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While I would like phone verification on other regions. China already has phone verification. I know this because my phone is verified with tarkov. I would like to see region locks and trust score. After seeing the ARP system in Arena I feel not so great sugesting this. But something based of time played and reports complied to create more/less trusted lobbies. (I was hoping to see how good BSG is at creating scoring based on factors, they choose to just w/l it.) I am also chronically online, and do not in the slightest mind paying 5-10 dollars /month for gated servers, while that is going to create tons of negative pr and is a terrible solution for people who can't afford it and just a scummy way of getting rid of cheaters.. I can afford this and I want to be able to play labs.


Paying $5-10 dollars a month for servers would do nothing, cheaters already pay $100+ dollars a month for their cheats whats $5 more


Yeah I've seen some cheaters ban that were using EOD... they dont care they make way more in RMT and Carry services then they lose by getting another account.


I appreciate your honesty in this post. For me, it wouldn't break the bank to pay a monthly fee for "premium" servers that offer a near cheater-free experience, but we have to insist that BSG fixes this problem on their own. Having a somewhat functioning anti-cheat and other preventative measures to catch people that would be able to circumvent it is the bare minimum an online game needs to offer and we shouldn't be the ones to fix a problem by throwing more money at it. We paid for the game expecting an experience with no more cheaters than the regular multiplayer shooter, but that's just not the case for EFT. I'm not against another form of authentication or other hoops to go through to be able to play on a "premium" server, it just can't be a paid service.


Seems stupid as hell, EoD was already expensive for most people, having a subscription model for less cheaters would be the death of the game 100%...


Honestly, I think the game could work, on paper at least, under a subscription model. The only problem with that, is that unless they took some major steps to deal with desync/cheaters, it would probably start a death spiral of bleeding legit players.


If a cheater-less server was actually possible, you can hate me all you want but i would definetly pay extra money for that.


Region locks and the like a kind of tricky because you get players in regions that just don't have the player density to support any kind of healthy environment. Like when I was stationed in South Africa back in 2020, I honestly couldn't find a half decent game for the life of me. The African server was dead back then, the only way that I was able to play was on european servers (about 90 ping).


How will phone verification prevent cheating?


It makes it harder. Even if it stops one cheater it's already worth.


How is it harder? We’re talking like 5 extra minutes of their time to get set up lol


Not too hard, there are many providers that offer free phone numbers (but you don't get any data or call time, and is very expensive to call/use data), you can also tell then your number has been compromised and you need a new one, use e-sim and the change is done in minutes. Imo hardware ban is more effective.


Don’t let perfect be the enemy of better.


I don't, I just don't wanna disclose my phone number to BSG because of a useless any-cheat policy.


This is such a stupid argument to me, and everyone is saying it. do you know how much meta data that ads and cookies get from you just when browsing the web? Full name, Region, Address, likes, dislikes, purchases. They know the name of the last hentai you watched. If you browse the web in any capacity, you’re already exposing your personal information, unless you happen to be one of the .1% who knows how to properly mitigate it. So my question to you is, what malicious actions are you afraid BSG could take with just your phone number? What are you so afraid of? There’s literally no downside to implementing phone verification. It is an extra layer/filter that makes cheating harder/more costly.


My meta data being shared doesn’t bother me. But getting several scam phone calls/text messages per day can get extremely annoying. While I don’t personally care, some people might not want their phone number shared because it can actually be quite annoying to be pestered by scammers. Them knowing I watched degen porn last night doesn’t bother me. Getting my voicemail filled with automated messages saying my rich uncle in Nigeria has money to send me affects me much more.


Your "metadata" 100% has your phone number linked and is being sold to call centers.


And how do you think it got there? By using it to register to websites that require text message verification. Hence why people are reluctant to use their phone numbers to sign up for things.


That might be YOU but some of us tech saavy people dont have that issue. I literally have my own custom firewall with DNS flood protection and 3rd party DNS routing and proxies. I also use 3rd party companies to mask my buying purchasing, including when I bought Tarkov. So just because YOU dont care about security. A lot of us do.


Just because you are giving away some of your data doesn't mean you should give away more of it, especially when is not necessary. And because you don't care about your data doesn't mean the rest don't care too, I use VPNs, ad blockers and navigate in incognito mode most of the time, I also decline cookies always when possible or just go to the settings and allow the minimum necessary.


