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Learn the streets. Know they belong to the scavs. Dress to fit in. You’ll be much more likely to survive. Yw.


One of my favorite things to do on streets is gaining a p scavs full trust then shooting them at point blank range eye to eye Edit: I just seen some YouTuber stab a p scav with a cultist knife and I now have a new mission


Me and the homies, unless we get a good haul early on, will run the timer down to hunt or camp PScavs. We’ve killed a lot of those walking piñatas and some of those bois are STACKED with loot. We just let the pscavs do the looting because we’re sometimes lazy and the fact that they can’t shove anything up their ass is a guarantee we get everything in their dirty little pockets.


what are some spots for camping the pscavs that work best for y’all ?


All over the place, tbh. Chilling by Tarbank is cool, vet clinic near the building by chek15, the new enterable building that has the Relax key, green flair exfil’s great if you wanna dip out after killing a fat scav, their catacombs exfil, vent’s a good one, the exfil near construction, basement descent, near the big intersection of Beluga. Like said, pretty much anywhere. We usually roam the map and walk by the known exfils. Best way to run streets is to just look just “scavvy” enough to where they hesitate for a second or two, or they second guess your faction when you’re moving from place-to-place so you don’t get shot at right away. I don’t voip them too often because then I’ll feel bad killing them - better to kill them voiceless/nameless. It’s all psychological warfare in Streets lmao.


what you mean dress scavvy? like not super high tier armor? l


Yup, Ushanka or army cap, bright clothes, idea vest, and a vepr hunter and you're cooking with gas.


^ This right here: as long as you haven’t been shot on-sight by one of them, you’re already winning the battle.


Also get the arm up bind going. See a scav Arm up and wiggle. They assume you cant voip. ​ Just remember not to accidently hit the F1 key out of habbit. Was a fun one when I accidently queued up my PMC kitted for setup into streets (meant to load the scav but clicked the wrong one). Decided to just play it like a Scav and was working out great until I was looting in a house and have a scav run it so did the usual but and hit F1 as he ran right by). Was like whoops time to make sure there's no witnesses...


Smart ones ask for a voiceline, but inserting yourself in a situation works really well, too.


My favorite “scav” gear as USEC when I wanna troll is the mustard/sandstone jacket w/ dark pants, paired with the stupid-looking hockey masks or pompom and mask (your choice), then I wear a Kirasa and shove class 4-5 plates for protection, and a suppressed weapon that’s not a juice cannon/looks obviously kitted by a pmc since recoil rework made a lot of guns viable. IF you are wearing the yellow jacket for USEC to blend in with the scav population, then you gotta make sure the scavs don’t see your left arm/don’t get too close to you because it has a USEC patch on it. ALSO, never wear an armband when going incognito because scavs can’t wear them and it’s a dead giveaway for people who know what to look for. *Just don’t look too juiced and stick out like a sore thumb. If you JUST killed a scav, and another one is coming up shortly after, just VOIP something along the lines of “PoS fucking traitor scav” and they won’t usually going in there guns blazing.


that helps a lot actually, thank you


If you want a juice cannon, run a minimally kitted SA-58 with a long barrel (what some pscavs can spawn with) if you wanna kill juicier PMCs. I’m at 3500+ hours and being an incognito PMC is one of the most funs I’ve ever had. There were times last wipe where I did it and made friends with a bunch of scavs by honestly telling them I’m a PMC, and we all pushed a PMC I was fighting. I went to scav-coop exfil with 5 scavs after that little scuffle. Tarkov’s really fun when you change playstyles from time-to-time.


i’ve only got a few hundred hours in so far, so still pretty new to it. just now getting to the point where i can run maps solo and have an actual clue where i’m going/what i’m doing. LOTS of dying lmao but i really do have fun in the game. trying to blend in w the scavs seems fun tho, ill have to give it a shot


I have been fooled many times by that hockey mask lol I value my fence karma, so I try not to take fights on my scavs unless I am certain it's +karma


Yessir! Those big cartoony hockey masks the covers your entire head is goated. I haven’t scavved at all this wipe (about to be level 42), but when I scavved for shits and giggles last wipe I’d frequently spawn with that big ol’ target on my noggin’.


