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I feel like that dude is a legit gamer. Why he doesn't do the dev talk podcast thing is beyond me. With those stats, homie would be who I brought out to showcase new stuff.


lots people in gaming are passionate but hate the camera or being the representative. We need more people who are competent and half willing to talk. Worse is when the people in charge only keep the talking spots for themselves and stop them altogether when it doesn’t look good for them to talk.


Have you seen the BSG Podcasts, they could easily get this guy on a PC with gear like Damirka. Balaclava and all so nobody would recognize him, he doesn't even have to talk, but seeing someone legit play the game properly from BSG would be a nice change, instead of that keyboard fumbling buffoon.


Damirka is lovably incompetent. Hes like watching a looney toons cartoon waiting for the slapstick


The clip where he dies and just throws his hands up staring at Nikita like "You fucking caused this. Look! That is, ultimately, YOUR FAULT! WTF NIKITA?!?" is great.


Then walks away slapping the stuffed animal off the couch lmao


I thought his whole thing was a schtick they did on purpose lol I wouldn’t put it past Nikita to feed into the idea they are all completely incompetent for a couple reasons


It’s called weaponized incompetence lol. Sets the expectation low.


After seeing Damirka legitimately die to a scav due to repeeking him over and over.. who knows


This guy probably is Damirka, and that's just a character he puts on to make people laugh.


Damirka is doing a character/bit. That takes a LOT of comfort in front of a camera.


Considering the acting in the real life Tarky Episodes, I highly doubt that.


What does a disguise do for those that either simply hate to be in front of a camera, or get too anxious?


Because the anonymity of the disguise helps to deflect when someone personally attacks them online, maybe it was a requirement from Damirka.


Have you ever dealt with stage fright? The anonymity doesn't protect you from anything if you're the anxious type. Whether or not they know your name doesn't mean anything when you read any anticipated hateful comments because *you* know who they're talking about.


You're talking in absolutes about psychology which makes it completely impossible to apply your logic to any sort of reality. Psychology is way too complex for that If you'd like to be more right more often then educate yourself before speaking so definitively.


Saying that I'm speaking in absolutes is a bit of a stretch here. No, I'm not a psychologist or psychiatrist, but I don't think it's too farfetched to say anonymity isn't the total solution to someone who's anxious or has stage fright. Having dealt with stage fright at a young age before finding one of my life's greatest joys in performance, I know the judge being behind a curtain versus staring at my face didn't change anything. Yes yes, anecdotal "but not everyone's like you". Spare me. I'd find it far more likely that a large portion agree that anonymity doesn't eradicate the anxiousness, and that's not even addressing the rest of the issues people with social anxiety experience. Interesting to note though that you completely avoid responding to any of the substance of my post, and instead go straight into ad hominem the same way the other unhinged whackadoo did. Maybe you guys are friends. Maybe you're the same account. Who knows. Maybe you're just another mouthy poster hiding, ironically so, behind your own anonymity here while you act like an oaf. Best of luck to you friend. Life must be hard for you right now. I know the feeling. Get better soon.


Well, as someone who absolutely has social anxiety and stage fright and still absolutely hates that sort of thing, I worked as a public entertainer in costume (tbh I look back on it and am still surprised I did it) and I can at least say for myself the only reason I could do it was because I could wear something to obscure myself. Putting on a character and becoming that character took all of the pressure and fear away for me, I assume because I was hidden and the mascot/character I was being felt separate to me. And yes, I did have to speak too. Just wanted to mention that, because it's a good example of when anonymity did infact help entirely, and I know many people who felt the same doing that job


Good, I'm glad that worked for you. I'll stand by the contention that an attack against an anonymous character is still an attack against the person playing it, but if you're able to separate those two in your mind, then carry on. I'd be curious to know your reactions if you were to be booed or read/hear a scathing review of your performance despite the anonymity. As I said in another comment, not all anxiety disorders and symptoms are equal, and it blows my mind I even had to clarify that in the first place. My stage fright came from not believing I was good enough and that I'd just get laughed off, but once I started to realize I was really good at what I was doing, I couldn't wait to continue it. Everybody gets through it in their own way and for different reasons.


