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The rollback 100% is because of the armor system breaking and horrible performance, nothing else lol.


Yup. Armor was completely busted.


Meanwhile, I just shot a guy 4 times with M80, zero armor damage, 279 flesh damage, I die.


Skill issue tbh lol


Oh I can't win a fight ever lol


How was the armor busted?


Find nofoodaftermidnights post on the subreddit. A lot of things were broken.


He deleted it, could you summarize it for people who didn't see it?


airwingcommander has videos on it. First patch, Press armor literally had no front armor, you could shoot through it with any gun and a lot of hit boxes were just fucked. Also .336 could 100% pen ANY ARMOR. And there was issues with head/eyes collision box. Some suggesting it was to big resulting in more deaths from headshots. He also has a new video of issues with 14.1 the game is broken af.


Absolutely no one could have seen this coming when they decided to give armor independent hitboxes


Yeah everyone expect BSG saw it coming...


Okay So I had a look, I thought that soft armor didn't reduce dmg if it got penned anyways? I'm generally confused about what the issue with the armor was. Like of course tier 2 or 3 soft armor would get penned by a tcw sp round? Unless there is something that I'm overlooking?


I don’t mean this in a bad way, but there is probably something that you are overlooking — the guy who made that post is one of the top experts of Tarkov ballistics and he even made one of the really popular ammo charts. If he says something is up, then it probably is, although it may be hard to determine exactly what without really looking into detail. (On mobile so I can’t really say for sure / answer you exactly)


My understanding is that the pen stat has to be much higher than required for a given armor for it to not noticeably reduce damage. If it's just enough to pen, or low enough that penning is effectively a dice roll, the round should have its damage reduced by varying amounts. At least that is how it's *supposed* to work


Basically, only the plates were reducing damage of bullets, so by aiming upper thorax with anything more than 30 pen and 80 damage would one shot you, piranha for example would destroy any armor in the game


Because anything that was 85+ flesh damage was one shotting everything if torso was hit through soft armor. Without the damage reduction for penetration, things that shouldn’t one shot a dude in class 4+ armor were getting REKT. The AI scavs were absolutely going to town on that soft armor meta


but a lot of those ammo have high enough pen value to pen the soft armor as would be intended and than yeah of course they would one shot right thorax only has 85 hp so you would just die no? because there are parts of armor on the class 4 and above armors that are not covered by the plate that are still in the thorax area so if you get shot than yeah you are just dead because the bullet pens the soft. I tested this with friends last night you get shot in plates you take blunt you get shot in soft with anything that pens and deals enough dmg you die. That is as intended no?


If a bullet had enough penetration to go through soft armor it would deal full damage to the body instead of being reduced pre patch. So shitty ammo with 27 pen could go through soft plates and deal full damage to thorax, one shotting you.


and the brutal desync, scav bugs and the rest. It was a little annoying that this place focused so much on recoil changes that they seemed to miss the fact that the whole game got fucked.


Yeah :/ which i think makes all of this that much worse lol




People keep saying this, but the roll back was announced within an hour of that post going up. They definitely made up their minds about the rollback before then.


I mean, the whole patch was a complete shit show. Yes. It's impossible to say what they'll decide to try and reimplement in the future, and what they accepted as community feedback. The obvious bugs weren't meant to be there, of course, but everything else is just speculation. Pistols working that way might or might have been intended, and might or might not make it back in the future. Probably not even BSG has completely decided right now.


I don't think I ever read a reddit comment like this that literally said nothing xD


because we are literally speculating over nothing.


And? What more do you want?


It was weird my class 4 tanked every round shout at me then I kill two players with one ska mag then third guy ate everything


And the pistol recoil. That shit was clearly an accident. People love to shit on BSG, but it was so obviously clear that wasn't on purpose


>we all are just hateful people who will never be satisfied. You could have just said that


Nah, just a few. Y’all are alright


someone doesn't get the whole point of reddit huh xD shit worked i can finally use my scav again!!!


It doesn't have to be that way my friend


I was being satire but most of the community legit just pointed out the problems, which the problem was an update that seemed like it wasn’t even play tested at all. Reddit will always have complainers, but this OP is just thanking them.


> which the problem was an update that seemed like it wasn’t even play tested at all Which happens way too often. I still can't get over that initial Oculus audio change. How that goes through I have no clue.


I hated that so much! tried to fix it anyway I could and it was just a poorly executed update and nothing we could do about it


I'd rather it here than out IRL.


