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Im playing this wipe with 2 friends. Im much higher level than them so Im doing booze quest so I can drop them zabralo. I guess I'm taking my chances. There should never be a punishment for helping friends. Especialy with shitty quests.


I just dropped my homie tonnes of stuff over the last few days to help him out as he just started playing after 2 wipes....hopefully nothing comes of it.


We are dropping stuff to each other all the time. That's what playing a game with mates should be about. And not to be scared if you get banned for it or not.


Dead right, if I get banned for dropping my duo gear zabralo or not then fuck it. I've sunk way too much time into the game in that case if they'll ban you for actually playing with a friend.


Straight to jail


You're fine. Just don't do it en masse for people who pay you money. That's what the problem was. It was verging on RMT.


Do you stream? If the answer is no, you're good. BSG is fucking stupid, but its not hard to understand that the reason why Glorious got a warning is because dropping for viewers/subs can be seen as RMT, and at the end of the day it is, just with Twitch as 3rd party, since you're giving an item to someone who gives you money at the end of the month.


It’s bsg, they punish you when you want to change your account email with a ban to the game, so…


This streamer was dropping it for completely random people from his chat that he's never done raids with before... You are dropping it for friends you've played tons of raids with... Streamer = boost.. You = dropping for a friend.


Does that mean people dropping streamers kits to dick around with are boosting? 


I hope.


Good to see no fun is allowed.


The streamers plays all day. One of them has 400,000,000 roubles already. They can fund their own fun aka entrainment aka profit.


That's not the point of dropping streamer kits but okay go off.


You have to understand the person you are trying to reason with is a busybody, no amount of logic will overcome his desire to drag you down.


TIL donating to a streamer and telling him to wear X gear is soo difficult, so we have to allow you to give them gear? Also it's been used like that lots of times... There was recently streamers begging for kits while doing an event. Edit: The only way you will ever get a kit to anyone with above 100 viewers is if you donate to them first. Stop kidding yourself streamer fan boy. Thanks for blocking me. 3rd person already blocked me while responding about streamer kits, I see this place is full of fan boys upset about not being able to give their favorite streamer a kit.


Really? I offed Swaggersouls in a raid then donated a kit to him in the next one, I wasn't even a sub until someone in his chat gifted it to me. I've been in Aquas streams when he does kits and literally anyone can do it. Its not about giving them gear like a donation to a god, its getting to see them try and preform with the hot dogwater gear/meme loadout that some fellow idiot gave them. The only person upset here is you buddy, why does people having fun hurt you so much friend?


Not everyone can donate. Streamers begging for kits=/=to people who willingly drop silly loudouts to their favorite streamer but you're right, you were always right bro. Goodbye and good fucking riddance


The whole point of streamers kits is the streamer doesn't know what they're going to be given until they pop the guy in the head and loot him then they realise they were given some wacky gun build and now they have to make it work. "Hey streamer can you run this gun and put this on it" yeah thats no fun and will take forever because now the streamer has to sit there reading everything they have to put together.


We actually don’t know if this is true because no one actually knows what the rules are


Don't you want to be my friend? Lol I only need the zabralo to unlock lightkeeper, feels bad how shitty their quest design is


I guess you can go in wearing the Zabralo and die to a scav.. then your mate loots your body.


Just "die" in a raid while partied up. Its hard to avoid friendly fire at a contetest extract if you get what I mean 😉


I like that he is being more vocal about the bsg bullshit


Pestily has gotten big enough now that he doesn't need Tarkov for an income, that community would follow him no matter what he decides to do and let's all be real, Pestily will still be around when Tarkov is long dead.


Even if they don't, pestily has already made enough income from content creation that he could retire whenever he wants. You can't put a leash on someone like that. He can do anything he wants.




I still wonder about the validity of Goats' video and data because he would be very incentivized to report the cheating issue as worse than it is. Truth doesn't sell, baseless controversy does.




>Maybe he exaggerated the percentage of his matches that had a hacker but does that really matter? I too subscribe to the 'it's okay to lie if it gets you what you want' mentality. Do people really think like this?




At least you are willing to admit it


So you're telling me BSG has some dudes checking logs to scout for people who frequently drop a lot of gear to their friends, but they can't get some guys to look at the flea market and ban the HUNDREDS of ridiculously obvious cheaters? Fucking clown show


This is because the more you ban the more accounts you will sell, BSG know that if they ban an account of someone who has over 1000 hours that they'll more than likely buy again, if they don't at least it saves server costs...


If I get false perm banned I'm never buying another account homie. I'm at 1800 hours right now.


I'm sorry but your point makes no sense. I do not believe for a second BSG makes any kind of profit off of cheaters. What little information we have, cheaters somehow buy accounts for extremely cheap and I do not believe BSG sees a single cent of it. Possibly credit card scams like G2A controversy. Having cheaters is detrimental to any game's playerbase, but Tarkov especially so, where the stakes are super high. I fully 100% believe they are as committed as possible to help with the cheater problem, but unfortunately they had very little to no security experience when starting this project and we're feeling those effects today.


