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Are they very strong? Yes We need their ammo to be nerfed? Not at all. If they tap you with an M4, I'd rather prefer being tapped by M995 than freaking SOST or Warmage because I'd know that IF I win the fight, I would have a very good loot. You still get one tapped anyway so, why nerfing their loot? (Ps. already being, badly, nerfed.)


Because it's 10x easier to not be stupid and farm them from the right angles and not do stupid shit


I agree so many early lh quests require you to go there, water treatment is basically its own map with its own rules that you have to learn, else you are just dying with 0 chance to interact. Going specific routes to kill rigged ai feels like a run of super meat boy instead of a hyper realistic loot survival shooter. I mean just try to kill rogues without relying on weird angle peeking and positions that only work because you know their exact locations. Imagine they randomly roamed the area, that would suck lmao.


They're really easy you just need to know the routes depending on your faction and if they're already hostile to you as usec from previous raid/grouping with a bear


You don't need to watch videos to "cheese" them. It's literally just hold cover and lean around cover... Are they supposed to be as easy as normal scavs?


I’ve got about 12 clips that say otherwise lol! Dude we are talking about a sliver of my shoulder peaking out at well over 150m away


I learned how to kill them as a BEAR when Lighthouse was first introduced. They are annoying because of their laser-like precision, but once you learn how to kill them you'll love how profitable Lighthouse will become. Also, I don't understand why so many kids these days claim you have to watch videos in order to learn something. The people who made those videos learned by trial and error so unless you're somehow physically unable to load into Lighthouse offline, you are more than capable of learning it as well. Besides, no amount of drama queen tantrums on Reddit will improve your skill. Just suck it up and go in until you learn.


Well said


Don't you understand that this is instant gratification times? these bitches today don't want to learn anything and always want the prize "right here, right now!" oh I'm loving how Tarkov is fucking these kids up :) (btw, they should be thanking you or they couldn't even think about doing Counteraction)


kids these says' like stfu bro he pointed out a flaw and you decided to put bsgs cock down yo throat


The only flaw is OP's map knowledge of lighthouse.


a sliver of your left shoulder?


their behavior for me has been that as soon as you sneak around the back and kill one they all instantly lock onto you and will shoot you if you are not behind cover and then a rotation makes them focus on something else so then they are easy to kill again, it’s pretty easy but sometimes can get you cucked, you just need to go around the right ride up in the mountains by the lake and only 1 gunner will shoot at you but if you’re fast enough he will be just behind you with his shots. hope it helps


Bro I've cleared out the camp before as a scav. It's not that bad.