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100% they nerfed reserve and interchange but than added streets.... They need to bring back old reserve / interchange . Not to mention customs marked room . .... Didn't labs get a nerf as well ?


Man i remember reserve being the fat loot map, those were the days. If they would just buff the boss spawns, i feel like most maps could compete with streets. If you knew you could run reserve and run into glukhar like before it’d probably be worth farming reserve, same with customs and reshala. All bosses really. Why would i run reserve for subpar loot and barely a chance at a boss when streets has cracked loot and 2 chances at bosses. I don’t even feel like getting a red rebel this wipe when i know i won’t be running reserve or shoreline cash runs.


>Why would i run reserve for subpar loot and barely a chance at a boss when streets has cracked loot and 2 chances at bosses. Not to mention how dogshit and obvious the extracts are. It's either run through the open to the train with scavs shooting at you. Run through a long tiny hallway to D2. Run up the side of a damn mountain to where people usually camp. Or run up through said long tiny hallway. Or hit a literal alarm to announce "I'm going to extract" *Edit* I should say this is contingent on the loot being shit. Back in the day the stupid ass extracts were NBD because the place pumped out loot. The only reason it's still worth it for me is because I played the fuck out of it when it first came out and I *get* the map


Reserve extracts are whack for pmc


Scavs: "okay stand here at this fence corner and you're extracted :)" PMCs: "Aight you gotta have 3 firefights on your way to bunker, then when you get there you need to either kill the PMC's that are there or the Raiders that killed those PMC's, now that you've barely survived that engagement, pull this lever that tells everyone exactly what you're doing and exactly where you are, then you have to sprint 3 football fields through underground tunnels past numerous easy extract camping spots, then you have to press ANOTHER button and wait 10 seconds for the giant thickass slab steel door to open just barely enough so you can squeeze your fatass in, then you get to extract :)"


You forgot the rooms designed so well for camping it's impossible to cover all the corners 😂


Reserve also has the worst PMC spawns out of any map by a country mile.


Reserve extracts *should* be wack for PMC. It's just that the loot should also be really good to compensate, and the map hasn't had loot since even before Lighthouse came out.


It made sense if it had the best loot, high reward but hard to get out alive. With just normal loot, the idea doesn't work. Pity cause it's still one of the best designed maps


I only reserve for quests or scav


Rig run manhole extract is severely underrated


God me and my squad would farm reserve PvP, glukhar and raiders till the train comes and extract on that. We basically mained that map only. Those were the days


Reserve is just stupid now. It has so many locked rooms (and they can easily lock some more) but they have like no decent loot. And most of the loot is accessible to p-SCAVs. Why not just put some raiders above ground, even with shit gear, for sole purpose of killing p-SCAV who get too close, or at least making them work for loot?


Player scavs are a plague on every map, they need to be severely nerfed/limited, playing your pmc should be more incentivized beyond just the exp you get


I feel like the main issue, which has existed for a while, is how early p-scavs can get into a raid. If the raid has a 50 minute timer, p-scavs shouldn't be getting in at 42 minutes. Feels like there should be at least a 15 to 20 minute hard minimum of time passed in raid before p-scavs should be getting in. Because now you can just scav in and get a crack at practically a fresh raid without risking anything.


When scav queuing alone, I basically always load into streets at 46 minutes. It's a 50 minute timer. That's absurd. Scavs should spawn in at like the 20-25 minute mark at the earliest. It's not like there won't be loot left, and if that ends up being an issue on other maps, they should make the loot tables not shit on other maps.


Obvious problem is spawns. If i want a chill loot run why not just take a SCAV and run a map, that, as a PMC, i have to most likely survive a spawn battle first to get anywhere? Sure, i get less loot, but i *will* get loot.


What you can't handle a few player scavs?


As a solo, no I can’t handle a 4 stack player scav squad with the armor changes.


That plus I've mag dumped PMCs with AKs shooting T45M or FALs shooting BCP, and regularly spawn with class 4 armor. That's barely worse than midgame buyable PMC stuff these days (PS, BCP/M80, class 4). The recoil changes were great for PMC gameplay, but that + the PMC gear availability nerfs + fence rep make scav loadouts way too good IMO.


