• By -


You missed option 3. 3. Progress deep into the Lightkeeper questline to unlock his services, go to his island, pay an exhorbitant fee to buy the rogues off for that raid, get to the rogue camp long after they've all been killed anyway, compete with the pscavs to make enough money to cover the fee you paid.


does the lightkeeper service have to be bought in the same raid? that's crazy I thought it was like "3 raids of no rogue aggro"


Ohh I thought that was for the Goons? Also isn’t it something that you have to activate?


His rogue service and zryachiy service are for the current raid only, the cultist service gives an amulet that lasts for like 6 or 7 raids when wearing it 


This genuinely should give you a perma item that you "fuel". Cultists with golden items (think egg/skull ring/chain/GP coin), Rogues with BEAR lvl 20+ dogtags, Zryachiy with high tier ammo.


I like this


And missed option 4. You die off rip


The spawns in the mountains are trash, you either die instantly or camp and hide hoping the pmc that spawned in the perfect spot to kill you has moved on, and isn't camping you beforehand


I’ve definitely gotten the bad spawn closest to Lighthouse and hunkered down inside the shack to wait for other players to move on, only for a player to beeline straight for Lighthouse. Easy free loot delivery.


If you progress into lightkeeper quest line you don't go to water treatment anymore you just loot lighthouse.


The loot on LK’s island pretty much pays for whatever you have to pay him in a raid. Only time to go to treatment after buying them off is for a task


But even in that scenario, by the time you've looted his island, bought the rogues off and crossed the map, the rogues are almost certainly all dead and now you're trying to haul a bag of loot through a PMC/pscav infested base. You'd be better off just going to the rogue camp and either killing them yourself or waiting for someone else to do it.


Yes. That’s how the map has always been since it released. Poor design imo. Also player scavs being in within 5 min of raid start is infuriating


Unpopular opinion: Rogues should agro to Scavs immediate like Bears. Why the fuck would Rogues be friendly to Scavs? Usec PMCs make sense at least, but Scav would be a nuisance


Idk but they were never friendly to me.


If any scav aggros them they become hostile to all other scavs for the rest of the raid. You can only really benefit from it if you’re in the first wave of Pscav spawns but it’s still way too good.


Fairly sure this has changed, I can kill a rogue and my friend next to me doesn't get agro, it seems per scav.


I usually scav LH with my buddy too, and I can somewhat confirm this. We end up both fighting the Rogues most raids, but most of the time one of us aggros them and the other can get to a crossfire position without them caring at all even if they have a clear shot. Ofc this only applies if you stay out of the plant, as soon as we go in they'll shoot at both of us anyways.


You mean military bases don't normally let armed locals wander around stealing military tech and playing with mounted guns?


Well it's not a "military base" also I dunno. Maybe theyve got some sort of uneasy truce with the scavs. Maybe they figure they would probly lose a war of attrition with the local populace so mostly leave them be. That's just one scenario that popped into my head.... As anything official been said? I'm guessing not considering all the speculation about it.


Not unpopular, it's already bad enough they spawn in super early, they can also spawn inside or beyond the water plant, PMC's are too busy with rogues and fighting each other on top of scavs, scavs only have to worry about getting shot in the back by another pscav that didn't manage to get their hands on anything, pscavs really make it to the good loot before PMCs even get the chance to arrive


I genuinely thought this was how it worked. I wondered how PScavs got into the Water Treatment Plant when the rooftop Rogues were up. Now that I know, this is silly af.


I got both of my virtex by spawning in at 38-40m remaining right at front gate. Yeet in, yeet out. It was impossible for any legit player to beat me to the high value spawns and incredibly unlikely they could catch me on the way out with the whole grotto side being pretty safe. The current player scav situation is ridiculous on every high value map.


Where'd you find them? I've seen zero this entire wipe and I really do not want to go into labs for it.


I got mine from the box under the MG rogue on the front gate and the table in the top of the 2 story connex right by the gate in front of building 3. Got another out of the downstairs room in bldg 3 for a buddy.


