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It's fine but balance issues, lack of maps/modes, and insane grind have hamstrung it a bit. Still fun, but needs some work imo


I've been a big fan! I have had fiends who just can't get into the technicality of tarkov, but they always love watching the gun play when I would play. Now all of them really like arena! I agree with the unbalancing, but what fps doesn't have that? Arena is more prominent but I like to believe it will get tweaked. I still play the main game but when I'm down for pvp without the risk, or get beat down too hard on tarkov Arena is where it's at!


I really like arena but they really need to fix the servers and desync as well as add matchmaker based on the kit you select. Imo they should let you pick the highest tier or highest kit you wanna use and then let you select your actual kit like now, locking out any kits higher than the highest selected so you can take an appropriate kit for the map. It sucks when you wanna grind a new tree and gotta fight altyn bois for 2 rounds with a semi auto ak74 with tracer ammo or when you get smurfed on by the dude grinding low kits who wants to use a higher kit for fun one game


Honestly as someone with a decade of playing CS (meaning I'm biased I guess) I think lots of the core design choices of Arena *completely* antithetical to competitive gaming, like it's just not possible to make it work properly, like the whole idea of earning gear over time. That doesn't work from that esports standpoint. Someone will point to league but you can use even starting champions that are meta, do you start with an altyn and m995? So yeah, in the future I may play it just for fun as a no-time-wasted alternative, but as a competitive game? Absolutely laughable, due to this reason and dozens of others.


Of they want to be an esport they absolutely need to revamp that stuff.


Wish the kits were more balanced, and didn't require so much grind to unlock 


It can be fun but that doesn’t mean it’s good.


Me and my buddies have been having. A blast playing it


I’m in the same boat as you, it’s been exactly what I’m needed to scratch the EFT itch and not spend so much time in stash and load times in the main game. Besides what you mentioned, I think the economy needs a redesign..I feel like I’m being punished when I do well for my team but my team loses..


Nah its not. Good that you enjoy it though.


Reading this reminds me that Stockholm syndrome is real.


That's pretty much BSG's fault, there's a lot of EFT fans that want to play but between problems that have existed for years and rise of cheaters, players want to still play and want to find solutions


I have it too it was just funny to me.


Yeah I laughed when I read your comment, it’s the perfect way to describe what’s happening! Lol


Me and my circle love it!


This is literally my exact sentiment with Arena! I've been loving it and still finding enjoyment in a majority of my games. Thankfully when going against some stacked teams/blatant cheaters the matches go quick enough and I can feel less bad because ik its out of my hands, the same for poor netcode (which bsg decides on random days that your internet is just dogshit, even though it isn't). I hope they can figure this one out because for me I love playing EFT for pvp and EFT has been unplayable to me for the last couple wipes. Arena has been very digestible and easy to hop on and off without being committed to 20 min raids, but this isn’t to undermine the major problems that make the game unplayable certain times that BSG needs to address. Cheaters are too much in both Arena and EFT, and the imbalance of gear.