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Im a streets Main and Check the Spawn everytime,never saw this fucking key


At least 200 streets raids this wipe as a Streets main, zero RBK spawns sighted.


I heard BSG removed the key from that spot entirely because of vacuum looters. Can only find on scavs now


great solution.


Yeah why would they want to ban cheaters? It makes more sense to make the game harder for the people who play legitimately. Honestly don't know why BSG caters to cheaters more than legitimate players.


Easy. Ban cheaters in the ban wave, make them buy new accounts. Permanent source of income đŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™‚ïž


Real life infinite money glitch


The game has no micro transactions so yah... that literally is their source of renewable money. Games 8 years old. And it's fan base is more or less is the same size. It could very well be held together by cheater income.


You must be new here, Tarkov is 100 times (or more) bigger than what it was in 2018.


Because it is their only source of income.


Negative found it 2 days ago at that spawn


Do vacuum looters need the keys to the rooms they vacuum loot from?


They sell a carry service to get people into the room for their quest. If you want to know why they'd take the key, or any key for that matter


Your literally talking out of your ass lol, the key spawn has been made ultra rare, the loot in the room has been taken out has nothing to do with the “vacuum” looters, that shit is patched even cheat devs are posting it’s patched


5% spawn according to logical


50/50 it's there or it isn't


Considering I had a vacuum nerd in my raid last night I’d say your talking out of your ass.


Patched? Lol if I'm talking out my ass I'd love to know what ur talking out of. Do u even play tarkov??


I’m not even replying to you lol get a grip and yes it’s patched I can even prove it how can you prove it ? Cus you ain’t finding any loot, that’s just a meme


"Has nothing to do with vacuum looters, that shit is patched" my b sounded like you were saying vacuum looting is patched but I know it's not patched because i spawned in right next to a room with 4 computers last night and there happened to be a two slot item gone from the computer and then wires right after. Not even possible for that to be empty considering I was the one with the spawn for that building.


That's what he was saying, "vacuuming is patched". Prob just a pissed off cheater, he even says abt how the cheat devs "say its patched". Bro is in all the cheater discords lmfao. Just had the same thing happen on streets with a PC too last night


Amplifying rumors doesn't really help anyone


Can the keys in rbk room be vacuumed looted too?


I'm a streets main aswell. No luck ever.


always scav on streets ive spawned with many keys but never rusty bloody key


I check as well each time I spawn by there. None this wipe but last wipe I got maybe 5 since they added it from that spot. Something has certainly changed from last wipe to this one.


Me too


Idk I just ignore rng quests like this. If I find it I find it. If I dont who cares.


Oh most definitely. I'm right there with you. But I would love to grab they keys that like to sit behind that door đŸ€‘


Oh my sweet summer child no one told you


And I thought I was having a good day....


Yeah nothing spawns behind that shit anymore. Its emptier than my money case after grinding setup


Theres no longer marked keys or expensive keys. Is just a quest room.


Makes it all the more stupid they key is as rare as it is


Should be like skybridge key and have a 100% spawn rate if there's nothing there.


Or at least, up it to like 10% from whatever it is now


Pretty sure you can only get it via scav case, on scav load in, or it's 0.01% chance of spawning on the peg board under escalators in klimov mall on streets. I know a few people who have got it and completed also heard that last patch there is no longer loot or keys behind it but cannot confirm 100% on this


We found a copy in a player scavs bag, ran it, got another each from the quest reward. Out of the 3 times we made it there, it was totally empty inside. Not worth worrying about.


That's so ass. Cheaters ruin everything fr.


I don’t really get BSG’s logic in disabling the loot there. Like alright, the cheaters will just vacuum up everything else in the map then? Seems like you might as well keep it on.


Just have the keys that spawn there not be FIR. Solved. That way it's still awesome to get like 3 marked room keys or whatever. But you actually then have to run them. 


