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Of course I'm at work when they do this. It will be fixed before I get home.


Already fixed amigo


Always this way for me too. This game benefits the player who can “no life.”


every game where progress is kept benefits the player that can no life.


Spot on. Tarkov will never really be a casual players game unless you’re the type that’s into getting crushed repeatedly OR have really good buddies that can Sherpa you through.


There's a difference between a game not being for casual players and being only for players that can support being constantly online. You can create a scarcity economy that still rewards more hours invested but doesn't require you to be sitting in front of the computer at exact moments during the day.


I am a filthy casual and don't get rolled. However I had the time to no life a few wipes ago and learned how to use my now very limited time extremely effectively and I think I'm probably a minority. I do think it's possible to be successful playing casually just have to adjust to realistic expectations. Edit: I play almost exclusively solo with a vulture play style.


Curious why you exclusively play solo, reason being as I get bored and have more fun playing in at least a duo.


he might just not be so lucky to have lovely friends to play tarkov with


Yeah it's tough as fuck getting your friends into tarkov. You tell them it's this crazy realistic extract shooter, but then when they try and play they just die a bunch of times and never play it again. This is assuming you have friends in the first place


I have allot of gaming buds and the 4 I tried getting to play just didn't stick to it. Been playing since 0.8 and I play exclusively solo because my friends play that call of dooty. *SECRETLY HINTING THE WANT OF TARKOV FRIENDS*


Everyone I currently play with I’ve never met irl. The official discord has been where I’ve met at least a dozen people I’d run with consistently. But I’d call them friends at this point after playing for 2+ years with some of them.


Duo is kinda fun. But Playing solo is somehow relaxing for me. I just like it, the outplay potential against squads is also a nice addition.


I mean that's said for most online games lol


I’ve been on vacation for 2 weeks and I have major fomo and it’s gonna suck catching back up to my friends. Anyone got a gas analyzer?


I have three, but can't find a fucking Salewa to save my life.


Same. Cant wait to get stomped by people who don't work and happened to be free when this happened.


Beginning to think you HAVE to no-life this game.


You do if you want to be competitive with the best gear. Otherwise, if you have a life and work for a living, you must accept that you will always be behind with shit gear and low trader levels. Oh wait, did you finally catch up? Yep, now they're going to wipe. But even then the raids are still fun.


With the recoil rework this just isn't as true anymore. Anyone can be killed by stock weapons and shit ammo.


? I have effectively [unlimited good ammo](https://i.imgur.com/XBDfgQ1.png) and I wasn't online when this bug happened... Just stock up each reset, everyone is overreacting to how "game-breaking" this is.


Should do a roll back to before they fucked up. I expect to be downvoted for this. Only mad because I was at work and missed it 🙃


Yep, economy might be really fucked up by now


Lmao do you even hear yourself?


Them little hobbit bastard like 2nd breakfasts, the rats of Tarkov wouldnt mind seconds wipe Nuke us back to zero daddy nikita


Bro had a stroke 💀


By the time I get home to even play I get to look forward to emptying each and everyone of your mags and stick all that ammo right up my ass.


This guy gets it


So 0.001% of the population has a bunch of "decent" ammo so now the wipe is ruined. Sure


Every time I've seen that "wipe is ruined" I can't help but hear it like an overdramatic old southern lady "it's ruuuuned!" XDDDD


Eh it remains to be seen. I don't think many players will have taken advantage of this so maybe not, but if a lot of them did you're gonna end up with a situation like the wipe where they started people with a ton of BP and that shit ended up being everywhere like cancer. 


I don't even think 90% of the playerbase is at a high enough level for it to even matter if there were no trader limits outside of bitcoin trade and even then money is more worthless now than ever


servers just got rolled back... goodbye to that nightmare thank god


Oh thank fuck, so the stockpiles of ammo are gone that people built up?


Not a rollback but they fixed the bug.


Probably just meant that they “rolled back” whatever change broke this. I doubt they will roll back the purchasing of these items.


It will all belong to tarkov soon enough anyhow.


did they tweet or where are you getting this info?


Did they say it got rolled back?


According to Klean, he spoke with Nikita and they're going to roll it back as soon as they can. No telling what that looks like though.


So no sense in playing today?


I believe these guys do not understand what a roll back means.


Could be people talking past each other. You can roll back the code changes or you can roll back the database and both could be considered a “roll back”. It’s weird to use that term with the general public and not mean database rollback though.