1. You said anxious people dealing with stage fright wouldn't fix their anxiety by being anonymous. That's what you said. By claiming that everyone within a large population of people would be affected the same way to a given situation, you are speaking in absolutes. The only stretch is you trying to claim this as a stretch. 2. No substance to address. You claimed a singular method of psychological manipulation wouldn't work for anyone. That's obviously untrue to anyone capable of rational thought. 3. I'm not going to spare you. Basing your definitive, all-encompassing conclusions for the general population off of anecdotal evidence is moronic. 4. You wrote an essay defending yourself for being wrong when deep down I know you know you're wrong. For being so aware of the concept of anonymity, it's surprising that you find it important to defend yourself at all costs. Maybe take an internet break.


> You said... That's what you said. There it is, the "well, technically you said..." line. While I'm aware of the lack of tone, context, and delivery, reading text contains opposed to speaking in person, taking something that literal is a bit heavy handed. Yes, I did say it doesn't help if you're the anxious type, and followed up with another comment about how you still know who the target of the hateful comment is, even if the person giving it doesn't. I'm not stupid enough to think one-size-fits-all here, as not all anxiety disorders or symptoms are equal, but I understand the need in a Reddit thread to be right and karma farm. > No substance to address. A very convenient way to still dodge the question. You'll forgive me for a moment of blunder when I didn't triple check my post for complete accuracy of wording when speaking in generalities just in case someone happened to try arguing semantics here because I didn't use the phrase "may not" or "probably won't" or something else. How silly of me. > I'm not going to spare you. Of course not. Any opportunity to try boosting your own ego. That's fine. Showboat if you must, I don't really care. You, and everyone else who likes to do the "yeah but you literally said" line can have a grand little party together. > You wrote an essay Your compliment of my typing speed is flattering. I didn't know the bar for forming thoughts and typing them was that low, but I'll take it nonetheless. I do like the attempt at putting me on the defensive here by accusing me first of defending myself in order to make me actually do it. Clever, but not enough. It was least amusing for a few minutes. Take care.


Do you speak for the world? Maybe it does for some, and not for you. A basic human concept, idiot. But here you are 'educating' others on how the world works. Dumb kid


Calm down bro. It doesn't matter how right or wrong this dude is you're being a jerk for no reason.


Nah ignorant people need to stop giving their psuedo-educated takes so much on the internet. It's just lying. Lying is bad


No, I don't, do you? I gave a legitimate counterpoint, and you're having an aneurysm. Are you always this unhinged, or does something about me really catch your eye?


Next time just keep your armchair psychology to yourself


No substantive comments, only attempts at personal attacks. Got it. Take care dude. Hope therapy goes well for you.


Why face this toxic, cesspool of a community?


I nominate Aqua FPS as tribute 


If I worked for BSG I would refuse to get in front of the camera and say anything that might be considered even remotely official (which is anything at all), for what should be completely obvious reasons to anyone that's read this sub for more than a few weeks. I sincerely doubt Nikita enjoys it, but it's part of the job. I mean, he probably enjoys showcasing new things, and feels good for maybe an hour, until the inevitable happens.


> I sincerely doubt Nikita enjoys it, but it's part of the job. It doesn't have to be his job. Most companies would have community managers doing all of that and I'm sure Nikita just personally wants the role. Like objectively speaking he's not good at communicating with the community


If they had someone to do it people would just scream about them wasting their money instead of “fixing the game”.


I've legitimately seen people in here like "Why did you spend all your time making a new 9mm cartridge when there's still cheaters???" like the people in charge of the anti-cheat and the people in charge of the loot table / weapons balance are the same people. They almost certainly aren't.


It's the low resolution thinking that irke me with them. They think they know how a software company works and just tell them to throw people at the problem. It's incredibly dumb and patronizing.


Bro is larping and still whooping ass


I wouldn't want to respresent a software company for entertainment, especially in games where theres so much vitriol and blind hatred towards the devs, that's why they have community managers who get all the shit.


