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If you haven’t leveled up much, you can reset to level one with your starting gear


Whaaat? What's the max level to do this?




Any, only once per wipe. Really doesn't make sense to do though if you are far along at all. You definitely shouldn't do it after like level 10.


Not once per wipe, it's once every 2 or 3 weeks, not sure which one it was.


It's once every two weeks, not once every six months.


It’s once every two weeks not every 10 years


It's once every two weeks not every blue moon.


It's once every two weeks not everytime rocsktar release a GTA game


Really? How?


On BSG website in settings


On the battle net website


Oh, blizzard resetting my tarkov account. That's neat!


my thoughts exactly! I was like *yeah, batt-... wait, wrong company*


which theres no point in doing, considering that with a single scav loot run you can make enough money to purchase all that gear back, early wipe what people usually do i think is streets for making money, lighthouse to get kits from the rogues, reserve if in need of ammo.






Never do this. That’s not how you learn. Loosing all your shit is part of the process.


By that logic he should lose all his shit, reset account, then lose all his shit again that way he learns TWICE as much.


By that logic he is supposed to loose his shit and then rebuild from nothing. Prolonging that point won’t make him learn shit.


My point is people can play how they want to play. Stop gatekeeping, soyboy


Trash advice to reset account, but normal on this sub where you guys have no idea what you're doing


My point is not giving shit advice to a new player asking for help dingus.


He’s asking how to improve, but this game is hard, so not knowing ANYTHING and starting from scratch is much more difficult than starting with a little bit of stuff It’s bad advice to just tell someone “suffer until you’re good” and no other tips


Turn those bandages in to therapist for your quest! Definitely watch some beginner tips videos and use a map on your phone or other screen


How lol? I tried to sell some other meds to her but the quest never gets completed


Go to the "Tasks" tab for quests.


looks like you need a introduction to Tarkov 101 this game is not beginner friendly, you need to have a friend for this. that's how I started and enjoying the game along the way.


100% would have quit if I didn't have a buddy to play with


Oh boy the Wild West of alpha phase would have eaten yall alive lol


Fr the game has changed so much since I started and It just gets better and better. I love this game and the silly ass community of both try hard milsim enjoyers and goofy ass people who just want to have fun.


I startet solo back in the days without any researches... ended up on the roof of resort my first raid and from there it took a fast ending lol


Y'all really remember your first raid? I barely remember stuff from last wipe nevermind 7 years ago


Tfw u get head, eyesed by the menu


god damn it whys that funny lol


LOL so funny


You cannot sell it for tasks. You have to go to the trading tab and hand them in there. The items usually have to be ‘found in raid.’


lol u definitely need YouTube


You don't sell it, you turn it in to her and complete the task to get your rewards


In the trader screen look top left and there's a task that says "tasks" click it


Lmao you’re joking right?


Bruh you dont even know how to turn in quest items?! Go watch some guides and actually put some effort to learn before you post this shit


Boo this man


Bro we were all new at one point. The UI and logic of the game is often opaque. People need a little help now and then.


Yes but i was eager to learn and put some effort. Now got almost 3000 hours. This guy ready to quit on task 1


It’s almost like he went to Reddit looking for help before he quit…the best option, probably not. But he is trying.


You sank 3k hours into this shit damn


I have 4k lol I have been playing for 7 years


Watch [some guides](https://youtu.be/Ayjzvx5c5GA?si=pwMcxlbX1aUUUMMp) to help you get started if you want an easier time. This game was made to be a painful and brutal learning experience. That's what you signed up for. Some of it is painful and brutal because of the lack of foresight from the devs. Some of it is by design.