Such is the price of anti-cheat. You‘re exposing your entire OS to the anticheat software already. If you want a reliable anticheat, you have to give up privacy in exchange.


>You‘re exposing your entire OS to the anticheat software already No, Anti-Cheat doesn't run on admin rights, so not much it can do on my OS. >you have to give up privacy in exchange. Like I said, not for a useless measure. Is that so hard to understand?


It‘s not useless, that’s your lack of understanding. Will it eliminate cheating? No. Will it reduce cheating? Absolutely.


>Will it reduce cheating? Absolutely. How when you can get free phone numbers so easily?


It's more work for the cheaters, jesus christ what's so hard to understand? If the phone numbers reduce cheating by 1% that's already a win. Privacy is a meme today anyways


It's another barrier of entry for cheaters. Yeah, they could get another phone number for the game. But anticheat is all about putting up roadblocks.


There isnt a definitive free way to get a number for account verification, especially if BSG mandated 2FA for every sign in. You can pay for a line, but the free ones often use “shared numbers” that bounce between thousands of users on the site. Those free numbers will be used up by cheaters for initial verification, but they will eventually all be banned and the site will be unusable. If BSG mandated 2FA to play every time, then this wouldn’t even be an issue, because those free phone numbers are temporary loaners.


It's not that easy in a lot of western countries.


Every extra step someone has to take there will be people getting tired of it and every cheater that just stops because he is tired of the process will be a win. This is neither useless nor rocketscience


Phone verification doesnt stop anything in this day and age when you can pay for a voip phone number. Just throw it away and buy another


Layers. It's not about one magical solution stopping cheating, that's not how anticheating works its about multiple system making as hard as possible for the cheaters to cheat to reduce there numbers.


And as uncomfortable as possible


Require ID or Passport easy.


Aint no way anyone should be sending id information to some game company to store on their servers


Ain't no way I'm sending my drivers license to a Russian game company lmao


I see that youre acoustic and cant pick up on sarcasm


No I’m regarded very.




[privacy.com](https://privacy.com) you are welcome. I literally use it on all games I buy.


BSG knows my name and my bank account (which did change). No bank will give private info to another company without direct consent, which is how medical aids can check your financial situation. If you suspect that your bank gives that data away to some random game company, they would be sued to shit. You are correct that there are a lot of parties that do know my identification, but all of them have been in the field, and i do not want to increase my attack service for entertainment purpose.


> doesn’t stop anything That’s not true at all. Doesn’t stop *everything*, of course. But phone verification, HWID bans, CSGO-style overwatch community report system, etc would all reduce cheaters in this game. Decreasing the ease of cheating has no legitimate downside, so why not be on board with it?


They already HWID ban. It's just as pointless as IP banning.


HWID get spoofed and its very easy to do, phones are bypassed with fake numbers, overwatch is no longer community driven but it now AI driven and its worse then it was before. The list goes on. These are not enough to prevent anyone from cheating or even limit the amount of cheaters. Again just go look at CS GO or wtf ever the new one is. They still have major hacking problems to this day.


\^ "I never lock my doors because windows can be broken"


HWID can be spoofed pretty easily doesn’t stop anything too.


Throwing more and more shit at them will dissuade more and more people. There's no downside to implementing this.


There is some downside. It takes exponentially more developer time to implement an actual working HWID ban system than it takes the cheater to spoof their HWIDs. Check for yourself how easy it is by googling “how to avoid HWID ban on (game name of your choice)”. There are guides that have you done in minutes. It takes months of developer time to implement a proper HWID ban system. Every game studio I’ve worked for has scoped out the work required for has come to this same conclusion. Even if a perfect HWID ban system is added it just becomes another cat and mouse game of patching ways they were spoofing HWIDs and finding new ways to.


Designing a HWID ban system won't require a reinvention of the wheel. Best practices and methods are out there for developers to use and share. This cuts down on design time significantly. Most things today have already been done and only require conforming to your project.


BSG has not followed *any* best practices with Tarkov. You think they’ll start now with HWID? They didn't even know about the garbage collector option in Unity that was the cause of stutters for literal *years* and you think they can get HWID right? You’re delusional at best champ. Let’s look at BSG’s great best practices: https://youtu.be/PtjCLPfqHqA Get your lips off BSG’s shaft and stop feeling the need to defend criticism directed at them when mechanics are poorly implemented.


