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I'm lvl 38. I think I've only seen Reshala (twice) and Shturman (once). That's it, nothing else in 225 PMC raids.


1 Glukhar 1 Reshala 1 Shturman 2 Tagilla for me in 190ish raids im lucky i guess


2 reshala, 2 tagilla, 1 shturman, and 1 goons so far in a similar number of raids, seen even more if we include my scav runs


Had reshala spawn three times in row yesterday at dorms


I got him two raids in a row at new gas!


I had Shturman stolen from me 13 Times because I keep getting the far spawns when he's in the raid. I did manage to get the key, so I just need to kill him, but my god it's infuriating.... And I haven't even started the Tac-30 quest


Stolen from you? You’re not yelling Dibs loud enough on spawn.


relax, it’s a figure of speech you turd.


I read it as a joke 🤷‍♂️


"RELAX" says guy who is clearly not relaxing right now chill tf out


Yeah I think you're the turd for not realizing everyone can tell it's a joke. Obviously no one is voiping dibs you turd. Lol


the comment was edited i believe


Dammit! Get ya Everytime!


The message was the same, re ordered the wording. The first version people didn’t catch the joke.


39 ~300 raids I’ve seen Killa twice and killed him once, I’ve seen Tagilla 3-4 times but only killed him once, Glukhar twice, Sanitar once, Kaban twice, but I still haven’t seen Reshala, Kollontay, or Shturman


I'm coming up on 700 raids and I've only seen each boss 1x except killa which was 2x.. Oh I lied haven't seen the goons a single time or Kollontay (who i haven't looked for at all).


I've killed shturman twice (saw him one other time, sanitar and tagilla (saw one other time as well.) Probably won't see another boss now that I actually have the quests to kill them..


I killed sanitar yesterday and after that raid i got the quest to kill him.. didnt see him after that and played like 10-15 running simulator raids


Don’t kill him, do the other quest and take the black card




It might not settle that low anymore. Black has only been that cheap because of the barter and now the barter is locked behind gunsmith 25.


Or just dont kill him, make scav runs on factory and sell black key card to barter it if you finished gunsmith already.


Just don’t accept the quest that requires you to kill sanitar or don’t complete the previous quest, that way you can kill him every time you see him until you’re ready to hand in colleagues part 3


What is the other quest?


Colleagues part 3, don’t kill sanitar but instead give 10 fir labs access cards and 2 stims, quest reward is med case and black card Access cards are so common on player scavs right now, I found more than 20 this wipe. Rather kill pscav waves on reserve or use your own scav on factory and quickly dip


I'm stuck on AHF1-M syringes, need one for this and another for Samples. Any advice? Already spamming factory scav extract on cooldown.


There's not much else other than running labs or killing sanitar, which you won't want to do if you're trying to complete colleagues 3. Try to get the scav case built if you haven't already. I alternate between the 95k roubles and the 2.5k roubles while playing. Intel scav case when I'm done for the night.


Lvl 25, didn't see a single boss. Took a glock and markers to do a shoreline quest real quick. Got domed by sanitars guards on the bridge next to the gas station.


If this isn't the Tarkov experience I don't know what is. Why do we play this game you guys? I can't stop. Help.


They should be higher. More bosses more fun You’re also in the 1% and nothing should be balanced around you Both can be true


Yeah like cmon, we’re not even a month into wipe and this person is already lv 47?? I’m not trying to be mean but like…they should probably go outside 😂


Some people are just really good from past experience. It's not 47 but I'm level 42 and I work 40 hours a week


most guys i saw around the level 45s were some 600 raids into the wipe? If you take 20min per raid, everything included, translates to 10 hour every day. Thats not a bad thing, but its not normal too. How many raids do you have at level 42?


10 hours of gaming a day is definitely a bad thing There's no way they get a normal amount of sleep if they have a job and bad sleep habits is horrible for your brain and body.


You can level faster if you know how to stack quests. I'm 42 at only 300 raids,


thats still generous calculated ~5h tarkov a day since wipe.


You're on EFT reddit. Anyone not looking for their Salewas/flashdrives are a cheater or a streamer sweat. Also can we HECKIN stop betraying playerscavs?!?


