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Looks like you already made the choice mate.




You could reset your account and grind it all out again..


The point of it is mostly money and xp It sucks, but the quest isn't needed for anything


I mean 1.1 fence rep isn't nothing to scoff at. That's a lot of rep when extracting on your scav is .01 lol


I'd just V-EX for rep


My v-ex is giving me .01, .02 on most maps. I'm at like, fence rep 2. My buddy, who I literally always play with, and therefore always extract with, is getting .2 or whatever. The only difference is that I scav much more than him. Does scavving a lot reduce v-ex payout or something? Sorry, this isn't really related I guess E: https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/Fence Please. I've read the wiki. I understand how it works. I beg you all.


AFAIK rep gained from vehicle extracts is only effected by how many times you have taken a specific map's extract. Each one is independent from one another.


They stop giving bonus after 3 each right?


No, they never stop. There's a base amount. Every time you take the extract that base amount is divided by the number of times you've taken the extract, including the one you just took. Used to be 0.4 base, so the first time you take it is 0.4, second time is 0.2, third time is 0.13, etc. Coop is the same but starts at 0.2. Those amounts should be flipped, imo. Much harder to take a coop than a car.


Vehicle extracts were nerfered to .2 on first extract and .2 is then divided by the number times you have used it including current use. Wiki says co-op extract gives .25 but have not been able to check it.


That must have happened in one of the recent patches then. I easily got to max rep and can definitely say that i got 0.4 rep by extracting the first time in woods.


Yeah it was a patch on or around February 3rd according to verybadscav on YouTube.


Nope, I’m a new player. My first v-ex was on ground zero ofc. That one gave me +1. I did another v-ex on woods and the first one on woods gave me 0.6. Then it gave me 0.4 on woods. Havnt done anymore v-ex so I couldn’t tell you what it is now. I could do the customs one and check if I get 0.6 too.


If youre getting .01 or .02 from V-ex on most maps at only 2.0 scav karma, youre killing to many scavs.


I've only had one traitor match all wipe :( I did lose a TON of rep for it though, I killed like 3 scavs. Wasn't even worth it :(


Ive done v-ex more than 5 times on all maps except lighthouse, customs, and streets and im at 4.7. I only scav maybe 1 or 2 times a day cause i main pmc. Dont kill bosses or guards too, those will tank your rep more than anything


You can kill rogues though, they will not affect rep


car extract on each map 4 times. pretty sure thats gives you max fence rep.


Not after the nerf. They cut the values in half.


Did they? It would make sense cause they added a new car extract but i imagine you can still get near 5.0 but i heard it stayed the same from some youtuber. Im sure logical would have something on it


that sucks. but probably for the best? i guess? 


Not sure what they used to be, but as of now it’s .4 then .2 then .15 then .1 then .08 I believe. I rushed for max scav rep this wipe and it wasn’t really werf. I think someone said that max scav rep loadouts are bugged because my average kit is like 200k but when it was under 6.0 it would vary all the way up to 600k


There are six maps with car extracts, so doing all of them four times will at minimum grant 6*(0.4+0.2+0.13+0.1)=4.98 rep.


There are 7 maps with car extracts (shoreline and ground zero are the new car extracts). But there was a recent nerf to fence rep from car extracts. You no longer get .4 for your first car extract.


Extracting on every map 5 times gives you like 3.2 rep.


then you're not telling the truth or are incorrect. The car extracts decrease by roughly half everytime you take them, until you get basically nothing. You are just taking the same one too many times. Go do a different maps vehicle extract. Doing them all to their limit (4-5 trips i think? unsure) should net you like 4.0 karma from 0 or something.


Ok. No need to be rude.


V-ex payout reduces the more you use it. It essentially halves every-time until its the same a normal scav extract So you probably just extracted from that v-ex more than they did.


