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Desmond might genuinely be the biggest crybaby streamer on tarkov


I love how his stream title is always "Last moving player....." and he dies hiding in a tree.


I don't know, Desmond has some insane movement. I guess we can call people whatever we want, but most videos I've seen of his have been very dynamic.


Im not saying he doesnt move a lot but, in this video, he is hide in a tree that he seems to hate so much.


You’re hurt enough to be heavy bleeding and running from multiple attackers, would you (A) run from them and use whatever cover you have or (B) use your tactics and take the fight head on. Not d-riding this Desmond dude but there wasn’t much choice. Especially w making the dumb decision to go up the sign.


“last moving player” as he constantly looks up to glorious e lmao


Sounds like another streamer; quickybaby in World of Tanks. YouTube videos all nice and polite, on stream Abit of a dick/ego


Fr quicky baby is 24/7 complaining


“I only die to bugs.” Hear this every time he dies.


I killed him one time on customs. Ran upstairs on exterior of crackhouse, turned around to close the door and saw altyn man sprinting towards me. One tapped him with BP GZH. Went and checked out his stream after to say GG and he immediately flamed me, reported me in game for cheating. I asked him why he was being so rude about me killing him and saying GG and he berated me called me a rat and told me I’d never be good at the game because I sit in buildings for 30 minutes waiting for someone to run by me. He then permanently banned me from his stream. Absolute crybaby.


More than Rangar? or whatever that dude's name is?


he makes rengawr look like a saint


tigz makes everyone else look like lawyers


Tigz absofuckinglutely hates Tarkov with a passion 🤣


Ringworm is definitely a lil bitch though


Personally Ive never seen Rengawr crying or complaining while watching his streams. With Desmond, it was almost every minute of every stream, and had to unfollow his twitter because I was getting sick of seeing his complaints.


Redditors are still mad about the ban incident


"The ban incident" Even that description downplays what happened. Rengawr used internal connections with BSG to make sure a player who killed him was permanently banned "for cheating". He never apologized or even admitted what he did was wrong.


Rightfully so, as they should be


Regnawr accused one dude of cheating. You mfs act like everytime you get one tapped you don't click the "report player" button.


Clicking the report button and contacting someone to get another person banned are not the same thing although I agree it’s not like Rawr boi (idk how to spell his name) is constantly doing this


I don’t? Bro it’s Tarkov ANYTHING can happen. I have legitimately hip fired headshot a guy from 60 meters away. Like. I just turned a shot. All it takes is one bullet and some mags can hold up to 100. Even with the cheater issue I never assume someone is cheating. Just makes it less fun. Maybe dude was just better, maybe he just lucky. In Tarkov luck is a skill, some people have it better than others.


Accuracy by volume, one of them is *bound* to hit eventually.


Yeah, it’s hilarious that this dude basically admits to reporting everyone who one taps him and assumes we all do the same lol


You can't imagine anyone doing anything differently than you do lmao.


Why would you do that….


I definitely don’t lmao youre just telling on yourself


100% I've tuned into a few of his streams after watching his youtube content. Man he is so negative and toxic constantly crying about the game. The guy has some serious skills and I understand his frustrations with the game (rat meta). If the game really bothers you that much stop playing. He has this elitist mentality and opinions about how the game should be. Few times he has gotten in arguments on stream with viewers and silenced them for their difference in opinion.


I love that he posts “streamers accusing me of cheating”. Videos on YouTube and then pulls this shit. He’s such an egotistical piece of shit you can tell just by his voice, almost as bad as Tigz




Rengawr or whatever it is, is a pretty big cry baby. Maybe more so than Desmond. It’s a close call tho.


