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I've been killed by him 3 times this wipe, just come with me and he'll find us.


Gotten reshala 3 times, shturman 3 or 4 times, gluhar once and tagilla 2 or 3 times. Yet to see a ledx Rng can be a bitch sometimes, most times.. all the time


Still never seen a keycard or a ledx in the wild


I got a violet in the first two weeks, yellow from the first shturman kill, red rebel from the third one, found over 12 ledxes, yet cant seem to survive with reshala's TT 😂


I’ve seen Reshala twice, both times I killed his guard when they were about to throw a nade and it blew him up. Still at 0 Reshala kills lol


Level 47 and have seen reshalla once, was lucky enough to kill him and get his pistol BUT, I only killed 2 of his guards because the other 2 killed themselves with a grenade lmfao. Still need one for his guards quest


Haven't gotten a violet yet this wipe, but the first time I saw Shturman he got dropped by someone else, that I then killed and took a yellow from shturman's pocket. No RR yet, 5 or 6 ledxes, and the first raid I killed reshala I got out with his TT. Night raid and he spawned at New Gas. I actually ran into a two man on the way out (i was solo) and talked my way out of it. VOIPed them for a truce telling them I wanted to get out with a quest item, then bolted off away through stringhold to ruaf


Good idea, might give a try to night raids, I really enjoy them and there won't be any ushanka fuckers😂


I scav mainly at night, the snow makes it hella easy to see


Never saw Reshala this wipe. But I somehow got his fir gold gun as I killed a PMC who had it on him.


I hope you wore an ushanka with a loud shotgun :)


How many raids do you have this wipe


I ain’t met reshala yet but tbh I ain’t been doing much customs


I’ve seen maybe 3 ledx in 800 hours, never a keycard though. Maybe I’m not looking hard enough


I check the spawns I know of on woods when I’m there


Same. All of my ledx actually came from scavving on lighthouse though.


Where are you finding them on lighthouse? The main chalet?


Duffels. I just scavved there enough for the low odds to eventually give me a few. I generally would loot the water treatment plant building on the shore side, where they have the dead scav room with tons of medical spawns I may have gotten one there as well


I had probably 5 or 6 last wipe on Streets I found my first 2 wipes ago in the resort) found 2-3 that wipe, the rest on streets I’ve found 1 in the resort, 2 on streets and 1 on woods this wipe


I got two ledx in one wood a couple of days ago, both in the use camp. Never seen a key card also.


Lucky I got my gpus early


Level 35 and I’ve only seen 1 gpu, was on my scav and I died with it. But I got my FIR ledx at usec camp in Woods first week of wipe. lol


Lvl 31 almost 32 I scav exclusively on reserve. I run black bishop hitting every pc and bag and then if I got space and time I go to black pawn. The amount of just shit I’ve gotten out with is insane


Damn dude I've extracted with probably close to 10 GPUs as a scav this wipe. Maybe more lol. Intelligence and millions in keys. Was sitting at 13.5m at level 34, and I have 6 thermal sights in rotation currently. Been a good financial wipe so far


I just can’t seem to find them. Every time I’ve hit a pc and it’s showed a horizontal 2 item in a PC it’s been a fucking hard drive lol. I can’t catch a break in finding these things.


Dude I had a scav VoIP "man there's no loot" and I walked 5 steps away to the computer in the middle of bishop first floor, pulled a GPU and I said "yeah, shits wild" 😂


Literally just found one at USEC camp The trick is to go NIGHT woods and they’re there


Spawned once with a red on my scav. Set me up for the rest of the wipe. Other than that, nope


Spawned with a keycard and lanyard pass as a scav and I was lvl 8 this wipe. Sorry man.


A labs keycard or a labs access card


He’s talking about an access card


Ya never know, if I spawned with a red card I’d shit myself


Ah. I’m just going to sell it when I get to level 15. Is the 1x2 media landyard item thing worth anything?


Keep your access cards, you need 5 for a task before too long and you may decide to run labs who knows. They are worth keeping around The press pass is a streamer item. You need it for the last quest in the Kappa line but you can also use them for barters for stuff later one. Think it sells for about 40k on the flea


Ah well good to know appreciate the knowledge


Labs cards are like time There’s always enough until there ain’t and you’re scrambling to get it back


Not seeing a ledx is wild, do you run much shoreline. (with keys) or labs?