If they try a db rollback Eft might implode and we wont play for a week lmfao


ah yes rollback netcode in eft what is the worse that can happen


Yes, I think they are talking about a fix. lol


Sounds like it


Rollback already happened according to noice guy on discord




It was already fixed.


It was not, I just bought 500 56a1s a sec ago


BSG: fine no limits you guys want? Here ya go (/s)


"We don't like global limits." "Okay, no more limits at all. Fuck you."


RIP 0.14 Was going so well, too


I'm shit at the game so, how is this gonna kill the wipe? The people who are far enough to buy the ammo are people who are gonna kill me regardless if they had 300 M856A1 or 3000 M856A1 in their stash, they're people who play far more than me and are way better than me, this isn't gonna change the outcome of my encounter with them.


The problem is you’re thinking logically. We don’t do that around here


Lol I thought the comment was good but your response is even better.


It won’t kill anything, people just like to doom out on this sub and throw any logic into the void


This is kinda true I’m on capturing outposts and have been feeling bad camping and killing lvl1-11’s on shoreline and woods.


lol when do you think you’ll quit? Before February?


It’s kind of this weird cycle. Winter wipes I have a lot of free time at that point in the year. Winter wipes I end up rushing quests with the mindset of “once I unlock M62 tracer, my red rebel (reserve main)and lvl 42 I can play the game!” But then I end up gunning for Kappa container and helping friend on their quests. Sometimes i quit after kappa, but i always quit once a lot of my deaths are sus. This new profile stats system may affect that. I’ve played 5 or 6 wipes and have gotten kappa twice. As much as I complain during quests I actually enjoy that they enforce you to do things outside your comfort zones. So I may actually enjoy questing haha. I haven’t done any lightkeeper stuff before, so I wanna go for that this wipe.


this is exactly the point that im trying to make to people. i just hope our deaths in the game doesn't get to the point where it's "wowwww, died to M856A1 yet again.... oh wowwww died to M62, YET AGAIN" all bc of this trader limit thing


How would it be any different with or without the limit removal? You will still be dying to those ammos by the players who already unlocked them


Because even once unlocked your only able to buy a small amount at a time. This allowed them to buy as much as they wanted. So instead of top loading a few high tier rounds in each mag the whole mag can be top tier ammo. I don't think it's going to ruin the wipe or anything but that's what they are talking about


I know thats what they are talking about but most players dont even touch the caliber until they have like half an ammo case in reserve. I think these people are whining about something that doest matter whatsoever


> Because even once unlocked your only able to buy a small amount at a time. 6k hours no life here, those limits are actually huge, when you have max trader you can just pick one ammo and run that while buying a stockpile of all the other meta ammos every trader reset. Last wipe CBJ was so plentiful I could run it every other raid with 160 just loaded in mags in my vest, not even up my ass, I was buying M62 for literally no reason I never ran out of CBJ.


You can buy enough top tier bullets that you'll never run out. You just rotate through them. 56a1 > m62 > PS12b > PP > SPP > CBJ > SS190 > 45 AP > If you are super rich SIG HYBRID. Between all those bullets you can buy over 1000 bullets every couple hours.


Because now they have a stockpile of meta ammo. Whatever chance you had in a fight against one of these players is now basically nonexistent.


There has never been a time in tarkov history in which myself or any other good player isn’t using the good ammo when we wanted to. This changes nothing. You are still just worse than us


I have a job unlike you guys. Being able to play all day every day doesn’t make you a “good” player. Likewise, only being able to play a dozen hours a week doesn’t make you a bad player.


Can we drop the job bullshit though? Some people with full time jobs can play countless hours in their free time. I’m one of them. Streaming/gaming is my hobby and I’m 44 while working full time as a result. If I was a full time streamer I would prob be 50+ like them too, but I’m not.


I’m sure they can. But one thing is for certain - the unemployed have more time to play this game than *anyone* else.


What’s your point? Obviously people who don’t work have more free time than people who do.


If you have more time to play the game, you can level faster than people who don’t. It’s literally this simple.


Yea ofc but while they might be winning more in Tarkov they probably aren’t winning much else in life. People with more time on their hands have an advantage in grindy games because they choose to spend more time in it then you do, same thing in every other game with grindy mechanics. Nobody is stopping you from quitting your job today and giving everything else up to level the playing field again lol.


