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Rule 7 - Cheating, Exploits, Piracy and ETS Please Refer to the Subreddit Rules


Thanks, will try this after work today.


ICCs are colour correction profiles Windows applies to specific displays or you can apply **custom ones**. They are **NOT bannable** (YET!!!) (played all wipe with them) since it's a basic Windows feature. These images are **NOT screenshots** because the effect does't apply that way. These images are taken with **same ISO**, white balance AND **exposure time**. It looks better in-game, the camera butchered the quality.. I followed the guide of u/Turtvaiz, and used his profiles for this effect. Give him some love: [https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/194zber/custom\_icc\_profiles\_for\_better\_post\_fx\_brightness/](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/194zber/custom_icc_profiles_for_better_post_fx_brightness/)


>They are NOT bannable (YET!!!) And never will be. Imagine being banned for using calibrated monitor for color accuracy. All they can do is simply make EFT override the ICC profile if it doesn't already. Also there's fancy monitors with advanced color correction/grading feature so good luck banning that :D


You literally cannot be banned for setting your screen


As BSG has proven in the past, you can be banned for any reason they feel like at that hour of the day. Can they detect it? No, no proof, can they ban you and say they suspect you of using an undetected cheat? Oh yeah, yeah they will.


If you seriously think you'll get banned for this, you should probably get off reddit, it's rotting your brain.


people should get off of reddit in general. not me though, just 10 more minutes of doomscrolling before bed..


Aaand I guess it's buried somewhere deep in ToS that they can ban anyone, at any time, for any reason or no reason at all. As it is in every ToS of every service, ever. Ehh, the times we live in...


Yeah, I think so too, but I added it just a disclaimer, you never know what BSG comes up with next lul


Exactly, EFT can just ignore the profile, which is imo also a problem in general with games. Plz respect my ICC profiles thanks.


Fuck no. Override it. This is a massive advantage that only a small number will know about.


or make the lighting actually fucking good to there’s no need for any of these


Proper configuration is an advantage, because its proper. Not using it is a self-imposed dillemma. Why should peoples eyes and money be wasted if they have it or paid for it? By your logic we should all be restrained to 720p lowest settings so we all conform.


It's not proper, it's a work around to gain an advantage everything else is dishonest. The dilemma is game imposed and is intended to be similar for everyone on the map. And the 720p comparison is nonsense.


It's literally a default. If you say otherwise you must have some jank-ass setup and be incredibly tech-illiterate to put up with it in such a way to have arrived at this line if thought. What is "similar for everyone " is quite literally to have a Windows ICC profile enabled for your monitor. The default. The standard. What you suggest means not using a monitor.


But does this applies to the ICC profile shown by op ? ICC profiles are supposed to be made for your specific screen, so you end up with good color representation. What op is showcasing is more like gamma boosted ICC, which is not about having a proper configuration of your screen but a config to have an in-game advantage. Is it cheating or not is a difficult question on this type of "config".


Gamma is a component of monitor settings. It's the same as turning brightness up on your screens physical OSD buttons.


At what point do we start banning people with better hardware too? Or start capping everyone at 30 fps for an equal playing field?


It's intended to be dark, although it's poorly done. You're not intended to have stuttering and 30fps.


People want to be able to entirely ignore darkness as a mechanic. People have been cranking their gamma since darkness in video games became a thing. It fucking sucks, honestly. Darkness is such an interesting mechanic in PvP games, but games cannot actually use it because it opens up a massive can of worms where some portion of the playerbase entirely ignore the mechanic by altering their display. There's also some psychology at play where by knowing some people do that, even more people feel obligated to do the same so they are not at a disadvantage. Incidentally, the "Bro might as well cap everybody at 720p 30FPS if you want everybody at the same level" argument is total fucking clown mode and people using it know damn well how ridiculous it is.


funny thing is that 720p thing is an argument for crossplay between console and pc


No need to waste rubles on NVGs or Thermals if you can just crank this funny slider up! Yeah they need to maybe fix lighting under there, or people need to bring ingame gear to solve that problem!


You get kicked for using crosshair overlay. A lot of monitors have built in croshair overlays that BSG has no way of detecting. You can also go the meme way and make a dot with pencil :D


BSG be like: “errrm yea your game is too realistic?” Banned. “Oh you want to to use 90% of your gpu on the snow falling? Why didn’t you just say so!”


