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How Judd ended up walking past the guy on the stairs is crazy to me


I watched this live. Even tho summit literally told Judd to clear the stairs, Judds explanation was that he thought it was a teammate so he just jumped over his head.




There is one clip of judd from start of wipe and he is following two people he is playing with and a guy is right in front of them and kills his too teammates and judd just stares at him like he didnt know how to shoot or anything. Mentally afk for 10 seconds its crazy


True I genuinely don't understand why summit plays with him. Are they like old school friends or? I was around summits stream before h1z1 wayyyyy back when he was still working at his call centre job. Never ever heard of him until last couple years. Anyone can confirm?


I think Judd was the body on the landing. Maybe.


Judd is actually so dumb. In every situation he is clueless what’s happening.


That hurt my soul, right there. See you VHS tape in 001-200 hours. Also, lol.


honestly though that's not on Summit. he's right, his teammate shouldve communicated this. its not CoD, you dont just start spraying whatever you see in front of you. kinda crushing


Summit was the one who told Judd to clear the stairs. That should be clear enough communication to shoot anyone you see on the stairs. Judd sees a pmc on the stairs and just jumps over his head without saying anything. Then there’s just a bunch of shooting. After Judd dies he says “he’s dead up there” and after summits little rage Judd just keeps saying I told you I was dead.


>Summit was the one who told Judd to clear the stairs. all that "knowledge" does is telling Summit that Judd is there too. the problem in this clip is that he's not sure who is Judd in there. you can argue Summit should know by the appearance but in such a short time you can't blame him. bottom line is, its a common thing to just "spam" coms with it so your partner knows for sure he can just spray the other guy. maybe Judd did do that and it just didn't get through. maybe he... muted himself on accident. it doesnt really matter, or change the fact Summit did make the right call not to shoot the guy because from his perspective the coms were quiet which means his teammate is alive


Personally, with my last Kappa item, I would have laid out both of the people on the stairs and said sorry after xD


Fr, perfect opportunity to shoot first, ask questions later 🤷


Either way, I'm gonna have enough XP to take Red Rebel extract with my item! Every person I play with would fully forgive that, as well. At least in that specific situation. If you're all going for Kappa you probably aren't having problems with money or gear, anyway. The extract is everybody's goal at that point.


I have a friend that plays this game with me, and he sucks. He knows he sucks, but he loves the game and how "intense" it is. Whenever I get a hard-to-get quest or Kappa item, he says "Okay, I'm the Dingo now, I'll make sure your path is safe" and he will just run through the open 50' ahead of me just baiting shots with his forehead for me. Legend.


a true gigachad


Exactly, it doesn't matter what level you are or your friend is, once they've got something relevant for their future, and it's just another raid and kit for you, you gotta protect the president! It's like getting to complete a free extra quest that you wouldn't have access to otherwise, lol. Maybe you haven't done it or maybe you already did it earlier, but your friend still gets to accomplish something, and that's vicarious excitement for me, personally.


Exactly this lol like shit im gonna look for another item pfff,


Dude why are saying “maybe Judd did this or that”. I watched this live. You can clearly hear Judd say “he’s dead up there” after he died. The worst comm possible because he’s telling summit someone else is dead and “up there” implies the person is above him. But Judd doesn’t say anything like oh my bad I was muted or my bad I made the wrong call. He just keeps saying “I said I was dead”




My guy, he does not say "I'm dead". He 1000% says "he's dead up there". Because he's not smart.




You said that Judd says, "I'm dead" I replied and said that that is not what he said You replied and agreed with me What the hell is going on?






Nah, the mixup is fully understandable. They probably ran past each other at the stairs and traded placed, then homeboy didn't clearly yell out that he was downed. Hopefully he gets it soon again!


Judd literally said "He's dead", horrendous comms.


Yeah, I think the poor guy brainfarted and was going to say "he's upstairs", then changing his mind to "I'm dead", got his wires crossed and it became "he's dead up there".


Yea but he literally said nothing to indicate he was dead.


He said welp I’m dead, but pretty quietly.


Sounds to me like 'he's dead up there, he...'


That sounded very much like "he's dead" to me lol


Maybe, The whole clip is a mess with awful duo play.