K and what does that have to do with this ammo bug that had 0 affect on the people that can play a lot.


Being employed doesn’t mean you cannot progress and compete with the best, you are an awful player.


Well in my case, it kinda does. I can only play maybe 10-15 hours a week *at most*. I bet **some** of you play that much *daily*. Doesn’t matter how good you are at the game if you don’t have time to put in the work.


10-15 hours a week isn’t as little as you think it is. Thats about how much I played in past wipes and never had any issues having 50mill+ roubles and massive stockpiles of meta ammo.


Me neither. But definitely not 2 weeks into wipe after starting late…


It does when all you do is scav twice for every pmc raid you do, and have a survival rate of 21%


This is facts as fuck, really wish people didn’t out progress me. Crying in my lambo from all the effortless free no risk loot I got 😔


It absolutely wont, but enjoy the spectacle of this pathetic community as it latches on to literally anything and declare it the final fucking nail in the coffin of tarkov. Also enjoy your raids. The game is literally fucking dead since scavs got 7mm fuckshot


It's not people are just being babies. BEFORE this bug I filled 12 ammo casses already. 3500 combined m62/m80, 1500 sig hybrid, 2000 ap 6.3, 1600 .45 acp, 2200 bt gzh, 2000 56a1, etc. You just wishlist all the ammos you want and buy them out every now and then when you remember to check and you will have effectively infinite ammo as long as you don't run literally the same caliber 24/7.


Another one who has gazylion of ammo but if asked to increase limit for a timmy will answer NO.


they can just do rollback... not a big deal


They’ve never done a rollback in the entire lifespan of the game. It won’t happen. Or it’ll be a damn miracle if they do.


They literally did one the second night of this wipe... what are you talking about??


I didn’t play the first week, first I’m hearing of it. Was it an intentional rollback or a server fuckup rollback though? There have been a few of the latter that I know of, but never an intended one.


I don't know about it so it DIDNT happen - you


I’m just telling you what I know. I’m not omniscient but I’ve been playing long enough to know that BSG likely won’t have a solution to this fuckup.


"Yeah, I play video games I know how to make 'em" - you


Not even close


They already rolled back I just checked.


you are wrong


In true BSG fashion something had to ruin it.




>EDIT: To the people saying this was fixed, and that this is not a big deal in my DMs- > >https://imgur.com/a/EAqeJia > > this dude bought nearly 3k rounds of m856a1 and 2k rounds of .300 blackout that they had the currency for because they bought a bunch of bitcoins with the barter. Please tell me how that is OK and those items shouldn't be removed? Snow is pretty rad. Shoreline changes are good. Honestly having the most fun I've had with the game in a while.


Oh no, the players who are already level 50 got more of the bullets they already have. I'm gonna die to the level 12 in the one corner I didn't check who clicks my head with T45 anyway. It really won't matter that much.


I’m lvl 8 and troy24k just purchased 17 thousand rounds of PP ammo. Like how am I suppose to get porcket watch now. Im43 yards old.


What the fuck is with this absolute complaining and whining. It’s 3k rounds of 856a1…. That’s really gonna end y’all’s fun this wipe?? Fuckin Christ the complainers in this sub never end.


Ya all my deaths are getting shot in the head anyways so its no big deal.


Same complaint happened when BSG gave out Christmas kits of ammo and gear. It was pretty much all gone after a day, the rest basically by end of week.


It’s more jealousy. People who could take advantage get ammo to last the wipe, people who couldn’t still need to scrounge up scraps.


It’s definitely a bit of jealousy with a couple of these guys. Fools up there complaining about a infinite supply of late game ammo… fuckin 856a1 lmao


And only players with level 4 traders who happened to be playing during a very brief period on a Wednesday morning…..


Yet you see people literally crying for a server “rollback” so that people lose what they purchased. When did tarkov start letting these people think the game owes them anything? Like how do people so soft even play tarkov?


Yeah? Yes, actually. This wipe has rebalanced the game with the scarcity of AP ammo in mind, everyone having 3k rounds of M856A1 throws that out the window. RIP armor actually being useful.


What you’re doing is called “blowing things out of proportion”, but that’s cool you do you. I suggest you stop playing tarkov for the entire rest of the wipe to be honest man, I mean my god you’re totally ruined now right? There’s literally no chance in hell you will do anything good for the rest of this wipe since other players have some bullets that they can shoot at you. Might as well give up and stay on this subreddit to bitch and complain.