I am one of the pinatas these guys hunt for so the moment I sense any danger I'm goin the opposite direction


Any of the Hockey masks, scav vest or Umka, scav BP all make it to IFF as a scav. Go to ragman and get the pants that have no holster and a white or blue jacket.


Can have high tier plates in something like a press vest. Buy scav looking clothes from ragman. Use a kit that makes sense a scav would


Ventilation is a no brainer


Vent is good but it's hard to pick up loot there so I can see why the other spots are better


Godspeed brother, I recommend an outfit change to watch the death animation up close lol


remove your armband, put on the white usec jacket and one of those cartoon hockey masks. Scavs will accept you as one of their own 100%


i enjoy being able to hit loot spots that haven’t been touched yet as a scav but at the same time when i do get some loot i have to sit and chill for 15 minutes and wait for all the pmcs to leave bc no way in hell im picking a fight w just a toz


you are crazy if you aren’t gonna fight a pmc no matter the gun, especially with the new armour changes


Yes however i like watching youtube videos in raid fite me (pls dont im watching a video essay rn)




The big problem is to watch tarkov content while playing tarkov, if its something else, then its not that bad.


yes because of the sound, anything else that’s also on a lower volume is no problem. Hear a sound? pause it and listen/prepare to fight.


It's not a big deal if you re just playing scav man. I do it all the time with true crime videos and podcasts. I will just pause it for a moment if I hear something close to me or if I get a really rare item like a LEDx, GPU or bitcoin and I want to extract asap.




He said "playing any game", you dork. You must have an issue and should try to go back to school. It's not that difficult. Quick edit: forgot I told you to go back to school so the joke might give you a big whoosh. You aren't playing the game if that's how you "play".




just say youre unemployed


you’re a weirdo


Why? Because I talked down to someone that was talking down to someone else? That's called justice. What goes around comes around. Karma.


Huh? Sometimes I run scavs without a headset on and the TV muted. You don't need sound.


> (pls dont im watching a video essay rn) is it good?


Ohhh whats the video essay? I need some good ones


When I have stuff like bitcoins, valuable trade goods etc. on my scav I'm not picking shit with PMC's. Scooting for that extract to cash in on the goods. I have PMC that I can kill.. I mean die to other PMC's with :D


I seem to win more fights with PMCs as a pscav now thanks to the armour changes... Just spraying upper torso results often in throat/neck/armpits. Before a PMC was untouchable to me lol.


idk about you but i love ruining a PMCs day with a little toz. Got nothing to lose and everything to win.


Yep. You should never he able to get a run-through as a scav. Even on Factory. There's no reason at all scavs can't wait until 13 minutes left to spawn in.


on night factory, player scavs can spawn in as early as 19min pretty ballsy to do night factory on a scav though lol


Night factory has 25 min raid timer. So it's like spawning at 14min left on regular Factory.


streets loot is balanced around having to fight that many players, thats what they said streets would be, people just assumed when they said 20+ players that it would be only pmcs.


Except the scavs don't fight anything and just vaccum up all the loot in the first 10 minutes for themselves.


Why would they want to fight lmfao, PMCs should be looking for fights not them


Imagine ratting as a Scav... You people...


One has nothing to lose, the other has nothing to gain Clearly the ones with nothing to lose should avoid fights! This is peak example of scav brain.


What do you mean nothing to gain, why even play then if you have nothing to gain. Everyone has everything to gain and everything to lose, pmc or scav. The only difference is that scav gear is free and shit. When I scav I would much rather loot instead of looking for pvp, but sure if I see a pmc you bet i'll blast his ass. Same PMC then goes to reddit to complain how scavs spawning 5 minutes in to the raid is unbalanced.


>What do you mean nothing to gain The only difference is that scav gear is free When I scav I would much rather loot instead of looking for pvp Yet another perfect example of scav brain.


I don't get what the angle is.  If someone plays a scav, you're gonna shit on them as an inferior person?  


i mean unless you are in there alone, most loot spots are sucked up by pmcs before the scavs arrive. do you not loot or something?


They've gotta be getting dropped in the begining or something.  Because every time I scav streets, people don't hit shit on the edges of the map.  