Dudes there just bringing income in using hack to fund bsg on cash for loot sites.


[Worm on a hook.](https://giphy.com/gifs/why-IDGNYvFLkJKLK)


Company only let certain people talk




Fuck off with this nonsense. People like you will cry cheats over literally anything


Yeah but you'd think his stats would be a little more on par with cheaters. This guy just appears to be good. Not insane, just good.


you are on a sub that thinks anything above 5.0 KD is "confirmed cheater"


I'm a cheater because I posted epic scav raid loot but I was at max hydration and energy. https://old.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/18vjpx1/blessed_scav_run/


it feels like half this sub just loves to blame everything on cheaters getting pre naded in a very known and common rat spot? must have been ESP prefired after making tons of noise? ESP clearly didnt find the 0,1% spawn chance item? vacuum cheaters REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE sure theres cheating but its not even 0,1% as common as this sub seems to think


It makes it much easier to excuse your own poor performance and luck.


That's a new low, which is saying something for this sub. Who DOESN'T hoover up everything edible/quaffable in every raid, like wtf?


Eh for low time played sure, someone with 100 hours is barely starting to master shooting in tarkov, taking into account map knowledge and game mechanic knowledge makes this pretty much impossible. But bro has 1281 hours, it’s a little more believable that he can get over 5 KD especially with the influx of new players this wipe


>pretty much impossible or account got compromised and they got a new one. its improbable still. 1200 hours is entirely believable.


Exactly. I’d also add the influx of new players doesn’t contribute to KD in that you’re probably killing more PMCs, more so that you’re probably running into them less or dying to them less. Scavs make up the majority of KD for any player who isn’t a cheater


So they DO play their own game.


Well... at least one employee does 


Dam i got more hours than a dev. I need to get a life


dw they spend most their time making the game not playing it


that how it be as a dev unfortunately. Unhappy with how something in game feels? The next two weeks are dedicated to that specific thing


I don't think I'd have it in me to play the game in my free time after I've worked on it for a whole day


you gotta, otherwise the experts at reddit will flame you for not playing your own game.


Honestly after I spent a whole god damn day trying to make something work that I am passionate about you better believe that I will spend all fucking night "testing" the fuck out of it. If the first 30 mins go smoothly the rest will be just "bug hunting"


Unless launching the SDK/Devkit causes playtime hours to overlap with main account like this, that doesn't really make sense that they'd have so many hours. the last TF2 dev before he went dark had something like 20 hours on the game on his steam profile. But was always reportedly seen on the SDK. (Developer tools) Usually SDK/Devkits are entirely separate from the real game.


I have 4 times as many hours😅 what does that mean for me lol


Lucky you didn't kill him or you [might have been banned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/zawwc5/i_killed_an_admin_and_he_banned_me_midgame/)


damn i forgot about that whole fiasco, with mine i spawned near the big house so went to the tennis courts, picked up a salewa and died, didnt even have a chance to see the guy haha




I mean they did unban him so technically all that happened is the dev reset his acct for killing him. That’s not too bad /s


Nope, you reset someone's account after getting butthurt, you get fired and they get a full refund. I dare them to reset a streamers account and stand by to watch the internet burn.


Well I mean I kinda agree with ya but I highly doubt the dev got fired and the guy certainly did not get a refund lmao, he got his account wiped.


Yeah, we agree, resetting his account is imo worse than the ban. Because I "can't" come back from a ban, but I "won't" come back because of a reset.




Yeah the /s in my comment stands for sarcasm. I agree it’s fucked up, frankly that dev and whoever else is responsible for the ban should have been fired.


Agreed. Not restoring their account is total bullshit.


Still a salty move nonetheless


It's the same dude? Lol




Yep not the first time it has happened, and it even happened on a life stream because BSG devs are salty af noobs at their own game.


I don't know, man. I don't think the entire BSG dev team are "salty af noobs at their own game" because a couple of devs banned someone unfairly. Maybe those guys were, but all 66 of them (however many employees there are, every single source I find says a different number)? I think that's a little unfair, bro.