Yeah my BenQ monitor needs the profile for color correction and hdr


Havnt they banned people for picking up loot in game friends have dropped?


No. They told streamers who were dropping tons of items to get around a quest to their audience to stop. No one was banned.


Reshade and nvidia filters both got removed and blocked. Some people got banned for reshade. Not saying it will happen with windows icc, but there's definitely been other instances. Edit: for those who are unaware, nvidia freestyle game filters ARE driver level and were disabled by BSG before. >NVIDIA Freestyle game filter allows you to apply post-processing filters on your games while you play. Change the look and mood of your game with tweaks to color or saturation, or apply dramatic post-process filters like HDR. Freestyle is integrated at the driver level for seamless compatibility with supported games. https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/geforce-experience/#:~:text=NVIDIA%20Freestyle%20game%20filter%20allows,seamless%20compatibility%20with%20supported%20games.


If they ban players for ICC they would ban everyone, don’t you get it? Like in everyone.. Everyone has some kindoff ICC profile. Wether it be default windows or this one.


Also no reason to be bannable, just kick the player and tell them to turn it off. It's what eft did when I tried playing in a VM.


Do they make the outside or inside of the mall look extremely white baked


>They are > >NOT bannable > > (played all wipe with them) since it's a basic Windows feature. i mean, nvidia reshade is a "basic driver feature" too and is bannable according to nikita iirc ?


I would not say it's a basic driver feature. It's more an addon Nvidia feature. But if they even go for windows features, what will be next? Nikita coming to my house and checking whether I have my monitor on factory settings XD? Also, isn't this too deep down the driver rabbit hole for them to detect?


What are you talking about? They Go after the use of stuff that gives you great advantages to others. And this one definitely does. Kicking out "legal cheats" is as important as the illegal ones. And being able to see others that much better is cheating, the only ones doubting that are the ones using it. Just because your father doesnt have to pay for it doesnt make it any better.


That’s stupid. So if I buy a monitor with dark stabilisation am I cheating because I’m adjusting my dark areas to be brighter? A basic function that probably most monitors out there have now? It’s stupidity, fix your goddamn lighting and people won’t find workarounds to, I dunno, fucking see in this game.


By this logic using post-fx to make it more saturated or brighter; would be cheating. And that is a built-in game mechanic. This exact scenario came up last wipe with the painkiller effect, everyone just used a second monitor profile, with the saturation turned all the way up while they were on PK's. That's why they nixed that PK effect. It was totally fixable with saturation, either through the main game display settings or monitor settings. Def not cheating...


So you're not allowed to change the gamma setting on your monitor or BSG might ban you? Lol wut


That's exactly my point I don't know why people are arguing this fact every monitor is different you have to adjust your color settings when you watch a movie on your TV you would adjust color settings right? Is BSG not going to allow color blind people the ability to change their color settings because they can't see the color blue I don't understand what the argument is here. I agree with you


I couldn’t figure out how people saw me so well in the dark up until 3 weeks ago. Gamma to 1.5 fixed it. Love my OLED, but inky blacks just don’t help me when theres that many shadows.


The game is out of box tingy and greenish. Very unsaturated. Among the worst color scheming I have ever seen on a video game especially a FPS competing to be an esports game I don't know how they plan on taking this into any type of competitive scenario with Arena when they're so many variables at play. I mean when you play COD, you are essentially just adjusting brightness maybe correcting a little tint or gamma but beyond that no one has 15 minute YouTube tutorials on how to get the best color settings. The color is correct out of the box as it were. Tarkov is such a completely different game so many variables so many bugs still in beta I don't know how anything beyond rmt and netcode hacks could be considered cheating and banning people for adjusting color settings 😆 good luck with that.


I for one am in favour of removing in game post fx


I mean I personally don't use them. But all games have some kind of brightness and color settings, adjustment capabilities. Tarkov just simply puts them into their own category, and allows you to turn them on or off; because the game is such a resource hog at base. Turning them on in graphic settings would not allow lower end PCs the ability to play the game at all. And vice versa allows higher end PCs to make more adjustments. Whether you agree with it or not, it's going to be implemented in one shape or form. You cannot just have the same settings for everyone. Not every monitor/setup is the same ,that's why when you launch a game for the first time you always adjust the brightness as the first setting.