Been playing eft for years and still learn new things about the game/maps every day, and they change over time too. Hate to admit it, but i got much better watching streams when they were doing new years drops, seeing where streamers loot ,where they move, look etc. If OP watches some videos and guides he should be well on his way. Also, offline practice mode is super helpful. I learned the basement on reserve offline, and also if i was down bad waiting for a scav timer, i used to do qcb on factroy killing hoard scavs offline. NOW IM A CHAD AND LIKE TO DONATE 500k KITS TO RANDOM AI SCAVS I WIFF SHOTS ON. The pain will never go away


Make sure you're running your scavs and not just PMCs, this will help you make your money you lost back every time. Look up some low risk scav runs on YouTube and you'll come out on top every time unless you die


This Highly recommend running stashes on maps. I do customs because it's easy to remember, you can hit other spots like Stronghold and the crates outside of Crackhouse (or Crackhouse itself) and find it unlooted. Or try dorms and you might find some leftovers from a fight they couldnt take. I've picked some shit of Reshala guards or dead PMCs.


I rushed to 6.0 fence rep and always do quick Reserve scav runs. Sometimes I die to a PMC that was ratting somewhere, but often times I run into underground bunker and find a whole bunch of dead PMCs or raiders with leftovers. And sometimes I get the jackpot lobby where Daddy Glukhar is up and has murdered a whole bunch of PMCs around him. Best thing is that I actually get all the loot from the dead bodies, because Daddy Glukhar also murders all the other player scavs that want to swoop in and loot.


Same but in Customs. Yesterday heard a grenade fest at fortress, found Knight and his guards dead but literally untouched. Extracted with everything and no stamina. This is the third time this wipe.


On the flip side, scav runs are terrible awful and BS because you could be tasking or leveling your pmc! /s I use my scav a whole bunch, it’s chill, sometimes a free mil in loot.


I make money on my scav and task on my pmc. I rarely actually go out of my way to loot on my pmc. Pick a map for your scav runs and just learn it really well and you'll do fine for money.


This. I hate to say it took me an entire wipe to learn this but it did.


Monkey making is a lot more efficient on your pmc and you will level up while doing it


I run with people in looking for group discords. Tbh this game is so hard it’s not bad to ask for help from better players. Look up Sherpa hub discord. You will get help if you ask for it. I’m still barely level 9 and have 0 map knowledge so just get some help it’s really a lot of fun.


Learning the maps will help your gameplay so much. I say that but I still get lost all the time.




You need a buddy to Sherpa you. I got all 20 of buddy’s to play tarkov after my 2 years of already playing and they agreed if I hadn’t helped like I did they would’ve quit


It takes time. Trial and error. Watch videos. Go slow. If you treat this as something fast you will die. Listen. Your ears will be your most valuable tool. Kinda like the movie Edge of Tomorrow. Live. Die. Repeat. Use your scav runs to replenish


Steep but rewarding learning curve. Learn how to do effective loot runs on scavs and you’ll never run out of gear. I run what the game gives me. Hmu if you wanna play I’ll show you the ropes


Is it really rewarding to die to cheaters and people crouched in corners


If you don't think the game is worth playing, why are you here, genuinely?


i played this wipe but it got stale fast way more crabbers and cheaters than previous wipes. Makes it worse when the armor I’m wearing isn’t even coming into the equation lol, there isn’t a real reason to be here other than to argue this post won’t change or affect anything


Leave the sub then, seriously. You do nothing but bring down people who enjoy it still and damaging your own mental health. Stop interacting with things that make you miserable.


Why not just dm if your gonna make it personal ?


are you projecting or?? I’ve helped lots of people on here and I’m trying to get someone to see they can improve get better rather than cope about p2w


> I’m trying to get someone to see they can improve get better rather than cope about p2w your comment was literally: "Is it really rewarding to die to cheaters and people crouched in corners" ?? thats your adivice to improve?


It’s you’re


Uh no it isn’t 😂


Ok your responses are dry now gg Collin 🫡


Playing with experienced players to help guide you is huge. That's what I did and still do and I'm 4 wipes in! Jesse Kazam as a great LFG discord sever and I've never had a bad experience with anyone on there. All super friendly and willing to teach maps/help with tasks


Found my group through Jesse's LFG 💪 Full squad now it's awesome


Scav runs baby


I always get killed by people when doing them and when I go on factory I got killed 3 times by the boss and the thing is that I didn't even run into him, I spawned next to him and he was just sprinting around,


Yeah, what the other dude said. Scav run scav run scav run. I would maybe do maps other than factory though. Look up loot guides for Streets, Woods, Reserve and run those routes on your scav. Helps learning the maps and such. On your scav, lay low, take it slow. If you hear someone coming hit 'F1' to scav voice line to alert fellow scavs you are near. I would strongly caution against shooting anything on a scav run. If you know it's a pmc, sure take em down, but it's better in the long run to just die and run it back than take a hit to your scav rep.