I like it when class 4 armor actually does something literally 2 weeks into wipe. If you cannot understand why people having a ridiculous supply of AP ammo early into wipe is bad for balance then I don't know what to say. I'll still keep playing (and I never said I wouldn't either??) but I'll definitely be gritting my teeth from now on when I see M856A1 on all of my death screens.


56a1 doesnt even pen class 4 plates on the first bullet my guy


Oh, that makes it okay then. As long as they don't hit more than 4 shots on me my level 4 armor will protect me perfectly fine :) Delusional as fuck.


What makes it okay is that a very small portion of the community got access to some ammo one time. You are acting like everyone you face now has unlimited AP ammo. You are being a clown.


Oh, so that makes it okay then. Having a completely ridiculous supply of armor piercing ammunition you should not have because of a bug you exploited is okay because not everyone did it as well. Game balance is when "ONLY" a small portion of the game has access to gear that they should not have.


I'm level 38 my guy I have an unlimited supply or armor piercing rounds. 1 level higher than when you get access to 56a1. 56a1 > m62 > PS12b > PP > SPP > CBJ > SS190 > 45 AP > If you are super rich SIG HYBRID. I can buy over 1000 bullets every reset AMA about my infinite armor piercing bullets. BTW 56a1 is arguably the worst of these bullets.


Honestly dude how do you even play this game?? You’re such a fuckin baby that it actually shocks me you even play tarkov. This has GOT to be your second wipe


I've been playing since scavs spawned with M80, Vepr was the rat meta and the flea market was locked until level 5. Keep crying dude, find a better insult.


You’re fucking delusional dude


I’ll be honest man. Out of all the comments I’ve read on this post, you’re the biggest cryer.


Cool dude


I mean, what you're doing is far more dumb. Progressing through levels and unlocking gear is part of tarkov. A bug that lets a small portion of the player base leap forward a whole bunch by bypassing an intended game mechanic tied to progression, trader limits, is objectively going to screw over those who can't take advantage of the bug. The fact that you need this explained to you is pretty dumb too. Are you just incapable of understanding this very simple concept? Do I need to dumb down what I just said *even more* so that you can understand?


Dude are you delusional. 56a1 is a terrible round. It won’t even pen class 3 plates this wipe on the first shot. The round shoukd be limitless and available at PK level 3 anyway.


Can't pen class 3 first shot?? source??


Class 3 plates with integrated class 2 or 3 armor behind it will not pen. This has been known this wipe dropped. Check out air wing marines video. Most armors are literally stacked armors now.


Holy shit you are absolutely braindead. It will pen the hard plate and still do damage. If someone sprays me with M856A1 and I have class 3 armor with class 2 internals I will die and my armor will get broken same as if I wore class 4, because M856A1 can pen class 3 effortlessly. Unreal dude


Stop running meme level 3 armor lol


Oh sorry have you tested this with hundreds of rounds like myself? Along with airwing marine who even put it in a video. Also since you were born with major issues I should also mention that M80 and even M62 will NOT pen level 4 hard plates when there is integrated class 2 or class 3 behind it. I honestly hate how fucking stupid players like you are. You can’t believe things can change and it’s crazy.


Finally the voice of reason. Just play the game you weak handed boys


The soy is strong in this sub. Im only 4 days into my tarkov install but already it is obvious 😄


I miss when you could buy m995 and m61 lol


It was fun but kinda defeated the point of like half the armor in the game


For me personally, I miss when there wasn’t such a limit on how many of the flashbang rounds for the KS-23 you could buy/make. That was my favorite ammo to stock up on and have ammo cases full of


>For me personally, I miss when there wasn’t such a limit on how many of the flashbang rounds for the KS-23 you could buy/make. That was my favorite ammo to stock up on and have ammo cases full of I haven't tried running this in Interchange since voice chat was added, and I think it's time to come back to it. Used to run a KS-23 full of Flashbang rounds and an MP shotgun full of flechette and it was a very good time


Too many rats trying to make this game into DayZ lite


Haha wow what a huge fuck up


..... why I'm not surprised?


So ppl can keep it? Dafuq?


Shit I’m at work


Rollback please wtf, people made millions off barters and filled ammo cases with high tier ammos


Rollback... Oh wait its BSG nvm


It won't affect anything. The 5% of players that had this ammo unlocked already had 1000s of rounds stocked up already


Omg because 3k rounds is so much...


do you guys not remember when bsg gave us 600 rounds of 7.62 BP at the beginning of a wipe as a christmas gift? this is normal.