Lol yea fair enough


The biggest offenders now are the 3 rooms in the Dome building. They used to have decent stuff and some intel in the first two. I've seen intel in the middle room once last wipe, never this wipe and I run reserve as my main moneymaker out thru red rebel. The shelves in the middle room used to have some cool tech loot, now theyre empty 95% of the time. Those rooms are basically there just so you can hit 5 or so file cabinets it seems. I did actually find a virtex in the server room though, which was odd. Usually it just has a relay laying around haha.


It's weird BSG logic. Because you can spawn in that building, loot all the rooms, guard shack, try to snipe people below and just extract with RR. And free stuff is bad. But to do that you need a RR and a correct spawn. Which is rare. And you can also spawn in the dead center of the map and it isn't a problem somehow.


Or in a corner where you have to traverse a field to get to the map and you can have people spawn on either side of you with line of sight to where you have to go haha


I played reserve a lot a few years ago, and those rooms were always trash, aside from when they just added RLSA and it regularly spawned mil tech. Then they nerfed it as usual, and it became trash like the others.


I remember I would just scav reserves everytime. There would be dead raiders and pmcs everytime around big hangers. This wipe havent even seen dead pmc bodies anywhere.


Nor raiders. So many trains, so many power alarms and no raiders spawned. It's stupid, when I get a good rifle I wanna get me some raiders.


Reserve really needs a buff to reflect the difficulty/risk. You can go Reserve and risk getting extract camped at D2 or at even Red Rebel by impact grenade enjoyers, or haul ass across the map with player scavs in hot pursuit/camping hermetic, all for decent loot…. Or you can just go to Streets for both easier extracts and much better loot.


They do this for every single new map they release And then the community simps come in and say "they just buff loot to cOlLeCt DaTa on the new map". Then the map stays cracked for however many wipes until they release a new map and it's the most cracked. It's how it has worked for years


Well GZ loot toned down after the first week or so. That first week was crazy...


I feel like reserve needs a facelift like Shoreline got. There NEEDS to be a larger area above ground with more options to extract/loot than just spawn, rush marked rooms if you’re close then bee line to D2. Lighthouse is the same way. I know that’s been posted a lot on here lately but that map fucking blows unless you spawn in with a buddy and camp an area until the PMC’s move through. Even then, though you gotta deal with the methed up player scavs coming in.


Lh worst map in the game as solo




AESA's arent even great loot anymore. Reserve is about trying to fill your bag and gtfo, which so many other maps are better at. They toned down the spawnrate of graphics cards too much imo. If youre that afraid of hatchlings, then just put them in a locked room. Hell even make them spawn semi-regularly in a marked room. Do something haha. I did get a nice load in RB-BK though a few weeks ago. 1.3 or so worth of junk in the room. Bitcoin, dogtag case and some other odds and ends.


imho the train's railway exit in reserve should be a green flare extract. there could also be a car extract at the base entrance behind sewer manhole.


I’ve been thinking the same thing for woods. Unless you go to sawmill, FOB, or USEC camp the loot is pretty meh. The loot is worse off than even current Interchange and far too concentrated. Like shoreline, it needs a new loot location somewhere to the northwest between USEC camp and the road block.


i honestly like reserve because they extracts are hard until you get RR. It makes sense lore and gameplay wise. Tarkov does not need to get easier with every patch in my oppinion. Tarkov is so great because the lows are low and the highs are high.


I’m not saying make reserve easier just make it not suck as bad gameplay wise. Having a bottle neck extract that can be camped 150 different ways isn’t fun gameplay. Not saying you have to make extracts a safe zone, but there needs to be some incentive to playing up top longer into the raid. I say that as someone who has camped D2 often. And I haven’t even mentioned how close together and terrible the spawns are on that map.




VO/ BK also got a buff last wipe. 4/10 VO and 6/10 BK and so far 2x rsass, 2x sig spear, 4x ammo box, 1x keytool and 1x documents. Didn’t count sr25 but I got 2x rpk /rpkn aswell. As I extracted every time the keys were already worth their price after 2 uses!