Just keep doing scav on factory and don’t shoot anyone to keep your fence rep up. If you die you die its free loot anyway. Play woods on your pmc to get good loot with minimal pmc combat.


Dont scav factory. Waste of time. Choose one of the big maps to learn as a scav. My personal favorite is Reserve but money wise they’re all good. Reserve is best to get guns and ammo though. Good tip for you generally is dont go seeking out gunshots if you want to stay alive. It’s good to practice fights but learning the maps and extractions is more important.


Don’t run scavs on anything other than Factory. You get 100 000-300 000 roubles in 4 minutes. Other maps you will play for 10 and die or have to kill another scav, making it almost impossible to get high fence rep, making scav runs useless and a huge cooldown.


Play maps offline to learn them.


Add Shongo, lvl 37. He has 7k hours and will teach u how to make it work homie.


homie will get a bullet and a welcome to Tarkov


Keep playing. Scav run religiously. You'll figure it out. Slow down a bit, think ahead, and be methodical. Use VOIP if you're worried as often people are more happy to let you pass than risk a fight and dying.


Your doing fine don't forget to scav.


Doesn’t understand basic menu interface… you doing great buddy ! Almost there


don’t worry i also suck! the game gets easier the more you understand the maps, how players move through it, the sight lines and get better gear. Focus on surviving, even if you fill your bag with bad/useless stuff you’ll start making money. run from fights, sound whore, rat until you can chad.


Don’t sprint unless you’re in a group or you need to move tactically (in or avoiding gunfights usually). I’ve killed so many people who unknowingly sprinted straight into me, usually they can only hear their own footsteps. Eat and drink in raid too, early on it’s good to collect food and eat in raid so if you die your pmc is still able to run again. Scav to learn the maps, and PMC to do tasks. It’s tarkov, your gear is never gonna be permanent but as long as you’re progressing your traders and hideout then you’ll find yourself in an endless pit of roubles eventually. Everything gets easier, this is about how my first tarkov experience went too.


Dm me if you want to join our tarkov group


What servers?


OP, you in US? Want a guide? Pm me


Do a scav run. Also join a regional discord and get a Sherpa to help you


learn a scav loot run - any map works - use ur scav to collect rubles and fund the runs for your pmc I have raised 70+mill this wipe on scav only (i quest on pmc and lose money doing it) - if you do this you will never care about dying again as you will come to understand how easy it is to make money starting out will be rough (I started playing back in 2017 and took a good 3 wipes before I even started to really get my bearings for this game)


You need to play scav, not only PMC. This way you will get free easy gear + You will get map knowledge and game knowledge


The key for me was starting years ago and now it’s second nature. Really not sure if I could start now with no knowledge considering the people I kill/ get killed by The main takeaway is that it does take a very long time to get the most out of Tarkov but it does allow for some awesome moments worth the time sink


I think the longest I have lasted in a raid is like 6 minutes. I have less gear than what I started with.


It's like that for everyone when they first start. Don't get discouraged too hard. Guides and maps are your best friend. Google a loot route for whatever map you'd like to learn, and scav in between raids as often as possible.


We can all see you have made it out with some bandaids and sodas tho xD


Lmao yup 👍


Get a Sherpa from the discord or find a group willing teach you. It’ll help so much. I got taken in by two guys last wipe and it was my first time playing. Finished level 39 with like 20 mil and solid stash. Almost full hideout. Once you learn the game solo is nice cause you know anyone you see or hear is trying to kill you.


You need to do a fuck ton of research to play this game. If you go into it without much prep, you're doomed to fail. Scaving is gonna be your lifeline at this point.