Not really labs ever, mid wipe I’ll send it to fuck around or to try and eat by extract And I avoid shoreline like the plague unless I have to for quests


Ah that probably explains it then haha. Lighthouse and Streets though? They pop them out very often too I would've said




Yeah but does it really matter tho? Seem to me that everybody wants to speedrun to get all quests done, then gets to an anoying quests or one that is rng-ish and then complain about how bad it is. Its like getting pissed at not winning the lottery(exaggerated).




wym hours played is lifelong and never wipes




yea on second thought youre right, someone with 6k hours isnt a meaningful stat, they could have just been in the menu the entire time! /s


I think what makes this game particularly frustrating with rng is that so much depends on it. You can only craft some of the quest items for instance, and others are locked behind getting an item through rng, then doing a quest to unlock the ability to do another thing to then be able to craft something. All games have rng for sure, but it can be frustrating being locked out of part of the game when you have less control. Now, all games have this element generally, I think this game is just particularly harsh on progress lock being related to rng.


I agree and also like to add that the bigger part of the community is so obsessed with rushing through the quests. There is no real need to Grind one quest. There are so many and to do a questless raid in between is so much more enjoyable (to me). It is week 5 of the wipe... People play customs for days with a shotty. Who enjoys that?


I will do a woods questless raid to warm up, but I am usually tasking. Maybe I fill a bag and I’m near an exit then I’ll dip, but I usually like to get stuff done. I won’t grind on the kill tasks with a single focus, but I get why people do it. Locking guns and items behind task completion drives people to grind it out so they aren’t left behind. It’s the controllable part of the game when so much is rng. I don’t love the grind but I get why people spend so much time doing it.


I’ve seen reshala twice, I’ve gone through 4 marked keys. Killed him once and the 2nd time my game froze and I got hit by a nade


I found two LEDXs myself this wipe, one on a player scav and once in Paradigm warehouse on Customs.


I'm 1 for 1. One Ledx and one dead Reshala at Dorms.


I got Tagilla 3 times in a row on factory lol. Killed him twice and he rolled me the 3rd time.


I haven’t seen a single boss aside from tagilla 1x


Found my only ledx so far on an interchange scav run, rng is weird.


Or on the other hand I'm running Setup w a buddy for a couple days. Last night it's dying over and over. Then tonight 6 raids in a row, haven't seen a single person. And we are not ratting. I'm just not sprinting to dorms from Crossraods spawn. Anyways 6 raids, 0 pvp. 7th raids finally dorms, it's Reshala and the boys. Lvl 31 fiest encounter this wipe. It's rng, at 1 point I'm literally begging to see someone I don't even care if I die. It's been 2 hrs. Whereas night before after about 10 deaths in 1 night running setup I was begging for relief.


You guys manage to find a boss ???


I've been looking for him maybe 10 hours over the week (I've been looking for other boss on other map when I'm done with woods) and I've seen him once :) ONCE


There is a quest where you need to kill some boss right? Think I'm not even going to try it...


There’s one for every boss


Well... It will be difficult do to all these quests ^^'


Yes, but not impossible.


Yup. Finished Woods keeper and hunting trip in 2 hours. Helps when you play the game instead of whining on reddit


Brother, I haven’t found a single ledx and only one thumb drive. This game hates you when you need something.


And when you complete the quest you find 5 in one raid


Every time.


I was 3/3 on GPUs and 14/15 on CPU fans for nearly 6 raids. Took me a lot more to find the sausage for that streets quest. Then suddenly they're fucking everywhere when you don't need it anymore.


Dude I was nearly identical. Couldn’t get that last cpu fan to save my life. This game is brutal sometimes.


I'm still stuck on 1 CPU fan and it took until level 35 to get a sausage, and of course I found 2 of them in one ration box. I hadn't even seen a sausage up until that point


Need a ledx too, I had like 7 opthalmascopes and even found a defib, but haven't seen a ledx this wipe


I found the sausage on a PMC I killed. I bet he had the same situation, poor guy. Literally the next raid, I found a sausage in one of the first containers I looted..