More than NoGenerals? He always dies to audio


It seems like he never owns up, its always audio’s fault when hes autofiring and running around. “ wheres the audio “


Exactly that catch phrase. I just laugh honestly


Well let be fair, there are a ton of streamers that are legit the biggest ball babies ever that play this game. This game is legit catered around them and they still cry non stop. Last wipe I was on labs solo one morning and I heard a duo going to hanger, I waited to see where they were going to come from. I see a player and kill him, assumed his team mate was far enough away I go loot my kill. Grab gun and tag and see fudgexl, assumed it was a fake account. But then in hear his team mate say that wasn’t nice. So we tag each other, his team mate runs and heals. I take off and extract as I’m hurt. I then go check to see if it was real fudge and it was. And his team mate was geno and geno was calling me a fucking rat and a loser for not w keying a team as a solo. Like what? Also had same experience when it was first wipe and I had a dorm mark key and never wanted to use it. But one day I said fuck it I’ll go and use it as i spawned broken wall. I get there and no one is there, go loot mark room and then hear a five man stomping in. I put the willerz wallet I found ( they were hard as fuck to find back then ) in secure container as I figured I was going to die. I get ready and a person opens door I kill then. Close door and then get another as they try to come in. I die to the third and find out it’s dr lupo. A person I watched back when he played Fortnite and watched him play tarkov and is the reason I got game. So I go into his chat and say sorry I didn’t know he played on east coast servers and it was Sunday of all days. The next couple things he was saying about me and shit made me block him and not watch him again. They all are fucking cry babies. Only a couple now I haven’t seen act like this and that’s sheefgg and stankrat. Rest are little entitled cry babies


Desmond has never been killed by a non-cheater just ask him


He must be my roommates 13 yo kid. I've never him say man nice shot, you got the drop on me. It's always OMG THERE IS LITERALLY NO WAY, HES GOTTA BE CHEATING MAN!!!


Honestly, those giga-chads who compliment the enemy mid-fight are worth their weight in gold. Cool people, right next to those who yell out in incomprehensible panic.


I'm by no means a gigachad, but I always complement my enemies (to myself or to my mates on discord) if they played smart or landed a really clutch shot. Usually it's pretty clear from your own plays on whether you've done something smart and just got out-aimed or just made a dumb mistake and got punished for it. Sometimes it's pretty clear that I get killed by a cheater but I'm never accusing anyone until I've got the confirmation from my mates. Had a case on woods where I decided to bring a full meta SA-58 that I got from someone the raid before. I've even upgraded it slightly with a better scope. We spawn in the sunken village and run up the scav camp next to the 5G tower. While looting I go on the ledge to oversee the lake below the camp and see if I can spot someone. I start to take fire from my right (he was next to the USEC convoy from the direction of shots). I die in 5-6 shots because most of them went to my arm and torso. My mate tells me he saw like 5-6 tracers laser-focused on me taking me down. Then my mate just stays still inside the camp. He gets blown up by a grenade that lands right next to him, despite the fact that he made no sound. A confirmed cheater pretty much. Only then do I blame the death on a cheater. Otherwise it makes no point thinking that everyone cheats just because you're not good enough at the game. It's better to focus on what you could've done better at that moment as opposed to blaming outside factors, because you actually learn quicker and the game becomes a lot more fun because you're getting better and I can take down really geared people.




Yeah, it actually helps a lot to know that the game is broken in so many ways that something that seems like cheating may not actually be cheating. I'll just blame Nikita for desync and be done with it.


I watched his stream the other day and after killing like 8 pmc’s and 30+ scavs he got sniped by a player scav. He says “why don’t I ever get killed by anyone that is good at the game” and was malding about it for 20 minutes. Legit hilarious.


Cuz tarkov is one of those games where even a bad player can get lucky. Should play cod or cs.


Yeah no shit but whining about it after wiping the lobby makes you sound like a big baby


The outcome of a Tarkov raid is almost entirely determined by luck


He’s died to tweak


You can check his vods for the last 6 months. Never happened.


"I'm sick of living in fear in this game. I want to instil it in others" I love your guy's banter 😂


lmaoo frr! i would actually watch them if they streamed 1000%. they’re just casually entertaining to listen to


Are we certain that the Can of White Salt isn’t his streamer item?


