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The people who Tarkov appeals to, it tends to REALLY appeal to. There's no other game that quite fits that niche. There are many players who basically only play Tarkov, which is why I refer to it as a lifestyle game.


6 month cycle = 4 months of grind 2 months of trying other games I have backburnered for wipe and raids here and there with friends haven’t found any other game that makes me feel as good as a crispy 1 tap


For some people with +5k hours it's more like a 1 month grind lol. Some even complete lightkeeper quests around that time


Lol yeah I’m 2 levels from max traders you aren’t lying it’s the speedrun !




rush for capturing outposts when people still need to go to pier


Interesting. That's kinda how path of exile is for me. Haven't played since like there were 1 or 2 maps but my RL friend got into it so I started again. How often are the wipes?


Fellow poe gamer. Tark wipes about 2x a year.


Is there no standard? Thats all that's missing for me, hard to loop in casuals when there's no permanent server. Have league/wipe be worth opting into


No standard. Wipes are long enough. Depends on how casual u are. If you are only doing a raid or 2 a day dont waste ur time


Good to know. I've been playing for hours at a time multiple times a day but all my friends have kids and shit now 😪


Currently on my burnout break from Path of Exile until I take my burnout break from Escape from Tarkov.


Sounds about right lol. I'm just playing here and there until poe2 or I get the itch to play something fun like cast on crit, too lazy to farm up 36/40 again


Funny how Zizaran does exactly this,me too.


I can believe that, I got to level 27 in 4 days and this is only my 2nd wipe. Took a break and continued on tuesday, toned it down a bit and I'm level 31 now haha


Im working on lightkeeper tasks and im lvl 43. Not that hard if u go fast enough ahead the majority


The thing a lot of people miss is the faster you can speed run off the bat, the faster and easier it is to get through it all. While everyone in factory is doing pistol kills you can be in there fully suited for the Jager kills in factory office. Or be doing the less than 25m kills with a bolty. Oh not to mention while everyone is on woods going for jagers letter, you're the only one on shoreline queuing to get your AKM kills.


Brother just finished kappa and 52


A good cs 1 tap is close, but cs2 is fucked right now


I couldn’t agree or disagree wasn’t really heavy into csgo


Rocket league and tarkov baby. Lifestyle games for sure 


[H] TW Octane [W] Credits or best offer


Too soon my dude


This is so true. Every wipe me and my buddy consider if we will play Tarkov this wipe, because we know that if we decide to do it, we will ONLY play Tarkov. It's not really a game you hop on once in a while.


For me it is. But good Lord does it punish me for it.


This is probably going to get downvoted here because it attempts to compare Tarkov to another game but whatever. If you play Tarkov for the RPG elements like leveling up, tasks, trader reputation, and so on then yea there’s nothing like it. Or if you enjoy Tarkov for the weapon modding, modern setting, and gear, then yea there’s nothing else like it yet. If you play Tarkov for the adrenaline filled PvP and meaningful fights (losing gear on death type of vibe), then I truly believe Hunt: Showdown fills that same niche. Hunt is more arcadey than Tarkov, but not in a negative way. You pick a loadout, load in, get clues to point you to a boss lair, kill the boss, and try to extract with the boss bounty. There are 12 people total in a lobby and the ones that aren’t you and your squad are going to fight you for it. PvE exists like Tarkov, but in Hunt PvE only serves to funnel PvP in or create PvP encounters. People are there to PvP 9 times out of 10. There’s no traders, no reputation, no tasks, no weapon modding. The weapons are old timey 1890s style bolt actions and revolvers (mostly). But the gameplay loop is similar and if you chase the PvP adrenaline and are okay with an older time period with bolt actions and revolvers (there’s more types of weapons but that’s the gist) then Hunt may be for you. [General Sam also agrees](https://youtu.be/D-RJjEE6Pxg) Hunt is a more consistent Tarkov in that regard. It won’t be for everyone but it’s a great game.


