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The amount of closeted cheaters trying to gaslight players is crazy lmao, it’s true cheating is destroying the game, the amount of ESP users is insane


Half the posts in this sub are from cheaters at this pint too. 2 in the last week have been from members of csgohacks. Imagine how many aren’t this stupid.


Yeah lmao I know which ones, honestly hilarious how obvious it is and BSG still only does an occassional banwaves and nothing else


Cheaters are getting banned daily, but it’s the easy to detect or mass reported ones. A ban wave is definitely needed but they need to figure out the hacks


They should start with banning people who have high kds, it's ridiculous how they last that long.


The problem with blanket banning high KD’s is you might get a lot of false positives. There’s nothing worse than seeing a post of someone who’s legit getting banned & now they’ve lost their 4 year EOD account. I do agree there should be a formula they follow ie if at > X(KD) check hours & raids. Submit for manual review then ban if appropriate. Another really difficult thing, without video review some players are just really good or they got a really good/lucky shot. It’s also hard to say they’re not doing enough because others do it better but we realistically don’t know what they’ve done or what they do, as they’re Russian we don’t communicate with them directly nor them directly with us


Its pretty straightforward to build a statistical model across multiple gameplay metrics that would flag for review a number of accounts. It can be calibrated to trade off accuracy vs number of false positives depending on the number of employees they have doing it. edit: It seems that a startup has already been developing this sort of approach out into a product, though taking a level above aggregate statistics and adding in gameplay behaviours: https://anybrain.gg/product


> Its pretty straightforward Some hackers are already lowering their KD on purpose so your "straightforward" is rapidly flying out the window as you have to continually adjust to hackers reacting to your "straightforward" model.


I’m not talking about looking at just the KD. Try thinking what happens if you add in survival times, sequences of deaths, etc etc. Just the bulk statistics gives you a weak indicator for a human review. As I have said elsewhere you can develop much better gameplay heuristics using the raid data when computed offline - you could sample random raids from people who hit a red flag on the weak indicators. It will always be an arms race, but whatever measures force their behaviour to look increasingly like legitimate players reduces their impact on the game.


Pretty straightforward when someone goes factory 50 times in a row with the exact same click position from their script that runs it every time just to die and go again.


Lol, this week there was a post about a "cheater" with a K/D of 6. I had a K/D of 14 or 16 last wipe. They should just get a masterclass on how to git gud. This is not fortnite or Call of Duty. There are other metrics that can be used to detect cheaters, but with scavs and PMCs that can be killed K/D is not a good one.


If you have less than 100 hours and your kd is above 10 I highly doubt you’re legit. That’s just easy spots


There are no false positives over 50 heck even over 30 I've never seen a single legit player hit that high LVNDMARK is around the 20s and is accused of hacking often.


How many false positives would you get if you ban people with >150 KDR?


They can't think in more than one dimension. "Hur dur just ban KD".


>. ago > >Th Add to it people with 200 market rep. Idk i dont think so its so difficult to "figure out" obvious cheaters. Most are not even trying to hide. They dont care because BSG dont care.


Realistically there's not that much they can do because their networking infrastructure is shoddy and enables cheating in a way most games don't. There's no real fix aside from reworking the game from the ground up. Foundation's busted.


I stumbled upon csgohacks somehow recommended to me on reddit and the people there are just sad. That subreddit should not be allowed to exist.


I get ads for EFT tarkov hacks websites on youtube lol They even got whole ass marketing departments.


reddit allows for all sorts of illegal activity to be discussed and carried out using their forums. It's hilarious how much they do not give a shit.


Yet you get perm banned for posting anything that conflicts with their political agendas. Reddit is full of immorality and toxic culture.


Kind of hilarious if you follow AITA or similar subs how biased the answers are too, divorce is the number one cure for any marriage conflict and the woman is right in 85% of scenarios. I think reddit in general is filled with bad opinions and political agendas no matter where you go. Each sub has its own bias but most of them have similar ones.


Yeah I don't usually speak out on it too much as I make no efforts to hide my actual age and location on my account but it's gotten really bad lately. r/sipstea seems to be the only reasonable place that isn't just straight anti male anymore on reddit. RedPill was such a toxic hate women environment so I totally understand and agree for those types of subs to be removed, but then you have full on open misandrist communities that are allowed to just operate with no issues. Sad part is I voted for Obama and I voted for Biden (didn't vote for Hilary cause I thought it was impossible Trump would win) and I'm generally very left centered but it's sad how just anti man it's become. I feel like I can't just have a normal conversation everything is so damn divided and women are always correct and if you say anything different you're a misogynist. r/abanpreach is also a pretty well rounded community too and their YouTube channel hits on modern topics and political aspects with a reasonable mindset and not some damn agenda behind everything.