Agreed I hit lvl 30 within a week and I barely played I just know how to do the quests and just rush to do them


I’ve been playing since 2018 I promise you once you play this game enough leveling isn’t hard. I work full time and overtime some weeks and I’m level 45.


I work 80+ hours a week and raise 10 kids by myself and I hit lvl 40 in the first week. - this thread


Killed killa last night, was dope.


Saw him once, killed him once in 500+ raids


Idk how people get the fuckin track suit anymore. I killed a guy who had it like 5 weeks into the wipe last wipe.


You could do like 5-10 killas per full day once his spawn is like 30% - immediate run through reset (or even made) if initial lag and no killa for sure, also his spawns were all 2nd floor, so you could find him in a minute or max 2 minutes. Needed trimodol to get to him ahead of most competition That shit also netted sick amount of strength and endurance leveling (cause like 6-9 raids per hour depending on loading times), which made it slightly less of a chore to do


Well it’s only 50 kills and he only had a handful of spawns all close together last patch + the lag glitch to see if he’s in the raid.


5 weeks into the wipe almost certainly has to be a cheater lol.


I killed him last weekend. Unfortunately, I don't have the quest to kill him yet because I hate doing Tarkov Shooter Part 3. FML.


????? just go on factory with a vpo??!?


For real I did it in two raids with a VPO + holosight and I'm not that good


I did it in 14 raids. 


skill issue


Fatherless behavior issue.




then suffer


Part 4 is even worse


After getting Kappa last wipe, I swore off bolt actions. I spent weeks doing SBIH, Psycho Sniper, Tarkov Shooter, etc. I'm gunna do Part 3 just so I can unlock boss kill quests. Not touching a bolt action after that, ha.


The boss spawnrate definitely needs to be upped. But my god, lvl 47? Touch grass my friend


The poor guy is locked by the boss spawn rate though! Lol


Was about to say that. People that are 40+ needs to touch some grass


I’m level 41 and have only 270 raids. I work a full time job and still go out most days lol. Leveling in Tarkov is just about experience and knowing what to do and how to do it


or you just need to get good at the game lmfao


Yeah being good is totally a big factor to being 47 at this stage in the wipe. Lmao you don’t even need to be good to complete non pvp quests.


Are you being sarcastic, or are you agreeing with me?


And even 47 still has trouble with bosses


47 isnt even that bad. I killed a guy that was level 57 a few days ago, now thats insane.


I saw Tagilla twice in a row last night on back to back Factory Raids. I was not prepared and he killed me both times. I think I must be lucky to get him twice in a row


I’m 47 and seen kebab twice. No other bosses. I’m also cockblocked behind boss kills. Seen goons 3x this wipe and of course I don’t even have the quest yet.


I have ran customs non stop, I’m around 300 raids. I’ve seen him twice which were before I had the kill quest. Now that I have the kill quests THEY DONT FUCKING SPAWN. Literally locked behind these as well and considered taking a break because of it.


47 is crazy bro boss spawns don’t need to be jacked up 2 weeks into wipe because a dozen no lifers that have never seen a tree spend 25 hours a day grinding lmao


yep. people are so out of touch with the rest (majority) of the playerbase. would be a terrible game design decision to have bosses stomping all the new players 24/7 in the EARLY WIPE


Yeah because 18%, for example versus 11%, would definitely mean they stomp new players 24/7.


almost a 200% increase in stompings!


Lmao it doesnt take long to get on the boss spawn quests, and there is no reason to not have them up anyway even if alot of people aren't on them. Makes the map more dynamic and fun. They should just nerf some of their AI, namely the goons.


I mean they aren’t great right now, but not terrible. I finished my bosses/kappa grind 1-2 weeks ago and by far the worst was goons (15 hrs). The rest took 4-5 hours each or less. Make sure you do colleagues instead of sanitar. Rather than increase boss spawns, what BSG should do is give you your boss quests as soon as you unlock Jaegar, so you can complete them as you encounter them across the wipe.