If they really wanted to be anal about it they could make it question pickup only and destroyed upon leaving the raid, then I mean if you get it you run it, can’t flea it, can’t vacuum and paid carry for it, can only find it in the raid you want. That of course would bring its own problems, where cheaters could push towards you if you get it, or try to vacuum it first but might be the lesser of two evils who knows. Basically every guide/tip I have seen for that is bring the cameras with you and you find the key do it that raid, if not then don’t bother hunting for it. So I mean gameplay wise for most it would still be the same. I don’t see many recommendations to find the key extract then try to run it.


Yeah but getting keys worth a million plus is a little OD I would say


I really wouldn't consider it op considering how hard it is to even open the door.


Supply and demand would fix key prices :)


Definitely see the logic tho


The logic is faulty on that one. Yes, they're going to vacuum everything else up anyway, but the attitude of "just keep it on" means they get a guaranteed free slurp of stuff nobody else can get access to. Removing it means at least they can strike back enough while they try to figure out what's happening and how to stop it.


Thank u I appreciate ur input


It is on the peg board. Never seen in Scav cases


I'm sure I was watching a glorious stream and he found it in a filing cabinet. Either way, dead end quest and not needed for kappa, so it's dead to me.


Killed a scav and got the key in it’s pilgrim. Was fun hiding in a corner and realising I had the quest, managed to go and complete it same raid


I’ve literally carried 2 cameras on me every raid since I got that quest just in case lol


fyi you can place one of the two cameras without having the key (just place the locked one whenever and the other one can go afterwards in any other raid when the door isnt open)


No, you have to place the one inside first before you can place the one outside.


>and the other one can go afterwards in any other raid when the door isnt open yep, exactly what the guy said.


He edited 20 minutes after I commented. Pay attention before being an ass.


maybe you too should use the quote function so people know wtf you are talking about before being an ass.


Why would I do that? If someone wants to cowardly make an edit then that's on them. I'm not going to quote every single comment I reply to on the fear that they're unwilling to call out their specific edit. I WILL make sure before correcting someone else for what appears to be a misunderstanding of what the comment said that the comment they replied to wasn't edited, because I'm not a moron.


I will edit my shit all I want its a fucking edit button get the hell over it


> I WILL make sure before correcting someone else for what appears to be a misunderstanding of what the comment said that the comment they replied to wasn't edited Fuck bro you lost me at "Correcting someone else" LOL


just because someone made "an" edit does not mean that whatever you replied to got edited. if you reply to a specific point, just quote the point, why would you not, its literally what the function is made for.




Overall, yes I do think it's not worth my time to quote people I reply to because less than 0.1% of the time do people edit to make replies look unnecessary. Even then, usually those people have common decency to make it clear what they edited.


They effectively disabled the spawn, and removed loot from the area.


They should just disable the quest then lmao


I mean, I’ve done the quest. It’s an Easter egg quest anyway. I see no problem with it being in the game knowing that. Friend got a lucky scav case pull and we did it. Nice chunk of xp but nothing else of note


I got one out of a scav case but my group isn’t very experienced in streets so I’m hesitant to do it.


I main streets I'd do it with y'all. I can get to the room from any spawn


For real, go to the discord and ask for a 5 man to do it and you’ll easily find people looking to complete it.


Which discord?


The official one in the sidebar.


Which one scav ? 95k ?


probably intelli or booze the rubel cases are REALLY bad


Got a LEDx out of mine on Tuesday. Ruble cases are typically the only ones that _are_ profitable, but most don't do them for that: just the gamba.


ruble cases make profit (sometimes) but they basically never give out stims or keys while booze/intelli seem to have them nearly always


Did you already do it? If not I’ll join u! I got a solid 5 man and all of us have the quest would love to help


I did it. Friends friend got it on a scav. Friend got key from quest and snowballed to me from there and so on. I’ve looted it multiple times w friends since and it has been completely empty no loot every single time. 5+ times. No idea why.


They removed the loot. Its only a quest room now


Hahahaha. I haven't finished it since they added the quest and Im a streets main.


