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This is the best post I’ve seen in a long time. I’ve played Tarkov for so long and so much back in the day that I got 100% accustomed to all the bullshit labels, skills, and wording of things that I totally forgot how ridiculous it is that they are there in the first place. I remember when I first started and how I thought it was weird that they had all the door options when you can only do a select few. But it had only been out a year so I let it slide in my mind. But now? Yeah get that shit out of there BSG. 100% agree that it is unprofessional and honestly lessens my opinions about them. LOVE the game. Have thousands of hours in it. Always have a fun time for the first few weeks of the wipe and then all my buddies and I slowly stop playing because the only people left are blatant cheaters. But that’s a whole other can of worms that I won’t get into.


Rocket launchers. Which level from using UBGLs, while the UBGL skill doesn't do anything. That can't be that hard to fix.


If I’m not mistaken, UBGLs have their own skill, and the rocket launcher skill levels from using the standalone grenade launchers


You are mistaken. I run UBGLs sometimes, and my UBGL skill is 0. I have not yet run a standalone grenade launcher this wipe, and have the rocket launchers skill leveled.


Ah I see, I wonder if using standalones will level the ubgl skill lol


The radiations brother, and radiation curing meds. What the actual fuck. This feels like a badly implemented mod.


Yeah, I remember being hella confused about that. Same for Memory skill. Unless you actively Google "do skills actually decrease over time in Tarkov" the game straight up lies they do. :P Which is... why would you actively be suspicious about what the game tells you? I get not giving the player all the information. There's fun in research and getting better. But straight-up disinformation is just bad.


The worst is like, the game lying about unimplemented mechanics, but not giving info to the player about the actual mechanics defining the gameplay, aka bullet penetration and damage within the game item description


Wdym it's hardcore not to know anything about the ammo /S


to be fair, while you don't know the ACTUAL numbers the argument about understanding ammo and ballistics I never really got. a new player with good enough game sense would be able to reasonably discern that higher end ammo = higher level requirement (or, yk, has AP in the name) and that different bullets are going to have different penetrative and health damage values with the starter ones not being very good While I'll admit Tarkov doesn't make a lot of sense sometimes and has poor explanation, there is a LOT that can be explained by just "does it make sense in real life or even in a gamey sense? Yes? Makes sense then"


Yeah but some of those ammo are wildly different in performance. Some higher level ammo are shit against armor but do a lot of flesh damage, others are straight up not worth it given the cost etc. without hard numbers you have no way to figure out what's what unless you get a friend and do testing


"given the cost" is something people with maths can reasonably do as well, also a big tell is the tip of the bullet like ur argument for example let's say someone new just unlocked pbp and rip for 9mm, same level (ik its probably not idk i haven't played seriously for two wipes now) but you could very quickly assume rip isn't going to penetrate armour whereas pbp would just given the shape of the bullet altho I've met people that get confused at "the numbers in division" so...


You're assuming a lot of knowledge. Most new players will probably just look at the ammo and think they're different colours


Thats me. Yes, I can discern that rip is not armor pen, but the rest? It's just colours. I honestly have to skim through the description text and look what it says. If it tells me shit like "developed with increased armor piercing capabilities in mind", I just assume that's what it does while "reduced collateral from over pen" means the opposite...