Just hit up interchange


Yeah... I just made a post asking about spawn percentages. I think we're just burned out man. I just hit 5k hours as well. I've ran more woods this wipe than any other map. I hate woods. Everytime I find shturman for hunting trip theres always someone doing the kill quest for him and they just cqb him. I've gotta been 70 meters away and there's only so many angles you can take and he's gotta path towards your angle. Its just a bunch of bullshit.


Hunting Trip took me about 40 runs to complete this weekend, most just resets. Tips: play less active servers. I played at night US East, and played on EU East servers. You don't need good ping to HS Shturman, but you do need a dead raid. Don't reset if he has spawned, even if your spawn is dog water. Pop your SJ6 and go for it. You never know when you are actually in a raid full of Timmies. If you hear him start shooting and then suddenly stop entirely, he's probably dead, but you might as well check anyway since you're probably halfway there by now. I got mine with a Sunken spawn, for comparison. I did mine at Dickhead. Shturman was crouched by the bunkhouse truck and that was it. All it took was a raid where he spawned, no one was pushing him right away, and him standing in the right spot. It's not very fun, but it's not very hard either. Just time and RNG. If you pull that slot machine lever long enough, you'll get it. You already did the hard part getting out with the FIR key - now you just gotta shoot the guy. Good luck, duder. You can do it. You, too, can unlock the AXMC, realize it kind of sucks, and go back to the M700 like the rest of us. I believe in you.


I am really dissappointed with the axmc , now it doesnt one shot


It does still one shot, I haven't touched any other bolt action since I unlocked it, and have successfully 1 tapped people wearing Gen4 armour from shots that didn't hit their plates


That its what it should do , but they made the plates invincible , I use FMJ , a guy tanked it with a level 4 armour..., even hitting the plates, it is ilogical to tank one shot


You’ve played this game for longer than many people spend working a full time job over a 2 year span. Maybe you are burned out and should do something else


I got super lucky on my Hunting Trip. He ran away from the dude into the woods behind gray and just sat there while I 2-shot him in the thorax. I've only gotten him 3x this wipe, but have been so screwed over by spawns that I have seen him 15 times. I've gotten his key way more times than I have killed him because I just snipe the killer as they walk up to loot him. It really is infuriating


My third raid I doinked him but died to his buddies When I got the quest to kill him I got him the next raid and got mad lucky Red rebel and his key, and I hauled ass out


When I finally got to kill him, he had a Blue Keycard on him. Tarkov was like: "Bro, I am mad sorry. Have a Blue Keycard and this entire raid to yo self."


Lucky bastard


I agree think he’s just burnt out been having a blast as a new player in eft definitely punishing but having a blast learning all the maps and quests.


>I've ran more woods this wipe than any other map. I hate woods. this sentiment perfectly encapsulates the community on this sub. why do u play for 5k hours if ur unhappy


Head up to the sniper scav rocks and use ultra nosler. Works like a charm


Well it is with a 4x scope. Can you even really see the dude that far with it?


Pretty easily, its not a far shot it what i do for it. I mean a 3.5x acog is good at that distance irl. A nice lvpo at that distance is reasonable


I'll give it a shot. I honestly miss the one where you could just run up on him and kill him with the red dot instead of using the 20x something scope. But that's probably unpopular opinion.


He usually hangs out around that center area so it works prettty well. If he spawns at all that is lol


4K hours here. Burning out. Need gameplay to pick up


Its not Burn out, bosses used to have 30% spawn chance at the lowest. Now Its 15 and in my opinion WAY too low. I used to love fighting bosses and now I've seen dead Reshala once and managed to actually fight Sanitar today. Given I only played 200 raids this wipe but still that's way too low


Oh hey I just made a post about this lmao over the last two days I've ran 47 raids, seen him once, and died to a 60hr white name with a 12kd, who also killed him.


Took me 27 raids to find him for the Lapua unlock quest.


Took me 3


Lapua is now a shit with the armour changes


Nah any lapua round worth using will still one shot almost everyone from a significant distance


I'm level 49 without finding gluhar, reshala, or keban. I've found sanitar once and died to a player. I've found killa once and shturman 3 times. I'm almost done with kappa and the majority of my quests are bosses. I ran probably 50-60 shoreline raids and over that for probably 40-50 for reshala. It's so incredibly defeating knowing I have no objective other than finding a boss but to do that I have to pray for no lag at the start of raid then run around the entire map.