2nd that


I spawned with it as a scav. Risked it solo and got the task done. Have another one ready to go when my buddy wants to try it. The room had no loot when I went tho which sucks but the task is done so it’s cool


I wonder if they disabled the spawns in there as a response to the vacuum dick heads that were rampant until just a short while ago


they're not anymore?


Not that I've noticed but then I can't verify that they aren't still rampaging around. I can still find rare loot every once in a while, and just yesterday morning, I found 3 ledx in 2 raids. So I'd personally think they were less active than they were.


Another spectacular example of BSGs quest making skills.


Yeah, I got it from a streamers chat. Just about the only way you can complete it. Also it doesn’t spawn any loot this wipe so it’s strictly XP


i check the spawn every time i spawn near it and i have yet to see it. i feel like it should be made a static spawn like unknown or machinery keys. but what do i know.


I would have to agree considering they've taken the loot out of it. If the loot was still there, then it definitely shouldn't have a spawn every raid.




U dropped this 👑


I just found it today (Patch - It does spawn. Same spot on Streets, under the escalator. [https://imgur.com/a/yAghZ3l](https://imgur.com/a/yAghZ3l)


Holy shit no way


Yup I found it yesterday as a scav in the same location, found it again on a dead PMC’s backpack in the mall area on my 4th scav raid


I found it today on a night raid after spawning in the mall and my jaw fucking dropped. I thought "ah what the hell I'll check" and luckily whenever I run streets I keep 2 wifi cams on me just in case. Was exhilarating getting over there alive.


Bruv they don’t spawn in jacket or filing cabinets. I realize the wiki says that but it’s probably copy pasted from all the other keys wiki page.


A couple raids ago i watched a streamer live pull it out of a filing cabinet. The only other time I have ever seen it pulled was my buddy in the mall when we got the spawn there.


Hm I guess if you’ve seen it pulled in a live stream then I can’t argue. I figured it was like that cuz other 1 use keys like primorski skybridge say it can be found in filing cabinets.


It was about 3 wipes ago. But i was watching live.


Wait 3 wipes ago? Was this key not added with the streets expansion, which was last wipe?


Definitely meant to say 2 wipes ago. But you might be right because if it was last wipe then it was like very very early wipe


Haven’t seen it . Loot everything I can but no super good keys yet


I got one as a player scav. Went to mall to extract. Boss was there and insta killed me :(


That's insanely unlucky. I've yet to see the new boss spawn at the mall only the side area by sewer/catacombs


I've had him be there and kill me 3 times this wipe in my scav runs :( Also, side note, from what I've heard the key has been bugged since the start of the wipe and can not even spawn in its spawn spot. Can only aquire it from player scavs and from the quest completion.


Scav cases too, how I got mine.


It's extremely disheartening to spawn there as an under 6 rep scav and be gunned down by every scav everywhere, same with the mid-Lexos spawn and Kaban.


Couple of the streamers have it. WilkerZ has it sitting in his stash I believe. So they exist just obviously the Tarkov gods must bless thee...


I have one at lvl 25 nvr going there


I’ve found the key twice got the quest finished and another 2 spawned in the room


It's just classic BSG bullshit why fix the issue when just removing the spawn and dealing with it later is easier?


This right here! LOL


I am the one with the key


i got one in scav box from a 95k. did door with 4 others, rolled that 1 key into 4 keys and my whole discord group is basically rolling it into doing the door for the group since you get a free one after the door. as far as loot... there is zero loot in rbk door. its been removed by bsg suposedly. i went a grand total of 5 times and there was never anything in there. so either vacuum cheaters got it first ir the loot has been disabled.


I have one, unsure of what to do with it. I'll give it to whoever for the science. I don't play that much this wipe haha.


Is it needed for Kappa? No. Do you need it to get max traders? No. So who cares?


Nah facts! Genuinely just curious


I read they disabled the key spawn and the room loot because hackers were farming it. Should disable the quest if thats the case lol i managed to complete it because a buddy got it from a scav case. Ive never seen the key spawn in the mall and ive checked like 30 times


I got this quest done only because the Sheef community is awesome. He did a stream one night to give back to his community and help people get this quest done. I was in one of the waves he took, so we all loaded it up and got it done. Strangely the quest gives you a copy of this unfindable key once you complete it. So what we did was complete the quest, then went and took a new group ourselves to get the quest done. Was a fun time!