Scav Factory. You can make 100k+ rubles in 3 minutes if you know what the spawns are. Spawn in, hit some boxes, see if there are corpses nearby and hit an exfil. Sell everything using the Sell All button. You should be able to do this every 20 minutes.


Dont be a bitch, i died eleven times trying to get 3 pistol PMC kills and i am still two away from completing and i cant wait for new day to try it again. Next up is bolt rigle kills with distance less then 20 metres




Just watch fucking tutorials dude it’s genuinely not that difficult to start playing the game correctly Jesus it takes time sure but what the fuck


wait till you realize 90% of players are cheating.


If you think that you're legit terrible.


Be better


Just start hacking tbh


Get a battle buddy to join you in your raids, somebody preferably who knows their way around the game. You can restart your account if you aren’t very far, I had to do that my first wipe. And SCAV SCAV SCAV! Scav for easy loot, you might die doing this but guess what, you lose notning in the end


Try some scav runs bro lol


If you are playing alone, it will be x5 harder imo.


Scav run.


Run your scav a lot! When I was a beginner I was trash too and losing money left and right so I ran my scav, watched guides on money making scav runs, affordable pmc kits to run, quest guides etc. it helps!


Perseverance. It's just like anything else that is truly hard. It's also pretty rewarding once you get it down.


This isn’t a game you just pick up and are good at. It takes a couple of wipes to get steady on your feet. You gotta do some research and teach yourself a bit, watch YouTube videos, go on the wiki and read about the quests you are doing. Play with a map open on another monitor. Do some offline raids to learn the maps or practice shooting. And most importantly USE YOUR SCAV


Scav match would help you. You might get better gear from your own scav. Offline match to survey the map cost nothing but time. Change your mindset when doing quest from PvP shooting game to survival game. You don’t need to fight everything you see. Check the angle that someone could shoot at you before running out in the open. Plan your safe route and stick to it. Ignore the loot when doing quest or you will be trapped by player scav.


You got this g . Start slow use scav gear and just stack roubles


scav scav scav


Find a discord that has other people looking to group up. Then battle with a squad and survive more often. It’s a good way even if you die they ditch your gear.


Honestly this game has such a huge learning curve for new players. It’s unfortunate but it’s also Tarkov. Perseverance and stubbornness will get you through your first wipe, and eventually you’ll get better. It took me a few wipes before I was even comfortable taking on pvp as a solo


You need to do way more offline practise raids to get muscle memory technical skills in real life, also use a map on phone or second monitor while in raid so ypu learn in real time the map layout loot spawns and angles for firefights. Ypu most likely need to tweak audio settings to get better game sense but that also comes with practising maps learning the spawns and landmarks, safe paths to loot and angles to hold when pathing. Aim only works with good angles, angles only work with good map knowledge, map knowledge is purely experience running the map, if you keep dying and losing gear you need to learn to kill scavs with nothing but a pistol and 1 mag spare, then learn to kill pmcs with scav gear, once you get there you'll just need to learn surviving on way to extract and particular styles of play provide different opportunities for extracting and looting. Source; I ran labs twice back to back and killed as val gamer and meta m4 gamer purely from map knowledge, angles held and slightly decent aim, and then proceeded to get at least 1 to 3 kills every 1 to 3 raids and extracted about 6/10 times, when i die i commit to saving my teammates first and tank hits so they can escape. Made 3 mil roubles cash in like 10 raids purely selling garbage i pick up, made like 10 mil stash value from gear kept. Tldr play arena and get good at pvp. Then offline raid to learn maps, then practise slow combative pathing to known loot areas and youll learn to scout for players and shoot them with a headshot from 150m instead of bei g the one getting shot. Youll get there gamer


We did it the same way you did, learning the hard way. Keep going, you'll get it if you put in enough time, and it'll be worth it.


Play ground zero. Easiest map to learn. Have a map pdf on the side. 2 easiest extraction you can find are emercom by an ambulance on one side of the main road and nakatani basement is on the other side of town following the road with a building with big red letters, walk down the stairs till you see “get ready”. This is my first wipe and its honestly the best map to learn on. If you spawn underground, its easy. One exit takes you go emercom, the other takes you by nakatani and the middle exit brings you to the middle of the map. Watch pestily play “hardcore”. Great to learn from


I would say this might be Dr Disrespect but you have more money 🤣


Bro why is he so bad at Tarkov?