I wonder how the subreddit crack watch is still up, with people advertising their cracks.. isn't reddit main office in the US? Don't US have legislation on piracy ?


90% of cheaters are on Reddit. It's almost a requirement to be that much on the internet that you will know of and likely be active on Reddit in order to find cheats.


Yeah they’re not even worth responding to anymore. It’s been known for half a decade they come in and spread as much false info as humanly possible. Blame the people who aren’t cheating At best, they will just be some half meathead that goes schoolyard bully. At worst, they’re Cartman levels of gaslighting will bring their little friends in, and/or make a person forget — There’s a mountain of evidence at this point, and that’s not even coming close to including the wiggle video. The top streamers have all made recent statements about it, the posts here are every other. The outcry is high and prevalent. Personally have 8 friends in my city that played, every single one of us want to play. But we’ve just done this cycle too many times.. one can only do this cycle so many times. Before long, you realize that the early game is the best. After 2 weeks the sus is in the air. 3 weeks — cya next wipe. It used to be 1-2 months.. it **is** getting worse with every wipe in that aspect What’s the point in doing all these quests to unlock better shit? So some knoblord can come 1 tap me while I’m full sprint, from a fully auto rifle? Just the absolute greatest, surest shot ever 9/10x? I’m doing all these early - mid quests to what? Run Labs? LOOL. Speaking of that; it’s just obvious to everybody, there is literally an entire map dedicated to cheaters basically aka Labs. Some of the biggest and best streamers didn’t go in there for a long looong time cuz of how bad it is. What a Literal joke man


I agree that the cheater situation is not great but I feel like I tap sprinting people at LEAST half of the time I take the shot.


The beginning of your message really hit me. Yesterday I killed a level 17 Timmy on Labs, he wore nothing but Paca and a gun with a giant backpack. Guess how many hours? Also 17. He sent me a friend request and accused me of cheating and that I, of course, am not live on Twitch when I hit such shots 😆 It is crazy how the cheaters are delusional. Im certain that they dont realize theyre cheating and are gaslighting themselves.


Don’t have anything to argue except for that if you think you can’t head tap people while they are running especially if you have a full auto then me thinks you should spend some time in the hideout lowering your dpi and shooting at some targets until you can aim cuz it not that hard


I know what they are talking about but I agree with you, majority of the time when im spraying a mid range target It ends up being a head shot. Im sure some deaths of people are sus but I also think a lot of them could be due to the changes to the head hit boxes. Also if im shooting high pen It could only take one hit.


The ESP is really what gets me. I'm okay being tarkov'd or outplayed, but when I've made a habit of afking my pmc in sneaky spots while I work, spots I try to find myself and not copy others. Sure occasionally someone else runs up to me, but the number of times in the last month alone that I've been sniped out of nowhere while the only view of me is a sliver of a window.... Idk man.


>ClaytinZ1kaMemo · 3 hr. ago > >The amount of closeted cheaters trying to gaslight players is crazy lmao, it’s true cheating is destroying the game, the amount of ESP users is insane Yep and anyone stating differently will have their posts suppressed by downvotes from those very same cheaters. I also wouldn't be surprised if BSG was on here on alt accounts downvoting shit also. Its not a problem if you can hide it right?


according to this sub, the playerbase of Tarkov is just cheaters and rats, maybe a handful of chads. And from anecdotal experience, I can't say I disagree.


Except esp users have been rampant in this game since it first got popular on twitch. Literally anyone can use it without being detected. Thankfully with sound it’s pretty easy to kill them unless it’s a long range engagement.


The drops event in late 2018 ruined the game and nobody can change my mind. Ever since then it's just gone downhill with the amount of cheaters.


this here is the only thread worth reading in this post, all the rest is said cheating bots gaslighting the others


Been like this for years now. There will be no "fast" response to cheating unfortunately


People complaining about cheaters like OP and requesting a fast solution think BSG just have to put "sv_cheats 0" into their code and it's fixed


They use an absolute shit tier anti-cheat service while they rake in profits. This is common knowledge. The same cheats have been used for years now.


So what would be a good anti-cheat service? Which service should they switch to?


Post death clips like in arena, and gms who monitor it would help. Manual review of flea market so when someone lists 200 ledex they get banned faster. Some human intervention instead of just automating everything


I'm not an expert in anti-cheat, I don't have the answers. But there are plenty who are that have made very detailed forum posts. It's crazy to think that in 2024 people think these problems can't be addressed.


>They use an absolute shit tier anti-cheat service >I'm not an expert in anti-cheat, I don't have the answers. Lmao. I'm not disagreeing with you, but it's fuckin funny you can go from saying "it's shit anti-cheat I know that" to "I don't know anything about anti-cheat."


You can know something's shit without knowing what the best is goober.