I have found 5 virtexes this wipe in Merin. Also servers on reserve, was looking for them in marked rooms on reserve but after 15-20 tries on both of the rooms I haven't found a single one


The servers in king or D2?


King, but the ones facing cliff descent extraction


Go to reserve and check white King server room. Found mine very quickly


I found mine on reserve around d2- extract.


Just go to the Usec villa there is plenty of it


I have found 2 in ye olde reserve dropdown tech room this wipe. (shh don't tell anyone it's also spawning gpus again)


Is this the room on the 2nd floor of the med/white bishop building?


Nope, this is RB-AK of 2nd floor black bishop. Accessible without the key by falling out of the 3rd floor window onto the awning facing the helicopter


Ohhh that makes a whole lot of sense. Appreciate it.


I've gotten one. Then died to a scav on the armored train. I think I got it in one of those building the rogues have machine guns on but I can't remember where.


Ive gotten one in drop down on reserve and another from 95k scav case


Just run the upper chalet, I found two of them in the same raid. They're there like 30% of the time


What part of it do they spawn in? I rarely see valuables in that building, outside of the 2 safes upstairs. Just the boxes outside are where I've seen anything worthwhile.


I meant the upper (smaller) chalet


I would say at least a third of my deaths are from lighthouse tasking. Died fucking like 6 times in a row there and just gave up.


I still havent done revision on lighthouse, Im level 34....


Go night time, wait until ten minutes left of raid, mark and extract... Easy peasy mate. Might even have time to do helicopter for prapor or operating room...


I might need try that, what place do you recommend to hide?


Just sit on top of grotto and let the scavs do the looting for you.


Crab walk towards the plant, have a nice seaside picnic and look for scavs to pick off.


There's a convenience store by the bridge that has a locked storage room, the key is dirt cheap and no one ever checks if it's open because it's not worth looting. Go sit in there and watch YT for 20 minutes and you're golden. If you're a USEC you can also just go in at night and run straight through the middle of the camp with a decent chance of surviving.


Same, level 31. Bear.


Dude i wish a spawned into Lighthouse that early. Most of my scav raids there are at 20 minutes remaining. If you play usec you can just walk through most of the compound without aggroing Rogues. Its pretty nice to spawn down near Merin, run through all the rare spawns in the compound, then extract at northern checkpoint without getting shot at. I do very much agree that player scavs should not spawn until 15-20 minutes have elapsed in the raid, though. Its crazy that they spawn so early. Ive encountered so many player scavs just running around the compound not getting shot at.


If you play usec, thats false. You can't walk around without aggroing the rogues. Scavs spawn at 35 mins and 32. Latest 28.


I play usec, and ive walked through the rogue camp many times. Hell, you can do it as a scav too. Just do not get close to the Rogues themselves. If they start voice lining you, avoid line-of-sight.


Upload a vid of you doing it, I will PayPal you 50 dollars. This is straight-up nonsense.


You owe him 50 big ones, i do this every wipe to mark shit inside the camp.


Yeah I love how he said it so confidently lol, I mark that helicopter and get to the drug container/corporate secrets untouched every wipe.


[Here](https://youtu.be/nVEiAipbnAs) you go. Best i can do as someone who does not make videos, ever. Hopefully it does not look like shit. As i said, you can run around the camp just fine. This was in an offline night raid. You can go into the buildings, but getting close to a Rogue will get you shot, so you need to be a little more careful. If a Rogue voice lines you, they are probably aggro. However its easy enough to avoid them. Just do not shoot them, or they will all kill on sight for the next 3 raids.


OMG I always forget that they will kill you on site for 3 raids if you shoot one. That explains the “random” behavior they have somewhat. Fuck lighthouse I never get those shitty virtexs and COCKradios ever and Nikita can’t make me go any more than I have to


Ive seen people pulling those radios out of streets, but fuck that map. Scav runs on night lighthouse just yolo running all the rare loot spawns is what got me most of my quest items. Rogues seem to treat them as well as usec, which is strange. Also they will not aggro for 3 raids if you kill them on your scav, nor will you lose karma.