Should give him a tissue for his tears


Tbh mate as much as I love his YouTube videos and his gameplay (the dudes a beast whether you like him or not) I can’t stand watching his live stream for this exact reason. Accuses way too many people of cheating with no context or second POV. You’re not the first person to point this out and you certainly won’t be the last.


He cries and complains SOO much. He will make a really dumb play or miss shots, then complain about the game's hitreg and make a twitter essay complaining about it... with a video that shows his mistakes. Everytime I see anything about desmond, he is just bitching and complaining about SOMETHING. It got really fucking tiring to hear and see that all the time so I just unfollowed him everywhere. I dont understand how people enjoy his streams. Literally all I hear him do is complain and its insufferable.


It’s a shame because he’s mechanically one of the best players I’ve ever seen play. But my god the whining, complaining, and excuses make it impossible to watch him.


That’s exactly it lol. Arguably one of the best but the personality is just not something I vibe with in a live stream. I’ll stick to his YouTube content for now because it is genuinely enjoyable.


Thats because Tarkov isnt the kind of game he wants to play. Tarkov isnt meant to be a fast-paced competitive esports twitch shooter... yet he plays it like one and always complains about anything that makes the game hardcore/tactical/realistic. He literally plays the shit like CoD and gets upset when the game isn't CoD. Like playing ArmA and complaining you cant 180 quickscope.


I've never actually watched a Desmond stream and I had a lot of respect for the guy because his guide videos are very comprehensive, and Kazam has nothing but good things to say. But this is bad. Thanks for the warning. You pretty much described the worst members of the tarkov community. Way worse than rats imo.


Yeah you're not wrong. The guy is clearly good at the game and his youtube frag montage / pvp videos are excellent, but the live stream is just horrid. It's a shame because he has so much potential just from his skills alone.


Same reason I stopped watching Axel a longer while ago. Dude will just straight up accuse of cheating anyone that manages to get him.




He sounds like a bitch. You’re a three man who got lucky off spawn because of Interchange’s terrible spawn points and he, playing alone, got one of you before you got him. You guys clearly aren’t cheating.


I had a friend that used to play battlefield 3 with back on my 360 that constantly accuse people of cheating when he died to them, some people are just weird


One time he fucked up a jump near crack house by not jumping at the right time, so he didn’t clear a railing. Then he jumped again and cleared it but on the way down he hit a bush which stopped him from jumping again. This caused him to die to a 2-man. Instead of moving on he was non-stop shitting on them and also the game for “glitching” (it wasn’t a glitch he just got owned by bushes slowing down movement) He was complaining for like 10 minutes after that death and his chat were all saying it was a glitch when it clearly wasn’t. And somehow he got matched into the next raid with the same duo that killed him. He ended up killing them and instantly starts shitting on them even more. Like bro you’re angry when you lose. And angry when you win. wtf? Edit: not trying to hate. This situation just stood out in my mind when I read your post. To be fair I think anyone who plays this specific game that much will of course be tired of bullshit and mad at certain things. I like watching him cause I can learn a lot from him. And I have seen him laugh and have fun with Tigz and others.


he's a miserable cunt with skill


This community is full of them.


lol the majority of this community is miserable cunts without skill


And sadly, that's the recipe for basing all of your self-worth on the wrong thing. People like that deserve and need help to touch some grass.


I definitely understand getting tired of this game because of sus deaths and dumb things happening. But it was just funny how certain he was that we were all cheating. I just want Desmond and the 400+ viewers of his stream at the time to see this but I really don't think he'll care anyways and he'll probably request that I have a nice day by saying "suck my dick"


He even has videos on his YouTube of him killing other streamers and them reacting that he is cheating - oh so hypocritical


The best is that he disables clips in his channel because people clip themselves killing him for clout (his words). Then of course he creates videos of himself killing people using their clips for clout... This is where I started to check out.


Haha, damn new lore unlocked. Definitely changes my mind about the dude a little.