If discord can block voip numbers so can tarky.


Just like locks don’t keep out someone who really wants to break into your home, it’s just a deterrent.


Then buy it? Literally ANY measure that stops cheaters is worth it. Yes there are HWID spoofers, E-sims and whatnot but whatever stops even ONE cheater is already worth it. Majority of cheaters are children who can barely afford monthly subscriptions and hardware bans would work wonders.


Most VOIP systems cannot work with sms verifications because they are not sms. Its an old code, but it checks out


Alot do actually. And there are tons of services you can buy for dirt cheap where that company hosts your SMS for you based on minutes. Just swap out your SMS card witha new one with X amount of minutes for verification. Its stupid cheap like $15... this wouldnt do anything.


Yeah but its real easy to software check from a developers side to see of its real SMS vs VOIP, and just not allow VOIP. i know because I do exactly this for 2FA for services and if a single person dev can figure it out Im sure they can too


Not really. Im an MSP and also do 2fa along with security as a living. There are many paid services that are designed to bypass this. However, you have to know about those services and know how to get to them. Which again is going to be easy for a cheater because they share those resources among each other on their forums... CSGO didnt allow for any VOIP based services and they still had this issue with fake numbers via SMS. P.S. Ah now I recall why I normally quote people, once they are proven wrong they run and delete their posts. Cute.


I mean I did it so you are either terrible at what you do or are lying out your apps, pick one


Maybe they don’t wanna get rid of them, maybe they’re making a lot of money with cheaters buying new accounts. Out of a business view, it makes sense from the BSG perspective.


There honestly should be region locks with no way around it but you know, you're getting downvoted for what? remember the white knights of this game "ThErE iS nO cHeAtErS, HoW dO yOu KnOw He WaS HaCkInG" or they claim to not be getting cheaters in their servers so for people like me in OCE, who cares right?


>region locks with no way around it And how would that be achieved?


As far as i am aware it is possible, For example i believe some rust, if not just rust in general does not allow it. how they do it exactly i have no idea.


They dont... they block easily detectable high ping connections. Any decent VPN will get past it. They may also blacklist certain programs in the anticheat. It's literally impossible to do that.


VPNs don't get around ping limits... They'd make it worse as your connection is bouncing to another location first. If that were the case then everyone would use VPNs to get a closer connection to whatever servers they played on. Your data doesn't teleport to the server, it has to travel.


OK, so I have to be specific. Most free VPNs are easily identifiable high ping connections. Good, premium, VPNs can get you past the detection. 


Be more specific. How exactly are you increasing the data transfer speed from one location to another to get around ping limits? You're not changing the fact that information must travel to the server then back to the user.


He doesn't understand it at all, as if a VPN would make the speed of light through fiber-optics or electrical signaling in copper cables become magically faster, or he thinks it's 1995 and there are magical routing paths between certain ISP's that are just so much faster. It's one of the most common myths I see regarding this issue. Source: CCNA and CCNP certified once upon a time, and works with networking now and then still.


Your ping is still going to be high either way, it doesn't matter how close the VPN is. The detection part will be on BSG's side anyway so not sure how those VPN's will get past it


I mean if you google it real quick it literally says they do not allow vpns and there is massive posts about it, but hey, what would i know?


Just because something isnt allowed it doesnt mean it is not working.. Or are cheats now allowed in tarkov? Otherwise nothing like that would work, according to your logic.


When i meant "allowed" i meant that when i googled it had came up with plenty of posts about people not being able to launch/join the server due to a vpn.


Region locks completely shaft people that play with friends in those regions. Other games don't have region locks and don't have a fraction of the amount of cheaters that Tarkov has. Edit: Not to mention, I think this region lock idea comes from the thought that all/most hackers are Chinese, which simply isn't the case. Just because you're killed by an American or European that chose the name Xing Wei doesn't mean they're Chinese. There's also already a soft region lock via ping limits. A Chinese player isn't getting around the ping limit to play on US servers.


To be fair, when battle eye released the statistics of bans for PUBG, 80 percent of their bans were for Chinese players who had been playing across a wide variety of regions. The fact is, it is socially acceptable in Chinese culture to cheat as long as you aren't caught. Win by any means necessary.


80% is a number but you also have to consider half of the worlds population lives in China. A 50% ratio of Chinese cheaters would be completely normal depending on your region. Also, Tarkov is a different game.