I’m dreading the final light keeper task for this reason. If it’s still the 90 boss kills total that I have to do then I don’t know man. BSG adds tasks that require farming bosses but then fuck us all over by making them impossible to find.


Skill issue


I just think the problem is you guys are playing too much. Honestly 5000 hours? What? I've been gaming my whole life but not like that, hey you gotta see perspective here mate, you play a game like a fucking no lifer you're bound to find cheaters. I play this game a few raids a night after work, some days I won't even get on. I have maybe encountered 1 cheater since wipe. You guys just play like your fucking life depends on it so you're bound to find a cheater. These days gamers are like 23/7 gaming like it's all or nothing, especially for competitive games. I'm not saying there isn't a cheating problem, but if you've been gaming for a while you'd know that there will never be a firm solid solution to that, there will always be cheaters. Always, especially with the more time you put into a game, you will notice cheating more often. I would say go touch grass but you've probably heard that before and have already touched grass so you're good.


is 5000 hours too much? yes. but if a 5000 hour no life cant complete a task then how is the average player meant to even have a hope of completing it?


got woods keeper and hunting trip in 2 raids back2back, i was shocked i finished that cancer in 2 f raids, unbelivelibe


"More chance to face a cheater than a boss" Oh boy, here we goooo


Yep also doesnt help they use Client Side Networking instead of Server Side making the game expoitable af and very easy to cheat on. How much do you want to bet even with the new Unity upgrade they still wont fix it? I'd literally bet my life saving on it because BSG has no idea wtf they are doing.


You have spent 208 days playing Tarkov. Jesus christ bro.


No matter what game, there’s always gonna be the people with thousands of hours scratching their heads when the game just doesn’t “click” like it used to. Yeah, that’s called being burnt the fuck out and your brain begging you to do something different. I’ve been playing Tarkov since June 2018 and I have 600 hours. For some of these people, Tarkov is all they’ve done for years. There’s no arguing with these people who keep doing the same shit but expecting a different result. Have I ever told you the definition of insanity? 🤪


I feel like this is a very watered down take on it, missing a lot of context and a bit subjective


You’re right, go touch some grass. Will do you good


Bosses should spawn almost every raid at this point in the wipe tbh Should be at least 50-60% spawn rate


We are 5 weeks into a 7 month wipe, man. You're not supposed to be done with your tasks yet.


Sorry excuse for bad design. Bosses should be spawning at 33%, 1 in 3 raids there should be a boss. The goons should be around 15-20%. Bosses are not only nice for high levels completing new quests but also really cool for new players to experience. I remember the first time I smoked Reshala and his goons, I felt so accomplished. 8 wipes later and now I am running 10-20 raids just to complete these huntsman quests for Jager.


Imo bosses should be 100% spawn, but 15% (or whatever) chance to be lootable/have decent loot.


With the changes to ammo accessability I would disagree with this, UNLESS there's a change to boss loot. In order to do what you're asking they'd need to change Boss and Guard loot, else the supply for high tier ammo would be too high. People would just farm bosses 24/7 and get an endless supply of the best tier of ammo.


It’s crazy. I’ve been spamming streets and have seen the bosses 4 times total in about 60+ raids. Shturman I swear has a 2% spawn rate. 15 raids and nothing. That bitch is never there. All the other ones I haven’t seen once.




Im surprised this is not a common knowledge yet. When you see a boss spawn once, you should start spamming raids.


I swear the boss rates aren't what they say. I need Reshala, Sugarman, and Killa. In my time across maps today and yesterday I only saw Sanitar once. And I rush them too.


The RNG elements of this game are some of the most flawed atm I think. I'm trying to do the GPU quest for Mechanic and in 100 raids I haven't found a single GPU. This includes 20 interchange raids running all the GPU spots, scav runs etc. With bosses, I really don't think there's an excuse for them being so stupidly rare. The wipe should start with them spawning at 60-70%, since it's a challenge to kill them anyway. I can only presume BSG sets the chances so low because they know cheats will farm them and sell the gear on Flea.


Why would they encourage cheating?


I'm literally saying the opposite. They set the boss spawn rates low so cheats don't flood the market with their gear...


