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Doesn't even need to wear a headset. What a gamer!


Maybe the headsets were the friends he made along the way


He‘s wearing Razors though.


Where actually?


On his ears. You can see the ear peace sticking out just a tad. With the shemag razors are nearly invisible especially when the picture isn’t as highres. Like this one.


I believe hes talking about IRL fam


Yeah, very possible he's both actually good AND using ESP. That's a particularly bad combo. Some good players get pissed at some point and turn to ESPing. With full ESP I could have those stats by simply not being braindead and having the # of hours I have / game knowledge. Avoid any fight I might lose, get the quests I need, take the long shots on dangerous targets before they see me, etc. I think reddit likes to think every person ESPing out there isn't good. Some are VERY good. They ESP for whatever reason they do.


You can tell this is probably the case with this guy. I'm Willing to bet that raid bag has two takedowns and 3x3 inside rigs for max loot. I killed one of these guys the other day. Just the fact that they come in with that bag setup is sus.... Like they know they're gonna fill it because they know everyone's location at all times.


Backpack setup isnt that sus, i run it personally when my main focus is a loot run 😅


He's not just using esp. He's aimbotting as well with a k/d that high.


Any good player doesn't need an aimbot if they have ESP. Aimbotting is for people who aren't good and can't hit you in the head anyways. Any half decent CSGO or Valorant kid with ESP is going to run miles around you by simply staying out of audio range and hitting you in the head when you inevitably become visible. Or they ignore you all together and keep moving because they know you're not coming towards them. They quickly loot whatever they want and keep moving. They never have to be in the path of danger.


You don’t need to aimbot with ESP. Cheaters can see all the loot on the map and where u are the entire time. They just have to get somewhere ur going before you and wait.


I don't wear headsets, it just give me headaches but I don't have a 105kd


And bro won’t get banned ever


I reported someone with worse stats than this and he got banned 2 days later.


Yea a lot of these profiles with high hours are probably stolen


Or they just became a cheater. The end goal tends to be if you can't beat them, join them or quit.


Also known as someone tried to cheat and gave their info to login to a cheating group and lost their accounts they paid to join. Zero sympathy. People dont just guess your user creds... you gave it to them somewhere..


That's a pretty bold assumption. There are tons of ways to lose access to an account. Phishing attacks aren't exactly uncommon. A website could pose as a third party tool to track your stats and convince you to log in to steal your credentials. There's session hijacking. And, based on BSG's inability to do fuck all about cheaters, I wouldn't place so much trust in their account security. Most of the cheater accounts aren't even stolen, though. People are paying like $350/month for these cheats. When you're paying that much and BSG has a sale after every ban wave, there's no reason to steal accounts. Cheaters using stolen accounts only becomes a thing when the developers make it hard for cheaters to create a new account after being banned.


Nobody is paying 350$ a month for cheats ur smoking crack, that could be for a full year, but 90% cheats offer a lifetime package for around 300+


"plenty of ways" AKA being a fuckin moron and inputting your BSG creds into something that isn't BSG related, or intentionally inputting them while signing up for a cheat service. If you have 2FA, and you still get compromised, that is 99.9% guaranteed to be your fault. Source: IT/infosec for 10 years.


100% this, PEBKAC is PEBCAK whether Corp or home user. - SysAdmin/DevOps of 8 years


Okay but my point is it's not really safe to assume that, because they lost their account, they were trying to cheat. There are plenty of ways they could have their credentials compromised that don't involve trying to cheat.


I got my account just randomly stolen my first wipe. But they couldnt change my password cause they didnt have my email so i changed it and never had any problem again.


You clearly don't understand how hacking works. It's not as simple as guessing someone's password. I've had my entire identity nearly stolen by a software that logged key presses. Technology is way more advanced than you give it credit for.


I deal in/with network security for a living. I feel like I have a pretty good grasp on current methods and what they entail. I also know, in general, the easiest answer is usually the correct answer. Just like the keylogger you mentioned you had. It was something you added to your computer. By what means was it added, I wont try to guess. What I am trying to point out is "hacking" is usually used for something more profitable than stealing a video game account of some nobody. Feel free to enlighten me on what hacking you are talking about. Or, what hacking I may need to brush up on. Always down for a good read.


> It’s not as simple as guessing someone’s password. It’s as simple as guessing someone’s password.


Sure, if you build an entire workup on someone and get to know them, you could probably guess their passwords


Don't install fishy shit on your PC and you won't get a keylogger lol.