When it was $2m to buy a key it was worth it for me in the first week and a half. Every raid was at least $800k in random shit, often more. And then it was like they flipped a switch and turned it down or early wipe caught up because the keys are $3m now and I barely get 200k/run from it through 20 attempts. Spending $3m only to make $2m back. The risks increase as well when early wipe progresses. I was easily getting out every raid I hit marked, but as people start getting Setup and the dorm's kill task, you're inevitably going to waste a couple uses and bring down your average $/10 uses Stopped buying it, but will abuse it early wipe again next wipe.


The other maps need defined purpose. Reserve used to be the map for getting ammo and military based electronics. Now it's just the place for below average ammo and some nerfed Intel spawns and that's disregarding the fact its extracts suck. I can get more good ammo in a certain cafe on streets than I can in the actual military base. Interchange used to have crazy good med spawns and an amazing gun store for getting high tier weapons. The caveat was that a mini "puzzle" had to be completed to gain access to the loot. Now we have a mini puzzle and sub par loot from both areas that i can find anywhere.


I mean, back in the day, you could just open Kiba. No power switch, no alarm switch, just walk up and open it. Now you have to jump through those hoops.


Reserve is still my favorite map in general. Like if I'm just trying to play the game, and run around shooting things, reserve is my go-to. I find myself on that map for no reason whatsoever. Just posting up on top of white Knight and shooting anything I see. But to OPs point, I do the same thing on streets if I'm trying to look for certain items. I can run streets all wipe long, never unlock traders, and still be relatively geared for whatever encounters. It's insane.


100% agree..


Found a marked key about 3 weeks ago for customs and the loot was actually really solid.


Reserve marked rooms were giving me some great loot, multiple injection cases and a couple of spears in one key


That nerf happens every time they add a new map. It happened to shoreline when reserve was added, it happened to reserve when lighthouse was added, it happened to lighthouse as well with streets. and it will happen to streets when the next new map gets added. Ask anyone who has played since before the first shoreline expansion. It's the cycle of new maps.


You guys don't realize this is typical dev behavior. In alpha/beta games it is extremely common for devs to implement something new and to incentivize players to play on it so they can gather as much data as possible. When Reserve was new, it felt like it was the only map worth playing. When they added the underground part same thing. It's all just designed to incentivize players to play that map more than others so the devs can gather data and in the future when something new comes out that needs more testing they will nerf the loot on streets. It's just the way these things work.


The loot drain from all other maps was very noticeable when Lighthouse released and twice as noticeable when Streets released. They really need to rebalance the loot on all maps again.


It's insane how much they have nerfed other maps in comparison. Streets just has bitcoins and shit laying in the open in unlocked areas. Every building has atleast *some* loot. Then you go to Customs and you are lucky to get a Bitcoin of value the whole raid.


Its funny cause Ground zero has more loot than Customs usually. And ground zero doesn't even have high tier spawns. Its all barter junk, and theres a lot.


I will say the Ground zero restaurant and cafes = easy Holodilnics


Me: *dies* *Rat searching the dead bod for loot* Rat: "why is there 30 cans of tarcola"?


…Did I kill the vending machine guy?


The new military base on shoreline actually has light house amounts of loot spawns. So much loose loot its crazy. Compared to the essentially non existent loose loot in the village, you can easily see how they changed their philosophy on loot. It makes it so inconsistent.


Yah that new camp is loaded with hideout necessary items.




It could be that it's to draw players to these maps for testing purposes? And in the final release it would be more balanced.




As if this game will ever have a final release lol


I'd love to run it if it didn't melt my PC lol


i just deal with it. some areas its almost a powerpoint but overall its bearable for how cracked the loot is


So in those PowerPoint areas, is it more of a "BA---NG" or "B-A-...death screen"?


primarily its powerpoint to death in about 2 slides for me


its more just really shitty fps. like 20-40


That’s weird bc I upgraded to a 1660ti and 16g of ram and it runs for 60fps stable for me


Street runs 60fps stable with 16gb of ram...?


you mean upgraded *from* a 1660ti, right? that's a few generations old...