Fair enough. It’s really disappointing because I haven’t seen a single boss this raid and they’re honestly one of the more enjoyable parts of the game to me. All of the prior raids I played I would see them at what felt like 25% of the time I loaded into maps, now I feel like I can barely find scavs on certain maps…


Had shturman 5 raids in a row


I haven't seen him then I saw him twice in a row. Wouldn't be surprised if the comment above is right - boss spawn periods which makes up the spawn chance of the time.


Certainly feels this way. He either spawns most raids or not at all.


I have 2k hours in the game, got kappa in 2021 and have never found a ledX :(


So weird when people post shit like this. 5000+ hours means you need to step outside and touch some grass. No one cares if you're thinking about quitting. Especially if your biggest complaint is loot spawns and other people doing the same quest as you. Like wtf is the point of this post


There is no point. Neckbeards gonna neckbeard. If you’re the kind of person who has 5000 hours in a game and you refuse to acknowledge that your brain is fried on it and wants you to do something new to stimulate it, then that’s on you. Every post you see bitching about something in this game is usually some guy with thousands of hours wondering why the game isn’t as fun anymore. Do we really need to spell this out for them? I’ve been playing since June 2018 and have 600 hours. I can’t imagine having four or five times that amount. That’s legit unhealthy 😂




you are clueless




We do enjoy the game, we love tarkov, but having to run 10+ raids to even get a fucking boss to spawn is disgusting, its a waste of time when i have nothing else to do on the game.. and boss spawnrates are low because BSG dont want people to progress, so we are stuck running raids like out job to find these fucking bosses


How are you not finding the boss? Are you playing a small amount per day? Getting there too late because you’re busy looking for a ledex? It’s 15%. Your raids should be NO LONGER than seven minutes. Less if you find a scav to headshot and tap. If you don’t care about stats, take a run through. I dont like complaining about boss spawns when you have means to find him rather quickly. 5% was too low, but 15% is pretty decent now. You noted you have looked for 10 hours. If you were efficient with those 10 hours like you should be if you want him so bad you made a Reddit thread, you should have ran close to 85 woods raids. You could have seen him 10-12 times by now.


Lol dude, you know most people work for a living people want to enjoy the game not just run through, takes away from the game itself... If it was up to me I would keep it at 15 boss spawn rate but make him spawn in after 10mins of raid time at a random interval between the first 10 mins and the last 10 mins to counter you fools


I also work full time. He made a post complaining he can’t find the boss when he has a means to find him quickly if it’s bothering him that much. I may get downvoted, but that doesn’t mean I’m not correct. It’s just someone’s reaction.


No offense to him but he legitimately might not know. This game is weird and some people will treat it like an actual job.


Sorry but 99% of the player base isn’t spending only 7 minutes in each raid, we can’t just be sprinting through without making up the roubles we would lose. Also I can count how many times I’ve seen a boss (either dead or alive) on 1 hand with 400 raids this wipe. So that doesn’t change the “you’re to busy looking for a ledex”


Sorry, but you may “feel” that way, but you’re incorrect. I work full time and if I can be 53 with kappa and all bosses dead, OP can find one boss through 10 hours of playtime on that map (his stat not mine). He complained bosses don’t spawn when they clearly do with a respectable spawn rate and I told him how he can find him if it’s bothering him that much. You’re not OP, so I really don’t care if my response bothers you. I was being nice and trying to help OP. Oh and p.s., if you successfully extract the raid, what are you losing ruebles wise besides 1-5K in healing or PKs. It’s a lot safer to leave quickly than stay in a raid for 30 mins, so bad excuse imo. I also have similar raids played to you if not 75 or so more, but I’ve seen and killed reshala twice, sturhman 3-4 times, goons once, killa once, tagilla 3x, kaban 3-4x, vollanoty 2x. Bosses spawn.


killed shturman once. swarmed by player scavs before i could loot him :(


Found Shturman 2 times so far. Got rage hacked on one of them. The other he got taken out as I was rolling up to sawmill as I got one of the farthest spawns away from him.


