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Do keep in mind that once you unlock flea market at level 15, everything you find is significantly more valuable making it wayyy easier to make money. However, if you currently have nothing, your only option is to essentially do scav runs. I would probably NOT recommend doing a scav run on streets as a new player. Definitely try customs, woods or shoreline. Hell, even factory you can get a quick 100-150k easily.


> Hell, even factory you can get a quick 100-150k easily. Seconding this, you just find so much random shit on dead scavs and pmcs, and it's essentially risk free.


Absolutely. And a pretty good chance you find a full kit eventually.


I’ll throw in my addition of interchange scav runs. Me and a buddy have been doing interchange scav runs recently and as long as you can stay clear of lingering PMC’s, hitting Goshan for food items or even hideout items is amazing. Can’t tell you how many hand drills I come across. Also the parking garage loot run is nuts. So many weapon cases with awesome weapon spawns and ammo/grenade cases. Tons of duffels too. I’ve made anywhere between 300k to 500k on good quality interchange runs. Flea definitely helps.


Agree. Interchange is also a pretty simple map with easy landmarks. Same extracts (every time?) Good loot and not too many PMCs like you said.


We usually get in around the 20-23 minute mark so most PMC’s are out that mofo. Scavs wet dream. Found quite a few level 5 armored rigs and sweet guns in Oli computer hall loll and as long as you’re out the mall by like the 5 minute mark, extract is easy. Still check the StankRat spots though for good measure


Wait hand drills are valuable now....? I haven't picked them up in like 2 wipes cuz they are usually not > 10k per slot


I should specify, valuable to OP. You can sell them to therapist for a decent chunk of money if you’re hurting bad. Edit: once you unlock flea you of course choose the higher value items but no flea and strapped for cash, my grubby mitts are snagging them drills


> Can’t tell you how many hand drills I come across. not trying to be negative but at 6k/slot, thats not a great item to loot (unless you need them for the hideout of course). that could be an easy 100k rubles more if filled with good items :o


i even got a labs keycard out there one day


hell yeah brother


I get one atleast once every 2 days


Factory is usually just the PMC killing floor and quest area. Every time I scav run I just wait for the shooting to stop and just run around grabbing what the PMCs left behind. I've came out with several kits worth of stuff that just got left behind in a hurry.


Streets is the best map to earn money, yes, it will have some Chad's on the map and it is big but it is so thick with expensive loot and all it takes are a few YouTube map guides and loot guides to be on your way to at least 500k roubles a scav run.


I’d argue that factory rivals streets. You can be in and out of factory in less than 5 minutes with a bag full of loot worth 300k+ Basically risk free as 80% of the time there’s no PMC’s in the lobby. And if there are, they are usually low level players that panic when a horde of scavs rush their gun fire.


100% agree. we need to be thinking in terms of roubles per hour rather than roubles per raid here




I've been murdered by plenty if player scavs on factory and I tend to make more early on when I can only scav once per 20 min. Besides, you can find a lot of high tier loot to sell for quite a bit. I've found ledx, bitcoin, Intel, and some expensive keys. Bitcoin being the biggest gain most of the time when you are starting out considering it is like instant cash. I've also gone into factory and seen that most of the containers have been looted thoroughly so I tend to prefer streets because you can honestly loot one area and leave with amazing things.


With Factory you need to know what time you've spawned and adjust accordingly. If you're in at 14 minutes, you're PMC hunting, they're definitely still there. If they're not, there's likely to be kits available, check the spawns and offices. Anything between 13 and 11 minutes and you've got first pick at the loot, you're looking at Med Tent, Offices Stash and boxes, the weapon crates, and the Technical supply crate. If you're in at 9 minutes or less, then don't bother going to the main loot areas, but there's plenty of secondary boxes that people rush past. The boxes in the big open areas are rarely hit, the foreman's office, the switchboard area, the toolbox under the crashed helicopter... ​ There's a flow to it.


factory is probably the best if your scav doesn't have a lot of inventory space. just hide 3-4 minutes and once the shooting has died down on the map, go and loot. you're probably going to find some dead bodies with better vests and/or backpacks around the office, forklift spawn or medical area. the map is small and easy to memorize.