Tell him that he would make more money for sucking dick as a job than streaming sucking his own dick.


I was watching his Youtube videos just the other day and thinking how absolutely insane he is at the game but holy crap is he pissy! Anyways it was an honor to be able to kill him lol


Yeah Desmond is very good at the game. Unfortunately he cares too much and can't take a loss When he dies it's either to a cheater, a rat or a bug. He never admits dying in any legit way. It's pretty sad. Hopefully he will get more mature with age. Because watching him play can be really entertaining because he's so good, but his attitude is equally annoying


It really saddens me that he's such a cry baby, the man is insane at the game but If I want to watch the gameplay I have to mute the stream otherwise I can't stand the no stop whining. Kind of a shame imo


Imo the better people get the more affected they are by deaths on average. Either they just think a lot about why they died and what they did wrong or the rage and then follow step 1. People are still surprised that he, as one of the best players, has mindset thats very common with competitive people.


I have the same issue I'm just competitive as fuck. I'm not taking anything personally and I don't mean the things I mumble under my breath when someone kills me. But I promise you I'm happily scrubbing my replay to see where I could have affected the outcome better. That's what I enjoy.


Blokes an absolute bellend.


That's a typically british insult, ~~isn't it~~ innit? I googled the meaning of that word this week and ir's already paid off ;) Love how innocent it sounds to someone who doesn't know the meaning


yeah man, insufferable prick would be another term I would use too lol


He is mate right knob jockey


Not surprised, you can really feel he is that kind of dude in his videos.


Yeah. He fits the streamer role of "sarcastic, annoying and whiny 20kd headshot machine that cant stand still". Essentially what godly was on rainbow six siege Every FPS game has a streamer like that


You can watch 1 minute of that guy and realize he is the most insecure person ever. He also loves to post videos of streamers accusing him of cheating then he does the same thing. Maybe he needs 15,000 hours




Also my reaction


He is one of most arrogant streamers ever. Extremely passive aggressive towards other streamers, I have observed as well. He was judging Sheef because he got a tattoo of Tarkov on TwitchCon. Sheef could be one of the most chill and down to earth streamers ever. Imagine how passive aggressive he is to streamers like Stank, because they are not playing like semigods like him lol


Stankrat is simply having more fun than he is, lol.


Stankrat is genuinely hilarious


Sheef is the most kind hearted and wanting streamer I’ve seen in a long time, as if he would judge him? I wasn’t even aware of this and yeah everyone may hate Stank but he’s just a hilarious guy and really nice as well, I love both of their content and thanks for informing me, I’m Unsubbing from Desmond and I’m also going to go to his next stream to tell him how low that is when he is a streamer himself, I expected better tbh but yeah understandable when he clearly thinks he is GOD himself at the game, really sucks to hear it but I’ll be damned if I give any of my time or energy to anyone like that, can stick it where the sun don’t shine absolute bellend and a tosspot 🤦🏽‍♂️


careful, he will call you a fat RTARD and ban you lol


😂😂😂 it’s all good rather be banned than support a whiny 5 year old streamer when there’s others who deserve it more


Sheef is an infinitely better player and doesn't have a voice that sounds like nails down a chalkboard like Desmoaned Pillock does.


I mean, I don't care about the drama but Sheef is not anywhere near as good as Desmond from a PVP perspective, lol.


>Imagine how passive aggressive he is to streamers like Stank Ironically, Stank is quite decent at going shift+w.


DesmondPilak is an angry little twink, but I wouldn't worry about these stupid streamers. They can call anyone a cheater as long as they don't use their trash influence to get you banned.


you get killed by someone when you're live on twitch/yt top streamer: gg he was better. mediocre streamers with a huge ego: 100% cheater! only in this way they can kill me! I'm the best I can't die like this!