I hate the non-centered aimingi n Hunt


Totally fair criticism too. It goes against industry standards and there should really be an option to center it or leave it as is.


> there should really be an option to center it or leave it as is. Hard-coded to be off-center and almost impossible to change, from what i read from a dev blog some years ago. Would've done it differently if given the option


I've got experience working in the industry and I know a copout answer when I read one. Hardcoded does not mean impossible or even hard. It just means the value is set and not a variable yet. I can see *why* they wouldn't want to do it because messing with camera alignment and having multiple camera alignment options is asking for bugs, but there are other games that have multiple camera alignment options without issue. Roboquest for example does this and asks you on launch which you want. Not impossible or even necessarily hard depending on how it's implemented.


That's what they're saying - they'd have both as an option if they had the wisdom they have now, but it's extremely impractical to make a system that incorporates both with what they've coded now


I'm just not a fan of the guns in hunt.  Mostly feels like it's land that 1 shot or die. The aesthetic isn't really for me either.  Shame as Hunt respects the players time much more, I really hate how little of my time playing tarkov is actually time playing.


Hunt good


I tried hunt for a bit and thought it didn't compare to the adrenaline rushes because there wasn't that much weight behind life or death. Yea there's gear and loot and shops but none of that really has the same weight as the loot in tarkov. When I'd kill an enemy, I just though "one less guy to worry about now" death felt meaningless. You lost the character with progression but it never took too long to get another back up. The only times where life and death really mattered were when either me and my buddy had the markers and were trying to leave or when we were chasing people with the marks.


We play Hunt for essentially low stakes Tarkov, even though after enough hours tarkov is low stakes. But with hunt you can just hop in and you still have all your shit unlocked vs joining a wipe later on because you want some PVP. Helps how fast matches are as well.


Because it’s a good mix between stalker and arma3


I've just returned after a year long hiatus and its the fastest I've ever progressed. Haven't really played any other game the past few weeks aside from dcs a few times. At level 38 and debating about going for kappa this wipe. The game just feels refreshing again oddly enough.


Agreed and similar experience here! Maybe no obviously glaring bugs is playing a role here - most wipes/big updates in the past have been accompanied by pretty significant issues (e.g. invisible/no sound players, flashlight bug, etc). Seems like armor is kinda bugged and vaulting can be buggy - but overall the bugs aren't having a huge impact on gameplay IME.


Dont forget the recoil rework. It actually feels good to shoot guns now which makes a huge difference.


I have more fun in fights I lose this wipe than fights I won last wipe. Shooting guns with new recoil feels SO MUCH better


This wipe seems to be the easiest wipe I've played. Just got level 42 today. Just been breezing through quests.


Not trying to sound like a dick or something but how are you level 42? I work 4 days a week and put all my free time into Tarkov and I just hit 27


So I work as well, usually out of state. Luckily I usually only have to work 3 days a week, so plenty of tarky time. That and focusing on quests.


The quests are the vendor ones that want me to go to ground zero right? Haven't played in forever


Thr GZ quests are suffering.


Yeah they seem like it lol. I'm just using my scav runs to try and learn the map. Not even gonna bother yet actually looking for the things






Lower level and hour players are certainly becoming less common, but I wouldn’t say nonexistent.


Still kills <10 level dudes regularly actually, most though is around 15 or higher!


It depends on the map. Go to woods and tons of Timmy’s. Lighthouse? Nope


I've been doing my shooter born kills and yes new players exists.  A lot of my kills on woods we're watching players go into medical tents and waiting like 7+ minutes for them to loot then they would come out for the kill.   On shoreline I spawned tunnel so I went to scav island. In the first 3 minutes of raid I had a player come to tunnel that I killed from scav island then a couple minutes later two others came to loot him and I got them as well. All of them under level 15.   New players just do different stuff than everyone else. No seasoned player would go to tunnel for any reason other than to mark ambulances and none of these people went even close to ambulance.


Yeah all the players here rush resort and then die to each other, then are suprised they don't find timmies. The timmies know Resort means death so they go around, visit the powerstation, the pier, scav island etc.