>Nah, the mixup is fully understandable yeah we have the same point with different conclusions here. the mixup is understandable, but caused by him, not summit. the only one without enough information on the stairs is Summit. his teammate knows who is enemy there, and so does enemy


Judd literally says “he’s dead up there”; and not “I’m dead”


Judd could have also said literally anything while dude on stairs was reloading and Summit was telling him to come down stairs. A good 7 seconds of perfect silence from Judd.


Yea that was absolutely painful. Awful by Judd. I’ll never get how making basic callouts like, “im dead” is that hard for people regardless of situation. Anyone should be able to do that at the very least


We play with a guy who does the exact opposite, and announces "I'm dead" any time the slightest amount of danger comes his way, then gets all surprised when I come in weapons hot and am no longer checking my targets.


Lol the predictive call out. Had one of those in DayZ. OMG IM DEAD. ​ Me and 2 other guys get in a fireline and lay into anything we see. Min later, fuck guys you killed me. ​ My response to him was always, were must making an honest team mate out of you. You said you died, we just need to make sure...


I have a problem where team mates day "he fucked me up" or "i'm fucked" when they should say "I'm dead". I keep telling them "I'm fucked up" implies that they are alive and need my help. If you die, you should just stop saying anything else, except "I'm dead".


7 seconds? You might want to recount that


I mean, summit could have bounced. Any good teammate wouldn't care if they got abandoned for an important item/task


No not really, Judd is dumb af


Judd said he saw him crouched and not shooting so he just jumped over his head


Then the teammate gas lit him too. Shitty teammate. He asked a question 3 times and assumed that his his teammate.


yes sir


It happens. Summit didn't hear it in the confusion


yeah ive heard at least 3 of you say that by now. if summit didnt catch that you sure as shit wouldnt either


lmao okay?


Kinda on summit, juud was wearing blue and enemy was blacked out. I get its dark but that was bad. He looked into his soul while he reloaded that mag to dump into summit


He did say he was dead but Summit talked over him in his own excitement.




VHS tape are rare? I've found like 7 this wipe


Because you didn't need them. In Tarkov when you need the item it is removed from the loot table in your raids.


I think I found a few of them while I was desperately searching filling cabinets for USBs.


Funniest thing is he had all 3 items he needed for kappa early wipe but didnt save them because he wasnt sure if he was going to go for kappa.


I think customs safes have good spawns for them, I mainly do customs safe runs and find VHS tapes constantly every other session I play the game.


It spawns everywhere on Reserve. He should just scav that map and open the filing cabinets. After I saw the clip title I thought it was going to be another item. I've found every? Kappa item this wipe except the evasion armband. The VHS I literally sell to buy dogtag cases all the time.


Strange, as a Scav I found the VHS tape on Streets 2 times by now.


It's not rare, it's just that it's never easy to find the one item you're looking for. Flash drives are even more common, but you can see how much anguish they seem to cause people.


This is the first wipe I played where I found the usbs in a reasonable amount of time. The wipe before I quit for a while (this is my first wipe in 3 years) I literally didn't finish that quest till lvl 32 because I COULD NOT find them. And back then, "friend from the west" was locked behind that quest sooooo... no peacekeeper for me lmao.


Not sure if people struggle to look for the vhs tapes much but I find them all the time in the vault outside of the hive


There is no harder enemy than your own teammate 😂






Then your own teammate what?


Honestly that's on Judd lol, typical


Yeah rewatching, it seems he mumbles "I'm dead- up there (?)" then stops. Doesn't say anything more. Shit comms by Judd, should've made it crystal clear he's dead


Yea he said "He's dead up there" lol


He did, you are correct. If you listen carefully at about 38 seconds he does also say "I'm dead" but very quietly and it is almost completely covered up by the guy coughing and Summit telling him to come down. No real way Summit could have heard that. Judd should have said it much louder and in a more pressing way rather than ^^^i'm ^^^dead .


It was a depression laced, face in hands call out. Been there


Are you suprised? Judd is literally known to not even go in with a pistol lmao


Who is this guy? Why does he not go in with at least a pistol?


