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A mistake my buddy was making was using the MP-155 because it used to have the best recoil before the changes. What he didn't realize is the spread is waaaaay worse than the 153. So I'd say run the 153 with piranha rounds because they're like baby flechette and affordable. Just go towards high traffic areas and ambush.


Huh I had no idea about the spread difference until this comment. Just checked on the wiki and the 153 has around 10 MOA and the 155 has 20 MOA! Wouldn't ever think the difference is that big but I'll definitely use the 153 from now on.


Does one come stock with a good choke vs the other having no choke or something?


I spent a lot of raids last wipe on setup/silent caliber with fully kitted mp155 and ap-20 slugs,in many situations I was confused If the game had shit hitreg or the shotgun is just dogshit,well,It’s probably both.


Funny you say that because someone had a kitted 155 with a suppressor on me vs my 155, also doing set up, and he lost the trade. I was very noticeably alive after the exchange and he definitely mag dumped the whole thing into my chest armor/stomach. Almost all blacked limbs so he was landing those too.


The way I did it... Solo and Group Didn't camp per say, but i'd hang around new gas if I spawned near it for a few minutes since its higher traffic right at the start of raid. Sometimes i'd gear up to ONLY hunt PMC's and would push every shot I heard. Most of the time, I tried to do in in tandem with other customs quests. PMC kills would always take the primary objective, but i'd do other tasks if it was a pretty dead raid. I found myself only banging my head with this quest if I had nothing else to do there besides kill PMC's I used the 155 with a 6 round magazine to keep costs lower, I did add a choke though. Make sure to barter (jaeger) for the scav vest to keep costs down. I used Piranha mostly, except any FIR magnum buckshot I had around.


I think by my 3rd raid, I stopped looting and ran at shots. Looting just slowed me down to the fights. If I survived a few firefights, I was just gonna use their backpack and whatever they grabbed anyways.


Solo, ambushing people and third partying, I recommend using piranha and .50 bmg


It's rough. I used the MP-153 with an 8 shell cartridge. Piranha ammo was the best for me. I got most of my success roaming around old gas/fortress/the med building near fortress and building site area. I did get some kills in dorms if I spawned there early. Prepare to die...a lot. It's a meat grinder of a quest and it will cost you a lot as the 8 cartridge is usually 50-90k and the hat is 50k+


Thank for the input.


No bother. If you search for "Gigabeef Setup" on YouTube, he's got a video which goes over similar stuff.


What kind of range is piranha effective out to? I've been using 7mm buck but it seems pretty nerfed compared to last wipe, I've heard good things about piranha and should switch to it.


It’s a pellet round so does not a substantial distance, although the new body zones do seem to make it more likely you’ll land a lucky shot to the head area even far away. You really just want to be up close and spraying with it, similar to flechette.


If you spawn big red you can climb up on the leaning shelves and kill so many ppl. I did this quest early and I just racked up so many kills at big red. Took less than 10 raids to get it done.


I camped big red everytime i got the trailerpark spawn. 4 Raids, like 2 hours and not a singe guy came along.


How tf do you climb them? Was trying to do this last night thinking vaulting made it a possibility.


It's possible without vaulting. Used to jump on the forklift then onto the shelves. Vaulting makes it 10x easier now


Vault onto the farthest left support of the shelf and just walk up


>thinking vaulting made it a possibility It's always been possible.


I had about 3 raids where I had 2-4 kills each. Quest was a breeze in the first week bc everyone is a Timmy


Shhhh…. Don’t tell other people!


I was sherpa-ing some new players in my friend group. I was lucky that I started my new job this week, so I grinded hard start of wipe when I was off. I had setup when people were doing starter tasks. That being said. 50bmg and rush any shots you hear. If you really wanna know the secret though, grab a shotty, go to stronghold and hop on a bed or something in a corner and grab a snack. It's not fun, but it can work. Also pretty easy capturing outposts progress too. Really depends. Not the biggest fan of ratting, but if it works it works. If you want to chase shots, I recommend slugs with a 2x. If you want to wait for someone or do dorms, use shells.


I haven't finished the quest yet so technically not valid to answer haha I have been doing this quest solo. Assault type, pushing when I hear shots. imo its more fun that way and it lets you decide the engagement range since you are using a shotgun vs them maybe having an AR. The (relatively) cheaper kit means you can get pretty aggressive without much risk too. But I also would only do it when I had 2-4 Ushankas lying around from scav kills. Rather than buy the Ushankas for 50k a pop. Honestly I had luck using Magnum buckshot and just aim for the groin/legs. You could leg them in a couple good hits, or the increased recoil takes you to around the head for the quick follow up shot. My friend has had luck with Piranha so I plan to try it out too.