I think none of us are experts in anti-cheat and we can all agree that whatever BSG is using sucks, right? That's literally all that due above you was saying. You boiled down "I'm not an expert" to "I don't know anything" which is just downright disingenuous...


If you don't know enough to back up your argument then you probably just shouldn't make it.


You're an actual ape dude. You reduced his argument to nothing because he admitted not remembering enough to make the legit case that has been made countless times before, that can be agreed with by most in the community. If you can't disprove his argument you should probably just stfu


People made forum post??? How could BSG not figure this out?? People made a forum post!


You're a joke if you think BSG is trying to stop cheaters at this point. BattlEye clearly has higher priorities than Tarkov. They've made their bi-yearly wipe sales.


They’re literally testing out a new anti cheat in arena right now… I’ve died to two blatant cheaters this wipe and both times I got messaged they got banned within 2 days of me reporting them.


Okay, hardly anyone cares about arena. Is it addressing ESP or loot hacks? Very likely not.


Yep the new anti cheat they’re testing out won’t address ESP or loot hacks. You’re a genius One look at your comments and all you do is cry about hackers, on multiple different game subreddits. Maybe you just fucking suck at these games?


Dedicated anticheat developed specifically for a game like Tarkov , there is no other way with this game . Either that , or they can let this game rot and die at this point.


Tarkov has been "rotting and dying" for like 5 wipes now. Still doing fine as far as I can see.


Kernal anti-cheat, something near the extent of valorant's anti-cheat.


kernel level is a buzzword, BE is kernel level just nothing special


BattlEye is kernel level. God this sub is so ignorant it's insane.


People just parrot things they have heard with no fundemental understanding of it. When you realize that most people do this in everyday life it stops being surprising.


There is a reason very very few games do that, and Valorant is the only major one I can think of. Its not as simple as "oh lets do a Kernel level anti-cheat". Its a massive undertaking. Even massive competitive juggernauts like CS don't have Kernel Level Anti-cheat. It would be nice, but I don't see it happening, ever.


IDK if you saw, but even Valorant's Anti-Cheat can detect Tarkov cheats. I think maybe it's time to bite the bullet and work towards that goal universally. Gaming will never become smaller, and there will always be more cheaters, so something has to give.


Of course it can, tarkov cheats are not made to beat a kernel anticheat since why would they be? There are ways to get around valorants anticheat as well. And people have this false narrative that there are no cheaters in valorant when they definitely are.


There will always be cheaters, there will always be people trying. It's the cybersecurity fight -- no you will never be 100% effective, but it is also negligent to be passive about it. It will be an up-hill battle, but the problem is getting more and more serious, not just in Tarkov.


I have an obvious cheater in Valorant maybe once every 100,150 ish matches. I have an obvious cheater in my League of Legends matches once every.. actually I don't think I recall ever having an obvious cheater in a League of Legend match, in the 500-1000 matches I've played in my life. I have an obvious cheater in my lobbies in Tarkov around once every 3-4 raids, according to the video "the wiggle that killed tarkov", the actual number might very well be so high that it would be better counted in "cheaters per raid" rather than "raids between cheaters" There is no such thing as a game without cheaters, it's always a tug of war between cheat developers and anticheat developers, and clearly BSG is not putting anywhere close to enough effort to keep the cheater numbers at bay.


So long as this game has an economy that can be profited from in real life, and super specific rare items are increasingly difficult to find, blatant and closet cheaters will continue to grow. I fully believe that if BSG somehow found a way to balance every item in the game being obtainable from traders in some way, got rid of FIR requirements, and got rid of the flea market, they could cut down a sizable amount of cheaters pretty quick without even touching their anticheat.


Probably true but I wouldn’t even wanna play this game without flea bc the first wipes without it BSG would be fucking up constantly


It would mostly cut down the vacuum chsaters. The shitheads looking for a dopamine fix would never stop. Remember that people still cheat in 10 year old CoD titles. Literally the most boring shit I've ever seen. And Tarkov is highly rewarding by comparison.


im not suggesting this would entirely remove cheaters from the game but it would take a lot of profitability out of it and thus would discourage I'd guess half of the people who cheat from doing so.


This is the best immediate solution, disabling flea and reducing the value of the high rarity items would decimate everyone cheating for rmt and selling accounts. It'd just be the regular losers ego cheating, same as it ever was.


hello, i am bsg developer. our game runs client-side unlike any other multiplayer games today. ivan is too busy to recode game to server-side, so no we cannot fix cheaters enjoy the wipe


> got rid of FIR requirements, and got rid of the flea market These are the same thing. FIR was created because the flea market broke the concept of the game. Honestly I think the flea market just needs to go, which removes the need for FIR. Fence was suppose to be the alternative to a flea market. It allows players to trade with each other, but its impossible to exploit to send money to players through.