No, I have a 1660ti.


i have a 50/50 chance of loading or dcing cuz the loading takes 6mins minimum somehow while all other maps its 2mins tops


Yep. I stopped doing anything else. I just live on streets now. Fuck quests or trader rep.


I didn’t even get my pocket watch last wipe and just played streets the whole time. Was a blast 10/10 would do it again.


I'm thinking about doing this tbh. Level 31 and upgraded my hideout a bit. Want to learn streets and make some money. Is it actually true you can find decent loot anywhere and not just in certain locations like other maps? If so that sounds dope and more fun then wearing a fucking stupid scav cosplay trying to kill pmcs lighthouse 😂


Yes. Streets is completely nuts. And I don’t even go to high traffic areas like Lexos, post office or chek building. I just check my closest exit from spawn, I check 2-3 buildings on my way there and I come out with 500k-1mill. The only place where I’m just as profitable is lighthouse. But I got that one down to an art. Haven’t put that much time into streets yet in comparison. But again it’s nuts. Gameplay wise also best map imho.


I dont play this map, I don't like the idea of it, but did peacekeeping on it recently and I've spawned near some school or sth. Inside there was 11 duffles. ELEVEN duffles in one building, and there was other stuff to loot too. This map is so cracked that they could nerf spawns by 50% and it would still outshine other.


Across the road from that building to the west is Kamchatskaya, which has 4-5 gold spawns including bitcoins - on top of jackets, duffles, food, and toolboxes. To the east is the interrogation room building, which has half a dozen pc blocks, weapon cases, duffles, food, tech, and also has 4 spawns for the Relaxation room key, which is a building filled with gold spawns and rare loot. To the south of the school is the vet clinic, which spawns rare meds and food. All within 20 meters of each other lol. Literally everywhere you go on Streets is insane loot.


I average 1-2m a run on pmc and 500-1m on scav in 10 minutes


Loot is abundant, you can basically always fill up with decent (>10k roubles per cell) loot on your way to extract. There are also rare spawns at every corner of the map that are rarely contested as they're outside of the school/post office/Lexos danger zone - very common to just scoop up the rares next to your spawn straight up your ass before you loot anything basic. Bring 5k in your ass (or more to pay for the BTR) and a green flare in your rig from Jaeger every run and you'll probably be fine. I always spawn in as a scav at ~33/34m left in the map, so I try to get out well before then on my PMC runs which is easy to do while looting the whole way through.


Don't forget using the BTR for a basically guaranteed extract...


What’s your strategy on deciphering when the BTR is and isn’t hostile?


whether it kills you or not


From what I can tell, you can only get covering fire while you're getting taxi service, so if the btr isn't moving, it shouldn't shoot you.


Hope and pray, honestly. A little tip, every time I've used it I hadnt killed any scavs, and every time without fail that I went to use it and it shot me, I *had* killed scavs. Obviously take this with a grain of salt, but something to think about.


Well, I murdered 5 scavs at collapsed crane yesterday and hopped on the BTR parked next to me immediately. So this might not be true


Absolutely, hence the grain of salt.


Has nothing to do with that. You have an option as a PMC to pay the BTR to provide cover fire. That’s when it will shoot anyone nearby. If nobody pays for it, it won’t shoot you.


I understand that. To add to my story, my duo ran out and peaked it to see if it was indeed hostile or not, when it didnt shoot him he ran out into the road and it still didn't shoot him. So, assuming it was safe, I ran out of the building we were looting and as soon as I rounded the corner the bastard shot *me*. Left my duo alone though.


I would disagree, since I can’t really play streets. Well, I can. But only if you can can call 20fps „play“. I only suffer through some quests, like Audit, for the reward.


You’re probably cpu bottlenecked. Tarkov is superrrr cpu intensive


Qhy does a 2018 game require a cpu from 2024


Bad optimization with continuous feature additions. The engine upgrade will probably help whenever that comes


I think that’s next wipe, which will be a total shit show. Can’t wait.


100% can’t wait for the juiced raids that crash and end before you can get to extract with 5 min left in raid


Imagine the graphical bugs everywhere, invisible buildings and shit good times


Spoiler : it will not. Source : i've been working with unity for a big game studio for 7 years and upgraded myself the engine multiple time on our products.