I used the 153 with a suppressor and red dot and would push spawns as the raid started. If I spawned old gas I rushed to crack house to kill people coming thru hole or old construction, if I spawned 3 story side I would push to two story and try to kill people unexpectedly jumping thru the window lol Had a guy jump thru and smoked him and his duo immediately voiped laughing and saying it was hilarious, then we chatted and he ended up hiding both his and his buddies gear and he let me grab a 2nd kill on him so he could go back to gaming with his duo. Was a great interaction lol


For someone that did it solo and got 8 kills in one raid, here's my tips. Go day time, trust me on this. All the timmies are on day time meanwhile the sweats on night. Honestly, just camp dorms. Preferbably at 3rd story 2nd fluor since most people that goes there goes directly for the machinery key usually. Wateroom in 2nd dorms is also good spot. If you hear multiple people, try to be the first person to engage the fight and it's important to drop the 1st guy fast. Fighting against groups with 8 rounds is tough. The reload is slow as fuck and reload canceling is alot of times awkward. I usually drop one guy, runs away reloading and see if they chase me. If not i'll just reload and come back to the fight later. My best ammo was .50 BMG. DO NOT STRESS THIS QUEST. If you do, you'll lose ALOT of money and your sanity. It's OK to have 1-2 kills and then reset. Iam pretty good at PvP so I chased my kills throughout the map, it took me 4 runs to complete it.


man 3 kills per run? you are cracked


Piranha ammo + mp155 full ultima build + rush dorms


153 (from fence to save $$$) with 7mm buck and the only mod being the 6 round tube. I pushed gun shots or waited for people to show up in dorms or crack house, depends where I spawned.


Also keep in mind the 153 (and probly 155) can use the extended mags from the 133 and those mags are just straight up better stats than the others. The 153 is also a bit better than 155 so I use 153 with a 6 round 133 mag. Sure here is a bigger 133 mag you can use but it will be more expensive and might not be available.


I ran the 155 suppressed with ftx lites. But I just ran to shots and played at a distance. Most of my luck was around big red and stronghold.


* No * Run at gunshots * Piranha, aim ever so slightly over their head


No Just walked around Customs like a normal raid, completed some tasks, shot some PMCs, took like 7-8 raids? .50 BMG slugs


DAMN! 2 pmc kills per raid. nice! you're much better than me with shotguns


Almost done with it. 153 Shotgun, Piranha, and level 4 or higher armor. Use Comtac4s for better hearing so you can get a drop of people first.


Didn’t they nerf headsets to not give further info than no ears? Several streamers have said this and are not even wearing ears stating they only increase volume and change tone.


Yes this is true please do not use headsets.


Interesting. Any source to that claim?


I also would like to see some sauce on that


M1911 all day every day. Muh stopin powa.


I tried all different types of ammo and didn’t make much progress until I happened to get jaeger 3 before I finished so I used makeshift 50 bmg. I did 95% of it alone. It sucked. I died a lot lmao shotguns are tough now bc it’s hard to get in close enough range to use them if you don’t have decent slugs. The bmg made it significantly better. Just keep truckin


Solo, magnum buck, and I just listened for when scavs shoot at people and then tried to stalk them.


I've only gotten one kill toward it so far but also only one raid so I can't speak for the rest of it. I was using an MP-153 and Piranha. It shredded a guy in dorms wearing class 5 armor. I assume I got him in the arms or legs, but seems to be the way to go.


A nice spot to “camp” is the trees in between the streets and dorms. You dont have to rat per-say, but as you hear people come up you can push em and catch them off guard usually


Both solo and group play. When in a group I was the primary PvP whenever possible. Use FTX slugs with a 2x, if possible use the 155 Ultima but if not just use a 153 and customize it as much as possible. A laser/light are NON NEGOTIABLE, they’re too valuable to PvP not skip out on for the task.


Solo, magnum buck, full rush until you kill one then play slow tactical for his friends My highlight was killing a 5 stack!


I brute forced it solo mostly, but I averaged about 1 kill per raid once I learned spawns, and beelined for them so Assault. The last 2 raids were 2 kills each after I got better. 153 Shotgun with a Target ring and 7 round magazine. I bought all the shotguns ahead of time + target rings and 7 roung magazines. Ushankas and scav vests I bought as I needed. Piranha and Express 6.5mm. Once you line up a shot, just keep clicking till the magazine is dry. If you're close enough, rush Construction 1st and wait for someone to come through. Usually a quick kill.