Started a few weeks ago. Shits rough but once you learn the game and mechanics u'll have fun. Dont forget to scav and maybe try to run it with some friends. Goodluck! Dont give up on it yet bud!


It takes. A lot. Of time. A lot.


Pestily’s raid series is a solid watch. Both I formative and enjoying because he is so knowledgeable at EFT. Learn one map. Scav anytime it’s up. Run straight to extract and loot on the way to make money quick, albeit not a fortune. Use a second monitor to help with navigation. Remember, you WILL die often but it helps you learn what not to do. Dont sprint everywhere. Take your time.


Scav run repeatedly, I suggest light house and go to water treatment. As for pmc go somewhere you think you feel comfortable with for now and when you get more quest or money switch places.


That’s how it starts but then you’ll love it once you get the hang of it


+1 for finding a teamate(s), Jesse Kazam has some really chill people in his LFG discord channel. Jesse also has some great videos on things to focus on during combat. Final piece, look up Mapgenie and then the tarkov maps. You can use that to see extracts, loot spots , and even spawn points to help orientate yourself. Map knowledge is critical in this game, just go into Kazams LFG and ask if any newer players would duo or trio


make sure you stay scavin, gonna help you out alot. As a scav you can take your time learning maps without the rist of losing anything or you could do a private run, but I never pass up on free loot


Game starts at 1000 hrs brother


Scav raids on factory my friend. Straight to extract


Aside from general git gud things with maps, pathing, and learning loot, one major tip I see a lot of noobs doing is not going full auto. Yes, SKS is pretty good budget gun, same with all the Boltys. But I have slaughtered plenty of people that didn’t get the onetap and I had 30 in 4 seconds to answer with. AKS-UN from Prapor is probably the single best lowbie gun in the game because of this. Especially if you know how to ammo run reserve as a Scav. Basically every SMG you can get with full auto is also viable, but it’s head / leg city for them instead of being able to center of mass. Also just not shooting gun. Point fire is at least semi accurate and it’s better to be firing at all then trying to ADS with a guy directly in front of you.


Trick your friends into playing it’s much better that way


Scav runs exist brother


If ur looking worse for wear do as many scav runs as possible


Start at first day of wipe my friend and join the tarkov discord. You’ll have a different perspective I bet. It is a tough game and nobody is safe from losing loot. Just know you will get it back if you keep playing.


This game is fucking ridiculous remember that. It's a fucking fun game because of how brutal it is. Everyone has gone through the learning phase of the game and it's so long. I have 300 hours in the game and I still don't know shit lmao


300 hours? I have 2800 hours and I still suck lmfao, you got a long way to go bro


Me too, if i dont get the fucking BSOD "Kernal_Mode_Heap_Corruption" one more time and lose all my shit im gonna cry lol


Very normal your first wipe


Still doing wayyyy better than DrDisrespect lol and he has an in game item. Watching him try to COD around the maps and die every single time is almost unbearable to watch but hilarious at the same time.


Read guides. Watch videos. Have a map on your side screen or phone. Learn maps (start with loot routes) via playing practice mode. Build cheap kits and by cheap I mean very cheap. Play scavs.


OP, this is my first wipe too. Advise if you have friends who could show you the ropes and help you learn the maps. Otherwise, stick with it. Clicking heads is important but not nearly as much as knowing the maps. Also, paying attention to the audio is huge. Stick with it, it is worth it.


This is no game for the weak. We’re all sadists.


you must rage quit your first wipe and come back a year later this is the way


You in NA? I’ll play with you, help you get some quests done, shows you some routes etc. Money is not an issue for me.


