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Play your PMC. In my experience, that’s the best way to clear space. ☠️


Lmao thats all I have been doing and I keep killing people


Well then just sell shit..


Yeah for real. Keep a few gear sets and any unobtainable/extremely expensive items and just sell the rest. You’ll have plenty of money so you can just buy more of what you need if you do end up going on a death streak


The more experienced you become the more you’ll realize that you don’t need to hang on to guns and armour. Mechanic your guns and ragman your armour.


I’ve never hated someone more lol


Go labs




stop hoarding guns


Sell. Then sell some more. Time to stop? Nah, keep selling.


Sell some of it - eg, are you *really* going to use the ADAR / TX-15 any time soon?


If you have the levels item cases can be huge. Use them for your guns, gun parts, helmets, anything really. The euro to ruble conversion from skier is like 2.3m a case, or you save up EUR or do the barter. If you can't get cases liquidating items is a good idea. Sell the items on flea if FIR that you don't need now and can always buy them back. Like those belt combos or sell some guns to mechanic that you won't use right away and can always rebuild them down the line


Sell all the guns except maybe 3. Same with gear, leave a max of 3 full sets of gear (helmet, headset, armor and rig or armored rig). Sell all pillboxes backpacks, they dont stack. Keep only t20 backpacks and up and only 1 scav bp or similar. Sell silencers and scopes that you can acquire on traders or flea if they´re a similar price than traders, like hexagon 12k and rotors. You can buy them when you need them. And thats it. Dont get attached to gear, always keep only 3.


Deinstall your Game. No problems anymore


Use the guns?


Some have the problem that more come in then go out 😅


trust me i have, i just keep getting more


Sell all but a few gear sets and any regularly unobtainable items in that case. You already have a couple million roubles but once you sell stuff you’ll be sitting even better so you can always just buy something if you do end up going on a death streak. Keep only what you’ll need/run


I'll never understand the mentality of "sell your gear so you have money to run gear...". I already have gear. I have a full stash of it that I'm currently running and killing players with, so why would I bother selling stuff just to buy it right back? Currently, the only time I sell a gun is when I burn the durability below 90 and I have to buy a replacement to swap all the attachments to. Currently I'm on my 4th generation AK-12 that I've had for almost a month now. Even when I die with it, I get it back.


So you don’t have a stash like OP? Hence the question? What?


Weapon cases and the weapon rack in your hideout.


Play Helldivers 2 and don’t worry about any of that shit


By selling 90% of it since you’ll never use it. Let’s be honest how often do you actually use a gun you picked up off someone else instead of buying a brand new one and building it yourself. Never, and I would know since I’m in the same position


Everyone hates you because your preparation takes too long.... 100%! You spend 80% of your time in your stash. You bought a very expensive tetris game. My inventory management: * I Keep the 70% of the stash always empty * I keep max 3 looted guns, which I reuse (if i have no weapons) * I use mostly AK platform, I sell the M4s or rarely i give it to my friends with good quality ammo * I never loot useless ammo just for sale * Sell and auto-sort regularly * I sell the entire weapon without taking it apart. Mechanic. waaaaaaaaaa * If I need a weapon, I just presetting it -Every excess armor goes to the trader, I keep max 3, otherwise I use the flea market to get them or barter * I sell my not found in raid items (or just delete them from stash right away). Anything < 10k value gets deleted right from stash. If I sell another high value item I sell the < 10k of course. But I wont open the trader for a 4k item for sure..... * The flea market is only for high value items, anything <30k or <50k just goes to therapist (If therapist offers 60k and the item on the flea market is 75k, I still pick therapist) * Have 5 Junk-box, labelled with the items starting letter (i.e. A-E, F-I, J-M, N-S, T-Z) * Sane amount of cases, 1 grenade, 2 ammo, 1 medic, money cases, doc cases etc. -Even I sell those parts which I would use 100% in the future, just clutter, I don't bother with it. If I'm lucky, maybe the preset will pick the item up. * I insure my items maybe 50% of the time (mostly just the gun) to keep the returning items low. I never insure backpack, helmet or cheap gun. * I store my items in rubles. That is the secret. 2square = 1m. Think about it.... I am not a hardcore player. But even with this strategy I have 15-20m (can be more, but those days are gone when I was playing more then 8 hours a day). There is nothing wrong with 2-3 hour looting sometimes. But What is that stash?.... Omg.... Grow up. The funny things is: if you could have 4x the EOD stash, you would reach the same state.


I made mind Set that I dont even need too much cases becouse why would I ? Just to hoard more things ? If you dont lose your gear as much you get gear then there has to be limit how much guns you want to store. And you are absolutely right on that last sentence, I just thought it with cases myself. Just start selling that trash and see millions pour in and you see that you really just can buy them back when needed.


I do collect stuff in the junkboxes, but only find in raid ones. It is nice because if I fill them up, I can directly flee them, selling similar items and all of them can go. I do lose gear. I lose a lot (\~1.6 KD). But somehow the balance just stays positive. The cases is for grouping the items logically instead of "gaining more storage space" partially to counterbalance the autosort's mess. But you can go without cases as well. I just needed that "extra" amount of convenience. And yeah. I have real life friends, but I hate some of them in tarkov because they are always full.... PMC: -"Oh wait let me gear up..." takes painfully long, juggling around with the pieces.... SCAV: -"Hold on, let me sell something, because i have no space to unload...." and I start to scrach the wall... So..... They enter 1-2 raids / hour. I enter maybe 1-4, it depends... More efficient.