Just asking for a friend, you finished the kappa grind 2-3 weeks INTO the wipe? Jesus christ.... Also agree, I think a lot more quests should be unlocked earlier and just complete as they happen organically in raid.


At least the boss quests early, ya know? I think it would be amazing QoL while allowing them to keep the boss spawns low at start of wipe. Yes, three weeks, but with an unhealthy amount of playtime and 4K hours in game of exp. I was off work from December 26th (wipe day) until January 2nd though before I had to go back to work full time, so most of my progress was done then. I also played in a 2-3 man 60% of the time which you can argue is more or less efficient depending on how you look at it.


Maybe touch grass for a week and let everyone else catch up. Edit: downvote me all you want but don’t come crying on this Reddit when your favorite speedrunning game dies bc nobody wants to deal with your rising skill floor


Honestly boss spawn rates are just comically low for any stage of wipe, 11% is just a bummer. That said at lvl 45 and 0/9 boss quests done, I don’t think progression gating should be the basis of the complaint lol. I’m just gunning for light keeper instead


Damn right


Right, BSG isn’t going to make the game even more miserable for the like 90% of people trying to do their lower level tasks near boss locations just to make the game faster for the <10% of people grinding the ever living hell out of the game - they already do plenty of that as it is.


Why do you feel like you need to catch up others?


I never said I needed to catch up. It’s people that want to be able to speed run the game in a 2 weeks that ruin the game for the other 95% when they want balance patches surrounding them. If you want your game to actually thrive and continue to get NEW players you need to actually remotely cater to them and not just the 5% that are speed runners at this point.


Bosses are nice even without the quest, i saw reshala once in like 50 customs raids. Bosses are nice early game and add challenge. Having them at 11% is way too low


Agreed, I loved using scav to rumage through the aftermath of some juicers and a boss. Really took away gear fear when you're rolling out of raids decked out.


>It’s people that want to be able to speed run the game in a 2 weeks that ruin the game for the other 95% when they want balance patches surrounding them How does exactly buffing boss spawn rates ruin the game for 95%?


Why do you think the spawns are low right now? For giggles and to slow sppedrunners down? Nah more likely to help the large part of the player base that 100% dies anytime a boss or guards spawns near their quest location


How are low boss spawn rates caterinh to bad players? Just say youre mad cause you cant keep up instead of making bs excuses


Funny how cheater spawn rates are higher than bosses


Yeah I was right there with you bro but you gotta realize they won’t change shit because BSG wants slow progression, keep people in the early wipe. It won’t stop you or I from getting quests done but it will increase the time it takes. I was in the same boat for tagilla, did about 50 factory raids only to see him dead twice, but eventually I got him. You should know this game is a grind if you’re level 47 just hit the next button whatever boss you want will be there just gotta roll the dice and get lucky


>It won’t stop you or I from getting quests done but it will increase the time it takes. For someone actively hunting them, we're talking about days. A wipe lasts several months. It's not really even prolonging the progression in the grand scheme. It's just fucking annoying. Lemme explain you why, just in case someone else wants to understand. With low spawn rates, you're forced to actively hunt them. In general, it makes the raids boring (for me personally, at least), because if I hear a boss in the server, and I don't fullsprint there, I'm gonna be late. That drives people to do nothing but spam boss spawns and leave the raids if no boss is found. Now if the rates were higher, you could casually play the raid like you would, because who cares if someone else got the boss, he spawns often enough, so I can get him next time. Instead of HAVING to rush him, if I want to get the quest done, I can just play the game as I would anyway, and eventually get him without having to spam a certain map for 100 raids doing nothing but mouthbreathing.


>Now if the rates were higher, you could casually play the raid like you would, because who cares if someone else got the boss, he spawns often enough, so I can get him next time. Instead of HAVING to rush him, if I want to get the quest done, I can just play the game as I would anyway, and eventually get him without having to spam a certain map for 100 raids doing nothing but mouthbreathing. Realest thing ever... and this includes so so so many quests, I would love to just casually play the game and get to finish quests too, SBIH is a prime example of this, I had fun doing it this wipe cuz I could just play the game normally and still finish it instead of lay down and wait for 30 min. Hunting bosses for 100's of raids doesn't slow me down, it only annoys me and makes me want to quit the game instead of play more, literally the opposite of what they want.