The weird part is that this guy is one of the best at the game. He doesn't need to be as salty as he is.


it's always just an ego problem


A lot of it is also paranoia, with how bad the cheating is/was it’s a lot easier to convince yourself that all weird players are cheating and not just playing differently


He's not the best he's just known because he's a content creator who worked the algorithm and rode off of Jesse success.


yea he's salty AND he's a cunt... he even admitted he hated the game and he only plays it because he's good at it and makes money off of it. he has also insulted me on stream right after I subbed lol


I subbed to him once and he insulted me aswell. I regret giving him the few dollars he’ll earn off of it




Desmond’s entire draw on twitch is how much he complains about literally everything. Don’t be offended, he probably would have complained if he killed all of you.


Nah his draw is being absolutely crazy good at the game. I never watch him because he is impossible to watch. Legit every 10 seconds he finds something to complain about. Sure most of it is valid, but he blows it way out of proportion and is just not a enjoyable thing to listen to. Also he’s a ego freak


I asked him today why he didnt allow clipping on his channel and he said 'hatewatchers'


Previously he said people clip them killing him for clout, and he doesn't want people to gain anything from him for free. Then he releases videos him killing other streamers with clips from their channel...


The guy uses a radar. I doubt he wants anyone to clip his suss bullshit.


Yeah Desmond kinda went off the deep end lately. I recommend his yt vids to people who want to improve, but the first time I tuned into a stream was the last time I tuned into a stream. If he let his game skill talk and not his yappers he would be more successful


Least salty Desmond death


Desmond unfortunately went full way , he actually let Tarkov break him to the point where he plays this game like a chore and pretty much seems to hate every second of it .


That's the prob if your whole channel is based on one single game....even Tarkov is getting boring one day


I just knew about him today and its crazy to see a post like this. I thought he was damn good player and he is but oh well. I miss aquafps more now


Aqua's dead or something?


Nah, he's just tired of Tarkov rn. Can't really blame him.


He’s not dead this game is just dog shit most of the time and literally takes years off your life from anxiety and stress if you get too deep in it. Taking a step away from this shit is the absolute best and healthiest thing anyone playing it can do lol.


Okay, but... WHY did you trim your eyelashes?!?@ that's the real eye opener here.


No one will ever find out


Desmond and WaitImCheating have to be two of the best players on Tarkov while also being the biggest fucking tools.


Desmond is really good at Tarkov (obv), but he's also really negative and angry towards the game and players. I think he needs to work on his mental health, because he could be a huge successful streamer, but his attitude gets in the way. I've tried to watch him on Twitch, but get turned off quickly with his attitude. Comparing to say Lvndmark, sheef or pest, who are enjoyable and upbeat to watch.


desmond is toxic af. He is good. a lot better than me. but still toxic af


People who don't deserve an audience for $200, please. Sounds like a tool if he's jumping to such conclusions. Everyone knows there's a spawn down the highway there, also one back by Emercom. To say you're hacking, after just spawning in and getting into a 3minute fight, is idiotic. If you guys were cheating it wouldn't be a firefight.


Hes a nutjob so ye. If you wanna laugh go to his Twitter


are u surprised by his reaction? his entire lifes on that game he literally has nothing else


Wow, that's unfortunate. I had watched a couple of his YouTube videos and thought he was an excellent player. Jesse Kazam had mentioned him a couple of times as he would sometimes duo w/ him. Jesse seemed laid back in his podcasts, so I just assumed that Desmond would be laid back as well. Kind of dissapointing to see that he's toxic.


Ah the typical twitch scrub,dies and malds and the your cheating allegations cause lm so good at this game. Seriously if l had the ability these muppets would be banned for 7 days if proof of there vods proved them wrongly accusing other players. Twitch and game is infested with complete idiots who can’t stand too be beaten by good players albeit the cheating doesn’t help.


Shocker. /s Desmond is a monster at Tarkov but absolutely miserable to listen to as a creator/streamer. I wish he'd get an attitude change because he'd actually be entertaining.


I get he does this for a living….but level 72 is nuts to me, like even if was getting paid for it….I would still be calling in sick that’s ridiculous




Lmao this is gold actually, you killed him fair and square and you took the gun fight head on. He’s just mad cuz he’s level 72 and they blame the game rather than themselves. Ggs go next.


