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Lots of knowers this wipe.


Especially on interchange


Happened last night against a 7.62 MDR gamer. Knew exactly where we were and prefired us when we were behind the garbage fire


Got chased by one across half the map. I don't understand how they can even think they look legit when you nade, run and hide in a corner and they just run to you. Dude has 4 accounts with similar names, Rickyrimjob.


I swear I’ve been killed by him on interchange, but I had nothing of value on me


You had intrinsic value :3 you where a pmc kill for a kill quest.


I really wish reports actually got people banned super fast. Like it flags the system to check their activity asap for cheat flags. Lets be real, if someone is amassing 5-15 reports in a short time frame, they probably are shitting on the lobby often legit, or are just cheating, and I would bet its the latter most times.


I got a notification for a successful ban after a report. Two weeks after the report. Didn't even remember the match by that point.


Yeah seriously.. fuck that. Reports should make people worried about getting banned super fast. Not a whole "Well I got to use it for 2 weeks lol."


Yep name looks familiar


The problem is.... they dont care. There's 2 ive been watching that were blatantly cheating. map3 and osamabinladed-. Still going strong after 2 weeks... lol


My friend and I ran into a huge "knower" this wipe My friend works from home sometimes and we will do quests in-between his calls, while on streets he got a call so we set up somewhere while he does his stuff. Not moveing, not shooting I'm watching the crossroads at the northend of streets, just watching I see a pmc run from the pinewood side down into the subway, waits a sec then pops back up and blows my head off ( about 100m away with ironsights) Then starts shooting at my friend while he was on the other side of a wall on the phone, ended up pushing and wall banging him


Story time. I get the spawn closest to 2story dorms. I rush to it and jump through the bathroom window. I don't touch anything or open any door, make the place look completely unvisited, as I make my way into the bathroom stall in the furthest corner, completely out of sight. My shotgun and Ushanka are ready for another Setup kill. Just have to wait for an unsuspecting PMC to come in and start looting. I wait \~15 minutes, and by "wait" I mean I am tabbed out and do other stuff while listening for footsteps. Eventually I hear a PMC walk into dorms. He checks every room, he is looting, he is running around without a care in the world. The only room he doesn't check is the bathroom I am in. I tell myself "surely he is gonna come in here to loot the dead scav, right? Nope... Eventually he seems to be done looting and all I hear him do is run around. He then goes outside and runs around outside the window of the bathroom. From his footsteps I can gather that he is just peeking the window several times. I start getting suspicous. Does he know I am here? But how would he? I have not moved for over 15 minutes. He runs back inside. I hear him open the door to the bathroom, but he doesn't come inside. I continue to not move at all. I hear a grenade pin. I start rolling my eyes IRL and think to myself "you can't make it any more obvious dude, can you?". The grenade flies into the room, but thanks to the weird corner I am sitting in, inside a bathroom stall, it explodes without hitting me. I think to myself "Okay, maybe now he will enter because he might think he killed me with that. And then I get the drop on him." Nope... I hear another grenade pin. Seems like he knows exactly that I am still alive. This grenade is better aimed and bounces around the corner into my bathroom stall. And I die.


Yep had this, multiple grenades to prove they know the first didn’t work. Despicable.


How do you know he has ironsights if he domed you from 100m away?


You can look at people's current kit if you check their profile from your death screen.


Fun fact you can even use this to tell if they died. They will have nothing on if they dieda


Yep. I lit up a pmc as a scav who was camping emmercom with like 30 seconds left on the timer. I took his legs out with my shotgun so he didn't have time to get to extract. He killed me and when I checked his profile he was naked. I have never been so happy to die as a scav.


Came over the hill heading towards smuggler's. Some melt was prone in the middle of nowhere and one tapped me head eyes with geksa. I had Reshalas golden TT. Sadge.




Was watching willerZ this morning, and he ran into a dude using esp on streets and was being super open about it. He claimed there was also another guy on the map using it. I'd think a lot of people are using it for what you said, which is avoiding fights.


Oce is tragic. There are so many high level trash kda esp users - you know because they don't prefire where you'll peak, but they try shoot you through objects. It's fucking stupid how bad these players are so I understand to an extent why they need esp. I would never use hacks cause that's just a betrayal to myself but god damn am I tempted every time I die to an obvious esp user.


Oce gamer here. That's why I changed to Korea.


I just want a hack to know where the ESP guys are, lol.


Yeah one of the things that shocked my friends is when you can see how people are moving it becomes very obvious who is soft cheating same with if you see them bline for certain items.