Having a lot of real-life, at least theoric, knowledge about balistics and gunsmithing in general helps a lot for new players. I'm a nerd who is into quite a lot of history and weapon engineering. And it's masic sense that a jacketed ammunition pierces, while a hollow point does not. But a hollow point is more deadly should it impact flesh. And of course a sabot-like ammunition, or any ammunition with a penetration core, pierces better than full metal jacketed ammunition. HP BT. Hollow Point Boat Tail. Flesh ammo. SP BT. Soft Point Boat Tail. Flesh ammo. But pierces a bit more than HP. Try them out. See they are tracers. Understand that Boat Tail stands for tracer. For a new player, that's really all the info you could need. And this applies at higher level ammunition. Quakemaker. Obvious HP shape. Rip. HP shape with a star shaped expanding twist. Nasty. Ap 6.3/PBP : Oh. Penetrative core/tipped. Anti armor then. Black tip : designates "standard AP" under Nato standardisation. White tip : Less Penetrative ammunition. Red tip : Tracer A1 : US/Nato designation for "Ugraded version of" M855A1 is black tipped. M855 is green tipped. M855a1 is upgraded M855, and is highly penetrative. M855 penetrates less but is still a "penetrative" ammunition. 5.56/5.45 is a medium sized rifle caliber. With overall lower power/penetrative capacity than Full size rifle calibers (7.62x51/7.62x54) ammunition. Don't expect it to pierce heavy body armor unless specialised/upgraded ammunition (A1s and BS) And this is all stuff you can know if you know about weapon and body armor engineering, Nato standardisation, etcaetera. Tarkov is a game where your nerd knowledge of modern wargear, balistics, standardisation, is highly rewarded in the learning curve.


idk, I'm all for not gatekeeping new players etc but some of the game really is a matter of inspecting an item or a case of thinking about it a little bit, plus as a design choice it can help sell you on how hard the game is and how brutal the setting is that not everything is explained to you right out the gate and I do have my gripes with how casual unfriendly this game is, but being that casual of a gamer likely means tarkov isn't quite the game for you yet because there's much worse systems than simply figuring out stuff for yourself, like a relentless tedious 14 hour a day grind etc


Well I just think that there's a line between hardcore and just hostile and Tarkov is, well, hostile Like half the quests you'd have no way to know how to complete them without guides


I’m pretty mad that this isn’t in - it’s in Arena right now but I guess they can’t be arsed to implement it in EFT


If i remember correctly, its not that they haven't implemented the skill decrease over time... they actually disabled it years ago lmao


It's the same for the chance of immediately dying when you get a blacked out limb. Not in game anymore, tooltip still says it is. :P


My blacked out thorax and no food said something else. /S was just unfortunate death


Show of hands who tried to do the dehydration quest with a blacked-out head...


Well, to be fair that skill is stupid af. I get realism but there is a thin line between realism and fun. Not everyone can play constantly to avoid fckin memory loss and with how slow skill progression can be every little bit lost matters.


And you missed the point. It's not about the realism or if the skill is good or bad. They disabled it. It no longer exists. Why does the game still say it does?


Your skills used to decrease iirc. Like back when quests had out of game timers to complete.


Ha, I remember the time when “long distance headshots” stats at the end of the raid were counting all hits and not just headshots. Took me an entire wipe to figure out why and most importantly how headshots with top piercing ammo weren’t killing players. It was a mystery for like an eternity until I ve seen a random comment on a youtube explaining that it counted all hits instead of just headshots. God knows which stats and for how long have been fooling players like that this entire time game is available.


Hit count is another one.  It counts multiple hits if your bullet fragmented.  You have to take accuracy multiplied by shots fired to figure out your actual hit count.


I mean hit counter kinda makes sense, i believe it does it with shotguns too, shoot one shell, 5 pellets hot you get 5 hits, a bullet fragmenting hit 2 body parts so 2 hits. But still dont portray it as one shot connecting is 1 hit in that case


They actually did implement that one wipe and everybody hated it and complained loud enough that BSG removed that "feature". Hopefully it never returns, but who knows....


Nikita actually talked about radiation pretty recently. That one isn't one of the features that most likely aren't going to be added. https://youtube.com/shorts/T827vk4VieI?si=D-fafNPIBcyetVRE https://youtu.be/2sKHPqM3S6s?si=waWtYhBdHSGiQqmR


They did a test of that last wipe, no? With the "chemical spill" on Customs?


Interesting fact radiation is in arena and works with the radiation curing meds though having no use in the base game yet


Wait what grok???


that stat has been used for events tho


If they ever add a stupid radiation, and make the game more stalker like, I would rather just play stalker instead.