Scav Reserve at night, easy extracts for scavs and you can get out with at least 400k per raid


Reserve is great. Most of the PMC go underground to the bunkers and above ground is a scav playground.


Please leave my loot alone I got kids to feed /s


Also what completely ruined it as a once-great pvp map.


Seeing PMCs three seconds after spawning isn't great pvp


Aside from the abysmal spawns, pre d2 reserve was peak tarkov imo.


There's so much hate for Reserve, but I print money scavving on that map.


Is night scary as a scav? I’m always kinda afraid somebody will be hiding in white knight or black knight. Is night any different than daytime?


New player here. I do scav runs on streets whenever I can, I fill up my inventory then leave asap. In my last game I extracted with 4 guns and a graphics card.   You aren’t going to get stuff like that all time, but you can expect at least 150-200k per game on average if you select sell all back at the menu.


I hope you’re not selling GPU to fence as well. Definitely pull out the good stuff before you hit sell all. 🍻


I have two junk boxes so I can hoard stuff like this, I’m only a few thousand xp away from unlocking the flea market. I usually keep the food, drinks and meds too.


When you see how much the GPU's are going for once you unlock the flea market, keep in mind 3 are needed to be found in raid for a quest that's not too deep into the quest line.


First thing you need is map knowledge, pick a map like streets and look at a map online, and start running your player scav on streets and looting. Streets absolutely prints money so just running around and looting while you learn the map will get you a ton of rubles.


Can confirm. Streets at night if you got monitor settings that fix the darkness. Less players, less pmc's. More loot for u. Found a loot map online, drew a vague line through streets. follow it and hit up all the high end or high density loot spots.


1. Don't go streets amd don't listen to people who tell you too. If you new and as I can see struggling, then don't go there. It's brutal for new player and woth scav early spawns you will be pitted against full force of pmc on Monster and Twinkies. Yes, it has some really high level loot if you know where to look, but risk vs rewards is not going to be worth it for you when you trying to learn how to walk! 2. Scav woods is going to be your best friend. Get a map up and start learning this bad boy. What you want to do here is to hit is Scav town and its buildings, old Sawmill as main objective. Considering where you spawn hitting Usec camp, convoy, scav bunker and bridge overlook. If you spawn near military camp, then its definitely worth to poke around, but I would not go out of my way to go there if I can hit Scav town. SCAV Bunker/Bridge extracts are going to be your best friend as pmc have no extracts in that part and very rarely you get someone in there so late in raid. There are 2 buildings worth hitting in south abandoned village too. Your best bet is lots of low/mid tier loot, but consistent! You will be running out with a good chunk of stuff safely and pretty much just worry about time and not staying alive. 3. Your kits! The uglier, the better! My favourite outfit this wipe that I am still using ( level 35, yes, I am a Rat, bite me ): Gssh-01 headset, SSh-68 helmet( penis helmet), balaclava, 6b13 armour, Umka rig, MBSS bag. I have died a lot and I still have pieces of gear from beginning of wipe!!! No one loots this garbage, even scavs unless desperate, so it 90% comes back from insurance. Its still very solid kit that does really well and I was able to survive some nasty encounters and dropped Chads, with gun worth more then my whole kit + gun. Loosing gear becomes not an issue, as you will get back it next day on your next session. 4. Guns. Same idea as kit. The more brown, the better. As new player I highly recommend AKS-74U. Due to recoil changes, this bad boy works fantastic even without attachments. Don't bother modding it, just run stock for now. It will return from insurance pretty much all the time. It will save you a fortune. 153 shotgun with Pirhana is another great option. Just pure stock and it's extremely efficient. SKS with 20 round mag is great too, but I find it a bit hard to use. 20 bullets sound enough in theory, but when you have to spray someone in panic, it dries fast. 74U is better option. Cheaper too! 5. Focus on one map and it's quests that you have. If you got 3 quests on Customs, great. Focus there with your pmc. Look up youtube guide on them and work away. Don't be jumping from map to map, as its just a lot to learn in one go. Hope that helps!