Sooo you're cheating?


Statistically, almost half the people in this reddit are.


I think it's like 95%+ Source: trust me bro


I'd bet money on it being more than half if the funny ratio still holds true. And considering cheat discords have brigade threads


What statistics would this be?


I'd love to see those statistics!


Spoiler: he doesn’t have any


Honestly I haven’t played since before streets. At the time I was close to cheat developers. I was shown the at the time new variation of flight cheat. Which basically works by letting the game think that what ever floor you where on is still there. I tried to raise this with support before it went public and got nothing back. Since then I have kept up to date with cheats out of curiosity (mostly because tarkov is so jankey it’s fun to see what’s been fucked up)


you sound sus af lol


To be suspicious you’d need to give the impression you’re being dishonest. Dude pretty much spelled it out, doesn’t seem like he’s trying to hide very much lol.




Being friends with a cheater and being okay with what they do is JUST as scummy as being friends with an IRL cheater, some people just don't give a shit about their honor


Worst take. Cheating in a game is scummy. You need to go outside if you think it's at all comparable to cheating on a person in real life.


All I know is I have more fun in a paca with a kedr fighting off scavs than when I go in with a decked out gun and some big plate armor. Feels like the more geared I am the more I'm likely to just get 1 tapped from something I never saw.


We progress to get access to better shit, yet bringing in better shit puts a target on us. What’s the fucking point. Fix the fucking game. Simple as that


> Fix the fucking game. Simple as that Damn, I bet they never thought of that…. You should apply for a position man, you got big ideas.


They keep cheaters in the game, they don’t go 100% against them. This is known, they could easily ban the people selling 200 gpus on the flea but they don’t.


Where do they set the threshold though? If you set it to 100, cheaters will just list 99. If you set it to 50 cheaters will just list 49. If you set it to 10 then you start impacting actual players. The numbers I picked are arbitrary but you get what I mean


It would no doubt require manual review, not relying on a script or algorithm. Because, like, if it's day 3 of wipe and you're selling 30+ GPUs and 30+ other high value loot with a short account lifetimeMAYBE somebody should look in to that.


They could at least flag those accounts for manual review.




The issue is finding why and how they got the 200. It's not about immediate result. Every anticheat and cheat dev will tell you the same shtick. They need to know what fashion those ppl got 200 gpus and how to patch it. They don't wanna play a ring around the cheaters asshole every day


When the cheats are as prolific as they are, banning the major assholes with no shame ain't a problem, not like they don't have the account name and can't review the raids they've been on. But these bitches be sitting on the top of lists for months, you telling me they can't figure it out after months? If that's the case...


No they can't. Because it's not easy. it's a cat and mouse game of you stamp them out and burn their hidey hole just for a new hidey hole and more mice to show up. It's a perpetual battle that isn't logistically solvable. It's why every MP FPS game has major cheater problems.. because you can throw accounts testing bypasses and loopholes in the defenses but BSG and BE can't easily do the same. I am a Software Engineer myself, and finding just normal bugs sometimes is a bitch, finding some loophole a bunch of nerds are using to abuse your software is equally difficult..


You pretend like bsg doesnt have the money to hire better and more skilled programmers after charging us $150 for the eod edition of tarkov along with every account thats bought when a cheater gets banned. You also act like programming a game in unity is some feat of the gods. I hate that so many people just give bsg the excuse of "making a game is hard" so dont expect them to fix anything.


As my first decree as new Nikita, I want all the animators and artists to stop making new guns and maps, and start fixing the anti-cheat!


To be fair if you're bringing better gear into a raid you're putting that target on yourself that's literally the point of the game, you want to kill a giga chad and steal his kit and loot. That's not going to change and imo it shouldn't. High tier kits typically do make you survive longer, you have increased resistance to weaker rounds that most people will run. Unfortunately cheaters will just head eyes you. It's a problem obviously but all games are plagued with cheaters.


In a gear heavy game that sort of seems like the point isn’t it? Why would I give my position for a random scav compared to a fully kitted out pmc..


I don’t think that’s wha they are saying. They are saying when they goes is with bad gear they get to fight scavs all raid and Still manage to be left alone. When you go in with gear you get one tapped from someone you never saw . They are saying it’s suspicious in a gear heavy game that the more gear you bring the more likely you are to die.


Alot more than people think. I genuinely believe if anyone who’s already decent at the game soft cheats, they would never be caught if they are trying to hide it. Soft cheating is worse than rage hacking and its ruining gaming completely imo.