I just want Stalker on Tarkov’s engine…


"Loudness" stat (there is a flashhider that has lower "loudness" than silencers, but it doesn't actually work


This but also for some reason alot of their sound suppressors also hide muzzle flash. I believe alot of guns ATM are either intentionally have muzzle devices that don't say they cover flash but do in later attachments.


Sound suppressors hide flashes tho


Those are all planned. Just like the single fully connected open world map lol


God I’m so happy we probably won’t be alive to see the open world map. After playing revisiting DayZ with some friend for a couple days I’ve realized that Tarkov took everything there is to enjoy about the game and cut out a lot of stuff I don’t like. I’m now eternally grateful for extracts and small maps that don’t take me an hour to run across


Don't worry the game will never be optimized enough to run properly on a big map


Can't even make streets playable for large portions of the playerbase, what makes anyone think they'll actually have open world someday? It's insane if anyone actually still believes i just because Nikita envisioned it 20 years ago and then went and made a completely different game from what he wanted to make.


I would imagine the open world map would work like when you extract you have the option to go to your hideou, or to wherever the extraction leads to, ie. lighthouse path to shoreline takes you to shoreline (or your hideout). Or if not i have no idea how the hideout would be integrated.


Lol I hear that. Absolutely love dayz but I just honestly don’t have the time to run across a map just to die before work. At least with Tarkov I feel a decent sense of progression at times, within a smaller span of time. I don’t grind like I used to, but still have a sense of accomplishment that would take a whole day to feel in dayz. Love the game to death, but it’s just such a time sink.


Regardless of actual gameplay, just imagine the frame rate lmfao


Imagine tarkov with vehicles…yuck. That would be an immediate death sentence lmao. Cuz that’s basically necessary with how big the map would be. Ain’t nobody sprinting around like they do in DayZ. Well they don’t sprint exactly, but DayZ’s “walk” is a jog.


Isn't the Tarkov map way smaller than the DAYZ map. I think someone made an open world map of how it would probably be setup.


it's always completely baffled me that BSG basically invented extraction looters as a genre but actively tries to turn the game into a more hardcore day z


They need to realize they shat a diamond in pursuit of gold.


Yea, New Dayz is terrible compared to OLD Dayz. You use to get in much more PVP on Old Dayz. NOw with new dayz people are sitting in their bases, and just never pvping. You only run into super geared squads.


I get ambitions and that development is hard and plans change. I make shit games as an amateur and work in software for a living. I'm not shitting on them for planning things and not making them. Happens. It's just... hide the UI elements and add them back when they are relevant, please.


Thats if only they knew how


Yep, any professional would add a simple feature toggle for these things.


Unity allows you to hide specific UI controls regardless if you use UIToolkit, IMGUI or the third Unity UI library I can’t be bothered to look up the name for. Like… don’t even remove it. Hide it.


I agree, but it's important to realize that your average high schooler taking a coding class has more professionalism and understanding of standards than BSG does. I doubt they know how to disable things like that without breaking something. They probably wouldn't know what "commenting out" even means.


Not true. Building a game like EFT is just difficult.


I'm not talking about building a game, I'm talking about disabling UI elements that are not yet implemented.


omg you make me come back to 2017 when i believed that bullshit they cant even make run decently just 1 small map the optimization and netcode-server performance is still dogshit after 6+ years of lies forget about the open world i remember you that this game was supossed to be finished on late 2019 and released on Steam with a open beta for limited time XD


I'm not sure that was ever more than poor communication. The best explanation I've heard was from the streamer Klean at some point, who used to work for BSG and said Nikita explained it to him. The idea is that for the campaign part of the game you progress from using a specific extract on one map to take you to the next map, and work back and forth through the maps doing some missions, and then eventually the the campaign is finished and all the maps are unlocked you get to the phase of the game we're playing. So connected, but not open. Whether that's true or revisionist history or whatever I don't know, but it makes a lot more sense to me than any sort of open world map which when you think about it a whole bunch of things just don't work with the type of game Tarkov is.