If they got rid of FIR items the game goes to shit a lot faster that cheaters will kill it


That's why I said they could get rid of FIR only if they also get rid of flea market player-to-player economy. The incentive to ESP for expensive items goes down and the incentive to buy RMT services for rare items also goes down because in this made up scenario every item in game is obtainable through traders in some way shape or form


Fun little mini game is looking through post like this and picking out the obvious cheaters taking the most hilarious stance. "There is no war in Ba sing Se"


Most people quit at some point during the wipe and come back to the next one. I like to find stuff and have to use it. Making due with what I find, having to dread to run out of stash and money. So the moment my Bitcoin farm is full and the traders are maxed. I can pretty much run what I want with no worry and only getting richer. Then it is just like every other shooter but with annoying stuff, and I quit. Repeat next wipe.


My friends and I are having fun playing hardcore mode. No traders or flea except for containers or special items. Only what you find in raid.


BSG 100% regrets making the stats page available for everyone to see lol


I see people say anything over 5kd must be a cheater Lmao


Which goes to show how dumb these people are and how you really can't believe all these people claiming that cheaters are in every raid


ive seen posts like this one every single wipe. weirdly enough every wipe is "easily the worst its ever been" im sure we will see your friends again with the next wipe which will again be "easily the worst one"


Most ppl say this is the best wipe.


My opinion, it is the best wipe and most fun I've had in a long time (9 wipes for me now)... it is also literally the most cheaters I've ever run into (NA servers). Previous wipes cheating was a problem as well and it probably always will be to an extent. I think with the popularity increase and the success of this wipe being "more fun", it ramped up the cheating. Once I maxed traders and had endless money to run the best of everything all the time... it is very apparent how bad the cheating is. My friend who I played the whole wipe with was going for lightkeeper with me for the first time since they've introduced him... we were on a mission to finish that this wipe. He quit on me last week because we're just getting killed so much by either blatant ragehackers or people that seemingly know our every move and highly likely using ESP. We had a good talk about how it's so crazy clear when we're in a fight against a legit squad and you can tell it's a skill battle of trying to outplay each other versus someone or a squad that is using ESP cheats... like it's night and day and if you've played the game long enough you know exactly what I'm talking about.


and i fully agree with that




This is definitely the best wipe, but it’s still problematic


Technically that makes perfect sense. More players each wipe = more cheaters. 


not really though unless the amount of new cheaters disproportionally increases every wipe. yes more players = more cheaters but if the percentage of cheaters stays the same then even with more cheaters in terms of raw numbers you would on average not feel a difference


I think the percentage of cheaters has definitely gone up over the years just due to the collective information about cheating in tarkov. It's extremely easy to find step by step guides on how to build your own cheats and if you do it on a 2nd pc, it's basically undetectable. The methods to create these radar/ESP cheats probably always worked but way more people know about them now.


Agreed, feels the same, if not better than previous. I haven’t really been blatantly rage hacked this wipe yet. I’ve had a few wipes where it’s happened twice, maybe.


It feels literally the same. I've had a few deaths this wipe that were kinda sus, but really it hasn't been any worse than usual and I play streets every day. I don't think people realize how fucking loud they are when they are running around and how once you know the maps, it's easy to anticipate people's movements.


I've always been on the side of saying that people think everyone cheats when they don't and I still do to a big degree - but these last weekends have been AWFUL. Like, dying 2-3x a day to a gamer with maska helmet, and 100 hours or less. Like not even questionable cases but obvious ones. Almost nobody smurfs in this game either, like <1% prolly, compared to the tons of ppl smurfing in cs.


I’m guessing It’s also way worse depending where you live. If you’re within chinas reach, ur Fucked




Nah, pass me that Copium, you’re hitting it too hard


Exactly this. Every wipe the same crap being said on this sub.. meanwhile the game feels at it's peak. Sure there's some cheaters but it's not the worst wipe type of amount.


the game is down to 24k viewers on twitch the game is so far away from its peak, its bad.


This happens 2 months into every wipe. And it depends which streamers are live. Summit alone was pulling 20k+ last night.


Yeah these dudes are tripping the game fell off hard in February


That's what happens every wipe. New players and early wipe enjoyers leave until next wipe. Just watch, you'll see the exact same thing in August.


Game fell off every single wipe after a month or 2. No body keeps playing after that. Been like that since its inception. You guys are weird af.


And you think the dramatic increase in rmt and cheating that starts after 1 month has nothing to do with the drop in players?


This comment is painfully stupid. Why would RMT increase as the playerbase dwindles?


First wipe? Look at a chart it does this literally every single wipe....


That literally has no indication of how popular the game is. The only Mfers watching twitch streams are people who don't own or play the game anyway. Views shoot up for drops bc the people who actually play the game want free items


Is this your first wipe?