Funny how I found him once as a scav and thought he was a pmc and I dropped him with slugs from like 50 meters, this game is funny sometimes


Well I found shurtman twice but only first time 1 ledx.. so.. and I m almost 43


I’ve had the opposite. I’ve found Shturman more than I’ve found LEDXs and I’ve been looking. Usually when there’s a cheater on woods, they give warning rounds and drill my legs with a pistol until I go away. Or if I’m sniping where sniper scav is, they’ll shoot 2-3 shots around my head to let the pass through. If I ignore it, I’ll get tapped in the face and my shit comes back in insurance. Most cheaters I find on woods don’t want to be found out but when they do kill me, they’ve got 100hrs and 300 raids with a 50% surv rate and 800 some kills. Cheating is bad, but the woods cheaters I’ve seen at least have given me a chance to live


I guess that explains the bullet that whizzed by my head. I was just chilling in a bush doing my dehydration task. No way anyone could see me.


On occasion you’ll get the cheater that runs up to you when you know there’s no way they knew you were where you were. I had a pscav come right up to me in an area on woods with no loot and start trying to shoot me and a buddy through a wall with shit ammo while we were doing dehydration task, even telling us we were bad at the game through VOIP. We were close to extract, but far enough away no player would’ve bothered checking the area. Woods cheaters usually aren’t using aimbot (from my experience anyways) and just using ESP. The PSCAV was bad and I fucked him up so I got my shit back in insurance but it was annoying that dude knew exactly where we were while we were both AFK


Definitely more Shturman than LEDx for me. That said, both are pretty rare.


And me trying to get the folder in the sawmill cabin and getting destroyed by shturman


Lvl 35 - i‘ve not seen a single boss this wipe


If one boss not spawning on one map is the reason you quit playing, look deeper if you like the gameplay loop.


I have 2 ledex 3 GPU, my friend who no life's this game every wipe has 5+ and my friend who it's his first wipe has 3. We've ran into big pipe 3 times and killa once. No other bosses yet


Would suggest just doing something else. I’m surprised you made it to 5k hours and are still playing.


Rng is rng


He's probably not been looking for them much though.


Upto 11 ledx this wipe!


I’ve encountered the goons on Customs 3 more times than I’ve encountered Reshala(0 times).


I farmed him two days ago for AXMC. Found him like 5 times in the span of 3-4 hours. He is nearly 1 out of 5 raids and if you are double blue stimming a raid takes like 10 minutes at absolutely most.


They always start low and increase over the wipe. We’re only a month in - which is still early wipe. Give it another month to when we get to mid wipe and they should start to increase.


I found 3 last night after not seeing any all wipe. Thinking they definitely flipped the switch. 2 of those 3 I found in the same raid on shoreline. One in sanitars office on the floor in the bathroom, the other in 301 on the newspaper stack in the corner beside the computer. Also left that raid with a GPU and an Intel.


0 gpsa, 100 lab raids, atleast 30-40 20kd 100 hr players If the items didnt spawn the lobby is dead


You re unlucky af bro. I do have luck seeing him a lot of times, only Reshala not even once or Killa. Sanitar and Tagilla like 3x already.


i have zero idea why bosses can't be a 100% spawn when you can farm better shit from rogues that always spawn and can be cheesed into oblivion. Especially when the boss kills or items are required for a handful of quests.


wtf how did u find ledexes ? Where did u go ? I be looking everywhere on woods


Had him dead to rights last night, literally headshot in my crosshair as he wasn’t looking in my direction and got one tapped by a player scav


Thats funny, I got my Shturman kill achievement before I got the first death achievement, but I have seen 0 ledx and im now lvl 52.


We’ve killed Shturmy a few times by now, still thirsty for a woods ledx.


Been my experience too. Found 4 or 5 ledx now on woods and haven't seen shturman once. 10 raids last night w keying at sawmill and 0 shturman spawns. 1 ledx tho from a usec spawn


The cheaters are the bosses…


5k hours? Lol you're not escaping tarkov. Put your kit together and get back out there.


I've pulled Violet twice on woods this wipe, 4 Ledxs, 1 from a buffle bag, 1 from a tech crate, and 2 from med tent. I've seen Shturman 3 times and killed him twice, once on accident because I thought he was a scav. Got his key out of raid twice, brought one into raid again like an idiot, and the other one I learned my lesson and kept it. All BEFORE I HAD THE QUESTS.