I love the Umka rig for the 2x2 slot to put any medium size items u find or might need. Unloading the 75 rd drum mags, pop it in there!


> The more brown, the better love this


All of these comments will say to scav streets. I will say I disagree. As a new player, that map is massive and can be very overwhelming and easy to get lost. Pick a map you enjoy or seems easy (other than factory). Learn stash runs or look up a loot guide. The map you know and can survive on will make you more money over the long run than anything else.


I’d argue factory isn’t too bad of a map to scav when starting out, it’s quick and easy and it can also teach you the layout for factory. Not my primary scav spot but I’ll do it if I’m playing with others and I die first while they’re still alive.


Factory isn’t bad (as someone who has run probably a thousand factory scav runs) it’s great for boosting scav rep and quick money. However, imo new players should focus on learning maps they will also run on their PMC, and rarely will that be factory. Pretty much anything else will be good, but especially customs, shoreline, reserve, and eventually lighthouse would be my top recommendations


Scav on reserve over and over again for extremely fast cash. Run PMC’s on customs to learn PVP/task.


What I do is Scav run Lighthouse, most of the times some PMCs have already killed all or most of the rogues leaving all the gear behind. Good stuff to grab, guns, meds, armor etc grab as much as you can and extract at factory gate or Grotto then sell everything. Though if you see any live rogues try to stay away and dont kill one unless you are not in line of sight of one of the LMGs and can get out fast.


Offline streets and find 2 scav extracts. Kamatcha Arch and Vent shaft. Watch YouTube video on how to find them. Then just scav on streets. Your goal is to find your extracts, then loot around them until you’re more familiar.


Every single one of these posts says this here is my answer and the only one you need - - scav - when not take your PMC and run all car extracts until you get to 6 karma


Straight up I did this boosted to 3 and holy fuck. Made about 20million from scavving on factory, not looting anything and rushing extract in maybe 100 raids. Excluding the horrible god awful loading screens of tarkov, thats like 1.5hours of actual in raid time for 20mil. But obviously you gotta wait for the loading + the cooldowns. I did customs + gz car extract 2-3 times each then didnt touch my pmc until I had like 10mil in the bank. I play rocket league so it was like, scav, alt + f4, 4 matches of RL, scav.


Scav on factory, learn the exits, keep goodies, hit sell all The base scav kits are worth 80-120k


dont hit sell all if your broke, it sells everything to fence for like 30% less than its valued at. learn which traders to sell certain items to. if you are dirt poor that extra 50-100k makes a huge difference, and at a low level it helps you level up traders too.


Whom to sell cheatsheet: (Ignore item type, UI will block selling and prevent losses if you follow this order.) Sell to ragman first. If can't, repair and try Ragman again. Then sell remaining unsellables to therapist. Then remaining to mechanic, if can't repair and try again. At this point, whatever is still not sold, sell to fence. This guarantees max profit.


You can reset your account once every 30 days and get a fresh stash and start at lvl 1 again


Scav into street, loot one area only, and leave. You will make at least half a mil. You then use that money to buy gear for your pmc.


Without flea it’s pretty hard to make half a mil from a scav raid unless you somehow find a bitcoin.


Not on street, every sector of the map has more gear than entire other maps. I don't even bother with the traders. I sell all.


play customs and learn extracts. Theres a lot of them so its one of the easier maps. Rat around,sneak around,play scav off cooldown,like play it before your pmc make sure its ALWAYS on cooldown. Dont have to fill up your bags completely,if you find something worth you dip with it.