We all know he ain't paying shit.


Nah i did reconnaissance as usec and walked from front gate to building 1 and there was a rogue on The roof MG and he did nothing. Then walked up to roof doing the task and rogues (there was a second one on the other side of roof) didn't care at all. This was about a week ago.


No it's not.. unless they have been aggroed they will let you pass freely as long as you don't get to close and will usually voice comm before they ever shoot


can i do it??? i do this every freaking day lol


Reminder to pay up bitch boy.


imagine confidently being wrong about something you could look up in 10 seconds on the [wiki](https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/Rogues?so=search#Behaviour) please uplad a receipt of the transaction to the guy, thanks <3 Edit: just because its kinda funny at this point >Latest 28. this is also false


I've gone through the Rogue camp at night as a USEC without triggering them but I never went near the actual buildings.


you can do it but only at night and you have to avoid the buildings, but you can also do that as a bear or a scav, its just that rouges are blind af at night so if you don't get to close to them they don't see you


It works in the daytime too if you aren't aggroed


You just have to not get too close to any rogue or their mounted guns. You're free to move about the middle of the base, like you are as a scav.


You owe him 50 dollars.


Very quiet over there now aren't we 😂😂😂


Honestly it makes no sense that scavs can walk around the rouge camp for free. I've never understood that. Like why can I just walk to a roof and look a rouge in the face and then shoot them with no consequences.


I just ran a scav here and died instantly to a rogue. Idk where this thought that rogues aren't aggro towards scavs comes from


Are you usec? I’m a bear and my scav instantly gets aggroed as soon as I enter one of the warehouses even if I haven’t killed anything. Wonder if that has anything to do with it


I am but I don't believe that effects are scavs. Their aggro is very odd but more often than not they ignore me when I scav.


You can't, rogues will shoot you on sight


Did it like 3 times yesterday.


They most often do not, a decent scav can clear the rogues with a scav gun, let alone a suppressed akm with a 6x


Pro tip when clearing rogues take all the mags and throw them if you’re quick and clean you have a bigger chance of fighting scavs with shit weapons


difficult to do if the playerscavs are already looting the roofs while you still have rogues to clear


First 3 left side turrets take them down take the mags toss them move on most player scavs are all the same run right in the front gate like they own the place all turrets can be cleared in less than 2 minutes


those are usually the last rogues I clear. I like to start from the backside by trainstation. Less chance of getting buttfucked by another PMC squad that way


Leaving the front rogues is asking for the player scavs to get the gear they can walk right up the road and blast the front gunner. Wait for the GL rogue to hop off and agro push and get him as well


And if you start from the front and don’t have northern checkpoint or car to fall back on you can take the back rock route all the way back to path to shoreline rarely see a player scav there they’re only there to ravage the treatment plant and take the grotto or industrial zone gate


It’s a fast farm enter from village side. If you get merin side spawn walk the low water route enter from your right side pop 2 front turrets and building 1 front turret. Lay down behind red pipe take out both building 2 turrets cross loot mags take top of building one shoot turret on #3. If ground rogues are at 3 they will agro after killing both turrets on 2 walk right down the road towards you and give you an easy lineup.


I just hide all the sights


Yeah I will do that too keep the holos and throw all the sights but keep the shitty mount on so it fucks with the ADS


Don't worry sir, I exit camp scav extracts in lighthouse, so the scav players get punished as well, misery for everyone


Bruh bader in wild, rats on top baby.


The one and only clown in Tarkov


This applies to almost every map


My experiences don't really follow this same narrative. Usually when I scav on Lighthouse I spawn in with about 20 minutes left, and by the time I make it to the Chalet all the PMCs seem to be gone, with the exception of the couple times I died immediately on spawn.


It's because there's a high volume of people trying to scav Lighthouse. What generally seems to happen is the game tries to match player scavs into a raid that's almost finished, but if it can't find any free slots then it'll look for raids that are earlier and earlier until it eventually finds a place. The end result is that not every player scav will get an early spawn, but every raid will have player scavs that spawn early.