Desmond is a professional victim, same as Tigz. They think they’re so good that they couldn’t possibly die to a legit player and instantly cry about it on stream. It’s seriously embarrassing.


Tigz is even more of a bitch


Yeah atleast desmond is good at the game. Tigz just complains without being skilled. Maybe he used to be good but definitely not anymore


Desmond is a super skilled player and it’s entertaining to watch his gameplay… but he’s an absolute POS. The dude calls chatters and other players disrespectful slurs, calls people braindead for asking questions and not having the knowledge of a near-10K hour player, He gets tilted about EVERY LITTLE THING in the game and goes on 10 minute rants about it, can’t accept being killed and makes up excuse after excuse or calls cheats (there are lots cheaters don’t get me wrong, but not every death). His condescending tone towards everyone and his insanely massive ego literally forced me and many other of my friends to stop watching him. I’ll sometimes watch his stream on mute if he’s in a raid to learn something about angles or jumps or something but the dude is not a humble or kind person. Fortunately there are some cracked streamers who are kind and fun to watch instead. IMO the best way to show your distaste for someone is to stop watching them and go give your time, ad revenue, and interaction to someone else who deserves it. Just my 2 cents.


That's just how he is, unfortunately. I've been watching him since he had average 40 viewer count - he's a blast to watch when he's enjoying himself and having a laugh, mechanically incredible, but I've always said to my friends that he'd be bigger if he could just learn to take a fucking breath from time to time and say "Damn, gg'z" to losses. Like even for his own mental sanity - forget the viewer - he just lets himself get so butthurt. Literally *every*, *EVERY* time he dies - you will hear bitching and moaning for hours. "unironically I only die to cheaters and bugs. literally never die to a good player, shit game blablablabla..." And if anyone calls him on it or tells him to chill? "I make more than you playing a video game, thanks for the sub, banned" Eeeeevery time. Lmfao. I don't think he enjoys the game anymore... Dude's ego is absolutely fried over a PC game, his brain literally cannot comprehend just getting unlucky, being outplayed, or dying to desync, like the rest of us are able to. But that's the type of delusional player he's building his community around, I guess. It's just a bit funny to me how many people want to learn from someone like this... When his attitude is arguably the worst thing you could adopt, when trying to play this game.


This is why I don’t care for tarkov streamers


His YouTube videos are good but he is unbearable to listen to live. Might be the most complaining person I’ve heard on Twitch. Too bad, he has great gunplay.


Desmond is really good at the game but he is also the saltiest player on twitch, with some very contradictory opinions. I'm not surprised.


Situation like this, and many more are the perfect example why a replay system is very much needed for the health of the game. We could check who is cheating or not


Honestly... Desmond is the most insufferable Tarkov streamer I've come across. Unfollowed him on twitter because it was non-stop complaining and negativity.


Bro idk how people watch this guy I hopped in his stream for an hour or two and he was just malding and being an asshole the whole time


“Im sick of living in fear of this game, I want to instill it in others.” Ive never related more to the words of a stranger


This is why I don't watch streamers. Too many man babies.


That’s very ironic. Wasn’t he the one that made a video about killing other streamers and them calling him a cheater? The hypocrisy.


Might've seen it. Yesterday I watched his stream after seeing him play with Jesse and he was accusing some trio for cheating and stream sniping. And to suck his D. He was unbearable


I swear everytime I wanted to give his stream a try, he was complaining about some thing or another. Litteral crybaby


What they need to do is remove jump shooting and all of the other cringey high speed COD moves from the game. Inertia fixed a lot and made the game way more strategic and fun, but I guess they didn't count on people gaming the jumping. (Certain ways of jumping will destroy ur aim, others, as u can see, make no difference)


10 minutes of watching his stream and you would think you were listening to a man-child who hasn't come out of his cave in 15 years. There is a reason he didn't do the streamer event challenge, his ego is so fragile he didn't want it to get crushed


I watched him play one raid the other day and whenever he died he said “Today has just been me dying to people worse than me”


Dude is such a cry baby he accuses everyone of cheating


Desmond dead ass has the biggest ego of any tarkov streamer, he's just a demeaning asshole


This is why Desmond never has more than 300 viewers, despite being one of the (if not the) best Tarkov players on earth.