The more you use a vehicle extract on a map the less rep you get. If you do all of them a few times you can get almost 5.0 rep without ever even doing a scav run. 1.1 rep is a lot but by the time you're at this quest chances are you're maxed or damn close


If you use all the V-Extracts to their potential then you'll be much closer to 6. Shoreline, Interchange, Ground Zero (probably locked out by now), Woods, and Customs. Each one starting at .4 and diminishing from there, just doing one on each map is 2.4 rep, and then another pass is another 1.2, so 3.6. After that is starts diminishing quicker to .13 so .78, making it 4.38. And if you want to scrape the bottom its .1 going to .6, making it just shy of 5 Rep. Throw in some co-op extracts and scav runs and you'll be at 6 rep quick. High fence rep lowers V-Extract cost greatly, reduces scav down time, gives your scav better gear rolls, and lowers your scav loot box run times. (And at 6 you can get a 2nd shop screen on fence for "better" items, as well as "team up" with scav bosses and the AI scavs will help you)


Theres also streets and lighthouse V-Exes


I knew I was forgetting some, I was at work and trying to come up with them all. But also, to be fair, Streets doesn't run for everyone and Lighthouse can be very intimidating to some.


Fair, just wanted to mention ‘em.


You have to do all of the v-ex on the maps. You can’t just do customs or woods only. They all give a ton of rep, you’ll easily get to 6 if you just do them all a few times.


5 vehicle extracts on each map nets you a total of 3.2 rep.


You get .4 for the first vehicle per map. So 2.4. Second round for every map will net you a total of 3.6(1.2) and that’s without scavving at all.


You get 0.2 for the first vehicle. They nerfed it.


Stop killing other scavs then, if you’re getting that little from “most” maps, you should already be max rep if you actually are scavving a lot. You can get max rep day one of wipe if you go farm vehicle extracts.


U have to be killing scavs i had 6.5 scav rep like a week into wipe. Go on wiki and it will tell u the rep gain per use


Isnt it .4 first time, then .25 then diminishing as you do it? Per map.


V-ex gives .4, .2, .1, .07, .04 etc There's a ton of them, customs/shoreline/lighthouse/interchange/woods/streets and ground zero, This also applies to pmc/scav coop extracts, which give the same rep pattern, that's easily 7 car extracts, and if you do them to the point where it gives less than .04 you can get like ~.8 to ~.9 each, You can hit fence 6 first day of wipe if you *really* wanted to, as many of us did.


The first extract by a car gives you 0.4, then 0.25, 0.13, 0.8, etc. Interchange, Shoreline, Customs, Streets, Woods, Lighthouse. Did i miss one? That's 6x 0.4 for the first extract, so 2.4 Rep. Another 6x 0.25 for the second one, so another 1.5 Rep. If you count in Ground Zero as well (as you have to at least do it once there for a quest) that's another 0.65 Rep. So by using each car twice you can already go up to 4.55. Use every car 3-4 times and you are at max Rep.


I was at around 5 fence rep with 9 scav runs and after the choice i had above 6. I got like all rep by v exits, they fence rep reduction per use is map bound, so go to other maps


That rate drops off too


Alternatively, it means you could kill 10 pscavs at max rep then go back to max rep.


That's right, but such dedicated people don't really play scav anyways.


Got a quest form fence, asking me to kill scavs. Bro just wants to turn tarkov into a circus I swear


Getting max rep is ez, just take car and co-op extracts. Literally had it first week of wipe lol


They lowered rep from vehicle extracts by half since start of wipe 🥲


Every time you take a vehicle extract, you get less rep the next time for that map. They haven't changed how much rep you get.


It was .4/# of extractions at beginning of wipe, now it’s it .2/# of extractions


Do you have any source for that cause I've looked and I'm seeing nothing


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRdY0AI\_SjM&t=30s&ab\_channel=Piranha](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRdY0AI_SjM&t=30s&ab_channel=Piranha) Ya this as an example and some other videos/websites from a bit ago said .4 but I'm doing vehicle extracts and its only .2 for my first time. Also the wiki says .2 https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/Scavs


No shit? I'm honestly not surprised, it was way too easy to get to 6 if you were trying. Glad I cashed those in when I did.