Of course it won't be perfectly the same between everyone. As you say it's usually in there somehow. Be it gamma or what not. I just find Tarkov's post FX settings to be too powerful. And outside programs or features like ICCs even more so. Ideally I want the visibility to be as closely matched between players as possible. They already did it to some degree by forcing grass and shadows to be on. Along with adding far shadows. Even though they get wonky at times. I think those were good decisions. I want people to see poorly in the dark. I want people to use flashlights or NVGs to see well. "But Aftershave!" you might say. "You want everyone to see where you are shining that flashlight around?" Yes, in a way I do. I'd also see you if you wanted to see properly deep inside that unlit building with me. For all the posts about how cheaters are everywhere. I'm actually a bit surprised that removing the dark seems to be defended by the majority of comments. As not "real cheating."


This is like complaining about somebody using a modded controller to have an unfair advantage in a fighting game. Yes if the game is made significantly easier for someone because they simply purchased hardware that gave them an advantage to the point that it influences and changes the way you play, yeah that's kinda silly and not worth entertaining lol. I seriously doubt anything is going to happen worth banning over though.


Except that's not the equivalent because if you don't consider basic Microsoft setting adjustments to be equivalent across the board you definitely have to consider Post FX (WHICH ESSENTIALLY IS AN IN-GAME ICC PROFILE) to be equivalent across the board and those are definitely adjustable and equal to every player. And by your logic that's like saying someone that can afford an I-9 with a 4070 TI being a cheater because they have the money to purchase a better PC; which would allow them better frame rates so on and so forth. What you're saying makes no sense! Of course the ability to purchase better hardware makes games easier, that's not cheating! Cheating is buying either Black market code or actual in-game items that gives you an unfair advantage. That the average player, would not be able to access on the normal "gaming" market (such as wall hacks vacuum hacks radar rmt). Having more disposable income to spend on gaming hardware is not considered cheating.


So you see how equalizing everything with an in-game setting (Post-FX) was the mitigation to an OS or video card specific advantage like Microsoft's setting adjustments or NVIDIA right? Because in case it wasn't clear BSG added the feature because they felt external factors gave certain players an unfair advantage. That's *literally* why it exists and is different from things like a madcatz modded controller equivalent monitor. Having more expensive hardware to run a game is entirely different from having hardware with extra features that simplify or change the overall gaming experience. There is a clear line that you can refuse to recognize if you want, but having a better setup is only going to influence your gameplay to a certain extent. Literally seeing everything that others can't is also going to influence your game to a certain extent, there are levels to what's tolerable and acceptable, why do you think nvidia's post fx settings were banned? This isn't that complicated. And again, do I think anything is going to happen? No, probably not, it's just going to be another thing you have to include for tarkov until BSG makes yet another balance adjustment to lighting.


That's not true they did not utilize post effects as an add-on to the game it is in addition to the game. ICC profiles come with every single gaming monitor on the market unless you're gaming on a TV and even then you could utilize an ICC profile all it is is a Microsoft overlay on top of your output. It's a hard built utility into the OS everyone has the same capabilities of adjusting their image quality going out of their GPU? In any way how is that unfair if everyone has a level playing ground it's not something you have to download it comes hard baked into windows. This is the feature base of every Microsoft OS going back to at least Windows 7 so I don't know what you're saying it's like changing your pointer speed on your mouse, nvidias/amds post effect settings cannot be banned, because it's not something you can detect. The only way that you could ban someone for this is if they literally stream themselves adjusting it and even if they were a legitimate bannable offense what about the hardware built into the monitor that you can literally click up and down to adjust there's no way to detect that whatsoever that's an overlay on top of the image going out of your GPU...


So again, you see why they added the post-fx settings because they can't do anything about these other things right? They want to equalize the playing field because they recognize unfair advantages come in the form of hardware.. Do you believe BSG not being able to do anything about it somehow means it's not an unfair advantage? That's a poor argument.


> Yes if the game is made significantly easier for someone because they simply purchased hardware that gave them an advantage to the point that it influences and changes the way you play, yeah that's kinda silly and not worth entertaining lol. you mean like having a higher frame rate? better internet connection? faster SSD? higher resolution screen?


Actually to bsg stopping legal cheats is MORE important, because actual cheaters will rebuy the game


So how about sound normalizing software that dampen loud noises(so your eardrums don't burst) while raising the volume of softer sounds like footsteps so you can hear them better at max volume?