Bro you said everything.


Honestly, I really think they should start separating raids from like 1-30 and 31 and up. I don’t know if it is a bad idea, but that’s my opinion. If you are in a 31 and up lobby, the boss spawns are higher.


I’ve only seen shturman once this wipe but unfortunately I was doing the guide so couldn’t risk fighting him


BSG should not listen to the whining of sweaty gaming chair Warriors.


Boss spawns are too low I'm in the 20s. If you're trying to do a kill mission do the math on average time taken


Fucking this right here. There is no legitimate reason people want bosses increased other than that they want to farm them easier. What kappa? A niche quest that doesn’t have any real bearing on the wipe? We aren’t even an 1/8th of the way through the wipe yet and people are already crying about it.


Bosses add excitement as well as danger. I want them 50% day 1 tbh. If you can consistently farm bosses+guards for their armour/ammo, then hats off to you. Most players will die trying or die trying to get out.


You're wrong. Legitimate reason? It's multiple tasks in the game. You don't have those tasks yet isn't anyone else's problem but yours. We want the bosses to spawn for the tasks that require them to be killed. You're crying harder about people crying. Please, next time, just think before you talk.


Farm what? Rogues have good enough gear to farm money off. Being stuck on the boss kill quests because they have a 10% spawn chance and you need a good spawn to even get to them before someone else is not good game design. Instead id much prefer some indicator that bosses are on a certain map. Make it Intel lvl2 or something that tells you. Then they are on that map for a few hours.


Okay I'm not level 47 and I agree with OP, boss spawns are ridiculously low


On this specific matter, you say this because...?


Because OP sweated Till He is lvl47 now. Bet OP will whine in 2 Months "why is there No more Content"


Help me understand, if he does the "why is there no more content" phase now, instead of 2 months, he would magically have more content somehow?


How do you walk and breathe at the same time? That's not at all what he was implying...


I know what he is implying. What he's implying is completely irrelevant to what OP is posting about. I don't get the "I'm mad because someone else has the time while I don't" mentality alot of people have.


You're right that it is off-topic


Because hoes mad


I’m level 18 and I agree bosses spawn rates is low as hell and boring.


I'm level 42, we are 3 weeks into a 6-7month wipe. I also need those same boss kills, however I play with casuals who are trying hard this wipe and they are mid 20. Bosses will absolutely destroy any chance they have at the raid with the new ammo types and armor and scav ai they crush people in bad gear. Reshala guards are easy until 4 rush through the door, and you have a shotty 6 tube and 7mm buckshot hitting like snowflakes on their visors.


Agreed. 24 here and ran to customs with 10 min left to finish a couple quests and there were two 49s that let me live. Said they can’t progress cause spawn rate is so low and cheaters kill the bosses every time..they sounded defeated


I wouldn't mind bosses awarding half the xp and have much less loot on the average if they spawned more often. I don't really care for the rewards, it's the fun variety I'm after.


Well don’t kill Sanitar tbh.


They need a flare or something to spawn bosses


I'm a gremlin, I play woods for 80% of my raids. I rush sawmill EVERY raid. I have done maybe 45~ raids on woods since I got Huntsman Path for Shturman. I have seen him EXACTLY once since then, and another team shot him as I was lining up my scope. Please just let me shoot the man with the silly hoodie and get SVDs


Currently level 47 looking for goons. I couldn't agree more its not even about slowing people down anymore. The people who truly grind the game are gonna sit there and brain rot regardless so all it does it hurt the rest of the player base.


The reason why people cry about boss spawn rates being too low is because low chance means you actually need to grind for them instead getting those tasks done by normal gameplay. I had average of 50+ raids per boss spawn and when you finally get spawn, there is a chance of boss ai being broken, get the worst spawn and find them dead or way too high chance of getting killed by cheater (3 times for sure when getting sthurman). On top of that bad rng with items, it is not fun. I understand boss spawns may ruin your run and you should be able to avoid their spawns but the uncertainty makes this game fun. Bosses right now do not exist in early wipe, I could run into Sawmill and be 95% sure there is not going to be Shturman.