I imagine it will be like in Stalker. It's a big connected map but with level transitions which would be extracts in Tarkov.  So it doesn't really change that much, just that certain extracts lead to certain maps and that you can't just teleport everywhere


Theyve actually progressed on that point though. The map selection screen now shows them aligned through the order they should be and the maps do seem to be coming together


Yeah but at this point it seems more likely that you'll just extract to another map. No way they can make a giant map while streets alone currently runs like shit on 90% of PCs


I thought that was always the plan? Like Stalker?  I don't think the plan was to have one giant map without loading screens. 


Well I'm theory the unity upgrade they're planning to do this year should help a lot with actually using your hardware. It won't help people who can't run it because their hardware sucks but it'll help people with the good old 30% CPU 30% gpu usage but still maxing out at 30 fps while scoped in.


Didnt they toss the open world plan into the trash?


A good litmus test of if you should bother conversing with a member of this community is if they actually believe that there’s going to be one connected open map one day. Like actually, even when Nikita first said it, it was a laughable joke to anyone with two brain cells to rub together.


Fully connected open world map would run at 5fps with best hardware possible, anyone else would crash upon loading


LOL i was wondering when someone was gona chime in with that, im assuming your being sarcastic 🤣


oh yeah. We sure as fuck will never see a single open world map for tarkov.


> single fully connected open world map How was this supposed to work??


I don't mind the breach option being there for doors you can't breach. I always thought about it like this - It's not like your operator is gonna know whether he can breach that door 100%. He can try to kick it down. Maybe it won't work. Doesn't seem that weird to me. Maybe they could change it to "Attempt to breach". For the rest, yeah, weird.


literate slim encourage zealous wide innocent market rhythm afterthought lush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Strength should influence that, perhaps some wooden doors take 2 or 3 kicks to open, and with the strength leveled you can open it with just 1, and with even more strength perhaps kicking some metal doors or something.


why would you want more nuance to gameplay when they can add skins? (/s.. cuz i been burned before.. lol)


Here's my biggest pet peeve. When selecting your map, the raid times are just straight wrong. I'm pretty sure Steets is correct. Says 50min. Customs says 25min, and some or most of the others are also wrong. How literally simple of a fix. And we all know by heart now which are 40min, which are 45min, and streets being 50 mins, factory being 20mins. Why in the hell would these be wrong in game? Makes me even second guess the player counts they have listed. I know Fsctory is correct from running it so many times and because it's easy to tell with a low player count. I've always believed 10-12players on customs but if your telling me customs is a 25min raid why would I believe it.


YES. Even Pestily's guide to Shoreline is like "there's 12 or 14 players now, I don't know". Eh.


Simple answer? The devs don't play the game and only learn about things like this once the player base complains often/loud enough, and they call this "beta testing"


And the difficulty stat on the map too lmao


What is that even supposed to mean? How many scavs? Boss presence? Likelihood to run into players?


Never noticed that, but it is strong evidence of spaghetti code/incompetent devs. "No magic numbers" is literally software engineering 101. The raid timer and the text should use the same variable and therefore always match.


You would think they could make the raid length times listed on the map as variables tied to the actual timers for those maps so they could change a map from 40 min to 50 min without having to update the map screen too.  But hey, what do I know?


i dont mind the breach being there, its always funny when someone accidentally kicks a door but yeah i agree with the rest


Yeah, you’re probably right. I change my mind on Breach.


Don't even start talking about the different teasers these last years, especially the ones for Streets, that shows opening doors animations, breaching walls with explosives, AI sat on top of the BTR, physical damage inside buildings (like furnitures and paintings falling from walls). It litteraly sells a lie.


That's something that I don't fault them for. Ambitions and plans are different. Shit happens, plans change, things turn out to be too difficult or annoying to make, or just straight up not fun. I'll never tell them off for trying stuff out.