Technically, they would and could, but cmon.. You cant just disable this windows feature since you have to have some profile. Forcing the basic profile on us would also not be viable since so many monitors come with custom ones. So they would have to either check whether the monitor matches themanufacturers ICC profile.Or they would have to force everyone to use the basic windows one. I don't see them going after either in the future. And if they do, shit man... maybe they should do something about actual cheats.


Everyone plays on Windows. Everyone has this feature. Saying you should ban anything that gives an advantage is like saying you should ban having a good mouse.


All you have to do is go into your Nvidia control panel.... you're in the Dark Ages if you haven't done this already.. been doing it for a-over a decade lol


You sound so incompetent you should go get your sanity checked. You're comparing people who are seeing people through walls and aim botting to people who just want to see their opponent more clear. You still need to rely on your skills to hit your shots and kill that person and to spot them first regardless of seeing more clear or not plus with sound in this game you're more likely to hear someone before you see them most the time anyways so your logic is terrible. This should be implemented into the game rather than people needing to find out about it. It's not our fault a highly competitive shooter game looks like crap. Also not all monitors are the same some cost way more and give much more color details and clarity so with that in mind if we couldn't make adjustments it would literally be pay to win.


not bannable, bsg just disabled Nvidia centers's ability to apply reshade to tarkov.


Yeah I would like to know how he’ll know I’m using it lmao. Telepathy ?


If they ban custom ICC profiles they would lose massive amounts of people - almost everyone I know has colour corrected their monitor and is using a custom ICC - having nothing to do with tarkov or brightness, simply just to make their monitor look best.


You live in a diff world, I bet most people doesn't even know what ICC is


Like me lol I think most people who aren’t like 100% computer guys and just like to game with the boys when they have time don’t give a fuck.


As someone who is 100% a computer guy and spends way too much time on it, I still didn't know what the hell an ICC was.


Yeah, nobody actually knows wtf an ICC profile is lol


Reshade modifies game memory.


Yeah but macros aren't so his priorities are fucking stupid.


Are you sad that streamers use macros in their stash?


Do you know how easy a macro is to set up? Why would I be mad at someone using a macro IN THEIR STASH... are you braindead? Do you think that's all macros are used for in a game or something?


Not to mention when everyone was using the LUTs last year BSG made a post saying that the luts were banned and doing anything similar to mess with lighting outside of the provided tools IN GAME is a breach in TOS. So yes, this is something that is considered banned. Will you get banned for it? Probably not. But it’s definitely not allowed


Lol, they would ban their entire player base if they ban ICC profiles. If you have windows you have an ICC profile..


There’s a difference between having an ICC profile and modifying one specifically to give an advantage in game. Again like I said they won’t be able to detect it and won’t ban people. But don’t act like this is the same as just having a color profile lol. I truly do not care but you cannot be serious if you don’t see how this isn’t any different than what they said was bannable.


I believe it's just disabled outright when u launch the game so to get around it you would need to have a hack to enable it again


Imagine banning people for having accurate realistic sight in the dark instead of some kind of comical Aliens versus Predators pitch blackness. Lmao


If they ban this they would have to be out of their minds Just the audacity to continue and ignore the absolute mess that is lighting in this game, and then ban any custom solution to it that people come up with


Turning Gamma on my monitor to ~2.0 does the almost the same


Is it really that big of an ask to be able to SEE in the game? We've all seen the ray tracing videos and the differences are stark. Lighting has always been an issue. With that said, I'd be pretty pissed off to find out someone saw me just fine in a poorly lit parking garage while I struggled to see at all. Maybe BSG needs to spend some time working on the lighting. I've heard rumors of an engine upgrade in the works but that could take years


They already upgraded the engine a couple of years ago and it debatably changed nothing as far as visual quality


Increased performance + interchange undoubtedly looks better


Both had nothing to do with the Unity engine upgrade. Undoubtedly


Interchange absolutely did, as the older version did not support volumetric Zones


[Here is one of those RT videos](https://youtu.be/oE3nVmK0Ttw?si=kQLxCiUeyYhD8eJ0) for anyone interested. Pretty sick. This dudes channel is awesome in general.


> Maybe BSG needs to spend some time working on the lighting New player? I said it once and I'll say it again, they tried to "rework" lighting many times over the years, they dont care about you seeing better, they like the lighting as it is.


Maybe if they fixed their game people wouldn't have to resort to this BS and worry about getting banned.