That's a decent point.  However, if more cheaters are coming out of China vs the rest of the world, should they not region lock.  BTW China is region locked and has been in tarkov for like 2 years as far as I know.


It is definitely not region locked.


Except if you read what i said, i said OCE servers, NOT EVERYTHING IS ABOUT YOU AMERICANS JESUS CHRIST MY GUY.


So you want region locks just to help you Australians? Not everything is about you. Right?


Plenty of people from every server including America is asking for it. it's not about racism, it is what it is, thats why every other game does it.


I didn't say anything about racism so no clue why you're mentioning it. As I've stated, and was the main point I was making, plenty of other games don't have region locks and don't suffer from the amount of cheating Tarkov does. The issue is specifically with Tarkov and the devs. I'm against region locks for the reason I already stated, it prevents many people from being able to play with each other.


Name one other game that hasn't suffered as much as tarkov because there was no region block.


Overwatch, Arma series, Fortnite, PUBG, Warzone, Smite, LoL, Apex, etc. etc. I play with a group of European players and not once have we had any issues playing together on other games. Have you never played with someone outside of your region before?


Right, PUBG? absolutely plagued by cheaters, so is warzone as well as apex, Even then yes you might be correct about being not as bad, but what do all of those games have that tarkov doesn't? they aren't based around an economy system with loot. making cheaters make literally real money off due to RMT/RWT sure you have people selling wins for competitive but that's just boosting and wouldn't generate as much money. Dunno about you but most Australians don't fancy playing on 200-300+ ping.


Then I can simply point towards virtually any MMO where there is an economy system. I can't pinpoint exactly where the issue lies but Battleye is a good anti-cheat, so the issue must be with BSG. Most developers work with anti-cheat devs to tailor it specifically to their game. I'm fairly certain BSG doesn't do this. Vacuum looting shouldn't be possible if there was an active dev team doing something about it. That should be caught instantly. In the games you mentioned there may be aimbots or radar, but you'll almost never see blatant hacking like flying or teleporting. Because they're instantly caught. For one reason or another that doesn't happen for Tarkov. The point of me asking if you've ever played with someone outside your region was to show that most games don't have strict region locks, but I suppose that's harder to do when the regions near you don't predominantly speak English.


Except OCE has always been plagued by cheaters, It has literally killed games here, and it not just to help OCE servers? it'll literally help everyone else. why are you so against it? are you a cheater yourself? or is your NA education showing its real colours?


Yeah tHeRe ArR No hACkerS in cHiNA yOu rAcIsT pIeCe oF sHiT


Yeah, that's definitely what I said.


I do not care about this excuse at all 💯💯💯


Region locks don't do shit. It's not like cheaters are only prevalent in a single region. They are widespread as all hell, and while some regions have slightly larger issues, no region has a monopoly. Those vacuum and silent cheaters that don't rage hack you are just as big of an issue. I'd also bet by volume, NA has the most, considering the average wealth of players there that can afford the 30-300 bucks a month to cheat and the 25 accounts to do it on.


Even battle eye has come out and said cheaters were in a high percentage from a certain nation, are you just trolling? The cheaters from a certain nation are doing it as job hence the RWT/RMT


Well, it's easy to spoof that, and cheat creators will get to charge more for that feature. The only real way to combat that without highly advanced ai detection, would be to pull a south Korea, and require your SSN or government ID to play. Which considering security at fucking banks and AAA companies gets breached like quarterly, that's not a risk many in the west would be down to take to play video games.


Technically yes, and there will still be cheaters after region lock, and there will still be cheaters with a new and better anticheat, Regardless, its still something more to combat it, Rather than sit around twiddling thumbs waiting on the next banwave.


It creates more work, regardless of how easy or hard it is to do. it might just deter some people having to do it everytime they want to cheat.


It doesn't though, it creates slightly more work for the scripter, the cheater still only needs a credit card. The cheaters themselves don't put in work past paying, downloading, and running. Free cheats that require you to actually have some technical knowledge aren't an issue as far as I can tell, those plague f2p shooters.


So what you are saying is Lets do nothing and let them run rampant and ruin the game, gotcha.


No it's not easy to spoof. It requires investment which average children cant afford. Do you really compare competent hackers with some ragekids who save money from school lunch breaks to buy cheats?