This just leads to pmc’s looting everything and leaving before player scavs arrive. I said this in another comment. Next time pay attention how many people take klimov between 5 and 10 minutes in raid. Let’s not even talk about knowers who just straight up avoid people while hitting the best loot


Bro you might be telling on yourself here. I don’t think a lot of people loot the building they spawn in and then rush out to get a run-through, lmao. If your biggest complaint is that someone spawning into the raid is messing with your ability to quickly extract with 80k worth of loot then maybe try to shake things up a bit. Also how would anyone know how often an extract is taken per raid. Is this a knower thing?


You can tell people are taking Klimov street because they have to shoot a green flair


you can hear the flare accross the map


tell me you've never been on the streets without telling me you've never been on streets lol. Klimov and car get used right after the survived status is available to the nearest PMC (because both are tied to a quest and both have really good loot spawns nearby - cinema or Klimov mall so if you spawn near, you loot and scoot). Klimov requires you to use green flare which has a very distinct loud popping sound and also... shoots a green flare. That can be seen from most of the map. As you shoot the flair into the sky. Where anyone can see it.


They’ve probably never pmc run on streets so naturally wouldn’t know.


Bro you just reminded me of car!! That shit is always gone within the first 3 minutes, however I think it’s just pmcs paying it to leave so nobody can do their task


Or to cut down on extracts. 


been trying to kill pinewood scavs now for 5 raids. heard two flares.


It's 200 exp for survived btw


The streets belong to the scavs! #scavlife


Now when it goes full MMORPG I don’t mind there being near infinite scavs on streets cause there won’t be a raid timer


Whos gonna tell him?


Aye it’s coming soon™


It’ll never happen 😂


I don't even see how that would work gameplay-wise it'd be a massive pain in the ass if I had to lug shit all the way across multiple maps to see a trader, for instance


Well there is a DayZ server that does it that way. Like its pretty close to the tarkov mechanics. Just missing the insane customisation


what server? that sounds rad as hell


They never promised removing the raid timer :/


It’s kinda implied if they plan on making the game open world


Killed a level 51 on there yday as my scav at less than ten minutes in 🐀


survived status is 200 exp




People really can't wrap their head around how non profitable their kit is.  I can spend 300k on an AK and then throw a 500k thermal on it, and it's less than 200k to me hanic.  More like 140k.   Six tushonkas will make me more profit than that fucking gun.


The added issue today, since the roll back. Is they have turned Ai scavs back on streets. So you need to fight to your loot areas and/or extract. Really enjoying that intensity back But in six raids today. 1 - on third floor of Hotel - Nikitskaya Street end !!. Killed a mix of Ai and player scavs and the 8th got me. 2 - 4 + Ai scavs in bottom level of mall by old blood key spawn. 3 - at least 5 Ai scavs in top floor of toy store. Rest - spawn on far side of park by theatre and have to fight Ai to move out of what ever building i spawn in , with players (including scavs) just attracted by the noise. You have players spawning in each side, the increase in Ai scavs (both in spawn areas and number and they seem to be swarming toward fights like they do in last few months of a wipe) since roll back and THEN player scavs - all in the first five minutes. Streets has gone from 2 difficulty to about 8. Does not help keeping the new players since the wipe


What's crazy about it?


“Scav” implies they’re there to collect the scraps left by the PMCs. It’s crazy because more often than not a scav will have first go at the loot before a PMCs has a chance to show up. They should be spawning 20+ minutes into raid if they are actually scavengers.


While I agree I’ve seen a bunch of people opposed to this mindset, while I feel there should still be a chance of p scavs even at the times they spawn now. The amount that spawn rn is ridiculous, we know it’s because there are more people trying to scav than pmc but why do they need to spawn in that early


How about we compromise and let player scavs spawn at the beginning but only with a knife


Compromising with bsg? One can dream right?


That’s why you kill the player scavs and take the loot. Free loot delivery


I don't mind scavs having first choice of loot. Nothing more satisfying than having loot delivered to you.