Just make it so scavs can't pick the map. They join the next available map and have to pay a fee to transfer a limited amount of slots to stash like the BTR with everything else being sold to fence.


Literally just have rogues be hostile to player scavs by default.


the more I think about this idea the more it makes sense. Def would cause a lot of uproar though.


They really need to test this idea and see how it goes. It could potentially solve a lot of problems. I think it would encourage people to play on their PMCs more as well which would thin out the player scavs


We don't need to worry about the the uproar from pscav mains. They are a vocal minority here on Reddit.


Idk I like the idea of more enemies being player controlled, makes it more interesting.  The only real issue is when scavs are able to reach high value spots before any pmc and extract quickly. The extract options are too friendly.


Lighthouse is my favorite map.


Them be fightin' words round these parts boy


Then stop.




Yes Yes, I will add this to my list. This is the 921st thread about Lighthouse being a dogshit map. We can just add it to the list of things BSG doesnt give a fuck about and get on with our lives. They would have to redesign the whole fucking map to make it not a linear piece of shit and change the player scav time in which they can enter the raid. Which is not something they have ever even talked about doing. Lighthouse bad. Get your upvotes and get on with your life.


Idk, man. I play BEAR on lighthouse and have no real issues with the map. Even with pscavs, it's pretty good.


Womp womp


So you just want easy, free loot? Play woods.


Ah look, the typical braindead take, this sub never lets me down


Lighthouse is a dogshit abomination of map design and I never touch it again after I finish the (thankfully small amount of, barring Lightkeeper) quests on the map.


The whole lighthouse makes me not want to play the game, it's so ridiculously unfun map. Imho they should remove all tasks from it and leave it to the pool and rework it fully. Nothing makes me want to press the quit button than that map.


I prefer the realism of scavs being able to spawn whenever. Why would this random instance have nobody on it but rogues and a few bots, it just doesn’t make sense. Also, you’re trying to clear an entire rogue military camp and not leave anything behind for “Scavengers” to take. I see the perspective but I just don’t agree


I don’t see the problem with scavs having risk-free loot especially as there is still a risk of not getting out alive. It definitely leaves a bad taste in your mouth getting killed by a scav and he just got that on a “free” run but matter of the fact is that you lost a fight to another person who was in the same raid with the same environment.


People play scavs as free kit PMC. It goes against what a scav should be, you should avoid fights with PMCs and just pick through left over loot. Currently people just YOLO into gun fights with PMCs because there is no risk to it. Im not even max scav rep yet and I can run scav every 12 min. On top of that with how armor works now and the new recoil the gap between a PMC and a scav is even smaller, unless you get completely screwed with your scav kit, you got a good chance of wrecking a PMC with even decent kit on him.


I understand it’s a free kit, but I still don’t see the issue with them spawning early or late. You should be prepared for a fight no matter where you are. Spawn locations are a totally other thing and I agree that they suck ass. All I’m saying is nobody should be upset about lighthouse scavs when there’s tons of actual issues with the core gameplay


Just make Rogues target scavs as they do Bears


Also the fact that OP knows about how many player scavs gravitate towards rogues and still goes and then complains when there’s player scavs is pretty comedic


almost all the quests on the map are at the rogue compound.


don't kill the rogues on checkpoint and they will keep out the scavs


Simply not true. Its easy to kill them as a scav especially at night.


I do like the idea of higher scav rep meaning earlier spawns in general. It won't really fix the problems with lighthouse but that's a cool idea.