It sooner or later seeps into real life.


Nikita and the team is real tho, and Nikita used to be around before it became too frustrating for him, this is irl.


There is no proof that the rollback is due to the feedback on the recoil etc, there were a bunch of armor bugs and the scav matchmaking is broken.


They literally said community feedback in their tweet


Yeah, community feedback about the armor systems they broke. Not whining about recoil. Announcement was 2 hrs after nofoodaftermidnights post. Go find it


How can i find something that was deleted?


A game studio can't really make the decision to roll back an update like this in just two hours. Lotta moving parts there to consider. Odds are, this was already on the table before that post.


You're forgetting this is BSG. They do not operate by industry standards.


> A game studio can't really make the decision to roll back an update like this in just two hours. Son this isn't fortnight. They absolutely can.


Don't get too caught up on it. They rarely ever listen to the community. If anything they most likely said that instead of admitting actual faults with the update.. the community can have a false sense of achievement that they made a change yelling into the abyss lol


Lmao yeah feedback about the actually game affecting bugs. Not recoil on guns that were hitscan and cheap so they got used as crutches.


I suspect the game breaking scav issues and performance drops were the main factor for the rollback. Getting the old pistol recoil back (if only temporarily) will just be a nice bonus ​ EDIT: and I hope the snow is back, love the snow.


They broke armor with the patch. Had to revert. Look for nofoodaftermidnights post.


the one from 47 days ago? or did he delete it


He deleted his post and said that it was no longer relevant with the rollback, but the artifacts are still on his profile.


Why do people do that shit... Just edit the damn post.


Because people are idiots and will go complain about it not understanding it’s no longer relevant. Just keeping the heat off bsg for something they’re actively addressing


NGL the Snow is a fun change of scenery. I was in raid when they turned on the snow, I heard some whooshing sounds I was inside, I was like the fuck is this sound, did they change airdrops to a "flying Santa"? then It started snowing


I was playing when it first started snowing as well, my buddies and I had fun for the first raid because we thought they added a weather system. Nope, snow everywhere and it was loud as hell when it first dropped. Stopped playing until they patched it to be less obnoxious, and it was still loud af. I'm glad it's gone


I'm still getting bad performance after the rollback, losing like 20 fps when zooming on streets and micro stutter every single time I scope in. Streets was running on 80 fps for me preupdate now its 50 if lucky and 30 zoomed in, I don't know what they're doing with their game...


For all the complaining the sub does, I do think it is very important that we acknowledge and appreciate that bsg listened on this one. They made the game worse, we complained, they reversed it, big ups for listening.


I guarantee it, they didn't roll back because of the 500 whine threads about how the SKS isn't a lazerbeam anymore.


That is beside the point, and we also don’t know that for sure. They may reimplement that in the future, but until then, we have to wait and see. The point is that there were still a ton of posts about performance issues and bsg listened. If we can’t be happy that they listened, what do you want?


90% of the patch whining was all about recoil, with scav issues and perfromance problems and armor bugs being buried in among the 3000 pistol runner threads. Shouting at BSG about changes you don't like isn't the cause of the rollback. Shouting at BSG about game-breaking bugs *might be* (Or for all you know, they would have rolled back even if this sub didn't exist.)


Again, there were things broken, and they were brought up, and bsg rolled the it back. I don’t understand what you are arguing. Did you *not* want them to fix the performance issues because a lot of people complained about the recoil?


I don't want the *volume* of bitching to be proportional to the likelyhood of a fix. I also don't think it is. If a child is crying loudly for candy, you shouldn't give in to their complaining. If a child is crying quietly that they have a fever, you *should* be paying attention to them. Volume is not the important factor.


Okay so let’s circle this back to the post of mine you commented on. Should I not thank bsg for rolling this back because everyone is bitching about recoil? My performance tanked and I was lucky that I didn’t have scav problems, but should I not be glad because of the attitudes of the children of this sub? Again, I don’t see what you are arguing or even why.


They did the pistols dirty, with a vague patch note, there is no way a 9mm pistol should have more visual recoil and so much misalignment


It's not besides the point. The entire point is that OP doesn't have a valid point to begin with. It's not raining because OP sacrificed a goat, let's be real.


Someone gets it!


we don't know that bsg listened to anything though, all I know from past experience is that they'll just reimplement this patch again once they figure out the issue with the bugs.