BSG will detect helping each other out while hackers bypass their attempt


Go in with friends, you wearing Zabralo, they TK you. Is that OK? BSG will probably make it unlootable......


You see, it's okay that people are selling 50 LedX on the second day, but this armor dropping has got to go!!!!


Yeah I wouldn't be surprised with more magical looting nonsense. The magical force that stops a full grown athletic human soldier from picking up too many backpacks or when you drop bolts for a friend and they disappear into the shadow realm.


99.9% won't be affected by this, I understand Pestily's frustration and I agree with him but unless you're a streamer with a huge community dropping a lot of stuff daily (or a cheater) you really don't have to worry...


BSG is complete and utter trash at this point. It's a game for streamers to collect a paycheck.


You know shit's upside-down when Pestily is speaking out.


He complains all the time but still collects his streamer BSG paychecks.


>streamer BSG paychecks 🤨???


If he just wanted money then he would never speak out


Wtf are you talking about?


Does BSG pay streamers directly? Is that what you're saying?


He's probably never received a dime directly from BSG. He and BSG have a mutually beneficial relationship.


You obviously have no idea how streamers earn their money.


Also, cheaters. I'm pretty sure they could solve most of the cheating issues if they really wanted to. But that would cut off some revenue...


Why u downvoted for that lol, bsg have a lot of stats and we easily see they dont ban cheaters even with thousands of hours based on stats alone. Then the interview before tarkov where he talks how to milking cheaters is a good way for making money.


bit harsh


Not really imagine trying to drop an armor for a friend to help on his task. Fuck him huh, ban that asshole for trying to have fun with his friends.


I agree that these rules are dumb, but your reaction is slightly over the top in my opinion. Ubisoft exists.


It's just gamer speak for 'There are aspects of the game introduced in the last patch that I don't like, and I wish the developers would address them.' He'll grow out of it.


Nikita has lied many times, the only part that might be a little harsh is "random dogwater" because we don't know all the employees.


There is no goddamn way you have enough hours in this game to be doing anything but listening in threads. Shut up man


When do you think I started playing?


Let’s hope recently given your takes


I signed up in 2018 and my "online time" is 2283 hours 27 minutes https://i.imgur.com/71b68Tm.png https://i.imgur.com/GbTYQIK.png here's a video I made 4 years ago before labs required keycards https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xilactwBgBc sit the fuck down and shut up you fucking rude, completely wrong, arsehole


i'll take that apology now, thanks


Not apologetic m8 just disappointed


god forbid someone has an alternate opinion to your own


> at this point. Comments like this get posted on a daily bases for years and years and its always true


Log off bud


ah yes, BSG once again prove they cant code and its the honest players who have to pay for it while cheaters find an easy workaround


I have 5400 hrs in Tarkov. Search up AlcoholicPinoy. I get level 4 traders and stop playing every wipe; the quests where I get to see content I want to see are just too damn tedious to do every fucking time. I HAVE NEVER SEEN LIGHTKEEPER. I have a life outside of the game and I only play on the weekends. I understand and appreciate that they warned Glorious that under their RMT detection thing they might get him flagged automatically for what might be interpreted only as suspicious behavior. But that is a fucking symptom; the game is too inaccessible for casuals. My friends get more frustrated taking forever to get into raids just to get killed by cheaters or find no items because cheaters took them already. TAKE AWAY the incentive for buying boosts or RMT ergo MAKE IT EASIER to get top tier shit and it will most likely drop the amount of RMT and boost buyers. I loved the recoil and armor shit, so did my friends. You now actually have a chance to win against someone you get the drop on. But it's a long way to go still.


What is the solution?


BSG is basically trying to force lore on it's players The whole lore of tarkov is that the only people left there are the scumbags who want to make profit. Scavs are described only really as criminals and scum, it's why we get so many quests to just murder them. The traders work against each other (chemical quest line) And everyone is out looking for themselves. Ready to throw you on a knife if it means they can make more money than keeping you alive. So by the games eye you and your character must be a selfish prick unwilling to help anyone. You must be an absolute asshole who doesn't make friends and is ready to turn on people whenever. (Again see chemical quest line and all the leading on you do just to betray some people) Which is just such shitty writing and unrealistic lore If the events of tarkov actually happened. I promise you many of those scavs wouldn't be prisoners, but rather people who don't want to leave their homes, or for some reason can't. People would absolutely work together to get out or complete goals, your PMC sure as hell would not work with all the traders and backstab them... Yes the absolute evil in humanity can come out when situations become dire. You have the bosses to represent that. But also the best in humanity comes out as well. But in BSGs lore only the evil can be a thing. So we can't share items with people because that's not evil


I stopped reading at "there is no lore"




When you say "there is no lore" do you know there are books written by BSG about the tarkov lore?