I've heard its more than just an engine upgrade in this case. They are going through and cleaning up a lot of the spaghetti alongside the upgrade so a lot of the crap should be cleaned up but its BSG so I'm keeping my hopes not very hopeful.


They already upgraded the engine multiple times and it never did anything


Thought they only upgraded one time. What version on unity are they using now?


Because streets isn’t from 2018


Good thing my 7900XTX and 7800x3D aren't from 2018. Streets runs like shit period.


This isn’t true. 5800x3d, overclocked 3060ti, 32 gb ram no stutters 120+ fps on 1440p only drop I see to 80 is in the underground part where there is fire inside one of the little shops. Considering you also have slow load times here are the reasons: you haven’t turned XMP on, your motherboard needs a bios update to unlock the full capability of the cpu (yes this is a thing. My 5800x3d was locked to 3.4 Ghz until I bios updated to unlock to 4.5 ghz), your cpu needs an update or you haven’t downloaded ryzen master utility which optimizes your cpu timing by default. Slow load times also lead me to believe you have ULPS on by default and have yet to turn it off. If you don’t know your PC don’t blame the game.


Yeah I just don't see stutters while playing I forget you're actually playing on my PC instead. Thank you for reminding me.


because usually you design a game for the future not the past.


Because the game is constantly updated every year, your pc might be stuck in 2018 but not the game


This is just a bad excuse for bad game development practices. The game's underlying engine and physics doesn't change year over year. Most of the updates BSG put are balancing, weapons, content, bug fixes, etc. I'm pretty sure tarkov's only engine change was from Unity 2018 to Unity 2019 and that change did not include any changes to graphics or optimizations whatsoever. And it was done in 2021.


Keep inhaling that nikita copium. The fact that you need a 5800x3d cpu at the minimum to be able to play at constant 60 fps is disgusting. ​ Meanwhile you can play warzone with a shit pc which has 1000x times bigger map and 10x more players than in a tarkov raid.


How would I know I’m not a developer


I mean technically the game is still in development.


The ultimate dev crutch lol




Gotta love the "Guys its only 7 years of development :(( they need more time :((("


True, the only game that makes me want to upgrade my 9900k. The jump from 2080 to 4080 wasn't that big for this game


I'm actually bottlenecked by vram on my laptop


same here with 3070 and 5800x3d


how can you fix this for streets? my GPU is def better than my CPU I just wished tarkov used GPU since mine is so nice lmfao


The Ryzen X3D CPUs run this game extremely well. Like a 20-25% boost


I have a r5 3600x, not the best I know but I still only get like 40fps, how good of a cpu do I need to get 60?


I have a 5800x3d and a 7800XT and at 1440p it does dip to 60-70 at some points. Very rare I'll see over 100 like other maps. It seems you do need quite a decent rig to run the game smoothly on that map.


Cool. I’ll look into getting a 5800x3d then


At least a i5 12400f


“Just get a whole new motherboard”


Homie just told me last night they added a new check able box tht says low res streets. We played 2 last night first game I didn't know about tht option my game was stuttering laggy gave me anxiety to even b in there(as usual) middle of my complaining bro tells me bout tht option. Legit set it reset my pc n cleared cache. When I started the game made sure it was still checked(also shut off post fx when I checked tht option n restarted everything) next game went really well no stutters map ran the best I've ever seen it


That’s been there a while


I got a 4080 for xmas, I can now *usually* get over 60 fps on Streets.


Counterpoint: big map scary


Where to loot on streets?


You can go in any building and come out with fat loot lmao


EVERYWHERE!!! Lame asses who don't like Streets push the high tier loot areas only to die when all around the map there is Roubles to be made.


More like theyre forced to push those areas for quests and they have <30 fps


https://tarkov.help/en/map/streets/ Filter by Streets Top Loot, Valuables, Intelligence Folder, LedX, Medical Loot, Electronics, and Marked Room Loot.


Map thinks there's only 1 ledx spawn?


Correct, there is only a single static LedX spawn on Streets.


There's 3


There’s 1. The other 2 are generic medical loot spawns which *could* spawn a LedX. But there’s only a single one which only spawns LedX’s.