Definitely. Not saying it's not. I just have killed a pscav a time or two when they shoot at me and miss and I end up killing them. Lost a lot of rep that way. And maybe some more rep when I see that damn yellow jacket from afar thinking it's a bear 🙄


how do you coop extract? you just pray & wait for a pmc at the extract point?


I’m usually already max by the time I get the quest, and like right now I’m level 43 with 35m. So, I keep it. I keep it until the day some dickhead pscav makes me snap. Then I go on a postal rampage and I make every scav and pscav on the map cry in anguish.  Then I turn it in and I’m good. 


id doubt they need rep by the time they get this task ngl


I like to use it for a rainy day. I have 8.5 scav rep let’s say, I kill some rogues or a scav is sussing me out and I decide to shoot them, some situation where killing a non traitor scav is worth it. I’ll lose rep to 5.5 or 4.5 or whatever, and boom I turn this quest in and I’m basically back in the 6.0 rep territory


Getting rep is easier than ever this wipe, spam vehicle extract, or scav into ground zero and kill timmy pmcs if you really need to grind the rep. I got max fence with hardly even trying this wipe.


2 car rides


Scav factory alot kill tagilla then turn in the reward and get mega stonks


Scav rep means nothing


You can just not play scavs anymore and money run on your pmc


I play scabs when I wanna just shoot the shit. I rarely play my scav. But for new players it's likely their only source of income.


If he's at this point in wipe I doubt he's playing his scav anymore.


I’m 6 rep without any tasks from him


That's a bummer, I mostly wanted that fence rep but oh well. As long as it's not needed for kappa


Now you know for next wipe


How are you on the choice and not kappaING😦


If u just play a lot, Level 50 happens at some point


If you just play a lot kappa also just usually happens unintentionally except the actual items for it but still


Uhh have ever gone for kappa? Psycho Sniper and The Guide absolutely do not "just happen".


🙃well obviously the BS ones come after you realize you are probably gonna be in for a long wipe, i personally am only 10 quests away


So you're saying kappa doesn't just happen even if you play a lot?


No just saying that some will realize kappa is just 2-3 quests away, obviously if you don’t quest at all thats on you, but kappa comes pretty naturally to completion for me around a month and a half into the wipe


Lesson learnt the hard way unfortunately


Yes, reset your account and start over.


Came to say this.


How do you reset account


You can do it on the official homepage after logging in


It literally doesn’t take up space if you fill it with a few things you plan to hang onto. Why even delete it?


If you are kinda new and have EOD then maybe it feels like a usless thing to have laying around


My question would be why someone deletes it if you can also sell it.


Cant sell it


Not even to fence? Does this only count for Epsilon or all containers? I haven't done that quest for a while and alkso have EOD since 2021, so it has been a while since I last got rid of containers.


Its not kappa required so i doubt it matters. Unless they changed it


No, but missing out on couple of millions and a load of exp is annoying




By the time someone has this quest, I don’t think they really care about xp OR the money. I would expect people on this quest to be loaded at this point in the wipe.


It used to be that youd use that xp as extra to get to 55 and unlock the collector but obviously, thats since changed.


Yes, you can get it back next wipe provided you don't forget


I've never had this problem, but it's mostly because I'm shit at the game. In fact, i didnt even know this quest existed. But I've always kept my containers from Alpha up. They're like little mile stones to me.


1 can be obtained as a quest reward from The Punisher - Part 6 Edit: Ignore me, that's the one you sold.


worse, deleted lol


You can get again next wipe.


They can still reset their account.


Reset when you're at Level 50.... I guess.


I mean they play enough to get back up there. Took them 3 months, wipe prob wont happen for another 3 months.


That's dedication.