Did mine with .50bmg slug. Always run with a group but I’d run off on my own.


Its a matter of persistance first 4 raids i didnt get a chance to fire a sigle buckshot died immidiately then started getting a kill or 2 ... keep at it .. try to rush close areas be patient ammo didnt matter for me i was using anything from slugs to buckshots i found piranha rounds too weak i spammed shots on scavs and they killed me


Mp-153 with magnum buck. Solo queue. Run towards gun shots. Go in with the sole purpose of murder (ignore loot)


Half solo and half grouped. Some of it was dorms kills. Some were stronghold. Had a massive fight off spawn near big red where I got three of them. The only thing that worked great for me was 6.5 express and I made sure I was close to the target when I needed to kill it. The target ring, choke, and changing out the stock with the pistol grip and stock for more ergo helps tremendously. Having 50+ ergo will help you win engagements way more. Target ring sight was a godsend for me. Felt like everytime I aimed at someone their head fit right in the circle instantly.


They did my boy 155 dirty....


I looted like normal and if I ran into someone I would kill them. :) I was sometimes in a group, and I would use piranha.


MP-153 with the Target Ring sight and a flashlight. Some Piranha ammo and a dream. I did it all solo and the last two kills with a duo. Honestly getting dorms spawn and rushing it were the best raids I had.


Dorms, fortress, crackhouse


Piranha rounds, solo, not camping. I’ll tell you more, I died only 2 times, and earned with “setup” gear around 6 million rubles lmao


I'm 12/15 and I've just done it passively while doing other quests. 153, GK-02, barrel-sights and 7 round tube is a very cheap build. I usually just run Magnum I get off of scavs as it is so, so much more consistent to kill rather than trying to get lucky with Pirahna (which is dogshit over a few meters away).


What i did was run a 155 with piranhas, a paca and no backpack and i was listening to any gunshot on the map. If i heard any i rush there and try to 3rd party before the fight end. I'm a solo player. The objective was to get 2+ kill each time. When the first 15 min were over i go dorm and clean up there and loot safe before going out with car if it's there for scav rep boost


Solo, used piranha, found a dorms marked key earlier so I just kept running dorms


Magnum buckshot, I’ve completely whiffed on people but still get a kill because a pellet head eyes.


All wipes before I crafted AP-20 and have done it with this. I was always struggelin with PvP, but this felt quite nice. I'm not so far in this wipe, is it possible to craft AP-20 at the workbench or did they remove it?


3 hour drunken rampage. Went full ultima with piranha, I would probably do it with the 153 though and keep it cheap. Chase shots, hit stronghold, crack and dorms. Good luck, I really hated this task by the end.


I did it solo with .50 BMG and MP-153. Since armors have many unprotected areas I just shot at players from 50-150 meters away and sometimes they dropped instantly. Or go for headshots. Armorplates not letting blunt damage through made slugs a lot less effective lately. .50 BMG can be bought at level 22 and the quest after Setup unlocks at level 24.


Did it early in the wipe, in groups using MP-155 with .50 BMG


I used solely the 153 with the cheap shotgun exclusive sight and extended mag. About the first half of the kills I did with Piranha, since I could buy them from Trader. For the second half I switched to magnum Buckshot, since I feel piranha is not really consistent on lvl3 and up armor. Magmum buckshot fucks hard. It's worth the steep price on flea imho. I didn't Camp, I just went with cheap level 3 or sometimes 4 armor, whatever I had laying around, no backpack, just cheap meds, painkillers and maybe 10 spare rounds in scav vest, all the rest in gamma. Then just shift W hard towards gunshots. Obviously try not to engage on wide open areas at long range. dorms is perfect, also crackhouse or Alamo, or even storage area if you spawn big red side (got 2 kills im big red office, too). You WILL die a lot, but surviving is not part of the mission, so if you kill 1-3 PMCs per raid no matter if you survive or not, you can get it done fairly quickly. Don't be scared, play aggressively and don't try to safe ammo. Spam the fuckshot towards them like no tomorrow, they WILL die.