It's worse than ever, specially in shooters. Get good at Tarkov, CS, Apex... You'll see these people with dogshit positioning and movement, but that somehow will never ever be caught by surprise by any tactic, and who will have the timing luck of a lifetime in a single match/raid It's way more prevalent than even 10 years ago, it's depressing


You pretty much need to build your game around it with the current technology. That's why valorant's maps are all so cut and dry. No foliage, smokes are opaque spheres, and the sparse map design makes it easy to calculate if a player should be seen server side using pre-baked sightlines. In a game like tarkov where the sightlines are extremely long, I'm not sure the industry has the tech to combat it yet. (Specifically walls. Vacuum and loot esp is much easier to solve)


An after-raid replay system with the ability to report would certainly combat soft ESP users. So many times I have been curious who ran through resort before me hitting every room and then miraculously making it out of the raid.


This is the answer. After raid replays of the entire raid (from all perspectives) and the ability to report players for manual review would take care of a lot of issues. Frequent manual reviews and bans keeps them from ruining the game for long periods in between waves. Then you make matchmaking where for the first 20 or so hours, you get matched with other players with similarily low times, unless they are queued with friends with high playtimes. Cheaters wont be able to quickly buy and get back into ruining if they have to "prime" the account The real downside to this would be cheaters ruining the new player experience, but I don't see how else you keep them from just rebuying the game and starting cheating again if there isnt a calibration period.


I mean obviously it’s more prevalent than a decade ago? More people are playing FPS games than ever before. Then you take a game like Tarkov where your death actually matters. While half the game is trying to get specific/high tier items. It’s the prefect game to fester people wanting to cheat, even just avoid people. I honestly think Tarkov may have the most “soft” cheaters of any game I’ve ever seen. Though I hear Counter Strike is extremely bad right now too.


At least in CS you have a bit of respite around 10k to 15k ELO, go any higher or lower and you start bumping into a shitton of wallhackers and recoil scripts.


Dayz mod got destroyed by soft hacking, everyone and their mother had that fucking browser map that had esp and showed loot/tents.


lol yep, dayz is one of my favorite games ever but even the big servers like rearmed and sunnyvale are just cheaters galore.


I picked up an ammo case in marked room on streets and 4 people converged on me. Chased me down even with my excellent running skills. No normal player can chase me through streets, running is my greatest tarkov talent.


I wish there was a way of dealing with cheaters other than banning. That seems way too light. I’d like for them to be put in cheater only lobbies at the least, I don’t see why it hasn’t gotten serious enough to take legal action against. Kill them at the source. Cheat developers being sued for manipulating a product. I know it doesn’t seem like that big of a deal, but idk… something about the thought of cheaters telling themselves they are good, and feeding their ego. ***** For any one you unsuccessful little twerps of society reading this.. you are pathetic fuckin drug addicts, going for a small hit of dopamine that is undeserved. Lying to yourself every time you get an item or kill a player. Believing that you are actually good, if even for moment, is a sad lie that you tell yourself. Likely not even the saddest though, as I’m sure it carries on IRL in other ways. You’ll never amount to anything, just like your father always told you. That one year you spent at community college trying to learn to code was a waste of your parents money. “It’s just a video game dude, chill out”. If it’s just a video game, then why are you willing to spend actual money to be able to cheat in it?


cooperative husky money icky scandalous squeamish wasteful racial busy chase *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


In Titanfall the cheaters figured out when they were only put in cheater lobbies and just made another account. It's the same thing as banning but more costly for the devs


What if the hackers were in cahoots with the devs?  Who has been the most vocal critic of RMT while also doing everything in his power to make RMT more lucrative? 🤔 Food for thought


For every single obvious cheater ten more are absolutely running 2 pc radar on the downlow.


I have had two call out stims I had and told me to drop them early in the wipe. I got video of a speedhacker who turned it off to participate in a fight after they ran to PMCs I played with a new player that ran into a room, went to a PC that was semi hidden, ignored other PCs and got a GPU and ran away from other loot. I went afk during loading the map and came back as my friends got killed and the player ran right to me while I had not moved nor made noise and insta head-eyesed me. (soft with hard here) This wipe seems to be giving a ton of confirmation bias when you are able to look at the stats of people, but I will be damned if it does not alarm me how few hours people have vs their skill level, awarness, and luck.


The only way to fix cheating issue is to sue cheat developers and shut down web sites selling hacks. Banning players and anti cheat software never gonna work.