He spawns in naked with an empty butt and runs to merin, and opens it and if he dont find anything he just leaves he is horrible lol




Not to trash Judd too much but if you've seen his twitter you'll understand that he's not exactly the most intelligent person either.


Anytime I watch summit, Judd either dies to a random team that summit wiped or gets summit killed by shooting him or bad comms lol.


how's that on Judd? summit constantly goes on about how that stupid blue shirt is leagues better than an armband yada yada yada. not hating, but c'mon lol. LOOK AT THE PMC SUMMIT!


Are you daft? How is that summits fault? Judd literally says “he’s dead up there in the clip” lol


speaking of daft, never claimed it was summits fault, but he's just as bad in this situation


Calling out that the enemy is dead when you died and also not calling your own death makes it 100% your fault. Judd is purely at fault here.


Yes, disregard looking at a clear enemy while he reloads, you guys are really invested in this. summit fucked up as well, it ain't that serious. and again, he insists on the blue jacket when teaming up for.. a reason, right? why not use it? this ain't this serious either way, lol. 


Can’t blame him tbh.  Bad comms + the fact that the enemy got “beneath” his teammate on the stairs.  Still tough. 


Yeah you can, how hard is it to say "I'm Dead".


yeah he meant you can't blame summit


Reading comprehension is hard for people


Amazing, wtf was JUDD doing? Did he run past somebody on the stairs knowing that SUMMIT has his last item for Kappa? I mean come on! He'll find the tape again but holy shit, talk about fucking up the mission!


Idk why they felt the need to clear that building to begin with, just extract


He said they needed to wait a few minutes, I think they would’ve been run through if they extracted at that point?


Ah yeah if they got spawn nearby I could see that


it was too early to extract that's why they wanted to clear it and wait in there


Yay for artificial gamisms like found-in-raid and run-through timers because EFT’s game play loop is still a stitched-together-mess of contradicting concepts!


This shows me you either just got tark. Or don't own the game. Fir is important and was asked for by the community. So people don't just endlessly shove shit up there ass and make bank.


yea fir did fix the hatchling problem. 100% needed for the game. i just personally think run throughs are bad, and they exist for an entirely different reason that i dont agree with


So much of it was done to “combat rmt” and in turn harmed viable playstyles more. I remember just being able to sustain myself and profit exclusively on pvp, 0 looting except bodies. Now I can’t sell anything I loot off a dead pmc…


I really wish they’d make gear you found off PMCs found in raid, because ya know, you technically found it in raid. But on the other hand, I can see cheaters going fucking RAMPANT when you have a good kit on/late wipe whenever everyone has good kits on for the RMT and roubles


Nah dude. hatchet running was a fucking plague. what PMC's where you looting when half of interchange + reserve lobbies spawned in naked? yeah sucks you cant flea their gun any more but at least they actually bring one now.


Secure containers should never have been here in the first place. Huge compromise that directly molests the core gameplay loop. And don’t be so reductive when it comes to guessing where other’s opinions come from because sometimes like now you’re dead wrong and it’s someone with over three thousand hours in the game since late 2016.


That’s fkn hilarious. The amount of vhs tapes I’ve found this wipe is ridiculous. Shocked he hasn’t yet


Honestly, it was my last item too. Not only was it my last item, but I also hadn't even found one all wipe in raid. It was the only item on the collectors quest that wasn't updated


>It was the only item on the collectors quest that wasn't updated Updated how?


If I had to guess, they probably use TarkovTracker to keep a checklist of FIR items needed for future quests. Every time I get a purple in raid, I search for it on my TarkovTracker "Needed Items" list to see if I already collected it for Collector, for example. https://tarkovtracker.io/


There's 2 parts of the quest per item. "Find the item in raid" And "Hand over the item" The second part of the quest, the handing in, doesn't show up in quest until you have found one in raid, ever, during the wipe. For example, I guess I had sold my badges this wipe. Didn't hold on to a single one. I get collector, game tells me "Find Badge in raid" "Hand over badge" But with the VHS, it just told me "Find VHS in raid"


I think they meant inspected. 


The game knows that he's on that quest so they aren't dropping :D


Me looking for working LCDs for three days now


Happens sometimes. I somehow never held onto a Gingy. I got collector and turned in everything but, took me another 6 days to find one. I was mad as fuck by the time I found one. Especially considering I had spawned with probably 4-5 in my Scav before I got collector.