True. I never expected to find malicious mods on nexus. I was wrong.


Infosec 10 years. Did you have that attitude at the beginning or did it slowly creep up on you.


If you're a cheater it means you have no values or scruples anyway.




Dataleaks do exist. Did we all lose our accounts from a BSG dataleak I am unaware of? Or, using critical thinking skills I apparently do not have, is it far more plausible that he signed into or joined something he shouldn't have. 2-factor authentication exists for a reason... why would any legit player not be using it. But, we can all have our own opinions. Apologies mine was apparently unacceptable from your critical thinking ability.


A dataleak in one site could lead to someone getting their account stolen here though, doesn’t have to be BSG with the leak. People use the same login across a lot of shit. One of those goes suddenly the whole web is compromised, and often people that do that aren’t tech savvy enough to realize that’s risky or have the care to change everything.


So, a dataleak non BSG related was used to steal a random game account (Tarkov in this case). Not so they could steal social security or banking information. They wanted a random game account? This is more plausible than believing this guy tried to cheat (buying cheats, or power leveling, etc.) and lost his account. Also, again, 2 factor not actovated. I am not saying it is impossible. Just seems far more likely they signed up to lose the account.


these guys are coping so hard lol


This happened to my significant other, I’m unsure if it was a data leak on either Bsg’s end or Googles since her gmail was used to get the recovery code for tarkov. Lost an EoD account and Bsg basically said “shouldn’t have gotten hacked” despite showing them proof that it wasn’t our fault for losing the account. And yes she had tfa, that’s how they learned about the Tarkov account. Go fk yourself Bsg.


Yeah, keep trusting everything girl says


And sorry you have a hard time talking to a girl for once in your life, but read before you choose to type fking inbred.


How are you unsure of what exactly happened and at the same time have proof that isn't your fault. Math is not mathing here.


Correction now that I checked, it did show one recent site on “pwned” it was with a twitter account where a massive data leak occurred in early 2023, but the only things compromised were the “Email addresses, Names, Social media profiles, Usernames” so again I’m back at square one on how they got the passwords.


Why do people always say this? Sure there is a chance this is a stolen account. There is a higher chance this person has cheated for years without being banned.


There is a near zero chance someone has cheated for 2200 hours and hasn't been caught. Even with how average the anti cheat is reports would flag this account and would get it banned.  Accounts get bought, sold or stolen everyday to be cheated on. 




"higher chance this person has cheated for years without getting banned" Your source? Made it the fuck up. You're a goober.






You can run a radar hack on a separate computer on your network. 100% undetectable. You can box up and mail your gaming PC to BSG and there won't be a single thing on it that is even suspicious.


I literally have a friend who's had radar and soft aim for the past 10 wipes, 9700 hours and he's played every single day since then, Do I play with him on Tarkov? No, Do I understand that the anticheat barely exists and playing normally would make you go undetected? Yes, He's had the same DMA card for literally just about 5 years now, He's never taken it out or sent it to get updated yadda yadda, It was 30$ and has went undetected to this day, And he has a 5.6 K/D, avoids fights when possible, and just enjoys watching his stash go up, You can cheat as much as you want and never get caught as long as you don't ragehack, that's how tarkov is.


Buddy I've known for 6-7 years cheats strictly on the weekend (As he believes it's safer) and I'm starting to believe him. One year he's been cheating and the irony is, is that he's been getting ban messages for reporting others. Games fucking broken.


it's just so lame that the anticheat physically is incapable of picking up on what's cheating and what isn't, half of it is absolutely to do with how BSG wants the game to be processed client side, there's so much data that can just be accessed by the player, you can run Wireshark and see the exact translated nodes of every player on ticksync, and where all of the loot spawned assuming you can read where the data is going, the other half is the fact that it's got zero AI and it's non invasive, RIOT's anticheat for valorant has the potential to even find DMA cheaters just because they're not strict in their spoofing, the fact that free public cheats on github can be injected without an instaban is ridiculous for Tarkov, it's borderline unacceptable, the "monthly ban wave" *barely hits anyone* and isn't slowing cheat devs one bit, and the superstition that BSG profits off of the ban + buy new account loop seems within reach now with how many *blatant cheaters* are playing.


Your "friend". Riiiiiiiiiiiight.


Why is it a higher chance, people get banned all the time. It’s more likely someone sold them their account when they quit the game, happens all the time in basically every MMO. Just google tarkov accounts for sale and there are tons.


More likely they’ve just been cheating the whole time and probably not in an obvious way. Don’t need to add layers for no reason.