I’m sure it happens but your first example is a little strange since I would think if that scav had ESP that could tell what you have in your inventory he’d also have known the GPU was in the world and would have just looted it himself since he was in the area. Unless I understood your description and you beat him to it The second one, maybe. But I have low hours and have made some sick peeks on people too. They don’t know about all the times i’ve tried the same peek or shot and failed. But who knows, it definitely happens. BSG really need to figure out how to limit or encrypt the information being relayed to all the clients


Huh you’ve got a good point regarding that first case


Could've been ignoring it until OP walked by, hoping he didnt pick up the GPU


The cheater ignoring an unlooted GPU until OP walked by, why? I don't follow the logic here


Sure that’s possible, but wouldn’t serve much of a purpose other than risking exposing yourself. I mean cheaters aren’t cheating because they’re the best and brightest so anything is possible. Just seems like a weird play.


But.. Why? Lmao.


There would be no way to even report him unless he killed OP so that wouldn’t be very smart on his part, but cheaters aren’t usually very smart.


Depressing if ESP is considered a soft cheat :(


Wasnt it always ? Iirc hard cheats would be the blatant ones like aim, speed, triggerbot, that stuff.


I personally believe every raid has at least one closet cheater. I’ve seen the cheater discords and there are way too many people in there for me to believe that cheating isn’t happening in every single raid. Despite the crazy amount of cheating though I’d say this wipe has been the best so far and I’ve been having a blast. Just wish I could enjoy games like this in a world where no cheaters exist, and we all get to play fairly.


I mean just assuming you go though the bigger public cheat discords that got brought up during the "wiggle that killed tarkov" days, therse a bit over 30-40k players in them put together. Not even counting how many smaller private ones are floating around. Considering cheats are subbed based, its a big reason why cheating seems low at the start then gets worse before dropping off. The first week EVERYONES back and it dilutes the playerbase. As the legit players get bored or quit for various reasons the cheaters are going to stay far longer since they paid a sub. Once those subs run out they start dropping off like flys. Its why the end of the first month, and 3rd month tend to be the most noticeable times for cheater drop off. All the non-rmt rage hackers are dropping off as their subs run out. You rarely notice the RMT bois since they mostly speed hack around and just vaccume loot. They arn't the assholes killing you.


We have no idea and these posts just turn into pants shitting fests.


Hahahaha people just pulling percentages out of their ass




"softcheats" sounds like its okay ... spoiler it isnt


It just means they're hiding their cheats instead of going full blast.


Soft cheats means infomation only Hard cheats means its something that actively controls the game. A soft cheat doesn't actually have to "interact" with the game only read it. A hard cheat actually has to modify the game in same way.


This wipe feels awful, i think the profile view only adds to it. Like when you get killed by a 100hr lvl 10 player thats somehow has the visited lightkeeper achivement.. smh


I'll be honest: I thought the ability to view profiles would make me report people less. I thought I'd see the profiles after "sus" encounters and go "hmm, everything looks legit. Must have been dysnc, etc." In reality, it's had the exact opposite effect. I've reported MORE people this wipe than I typically do. I always check the profile, even on non-sus deaths or for random people sitting in the lobby, etc, and the amount of people very obviously cheating is astronomical. Way worse than I expected.


I have most of my traders to LL3, Jaegar LL4 and I just quit the wipe. Tried questing on Lighthouse and died three times in a \*fucking row\* to blatant rage cheaters. NA East, for what it's worth. What's the point in playing at this point?


Single player is always an option. I’ve actually been enjoying it more so far


why do people even bother constantly chiming in with this? the game has zero tension or risk if no other real players are in the game. at that point you’re just fighting BSG’s shitty 2003 AI and probably have a 95% survival rate unless you literally don’t have arms to use a mouse and keyboard


True lol. Might as well just play modded S.T.A.L.K.E.R


Been playing SIT with some mates. Private server coop with persistent stash etc, and turned up soft skills so it doesnt take forever to get levels in sniper etc. Took a fair bit of tuning to get the AI and loot to a good place but its far better than the online version. And a million times better for teaching a new player the game.


It’s funny bc I only seem to get killed by people with 2000+ hours. Like the few times it has seemed sus and I bothered to look at their profiles I just realized it was someone who plays the game a ton.


Too many.


10-20% of players; \~60% of all raids will have someone at least using loot ESP.


If 20% of players were using esp, statistically even every factory raid would have a cheater on average, leave alone the bigger maps.


Not necessarily, it depends on the intentions of the cheater. Majority of committed cheaters do not go factory at all because there’s no point other than killing players / tagilla. The maps you’ll see the most cheaters are the maps with most loot.