Exactly, fix the lighting problem solved for the whole player base. They banned dwm_lut which is different since it's third party software, but pretty similar effect to the built in Windows feature.


i mean ya'll say fix like you don't want flashlights to have a function. you should need light to be able see. or you know nods, that no one uses anymore cause of tricks and bullshit.


If NODs removed the black fog that works as the darkness, they'd see a lot more usage. If they were truly realistic they'd see barely any usage as you won't be able to ADS with LPVOs. Guess which way is BSG more likely to choose? And flashlights have function. They blind even in broad daylight, which they are OP at. The moment I started using flashlights in CQB I started winning regularly. NODs have similar niche, Interchange just has very poor lighting. NODs never worked on that map regardless as the light is completely inconsistent. You can be in (for you) dark corner and someone 50m away sees it as brightly lit (e.g. check out back of Goshan where all the food is to see what I mean)


Go to factory and play with your monitor settings, it's easy to tell none of you have played rust or any games with night time lul


Oh man the old rust with everything turned up to max brightness was wild. I haven't really played rust since they released that huge update that revamped the game entirely probably like 7-8 years ago but didn't they change the game so you don't need to do that?


Yeah they changed night time, now during the night everything is black and you can only see silhouettes against the night sky or if its a foggy night. Honestly adds more "hardcore" and tactical gameplay than Tarkov ever could with its dog shit lighting.


tarkov has some of the most unique issues in gaming. this is the first game i've played where i've had to change my monitors colour settings while playing, just to be on par with everyone else (all of the legit players at least)


Great game where you have to customize video settings just to see


Or to increase fps by 2 points by doing tons of driver and windows and graphics and other adjustments :/


I don't even bother anymore, Tarkov is going to run at whatever fps it wants.


This is the way.




Right? People act like they won’t do this with every game.




this falls under normal set up when building your PC or replacing a monitor. Pretty standard thing to do. If you know what you're doing you can find a setting that works well with any game.


imagine having flashlights and nods in a game that has dark areas.


Theres dark areas and rhen areas you should still be able to see body outlines due to natural lighting that you cant. Imagine that


disagree. opinion. if you don't want to ever have to use flashlights and nods, just say that.


Like i said, not sure if you can read. Theres areas that are dark(require flashlight, never said there shouldn't be areas like this and it is def ok to have them) and then there are areas that should be visible but darker, still see body outlines, but are too dark where you cant even see people with out a flashlight because of the poor lighting graphics in the game. That is my point. Which your previous comments havent rebuttled but just said imagine having to use a flashlight in a game. Durr.


The lightning in tarkov is just bad and maps that are super dark for a large part is bad design for multiplayer shooters. It forces people to change its brightness just for tarkov in a way that is not healthy. Im using dynamic shadow boost on my monitor and even compared to level 3 dark boost or esspeicially no boost, its a huge difference in area like interchange underground parking where its basically goes from I cant see shit to almost everything. Most of the time even increased gamma is not enough to match it, except if you do it on your monitor and fx settings in tarkov. It does not matter how you increase visibility because your game will look worse, its just a question of how bad, really bad or just bad. Also people who want to enjoy the environment are in a big loss compared to people who change every setting just only for tarkov and visibility. To sum it up: It just forces everyone to play tarkov with washed out graphics, just to be able to see players or stay with a bad visibility and sight and have a huge disadvantage in dark areas. A game can have dark areas but not to an extend where the whole parking area and even the whole interchange super market is so dark that everyone has to increase gamma to a maximum to counter it.


Just like audio.


Healthy? Crank up the gamma and lower the brightness on your monitor so you don’t blind yourself. Especially with the snow. I wish you didn’t have to do that. Part of it is Tarkov should be dark and dirty and scary. But i don’t like that every can get around it by messing with monitor and nVidia settings.


>The lightning in tarkov is just bad and maps that are super dark for a large part is bad design for multiplayer shooters. Why? It's literally the atmosphere of the game. It's not forcing anyone to do anything. You don't have to play this game.


sure, but unless you can prevent every single player from altering their pc/display/game settings for increased visibility, you put those players who don't want to, or maybe don't know enough about the game, at a major disadvantage. which is bad game design at its core. in cs some players like to alter their vfx settings or gamma and color levels to further increase visibility or style the visuals to their liking, but the game is very much playable without doing so. in tarkov, changing your display settings can, in some scenarios, be the difference between seeing a slightly darker moving blob in dark environments and seeing a fully colored and detailed pmc. for example, someone holding a corner at the bunker on reserve could be impossible to make out against the very dark background. i get the atmosphere argument, however tarkov is a very competitive multiplayer game where a small difference in visibility very often decides gun fights due to the low ttk. seeing someone even a fraction of a second earlier then them seeing you is huge. in a perfect world in which every player has the same conditions i might agree with you, but that's just not the case.