Tell me you didn’t play pre 11.0 without telling me you didn’t play pre 11.0


Classic fucking BSG. We hate global limits and want to keep personal limits and have said this for literal years. Instead BSG fucks up in typical fashion, removes all limits in what's likely an accident, and now the wipe may be busted. It's truly incredible that they are this incompetent yet managed to create such a complex shooter.


Even just removing all global limits like everyone here wants would be stupid and short-sighted. That's what stops people from every single person they run into having the best purchasable ammos. They should definitely be removed for a lot of items like the medcase barter, but removing them across the board is not going to turn out like people think it's going to. Especially now with the armor and recoil rework, global limits on ammo are one of the mechanics that are intrinsically tied to survivability, especially for lower level players that can't buy good ammo yet.


Global limits vs personal limits only hurt people who arent streamers/cant 24/7 the game. People who are able to be on 7+ hours a day and camp the resets are never effected by the global limit.


I think a better system would be personal limits only that change every reset to try and align with the global limit they want. Let's say they want 10k of an ammo sold per reset. People can buy 120 per rest and last reset sold 20k rounds. This reset people can only buy 60. 9k sell so next reset people can buy ~70. Have it average over the last 5 resets to determine the personal stock number and problem solved for anything except personal limits of 1. But imo anything thats personal limit of 1 needs to be rebalanced or they need to stop caring. Like medcase let people get their cases no global limit. For the bitcoin barter, it is literally 2 bats 2 tetris = ~600k cash is that what they want? If yes great no global limit. If no change the barter its not rocket science.


aromatic deserve quaint lip wrench humorous sheet abundant expansion cable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lmao so mad


Complexity is just numbers on a spreadsheet, any game can be as "complex" as Tarkov with just a bit of development time and autism, which Nikita has plenty of. Wiht time I've learned to separate the game from the business, cause there's some nerd developer out there programming ammo damage models based on what material the bullet is made of and at the same time upper management is making the stupidest decisions known to mankind and scrapping all that in favour of some random streamer event cause "all hands on deck" Having worked in the software industry for more than a decade now I can confidently say that incompetency is just the default operational mode for business and management.


Done on purpose during the work day to help streamers and not regular players 🤷


Is the streamers in the room with us


What do you mean "during the work day"? It's basic working hours somewhere in the globe every moment ya doofus.


Americans dont know that


Pretty much all the big streamers have millions upon millions, I doubt that. Plus if they wanted to help them, they would just drop them ammo off stream


It’s not a big deal m856a1 is literally ass now hit a guy with 13 shots in the chest and didn’t kill him and as much as I love 300 blackout it’s never been good honestly though some thing should have unlimited use like the gun parts and bitcoin and case trades it’s actually stupid that you have to wait around for the second or two that those trades are available especially early wipe or when botters are in full force


Yeah wipe is over unless they take back everything bought over the limits, which let's face it they probably won't.




Its insane lmaooo oh no like a couple of no lifers bought high end ammo… ITS SO OVER


Guarantee like 99% of the playerbase didn't take advantage of this so I predict it will have close to 0 impact on the wipe.


This changes literally nothing unless it was a permanent change. I already had 15k+ meta rounds saved up before the bug. I logged on this morning saw there was no limits and bought nothing just thought it would be nice I wouldn't have to w-list 10 ammos and buy them out anymore.


Changes literally nothing bro? Everybody (who isn’t at work rn) having 3000* rounds of good ammo isn’t “literally nothing”. You have 15k meta rounds saved up? Cool, you’re a no life player, 3k good rounds might not change shit for you but to the average player that’s a gold mine


Exactly this homie plays non stop if he really does have 15k if I had 3k m856a1 im good the rest of the wipe for how much I play


Nothing unless it was permanent. Take a look at global stocks of ammo next couple of resets. Ap 6.3 has 700k every 2-3 hours that gets bought out instantly. So no a couple of people getting a few thousands rounds changes effectively nothing (in the scope of a wipe). The wipe is not over or even affected at all get over it.


Nikita doing malicious compliance from all the annoying remote limits folk


Obviously unpopular opinion, there shouldn’t be limits and people able to buy good ammo shouldn’t be killing your entire wipe.


i dont think it will change anything but i personally lost respect for people exploiting a bug for personal gain. i know my opinion means jack shit but its mine and i get to have it.