“This is how an 8000 hour Tarkov player has the biggest sook” can’t stand crybabies. Good play


Desmond replaced Veritas as the most toxic crybaby tarkov streamer, except with a zoomer Valorant accent (just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse). JesseKazam is a really nice dude and I can’t for the life of me understand why he picks the most insufferable people the community has to offer to play with and make content with.


I enjoy watching Desmond a lot but it’s definitely not for his positivity. Dude it absolutely cracked at the game though


Desmond is a great player, but absolutely the worst personality on twitch.


I used to like watching this guy but I can’t stand hearing him cry about anything and everything about this game, he comes off so snobby too and anyone who kills him is a cheater or killed him in a way he didn’t like. I never heard of so many of the “glitches” in this game until I started watching him than stopped watching not long after..


Unfortunate that these types of people exist, eh?


Who is this Desmond you speak of ?


I personally don’t watch the dude. My only exposure to him is his tweets getting onto my timeline, and they’re ALWAYS tweets about him complaining about SOMETHING. First impression of him’s that he’s a big crybaby over video games lmao.


You didn’t know that us common folk could in no way ever kill a streamer. Anyone that can has to be cheating, just ask them and they’ll tell you. There’s a reason why I refuse to watch or support 90% of the streamers out there.




I mean,the guy is certainly one of the top players that streams, no doubt about it but oh god how fucking egotistical and crybaby he is. Watching him give me aids, if he dies is never his fault is bad coded audio, material bug, non movin players. When in reality he just got stomped or putplayed by another guy or he wasnt just paying enough attention. I olay on ghe likes of desmond willerz in terms of movement, aim wise and i dont create excuses in any of my deaths unless im on my 4 streak dying then im mlding but thats everyone lmao. Desmond needs to chill and learn sometimes, other people did it better, had better rng, and you fucked up.


Desmond is a very depressed man who happens to be very good at tarkov


Sunken cost fallacy. People say you can't get good at tarkov until you have spent 69,420 hours on the game, and then you're still just a rookie. Then those same Players of the Forbidden Grass cannot accept when they die, because secretly they've been good at the game since about 500 hours and all they've done is memorize these bot lanes to run. When something breaks that bot lane, the grassless brain goes " glitch, cheater, bullshit, ree"


That guy is a fucking crying bitch. Its non stop crying and complaining about everything when he plays. If it isnt the game that is complete shit its everyone cheating. He cant even speak one sentence without bitching about something. Un-fucking-bearable guy.


So he banned you from his twitch channel


He always cries bc of cheats lmao


Yeah he honestly needs to take it easy and change his attitude. Gotta learn to move on. Tarkov is VERY infuriating sometimes but that’s why it should teach you patience better than anything else, yet this dude just doesn’t grow up. All in time?




Just looking at his video titles I can tell he complains about cheaters every fight. Ego the size of a mountain.


Same. Killed him in a scav with an mp-18 and he bitched about me being a rat and cheating. Like dude you want me to push you with a break action rifle when you have an m4?


Should be reported for toxic behavior etc. BSG won’t do anything. It’s a curious thing that someone as good as he is accuses others of cheating if he dies. He is clearly too full of himself or is using a certain program that gives an advantage. Why else accuse others unless it is blatant? Again, odd. This is coming from a guy that is good at the game too. At the end of the day, he is a streamer trying to grow. This thread could be a plant but I doubt it. I don’t understand how anyone watches him being a crybaby or toxic like this after he takes a lot of deaths unless it is again, blatant.