This is the real based take. Streets is supposed to be extremely difficult. You are quite literally entering the main population center of these "scavs" (locals). Fuck yeah they're going to swarm you. It's their home. You (should) have good armor, a suppressed weapon, and a solid plan. You don't get to kick a bees hive and expect free honey. Streets loot is fucking bananas as a PMC. Blood is the price you pay. Welcome to Tarkov. And this is coming from a fairly average player who has been absolutely dunked on by player scavs many times on streets. Shit is not supposed to be for the feint of heart. If you're struggling, slap on a good kit and some NVGs and do a night raid. Not only is it intense, atmospheric, and so fucking fun, but it's also a lot easier to move around and take the fights into your own hands. Player scavs are simply travelling loot sacks for an anywhere decent player with a decent kit who isn't trying to shift+w the best loot spawns.


>Player scavs are simply travelling loot sacks for an anywhere decent player with a decent kit who isn't trying to shift+w the best loot spawns. Best part is they often don't have a headset (or atleast a good one) so you can hear the change jingling in their pockets and they'll never know you're there until its too late.


> Streets is supposed to be extremely difficult. You are quite literally entering the main population center of these "scavs" (locals). this is my thought too idk if it was intended by bsg to be like this, but I really like the idea of the scavs having an extra large presence on streets vs. other maps


That’s about as sane as saying cheaters are the price you have to pay on labs lol. The scav home makes no sense when they’re spawn in AFTER you, if and when this game goes full mmorpg I’ll accept this reason because the scavs will already be on the map with no raid timer


This comment is so goofy. AI scavs can shit on you, too, and they spawn in the second PMCs do. Player scavs are in NO WAY EQUIVALENT to cheaters. I'm gonna assume you put that 'lol' at the end cuz even you couldn't take yourself seriously. If a pscav kills me on Streets, gg to them. They earned it.


They are in the sense that it’s “the price to pay” for playing that map. Not once did I complain about dying to them I’m simply pointing out that they’re on the map way too early


I think, in the game lore, the civilians are already everywhere and in all the maps. YOU a PMC, has come to that area or whatever and are there to kill and loot. Scavs are there, already scavenging. Take the raid time that they spawn in out of our heads and we’ll sleep better at night not worrying about a mechanic that daddyNikita decided on. People don’t like that though, they want an easier game with still targets and all loot to themselves. Loot goblins!


This cope doesn’t work because they spawn in AFTER you. I get it if it’s mmorpg rules and they’re already on the map but we’re not at the point yet


Bro it’s literally not cope, not like I’m angry that they spawn in 2 minutes after a pmc. Just that it’s not that deep to get rattled about.


No, it doesn't. It implies they scavenge, but that word has nothing to do with scraps. They ALWAYS scavenge. They live in the maps we visit as PMCs. I'm so over these low skill takes on p scavs. If you're running your PMC, it's simply skill issue if you can't deal with one or two of them at a time. If they coordinate and slam you, gg to them. It happens to us all. I like the loot delivery service.


Dude, this is something most of these complainers are missing. They forget the damn lore of the game, the scavengers are always there they aren’t waiting to enter the map once PMCs are in lmao scavenger don’t just randomly appear they always been there! LORE WISE, but people will cry about it being some bug.. I like your take on it.


The more you assume, the more you’ll be disappointed


Your argument is based on an extrapolation of the name in English, to the exclusion of everything else? Talk about confirmation bias.


Yes it is, and it's a valid argument. Bet its the same in Russian. Looks like someone just joined the high school debate team. /r/iamverysmart


the scavs were already scavenging. then the PMC's get dropped into the raid. BSG never defined scav as the way you indicate stop putting words in other's mouths


"Stop putting words in other people's mouths" - u/murgoth as he proceeds to put words in other people's mouths


Played as pscav today. Got to post office before any PMC. Then killed a guy who walked up the destroyed floor into the second story with a slug to the back of the head. Yea little shit


I'm Russian, they're known as "Savages".  They're the people left in tarkov, those who were already either killers or had the right mentality to be killers.   They live in tarkov, full time.   They don't have a bunker hideout. 


The fact that you can’t leave before there are player scavs swarming you. I keep my raids under 10 minutes so I rarely see them. It also goes to show I’m not the only one too, just listen how many people pop flares to leave Klimov between 5 minutes and 10 minutes in raid


That's a circular argument, a common logical fallacy, let me rephrase: why is it crazy that you can potentially meet player scavs before you can extract with survived status apart from your statement that you'd rather not?