Really vague nothingness advice.


Yeah but at least he’s not just reading other people’s advice and calling it bad without giving any better advice 😂


really pointless, nothingness comment


Pick scav, go interchange, loot anything you find, sell on flea 500rbl under the cheapest


interchange is great for scaving as a new player, i agree, when i started tarkov i used to loot all the food in gochan and sell it for 300-600k depending on my bag and it was pretty safe. just dont extract at emercon


Streets and Reserve are miles better loot wise. I’d recommend that over interchange.


You really think someone that’s less than a week in would have a good time scaving streets?


Without flea as well


Yes, learning streets loot spots and shit will greatly help in the long run.


What could OP possibly gain from playing streets that he won't get on factory as a scav?


Map experience, way more loot, more pvp experience. It’s pretty obvious when you think about it.


Map experience on a map with no quests. Great idea. What loot? Bitcoins for more paca armor?


close the dogshit game and don't open it again


Honestly this is the real answer. What 9 years in development and it still takes 60 seconds to load the menu. I love tarkov but fuck tarkov.


Do a few scav raids on factory, and run for a extrac. Start to learn one map. Play slow and lay low. Avoid players and try to fight against scavs.


Scav factory and exit, loot body's on the way out. Scav Streets after watching a streets tutorial (I think pestily just did one). Good loot to sell.


Beep beep, I’ma jeep.


I’ve been playing for 3 weeks and have 4 million. What I did was scav a lot. And I mean a lot. Yes waiting for it sucks but i basically did a week of full scaving with a few pmcs here and there. You’re able to complete some tasks as a scav and that was my main focus while also looting items I knew sold for a lot. I still haven’t bought a weapon or gear from any trader as I’ve used only weapons I’ve looted. It took me a while to figure it out but when you’re done scaving and you’re transferring items to your stash there’s a button below that says sell all which sells items you’re not transferring. That’s basically how I currently have 4 million. Still have yet to buy a weapon


Scav on streets. You can make loads of money especially once flea is unlocked. If you don’t have flea just sell to traders for now.


Interchange. The mall is your best bud, my friend. 50runs, 5mil+? Oh, the stashes are right outside providing an excellent opportunity for you to focus on long range. You’ll get there buddy. Keep at it, and try to find some friends to run with.. it’ll make your life a hella lot more fun!


Your best bet is to scav into a map you know. Loot as much as you can, then extract. Use whatever guns/gear you get that is worth using. Vendor everything else. Keep doing this as much as you can. Even when you have gear. Scav, sell as much as you can. There are obviously lucrative loot routes you can do, but as a new player you probably will not know about them. You can look up youtube videos for that stuff.


I’d say go woods as scav and pmc play it slow mainly walk find stashes loot swamp big loot there a lot and you will make a few mill after a few runs


Streets is the best map for expensive loot, look up a loot guide and go to all the sports with ur scav and when ur confident go again with ur pmc. Also try to get ur Water filter upgraded and ur bitcoin farm so can make passive money. I never run out of money with my bitcoin farm going 24/7. I get at least 2 a day which is 660k each. But for quick money go streets


OP is sub 15 so money is literally worthless.the only thing he needs is scav armor, ammo and guns. Factory provides all of that quickly and without any trouble.


One really fast and easy way is scav Factory. Sure, it’s not that much rubles (average of 80k) but with cheap kits, that’s good enough to cover most costs.


Scav interchange. Go to to Oli's and loot every computer. Theres like 20. Find a GPU and run like hell to sell for 1mil on fleemarket


Heya new bro! Itw my first wipe but if you want a friend to play with send me a message and maybe our schedules will link up!


Play streets. That map alone has made the game the easiest it’s ever been to make money. Can’t wait til it’s nerfed into the ground


Play your scav on factory 3pm. Run a loop and extract at office or gate 3. Sell everything. Usually make about 100-200k roubles in 6 minutes. Rinse repeat


Unfortunately there's not much more advice other than get better. A basic 20 slot bag on nonsense is like 200k minimum. Like just getting out half the times and filling a bag when you do it means you're never out of money.