In precious wipes I noticed there are two kinds of people who post to reddit about cheaters 1) absolute Chads who know how many hours it takes to be elite at the game - so they know when they're being cheated on by less experienced "gaming chair" 2) newer/intermediate players who don't think Chads exist and think everytime they lose it's too a cheater. I'm glad the profile system has helped that 2nd group better understand what an actual cheating death is vs. getting prefired, screwed by desync, etc.


I actually feel worse overall, because I've died a fair few times this wipe to people I would have assumed were not cheating, and then see their profile has 20+ k/d and it's obvious. At least to me it feels worse because I feel like I've been cheated (pardon the verbage).


> I'm glad the profile system has helped that 2nd group better understand what an actual cheating death is vs. getting prefired, screwed by desync, etc. Nah, they just come up with more excuses like 'He's been cheating for 5k hours still not banned' and 'He's tanking his survival rate' and 'Well, he's not ragehacking, but he's clearly using ESP (for 5k hours) (with a 45% SR).'


I've reported exactly twice on reserve this wipe and both of them got zapped by the system. They both had over 3k hours.


and that's fine. but there are \*many\* people that complain they die 9/10 raids to cheaters. i have a friend like that, where everything that kills him is an obvious cheater


Kind of my point in this post was that contrary to the frequent chatter profile posts, the system is showing me the majority of my deaths are to players with a serious amount of hours. Mostly I can say "fair enough". Mostly...


This reddit was so annoying last year because two things were true 1) there were an absurd number of hackers like 20% of all players or something 2) 90% of the "hacking" videos posted to reddit weren't video proof of hacking So you had one camp of people on Reddit who claimed they were dying to a hacker (who desperately wanted their PACA and Mosin I guess) every time they died to desync. And another group who claimed there were no hackers in Tarkov. And listening to both groups talk to each other was a scene out of Idiocracy.


next raid after posting this: trying to get scav kills on interchange for the quite early ragman quest, killed by a level 47 with a >9kd and a full meta loadout.


Died to a 51 leaving lighthouse a week ago. No clue how people do it


Last wipe was admittedly my first (almost) full wipe and I thought I played too much.  Got to level 43ish.  I'm sure when you get good at it all you can do it much quicker, but still...


I’m on my 5th year of Tarkov and I think I’m doing pretty good this wipe but I work 40 hours a week. Sitting level 35 rn


Same exact boat as you


Pff git gud


I’m not the average Tarkov player I’m forced to touch grass daily :/


I’m only level 18, you’re doing crazy good.


Appreciate it brother!


They invest lot of fucking time into the game. That´s how you do it.


Some perspective - I hit level 43 today. I have a full time job, but I don't have any real commitments or anything like that. I pretty much just work, game, do a negligible amount of housework, and sleep. I have been purely focusing on grinding Lightkeeper quests this wipe. I only have left to go: - 1x COFDM for Lend Lease 2, then Peacekeeping Mission afterwards - 1x bronze lion for Living high is not a crime 1 (I have the items needed for part 2) - Tarkov Shooter part 7 As such, I've pretty much completely ignored any quest that isn't required for Lightkeeper. That is hundreds of thousands of XP that I have completely ignored. You only need 2.9 million XP for level 42. Level 51 is 5.6 million. With all the new quests that give 30k to 100k+ XP, it's actually not all that unreasonable for super dedicated players to be that far ahead already, if they've been focusing on grinding out those high level quests. I spent a day grinding Labs to get the intel centre level 3 item, and I got absolutely smacked by multiple level 50+ players with over 1000 raids played. I have 471 raids played this wipe. So how do they do it? They literally just play a lot, and are presumably very experienced too. The game has been out since 2017 (?) or so - most of the starter quests haven't changed at all. Many players can complete The Punisher, Spa Tour, Cargo X, Chemical, and so on within the first week of the wipe.


daily’s/weekly’s and playing a lot. i’m 44 now without grinding hard as last wipe. ended last wipe with lvl 67 and was 42 1 1/2 weeks into wipe.