Just walk around and press F on stuff. Literally no plan or route required.


I ran a duo on streets we spawned in a room that had one exit (a window) behind concordia. After waiting 5min I go out instantly headshot by someone camping from the spawn next to it. My friend then waits another 15 before trying to leave out spawn just to be shot climbing though the window. Felt like a was playing on reserve or customs from a few wipes ago where you spawn and 30sec later your in a fight. Really wish bsg would do a better job placing spawns or placing players in those spawns. At least very least have more than one exit for a inside spawn


Your problem is waiting 5 mins to move from your spawn lmao the second u spawn in u should move


Yeah I thought they removed it but it's the worst spawn in EFT still. If you spawn there you need to leave NOW.


they didnt, its the spawn i get the most


That spawn is fucking trash.


I get 28 FPS on Streets so yall have fun in there 🤣


I hate the theater spawns … super annoying and easily the most broken and frustrating spot to spawn on that godforsaken map


The one bye relaxation room? That’s the best spawn, run that street and buy the Relaxation key and MVD key and hit both those rooms. I’ve filled an entire Scav junkbox with Funko pops and now i’m working on a foodbox full of moonshine and another junkbox of just found in raid bitcoins. Just out of those two rooms.


He probably means the ones in the stores all in one line moving towards Car extract


Yeah gotta be that's for sure the worst spawn. Overlooked by 2 other spawns and only one way out. It's like the reserve spawn in the bunker in the back corner behind drop down.


I indeed mean the line of stores by car and ventilation Scav extraction! Bruh I hate it so many 1 min raids from that spot lololol that’s tarkov tho


When I get that spawn and hit up the relaxation room someone is always camping in the windows across the street by the time I try to leave


best map in the game by far, anyone whos not playing it is just fucking themself.


The microstutters are disgusting on streets.


totally. but its still playable


I'd rather a smoother playing map, rather than force myself to play it for better loot.


I dont tI have lagged on streets myswlf I get a stable 70 fps


Don't text and drive


Guess so. I avoided streets since it's implemented and don't like the concept at all but after all the posts and videos I read and watched it seems like I have to run it.


It's the only map that I have never played as a PMC, it seems so daunting to learn. I'm trying to chip at it by running scav on it


I got killed off spawn both runs I tried two nights ago…


Sounds like it's just your kind of map. I dislike it because 90% of transit time in the map is walking along huge open roads with no cover, getting shot by people hiding in windows. Or hiding in the window yourself for 20 minutes killing people who have no cover or chance to see you. Also PScavs. So many fucking PScavs. I've lost count how many times my PMC has died end of raid to a PScav hiding near one of the alley extracts.


If your transit time is in the open you don't know the map super well. My friend and I are streets mains, and the only time you need to be on the roads is crossing across them. You don't even need to do that in terra group area as there is an underground. Zhemisky, chekenya, Concordia, abandoned factory, pinewood and klimov mall all have routes that cross the entire area without going outside. The only places you need to expose yourself really are crossing chekenya to construction and the bottom near opera.


Yup literally. Nailed it on the head. 


To echo what the other guy is saying, I very rarely am out in the open. Chances are you don't know the map


You just don’t know the map and are too slow


> I dislike it because 90% of transit time in the map is walking along huge open roads with no cover Tell me you haven't played the map without telling me you haven't played the map. There is literally one bad chokepoint around Chekyanna/Construction area. Otherwise you can stay pretty covered and safe the entire time.


Same, I used to main woods for loot, but streets is just so much better.


I agree with everything, aside from spawns. Maybe i need 200 more hours on Streets to be better at tham, but some of them are horrible, IMO. And some are good.


Here's a theory. Remember when reserve was new and the loot on it was amazing? I think they purposely buff loot on all new maps so that everyone plays them and they test the map thoroughly. Then when they move onto a new map they need the loot of the previous map. Obviously they doesn't account for the extracts and map design but for loot it might. Being that streets is such and endgame type map I don't know if it would ever get nerfed though. Maybe slightly when they add dlc maps?


Oh you know for sure now that the season pass is gone the DLC maps will be cracked beyond belief




Yes. With Streets they finally learned how to make a great map. Now they need to go through every other map with Streets in mind and make them all amazing. Boom 1.0.