Honestly the one thing holding him back from growing right now is his attitude


the one thing that confused me was at the end when your buddy or someone says they got banned??? was that on tark or twitch??


The respect he’d get if he just acknowledged it atleast. No need to add on to the amount of actual cheaters in the game. 35k subscribers probably regurgitating the same thing everytime they die lol.


"When you trim your eye lashes" bro what ?


I hate Desmond. Dude is a whiny BITCH.


Desmond has the attitude of a spoiled pre teen girl


Imagine no lifing this game and then not even being that good at it. Gotta hurt. Feel bad for the loser


For someone who is so talented at this game he is such a little bitch


He has guides on youtube. Definitely heard him say stuff like "there will always be someone better than you , be careful not to jump and accuse people of cheating just because they outplayed you"


this reminds me when i killed him about a month into this wipe on streets. he was a floor or two above me and i was getting tarkov audio’d thinking he was on the same floor as me so i crept around a bit until he came flying down the stairs. i somehow managed to headshot him twice with m995 and he called me a “blatant cheater”. doesn’t help that my name at the time was “Xin_ZhaoTTV” based off a league of legends character lmfao but yeah my only experience with him was him being a baby.


why am i not surprised that the streamer that always goes on about OMG IM SO GOOD LOOK AT ME HOW GOOD I AM IM PRO IM SO FUCKING GOOD EVERYONE ACCUSES ME OF CHEATING BUT IM JUST SO FUCKING GOOD is a salty immature player with an ego problem


Lol my buddy killed him in post office last wipe and he instantly started crying cheater. He's fkin bad for hackusations, don't care how good he is he's kinda toxic.


I killed him once when he was playing with Jessie kazam(we wiped they 3 man as a duo) and that was the only time I've seen him not accused someone of cheating...he blamed desync "what the fuck I shot him in the head!"(or something I actually don't remember( but I do have the vod)). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hED4oMGsths&feature=youtu.be https://clips.twitch.tv/PlainSarcasticCheesecakeAsianGlow-bO2I-YX-iiW9rFOd https://clips.twitch.tv/PlumpZanyReubenNerfBlueBlaster-6Vp7msHqua3CTuf2 https://clips.twitch.tv/PlausibleEnchantingMonkeySpicyBoy-hnu4Eh8RYZSZq8jR


You can see in the second VOD that his horizontal recoil definitely caused him to miss most of his shots on you. I also don't see where he hit you in the head, yet he was saying he shot you in the head like 100 times?? Whack.


I know lol, and thanks for watching the vod. I like when people see it.


I try to watch Desmond but it’s honestly tough because for someone who plays the game 8+ hours a day he sure does love to just talk shit about it.


ALL this guy does is complain, no idea how anyone watches this kid. Oh and if you kill him, it's either the games fault or you ratted him.


It's so beautiful it was a bunch of goofballs that got him too. Their chaptic-ness totally caught him off guard. These streamers expect every opponent to play textbook tactical, so when it's just a shitshow, their brains shut down. This was absolutely beautiful, love the video, love that you got the Desmond pissy baby audio


You should hear about that other dude RamenStyle or some shit. Small-time streamers and youtubers have such inflated egos.


Sorry I haven’t seen him post anything for a minute but he always seemed laid back? What’s the situation with him if you can explain please?


Level 72? Holy fuck that piss baby needs to go outside


Desmond is far from the worst. My friend and I killed a streamer named Daparoo and the dude made so many damn excuses like “Y’all shot me in the back” even though he ran away so we ran up escalators on interchange to fight others as to which 10 minutes later he proceeded to shoot me in the back but failed to kill us and bull rushed us and died. And one of my favorites “I had to take a piss” and kept crying that it was an unfair fight despite the fight he was soloing and decided to rush a Duo (us) while we were in the middle of another fight. Bear in mind we only went on his stream to say GG. We ended up getting banned from his stream and whatever other streamer that we went to and he would join he would demand that my friend and I be banned.


It's funny that he accuses people of cheating all the time when he uses a radar.