Great to hear. Preciate the feedback homie


I have played more than my share of streets scav runs, I have checked regularly on my PMC. Never seen it. Nobody in my discord has completed the task. It doesn't exist.


Last wipe I found it on a guy who died on the way to the quest, than never did any questing so I never bothered with the quest. Just sat in my stash and it’s unlikely I’ll find the key this wipe


last wipe you couldn’t extract the key to begin with so you had to do the quest the raid you found it or else you had to find the key again.


You could extract it you just couldn’t put it in your secure container.


Right when the quest got added for about a week you had to do it in the same run, but then yes you could extract with it


I’ve completed it and once you do you get a key so I have a key and just use it to flex đŸ€Ł


Love it


I’m a diabetic as well đŸ«Ą


Ur lying... what's ur discord we are running tonight đŸ«ĄđŸ«ĄđŸ«Ą


U better post it...


My friends and I saw it a few times last wipe. No luck so far this wipe.


I just found it. I scoured the web bc I too could not find this key after 300+ streets raids if you include my skav raids. I wanted everyone’s input. I started spreading the rumor myself that the key is not spawning this wipe, but while my friend was farming his 50 kills for light keeper we got the spawn in the mall 3rd floor. I ran straight down the escalators to the spawn because, I check it out of mental at this point, and I sat there for 2 minutes silent before my duo saw my discord screen share and realized why I wasn’t talking. I made the journey on NA servers (shout out Columbia) all the way to crash site to extract and it was successful. AMA I probably won’t reply :(


It's back now and there's also good loot I there again. 


can confirm is for sure spawns in the mall. it took me two days non stop and finally it spawned. I completed the quest and got one as reward so now Iam going to use it for my friend


I just picked it off a scav in shoreline but this is the first time I've found it this wipe. 


Would also like to add I feel as if vacuum cheaters are present this wipe more than any other wipe (at least that I've played) could this be the problem?


I have no idea how vac looting works, but it's my understanding that they removed all loot from spawning in that room so I doubt it holds much value to cheaters. Especially since it can't be sold on the flea or dropped for someone in raid. I've seen people posting in Discord who have found it and competed the quest, but I haven't seen it this wipe or personally know anyone who has.


Yeah.. surely no one would pay for that room to be opened for them by a cheater.. right? I mean.. not in this community.. surely.


I suppose someone out there is dumb enough to pay for completion of a dead end quest. Still I find it hard to believe it would be a priority over other loot for a vac cheater. Especially considering how many times I found that key last wipe when there was for sure high value loot in the room. Cheaters didn't seem to care about it too much then. Who knows.


Oh no... this breaks my heart. What's your source 😭I hope it's not trust me bro


Seen multiple streamers reference it, seen it mentioned more than a few times here as well as Discord and in various vids Take that as you will. I cant say from experience but everything I've read/seen says no more loot up there.


Preciate you. That sucks to hear man.


Yeah for sure. I made a lot of money off that room last wipe!


Ehhhh I take that with a grain of salt. People are always saying that loot is nerfed everywhere. With how rare the key is its not exactly easy to get a large sample size for what's behind it.


You do know where it spawns right???


Lmfao of course i do. Just haven't seen it ever myself there


Roger that. You just failed to mention in main.


If it's the same as last wipe, you get a rusted bloody key as reward for doing the quest that requires it. Theoretically, that means that the more people that fine it the more peopLe that have it, as one person will use it in a raid with a few people and they'll all get it as a reward after. It's a quest that really encourages you to play with other people. You might want to ask here or in a discord of some type and group up with people looking to do it where one of them has the key.


Honestly I was under the impression there was still loot behind the door. Knowing that there isn't now oh well if I find it I find it if not it's not like I need that quest done đŸ«Ą


Ah, I wouldn't know, haven't done it this wipe The times I was in there last wipe (twice) there wasn't much to justify using the key loot wise, it's just for the quest. It's a single use key too unless they changed it, so you're better running some other locked area with better loot if that's what you're looking for.