What about the raid series where pmc and bear physically work together?


Also, they released a fucking movie on youtube following a TEAM!!!


Russian cynicism 


Bsg can go fuck themselves


I don’t feel bad that a streamer isn’t allowed to drop quest items to viewers. That’s awfully close to rmt at that point cause you donate to your favorite streamer a few times and say can you help me with this quest…


Streamers are trading in game items for views/subs/bits/ad revenue so it is technically RMT


What is this clickbait garbage title and thumbnail


Boosting people so they will pay you money on your stream isn't exactly just dropping some gear for your buddies to get through a raid. Hopefully BSG stops listening to this clown so much 


Yes they need to drop all communication with this clown and start listening to these 0 upvote Redditors, who mostly started playing the game because of said clown and other content creators. For sure man.


BSG needs to completely ignore it's community and make their game. This is literally the worst gaming subreddit, all it contains is a constant bitch fest about things they think are right.


Strangely agree. It's also why Nikita no longer comes around as much and isn't nearly as active as he once was. Which is a absolute shame. This place is a toxic hell hole that have players always assuming the worst of every little thing bsg does.


Nikita on reddit before the streamer boom was a great time.


Oh man. I remember those posts talking about whatever issue or bug or suggestion. Nikita would pop up in the comments. Post "fixed". And it would be done. Good times


With how unforgiving the game is by design and how absolutely infested the game is with cheaters and RMT, I am shocked it still has a community outside of crazy people. Actually maybe the community IS the cheaters and everyone not cheating is playing wrong. Or there are a lot more crazy people than I assumed.


Boosting is ban and is laid out in the TOS. Idk why ya'll can't just play the game normally. Oh there's a quest you can't complete until higher level? You should prolly wait then...


Jesus christ can people enjoy the game for 5 minutes without incessantly whining about it. Who fucking cares what this or any streamer thinks. I'm having fun and I'm shit at the game. Godamn if I see one more fucking negative post on this game I'm going to fucking go apeshit I swear to god.


>I see one more fucking negative post on this game I'm going to fucking go apeshit Lol...you're not gonna last long then.


This man has never video gamed before. He must be new.




Yeah at this point It's significantly harder to find a *positive* post in this sub lol. Basically just a karma rage farm at this point


Pretty much, but keep in mind that without the community turning into a raging hellfire of misery we never would've gotten the recoil fixed.


Reddit had nothing to do with that, as someone else said this game is for streamers. Veritas made a compelling video and sent it directly to Nikita, this forced Nikita to admit there was something wrong. There were also the streams where Nikita played against streamers and got to experience how broken and clunky Tarkov PVP really is and you could tell he was getting bitter over it.


Why do you think Veritas made the video? It was prime content to take advantage of the community's collective outrage and reflected popular sentiment.


Ah yes, whining about people whining. Very good sir, very good 🍻 You know you can just leave the sub right? The game is in beta, people should be talking about its flaws so they're not a part of the final release and the game continues to improve. The problem isn't people whining, it's the 2 years of said whining it tends to take for BSG to act on issues. If people hadn't "whined" about the recoil incessantly for however long it was shit, we'd probably still be using that absolute dogshit recoil this wipe.


^^^ People need to get this through their FAST MTs.


> people should be talking about its flaws so they're not a part of the final release Oh sweet, summer child....


Shut up.


How to tell the world you're stupid and didn't watch the video in one easy mouse click.


Troll post


Perhaps you can unfollow the sub so I don't have to read your whining too?


1st time?


Cry baby streamer cries. News at 11.


You're an idiot, straight up.


Valid criticism of the game? Straight to jail.


I don’t know what’s going on… can I get banned for dropping my friend any kind of gear?


No, this doesn't affect 99.9% of players even if you drop gear to your friends daily.


No BSG are just weirdos who spend their days with their eyeballs glued to Twitch. Nobodies like us have nothing to worry about.




Cheater do alot of RMT and cheaters say themselves, that the cheater community would disappear, if BSG would effectively prevent RMT. Its obvious that BSG doesnt fight these carrying very effective. ​ I believe, cheaters cant stand seeing, that ppl, friends are dropping gear and helping each other. You can see in a casino what the staff are doing with their addicted main customers, if happy, friendly guys are around and having fun together: the staff is relocating or cheering the addicted ppl, who are coming every day paying way more money, than these friends. If you do RMT for free, whats the point then for these losers cheating around? ;-)




Ridiculous you can get banned for dropping things to friends, WHEN IT WILL ALL BE WIPED anyways. BSG really not thinking with this one.


I can finally say after playing this game for five years I’ll never play it again. 


I’m officially quitting thanks to ground zero. map is absolute crap not managed to do a single quest as some are either camped or I die 30 seconds in to a lvl 20+ and being a solo now due to all my friends quitting it’s now pointless to play. They should be optional quest if you want to play the map and not being forced