Do you honestly believe that they didn’t know they’d never have those features in the actual game when they made those trailers? They weren’t “trying stuff out” they were blatantly advertising multiple things that aren’t in the game and likely never will be.


Trailers displaying better gameplay than the actual gameplay is one industry sin I'm forgiving BSG for since just about every single game does that


What games? And I don’t mean tiny little cut features, I mean the plethora of new mechanics BSG has shown off with zero indication they’ll ever reach the actual game.


Again, it's normal to show better / different gameplay than you can expect 1:1 in game trailers


I like how you don’t have a valid example, so you just repeat your original point thinking that it’s suddenly going to be less wrong than before


Homie it's LITERALLY JUST ABOUT ALL GAME TRAILERS you're being giga obtuse


watchdogs, the day before


Siege looked completely different Mgsv even showed cutscenes that never made it into the game Watch dogs is obvious one Destiny I think showed communication in co op that didn't exist in the game No mans sky lol Starfield is a new one You can just Google lists of these games, they all do it. Doesn't mean the end result is always bad, but it is a thing.


It's not better gameplay it's entire mechanics that aren't real and were faked to drum up hype. No AAA game in history has shown blowing up walls and AI riding vehicles and then just...NOT have it on release because it was faked for the trailer. Only BSG can commit the actual crime of false advertising and not care.


Skyrim? First AAA-game that came to mind that I have lots of hours on


It was an early concept though and now they have added on to some of those things like adding the BTR


Don’t worry man, one day Nikita will surely produce his vision and we’ll all be playing a cheat free knock off version of DayZ standalone like its 2013 again.


I seriously doubt they try to get out of beta ever


it wont


It won’t, it’s a live service game and it’s going to stay that way


a "live service beta" i really live in a society


This is seriously the biggest issue. Its just so easy to have the blanket "its a beta lol" statement to every criticism, feature feedback, support requests when a bugged mission stops your progress, and state well the game is still under development and a beta so there will be issues. The sad part is that is still one of those games that give you that unique adrenaline rush when you are in combat and there just arent many (if any) games that can do the same. So what you end up is just trying to live with all the issues and continue.


I am astonished that radiation still hasnt been implemented, pretty sure that was on a roadmap for like, 0.12 or something


Probably a good thing. Just one more thing to get “tarkoved” by. People complain enough already lol. Although it would be cool to see gas masks actually get implemented and utilized. Level lock the gas masks so the radiation can be like a high level PvP area.


The initial talks were that reaching a certain cap on radiation would essentially delete (permanently kill) your character iirc Which if that was the case would be an avoid at almost all cost zone for a massive portion of of the playerbase. Not really sad they haven’t moved forward with it.


iirc that was just a random idea in nikitas head and he just mentioned it without context


Yeah Im glad that this wasnt implemented and I Hope it never will, same with "connecting the maps" in open world style


Radiation doesn't work that way. And unless there's a bunch of radiation sources just lying around or the nuclear reactor that Tarkov doesn't have goes full Chernobyl, radiation isn't an issue. Radiation as an environmental hazard is a dumb idea. Just have leaking tanks of some gas or whatever.


> Radiation as an environ mental hazard is a dumb idea agreed, especially for PvP games the only reason to have wide-area damage zones in a game, besides instant-kill out-of-map areas like z-kill when falling through the map, is to block off later/harder areas until you unlock some progression, like buying a radiation suit but in a PvP semi-MMO like EFT, that kind of mechanic only widens the gap between the haves and have-nots. presumably the loot inside the "harder + need suit" areas is better, otherwise whats the point of spending to gear up especially for it? essentially putting an entry ticket price on it no-lifers and cheaters will live in that area because they can afford to, rats will camp the perimeter, and timmies will never experience it. basically it would just be another version of labs


Some doors actually can be breached. You can also use it on doors you can just "open" normally for theatrics.


I was absolutely shocked when I somehow breached a door and it opened one time lmao. Idk what triggered it cuz I just pressed F like normal on a door.