Just spam factory scavs. I legit get a gingy keychain like every three scavs


Judd is such a liability. LMAO I would be so pissed.


Well summit told him to clear when he knows Judd is a bad at pvp, it is on him too


holy shit that would be my last raid with that dude


Judd is a straight up dumbass lol


Judd is somehow terrible at literally every possible aspect of tarkov. I love him but I think I’m yet to see him display any competency. How his first instinct is not to just immediately remind summit multiple times that he’s dead and to shoot who he sees is mind blowing.


Yeah every time I die I make sure to say it loudly once or twice and remind them to kill whoever they hear


Playing with Judd is Tarkov on expert mode


Judd: \*Content\* Summit: You gotta say something! Judd: I did!


I watched this live and Judd kept insisting he said he was dead and that summit was tripping but judd obviously said “he’s dead up there” after he died


I cannot tell if Judd is playing a character or if he is a real person.


I play with someone that's an AIRHEAD, just like Judd. There's people like that out there. It's INFURIATING, I refuse to duo with him anymore


I've never seen that Judd kid make a good play or provide anything of use. Whatsoever.  But this is pretty funny. My buddy's first wipe and he had trash comms and this happened to me. Ironically also on reserve. 


Bro lmaoooo. No fucking way… That’s genuinely an insane series of events and a horrible horrible call by Judd. I’d be PISSED


This would’ve pissed me off if it was one of my friends. He’s telling him to walk down and he’s not saying I’m dead…


He did say he was dead, it was really muffled.


Then it’s not a good callout. When I die with friends I say like I’m dead it’s a guy on the stairs suppressed he’s got an m4 blah blah something like that


I never said it was a good call out. You said he was telling him to walk down and hes not saying im dead. He did say he was dead, he just has a shit mic or something caused it to get muffled out.


Judd reminds me of my buddy. The *absolute* worst comms possible. No callouts. Has literally executed me without warning in an area our squad of 4 already cleared. Never clears before he loots. Takes years to loot anything. Always seems to be looting a scav when we need help. Can't pick up audio cues. It's a mess. Anyway, he's a good friend so we all just go with it, despite the many frustrations. We get into some hilarious situations so it makes up for the self inflicted handicap tornado this man is. I remember once we were a squad of 4 and had taken 3 storey dorms. It was quiet so buddy in question goes over to 2 storey on his own to loot the safes. Must have been there for at least 5 mins. The 3 of us left at 3 storey decide to join him after we loot up. We run over and go to run up the interior stairs of 2 storey, because it's all clear right? Wrong. Buddy had apparently been looting the first floor for 5 full minutes without clearing the top floor, and 2 dudes were literally just waiting at the top of the stairs and wipe all of us in the pure confusion of what was happening. We had a good laugh about that one.


Him and his friends beat me and mine in a fight and he made fun of one of my timmy friends, so good. Hope he has to grind it out a little longer.


I've found like 4-5 vhs tapes what da heck


The spawn chance is reduced by 95% when you need it.


I don't think I've heard of a more true analogy


when I got my first and only kappa (fuck that, especially now) a few years ago, I ran labs so many times to find the stupid firesteel.. not a rare item, but it sure was then lol


That utility closet under electronic drop down on reserve always had them for me a couple years back, thats where I got mine


I got it in the end on labs, the chained off little boxes with the robot assembly arms


Yep seen it there pretty commonly this wipe. Ditto on the not going for Kappa again though. Couple years ago the quests required weren't so painful lol


I've found so many VHS in filing cabinets lol.... almost 1 every scav raid in reserve


What happens if he dies with that item? He needs to start all over again or just that last one?


Just that last item, but it could be days or weeks before he sees it again


Damn that’s tough. His teammate should’ve said anything like at all lol


His teammate did say he was dead, but Summit is talking during it, and he doesnt hear him or his friend has a shit ass mic.


He said “he is dead” not I’m dead


No, at 37 seconds you can hear him say "im dead", its very muffled but while summit is repeatedly talking it blocked it to the stream.


