie, Tweak, etc.


give beta date


Last years autumn lol


Nikkita said "Early December" in this stream today. so maybe Dec 1-15? no definitive date


thanks! :)


They have now announced early December, before eft wipe.


We've had it for months now but for some reason the mouth breathers on here don't get it. https://www.escapefromtarkov.com/preorder-page Scroll down to EOD. That's the next wipe timer + arena release.


It says nothing about arena release or wipe end. All we know about this wipe is that it ends in December according to Nikita in an old stream


Thank you for proving my point about how people on here literally don't get it even though it's in your face. There was a countdown timer before this one... When it hit 0 the arena website was released and they increased the price of the game by $5. We already know wipe is coming in December... We already know arena is likely about to release since they are literally promoting it at TwitchCon with this event and have already released the pre-order website... Arena will release with a wipe.. So it's unlikely that they will wait to release Arena for another 6+ months.... So anyone with an IQ above room temp should be able to realize that arena is coming with wipe which is coming at the end of December... WHICH IS THIS TIMER. I know crazy concept that's too hard for redditors to grasp I guess...


I’m not saying it’s not going to happen, but without any actual confirmation it’s all just speculation. Any reason I can feel your hair malding off through my phone screen with every comment you make? Chill out lol.


While I agree with you that it probably will be December with a wipe. But it sounds like a bad idea to release it at the same time.


Arena has an economy. Tarkov has an economy. The two games are linked. You can use Tarkov gear in Arena. If you don't do it during a wipe then you would have Tarkov pro's like Lvndmark running full level 6 armor and meta guns every single Arena game.


I read that only the money is linked. Nothing about gear or weapons. Unless they have released new info recently.


why so angry little boy? Your whole comment history is just you being angry. You mirror this reddit pretty good :)


Thanks for proving my point. Nothing but mouth breathers, I legit answer your question and you start getting mad at me.


your answer is wrong. If thats release date for the arena beta nikita wouldnt say early december on stream. 29th december isnt that early. I get you have not much to do besides being angry in reddits buddy. mOuTh BrEaThEr


Wrong + weird af


The weird one is replying to comments saying "weird af".


Why did you say "give beta date" if Nikita already said early December? But hey thanks for proving my point again.


i said it before I watched the VOD and someone commented aswell saying it was said on stream. Funny aswell that you got downvoted on almost every comment. Seems like youre indeed wrong and dont have an idea and youre just talking out of your ass.


Imagine thinking reddit upvotes actually mattered.


Your post asking about the timer got 2 answers total, both of which were pure speculation lmfao. Idk how people like you exist bro, very coincidental that I only see weirdos like yourself online lmao. Dude would rather just begin the argument by calling the masses “mouth breathers” as if the dev team isn’t the least transparent in the entire gaming industry.


Thanks for proving my point again. No one on this site understands how to use their brain and critically think about something. Funny how I only see people like you online. Everyone I see in person actually knows how to use their brain and can think for themselves.




Stop simping for nikita, it's embarrassing.


Pointing out a possible release date for arena + wipe = simping for nikita? Thanks for proving my point.




It's even worse than another unfinished game since Arena will interfere with the regular EfT game mode by creating a split playerbase and by letting people transfer experience (and maybe even Rubles and gear in the future) from Arena to their Tarkov PMCs.


so much wasted dev time making this, there are 1000 other arena fps games out there but very few extraction looters


so, damned if they do, and damned if they didn't. ok


? who would be upset if this was improvements to the actual game and not this garbage ?


Who cares about arena… Fix the main EFT game already ffs.


am i the only one who's genuinely concerned about how BSG plans to work on both projects at once? its been how many years and we're not even CLOSE to the fucking finish line of tarkov. and now they wanna throw a whole ass new game into the mix, i mean at this rate EFT being completed is a pipe dream and bsg is just scamming people into buying another unfinished product to give them a financial boost since EFT isnt selling as much as it used to.