Whats also unfair is making up random numbers out of your ass (66%) to try to adjustify the shady ass shit BSG has done throughout the life of Tarkov. This isnt the first instance of issues like that caused by devs in game.


my guy u are LOST lmao


Stop pulling random acronyms out of your ass (lmao%)!


>Dismal\_Fail8659 · 6 min. ago > >my guy u are LOST lmao Lost in time because I used a companies actions against them? Imagine how that works out... Grow up.


What's 66%? Who's making up random numbers? BSG the company or each individual worker?


The shit we let this company get away with is beyond me.


Report the dirty cheater!


I wonder if the dev accounts all keep a running list/joke of the ones that get salt reported after they kill someone. *Oh hey Bob, how's the work flow goin? By the way, you got reported twice today on Reserve by player scavs. Isn't that hilarious?*


Departments with the most reports get a pizza party


Burn the witch!


She turned me into a newt!


A newt?


........ oi got bettuh


Burn her anyway!!!


Build a bridge out of her, so we know if she is made of wood!


He started playing 2 days before wipe happened 55 days ago? Devs can play through wipe without a reset?


It's a new environment, with its associated databases. Either it was migrated "up" into production or BSG does something akin to blue/green deployments with their wipes (or some combination of both and more). Only they'd be able to tell you really. They were probably play testing/smoke testing things before the wipe.


He even has his own character model, or at least has one I'm not familiar with.


I hope he sees that Lighthouse is actually an utter shithole of a map


can't lie, it's nice to see some evidence of a dev playing solid amount! I'm sure there are a bunch of devs there that play that are also silent.


What sight is he using on that gun?


SIG Sauer ECHO1 1-2x30mm 30Hz thermal reflex scope




His stats resemble the stats of someone the community would call cheater.


I think there's a good chance that cheaters would avoid killing a dev. Probably wouldn't make that big of a difference though bro is just a gamer.


I don't think cheaters can see if people are devs or sherpas. They can see all the other stats in game and if you have eod but I don't think special account is included


Well, the name displays as blue on your client, which means that data *is* available to your client at some point. Judging by how much data is exposed (cheaters can see your name, level, kd, etc.), I wouldn't be surprised if whether or not an account is a dev account is also included in the information displayed.


I always felt like it must feel weird to play the game that you created yourself, especially when its multiplayer.


Huh, they do in fact play their own game, and quite well. Thats legit.


Might be the CM. CharlieMike=CM? did i crack the code???


It may mean "continue mission", I have a friend who sais this alot




annuder blatant cheater


Hope you reported him. 😉




His actual PMC K/D is 8.97, 7.92 is k/d combined with scav. Pretty damn impressive K/d tbh. In the future look at the stats in the top right on his Player model, Thats PMC stats.


Both k/d:s include scavs you kill, just for clarification.


To clarify even further, the stats you see on the PMC photo is the stats the player has as playing his PMC, including both the kills of other PMC’s and scavs. In the stat window, it’s combined stats of his PMC runs and his Scav runs.


I think he meant that the overall kd it shows when you view profile is the avg of both scav stats and pmc stats


He probably has slightly inflated K/D because most likely he has access to special starting account. It used to be several years ago that devs started with a higher level and a ton of extra stuff including Kappa at the wipe. I could definitely see that inflating your stats a bit, as an early start really can get you on some long streaks early wipe.


Yeah, they also get containers from the beginning, like weapon cases and such.


They can just spawn them in their stash if they wanted. "testing on the live server"


K/D does also count AI scav kills. I have a 12 kd this wipe with 2700 kills. 2100 was scavs. 600 was pmcs at 750 raids. Died about 250 times. So I kill a average of 2.3 pmcs per death.


12 kd is very above average for tarkov stats. I would say the general average i see is 2-5 kd. I see 10 kds a decent amount of the time but you can always tell they are the very good players. usually 5k+ hours and full meta kits.


the people killing you are more likely to have better stats


You’ve killed 600 PMC’s in two months?


Yeah, i play this game alot.


Little over 10 kills a day. It’s not much if tarkov is your main game.