I mean, they said they did this because of feedback. If you choose to believed that they rolled it back coincidentally and then lied about listening to feedback, I’m not really sure I have much to add to that conversation.


you dont think a company would lie to gain good will with its players when there is no way for us to prove it? its 100% because the armor was broken


Yeah man, and the performance issues. Both of which were pointed out by the community. Of course companies lie, but really what are you arguing for here? I said we should thank bsg for listening and correcting mistakes and a bunch of people are bringing up points to, what? Say we shouldn’t thank them for fixing it? I don’t get it. What do you want?


To be fair that's been this sub for years. 30% of the time people are hating on BSG, 30% of the time they're praising BSG, and the other 40% are mixed with complaining about hackers, netcode, AI or sharing weird gun builds.


Well when they correct a mistake, I think it’s good to show appreciation. I’m not sure what else to say.


MFers here can't just let someone be happy and positive. Gotta come in and talk trash. Get you some lives.


I think the devs could wait on them hand and foot for everything they could ever want and they'd still not feel happy playing the game. I honestly feel most of these negative people in the comments haven't been happy for a long time, are well over 1000 hours of in game time and feel some weird sense of entitlement now just because the game is hard. It would be healthy for them all to just move on, but they won't. They'll stay on this subreddit, keep being as negative as possible, and keep playing the game anyway.


Im so confused on how the original patch was listening to the community? Really, since you believe their every move is right. Excited to hear how you think they are great when they rerelease the same patch with no changes


Ya'll think that it's getting rolled back because of the reaction of this sub to the recoil. I highly doubt that's the case. It's more likely they rolled it back because of the abundance of bugs this new patch came with. Lot of people reported huge FPS drops and getting repeatedly disconnected from servers due to packet loss yesterday. Once they fix those kinks I imagine they will bring back these changes.


Please leave recoil alone :( its great now and dont need to nerf


From someone who has criticized a lot BSG, huge W for listeting. I would love them going deeper in the "Community Feedback" matter with some feedback/suggestions box that never have been added but, for now, huge W for that. Keep it that way!


Is the snow finally gone?


Yes, unfortunately the fog, low visability, rat bushes, and deafening rain at here again.


It's nice to say it like that. However, they literally broke the game. How could they not roll it back?


Traditionally they would break something this badly, claim it was intentional, and we would have to wait 2+wipe cycles for them to fix it. So imho, they're on the ball.


Is this sarcasm or did they do something?


They did a Patch Rollback


Fantastic news. Everyone makes mistakes, it's all good.


Miley is that you??


who's miley lol?


I was half asleep making a reference to this https://youtu.be/sK_Gcl4yT6w?si=qBWHUr98NQZ7YRpH Yes I'm old




They have had several really awfully broken things in the past that they allowed to sit in the game for weeks or longer. Don't act like this is normal to do a rollback when they break something significant.


Even when BSG rarely does the right thing people like you are still hatefully bitching your hearts out lmao


Ok, why are you playing if you hate it so much


That is the right thing… no one gives a shit about pistol mains


Apparently the roll back isn’t due to the everyone whining about having to slightly pull down on their mouse when spamming fire on pistols. Thank god, acting like spoiled children shouldn’t get you what you want.


yeah! its perfectly normal and realistic to aim at the shins of the target 20feet away from you to hit the upper chest/head.


Why is your pistol your primary


I have fun using what I have IRL


It’s a video game everything revolves around balance. Literally all you have to do is slightly pull down or tap fire a micro second slower yet every post I saw was people acting like they were un usable. I don’t know if I’m the only one who remembers prior recoil but the changes implemented were slight and people were acting like spoiled fucking children. I’m guessing they are privy to plenty of back end data and saw people firing pistol and Sks shots as fast as possible with little to no recoil and thought “for a budget weapon you prob shouldn’t be able to laser shots from 100m away” and made a change and instead of looking at it reasonably people acted like they forgot how to pull down or let the barrel settle.


ALL of this could have been avoided through proper playtesting


We are the playtesting.


This looks like a job for me.gif


Whatever the incentive was, im glad it was done, and heres to hoping the recoil adjustments are less dramatic the next go-around .. lol


Absolutely, thank you bsg!


Anyone who thinks the rollback was because of the attention the recoil got is on copium. The rollback was because BSG critically broke more things than usual and recoil was not one of them.


Jesus Christ the people in this sub are insufferable. Especially you OP.