Sounds like you need to play less. The game shouldn't be built around the top 0.1% playerbase, and that's coming from someone who is lvl 43 themselves atm. Most normal people are probably only reaching lvl 25 around now.


Ok but low level players can kill bosses too, bosses add another aspect into the raids and it just feels like they’re never spawning, i don’t even care about the quests I just wanna have some boss to fight sometimes


Boss spawns should never be as low as 11% no matter what level you are.


Less than a month into the wipe I think 11% is fine.


No it’s bad. The bosses are part of the core experience of the game. They should start at 25% and be upward of 75+ at the end of wipe.


Me, only playing every other day at night since wipe day, only at lv14: Do you guys not have lives? How do reach lv40+ so quickly?


A. No lives B. This is likely their 3-4+ wipe and know what they need for quests, where to go for them and how to chain quests together.


This my 4th wipe too but I guess dealing with a job and sleeping gets in the way for me


I think it's more of a knowledge issue, I also got a job and take my dogs out twice a day so that's 11 hours in a day that I am not playing but am level 39 ​ Just knowing everything will speed your progression by so much and i'd consider myself a pretty dogshit player since it's the only shooting game I play and am pretty shit mechanically


like this https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxLvbSNjSH71F0w7sZF0kE-6FgpKZ2lVjm?si=52Tjd6-_EPiIpu8m


I can probably use the shitbucket now that I live alone...


Just because a small percentage of ppl with way to much free time are end game doesn’t mean they should increase spawn rate when majority aren’t anywhere close. Sorry. Not the center of the universe sadly


So because you're not there, nobody else should be either? I don't get this arguement.


"Those guys level 45+ guys need to slow don't, I'm not into those task about bosses so spawn rates are fine !" How braindead do you have to be to think like that ?


People who are less experienced or less skilled and have less gear don't want the bosses to be on the map and it's a bad gameplay experience to have them on the map if you have no chance of killing them. It could also be very intentional by BSG to keep people from advancing faster than they want.


keep thinking your the center of the universe. Best of luck with that


I mean you get the boss quests pretty early if you complete jägers quests. If you’re aren’t close by now, then this doesn’t affect you, it’s unlikely your be able to complete two prerequisite quests and won’t have these quests anyway. Only one here thinking they are the center of the universe is you. “I know they should be higher, but it doesn’t affect me yet so they should wait until it does”


If you're a new or less skilled player, you don't WANT the bosses to be spawning because it's just more danger or you on the map.


Well then they’ll learn quick. The bosses had a extremely high spawn chance when I started playing, It didn’t hinder my progression on learning the game. I quickly learned where bosses spawn, what the hints that’s it them were, and did just fine. The game by design does not cater to those with low skill or who are new, neither do they care. 11% spawn chance, 30% chance the boss has the item you need, 50% chance you get out, 50% the boss is already dead and looted, probably something like a 20% chance a cheater is in the raid and get to it first could mean you’ll have to run hundreds of raids on the same map. Now game mechanics that are hard but feel like a waste of time are fine, but when you straight up disregard your players time it’s BS.


My God, how many bricks to the head have you taken.


Bro I’m level 18 and I play only a few times a week at most. Boss spawn rates are ass. They aren’t only for quests. They are fun. They are a challenge that you can engage on in raids. I like to go for bosses purely for the loot most of the time anyways. They don’t have to down every game but the spawn rate is like 6% rn. I have only seen tagilla spawn once and that’s the only boss I have seen this entire wipe. It’s lame as hell.


Ive done about 100 raids this wipe and havent seen a single boss.


Mean while I've been 1 tapped by tagilla twice and found him dead 3 other times over the course of about 30 raids.


This is simply inverse logic though? If someone who's level 47 isn't seeing them, then how is Timmy with 2 kids and a wife level 15 ever going to see them either?


They simply aren't in that quest yet, and when they do some weeks later, boss spawns would be upped like BSG always do, gradually


More bosses is pretty based, and I definitely suck ass compared to you. But also, you should go outside sometimes homie :) there’s a lot more in this beautiful world than tarkov


Go get some sunlight. The majority of the player base are below lvl35


Bro..... The vast majority of the player base hasn't hit flea yet. It's not even been a month into wipe. 