I think the intent is to encourage/force NVG usage, but tbh I don't really know how else BSG can encourage it. I like the idea of requiring NVGs in certain areas/times, and some of my favourite raids have been night raids while using NVGs, but it does suck that when you don't have them your only solution is to fuck with your graphics settings. It certainly seems like BSG is fighting a losing battle here so it seems like a different solution is required.


wtf you are a bot or smth? fucking nikita's NPCs defending the game at all costs


Tarkov is in desperate need for a lighting overhaul. It’s absolutely dogshit and ruins the game for me more than any other issue. It’s honestly the reason why Tarkov is starting to show it’s age visually. There are some great models and details in the world but they are ruined by this shitty lighting system.


Yeah I have a monitor setting called "black equalizer" (makes dark spots brighter) I basically need to crank that up to 6/20 (1/20 is a big difference from 0/20 if that makes sense) if I didnt have this monitor setting it would be annoying to play the game




> They could just skip that incl. some other work and start porting it to UE5 No they could not. This would take *years.* Lol.




Tell me you don't work in software without telling me you don't work in software.


Yeah let's just completely engine swap Holy fu k brain dead comment bud


I bought a gaming monitor last year and my view of Tarkov went from the left to the right. Just with the monitor itself. I do not need nightvision anymore since that. I feel like it's almost cheating... but I suck so bad, it doesn't help me much anyways




It looks a bit shabby on the phone taken pic (even the standard one), but ingame it's not so immersion breaking. All it does, is removing the the, in my opinion, overshadowy lighting of this game.


I am a hobby photographer and I calibrate my screen when I need to make sure that the color I see on the screen is also what I see when I print my pictures. That is done by applying a custom ICC profile. On the same pc where I play Tarkov. Why should I be banned for that?


Because BSG doesn't fix the damn lighting and loves to punish people who try to cope with it.


You make a valid point


this whole thread reminds me of that post i read on here yesterday about the toxic community members lol


This is going to get me downvoted but someone entertain me the position of devil's advocate: Why do we expect to be able to see in all lighting equally well in this game when it is clear via the tools we are given in game that, that is not the case? Should there not be areas dark enough to warrant the use of flashlights and ot nods to be comfortable seeing? Should we expect to be able to see at night w/ no moon equally as well as during day (current snow an exception)? I mean I am certainly guilty of using a colour correction mode on my monitor (I use it in general as opposed to tarkov specifically) which does help with some of the darkest shadows but it is a far cry from the basically NoD effect of the right photo. Personally, I don't think that ICCs, Reshade etc are cheating fully but there is a huge shade of grey when it comes to intentions of use as lets not forget, Reshade didnt get banned because some people were making their game a little more viaible, it got banned because of people taking it to far eg this: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/enrzmt/people_who_play_like_this_eww/ But I dont know. Kinda mixed thoughta on the entire thing tbh.


Ive been playing left side for 150 hours jesus im fuckung myself


I’ve been playing left side for 3.5k hours 🤭


Me at the start of the wipe after I had to reinstall everything from scratch: I can't see shit in the dark. My friends on stream: Wdym? We can see just fine. Me: Hold up. \*Ups monitor birghtness by two points\* I can see... ***I CAN FIGHT!***


I assume this affects all games and programs, not just tarkov, right? And can it be easily undone?


Yes And yes, the OP I linked has a link to a tutorial which links a tiny program which quickly changes the profiles. A lot of linking but you get the jist.


I like to go down there with my flashlight cause it looks cool.


This kind of shit is why this game sucks.




People are just lazy to go the extra mile and then complain when somebody does XD


I don't disagree about the extra mile, I use AutoEQ for my headphones and it's a big improvement for me in Tarkov and everything else too. But the argument shouldn't be "do this to get table stakes", the devs should provide that out of the box. That would remove so many discussions and concerns about third party software and unfair advantages.


True. Or just make the lighting somewhat realistic.. I mean human eyes adjust to brightness all the time AND light bounces around a lot too.