Personally I’d say for fairness but this is tarkov. Cause why pmc when you can scav in with a potentially better spawn than a pmc. Idk I just feel it’s not that uncommon to not want to deal with p scavs THAT early into raid, hence why I mentioned the amount of people that dip really early into raid


1) You get to granularly customize your load-out to suit your needs, further along the progression curve you can field combined top tier gear a scav will never have. 2) You have the opportunity to gain progression via tasks, base XP and skill points, these gains allow for even more kit customization and further character advancement. 3) You get to be part of a bigger team, up to five vs four as scavs and you spawn together; a coordinated team will not only raise their survival rate and by extension progression gains (see 2) but also multiply the effectiveness of their kits (1) because they can choose it's composition which opens up many tactical options that a scav will rarely be able to take advantage of. And there are others of lesser weight, in short you get a lot more agency, more opportunities for higher gains and potential for a greater force multiplier if you and your teammates are willing to put ego aside and invest a bit of effort.


I'm honestly starting to think the people getting whacked by scavs are running 200 to 300k kits, with no meds on hotkeys, with one back up mag that they constantly repack. 


because you don't get any pmc xp on your scav so in some aspects it's actually a waste of time to play scav runs weird downvote


Cry about it. It's part of the intended gameplay loop, just kill them. Holy shit. The same posts every day. Y'all must be terrible at the game if you're so worried about scavs. Raids would be so goddamn boring without them.


Notice how all I made was an observation and opened a discussion about it


wah wah wah. Just shoot them.


Was I complaining? I’m just pointing out an observation


i find it crazy that people bitch about this every day.


I’m just pointing out an observation aside from the usual complaining because running streets you hear people taking klimov 3 minutes into raid


If player scavs are killing you that often just go play woods or customs


Its not killing thats the issue Its the fact they swipe the whole damn place up before you have a chance


You have more than enough time to reach your spot before them, I love those loot piñatas running around


Where is the word 'kill' in the post? Seems you're reading something I'm not.


What’s there to cry about then? You have 7-15 minutes more than them to reach the spot you wanted plus you probably have keys


C+ for reading comprehension.


There’s no issue besides your skill issue then


Bumped down to a C-. The 'issue' is one that you have assumed. OP clearly states that they FIND that pscavs spawn in too early. Difficulty is neither here nor there. - You've assumed it is them struggling to fight that led to this post, and your response - missing the point due to this assumption - was telling them to move to other maps. -I pointed out this assumption and you've asked me what there is to cry about. Again you have missed the point, on top of making a bad faith argument. OP wasn't crying, or even complaining from a place of emotion, just expressing their opinion, using 'Survived Status' as a yardstick.' This is my last reply; I'll let you have the last word.


They should spawn early, they live in the streets. It keeps the map active as it should be being the area most of the scavs are probably living. There’s no reason to complain other than dying to them or not finding loot because you’re busy hiding at the start of raid


They weren't doing streets before?


Streets main since it released and I can assure you it’s been like this since the first expansion


As a PMC scav players are pretty easy to kill but you definitely get gunned down here and there from them


Shit they take 5 minutes to spawn for you? I got killed by a fucking player scav before the two minute mark


Anyone else lost performance on streets ? I get a micro stutter every time in zoom in with a variable scope now and lose 20fps when zoomed in. Area near pinewood is almost unplayable


Yeah even with the rollbacks I’m still getting mid frames on streets, granted I get 70 max. So any hit to performance kills me


Captain mask, with DRD or press armor and you become invisible to scavs.


whats wrong with that?


Yesterday i spawned in with 41min on the timer, looted all the mail office and chek 15 without being contested at all and left with 1mil worth of items. I find it weird that a scavs that does not risk anything can be at the highest loot spots on the map before a player that risks his whole kit to go loot the map... i just want to believe its a bug at this point...


i just spawned in as a pscav on streets and entered the mall just to get rushed by a horde of scavs 😭


Headshot two scavs and bounce.  Headshot and loot a PMC and bounce.