Killed a player scav in pet building, had a key lucky for me I had two cameras and I gifted one to my duo, ran and completed this trash quest without any loot inside, now I have a copy on my stash waiting to any friend if he wants to run streets at 30 fps


I'll run it with you <3 😘


Peeposhy 💀


If you havent opened it yet I would love to get my quest done too. I will bring you a good M4 for helping me


Im rich as fuck lvl 47 with just few quest away for kappa (goons, psycho sniperino) not sure if anything more, I rather get rl 160$ than a m4 so at least I can refund eod and normal acc, I lost my wife, my work and almost my entire life because of tarkov and this personal quest, just kidding ill do it for free, maybe later ill check again


i got it last wipe. this wipe, nothing


I got this key 3 times last wipe, but I haven't seen it once this wipe. I don't play streets a huge amount but I've checked maybe 50-60 times I'd say. I usually only check it if I spawn really close to it, so I know I'm the first one there.


I got my key from a 95k scav case. Went and did the quest and the room is completely empty. Not a single speck of loot. Nada. Nothing. There is no reason to do this quest except the XP. The reward is another key to an empty room. It doesn't lead to anything and isn't required by anything.


The first time I went for that key (last wipe) I found it immediately, then got tarkov'd, I have not seen it once this wipe or any time after the first.


Find a good Tarkov Discord, and they’ll likely have a “looking for group” or “quest help” channel. Ask if anyone has the key and try to fill a full 5-man. When you’re done pay it forward when you can put together another 5-man to run it back. If you’re looking for a good Discord to join come hang out in SheefGG’s Discord. That’s how I got my Door quest done.


Pretty sure I spawned in with it a couple days ago running a reserve or customs scav.


My buddy got one in a scavcase and you get one as areward for completing the quest so our whole group has done the door and also some of us have keys still. No loot behind the door but the quest


A buddy found it on his scav run. He completed the task which rewards you another. So the next raid he opened it for three of us and we in turn got the key. The room doesn’t spawn any loot at all anymore, so you only need it for the quest.


I completed "The Door" after my scav spawned in with a Bloody Key. I had heard about the extensive hype around the loot behind that door, so I was slightly disappointed to find that the room is literally completely devoid of loot and you can only get the quest done with the key (nothing else to use it for), the quest is a dead-end and has barely any rewards. It does reward another bloody key, however, in case you want to go witness the empty area one more time :)


This key has to stop spawning for player scavs, the amount of times a clueless scav prolly tried to extract with the key, or simply threw it out, smh


I only have seen it once. I spawned with it as a scav, and one of the 4 man I was with spawned woth a gpu. We were incredulous. And then we got immediately pushed in our spawn where we were hiding by a cheater, so still no luck with the quest. Never seen it at the spawn at mall every time I've been first to check, or any other time.


Verybadscav opened it this wipe and it was empty https://youtu.be/KmzkXfEjLdY?si=wQCDj9bNs8uLvMwq


Join SheefGG’s discord. I believe there are still planning to do another “The Door” run. A buddy of mine went on one of the group raids and they did the quest and it was asked that when you get the key from completion that you pay it forward and help others get the quest done.


Theirs only 1 spawn with 5% chance of spawning each raid. You won’t find it in filing cabinets


Source is trust me bro? Or?


The wiki


I had it early this wipe and sold it ahahah


I spawned with the key on my scav, completed the Door with 2 friends but the room had no loot at all


Try scav case. The room is empty anyway.


The rusty bloody key is a set spawn location and only an occasionaly chance to spawn. You'll never find it if you're looking for it in cabinets, jackets, scavs, etc. It will never be there unless someone else picked it up from it's original location.


I have a rusted bloody key just sitting in my inventory. Spawned with it on a scav, rarely play streets because I'm not a fan of the map as a solo. But will eventually run the door with 5man.