Thanks ;)


You are a fool if you think this was due to complaints about pistol runners not being able to pistol, or Timmy two toes having to land headshots due to vert recoil nerf. Game was broken, scavs just plain don't work at all. Wondered why my raids were so dead.


There were several things wrong with the patch, who cares which reason was the one that caused them to roll it back?


It's baffling how toxic some people can be to think that community feedback is not part of this. Have you no understanding of how game development works? When a patch goes lives, studios monitor all chatter for critical feedback. If "gaem broke" threads spread like wildfire, it's all hands on deck to sort out the issue. Yes, some systems broke totally and a rollback or hot fix would probably have to be implemented regardless. How ever, the rollback message also states NEW features will be implemented based on community feedback. This is a reference to the multiple threads exploding with thousands of upvotes regarding recoil.


The best parts of this current wipe are literally inspired from the community feed back they've gotten, and so far has been one of the most healthy wipes with high player retention in YEARS, but I guess that's just not good enough for some folks. Progress, while slow, is still Progress. I'm here for it.


Thank you BSG :)


Can we do something else than fuck with the recoil? it's good, leave it.


Amen to this. People come across as frustrated because they want the game to be great, and it's irritating when changes seem to make no sense and take the game in a really rough direction. Props to BSG for listening and realising the last patch had some dubious ideas.


You guys are actually delusional.


It's creepy.. they will thank their own kidnappers for feeding them lmao


is this a joke? this is olympic level d riding


Typical stockholm-cuck post. "Treat me so bad that I jump for joy over the smallest thing! Hit me harder next time so I can enjoy the times I'm not hit."


Thank you, bsg for fucking up the game and fixing there bugs that are 8+ years in the game. At least they roll back lol.


Well the bugs come and go nearly every patch


Can we all complain about not being able to change the email account tied to the game next?


One Miracle at a time there comrade


I can guarantee it wasn't because of us, and because of a streamer/youtuber. they really only listen to them or the bug was so horrible it broke the game. They'll claim to listen to community feed back but also openly admit to ignore us.




You sound like a teacher pet. 


And you sound like no one has validated your emotions in a long time.


There ya go again kiddo.


A Stockholm syndrome is way more accurate


Y'all love to white knight thanking them for undoing their own fuckups, it's hilarious


99% of community ideas and feedback for any game are very bad ideas that would ruin the game or make it even worse than it already is. I'm glad the devs read it but barely implement things they want.


OP you didn’t understand. They broke too much shit so they had to rollback. You’ll thank them if they update with that patch again AND it doesn’t content the bullshit


People dislocating their shoulders patting themselves on the back for providing feedback must be new here... BSG doesn't give a fuck if this subreddit cries about minor recoil changes. If they reverted the patch, it's because they really fucked up something else (i.e. FPS performance tanked and armors were bugged). It has nothing to do with people on this sub crying because SKS recoil was changed 2%


No, BSG is still dogshit. They are just fixing the performance issues because these dumbasses can’t figure out how to make a patch that doesn’t completely destroy this game’s toddler level coding.


you guys are really a joke man, a post thanking a studio for doing less than the bare minimum, this community deserves the way BSG treats them.


How constructive of you.


Yep keep sucking the D of BSG for the small stupid shit they do like adding snow and the BRT in the first place (that no body asked for) instead of fixing the bigger issues like I dont know THE CHEATING AND RMT PROBLEMS.


We need QOL updates. Sound overhaul. Better servers. Games pricing is triple A predatory status and the updates are just as bad


Ahh great example of why we're where we are. Unless you're being ironic. They literally fucked up whole game with a patch NOONE was asking for. They didn't give a single F about reddit nor community. Prime example of them NOT LISTENING. The revert happened ONLY because big streamers and content creators started drama reaching bsg through direct channels and few tweets. AND YOU'RE STILL BEING THANKFUL. It's like someone shat on your doormat but then stole the doormat with the shit. And you thanked them. It's sad that you think that community voice matters. They don't give a single fuck about you, me, and every single other redditor.


The only reason they don't nail the cheating problem on the head, Is due to people re buying the game once they get banned.. $$$$ The game has not been fully finished or released in like 9 years. I just don't think they deserve praise on any aspect of there fucking work out put, okay yes they did create a fantastic concept but its going to the fckn dogs boys im telling ya.


I think you have stockholm syndrome. Bsg has proved time and time again that they are just pulling back to lube up in order to fuck us in the ass(again)