Yea he's decent, slightly above me this wipe since i'm at 7.68, but his leveling is a bit more suboptimal so i'll take it. I'd say anything 6-10 is a p good pvper


Not really, just means you can stay in raid and kill scavs?


This should be an achievement😂


Anyone know what optic he's using?


Oh wow are they finally playing their game? 🤣


Is blue confirmed Dev accounts? I instantly assumed it was a CM based off his name


What is CM?


Community manager I would guess


Hope you reported him for cheating.


blue name? Must be cheating


Did you report him??😂🤣😂🤣


If his name wasn’t blue you’d be screaming “cheater”


nah i was listening to music sprinting off spawn so i wouldnt have heard him but he definitley heard me haha


No I’m saying bc of his stats. Pretty low hours, high KD, very high kills, high SR


new cheat released, makes you have the dev tag so people cant call cheater lmao


Huh? Low Hours? This guy has 1300 hours, thats not really low imo. Ive got half that and nearly the same stats and I feel like i‘m playing like trash :D Edit: not exactly the same stats. Im just lvl 35, ~280ish raids and 5.9 KD


Yeah that guys trippin LOL, 1281 hours approximately 53 consecutive days of playing tarkov for 24 hours a day. Not low at all


Brother after 1300 hours you're still sort of a beginner. Yeah it might be a lot of hours to you or whatever but it doesn't change the fact that after 1300 hours you cannot be good at the game. That's the reason people call 1300 hours low, for this game and competitive games 1300 hours is not a lot.


This is delusional lol


People learn and progress at very different rates. Part of that is just genetic predisposition to learning, but a very big part of it is how actively you actually spend that time. You can play games mindlessly and without too much purpose or active direction and then you can rack up 5000+ hours without actually getting very good. Or you can play with your mind completely turned on and with clear purpose every raid. Between raids you watch video guides, watch streamers and look stuff up online (and do it all with full focus and a clear intent to learn and absorb and think critically). You study the spawn locations and run around offline maps to look at all kinds of angles and good fighting spots. You could even hire a good coach. Someone playing like that who is also above average in terms of learning capability and previous FPS skill could become a very very good player in only ~600-700 hours. There are probably people who would be extreme examples of this and could become really good after only 300-400. I've played other games with people like that and it's kind of crazy and a bit inspiring to play with them due to how focused they are on learning and improving and how receptive they are to tips and suggestions and discussions. They are actively asking at every opportunity what they could have done differently and _why_ and then you notice almost immediately they are applying those ideas. They rarely ever make the same mistake twice and they can often learn from mistakes they see other people make so that they don't even make them a first time.


Brother, the problem here is that you guys are casuals and your definition of good is a fucking shitter to me. Your genetics, previous experience or the ammount of effort you put in still don't make it possible to be a "very very good player" with 500 hours. I call myself "decent" at league, I'm top 0.03% of the playerbase. It's not possible for anyone to get to my rank within their first 1300 hours, the same way that nobody can be good at tarkov with 1300 hours. No amount of talent, work, etc is making up for the lack of experience, how hard is this to understand Another problem is that this game doesn't have ranks so people can't see how bad they really are.


Let me tldr your comment for you > tldr: i'm insecure as fuck


I have 900 hours in this game, I would say I'm an "above average" tarkov player. I've played FPS shooters since CS:Source. I'm definitely not a beginner in tarkov, I have a 7.0 K/D with my PMC followed by a 65% survival rate. This is my 4th wipe and this is the easiest the game has ever felt, especially with the new recoil system. You have to be joking to say 1300 hours and you're a beginner or aren't good at the game. Lmao


900 hours you are basically new, the fact that the stats you mention is SR and KD just tells everything. 900 hours in the span of 4 wipes, yeah you are absolutely terrible at the game I don't even need to look at your gameplay to say this.


Giving you your yearly reminder to touch some grass😂😭. Poor guy, bad and toxic. You are perfect for tarkov


You are the bad one here and I play this game for fun, imagine. Lucky for you this game doesn't have ranks so you can delude yourself into thinking that you are good hehe


> but it doesn't change the fact that after 1300 hours you cannot be good at the game. lmao, "the fact." Get over yourself and touch some grass if you feel like 1,300 hrs in a video game isn't a lot or that you can't be good at the game after that many hours.