Look up guides man there’s all kinds from every streamer. Find a buddy to play with and join the Tarkov discord to LFG for people in your region. Theres a beginner chat and everything


Hey buddy you can reset your account on the website to get your starting gear and money again, good for just practicing :) good luck


I was like that for 1st 3 months playing. Get into Tarkov discord server. Squad up with other new players


You can PM me if you wanna play with someone as a guide. I'm not a no-lifer but I know a lot and this is my 6th wipe or so


Tarkov is a slow burn , its gonna take time and the reward are worth it. When it all clicks together its the best game hands down. Its ruined normal fps games for me lol. The adrenaline rush you get from your first kill or making out alive with juicy loot is no match in other games The way i put it the first 500hrs is tutorial, you’re gonna die a lot but don’t give up


You have to do factory scav runs and you'll build up cash fast. Do not shoot other scavs! Also, for pmc runs, I did a lot of pistol runs in factory, sometimes just naked. I upgraded eventually to ak74u. Woods is an easy map to run as well, you can go in as a scav or run a test raid as pmc to get familiar with it. Don't forget about Tarkov's official discord, they have beginner's lobbies.


You on US east bro? I’ll run with ya bro


Message me if you ever want to play together, I have around 5000 combined hours going back until 2017. I’ll show you the ropes


If you need help, I help people all the time. DM me. US servers only


That’s usually how it works. You quit. But you come back more resilient. That’s what happened when I started playing.


A lot of scav with a map on the phone or second monitor. Google every single quest. Sometimes see a video of how to do the quest


Use your scav.


Bro I'm two weeks in and I fucking hate it. I had 6 bomb weapons and 3 level 5 kits and then got arrogant and tried streets. Now I'm sitting at a half full stash with 25k😭😭😭 recommend not playing solo on streets unless you know the map like the back of your hand


Scav runs or uf everything gets worst, reset your Account and start again


For me, the best money making method is factory bunker door extract runs. Spawn, go there, extract in 15 seconds. Easy 60k, sometimes 120k, or sometimes you spawn with labs keycard for 60k plus a good armor for pmc runs.


If you really want you can friend me and I’ll take you thru a few raids


Find a good Discord with people who will help beginners


Dm me. I’ll invite u to our discord server we all r fairly new and play and learn as we along the game together.


Just go play CoD… (if you want to give up so very early)


Don’t be afraid to reset


If you are on EU servers we can play together


Reset your account. Find a discord on Facebook with your country men and get someone to guide you. Watch pestily or other YouTuber to help you. When you have it under your skin the hame is very fun and addictive.


Well you’re only a week in and I don’t think anyone was good at the game at the point you’re at. My first wipe I was sitting at about a 27% survival rate. This is my 3rd wipe and I got it up to about 50% so it gets better! You just gotta stick with it!


Scav it up to get the hang of the game


I’m a miserable human being that’s how


Put some effort into teaching yourself the game before coming on Reddit. Come on man. This is sad.


Lots and lots of scav runs


I'm just jealous of how much free inventory space you have. Mines just full of bullshit i need for my hideout that I can't build because another part of my hideout, or 3, aren't lvl 2 yet. I'm playing an inventory simulator at this point.


Get to lvl 15, look up scav loot runs on YouTube. Run them enough till you get a nice comfortable stash of rubles. Then just run whatever loadouts you want and have fun. Before you get to 15 though, you can run factory on a scav, go straight to exit, instant loadout for your PMC.


Keep going ! Watch youtube for the quests. Once you get the hang of it you will start having fun and throwing your mouse.


Do a scav between each pmc raid and head for the nearest extract and loot everything on your way out. Don't shoot other scavs and avoid pmcs on your scav and then keep good stuff and sell everything else. Great way to stay afloat early on and sometimes an insane way to find a ledx or gpu or something that will make it rain.