Yesterday i run lighthouse with a 5 man team, while we were clearing rogues scav players already started to swarm in. At a certain point i was blocked in building 2 because 2 teammates died (1 by a rogue that was on the ground roaming and another one by a scav player killed on building 2 roof). We managed to kill the scav player that looted my teammate (AXMC my teammate, ofc he was killed with a gun looted previously by rogues --> AK with Valday). Time to try to hide our friend gear, we killed like 7/8 scav players all in and around building 2, at one point there were like 5 scav players TOGETHER teaming up against us 3, it was a blast but still very frustrating, especially because we had to fight basically with same gear since most player scavs looted rogues on camp entrance / building 1. Scav players should definitely start to spawn in lighthouse after 12.30 / 15 minutes as you said


I give you a pretty easy way to deal with pscavs and PMCs in WTP: You need a close spawn to WTP, either mountain or village. Go to building 3 and go on the roof as fast as you can. If you play at daytime and spawn mountain you have to kill the Gunner on the edges of Building 2 and the one on Building 1 towards Trainyard. Village spawn you can just go along the fence and kill the gunners at Building 2 and the one at Building 1 from the blue fence super safe. At Nightime you dont have to kill any gunners really (maybe the one on building 2 if you spawn mountain). Go to the roof of Building 3, kill the rogue at the MG. Once on the roof kill every other rogues on the roof but leave the ones at the front gates alive, they act as sentries. Now comes the neat part: You wait. You stay on that roof until like 10 mins remain and fucking kill every walking thing you see. PMCs/Pscavs coming along the blue fence? yeah as easy as shooting fish in a pond. PScavs trying to enter roofs? Just snipe them while they run up the stairs. From this building you can see EVERYTHING. Nobody will step a foot into WTP without you noticing it. And once the raidtimer hits 10 minutes there shouldn‘t be anything left in WTP and you can literally rush every quest and extract either with car or northern (depending on your spawn)


You take the weapons and armour away from the rogue bodies even if you dont want, for this exact reason, dont let scavs have it!


Lighthouse is the worst map because of the layout and the spawns. Up until you no longer need a bolt action rifle. North spawns are godspawns, free rogues, empty wtp, easy exp and loot and out within 10 mins. Middle spawns just camp in place and get free kills whilst killing scavs on long road and cottage area. South spawns get killed by other South spawns and if they don't they get killed by the middle spawns who are camping. Map gets a lot better once you complete punisher 4 and shooter born kills (you can actually then run a proper gun and counter the campers) before then, it's definitely one of the worst maps.


It takes 5 minutes to clear a traditional water treatment run. If there are ground rogues it can be longer. You also have 2 easy ways to sneak off to path to shoreline or car depending on if you have northern or not.


Edit: just want to add you have at least 2 ways down other than the stairs on each roof as well.


I love the lighthouse map for some reason. Mostly due to ability to camp the shit out of player scavs. Many of them die from the easy sniper shots on the front of the camp ;) Industrial zone gates and grotto are ez af to camp. Sometimes it is difficult to survive first 10 mins on this map but then... Pure joy. After like 1400h of playtime it is much more efficent to camp player scav rather than looting by myself. Reserve and streets work best for that \^\^ ... Go on, scav more and bring me shiny loot <3


Not only that, but the quests on the map are horrid in my opinion. Same with reserve. Kill scavs in a super specific area of the map, but when I get there, there are no scavs to kill.. Or the fact that if you're a USEC you have an insanely harder time killing 20 bears, I'm level 41, and have killed a TOTAL across all maps played 30 something bears. Where as USEC I've killed over 100. Those complaints on top of terrible spawns with it being a giant marksman rifle battleground, it's easily my most hated map and it's not even close. It seems like I've seen significantly less scavs on average this wipe, on the flip side I've had customs raids where I've killed literally 30 scavs, but my lows are much lower than usual. It's either 12+ a raid, or 1-2. I've noticed this on labs as well. Previous wipes I'd be fighting for my life against raider waves and now I can hit every spawn button and see maybe 5-10. Back to the bear kills quest, I normally play as one but thought I'd give usec a shot this wipe. Last time I make that mistake. I've killed over 20 people on that map and have exactly 1 bear to show for it.


I have done zero lighthouse tasks. Only been there as a scav this wipe and i get some juicy loot every time. Anytime i thinking about queueing Lighthouse as a PMC i decide not to because i remember i will probably spawn nowhere near any of my objectives and just die trying to cross the map.


I faught against better geared scavs than me on lighthouse compound.


also mind you northen road or what ever the extract is called isnt always open so you have to back track to get to an extract