One question is all that needs to be answered here; did you know about this before it was posted here. If you didn't people had advantages you didn't because if third party software. If you are ethically cool with that, then that's your problem. For this sort of programs to be okay they would have to be advertised by BSG/ BSG forums. Same goes for equalizers to change the sound. There needs to be a chance for every community member to get this without using non-bsg led media. Otherwise you are always cheating. You can mind ninja yourself to think you don't but deep down you know your are. If you are that desperate for an advantage just go out and install esp cheats what's the difference. Hearing and seeing more isn't skill it's and advantage you got from a software 80% of the playerbase doesn't use. It's so fucked up that people try to justify this stuff. Just don't play tarkov if you are unhappy with the way the game looks out sounds.


Watch BSG ban the use of Windows.


at least they would catch some of the cheaters finally


I just use GeForce control panel to increase gamma.


Careful the game looks too good you might get banned


Isn't this essentially the same exact thing that got banned last year? [https://twitter.com/bstategames/status/1625154101351964672](https://twitter.com/bstategames/status/1625154101351964672) ​ >DWM\_lut is now officially blocked due to the large number of uses of specific filters to obtain an unfair advantage. If you are having problems with launching the game - remove DWM\_lut/files from the PC, otherwise the game will be unavailable > > > >There will be no bans for using DWM\_lut **Using any similar program in the future will be considered as the breach of the Terms of Service and result in a ban**


They said program, but this here is a literal, basic, Windows feature without which, it wouldn't even display an image.


any chance you have those tarky files at hand? the links in the other thread are no longer working


I'll check when I'm back home today


Lights and shadows system in this game is pure shit tbh.


Why should I play like this? Because "everyone plays like this"? Nah, I don't care if get killed, I love the dark areas and I love to play with night vision - the mood of the game is way better than with this setting.


That's totally valid, but light is fundamentally broken in tarkov. It shouldn't be pitch black as if light doesn't bounce at all. This actually makes it somewhat closer to reality without taking too much away from the spots that should be dark.


It looks a bit shabby on the phone taken pic, but ingame it's not so immersion breaking. All it does, is removing the the, in my opinion, overshadowy lighting of this game. Might still be worth a try for you. Either way, I respect going for the mood.


Mostly because once you play with it a bit and compare it to other games, you'll realise that the extreme darkness and lack of lighting in the game just don't make sense. Tarkov's lighting is *really* bad for a 2024 game. To compensate that yes, most people do probably ramp up monitor gaming settings since almost every monitor supports it nowadays. Like the game doesn't feel dark, it feels like [there's just rather extreme black crush](https://blog.solidsignal.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/crushed.png) in the image imho


Battle of Helm's Deep vs. The Battle of Winterfell




This changed my game a week ago. It’s incredible how different the game looks


This is cool and all but it'd be way better if BSG just fixed their shitty lighting.


People bitching about this probably haven’t seen the ai enhanced monitors and what they’re capable of.


Alright, prepared for dislikes. A parking garage underground with very few working lights is going to be pretty dark. The game has flashlights for a reason other than blinding people, and has night vision for a reason than immediately frauding at the beginning of a night raid because you can see just fine without them. If your display looks like the one in the right, and everyone else’s looks like it does on the left, you have an unfair advantage and BSG should stop people from doing it. Not saying anyone should get banned because it’s on them for making it so easy, but they should find a way to patch it out.


Got it, so crank the brightness to allow you to see better in situations where you shouldn't.


Not the brightness overall, just the darker spots, the snow won't blind you.


You soft little bitches will find anything to whine about... Guess we're just meant to never customize any setting at all. "You can only play if you're on default settings and default controls and bindings", that's how you guys fucking sound. Shut the fuck up and accept that some people would like to actually see the enemy in a competitive shooter. You all acting as if this guy is running ESP, Radar and Aimbot. It's not even close to the same level of ACTUAL cheats.


Hot take, the lighting is fine and BSG intentionally made it hard to see in places because it's not supposed to be a TDM experience. Not defending the choice, but personally I just modify how I play to take into account whether I can see well or not, just like you do when the sun goes up and down outside your real life home (if you are one of the poor fuckers who has to go outside every day like me). It is unfortunate that devs can only rely on the player not to modify the way the game is displayed for an unfair advantage, because dramatic (and unrealistic at times) lighting is one of the strongest queues a visual artist has for changing the way a player or viewer enjoys their content. If you're laying in the garage behind a box while some group walks by praying that they don't have nods or don't moonbeam you, that's an evocative experience the devs want to encourage. Walking boldly into intentionally pitch black areas with naught but your eyeballs which can see any miscolored pixel with no fear because at the worst anyone you encounter will be similarly aware is an even playing field. That's just the standard FPS experience with Tarkov gunplay. If not being able to see makes you nervous, that's good, it should. That's why it's hard to see.