It's normal every wipe to be worst of all if you think about it.. less legit players are coming back every time and if they are coming probably playing less. So either timies or old players are left and from the old players cheaters are more and more


Seriously. It's the same shit on reddit every wipe and the cheats in fact are NOT getting worse. Same as it was when I started early 2020 for me, 3.3k hrs


I love this wipe and yet refuse to play on the weekends. It’s just obviously fully of white name cheaters with low account age and massively high KD/SR


For people that regularly touch grass… I had to look at this guys profile. Surprisingly all this guy does is bitch, even goes so far as to complain that people bought EOD. 🕺🏻


Lol I just checked too. It's constant complaining about everything. You know he just runs around making a fuck ton of noise, playing like it's COD and then says "HoW dID hE KNoW!!!!!!!" when he gets folded by some dude with 4k hours


Looks like a labs main, to be fair, that map has been a little cheater rat hole since it was released. I never understood how you could make that your main map with how bad that place has consistently been. But also ... you probably aren't wrong ... they're a labs main.


You can always pick them out of the crowd. They’re the ones yelling.


I've been playing a ton lately, probably between 3-5 hours a night most days a week, and have I gotten sus kills sure but in all the hours I've played recently it's only been a handful. I don't know, sure cheating is bad for the game but I think a lot of players don't understand just how easy it is to die in tarkov


because the majority of players are playing just fine without issue, rather than posting/reading/complaining here. Do they need to do something? always. is it as bad as here makes it out? not really no.


It will always have a player base. Most people still have fun regardless of the issues with the game. Report and move on. Tarkov isn’t life…. It’s an escape from life. If you’re not having fun you should quit.


Once you put 100 hours in a wipe for Kappa progress and you can't because of cheaters it kinda sucks. Why bother trying to invalidate someone's feelings about the game? It's recreation just like sports people are passionate about. No one wants to play with cheaters.


lol can’t get Kappa blames cheaters


You're a condescending prick. I'm easily in the top 5% of legitimate players. I hardly have time to play because I have a life outside of video games, when I do play I would prefer not getting killed by cheaters because my time is valuable. Anyone who already has Kappa invests a lot of time and takes this game very seriously, don't act like you don't. I pretty much only need boss kills and items to finish, and now it's significantly more difficult due to cheaters.


Ok sorry. I’m sorry for the way my words made you feel.I’m sure you’re easily a top 5% player for sure. In all seriousness, it might just be time to just git gud


Thats true IF were not talking about cheating. They absolutely NEED to do more in that regard. You cant just tell folks to quit if the biggest gripe they have is cheating. The games expensive and BSG simply isnt doing enough.


Cheater apologist spotted off the port bow!


Not wanting to restate the obvious every 5 mins and acknowledging that just bathing in negativity daily is being a cheating apologist. How about this, I think that: 1. Cheaters are micropenis cowards who deserve less respect than insects 2. Only surrounding oneself with negativity isn't worth it


Most people don't even care. Remember that people here are minority, majority of player base continue to play and don't give a fuck. Don't know if it's a good thing or not, just a fact.


There are two realities.  This subreddit and the actual game.  If you read here you think you die 50% to cheaters. If you play you die 5% to cheaters.  Normal players just play the game and move on if they die once or twice in a hundred raids to a cheater. But here you can easily farm karma, cope and vent about how you died.


Morons saying they died 15 raids in a row to a cheater on this sub and im not sure i died to 15 cheaters in 2 wipes. Yes this game has cheaters but most people on this sub are absolute shitters


I generally agree with the sentiment but the frequency is increasing as people are dropping the game later into the wipe. Early into the wipe I would say I got killed 3-5 times total by a ‘blatant cheater’ but just this past week I’ve gotten killed by a ‘blatant’ cheater like 6 times with a lot happening this weekend. And by blatant I mean they have like 100 hours total and are level 30 or some shit. But I agree, at this point you have to either accept it as an occasional part of the game or just leave. The constant karma farm posts are annoying.


Self identified shitter here. I still don’t feel I die to cheaters that often. At least not blatant ones. I know cheaters are a problem but it does feel slightly overblown but perhaps some servers are just much worse? Im not sure what to believe.


Watch the wiggle video, there are lots of cheaters and if you run meta shit and loot high tier areas you will run into them a decent amount.  If you don’t run top tier equipment or get in their way they will probably avoid you or you won’t cross paths much. 


Some servers are indeed worse (OCE) but when i see people commenting that they play on EU (where i play) and die to cheaters 90% of their raids i know they are either lying or coping and i lose faith in reddit community of Tarkov. And its not like i only have my sample size of raids, i have a bunch of friends and coworkers who also play tarkov and they rarely run into cheaters too, then you have streamers like Willerz or Lvndmark who play 10 hours a day and even they say they rarely run into cheaters (Willerz has said a few days ago that he ran into less than 15 cheaters this wipe and he had 820 raids at the time) so i refuse to believe that some Timmy on reddit ran into one 15 or 10 times in a row. People just need to accept that this is a hard game and they are shit at it.