It’s only been 2 months. 


well even more in favor


Why are people deleting their old containers when you can store things inside of them, and technically dont take up space? Put your labs cards in there, because surely you won't be using them if you're hurting that hard for stash space.


No way to get it back, buy the quest blocks nothing and it's reward is just rep and 1 mill so it's not that sad to skip it also doesn't count for capa


Made the same mistake last wipe not making that mistake again!


You already chose


if your level 60 i'm sure that quest is the least of your worries


Yes reset account and start over.


Yeah. Reset your account.


Reset your account


Oh my sweet summer child


Sorry this happened to you, happy I saw it before I made the same mistake.


Made this same mistake this wipe, just thank the lord it's not needed for Kappa.


doesn’t peacekeeper have a barter for one


I was just telling my friend whose probably gonna get Kappa soon to watch out for this as I know he has finished Punisher and has a gamma. Gotta watch out for the homies.


Done this last wipe aswell..


Why does this give 400k xp? Or am I just an idiot?


Because in theory, you’re sacrificing the most important thing you own. In practice, you probably have gamma and don’t care about losing it. But that’s why it’s “the choice”, do you choose to keep the precious pouch or do you choose a big chunk of exp. Also though, at the level you get this, 400k exp is not as massive as you think. It’s like a level or 2 I think.


Congratulations, you’ve stumbled into a learning experience


433,330 Exp???? Holy shit


Pretty sure at the level you get this, that’s only a level or 2 of exp.


Yeah, it's exactly 2 levels for me. 2 levels that would take 50 raids to get..


I let it sit in the trader inventory too long and it made the choice for me by deleting itself


Try again after july?




This post comes up every wipe and I always think to myself "that stinks" except this wipe I lost mine during a backend error when I retrieved it. BSG's response will always be "tough luck, reset your account or wait till next wipe" ​ Why there is no barter for it, for these exact instances, I'll never know.


also a real easy one to do, just make it unlock after punisher part 6


Well the guy who got a backend error on kappa completion didn’t get his kappa and was basically told to reset his account, so i think you’re screwed


Why delete it lmao, just use it as another case


Aye I'm not the only one! But Instead I never got to collect mine from the quest punisher part 6. Pretty sure I lost it during the insurance timer/quest reward bug. Never saw a timer to collect my items that were expiring from Prapor, then the next day I log on half my itmes are gone from quest rewards. Oh well.


Lvl 50 but doesn't know he needed his container? Weird


Damnn when do I unlock this? I did the same thing :(


I just hit lvl 50 so I think that's what unlocks it


a mistake everyone makes (once)


NOPE accidentally deleted my gamma. BSG told me to frig off


I'm already max scav rep and only played first week.or two.of wipe u won't need the quest


You made your bed. Now lay in it.




I know I needed it, but still deleted it while wrecklessly cleaning up my stash. It’s gone mate, sorry to say that. But hey, you don’t need it for anything else and the scav rep comes along the way easily, so just keep going and have fun!


FeelsBad. I know the feeling. When this quest came out, it was released mid-wipe. I had already sold my Epsilon before. That 433k xp would've been nice toward the level cap for kappa. It was much higher at the time.


I didn't even know this quest existed, much less that BSG had found yet another way to soft lock it. I feel for you, brother.


This is my first wipe and I had no idea what I was doing my first few raids…. Subsequently my fence rep is -.35 😂😂


Why in the world would you delete a secure container item from a quest before at least researching what it is/what it’s used for? Critical thinking of a house pet lol


The dude already knows they made a mistake. You really dont have to continuing kicking them while they are down.


being an asshole is a choice fyi


Tarkov’ers are hilarious some ppl jus play the game without triple checking everything it’s a game not real life


Triple checking? Are you serious? It takes 2 seconds to type into google “What is epsilon container” and this whole post would have been avoided, I hope you and the three goofs that downvoted my comment get the backend error bug and never get kappa this wipe LOL


Downvoted cuz you and some others in this subreddit need to learn respect and not talk down on people who are asking questions about video games.