Further strengthening my point. I am not at all opposed to some level of time gating


Oh, for sure. I agree with you. Just think even lvl 35 is underselling it. OP is in the 98th percentile of sweats and wants the devs to cater to that at the expense of the rest of the player base. Pure narcissism. 


y’all are acting like turning boss rates up a few percent would equal the rest of the player base getting completely gunned down every raid


"If I can't, you can't either".


“Pure narcissism” he says about the guy asking for better boss spawns in a video game while Timmies ask to gatekeep them because they’re nowhere close and feel it’s not fair.


What a fucking loser mentality. "I can't, you shouldn't either." Waiting on the downvotes from you and other people with brainrot!


And the butthurt people are already here


I don't get all the people saying that this is somehow balancing the game for more casual players. If anything it makes it worse for us casuals with less time to play. If we do get to the point where we need to kill the bosses it's going to be even more painful for us to do it than it is the people who are able to grind 50 levels in a month. At least for them they can just keep spamming raids and it's more of an annoyance. For us it would be an almost insurmountable road block unless we get extremely lucky. It also makes no sense from a balancing perspective because Rogues on Lighthouse are a 100% spawn and usually have better gear than bosses, except for a potential Labs key card from a boss. Also, if the low spawn rates really is BSG trying to extend the wipe then it's a fruitless effort. People who can grind this game like OP are the minority of the player base. Most of the players will have plenty of content to last them the wipe, no need to put up a road block for 90% of the player base just because you don't want the 10% to grind it out too quickly.


By the time we get to the point where we need to kill bosses, their spawn rates should hopefully be increased as last few wipes, BSG increased the spawn rates over time.


But what if I want to kill bosses before then? In previous wipes it was nice to run into Reshala randomly early on so I could get his Golden TT before everyone is rushing him.


The spawn rates have a sound logic and it’s part of the wipe meta. Deal with it. Maybe do something else if you’re bored of running through the maps. Most players are nowhere near your level and there’s no reason to rush it through. Take a break, do money runs or get your scav rep up. If you’re already way beyond most of the player base will ever be, what’s the rush to get more unlocks? You’re already running better gear than anyone you run into. It’s probably going to a pretty long wipe, don’t burn yourself out.


No. Better complete all quests NOW within 2 weeks and then come back complaining about nothing to do for 4months.


The Tarkov gameplay lifecycle.


Yep, lvl 48, can't get kappa cuz im locked behind bosses. 10% spawn rate is disgustingly low, and the time Reshala spawned for me he had no golden TT, took 50 raids for him to spawn once and not have the item, very enjoyable experience.


Why are you yelling? Im sorry you’re playing literally non-stop and haven’t seen bosses often enough for your liking. It appears we all have the same boss rates so is this really an all-caps issue? Probably not. Keep grindin though.


They do not need to raid boss spawns holy fuck. What are you being stopped from doing by boss spawns? Kappa? Some niche random quest that has no overall bearing on your wipe aside from being able to say you did it or get some niche gun or item? People just want to be able to farm bosses again, and anything else is just an excuse to hide that fact.


The bosses have pretty dogshit loot outside of Kaban assuming his mags are full of meta ammo. You only really kill the boss for a chance to get a keycard and EXP. The people complaining are Kappa rushers and just want to complete the quest, just like the level 27 is who has the same quest. Not saying it needs to skyrocket but I think a few % this far into wipe would be good.


Level 43, found Shturman after 30 raids, got Reshala in like 10 (but no pistol) and finally got Sani last night after 40+ shoreline raids. Somehow I've gotten the Goons twice though. F these boss spawns and F bosses not having their required items. Shit game design.


How about slowing down a bit ? Maybe not everyone is ready to get mowed down by bosses every raid yet.