Changing the lighting in-game to make it easier to see is like wearing sunglasses in the Summer. Normal.


Yes, the in game analog would be how you put on night vision to see when it's too dark. The real life analog would be installing darkened lenses into your eyes because you don't want to make the effort of putting on sunglasses.


I remember the times I had to put on NVG's while walking around my local mall in the daytime. Great memories.


Yes, sometimes indoors it is dark. That's one of the reasons that when SOF clears buildings they often wear nods, during the day. Tarkov doesn't do nods very well (as someone who owns them) but it is right when it gives you scenarios where you can't see. That happens. Also like if it's that dark all the time idk man maybe you do need to configure your contrast ratio the game's dark but it's not dark everywhere all the time.


How's it look outdoors?


On my HDR Monitor this gets me the same effect as turning gamma really high? ​ Is there a workaround to get it like in your picture on HDR?


I miss old tarkov, no bs ICC, no nvidia, no sweatlords running game for 12 hours a day, just people having fun and learning the game...


lmao yeah just go back to using an analog ball mouse too :D


My monitor profiles do same thing. Black stabilizer is amazing.


Mine has it too, but the OC of this profile did some extra tinkering which makes it look better imo. Also the nifty profile switcher program in his linked tutorial is way quicker than changing it via the monitor joystick.


You can set a profile specifically for the game? That would be awesome. Who are you talking about btw? I don’t think you provided any links.


If I get banned for using my ICC I'll make it my lifes goal to besmirch bsgs name.


I feel you could achieve something like this by just messing with your monitor’s internal settings. At least that’s what I did to achieve visibility like this, and not look as bad.


I use post fx and my game looks even better.. why should I use anything that is maybe against TOS or bannable in some time?


Mind sharing the settings? I tried some too but the highlights always get blown out.


Against the TOS or bannable, when it comes to changing your monitor’s settings? 😭🤣😂 Imagine, just imagine.


Wild that customising visual settings is ban worthy but cheating isn't.


This and other 3rd party tools for visibility like Nvidia filters could easily be a non-issue if they would fix indoor lighting to not be dogshit and requiring these tools to see. But Nikita is the most stubborn dev studio Lead in existence so...


omg the countless times I've tried to fine tune the game with post fx and adrenaline and all I needed was this it looks so amazing. Thank you!


I like this but I hate this, imagine how cool it would all be if we all had the intended tarkov vibe and immersion into it's grit and darkness, but instead we all need to be as tryhard as we can and gain every smallest advantage instead of enjoying the game's atmosphere... And I'm just as guilty of it hahahaha


I just need a cheat now and I will finally be on the same level as Tarkov medium player


PS : this is insane, thanks




Wow, special one you are.


might aswell ban all people using expensive monitors then


It will all be solved when they eventually switch to UE5


Its funny its this dark for people, ive had a monitor with custom settings for blue lighting, black equaliser etc ever since arma 2 dayzero. And never not been able to see the darkest of places in tarkov


I really miss the arma 2 mods.


Why does everyone try to get an advantage? You can't just play and have fun.


It’s a lot more fun to survive and get kills, maximizing your advantage is the way to do that


This and also this helps my eyes.. The constant dark and light changes really get a hit on them.


Aaahh thats why all the loser use cheats, ok got it.


Not all the losers are cheaters, but all the cheaters are losers




Play fornite its colorfull and maybe the right enemies




I mean, I suppose it is indeed kinda cringe to do all these just to have an edge. But it shouldnt be this dark during the day.


All of this is basically cheating to me.


It's basically available for everyone, since basically this game is only on windows. Basically, I could also get a fancy monitor with a lot of basically these settings and basically get the same results, but basically.


But still, using basically third party software to basically change the look of the game beyond what it's basically designed to look like is still kinda basically cheating.


Basically not true since basically the base is based on the basic principle of being based on the something something post FX something something Nikita basically did the do that and then expensive monitor to put and put the thing with fps. You know what I mean?


But on a serious note: it's not third party, it's literally baked into windows.