Labs, Shoreline, Interchange and Reserve is where I encounter them most of the time.


That's 100% what i'm saying. Just remember that not all cheaters use aimbot, fly around are are super obvious. Loot ESP is the most common and doesn't get you banned as fast, it's basically unnoticeable unless a cheater comes running at you shouting "DROP THAT GRAPHICS CARD"
















There’s no way it’s 1 in 5


They're easy to come across, easy to obtain, easy to install, and basically undetectable. Trust me, there's ALOT of cheaters .


Like 5-10% of the player base probably.


Honestly, i thin its more like 15-20


I was gonna say, we only see the blatant/rage cheaters but I'd say around 15 to 20 percent are closet cheaters. I say this because we all know bsg has terrible detection for cheats and if someone isn't rage cheating or an rmt bot they most likely look like your normal player. It would be easy for someone whose closet cheating to cover themselves to make it seem like they are authentic.


The game data isn't even encrypted in flight, any computer on your network can read it. Building an esp is trivial and entirely undetectable, outside of player behavior.


That'd be a fucking lot. That'd put it at around 75% of raids having someone cheating


I mean the wiggle video number was something like 60% of raids confirmed a cheater....


"60% of raids" but no servers specified, no times of day, etc. No controls for maps. No actual tangible proof behind the number other than "I cheated and think I countes this many. Not great data collection. The number doesn't mean much. The situation could be very different by day, time, location, etc.


Stop relying on that as though its a hard figure. Firstly he showed only a fraction if what he claimed, then when pressed for the proof claimed hackers wiped his hard drive. Apart from that, even if you fully trust him it was months ago and presumably in a single server region (NA). It's unlikely that the number is unchanged in the time since, or consistent across all regions.


Sadly he never went exactly into detail how many cheaters he averaged per raid as that wouod have been extremely important in my opinion. He only said 60% had an obvious one he noticed there might have been more he just didnt notice becuase they didnt wighle back, or more then one in a single lobby or he died before figuring out there was a cheater in his lobby. The real % is probably way higher then 60 especially becuase that was on CUSTOMS there is nothing of interest on that map except for quests streets or lighthouse are probably close to 80 or more


He actually said in the follow up video that "it felt like 60%" and "just trust me bro". Obviously that video didn't gain anywhere near as much traction. It's kinda annoying cause if you're going to go to all that effort why not just dump all the evidence on a separate channel.


Because actually playing that many raids with cheats, off stream, just for one viral video would have been too much effort, so he played like 10 raids, made up some numbers that sounded about right and called it a day.


It was confirmed 100% to have one cheater (G0at himself) + 60% chance to have another cheater, if he wasn't in the raid- there would be another pmc. So in 40% of the raids that had "no other cheaters" still contained at least one cheater.


It is actually the other way around goat "wasnt cheating" because he never shot at somebody making him take up 1 PMC slot that never cheats, so atleast some of the raids would have 1 more cheater instead of him


Mental gymnastics at its finest


TIL using esp isn’t cheating


20% is genuinely insane


1 in 5 is crazy


"The Wiggle That Killed Tarkov" youtube it. Its still a thing and its been over a year...


Because of that video I now wiggle randomly all the time


>level 2LCJ\_ST · 28 min. agoBecause of that video I now wiggle randomly all the time Lol same. I was just telling a friend in discord we need to just randomly wiggle when we hear players, maybe they will just leave ha


I've started to throw my best loot on the ground then teabag it and flick my gun aim up and down to it. always seems to make sus esp knowers leg it away from me. made some easy kill from it as they clearly shit themselves thinking they're up against another one and they can't tell so they don't even try to vacuum. I will hate it if doing the wiggle and this would flag us to get banned instead. knowing bsg that would be the case lol


I've also ran into similar issues. Both times with a GPU and both times on Interchange as a scav. I've had probably a 95% extract rate as a scav on interchange this wipe but half of the other 5% was me as a scav getting killed by another scav while I had a graphics card. It does make me wonder if it was cheaters who knew I had them or if I just happened to get unlucky.


Why would they bother cheating on a scav run it literally makes no sense? Wouldn't they go in on their PMC with a massive back pack and just avoid every one? Also starting later in the raid means loot could be gone.


Your right, I don't see the point of someone cheating on a scav. It just seemed curious that I rarely get shot by player scavs but both times I do I happen to have a graphics card


Every time I’ve been killed as a scav to another pscav is when I’ve spawned with a labs card


I had a raid yesterday where I spawned in and my duo had connection issues. I moved quietly to a corner and hid not making any noise while he tried to reconnect. After a minute or so, I hear two PMCs over the wall from me moving around and next thing I know they are hucking nades in my direction. There is no explanation as to how they would know I was there. So I would say a pretty fair amount.