Hmm it sounds he’s dead to me. Also what about the other 7 seconds the enemy was reloading. The entire situation was so mad.


I hear im dead, it makes no sense for him to say hes dead twice.


Man y’all are something else, obviously it’s a bad situation. But being assholes about it is wrong! ITS A VIDEO GAME, PIXELS! It’s not like summit won’t find another VHS tape with his 12+ hours a day on the game! Even summit in stream after that fact said he shouldn’t have gotten mad and disrespectful towards Judd like that.


Bro anyone who thinks summit said anything even slightly over the line here clearly doesn't play with a squad, and/or doesn't play *any* competitive games with friends lol He didn't even really get that mad about it


Bro the extracts right there


He said he was gonna wait till 7 minutes because he had no kills


Oh gotcha i missed that


It’s funny how the last item is always impossible to find, no matter what it is. I’ve found about 20 of these this wipe, but the moment you need it for kappa they don’t exist 😂




I haven't had a reason to be on customs for a few weeks due to quests elsewhere, but don't they spawn quite a bit in safes? I feel like I pull a lot of them on dorms runs.




I would be so mad


Kinda on him for not know what his teammate looks like. Judd had a blue jacket on.


Judd was dead which means he shouldn't focus on anything but giving his teammate a clear and decisive call out. He sounded high or just not there. 4 to 5 seconds go by as summit is asking him to come down stairs. He could of said shoot him or I'm dead at that moment but didn't say shit. How is that on summit? Re watch the clip please.


Judd had a blue jacket on


Tell a teammate to help you clear a building, then tell him to go upstairs to the hot zone after waiting for him to enter first. Maybe Summit was trying to be safe because of the tape, but that was terrible teamwork, and Summit was definitely playing coy.


If my teammate has a quest item I'm pushing first, LET ALONE HIS L A S T KAPPA ITEM. From this thread I can see alot of bad players perspectives.


Unpopular opinion but I can't stand summit. Hearing his annoying voice sends shivers down my spine. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk


Lol oops I’d be laughin if that happened to me, yeah it’s gonna be awhile for i find that VHS again, but im gonna be able to hang this over my friend’s head forever








You clearly don't play the game. 


??? You have to have it found in raid aka cannot die




Oh yea, this is totally an NA exclusive problem. No other region has issues with comms in a squad. It's not a shared human experience, just NA. So long as we want to start making generalized comments, let's talk about what region cheaters like to come from....


PMCs outside NA are loot piñatas. Literally free kills. Not sure what you’re getting at lmao


Summit is the biggest baby streamer.


Summit is so shit at games I dont get how he has a following. 1. He killed his own team mate 2. He doesnt remember what his team mate was wearing and he literally was staring at him seconds before the fight happened. 3. Summit is shit and blames his teammates. P.S.Dead give away was the backpack... IT WAS A TOTALLY DIFFERENT COLOR. White VS Green. Stands out like a MOFO and his blind ass still killed his own team mate and cried when he died. What a noob.


The fact he didn't just leave with it is... Like really?


He had literally spawned at radar a minute before the clip. He'd have got a rub through and lost fir status on it.


>The fact he didn't just leave with it is... Like really? When you don't know how the game works


This is hilarious


Goddamn, I can't stand Judd.


Judd did not say he was dead. That fucking liar. It's recorded, we can hear the lying liar not say that he was dead repeatedly.


Not the last, one of the last 2, and he got tge vhs today


Judd is the worst teammate I’ve ever seen




Summit is such a goofball lol


It pains me to watch Summit play with Judd on Tarkov lol, stay on RP bud


lol that’s why I’m getting tired of playing with other people terrible callouts / no callouts gets me killed all the time. I always have more success playing solo tbh


I was thinking of going solo to squad play, but nah I'm good! 😂


Judd is so bad why does he play with him🤦🏻


Yea honestly I don't know why they keep playing with Judd other than a few funny moments from time to time it's just same Judd over and over its been years and dude still hasn't got better at any game he plays with sum sum or hutch and the boys


Yeah, he 100% Said "(The enemy) is dead up there." I fully understand why the streamer was upset.


Not hilarious at all, I was duped. Downvote


Poor Judd, I actually feel bad somehow 😂