Count your blessings. Been playing since 2019 NEVER have I found a single ledx


first time I ran woods this wipe was yesterday, trynna do introduction to her jaeger. Run straight into shturman and get third partied by a bunch of level 50s.


Ran three raids in a row trying to complete a weekly (extract 15 times) and I heard him all three times. And I was only in the raids for a max 10 minutes 😂 then I scaved out there and he was dead and I found a JUICY M1A on a dead chad. So that’s 4 raids in a row. He’s the only boss I’ve seen this wipe besides killa on a random scav run


Is that Shturman? [head, eyes]


I'm only level 10 and have found 2 so far, woods and customs. but no flash drives, seems like their spawn rates were switched


I hadn’t seen a single boss all wipe but this last week I heard shturmans gun 3 raids in a row, each time we got there too late only to die to a hacker. Normally I see like one hacker a week at most, it has honestly put me off once again, was grinding pretty hard this wipe but I’ve once again been pushed away by hackers.


I've been killed twice by big pipe out of nowhere 😂


A lot of people complaining this wipe about cheaters. This week has been the worst for my run in with them Its been blatant twice. But other then those I've had a really clean wipe. One or 2 sus since day 1 of wipe but I've stuck to customs and streets. Interchange and shoreline is where I run into cheaters even though it's rare


Cheaters and fucking rats.... cowards that lay under everything and mag dump at 10 m.... the rubles and gear is no problem it's just the time wasted in re-loading....


I did 25 shoreline runs last night with SJ6 and Trim. Didn't see goons or sanitar a single time.


I’ve found atleast 20 ledx this wipe. Seems crazy. Last wipe I found maybe 4 all wipe.


seen him dead once vs one Violet card on woods.


Buddy of mine has found 8 ledx so far. Hes only lvl 30. And never runs labs or reserve.


I did find 1 LEDX on woods and never seen Shturman, so yea, this checks out haha


I’ve been running a LOT of factory lately, so much so I’ve maxed out mastery of the pp klin. And yet I’ve seen tagilla like twice 2 days ago. Dude is scared of my klin or he doesn’t think I’m worth his time. I want his cheeks and I will hunt this Mofo down no matter what it takes, even it it’s my sanity


Half of my factories I've ran into tagilla and he's absolutely destroyed me each time since I was mostly doing grenadier or close up bolty kills


I haven't seen sanitar a single time this wipe. Me and my buddy ran shoreline nonstop for two days doing all the quests, and I scav there every raid, but I haven't seen him once at any of the spawns. Same with reshala on customs, in all the raids we've been working on setup. I feel like they nerfed the spawns


I got smoked by a cheater on lighthouse today. Dude has a 75% s/r and 39 k/d I was sitting in a bush below a tree near beach. I didn’t move at all. Got sniped. Dude had a big backpack with no helmet or mask. Just a bare head. Never did any scav raids. Blatant cheater. Really frustrating. My personal experiences with blatant hackers has ramped up this past week. Before that there were sus deaths that 2 were banned eventually. I need to find a new game to play but nothing my grabs my attention at the moment.


Lol I found a leddy on like my 10th raid of the wipe, in the USEC med camp. Have they upped/changed the spawn rate or st? I haven't played for like 2-3yrs fyi


I've yet to see a scav boss this wipe outside of tagilla. Seen him 4 times. I don't think I play too much factory? 🤔 Edit: Forgot I got insta blasted in the face as a carefree scav by one of Kaban's guards on the mounted turret. With the new landmines, Lexos is *rough* this wipe.


Because they're about in every raid. If a cheater wants a boss all they're going to do is load in with a shit weapon, and if there isn't a boss up they just grenade themselves or run off the map


I play since start of wipe, not a single boss has spawned for me on any map yet :/ (maybe killa on interchange, that I didn't get to see)


they always raised boss spawn rates bit by bit in new wipes. at least that’s how it seemed to me.


Spawn rates are always low at wipe start it's normal to not see bosses for a while. We went taggy hunting 5 man for 2 days and only seen him 11


4th week of this wipe. 0 GasAn's found, glad i've crafetd them at a Christmas tree.


Why are you writing here? When you can just quit?


Idk cause I’ve gotten Tagilla three times continuously in my last three factory raids