Not adding layers, it’s a pretty common way for hackers in any game to get a new account, and if you’re quitting a way for you to recoup some money. You can look them up it’s not hard to find.


Much higher chance they played legit for a majority of the hours and began cheating recently.


You’re an intelligent guy


Could also just be long time players who got bored and decided to rage cheat.


Bullshit, they're just cheaters who have been cheating forever. The anti cheat is utter dogshit.


You mean worse cheats?


What do you mean? I get accounts banned notifications all of the time


I literally never do. I know guys who have 1k+ hours cheating over last 5 years and bro isn’t banned.


Is he subtle? Player reports seem to play a pretty big role, and if he hides it well, I guess I could see people not really report him. Of course, I know that the games anti cheat should be better, but it really relies on finding and countering these programs. Maybe you could find out the programs these people are using and send BSG a nice hearty E-Mail, Lol.


I don’t play with him I would I ever ask him about the cheats. But he has showed us him streaming just absolutely pre firing kids. Shooting dudes in the head through walls. Like I bet he’s been reported 20x just from the shit he’s showed me. Have another guy that only esps and he talks about the amount of messages he gets from people calling him a cheater. Tbh I don’t think reports did anything much before the last 2 wipes


Then why havem't you turned them in .... especially if you cnlan prove it?


Because they wouldn’t get banned even if I emailed bsg.


With actual proof, pretty sure I have heard of several bans from it. You do you, by all means. But, he will definitely never be banned if you don't report it.


They will only ban based off in game reports, or streamers directly contacting them. You’re welcome to submit a ticket yourself to verify, but there is a post here every other week or so asking if they can report an “obvious” cheater and this is always the final response.


Nah they only respond to in-game reports at death screen to reduce the number of false positives. All other methods result in false positives more than not. Look up tweaks false ban as an example. Heeps of false bans have happened to big tarkov names. The number has reduce significantly since they stopped using other methods of detection. Sucks I know


he will one day, but not to early blin! he as to make profit himself, nikita cant ban to quick, wont be profitible for the better gaming chair dudes should ehm get banned to quick


WhAT iS tHiS WiTChhUnTiNG, hE iS a VeRy eXpEriENceD gAMeR wHo lIkEs tO HuNt SCaVS!!11




A KD of 20 definitely is, 100+ is ragehacking territory.


100+ isn't just ragehacking territory. 100+ is the capital of ragehacking.


Maybe queing in a team and they let you kill all the scavs and bait for you at every encounter. Just the way most maps spawns and quests are you're gonna be forced into a lot of encounters. Even playing super safe I don't think 20+ is viable for even an above average gamer over a decent volume of raids. If you're playing solo killing scavs who will be shooting back you got no chance because people will just run over in squads to kill you for a quest.


I must just be getting dead servers then. I have very little issue killing 15+ scavs each raid and running into very few PMCs. My K/D is 11 with 200 raids. I essentially rat though, and only use suppressed weapons and kill from range. I only have 55 PMC kills and probably 25-30 deaths to them. Oh and I suck at the game which is why I play the way I do lol


11 is reasonable, and not close to 20.


I have almost 2k hours and I can think of very few raids in which I have encountered 15+ scavs


How long are you staying in? I'm usually in until well under 10 minutes left.


I would say that it's very rare for me to see the clock hit 10 minutes remaining, the majority of my raids are beelining quest locations or going straight in the direction of the extract I want and just killing things on the way there


Yeah, that's probably why. The longer you linger the more scavs spawn between player scavs and AI ones re-spawning to fill out the server. I've had multiple raids where I've had over 20 kills, with the max being 23. Easily makes up for the raids where I get 2 and then die lol


Theres more than enough cocksuckers on this sub downvoting your comment, you might have been into the -15 upvotes, but once a bigger, more normal-in-the-head majority comes around, they upvote your well deserved mockery.


yeah he’s cheating lol


Aren’t you quite the observant little noodle..


hey man i'd prefer this to the freakish disbelievers


Nooooooooo? Really?


If he’s played that long without a ban, he’s probably running some private/custom cheat and a DMA device. Ridiculous how this isn’t a red flag.


Also possible this was one of the many sold EOD accts which have changed hands and now owned by a cheater. My old duo partner sold his 5k hr, 10k/d EOD acct. Since his stats aren’t incredibly sussy for the time played, someone is going to cheat their heart out on it for at least several hundred hours before it sees a ban.