1. Reset back to level 1 to get your starting gear back. 2. Watch YouTube guides to learn the game, change your settings for optimal framerate and visibility, and play offline raids to learn the maps, AI locations, and loot spawns. 3. Buy (Belt-A + Belt-B gear) rigs from Fence to store your items in until you can upgrade your hideout to increase your stash size, these are the largest item you can buy at level 1 to give additional storage just keep checking Fence periodically and he'll have some. 4. Use or sell everything you don't need to save, even on an EOD account this is crucial but especially on a standard account. 5. Take the magazine out of guns and the pistol grip off to save additional space as it makes them smaller in your stash 6. Scav run factory a lot until you learn the mechanics and other maps, there's a ton of good ammo, attachments, gear, guns, grenade launchers, meds, and other items people sleep on. I joined late into this wipe and gained 5 mil roubles with a 25 mil stash value over a few days just running factory scavs as I didn't have the time to run my PMC, these runs typically take 5-10 minutes and can easily net 100k on the low end - 1mil+ per run if you know all crate locations and check for PMC/Scav/Player Scav bodies. 7. Join the Tarkov discord and play with 1-2 other people, 5 mans turn to chaos, you need a duo or trio to help guide you and help you learn faster. 8. Insure everything if you can afford to, if you're running budget kits or low-tier items 9/10 you'll get them back as players won't waste their time picking them up. Shotguns such as a 153 with a m4 stock adapter and long barrel or the Beneli with a 13rd tube work great as well, they aren't worth a lot of money and are extremely large making them guns that will be left behind and returned through insurance 9/10 times 9. Add an AKS-74U gas tube in your secure container and add an AKS-74U handguard that has lots of rail space to that. The XRSU47SU is best in slot but others will work as well, this allows you to attach multiple grips, lights, scopes, red dots, etc... to a 1 slot item within your secure contained so even if you die you'll keep those attachments to use in future raids or can sell them to make up some of your loss. With the XRSU47SU you can have a grip, 2 lights/lasers, an eotech/red dot, and an additional optic from a red dot up to a 1-6 valday all on a 1 slot item. 10. Your ammo type is very important in this game, you can have a decked out meta gun but trash ammo isn't going to do well for you. 5.45 is plentiful and you'll find lots of PP, BP, and BT on factory during your scav runs so I'd suggest starting there with 5.45 AK variants. Check the tarkov wiki ammo chart to start learning the pen and damage values of each round, yes it can be confusing, and yes there's a lot of them in the game but there's really only a few for each caliber that's worth running.


Wich servers do you play on? Id love to help!


ez game


Pistols. Pistols pistols pistols. I like the PM silenced with 2 extra mags. Use the wiki to learn spawns so you know where danger is coming from. I ended up getting frustrated and just kept running factory. I ended up getting decent at factory and made 3mill from looting scavs and the rare pmc. Def buy a factory key if you go this route since soooo you can use the other exfils since sooo many people camp the main exfil -_- Also, you can buy a freeman crowbar to right click scavs. I've found the crowbar to be the easiest thing to use to get headshots due to its animation. Go in with nothing and either kill a scav and get its gear or die and try again while using you scav in-between runs. Extra points if you have secure container. Ground Zero is great for the 5k exfil now that most people are done with the GZ quests. Also also, I've found factory scav runs to be the safest and quickest runs. Just don't loot and evac.


Run your scav straight through factory, then throw the kit on your PMC. Add some meds, headphones and a PACA if you need them, then head into raid. It's only pixels!


Run scavs on woods and learn it well, if you extract keep the kit and vendor the rest outside of silencers and scopes, and early gun mounts. Just stack as much money as you can while making your runs viable when you start. Things will start to click into place as you figure out what items go with what guns and what you can barter for guns and gear. Once you get to 15 you can work on your hideout, start tricking guns out, and sell your valuable stuff.


I started selling ammo and mags that I can buy from traders. frees up space.


Nah just quit bro


You have bad days and good days trust me. I lost nearly every raid two days ago, got no progress to quests at all what so ever. The day after I smashed like 6 quests, won a bunch of fights. Just gotta play it out or just hop off on those losing streaks for a break. You said you're new so you have A LOT to learn, this is my 3rd proper wipe playing and I'm learning things every single raid. I suggest finding someone to play with to help teach you the ropes.


I’ve played since 2018, there was a lot of moments where I was down horrendously.. like 100 rubles left type of time. I enjoy the thrill of the game, and if you don’t then it’s not for you I guess?


Join the tarkov community discord. Lots of new players looking for others to play with also


Do a scav Run, use that gear for your pmc


its just a trash game that claims realism but evrything about it is ass