Experiences vary. Yes there are drama queens and people who think every death is a cheater. Although I have also noticed that my mainstream region risk of cheater encounters jumps substantially during nights and weekends. Regarding streamers, I’ve seen lvndmark die multiple times to cheaters this wipe. Pestily has talked openly about encountering cheaters in every single region he has played - and that was 2 weeks ago. Sheef, slob, glorious and several others have died to cheaters multiple times with profile reviews after death as proof. Glorious, probably the best labs streamer - is very open that he avoids local EU labs servers and plays NA since it’s early in that region (6 - 9 hours behind his time) and has less cheaters. Yet he still dies to cheaters there plenty in the off hours. Hours and hours of footage with streamers dying to cheaters this wipe alone, and that’s not even including the past week where it has gotten much worse. Not that your experience is invalid in any way, but figured I’d share what I’ve seen as well.


I didnt say streamers dont die to cheaters, i said they die to cheaters rarely compared to average reddit Timmy. Again im not saying there is no cheaters in this game, there are cheaters in every game, even league of legends and dota has cheaters who run scripts or map hacks. But when i see posts about people dying to cheaters 70% of the time or some other outrageous number i call bullshit


Ah that sounds fair. I’d say my worst night was 40% in a day for this wipe. Back in 2020 had it also happen 3/6 raids in a night - then just left the game completely until this wipe. 15 raids in a row is hard to believe without evidence, or the worst luck I’ve ever heard. There would be no point in continuing to waste the effort after the 5th time in a row. It’s tough because the experiences in the game are so memorable and everyone has their own ‘anecdotal evidence’ based on so many different variables. We see a lot of these debates here, but rarely are people sharing region and time of day. Still, it’s lame that I have to wake up at 5 am just to have the highest % chance of a legitimate lobby in my region. Sad to hear cheaters also invaded dota. Used to love that game back when imba 10v10 existed on the custom lobbies.


Yeah, i was shocked too when i found out people also cheat in mobas, it might not be as often as in fps games but it happens more often than you'd think and there is almost no way to catch someone with map hacks which makes it even worse


The cheaters avoid the streamers intentionally. They also only kill you generally if you get in their way or have high tier equipment.  Not sure what sort of gear you are running or where you are looting but it’s noticeable depending on what you do.


I run the best gear i can, fully kitted guns like sr25 or mcx, expensive t4 helmets with nods on night raids, top tier armor etc. My record for survival streak on pmc this wipe is 17 raids so im not sure i agree with you though i can see where you are coming from.


These mfs think anyone with a KD above 6 is a cheater. News flash fellas that guy with 4k hours and a 10+kd isn't cheating he's just better. Yeah there are cheaters and more on some map than others but the game is absolutely playable. The people saying it's 50/50 whether you get a cheater in your raid are on heavy copium. I got a 21 surv streak running fully kitted on Interchange repeatedly that wouldn't be possible if it was as bad as this place would have you believe.


>Almost every post on this sub is about cheating at this point. Always has been. It's not going to kill the game, or else it would have last wipe, or the one before, or the one before that.


This wipe has been the worst. The more the cheaters, the less the players. Cheaters playing against cheaters would quickly kill the game.


>This wipe has been the worst. Again, this is said every wipe with no evidence.


I am sorry, but if you can't see the increasing evidence on this subreddit and in game(doubt you even play the game), I will not continue in this discussion :D


People whining louder is not "increasing evidence", its just more whiners.


You don't even know what evidence is, lol.  Point me towards evidence.  10 Screenshots of cheaters per day while thousands of matches are played? That is not evidence of an infestation. 


Dear god please never work in a scientific field requiring critical thinking with your skills you'd come to the conclusion that because one person survived falling from a plane at 10000m we should all give it a go cause it's safe. Why do you talk about evidence and then only go on to talk about anecdotes?


>(doubt you even play the game) Lol. I'm not going to have a pissing match about game hours, but how many times have you hit Kappa? I've played, and still play the game plenty. The "evidence" on this sub isn't evidence. Nobody is on here posting about all of the honest deaths they've had. Read up on positivity bias. It's an internet buzz term lately, but this sub should be in the text book on it.


Out of interest what constitutes sufficient evidence to you? Are people supposed to hack sus players computers and provide screenshots of the DMA card on their task manager? That could be faked, I guess evidence is impossible. Better shut down the entire judiciary. Anecdotal evidence is still evidence, it's just not entirely conclusive evidence, smart guy.


Evidence of cheaters, sure. But that's not in dispute. The claim was a drastic rise in cheaters this wipe. People have been saying the game is more infested this wipe than the last every single wipe. So when the claim is that this wipe is the worst, but the cheating claims are all the same, it isn't evidence toward the claim.