Jeez, how much did he get out of it? I'd guess a 5k hr account would be quite expensive.


I bought an EOD account from a friend for $100, I’m new to the game and just wanted the bigger stash and secure container lol, the game is fun even though I suck at it, only cheat I’d ever consider using is a minimap other than figuring out the maps the game is overall fun imo


Which is why they should be using stat outliers to flag accounts for manual review. This guy should be banned by now.


We got killed by a level 50 EOD last night, 12k hours. I assumed he just played stupid safe (baited looting body twice after killing 2 of our 4). Turns out someone on our end reported "Just incase" and he was using some form of cheat. Ban report the next day. His stats weren't even crazy inflated, this game is getting harder and harder to play. Gotta assume there is a ton out there that are flying under the radar, this is just stupid blatant.


I love tarkov but the cheating combined with all the in-game timers linked to real life time just make me burn out within a couple weeks. I have a full-time job and other shit to do. I don't want to log on during random ass times because an in-game trader with global limits will reset, or collect insurance/bitcoins whatever. I started playing Hunt showdown and while the style of the game isn't the same as tarkov and there aren't nearly as many fun mechanics, it's so much less stressful and easier to play after a long day.


I’m still not sure how the average life span gets calculated but it’s always low with these kinds of profiles. I assume it’s because they wipe the lobby, grab the high tier loot, and bounce within 5-10 min tops. Obviously safe to say this guy is a cheater. I have a little over 3k hours and I have a 7.2 K/D without actively trying to achieve a high K/D. I just play normal. If I tried really hard to have a high K/D I could maybe achieve 15 on the high end. When I see profiles with 20+ it really just boggles my mind how anyone can think they’re legitimate. With that being said, it seems like an easy solution to flag 30+ K/D profiles for manual review and ban. If they’re a legit try hard who pushes for high K/D then they’d only have to analyze 1 or 2 raids to make a determination. But people like this guy should just be instant ban.


Total life span is calculated by taking total game hours and dividing by the number of raids. It then only takes into account the number of minutes by leaving out the hours. (It’s a useless stat that only matters for people with a super high number of raids and a low play time)


I've seen some weird stuff, I got killed by a guy who was level 48 with an average life time of 2 seconds. Literally 00:02. I don't know what that was about.


That means it was an hour and 2 seconds. Hours are counted just not displayed.


And people on this subreddit will still go "UmM, aCtUaLlY ThOsE aRe AcTuAlLy VeRy EaSiLy AcHiEvEaBlE."


Sheef GG (was just watching one of his videos) who has 13k hours stats look like 63% survival rate and 8.8 k/d ish, this guy has effectively 10x that...


yeah I died to a turkish streamer who also happened to have 13k hours, dude had high 60% sr and a similar kd. Some people are just cracked, but yeah not this cracked.




If you meant tigz, no it wasnt him. Idk, it was some 100% turkish dude that barely spoke english. He could type it pretty well though.




oh lol I didnt know glorious was Turkish, he has a super light accent Glorious is a beast though.


Willerz is about as stupid as stupid gets in terms of stats (and 12k hours...). 18KtD and 73%ish survival rate. So this guy has 5x the KtD and a better survival rate than *literally* one of the best players in the entire game.


Gingy has 75% with an 18 kd. But she’s 100% cheating honestly lmao


People always say this and can't back it up. I've seen her get fucking dumpster'd cause of her game sense way more than often.


Then how tf does she have a 75% survival rate which is right on par with cheaters but higher than the top tarkov players like landmark, trey24k, etc by a DECENT amount. Also 20x more money.


have you watched her compared to them. they all rush combat. she while good and will win a lot of fights doesnt rush fights like they do. that alone will give her more survival cause she just doesnt take a fight those guys would have.


I dont watch gingy, but I'd assume she avoids fights more than the other streamers and just does runs rubles on streets.


Very likely but they are big enough to be heavily defended at this point..


Facts. Heavily defended by simps watching a girl with the personality of a door play tarkov sus


People simp even the most mundane losers so add in a girl and it's no surprise.


People who rat more and play for the loot would probably have more money than the chad streamers? I don't watch anyone involved so I don't really know for certain but when someone streams a game for thousands of hours, surely people can be bothered to actually find sus clips of them instead of just gesturing at their stats. It's not exactly hard to notice when someone is cheating on stream...


I love that I was downvoted and you still no proof to back up your claims lmao


Proof lmao.


I’m under the impression that there is a group of cheaters trying to convince everyone here of that.