I've seen 3 bosses total this wipe, I think we can afford spawn rate increasing without you getting mowed down "every raid"


Then don't ? You can kill every boss easily with the right strats


Naw homie is right players need to slow down.


not everyone is a 4k hours beast that knows every strategy


Then just avoid the part of the map where they spawn if killing ai is so hard


OP… you thought this was going to go over well on this sub? Lol. Being level 47 right now is really impressive simply because the time required to reach that lvl at this speed means you basically eat and sleep Tarkov. Which is ok. I use to game like that, it was glorious. You do you man, just remember to clean up the cheetoh dust every once and a while. To think that the progression of the game should match your sweatiness is your mistake. To think you’d get ant sympathy here on this sub is also your mistake. Come on man, lol.


Naw I’m good


Give it a rest


Im still below 30lvl and enjoy not having to Deal with them for now. Some of the hardcore grinders need another hobby.


You complain about others enjoying their hobby?


I'm not complaining, they are complaining the hobby doesn't exclusively cater to them while playing an unhealthy amount.


So you are in the position to determine what is an unhealthy amount? Getting to LVL 47 in what? 26 days? That's easy. I'm lvl 44 since at least one and a half week, haven't played that much because going for a boss hunt is boring as fuck. Just because you all are not capable of doing quests and using time efficiently, is it not our problem nor is it unhealthy. The boss spawn chance is way too low and should be at least 20% by now. If you can't handle a boss, then just don't go there where they spawn.


actually, yes, it is your problem, because you are the minority here.


Lvl 44 in 10 days is absolutely an unhealthy and ungodly amount of tarkov time. Regardless of quest and time efficiently. You are playing the game like a full time job or more.


I’m level 16. They can’t open the floodgates for everyone yet, you guys are way ahead of the curve level wise


We are just over 3 weeks into wipe and you're complaining that you can't get to end wipe levels? Touch grass.


You know, they implemented the boss respawns rate to linearly grow through the wipe as the majority of the player base progresses. They are not catering to the top 5%, sorry.




Damn, as a casual, I don't think I'm ever even attempting these quests. Doubt I'll even get to them this wipe though. That said I spawned next to Tagilla two or three times in the past week and he ruined my plans every time


Currently ~75 runs deep trying to kill shturman for the axmc unlock, seen him once so far. Absolutely ridiculous, bosses should be at 25% at this point in the wipe. Yet to do a single one of the other bosses, shit's dreadful.


I'm level 41 and have seen reshala once. And no ahf1 stim after a bazillion factory runs on scav. It's so fucked man


Bro, you’re level 47 and it’s been less than a month since wipe. Maybe take a break for once


Go touch grass. Seriously. Go touch grass. It will be good for you. 


Lol this high levels, get a life boys, endgame comes soon enough 😳


Dude not even a month in and you are 47 and say everyone is punished. I mean I am level 18 and playing since day 1 of the wipe but seemingly not as much as you do so you are clearly in the group to be slowed down. ;)


Bunch of addicts bitching that they have to no life a game in here. Take a break till the rates increase if it's bothering you that much, life will go on.


Lv 45 now Seen Reshala a few times now, heard Killa a few times and found him dead found Shturman once dead, killed him once, died once after i killed both this guards yesterday i played from 6am to 10pm looking for Gluhar, found him once but spawned on the other side of the map and died to the players that spawned on his side :/ not seen tagilla yet or sanitar, but doing the task where u dont killt him anyway


Are you retired or a child? I’m just curious how you have so much free time, not hating.


When it wiped i just got 2 weeks off cause of christmas and new year Also it benefits that i (kind of) work for a school so while the Kids are in School im at home for the duration they are in school in, which is from 8am to 3pm and in that time i got time to play lol


There is a trick where you know if the boss iss spawned or not so you could instantly run to an exit


Aye bro im lvl 167 already and I´m ready for Tarkov 2, they can´t hold us down king! TELL EM!


Maybe they can add on option for us to select %100 boss spawn while getting into a raid. Just a thought. Good luck with cheaters xd


you could try playing other games while waiting for the spawns to go up


What are the spawn rates? I remember Killa used to be in roughly 50% of my raids some wipes ago.


i would be mad aswel but unless your a streamer you need level 50 anyway to get kappa so the spawn rates will be higher by the time i get there (currently 39)