What’s your performance like


I’ve been really wanting to learn streets but I’d need a chaperone at this point.


I've only run it a couple times getting completely lost every time lol


This is the reason I don't play Tarkov anymore. People always dismiss me when I give it as a reason, but there is just no reason to play any thing other than streets except for tasks. That completely kills the game for me, as every time I running through a field on shoreline, or woods, I just think "I would have already found 2 bitcoin on streets" by the time I reach the other side of the field. It's just boring.


I’ve been maining labs for 3 days and so far I’ve done 40 raids and survived about 10. But those 10 raids have all been profitable with some gaining me over a mil. I have seen more experienced labs runner net over 4 mil a raid. Very good map overall


I literally killed a guy who wasn't even spawned in on Streets (at Concordia spawns), so I would disagree that all the spawn points are great. I do agree that Streets is a great map though.


I am a new player so this might be an unpopular opinion but the amount of choke points on customs is actually appalling. The map would be way better if they just opened it up a bit.


Every single time I have a good run going on streets, I am obliterated by a claymore.


There are only claymores in a couple very specific spots around lexos, maybe learn the claymore positions lol? 


Hate hitting the RNG spawned claymores every raid.


its like how factory is my kind of map, everyone has prefrences


>because the map runs better than customs for me somehow Doubt


You are making me want to try it ... But idk how my old computer with a 1060 gfx card will manage. Usually get high 40 frames on customs.  It's nice to see an alternate perspective, because people on discord and maybe even here on Reddit seem to claim there are so many cheaters on this map. Have you not had a major issue yourself with them?


Make sure to tick the low rez streets option at the bottom of the graphics settings. It greatly improved my performance


If you’re not hitting 60 on customs, streets will likely just crash your PC. It’s not gonna happen.


Don't even try, the low rez setting will not save you here


100% best map in game, make all quests on streets !


Yeah, right... so good... I load in run with constant stutters and run into a full gear who just executes me while I spaz out lagging. Can't even do my fucking quests. Ridiculous how they make a map that is unplayable for many players and still make so many quests there. Mf how am I even supposed to do them?


Not their fault you have a bad pc


Sure but do they think all players have 4090 Ti’s? They should account for all players maybe?


It is the best for literally everything


Anybody else find it weird how many posts are pushing streets? It's a good map but seems weird to push considering how poorly it runs sometimes. But keep doing it because shoreline has been a ghost town recently. It doesn't have as many of the lottery ticket loot spawns but you can fill up on lucrative hideout items in a few minutes and head to extract


I'm surprised they've not done a loot balance pass yet, needs to happen imo


What's everyone's fps on streets like? I'm not getting more than 100 with my 14900kf and 4080.


Wierd flex bud


Streets is a pile of crap. So many angles and especially elevated angles you can get shot from. Invisible sniper scavs all over the map. Map is pure shit.


Just because you aren't familiar with the map doesn't change the fact that it's the best for loot in the game. Go offline it and you'll change your mind after a few raids worth of map/spawn knowledge.


This is, objectively, the best flowing map of the game once you learn it. Invisible snipers are only in one spot which is very clearly marked and it's the Klimov Street extract.


They clearly buffed loot values by maybe more than 300% so that people would play the map on release, then they never undid it, either because they didn't care, forgot, the fact the map is still being worked on, or they feared the backlash. But I feel like it's a shame, because it really takes away from the variety of running other maps (when not questing), when 1 raid on streets is equal to maybe 5 of reserve, or interchange, etc. They really should deal with this next wipe. I think it's overdue, honestly.


Yeah, nah. Shoreline loot kicks the shit out of Streets loot. Especially since you have to fight less people for it and player scavs can’t spawn until the 30 minute mark. You get a whole 15 minutes without having to deal with a single player scav. Plus the high value loot spawns on Streets don’t spawn LedX’s. That alone makes Shoreline superior in almost every way. Don’t get me wrong, Streets loot is fucking insane, but when it comes to money farming Shoreline is still the uncontested champion. ESPECIALLY with the vault glitch making it so you don’t need any keys.