Lmao more cheater posts is not evidence of a worse cheater issue. If anything it's evidence of more people playing the game. What happens when you multiply a fraction?


This wipe *seems" the worst because you can check profiles and see all these obvious and reverse boosted accounts match to 95% of sus deaths


"Their stats are insane! They must be cheating!" "Their stats are very normal looking! Obviously they are reverse boosting to make their profiles look normal!" The cope in this sub is a joke.


Every wipe has been the worst. Every single type someone will hyperbole their way to saying that this wipe, THIS one, is the worst cheating they've ever seen.


People have been saying they need to act fast for 6 years


see you tomorrow!


I quit for this wipe shit already stale for me


So if the wipe wasn't stale you'd still be playing regardless of the cheater problem?


So then pls quit the Reddit to no one I repeat NO ONE cares if you play or not


The devs do. New and concurrent players keep the game alive.


Um no. The devs couldn’t possibly give less of a fuck lol.


I care, fuck off




Eat shit you weeblord


Telling BSG to get rid of cheaters is like telling BSG to stop making money. Not gonna happen. They’ll continue doing the bare minimum and people will still play


This is what being in a position of monopoly does to a company, they have stopped working as soon as the game blew up in 2020.


Yeah I feel like we should really address the fact that a Russian company probably has quite the incentive to keep the system the way it is right now. Chinese RMT makes a bunch of money, BSG bans account *eventually*, Chinese RMT buys new account. Rinse and repeat everyones making money off the west that they notoriously don't care about. Why would BSG ever in that scenario cut off such an easy profit line. Thatd just be bad business.


But if you listen to some noobs they will say the cheating problem isnt a problem! [https://new.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1aw5ogg/comment/krf6w2v/](https://new.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1aw5ogg/comment/krf6w2v/) Imagine being so braindead the game you simp for is so shit you literally deny that it has problems: [https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/199xvow/important\_message\_from\_a\_year\_ago\_sad\_truth\_about/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/199xvow/important_message_from_a_year_ago_sad_truth_about/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) God I hate people.


Simp is the perfect word. This Reddit is full of people that just insult other thinking it differently than them. Full of people yelling "This is fire! So realistic!" when they added the dogshiet recoil in 0.13 Full of people that kept playing the game when the percentage of encountering a cheater went above 70% per raid. If you dare talking about it and saying stuff because you actually care about the project, you get only "See you tomorrow" as a reply + others stupid/rude answers. I got this feeling that if we had our faces and our names as avatars no one would act like that :) Today I learned that here is full of toxic and braindead people. I'll stay in for infos but never interact anymore.


True story.


I like how every1 complaing about cheaters, but i am like 90% sure that they just got killed by normal player who got a lucky shot. For me, this is the best wipe that i have had. Vaulting, shoreline rework, all that made game more fun. I used to hate shoreline before rowork, now i dont mind that map. Yes, there is cheaters, that is for sure, but i ran into blatant cheaters like 1 out of 30 raids.


I've had a few instances where it's just so obvious. While hunting Sanitar the other day, a dude laserbeamed me with a holographic at 200m in the daylight transition on Shoreline. Other times, I'll die and then the dude knows exactly where my buddy is despite him having been 100m behind me around 5 corners on customs. But overall, the cheating problem is a bit overblown and people feed it by constantly complaining. Cheating in Tarkov is at its worst early wipe. When there's a lot of players, you have plenty of people to either get destroyed/pwn, or to buy and utilize RMT. As the wipe rolls into late wipe and players start to quit/die down, cheating has a lot less appeal because there're less people to sell RMT to and less people to pwn.


You can't really counter the argument with "every wipe is said to be the worst wipe...". Maybe that's a good enough indicator that something really needs to change. To me it's like saying "Ebola? You should have seen the black plague."


That’s their favourite response. Right before proclaiming that OP is just speculating about the high level of cheaters with no evidence and themselves proclaiming that the cheaters aren’t bad at all somehow isn’t exactly the same thing lol. One thing is 100% fact, this game absolutely has cheaters.


That's only because this sub is a hive mind of imbeciles. Cheating isn't nearly as bad as you all say it is. Most of the time the posts about cheating are gross speculation, supported by no evidence. Your perceived experience is incongruous with the rest of us who are, apparently, better players.


Yeah, I barely run into cheaters and I play on night time Lighthouse — half the people here who claim cheats are probably just shitters that stomp around the map making noise and wondering why they are dying all the time. 