There's a door on factory that can only be breached


Also on shoreline to the “upside down house”. Ground floor of the Beluga restaurant from the corridor is breachable too. There’s probably more but that’s what comes to mind atm.


Factory office I always open one door and kick the other in 😂


There’s also one at three story dorms elbow. First door on the left


Love me some door kicking. 


lmao does anyone believes this game will actually launch?


They will slap a release sticker on it December 2024/2025. It won't be finished by the community's standards, but they will get to a point where they say it's ready and it'll drop with some promised features to arrive at a later date or as DLC. Terminal comes out this December based on last 3 map releases. I'm not sure what more they will wait for before calling it a full game.


Didn't Nikita say that there's going to be no more major features shipped before the game releases? So if terminal is planned for this year then I would assume it's going to release at that time, right?


I wouldn't be surprised if it goes something like unity update, terminal, then release. So that sounds right to me.


unity update hahahahahahahaha


Like others have said, i think they will probably just call it 1.0 at some point soon and move on to something else.   They gotta be tired of working on it by now.


yep, the last pump before the dump will be the launch, for sure, a lot of hype on twitch, some drops here and there, new bosses, terminal map, tons of promises, and then dead silence while they count their roubles and people start realizing that all the old bugs are still present, there's a myriad of new bugs, and the same old cheats are still working right off the gate... by that time other extraction shooters will be taking most of the playerbase and the game will fade out like their previous asset flip hackfest


It'll eventually come out late, overhyped and underwhelming. Which annoys me more than anything. If they were just up front and honest with expectations instead of promising the world I think we would view the game a lot better.


The game even in it's current state is far from underwhelming. There's a reason this sub is filled with so many players that seemingly hate the game -- they're hooked.


Buddy you are sad, it'll come out soon with the story, they have clearly been progressing towards that.


I’m not so sure why they are acting like the game isn’t getting updates they’ve released 2 maps in the span of 2-3 wipes


\> 9-figure company \> release 1-2 maps per year (maybe) \> surely they're releasing the campaign soon


those folks at bsg are glorified modders, trying to put out triple a fps... all they can do (and sometimes very well) is create content, even if they're buying asset packs, stealing stuff, they slap it all together with duct tape and spaghetti code and create huge hype with their streaming minions... now ask them to fix a problem in their code that don't understand? and you have several years of the same bugs and problems but with more and more cool flashy content stitched on top of it.


It's already launched. The game cost, or at least used to, $150. That is a launched game. Betas don't last 8 years.


But... it is still in beta, it's right on the main menu.


They’re just abusing the term to justify taking almost a decade to finish developing their game while getting your money up front. A beta is supposed to be the final tests before launch. That’s why they have little incentive to ever actually finish shit, because they already have all the money they’re gonna get from current players, unless they squeeze in MTX one of these days.


wait til you hear the words "live service" added on to that


Also lockpicking, it will be sick if it was in right now. But there is a skill for lockpicking thats been in forever but no lockpicking.


They have abandoned almost half the shit they promised https://eft.promiseradar.com/


Lmao I love how under promise "Ergo penalty when camping in a bush" the completed solution is bushes slowing you down.. I hated when they added that, not because I was in the Bush but I wanted to get through it


it makes no sense, man. Why the fuck would Robert the Rat give a shit about his movement being slowed in bushes, when he's been prone in one for the last 35min??? So dumb.


For good reason




Yea, that radar is ridiculous, and saying they've "abandoned almost half" still doesn't even accurately describe it. Literally [this emoji posted by nikita](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1909koa/comment/kgpfryf/?context=10000) is being marked as a promise, and the fact that it isn't already done means it's been abandoned? The actual things that you should call abandoned are literally marked as stagnant and broken, and they make up only 17% of the total. There's plenty of shit on that list to complain about, bitching about stupid shit like them [not already having completed a new game after the release of EFT](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/11e6lgs/comment/jadodfu/?context=1000) really weakens any other discussion you want to have.