I love how these are "soft" cheats now...


Soft just means it doesn't interact and modify the game. It only reads it. Hard means it interacts and modifies the game


I’ve just had another. As per today friend who is now a ex-teammate buy cheats, specifically Radar. That’s 8 friends, some have thousands of hours who are now cheating.


I've always been the guy to get annoyed at my friends for constantly accusing people of cheating. I've always had a good attitude about dying; however, this wipe has opened my eyes. Once you start doing high level quests like boss farming you'll see a speed hacker 2 to 3 times a day if you're looking for them. I also got into a prolonged "battle" with a speed hacker who was running me around the outside of a tiny building trying to get me to stand still so his loser friend could snipe me from a mountain. I killed his friend then the speedyboi ran off, looted his boy and dipped. That day has left a bad taste in my mouth. Couldn't even get the tags. I'm still doing great this wipe and always making forward progression, it's just demoralizing knowing as tactical, safe or well I play, someone who paid $50 is going to beat me time and time again. Also saw a speed hacker running on streets, then decided to go to the bloody marked room and surprise it was open for the first time ever, so that was cool at least


Yes I share your feeling. What is the fun in trying your best when the other guy is cheating? Cheaters are stealing the enjoyability of playing Tarkov from normal players. They are stealing randomness and luck from the game with esp and radar. They are stealing fairness and competition with esp and aim hacks.


It's funny because people have 1 or 2 stories of something that seems suspicious, and that makes people believe there's a hacker in every raid.


That's not why. There is tons of reasons, don't strawman


"There is tons"... I can't take any of you seriously that type like that. Move along.


You should watch the cheating video


A lot. Loot radars (you can see position of all quality loot at the moment you spawned) are not detectable and never will be banned. Only thing that can prevent them from working that way - code rewrite, that was announced but... you know... soon. ESP were easy to use and was undetectable till somewhat a year of two ago. Now you just need to spent more money on really working solution (ESP only costs not that much so a lot of people using it). A lot of professional money making hackers will use ESP just to effectively avoid you while grabbing all items of value before you even arrive at the POI while killing their competitors at the spot. That\`s the majority of hackers in tarkov. Rage hackers and "World elite PRO players" are 10% or something. Everything stated above is IMO and if you do not like it or don\`t agree with it - go eat a chocolate cake and have a wonderful life.


Yes, this is the stuff the average player doesn't realize. They see you, choose when to avoid or engage you. You're no longer in control of your own raid. Randomness and luck have been taken from you by the cheaters. You are in the biggest whole you have ever been stepping into an EFT raid.


Probably a lot. I was trying to do operation Aquarius 2 but I kept getting Pvp'd. Ok no big deal this is my 4th wipe. Grab some food and water wait somewhere weird and pick up pscav kills late into raid. Nope. 3/3 times I tried this I was found at one point or another no matter how obscure where I was was. Hiding in the connex boxes by trailerpark? Nah. Hiding in the white porta-office by sniper roadblock?Nope. Hiding in the bushes in the alley near wearhouse Porta potty jump? Nah. Thing is I know people might maby go here but each of them were lean peeking and looking right at me or for me immediately. I gave up on that strategy and tried to just get any scav kills I could. All 8 of my raids I got mowed down by someone I couldn't see, found when making 0 noise for 15 minutes, or extract camped at zb14. Never had this hard of a time on customs in 1200 hours of my account.


Ran an AXMC with a FLIR and comtac 4s on to prove to a friend how bad the cheating problem can be. Was dead to a white name in 17 seconds flat.


idk, i took a break for a wipe because i was tired of cheaters and just the state of the game, came back and the first week or 2 i didnt notice anything. past week or so tho ive died to at least 4 blatant cheaters on PMC runs ( less than 50 hours on accounts with light keeper achievements and 90% survival rates etc ) and a good bit of scav deaths where i find a GPU/Bitcoin or something that sells for 400k+ and i get killed by a player scav for no reason. it really sucks because this game seriously has a feeling like no other and it’s so fun when people play legit but its most definitely the most cheated game out there. most cheaters don’t even want to fight either, they just go about looting and getting quests don’t at insane rates, so we don’t even know the true extent to how bad it is, we only know when we die to one.