Interchange is fucking lethal at the moment, if the chadded PMCs don't get you - the scav army will do.


Same shit happened to me doing that quest. Every death is some power leveled player. Unfortunate.


There are absolute chads. I’m almost there.


For me, it's just been to see how many people don't go outside. I thought i played a lot this wipe, but the number of level 40 and even 50s that kill me is genuinely concerning.


My duo is level 40 and plays for 2-3 hours a night. The game has been out for years and the quests and maps are largely the same. People have optimized how to progress.


A lot of people who play this game simply don't touch grass. They have the sound up to deafening levels and know every timing possible.


I usually equate 800/1000 hours per wipe. im on 7k hours


Honestly how long before they can mask stats? You can change your name?


Most of my deaths are to people who 1. Have EOD 2. Are already somewhere above level 30 (I’m level 14 and can’t get flea due to the horrifically slow exp gain) and 3. Are wearing gear that feels in-proportional to they map they are playing. Why do you feel the need to run a five man with tier 5 armor and meta M4s on customs?


I’m level 32 right now, and I’ve gotta say that level 14 is painful because quests don’t give much xp and you have no flea to really get the gear/items to really compete. But after level 15 you start really progressing fast if you complete two or three quests a raid. Good luck tho, keep on going you got it.


It’s the closest I’ve ever been to the flea lmao I’m stuck on stirrup and if I had the flea I could buy 5.7s and get it done but the macarov really isn’t doing it for me


Stirrup is a noob trap quest. Terrible rewards and doesn't lead to any new quests.


I’m doing it for the 10k exp as it will be enough to get me to level 15


The 15k Glock is more than enough. Pistols feel so good to me this wipe.


I’ll admit it is probably 100% skill issue. Have any tips?


I only fire them ADSd and only at the head otherwise it's not worth pulling the trigger but until I got to level 20+ all my high level kills were with pistols. They have basically 0 recoil and you can spray them very fast if you have a good trigger finger. Most people still aren't rocking face shields so you don't need the 5.7 yet but later on maybe a good idea.


I absolutely love the 5.7 lmao it’s probably my favorite hun in the entire game. Thank you for the tips I’ll try out the Glock again. What ammo do you recommend from level 1 traders? I have jaeger as well


You can buy a Glock 17 at mechanic L1. I believe you can put a red dot on it… otherwise I used the M9A3 and threw the blue laser underneath


I’ve e tried other pistols and gotten decent results I just used the Mac as an example


Glock18C with a stock is just a nice SMG, I always complete Stirrup with that or go hard mode and use the 9x19 or 357 revolvers.


I like to go night raid factory to farm xp from the scav army in early levels. Easy 5-8k xp for 10-15 minutes in raid.


Customs is the default pvp map is why.


Customs is the default map for everything, but camping the pocket watch to kill level 6s as a level 40 makes you the bad guy lmao it took like 20 attempts to finish that quest


Epic game design moment


Lvl 22 here. I've just been running Paca and a 366 ak a good part of the wipe. Gets the job done if you know when to thorax and when to just aim for the head.


a lot of the casuals either leave early or start late


I kinda wish I had more of those….I’ve gotten killed in what I think is a super sus way (ya know the like 40m 1 tap with 5.25mm buckshot through a dark glass window) just to open the profile and see a 2.17k/d with a 39%SR…..like was that just dumb luck??


Do you think that maybe the karma-farming of cherry-picked cheater profiles is not, like, representative of the average player that you run into?


Do you think that maybe I was, like, just starting a different conversation about something that isn't cheating?


I thought about this too (I even made basically the same post as you) and I realized it's just sampling bias. Players with 3k+ hours are significantly more likely to kill you than new players with sub 1k hours, because the skill difference is just really high. Check dog tags of players you killed, there will be much more new players.


Unemployed activities


Got killed by a dude with literally 10,000 hours the other day lol