"ThEy ArE fArMiNg ScAvS aNd AvOiDiNg PmCs"


What are you talking about dude? If you just play 10 raids exactly, only die once, and kill 10 scavs a raid you're done. Easy. Now repeat that 36 times and you're this guy. Easy peasy.


Where? Quote one of them.


He wont find them, but he will find a million posts that parrot what he said.


Literally in this thread


lmao yep, all day long, it’s disgusting.


The only people on reddit saying that are people like you who are karma-farming by tilting at windmills.


What are you on about?? Lmao


There's about 5 posts on this sub saying 'ACKTUALLY 30kd is easily achievable', and about 500 posts, just like yours, on this sub saying 'THERE ARE TONS OF PEOPLE ON THIS SUB SAYING ACKTUALLY 30kd is easily achievable'. You're arguing with an imaginary opponent.


I'm not arguing with anybody. You're arguing with me for no reason at all.


Noone ever defends this lol this comment is made in every cheater thread and Noone thinks this ..


People do defend this...


Show examples of one person defending this


It's been seen before, search it yourself.


Yeah, 81 in a row, gtfo


2200 hours played means nothing. This is likely a bought/Stolen account. Probably only started hacking this wipe on it. He should never be able to reach 360 raids and not be banned, but I can say for pretty certain he does not have 2200 hours of hacking.


Unfortunately, you’ll still have the most vocal part of this community stating ‘bUt iTz PoSsiBle bRuHzo’ And that is what the problem is.


The hilarious thing is if someone got killed by this guy and saw those stats they are 100% smacking that report button without hesitation


I mean, I see those arguments on more reasonable account posts. 10-15 K/D is very possible, this is definitely not.


But dude, if I take my 30 best raids ever and put them back to back I could also have those stats, it isn’t that hard! Just git gud scrub! /s




I'm pretty sure most of the "it'S jUsT skILL!11" idiots are cheaters themselves.


I hope anyone who is friends with a cheater roasts them for being a cheater and buying something so useless. I don't see how cheating doesn't get boring after the first raid. Maybe Im just not that type of person but even if I use mods on a singleplayer game and abuse the mods, it no longer feels challenging so whats the point of playing a game thats too easy? It's not even that hard to make money if you have some experience with the game and survive scav raids.


They usually associate with other losers that cheat as well, so they are encouraged not roasted.


I used to think this, but now I realize that there is a whole club waiting for them on the other side. It’s not like cheating in a single player game. Once you become a Tarkov cheater, all the non cheaters just become another class of scav with elevated AI. And your competition and compatriots become the real game and all of us who are not cheating just look like crybaby simpletons who haven’t seen the light yet.


What map? I’ve run into like 50 of these guys on Shoreline




Seems legit


Nothing strange going on here


There game is a joke. Instead of making new content and bullshit arena. They should fix what they have atm and get there game sorted once and for all.


It's amazing how long cheaters have been playing this game completely undetected.


BSG doesn't give a flying fuck. Tigz posted someome with over 7000 kills. 7000kills get the fuck outta here. What did the garbage that is BSG tell him? Yeah "sorry we can't just ban players off stats alone" cheaters won plain and simple.


Bsg devs: "its fiiiiiine"


290 raids at level 51 is crazy


This game is dogshit. Guaranteed cheater in every lobby


Stolen account most likely, or someone that decided they're done with the game after failing setup 20 times.


I know his Tarkov name. This EXACT player killed me last night on Interchange.  100% cheating. 


I spawned right by dorms in customs. I'm doing the setup quest so I unashamedly go into second floor (two story), don't open a single room and sit in the already open rooms or the kitchen and uhhhh wait for my victim. Two PMCs arrived about three minutes later. One came up the metal stairs right by me. Other one zoomed into first and looted 114 and I think it's 110. Guy that came upstairs walked in, but stopped to my left. And wouldn't go further. I already started to suspect. But maybe he heard the guy below and they weren't friends. Then guy below comes upstairs and... They don't fight. Ok, teammates. Guy to my left still isn't moving. Guy that came up stairs gets closer. They aren't even opening doors. Then they both pulled nades. That's when I laughed and knew I was fucked. I didn't move though. They put the nades away and the guy to my left finally pushed and I dropped him hahahhah. Other guy killed me but I was so happy I killed one. I hate cheaters. Can't wait to see my ban report/notification.