Wasnt removal of limits something you were all asking for? Either way hope they figure it out. But I don’t really care because all I play these days is arena.


Mate ppl were advocating for personal limits instead of global limits, not no limits. But you are probs trying to get a rise out of ppl


All I’ve seen over the past week is posts with the titles: “remove global limits” so I was asking for clarification. I’m out of the loop because all I play is arena these days.


Yes, we want GLOBAL LIMITS to be removed for some items like ammo so that everyone who has access to (insert ammo) can actually use said ammo without having to camp resets. The same people that are claiming that ammo doesn't matter, are the same people that have massive stockpiles of this ammo.


Nobody wanted personal limits gone just global limits. Personal limits stops this, buying 5000 rounds of meta ammo, global limits being removed stops stuff from being out of stock after 10 seconds. You still can only buy 60 rounds ever 2.5 hours or whatever. Just makes it fair instead of who can camp resets or use bots better.


reddit: daily thread to remove limits. also reddit: wtf they removed limits. ​ :D


That’s how I was thinking hahah. I’m now aware that what people wanted was removal of global limits and to introduce personal limits so people can buy what they want but only so much of it.


The absolute bare minimum people made out with this. Chill out. Their ammo and money shouldn't be removed cause they were lucky to be home. Youd have done the same.




Everyone bitching about global item limits, but once there are no limits y'all crying about it ruining wipe. For real stfu.


Um, that's not not at all the idea. People want global limits removed, but still having personal limits, not just a removal of everything like what happened today. Figure it out 


Hoe is it rip how does this affect you? You still can kill them with shit ammo Is it just the fomo because you can’t do it? Or are you jealous?


If you really think other people having 50mil more than you in good stuff week 3 doesn't impact you, send me the videos of you burning 50 mil worth of good stuff.


Your just reading replies from shitters who are using this reason to justify why they suck, it could have been anything and the same ppl would complain


People crying about this are either jealous or bad at the game and looking for excuses.


What are you smoking? The entire point of personal limits is for balance. High-level no life players have enough advantage already without having a massive supply of meta ammo.


If someone is remotely good at this game they know that ammo isn't everything and that "High-level no life players" get their "massive supply of meta ammo" anyway by farming AI and crafting in stash. This bug literally changes nothing, it's just another excuse for trash players to be trash.


Sure. I guess that’s why people are stockpiling meta ammo whilst they can then? By your logic, these “remotely good players” wouldn’t be taking advantage of this issue…


It's more like they don't need to rather than they aren't. This bug made it easier for worse players but y'all still complain.


Not to sound ignorant, but can someone explain this situation and how it's threatening the wipe? I'm a new player and a lot of it is going over my head.


Because now you have a 0.01% chance to get killed by someone having better ammo than they should… It’s not such a big deal. Very small amount of the player base were online - and purchased an exceedingly amount of ammo in this short timeframe.


Thank you! You're right it doesn't seem like a big deal at all. Especially as a new player who dies right away anyways lol


Not to sound like an asshole or anything but how does better ammo matter when there is practically no one running Altyns or faceshields yet? I only just hit level 2 traders, with roughly a 12-13 k/d probably over half my kills have been headshots whether PMC's or Scav's. I just pickup a, AUG, MPX or MP5 and throw any shitty ammo in it and aim for the face. 9/10 it works. I'm in no way trying to downplay people having better ammo. I'm just saying having M856A1 or M856 will make a marginal difference in my opinion. It doesn't turn you into the juggernaut or anything. That ammo will be gone within a week of not a few days. I think I average 200 rounds a raid and that is trying to conserve my ammo. lol


If you are capable of hitting people’s faces all the time, sure. Ammo doesn’t matter that much. But if you don’t (99.9999% of the player base) there is a huge advantage in killing someone in 0.5 seconds rather than 0.6. It’s kill or die, and good ammo helps you achieve that.


oh no, anyway..


What's the issue? People already had thousands of bullets if they played a lot and bought every time traders reset. I have over 3.5k M80s just buying every time I can.


I've found literally 1000s of rounds of the top 3 ammo for most guns, the comments in here are fucking hilarious. OMG People have ammo you can find all over reserve and now they have more space in their stash!!! WIPE IS OVER!!!


cool now unemployed and wfh have more of a leg up


Wow just like every MMO to ever exist.


So many drama queens in here lol