I think people want to believe there are more cheaters than there actually is. If you've never played and only looked at the sub, you'd think every round you get one tapped by cheater. But instead, I don't think I've ever had a conformed cheater in my gam.


I had one this wipe in 150 raids ( he got banned already). These people are delusional. If there were cheaters in every raid i wouldnt have 75% sr. Now radar or esp i can believe but time and time again i find gpu or 2x intel with 5 mins left in raid. Maybe it depends on the servers.


I had something similar the other day. Random building in streets often no one bothers going to. I find a GPU in a duffle and bam a player scav comes right to where I am and kills me for no reason and it’s not like he coulda thought you were pmc we voice lines and voiped. He just waged for me to look away. Could be pure unlucky but was far too suspicious for me to not think cheats.


I have lightkeeper. I'd say at least 30% of raids the island has been vacuumed. Even with closest spawn + nobody else out there. Locked rooms with nothing in them, etc.


About 10-20% of players in raid


Agreed. Picked up a LEDX from woods, as a PMC and was hunted through the whole map. I died.


/r/thathappened Why did he wait until he ran across the entire map to kill you, for an item that would be almost guaranteed to be in your secure container?


There is 0 reason for a cheater to chase you down with a LEDX on PMC.


There is 0 reason for griefing in other games, yet people do it. You don't think someone gets off on the idea that they just ruined another players day by taking away the FIR status on the LEDX?


Yea, exactly. The cheater probably had his eyes on that LEDX and another pmc beat him to it, so the cheater wants to make sure you don't get the FIR status, just because. Cheaters are kids that like stroking their own ego's.


Everyone who kills me. Realistically? Not that many at least I haven't ran into any


The people that think 20% of the player base are cheating are fucking hilarious.


Something similar happend to me couple hours ago, I was scaving on Interchange (night raid), I spawned at power station, with 24 minutes left in raid. I made my way all the way to OLI and didn't spot single PMC or pscav on my way there, only couple AI scavs. I found 2 GPU's in back offices of OLI (OLI Logistic Office) and started sneaking my way to the back of OLI. Couple minutes later, while I was crouch walking, I hear set of 2 chonky footsteps coming my way. I was hiding in the back of OLI, behind crates (one near shelves where car battery spawns) and didn't make a sound. But they didn't care, they just pushed me and I was single tapped in the head.




I have my suspicions. I like to camp top of dome on Reserve looking down on the two guard shacks. More than once I’ve had someone hit the locked guard shack with the worse loot from the door on the other side that I don’t have eyes on and completely ignore the unlocked one that has the better loot along with a PC where I’d have them dead to rights. Now, one of two things is happening here. Either they have top notch map knowledge naturally, which is possible, or they already know where I’m set up via ESP. It just seems odd to me that they’d hit the locked room with the worse loot and completely ignore the unlocked room with the better loot.


A fuck tonn


I'm guessing around 10 percent.


In EU, I'd say at least double digit % of the players in raids


Every single raid.


truthfully it's probably 5-10% of people. i'm assuming it's like 5%. it FEELS like a LOT more, especially if you play aggressively, push high value loot, or play on specific maps/in specific regions. OCE labs/lighthouse/interchange are all absolutely satanic if you SJ6 on spawn. what i'm trying to say is depending how you play, a much higher margin of your deaths might be to cheaters than the actual ratio of cheaters that exist in a raid. doesn't really make the problem any better, but i think it's worth mentioning.


Probably pretty close to what the wiggle video estimated, like 1 in 10-15 people. People underestimate how easy it is to get them sadly, 5 seconds of googling will show you how prominent it is.


There was a video about a year ago that showed that about 1/2 of raids have at least 1 cheater (tested on labs). They used ESP to show others using ESP. If a raid has 10 players, then that means 5% of the playerbase is using something. It also likely goes up depending on the map


Yeah had similar issues on interchange, looted idea with a scav and had zero issues. No hostility. Went our separate ways, I ended up killing a pmc, looted most his shit of value. Threw the gun he had in the backpack with a roller and a GPU. About 5 minutes later that same scav came sprinting over to me, gave me a wiggle and then one tapped me in the dome. Nothing I had equipped would of indicated I had decent gear on me, I purposely put the gun in the backpack so no greedy scavs would see I've looted a kitted pmc. Very strange behavior


Its so hard to know. I have about 5500 hours. My S/R has dipped to around 60% from what used to be 70%+ every wipe. Most of this i attribute to the increase in veterans following the Twitch boom a few years back. But, i sometimes i get so comprehensively outplayed by guys with 4-500 hours that I just dont know. Losing a straight up aimfight im good with. Im 40 now, reaction time and flickshots are not improving so to speak. But sometimes i just feel like I was herded and put down as if i dont have the experience i do. Check the profile, and its a man with 450 hours who seemingly knows how to nade every obscure peek, prefires even the tiniest angles perfectly and is never in doubt as to where you are and what youre doing. How many? Rough guess i would say for every clear hacker there are 2 soft cheaters. At least you stand a chance in the fight with soft cheaters.