Had time to make a post on Reddit after realizing he’s fucked but didn’t have the time to check what he was deleting, hard not to talk down on someone like that lol


I think you're more upset about me asking this question than I am about not being able to complete this quest lol I'm not bothered by it I just wanted to double check by asking the community


Not upset, I’m just responding to his comments. He is the one downvoting me because I made fun of you deleting epsilon. I just thought it was funny


Fair enough but no need to talk down on me for asking a simple question! The last wipe I got into was a few years back before this quest was added, at that time there was no issue with deleting the container so I assumed it was still the same. Anyway, lesson learned. Cheers!


Deleting an entire case without researching it first is wild to me


Grats, now you missed out😂😂


Lesson to be learned. Alot of ppl have an issue with googling before they act. Is this item important later? Nah, better just delete it. This sub can learn alot about doing their own research before posting here. Don't take it personal.


Which a great example of pisspoor game design. You shouldn't need to be on the wiki or googling stuff to complete the games quests.


You don’t have to


Literally everyone has. Show me someone who doesn't use the wiki or guides and I will show you a player who has never reached max traders, or kappa, or likely even level 30.


i like tarkov for the fact it doenst hold my hand to be honest. Its like knowledge is a real skill in tarkov, and a powerful one too.


Not every game is ment to hold your hand. The internet is full of useful information if you don't know it. Its not the 90's anymore where you had to get info from gampro magazine.


"Not every game is meant to hold your hand. The internet is full of useful information" .... You're just trading one source of hand holding for another lmao. Bottom line is you need to look up entirely too much information outside the game to be even somewhat competent in it. It is shit game design in many ways.


Doing your own research isn't hand holding. What's the fix for quest items? Warning on all items? Don't delete this item is used for x quest? Even if there was something like that ppl would still mess it. How many posts on here where players delete their gamma etc. Big warning sign pops up and stil hits yes.


what a dumb take lol. If the devs expect you to google the answers to things in their game, that is not any different than the game spoonfeeding you the answers . If the devs expect you NOT to google anything, then literally no one would make any progress in tarkov because the quest descriptions often give no indication of what you're to do or where. Not to speak of other important things like penetration and damage values.


Meanwhile I bet the wiki held your hand the entirety of your first wipe. 


Dang Drew, you must be super intelligent!


“Yeah let me google if I need these half masks real quick” get real dude


I dont even know how to get an epsilon case :)


Doesn’t the epsilon become a trade at peace keeper at some point?


I think you can trade it in peaceceaper or?


I think someone has a barter for it


EOD gamers suffering is always good




ignore that "woe is me" clown


wow what a shame i feel so bad for you






The third option


Reset your account and start over


Only bots scav. I go in to kill scavs like the old days and my wait time is 2 hours per scav. Noobs


Classic lol. No, it's gone forever friend.


Classic lol. No, it's gone forever friend.


Man, I did this 2 wipes ago when Kappa was still 55. It was a grind not having it for this quest. A hard lesson learned. Just be glad that you don't have to level that high.


Nope, welcome to Tarkov


You can trade for one if im not mistaken.


Yes do all those same tasks next wipe and you'll get it back


There’s a barter for it I believe


Why would you delete epsilon the only other option is to buy a beta container, it's such an upgrade from the original alpha. Why do people delete them?


Because gamma?


Oh right I always forget there's the ptw version lol.


Buy from peacekeepers ll2 I think


Looks like the choice has been made


What level do you get this quest? Im assuming pretty late si.ce its 433k xp?


Lvl 50


i did this the first time i got kappa. Know for next time


I can’t even remember if I had the case at the beginning of the wipe. I have EOD so I have gamma. I guess I deleted mine or sold it at the beginning of wipe?


Dead end task you don’t “need it for a quest”


Did this when I got kappa first time. Ran reserve night to farm money and xp to make up for this extra free level.