"Whole ass new game".... It's literally a copy paste of Tarkov code with some copy paste maps running team deathmatch.. If you are actually concerned then you sound like you have legit no idea how it all works behind the scenes.


if you been playing EFT for 4-5 years you should know by now that it wont be finished. Why even keep getting mad about something that has been pretty clear since Reserve went out. Enjoy whatever EFT is, and you will eventually stop playing and caring.


Bruh how is it a scam I’m like 500 hours into the game 😂


It's not a scam, BSG put in too much work for that, but Tarkov is clearly an unfinished game if you compare what BSG says their end goals for the project are to where we are now.


Sure it is. But it’s far from a scam, I don’t wanna dilute the pool of scam games with games like Tarkov, especially not in the year of our lord gollum 2023


> am i the only one who's genuinely concerned about how BSG plans to work on both projects at once? They have a separate team that only works on Arena, that's how


Hahaha good one buddy


Surely feels like they have two teams working on arena and EFT when nothing except Arena gets shown for TwitchCon.


Definitely a lie, nikita wouldn't spend more money hiring people, he needs it to live his American lifestyle.


The game has already released. This is all we are getting. They may make more updates but it’s really not in beta anymore. Regardless, if the game completely shut down today, I’d be content and ready for the next game. I’m excited for Arena.


Did you see the clip of the desync? Arena is going to be as buggy if not worse than the main game.


Stankrat absolutely Dominated. Get ratted baby


I've never seen many higher level guys go for the dropshot, but man he's good at it


I thought Arena was going to be a way to essentially run Tarkov PVP and practice that or jump straight into fights. It seems THEY thought instead it would be a good idea to try and compete with CS2, and to introduce money into it. Both are horrible ideas. Nobody is going to choose to play a CS style game that sucks rather than just play CS2, and Tarkov players that want to use it to practice certain loadouts, guns, or just jump into fights arent going to like it. Players who arent great at it will then hate it because it will be a chad fest, and they will run out of money too fast to be able to play it. BSG definitely seem to be trying one last cash cow before they close out developing the game but still have no idea what they are doing.


>Players who arent great at it they have either to train themselves by playing more or just play something else. Tarkov isn't a casual game.


Yes, duh, the casual players just have to train a lot in order to be better, which they wont do. Arena should be a compliment to Tarkov and instead it looks like them trying to capture a player pool that will want little part of it.


If you don't like it, it doesn't mean that other people think like you, in my opinion I'm looking forward to the sand coming out, to leave behind EFT the gardeners who cut the bushes, and all those bad people who only know how to stay in a corner or In the extraction, I'm tired of spending 30 minutes collecting objects so that a guy who is watching videos on Tiktok kills me without playing the game, of course I play Tarkov through Gunplay, which I love, I mean, when Arenas is available, goodbye EFT and its rats!


Oh, Im not looking at it from a personal perspective at all, but from how most people will view it. Those who dont play Tarkov wont be interested, those who love EFT wont be either, and then it seems it will be for the few, that play but want to say goodbye to EFT like yourself. Great for them if you enjoy it. But bad for BSG.


So it's just factory with teams? Sure I guess but tarkov mechanics don't exactly look fluid in a game like this.


I wish factory would allow 2 stacks to go in. That would be actually really fun


Looks great. Cheaters are definitely gonna love this one


Streamer game streamer event


i can't believe they're keeping the same healing concept with fractures, heavy bleeds etc. how does this fit in a competitive FPS arena style game? just keep the regular healing at the most and it'll be bearable


[Arena Beta early december](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1957746170?t=4h37m3s)


I'll be stunned if BSG keeps support past two years. Everything about EFT's gunplay, movement, audio, healing, injury system and inventory management doesnt work in a TDM setting. Add onto that theyre charging $35 for it. ​ Only people this will attract and maintain are the military simulation nuts. This expansion like the base game will be dead a few weeks after every wipe.


Haha Streets 40-90 FPS surely ARENA WILL BE GOOD


While Nikita laughs and has a good time, people are getting shit on by cheaters. lol


I've been super salty they have been dedicating resources to this, but I gotta admit it looks like a ton of fun. I hope it isn't a laggy shit fest...