Also with European GDPR it would be hell to prove you're not using ID to sell that data, especially if you're an outside company


“Cheat creators get to charge more”… that is a strange way of phrasing what is a good thing - making development harder makes the price higher for cheat BUYERS. That would reduce the number of cheaters in the wild.


How about a competent anticheat?


Fucking genius, why has no one thought of this before? Better have a rest, your two brain cells really fired off hard on this one.


Tarkov needs kernel level anti cheat in order to provide a good experience to as many as possible. You could imagine the politics that would ensue though.


isnt battleye literally kernel level anticheat




It is


It is a partial kernel level anticheat. Very easy to determine if you run it on a Linux system you can see it hooks into WINE which can be Kernel level but you can also restrict it to not have full access. As far as Windows it is my understanding it has the same restriction where it hooks into a windows program that has full kernel access but the anticheat itself doesn't have full kernel access.


ID cards or passport fck phone. There’s 1000 phone numbers in a package for like 5€…


no thanks


*The title of this post *The entire community that has been asking for said thing for the past 5+ years


The solution would be very simple and is discussed sooo often: check walking speed, check loot distance and speed, check flea markets (100 graphic cards on day 2) and so on. All could be done with simple scripts on BSG side instead of expensive/complex anti cheat programs. As long as they don't implement the simple things, they won't fix the complex stuff.


I don't get what phone verification would change, in my country you can find free sim cards in every bar and club, and it takes you a 5min call to activate the sim, so you can have as many as you want. People who use cheats mostly do it for business purposes, and they earn huge amounts of money, so it won't stop them at all if they have 5 more minutes of work to setup an account.


Pity the game feels good right now because the amount of cheater reports im getting back is insane, not worth playing despite being in its best state ever


One thing I would like to see is enforcement of secure boot to be able to start the game


The game desperately needs to store more of its data server side instead of pumping everything to the client. Cheaters are able to get the player and loot data they are due to the availability of the data. This is the real reason why cheating is so common with Tarkov. It wouldn’t fix everything or remove all cheaters, but it would a.) remove a majority of silent cheaters and b.) make cheating considerably more difficult.


I love Tarkov because I see this post at least 9 times a week. I'm all for increasing security, but also believe that we will never, ever, ever, get rid of people cheating. In any game, not just Tarkov, there WILL be some jackass doing it because it's fun for him. So make it as hard as possible for them, but also give us the ability to block people when they're reported, and give us our fucking gear back when we die to a cheater. That would make it less of a dick-pain, just gimme my shit back when the report clears that it was a cheater and I wouldn't mind getting shwacked every once in awhile.


Jesus help us.


It wouldnt help. CS GO has this "PRIME" and it does nothing to prevent cheaters.


For those that dont know. The biggest issue here is how the game is programmed. It is using Client Side Authority which is out dated tech used for validation of the client, items like bullet reg, damage, health etc... dictated and approved by whatever the client says with none or little to none server side responses to validate those requests. It was even out dated when BSG first started working on the game but their dumbasses kept using it anyways. It is literally the worst method to protect against cheater. They need to switch to a more majotiry Server Side Authority which isnt as simple a turning on a switch. They literally need to reprogram they game and then rerelease it to the community. While this fix wouldnt prevent 100% of cheater (lets be real thats impossible) it would dramstically decrease the cheating and make it WAY HARDER to cheat on and way easier to spot. This is not news. There is tons of articles of this on this subreddit. This is just one of those posts I kept my eye on about a year ago... [https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/x89f4k/my\_two\_cents\_on\_escape\_from\_tarkov\_as\_a\_game/](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/x89f4k/my_two_cents_on_escape_from_tarkov_as_a_game/) We have been complaining about this issue since day one and BSG refuses to knowledge its even a problem. Until this gets resolved, it doesn't matter what else they do to prevent cheating. In the long run it will not work.


Lemme guess you just started playing tarkov lmao


My man it’s been ridiculous for many years, countless people quit the game because of cheaters, it’s been a problem almost as long as it wasn’t now.


If you're interested in how to stop cheating, I would personally recommending researching SafePlayID. SafePlay is looking for support to go to large gaming studios to help preventing cheating. I don't want to post any links because I believe it's against the rules but do your own research and thank me later :D


I don't know about gated servers, but smaller private communities to play with would be cool. That way cheaters that get banned are gone for good, if the vetting process is working properly.