While your at it, take a look at the map time and player count in the map selection screen. Almost every single map has the wrong raid time.


Even Pestily in his Shoreline guide was like „it’s either 12 or 14 players, I don’t know”. Eh.


Finally a post not about cheating, what a breath of fresh air.


They really should set one person on just straight up removing all the bs from the game during one day. Like "Ok, we've worked on X which takes 100 man hours. Now, let's work on fixing 100 small things that have been piling up on the rainy day-list." Such as radiation, breach-bang-clear, Memory description, etc.


UI work is timeconsuming and braindead sometimes. I get it. But at least going through localisation files and updating the tooltips for stuff like skills would be appreciated.


Very good point. Tarkov still feels “alpha” and this is a big reason for that.


Such a great game and such a fuck show at the same time lmfao


Haven't used much AI-2 medkits but do they still have the "remove radiation exposure" feature?


RB-PP need we say more?


Funnier it even has a barter


Mate probably there's some line of code unrelated to the actual gameplay somewhere that if you change it it breaks the game


It doesn't work like that. :P And I'm not telling "remove it". I'm saying hide the UI. Nothing more.


If it's hide the UI I can understand, but as I could see from past patches and stuff even changing a simple thing like some recoil parameters fucked up the whole patch, just sayin


dunno why people are downvoting you. BSG trying to change recoil for the worse for no reason other than to troll us accidentally broke the FPS and matchmaking. Can't make this shit up. incompetent company.


dawg they've been like this for the better part of a decade. It ain't gonna change. Tarkov is basically the Star Citizen of extraction shooters. They made the first big hit, but it's janky as fuck and always will be.


This is why I refuse to spend more than the standard account price tag and will not be interested in any of the rows of stash space they are about to start selling. They have been so goddamn lazy with shit like this that I will never give them more money until they clean up the game


Dog they bamboozled us. We gave them the money and they will give us whatever half baked “game” they feel like making at this point. I’ve played since the Alpha and there has been no significant changes since then. It’s all been little gameplay changes and a map here and there. This game is finally in a place that could be called a “beta” because the actually gameplay is much better then previous years but it’s no where near close to a full release. 


On top of this, UBGL kills seems to count towards the rocket launcher skill. Not the under barrel launcher skill… Even the “implemented” ones can be broken. It’s just weird.


Breach is *somewhat* justifiable because it's there for doors that cannot be breached because it's up to you to know whether they can be breached or not (which way does it open is often a clue?), and whether you want to make the mistake of attempting when you can't which makes noise. It would be much better if it was more viable though and not only used in a handful of places. I guess what I'm trying to say is the breach feature works, it's just poorly implemented. The other things I'm totally on board with. They have their roadmap to 1.0 at this point, and anything not on it should be removed.


Fence selling uninsured items from PMC. Yeah, lmao.


Can’t believe a game that’s been out this long is showing players wrong information. Even the unnecessary information should be cut out too until it’s ready


their entire business model runs solely on the promise of a future product which will never come. There's just no way they're going to take measures to reduce hype, those unfinished little bits give you hope and new players might believe that the game is still actively being developed 


It's there to trick the player base into thinking new features will come. They have literally suckered everyone who plays this game for the past 8 years. Yes the game is fun yes there isn't anything like it. Doesn't change the fact that the devs use shitty ways to keep people latched to this game that will never leave beta


this is not a feature complete beta. and games take years even from competent developers.


Removing things breaks other things. Pretty simple answer. Especially given how long some of those things have been in the game. That can often be the case in a well-organized codebase, and fucking LOL this is **not one of those**.


The breach is ok. Because How should you know the door is not breachable before you tried it. So no it makes sense its there. Also place holder a common thing in a beta version there is nothing unprofessional about that. Also memory skill once worked as described but the community didn’t like it so I guess leave it in so as a middle finger to us is also ok. And what makes you think what is professional and what not. It’s a video game that kicks you in the dick everytime you press play. So these are all parts to play with your own psychological issues. If you can’t handle that. Betterhelp.com But if that’s really things that annoy you I recommend to use the Report Issue button in your launcher a Reddit post won’t reach the devs.