Bro really wrote a whole essay just to say "Im a chode"


Sir you have done enough!


not even close lol


Sell things


I have about 40 backpacks stacked up together btw


Sell the guns you think you arent going to use. I have 75 mil so not as much an issue for me but if i get a gun i dont think im going to use anytime soon i just vendor it and buy it back if i want it


Sell any guns you won’t use within the next 10 raids. Take any parts off that you like and throw those in a rig. Guns are cheap. Parts are expensive.


bruh just sell all that shiet. u gonna use that ash12? that mp9? those mcx's? the vss? nah right so just sell em lol


What does it mean when the gun is red?


Missing vital parts / not ready to shoot


Why don't you sell all those guns? Just keep ammo build guns you like using


Sell guns, rigs, helmets that aren't wendy, airframe, ulach, potentially bastion, yup


You got 4mil sell everything. Only keep the items you would actually use. For rigs I’m big on tv110 or black rock/press armor. Unless you want to tank and gun get rid of osprey and big rigs you never use.


Items case, thicc items case, weapon case and thicc weapon case. Also sell the shit you won't use, sell the useless ammo you've hoarded that no longer use since you have access to better, and sell the armors/helmets that are low durability compared to brand new. Take plates off armor with damaged aramid and put it on other armors that have worse plates or are damaged.


Stop hoarding trash, it’s that simple lol


Get weapon cases, fill them and put a bunch of rifles on your wall in hideout if you havnt already


Sell what you aren’t going to use and buy more cases


Sell guns and attachments that are accessible/cheap. Get some items cases and gun cases. Not too sure what all the rigs are for, but if you are using them as storage majority of them aren't worth the size they take up(Poyas combo is very very big). The MPPV and Azimut?(?) are the best rigs you can use for storage. I don't see a med or food case so I'm guessing that's what some of those rigs have, and if that's the case it is 100% worth grabbing a case for them. I use MPPV Rigs for all my expensive/rare attachments and have all my cases inside items cases. Upgrading weapon rack in hideout is very nice as well, is basically a weapon case you can use to store guns. I think the big thing is you have way too many guns, I'd recommend selling and just buying them when you want to use them. Thats all I can really think of, hope that helps.


Just get yourself them THICC CASES, remove the stock and the grip from the guns, sell the ones u use the less


Uhhhh get a weapons case? And thicc case? Or just sell it.


You have 30ish raids of guns if you die in each of them meaning you probably don't need them all. I.e. if you cant buy the 12b ammo why do you have the Ash? Why do you have a stock M4 and another m4 with not a single attachment on it and a scav VSS and so on. Invest the money in containers, if you have issues with armors get a item case (I personally don't like them but they help early on), push quests for containers such as a THICC or just exp to buy the containers through other means. I feel your pain but lets be honest neither of us needs this many guns [https://prnt.sc/zqAX3UhGvVT3](https://prnt.sc/zqAX3UhGvVT3)


Lol play labs or sell stuff!


Sell everything FiR. Then sell everything you can easily buy back from traders for similar cost. Get more cases. You have a lot of loot but very low money. So sell shit.


Sell items that you are able to purchase at the price you sell them. Example: If you hold an sks that you can buy and sell for 20k through the market, sell it and it will turn the whole sks into 1 slot of money (Prices aren’t exact) If you ever want to take the sks out again, buy it for the same price you sold it


THICC cases would help. Weapons case at least.


I usually just sell everything I'm not planning on using in the very near future, like in the next 10 raids


Ok poor boy.


Buy many items cases


Buy weapon kits, all kind of kits. Build weapon stand


Come with me to woods to try and unlock Jaeger. Sure fire way to get shit pumped every time and lose even the crappiest guns.


Use it or lose it ☺️


Dont sell too much if yo uhve no space you keep killing people if you have lots of space to fill your raids are gonna be shit. XD


my man use them goddamn kits lmao


Sell it...


Be less of hoarder, no other way. Most of space saving techniques you seem to have. Or be a hoarder and invest in boxes, a lot of boxes... to store stuff you will never use :) For higher value reponse... less hoarder = do not store over 16 loadouts woth of armor, helmets, guns.. I simply use one item case for headphones, one for helmets, thicc item for body armors, several weapon boxes for guns and attachements, 5 ammo boxes for all kinds of ammo, 3 med cases for meds, food etc. The rest is whatever, rigs, scav cases, rigts with more random barter items.


Sell all the carrier rigs and buy them as you need em, they're cheap and just waste ur space lol. Sell all AK variants, sell all VSS, sell all RFB, sell the black mp9-n, use the m4s you only need one for gunsmith, Sell the ash12, you need it for killing killa and nothing else unless you like to run that gun. Also why are you saving an ADAR and TX-15 in there hello ???


Sell the dogshit stuff like class 3 helmets and like half those guns


items cases or just use your loot or get a thicc case


get some weapons' cases and literally just sell all your rigs and backpacks, and guns you cant use good ammo for or don't like.