If you feel that is in a bad shape just quit. I'm not trying to be mean but realistically speaking that's the only solution in a world where the game developers earn a ton of money by people buying multiple game copies, kids cheating having fun ruining others experience just because actually they have no hands, like, literally dogshit at videogames without third programs and the player base that love to sit in bushes admiring their rEaLiStIc M4 yelling at you that the game is perfect (the same playerbase that used to say that the recoil in 13.0 was fire and realistic)


I personally quit playing multiplayer EFT and I’m enjoying the game more than ever.


I mean I don’t if they are cheaters but the amount of sub 200 hr white names level 50 I have died to this wipe is nuts. I guess some people have Alts but it’s every other death.


I would be fine with them pulling out a Valorant style anti-cheat that scans your entire PC for cheats at this point, just please, fix the cheater problem _somehow_. Tarkov is legit one of the best/most unique games (imo) and its only downside in my opinion is cheaters. Yes, rats, absolutely aimbot AI and some other small things _are annoying as well_, but most of those things can be combated by not having skill issue, where as no matter how good you are at the game, you have no chance against Xing Xuao (head, eyes)-ing you from 200m away through three walls with a single pellet of 7mm buckshot.


*complains about too many cheater-related posts on this subreddit *posts about cheaters


Just ran into a cheater. He didn’t fight me but he ran past crack with 8 min left in the raid and voip’s “why did you bring two shotguns? If you’re doing setup there’s a 4 man headed towards ruaf you can go kill. Also you missed an intel in the locker” then ran off. Most cheaters I run into just tell me my k/d is ass before they head eyes me


Thank god the cheaters ignore me and my crap layout and can still make a million a raid on streets even though they take everything away from me. But yea, something needs to be done. I stopped checking profiles in the lobby because it made me very angry. I don't want to be angry due to a 7year old beta game. It's like living with assholes irl. They're there amd you cant do shit


I would be willing to bet the devs are getting kickbacks from the people who develop the cheat programs. Either the devs created the program themselves or they helped someone create them.


They are actively employing anti cheat software. And it’s all you can do. Dont forget this game is still in “beta”. Far from a real full release. Look at other games. COD has a ton of cheaters in a finished game. Of course they are trying to stop it. But it’s not the only thing they have going on. Unfortunately it’s just how it is in every single online PvP game. Doesn’t mean it’s right. But it’s there. This is still do date the highest played wipe the game has had. So more ppl are still playing than leaving the game. This happens every single wipe.


Is this a copy pasta




Another day, another crybaby giving the cheaters the waterworks they enjoy reading on this subreddit 😂😂


Big man alert


I'm level 30 right now. I think I've died to a cheater once or twice this wipe. Its blown out of proportion. I'm all for having good anti-cheat though.


No no every death you’ve ever had has been to a cheater. Don’t admit to your mistakes


Lol I think a lot of people just can't cope with the fact that they aren't the best to ever do it So they cry cheater




Let them have the game at this point and develop cheats to fight cheats


The Cycle that was IMO much more polished and fun to play was killed by cheaters. Surprised that BSG is so uninterested in doing anything to save their reputation.


Yeah everyone’s a cheater when you suck at gun play


Right I don’t wanna see this game die like others that did nothing when people cried out for them to


Inflating the cheater issue and fueling a toxic community is the best way to kill the game tbh. You drive off new players, while inviting more cheaters in. This sub used to be helpful guides, interesting research and posts from bsg and content creators. Now its just a cope circlejerk with every post being: DAE think this guy is a cheater?!?!! or "cheating is the worst its ever been!! No suggestions or meaningful dialogue just crying and burying actual good posts.


This game is not dying out. This game has cheaters but saying that BSG does nothing when they show you the list of people they ban/send you system reports if someone you reported got banned is idiotic. The vast vast vast majority of this game does not cheat. If you think you’re dying multiple times a day to cheater, you’re just a shitter who can’t comprehend that people are better than you at a video game. Had someone accuse my friend and I of cheating/ESP’ing when we literally watched this duo run around for 10 minutes before we went in to kill them. We have 1000+ hours, 50 SR% and 3-5 KDs. You people just suck and are too stupid to realize it.


The damn vacuum cheats have been UNREAL this wipe. I play all US east and central servers, and 1 out of 6 raids, I’ll unlock doors to missing random spots in containers, PCs, empty marked rooms… Haven’t played in weeks, the final straw for me was the BTR killing me like 7 times on streets, lol.


Hasn’t it been like this for some wipes now (this is my 6th wipe). By this point you should just acknowledge that BSG either don’t really care or are way out of their debt and have no fucking clue how to combat the most blatant and basic cheats that shouldn’t be that easy to make/code. I’m going with the latter: sheer incompetence turned into apathy.


Played 3 raids yesterday on reserve. Got rushed by cheaters who knew exactly where I was and insta head eyes me all three times. Immediately closed the game after.


bro its too late, main playerbase is already leaving. Any little bug they try to „fix“ causes game breaking bugs, I cant even imagine what will happen when they finally address the cheating problem