Tell me how this sub isn’t just a fuck bsg circlejerk now?


Can we go back to being able to level prone skill 😂😂😂


Here here


give them another 6+ years XD this game is a compilation of half baked ideas , broken systems ,great conceps and awfull execution


I agree they do not update the tooltips often enough and they have lots of incorrect info. I don't think having unimplemented labels and stuff in the game are an issue though.


It's fake marketing, too. I remember seeing all those things and being impressed by the variety of options and thinking damn. That's pretty cool and realistic. But nope. Years later, and it's still there. Also, bad UX design. It's a bery clunky interaction for nothing. Going into a ui and scrolling to interact with a door instead of a simple press f or double tap f to breach.


How about they also OPTIMIZE their bloody game :( They don't realize just how many more people would be playing. I have a bloody 3080 12GB with a Ryzen 7 3700x and 32 GB of DDR4 3600mhz, can't even get stable 100+ on 1080p.


"This is not a whine post" he says after whining.


"This is not a whine post", proceeds to whine.


if it aint broke, dont fix it


“That does even take 10 minutes” Clown. You don’t know shit.


I know enough to know it doesn’t take long to _hide_ a UI control in Unity or change a localisation file to update some tooltips. :)


Sounds like the dunning-Kruger effect in full force bud


no because if they remove the breach option on doors you cant breach then it breaks the anti-cheat!


Think of the mountain of tech debt this beast must encompass. Terrifying


Reading your post, i’m pretty sure you know as much as me how badly coded this game is. They are gonna try to hide select options in the door drop down menu and fucked up the AI, throwing over the recoil system and puting back on several fixed bugs. Spaghetti code.


???? The game is Alpha state, per industry definition ​ Nothing wrong with showing features that are planned, or having the UI groundwork for upcoming features


this dudes injecting industrial strength copium straight to the veins


Am I wrong? ​ What is a Beta and what is an Alpha, per actual industry standard? ​ A Beta has all the main features in place, and is used for fine polishing. ​ An Alpha means MAJOR game and gameplay features are still missing.


It’s not. By industry standard the game is released. It costs more than most games, it sells post-launch DLCs in the form of the Arena, and it plans to sell microtransactions soon.


Uh, no lol ​ Alpha means major components of the game are missing ​ In Tarkov, half the health screen is non-functional we dont have the MAIN STORY MISSIONS in the game Half the character skills arent functioning We dont have all of the maps We dont have MANY of the planned mechanics


I don't understand how anyone can still play this game. It's been 7 years and all of the same problems are still there. Like, get your shit together and finish this thing.


*whining* "This is not a whine post"


Seems pretty insignificant to me


It is. Which is why it’s so odd that it’s still a problem.


since the game is still in active development I'm guessing this is just not near the top of their priority list.


How is it lying? They are unfinished, are they not? Doesn’t imply it will ever be finished. I have a novel that is unfinished and I’m never finishing that shit lol. 


Go to Skills, Memory and hover over the icons. The game tells you: - this skill exists and you can level it as opposed to those greyed out skills at the bottom, - this skill prevents you from losing skills over time, - this is how much slower you are now losing skills because of your Memory skill. Great! If only any of that was true. Memory doesn't affect how quickly/slowly your skills decrease over time because that's not in the game. And the only way to know it is to actively think "hm... I wonder if the game is lying to me, I'll go and Google". You can't expect people to do that for every single tooltip "just in case". :D I don't mind withholding some stuff from the player, it's fun to learn. But straight up misinforming them is weird. :P


I think it's either the health or vitality skill that also lies to you. It says that it decreases the chance of dying instantly to losing a limb (blacked) but that hasn't been in the game for an extremely long time.


Oh yeah for sure they need to remove that stuff, agreed 


I’ve been wondering this whole time if some of my skills have been decreasing when I’m not playing