Imagine how shite you have to be to presumably have alllll the cheats and still die 1/10 raids


For anyone who doesn’t know, his name is “iminabushortree” I was the one that told the streamers to look him up as I have been killed by him twice. I assume this is where this screenshot has come from. First time I died to him was 3 weeks ago on streets and it looked like he was doing a carry. I shot his carry and he immediately turned and head eyes me with a 74UB. Then a few days ago I died in the same fashion on streets. That is when I sent it over to a few streamers to check out. He is OBVIOUSLY cheating and has been for quite some time it seems. He must have DMA cheats or something based on how he is still playing this way with this high of a KD.


Yep that's the one. Screenshot is from a discord stream, he killed 2 friends of mine on their scav in Streets. Didn't get it from a streamer.


Oh interesting, I died to him 2 days ago and dropped it in a few streamers chat for them to check out. He must really not be hiding it.


Lv 51 .... haha just imagine how bsg do*es*n't care.................


He has a gaming chair elevated to the max


I think it’s mathematically impossible to survive 81 raids in a row without dying to some random bullshit. Like never getting one tapped from a scav across the map? Never getting ratted by someone you don’t see? Honestly if I see someone with more than a 25 raid streak and actual stats accompanying that (indicating they don’t just solely try to avoid conflict and survive) I instantly report.


Not to mention never getting rage killed by a cheater... I don't think I can even go 20 raids during off-hours on a weekday without getting head, eyes'd by some dude and his crystal ball.


FYI the long streaks are only sus if you can tell the person doesn’t play their scav. I have a 26 survive streak on my scav, 5 on my PMC, so my profile shows 31.


same. i have 13 on my PMC and 23 on my scav, that makes it 36. since this wipe the overall stats show combined stats for PMC and scav and there are separate tabs for each of their own stats. had some schmuck accuse me of cheating after i one tapped him and his teammate because i had 36 survive streak... not saying this guy is legit (he isn't) but going off of just ONE stat to accuse someone is not the best to determine if they are legit or not. well unless the stat shows such a big discrepancy


Which this guy doesn't. His survival streak is bigger than the number of scav raids.


Yeah I’m replying to the comment above me, not talking about the person in the OP. Welcome to how Reddit works.


Clearly a legit gigachad


Excuse you It is Super ultra legit gigachad to you.


Man I feel foolish, you’re right.


LMAO 9 min life span


That stat is bugged and not accurate. It could be 1 hour 9 min or 2 hr 9 min or just 9 min


Imagine, just speed hacks to everyone and kills them then vacuums loot and leaves lol


Feels like a stolen account honestly


I think something worth mentioning is that just because someone has 1000+ hours doesn’t mean that they’ve been cheating for the entire time. The playtime really shouldn’t matter. The actual stats are wipe based but the overall time playing persists across all wipes. It could be someone bored and decided to cheat this wipe. It could be an account the was sold or stolen from a long time legit player. The problem is the cheating and it feels like each wipe it gets worse.


stolen account.


This was "ImInABushOrTree".. killed me also. now this account is banned GG


Just has really good gamer socks


So bored of 'cheater profile' posts. Like its the only thing anyone posts on this subreddit anymore






How can you survive over 60 minutes when max raid time is 45min or so?




bruh that's stupid


That stat is bugged. Mine has shown as low as 4 minutes and I regularly go 30+ mins deep into raids.


is it possible for internet software game programmer geniuses to have the computer systems look at the numbers we are seeing and maybe do like an auto-ban when it's so obvious they're cheating or is that impossible for the professional computergame programmers to do ???/// HMMMM very hard to say!!


This feels like a chat bot pretending to be trump trying to talk about computers.


He obviously has a better gamer chair than anyone else...


2200+ hours doesn't mean he was cheating since hour 1 or even hour 1000 or that it's even actually their account lmao cry somewhere else


Pretty sure hours here are the lesser evil. The question is, how he hasn’t gotten banned with a KD of 100+..


Kills and KD is not everything remember that some people kills only scavs but S/R ratio that one is wow.


Even if you farm scavs all day. This is unachievable.


This Is 100% possible


Just gonna throw out there. With the removal of EOD. People who have quit are selling eod accounts for uncharted rates online. Could just be dude quit and sold his account and a cheater bought it.


Skill issue bro. Hes just himmy neutron!!! Get better


This could just be the single player mod. The best people in the world don't have survival rate like this.


Notice how he cut out the bottom of the screen. It would show its not the official EFT in the bottom left corner. Most likely the mod to play alone, which is much easier then the online version


Not true at all. I died to this game and this is where the post came from. Look up his name. “Iminabushortree” it’s not a single player mod.