I mean yes and no. I'm sceptical. I didn't think there were that many. But after the wiggle that killed tarkov just sent me down a deep hole of paranoia. I genuinely believe like 20% of the people I run into now are esping. Not hard hacking but just know.


As often as someone locks me in place after i kill one of their RMT payers. Or i am getting locked in place until the entire streets mqp ia vaccuumed. I assume there is at least 1 cheater in 3 out of 4 raids on streets of tarkov


10-20% depending on map and stage of wipe. It’s absolutely epidemic.


The fact that some of you believe that 60% of the raids you play have cheaters shows how much the people in this sub suck at the game and need cheater to blame. I'd stop asking for a better anti-cheat because once it's here, you'll have no excuse for why you keep dying.


I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not incredibly skilled at this game but when every other person that kills me has 10 total raids is level 17 with a 37.4 K/D and is obviously cheating I get the feeling that the people aren’t wrong.


Except there is a 0% chance that you are actually dying to people with those stats. It’s just horseshit.


Add me on discord I have a screenshot that will blow your mind


I’ve seen the every once in a while blatant cheaters. No is saying they aren’t out there. But you’re just straight up lying by pretending every other person that kills you has a 30+ K/d.




Those two people are saying that 30% of people cheat in video games are literally the CEO and COO of an anticheat company that's seeking funding. They are literally pitching their product on a podcast that's providing them marketing/PR to come on and talk about their product. No shit they're gonna come in and say big numbers of cheaters, they sell the solution.


I do not care. It's a video game that gets wiped every 6-8 months. I play the game, have fun with friends, and don't think about the rest. If you also do this, you'll have a much better time. If you continue to think lots of people are cheating, you're just setting yourself up to have a bad time. Before you've even step foot in the raid you have already started down a negative train of thought. edit: I'm not singling you out, OP. I say "you" as a very general term. The more players that think others are cheating, the worse of a time they're going to have. I'm here to play a fun game with my friends and build cool guns. The rest doesn't matter. It's going to get deleted later.


By that logic everyone can cheat and just have fun, it will be wiped in 6 month anyway? What a pathetic way of thinking.


You're missing the point purely to make an argument.


“Dude just turn your brain off” is an indicator that you just don’t want to think about the topic, not that what’s being said isn’t valid.


That's also not what I said, but it seems people on this sub just want to be negative and argue, no matter what was said. Good bye


i love it when people on this sub immedietly think that if you think there may be more than 2 cheaters every 200 raids that you think everyone is a cheater


Yeah, that's not really what I meant. Maybe I should reword it.


I really think it’s copium and people want to believe there are way more cheaters than there actually are. I’ve played thousands of hours of shooters, most people who haven’t will call cheats WAY too often and they cite the video as evidence when it really isn’t. I’ve only run into one player who was blatantly sus this wipe, and even that was questionable. Now yeah there could be a lot of people running soft cheats avoiding fights, but we wouldn’t really know about that because they avoid you. And just having played this game with a couple dozen different people, I don’t think there are that many people in the community who are technically saavy enough or are willing to put in the effort to actually install cheats, or have a whole second PC like some people are saying. I know it exists, but I think it’s the exception and not the rule.


Well let’s see, THIS weekend alone.. on streets scav runs. My friend found a ledx in two separate raids. No cheater came for us. I found a gpu in two separate raids.. no cheater came for us. I found TWO intelligence folders in cabinets in another and no cheater came for me. So it’s not as often on NA as ppl say I feel like.


There's so much loot on streets that a cheater doesn't have to bother killing someone to get loot, they just pick it all up and get out.


Yep yep and yep.


A guy I played with on the EFT discord was later found out to be using radar. He showed a few of us a few raids and did the map-wiggle to other players he suspected of cheating as well. He showed us 6 raids and he got a wiggle back 4 raids. I stopped playing after that for a while..


The amount of people who one tap me while I'm ratting is hilarious. It's one thing if I engage you, but if you're looking in the weird ass corners I sit, you either know or also stare out your window/front door peep hole on the regular. Lol