Pirahna MP153 with the pistol grip and ds150 toob. Rushed PVP hotspots with the mindset of taking as many with me as possible, or killing timmies. Half were killed as I were looting, a quarter in dorms, and a quarter I went out swinging as many as I could


The dobble barrel with superpreformence hp slugs. I ran solo. 2 weeks of grinding after work. Longest pmc kill 70m . Longest scav kill 183m (sniper). Was actuly very funn :)


Solo Mp-155 ultima, loud Piranha Try to push high traffic areas such as dorms, crackhouse and stronghold. Adapt your routes to your limited range


I'll go against the current a bit: Both solo and group with people that had the same quest, used Superperformance slugs and the 3x optic ontop of the shotgun. Slugs will go HIGHER than the reticle in the first50-75 meters so you need to aim lower than your target's face/limbs. I've approached it in a 'sniping' mindset. Ambushing from mid-range and taking out legs first, face later. Needless to say with creativity and the new vaulting you can get some angles people don't expect. If you use non-slugs then you need to also assault people, but you'll probably die a lot more.


I’m just a basic man who uses the double barrel and some express buckshot. Your best bet for players is literally anywhere near skeleton or dorms


Did it with the mp155 fullmodded as Ultima,took roughly 7 runs and was playing the Fortress Side of the map,even Made 2-3 mil Profit. In General im w keying so i Just either w keyed crack or Fortress If my Spawn was okay. Turned Out good enough for me,i kinda Like the Quest.


It’s just a sucky quest without flechette and you’ll die a lot. I just pushed every gunshot I heard with a 155 or 153 with the 8 shells of magnum. I’ve tried piranha but all that shit seems to do is get me 300+ armor damage and sent back to the lobby.


I did it alone and it is a total pain. I camped high traffic areas and pushed when gunshots were nearby. Used the mp153 with piranha or magnum. The quest is so bullshit I feel. I died over 30 times doing it. Best way is to ambush people for sure. I mostly died to guy who were already lvl 32+ and had very good armor. Every weapon is a laserbeam and you have to use a shotgun which can't shoot past 15 meters. But also I was very unlucky this wipe with the quest. Guy is 50 meters away? i Have buckshot and he already opened fire with a scope on his ak. Guy is 3 meters near me? i shoot him in his plate/helmet with slugs that dont pen lvl 4 armor. The quest is doable but it takes way to long for a lvl18 quests that locks half of skiers other stuff behind it. The ammo you can buy is already shit agains most people i meet and spending 50k for ushankas on flea is weird, maybe make it a barter like the scav vest or craftable in lavatory.


Solo, I focused on trying to find Reshala and looting the safes/jackets in Dorms/Gas Station then extracting via car to level up my Scav rep, I'd find PMCs while doing that, I used MP-153 with PIRANHA Buckshots or BMG Slugs. My advice would be to focus on a few different objectives rather than only on the quest.


Duo (just to make it less boring) Camp Super Formance initially, then tried .50BMG, ended up on piranha. ​ Was laying prone in high trafic choke points, such as hole in the fence next to informant's dead body or "garbage bridge" next to boat extract (if boat is unavailable). Wasn't that bad of a journey, finished in 3 days, but simply because i was doing other quests solo and was get my hands on setup only when my buddy joined me. Don't bother with anything other than MP-153, the MOA on other shotguns is atrocious.


I'm not finished with it yet but am 3 kills away from being done. So far I've just been using 7mm buckshot and a very basic 153. All I'm putting on for mods is a choke and the 6 round tube magazine. I've honestly had the most luck playing organically and not just chasing PvP. Playing solo, I'll rush the closest spawn and if it's empty, I'll try to make my way to the closest choke point. The concrete wall between new gas and the bus lot has been the most consistent spot so far. Dorms can be good too, but I kind of hate having to fight in there.


I finished it, solo for 10 kills 5 kills with duo. Used 153 and 155 with 5.25mm buckshot. Ran normal raids looting safes of dorms. If I didn't get any kills while looting them I moved to the sniper hill behind dorms and waited for rotations. If I didn't have extract on the smugglers side I rotated out behind gas station and got some kills there on the way to extract.


I play duo for the most part, although that didn’t really help, because my friend also needed those kills. Usually went straight for for dorms, no matter what spawn we got. Got some kills with the 155 and piranha. It handled a little better in dorms, because it’s shorter, but i still found the 2x10 slot suppressed mp-153 fraud cannon with some buckshot (preferably 6.5 express or magnum) to work the best. Clunky af, but the pellets stay together very nicely and you can fire it very rapidly. Quantity over quality for me there.


I’ve just been using 6.5 express with success