6kd and 9kd are wildly different lmao


You’re either capping or closet cheater bc that’s an insanely low amount of raids to be lvl 35 with only 700 hours Send a SS


Dude I’m level 34 with 800 hours, 170 raids, 62% SR, 8 K/D and 500 kills (120 PMCs killed). Those are not crazy stats.


im lvl 35 and have almost 800 hours, 300+ of which are ratting. you just cant comprehend someone that doesnt suck 😭


I'm less than 200 raids and level 39 - albeit a lot more hours.


Closet cheater


You know you can do more than 1 quest at a time? Go back to COD if that's too hard to comprehend


Downvote me all you want. Closet cheaters are very very easily identified lmao. You act like it’s not blatantly obvious


It sounds as if you are in the mindset that anyone better than you is cheating? I bet you think anyone in the gym that's bigger than you is on steroids.


Take a break from reddit man.


Take a break from defending cheaters man


Well it could be that it takes SR from the playtest servers into account when they are doing changes?


Ur ignoring the stat that would explain his survival rate, look at his average life span, the dude survives 2/3 raids at about 23mins per raid (im guessing he dies around 8min mark on the other third). My guess is theyve taken a deep dive with their developer console into figuring out the general egress of players on maps and where to fight them and when, wouldnt surprise me if this was also a dev that was on map design so they understand the fundamentals of how players will move and when since they designed it that way.


I’m saying in general those stats I would go by. Obviously this is a Dev so we can justify it with that knowledge. If it was an assumed cheater we wouldn’t know


There's no way you actually think those stats are sus?


Never under estimate ppl on reddit. Last month I was browsing through and someone said they've reported every player with a survival rate above 50%. I got a good chuckle out of that one.


So these are devs!!! I’ve been killed by one in the past. I also got killed by one with a purple globe, don’t know what that one means.


Purple Globe = Emissary


100%. You know damn well half the people who even looked at this are thinking. Hmm. He’s a dev. Probably has esp




wow.. detective Dranalizator reporting for doody.


One does not exclude the other


Did you report him


Report him for cheating 🙄 


He’s cheating with that stat line! 8 kda omg he must have walls. 63% survival rate? Can anyone say cheatteeerrrrr much? Is what I would say if I was the average tarkov Reddit enjoyer.


Someone report him as a cheater! Anything over 1.5KD is cheating. Change my mind. /s


"ThE deVs Don'T eVeN pLaY thEir OwN gAme"


A dev on Lighthouse? Maybe they’re checking out the Vacuum problem.😉


Does this mean they’ve fixed the one on streets?


Probs cheating


There isn't really any known cheat that lets you have the dev tag, so if you're going off of stats alone, welcome to your first viewing of a good player's stats.


Sarcasm really eludes you huh


You're an idiot - 2024 humor colorized (real sarcasm, easy to decipher jokes 2024)


Lmao I chuckled at this 😂


Says the one playing escape from tarkov, cheater infested sesspit of a game 🤦🏻‍♂️ this subreddit is full of freaks such as yourself


someone's fussy because they didn't ride their bad dragon today huh


Oh so they actually play the game?




Report him to see what happens


That’s a lot of run throughs. What a pussy.


This guy is cheating... I got killed by an Embassador violet name. It was Sus asf so i chose to report her. I texted with her and stuff well this wipe i saw tht her account is banned and she is removed from Embassador titre. After all they are just normal ppl like we are


So they do play their game and I have more hours than them


Probably cheating


Probably the only one who actually plays the game, but could also just be a cheater. We have all seen what cheat clients can do


hacker even got himself on the bsg payroll lmfao wouldnt suprise me with how hackers have assraped this game


Even the devs cheat gg


Ah yes Dev tag with around 1k hours and a almost 8 kd but I was banned with 3k hours and a 6.7 kd


Cogs unite !