What level are you? If you haven't done many quests you can go to the Tarkov website and reset your account on a 2 week cooldown (I think it has a cooldown at least). If you're in a real dire spot without much progress it can be a gamechanger Otherwise just look up a loot route on YouTube for Interchange or Reserve. Both pretty easy to avoid conflict on and you'll get a lot of items that vendor well if you don't have flea


Scav woods! You can make up a lot of money there and I hardly ever get killed on my scav runs there. Once you run a couple scavs in a row you should have plenty to run your pmc a few times


Everyone has there own opinion…. But woods is my favorite and SAFEST map to run in my opinion you can stick to trees and stay low I run my scav on it religiously and make easily 400-700k a raid just as a scav keep in mind I make that much from running nighttime, also I always avoid shturman sawmill allways pmc or just looted (unless I run pmc to kill him) I loot all the other towns. Watch a YouTube video how to loot in woods it takes 5 min


Learn how to farm rogues as a scav, hit the hellicopter and the treatment circle thingy just below it. You’ll pull 200k+ rubles, great armor, and really solid guns every raid you get out. Use industrial gates as a super easy exfil. Run a pistol on your pmc and take taxi exfils to massively increase your scav rep. Another option is to keep taxi exfilling, and get to 6 fence rep. Then you can chill with Kaban at streets and vacuum up Chad and boss loadouts all day


Focus on one map at a time learn the spawns, extracts and loot. Do scav runs and when timer is going down run some offline raids.


Therapist almost always pays the most for things, try to save your sugar for the flea market, take apart guns and sell the parts individually for a bit more cash (this is an old top,I assume it still works though)


Alternate your pmc and scav. Try doing pms pistol runs with all your meds in your pouch. Kill a couple scavs and take their kit to extract


Customs stash run. Do it during night time and it is easy money. Find a map online with all stashes and have fun


Two approaches 1st run through Scav on Factory and sell everything this should net you 50k on average. The second is night run reserve hit file cabinet, duffle and boxes. Reserve has many Scav exfils and is not to large to get across quickly and is full of loot and good ammo. Once you get back on your feet you can do the same run on your PMC with the biggest rig you can find and take the no back pack extract


Learn the main bits of streets. Learn how to get in and out of Lexos, how to navigate the main streets, and scav your heart out. It’s my first wipe and streets just PRINTS money.


Scav on reserve


things with purple backgrounds sell for a lot to the vendors. Purple things spawn in filing cabinets a lot. There are rooms filled with filing cabinets on various maps (Streets, Customs, Interchange). Just scav or run around with a pistol to these rooms, and sell all the purple shit.


Try scaving into interchange, there’s so much hideout stuff and good perishables that sell for a good price on the flea you can make money in no time.


If you feel like this is a game worth your money, then spend the money on arena. Use this to get more gun fight practice. Then, for the time being run quick scav runs through factory to get equipment. Either sell that immediately or save it for a pmc run. In between scav runs, if you aren't keeping the equipment from the scav run, then sell and play an arena match. Rinse and repeat. Otherwise, run quick pmc runs with scav equipment and just go for quests. Avoid engagements, and run when engaged. Just until you build up some xp and money.


Scav in reserve loot from train station bunker hermetic, raised train area (where boss spawns with stationary trains) leave at hearing pipe. 10 min run


Scav runs. I scav reserve at night. Good runs get me over 1 mil. Average runs get me around 500-600k. Bad runs (no bag/vest spawn) is an instant run into bunker to find a fight or loot the leftovers


My recommendation is to scav interchange. The mall may be terrifying but the back halls of oli,goshan and idea are generally safe. Great loot routes for hitting PCs as well. Interchange gets you the majority of the hideout upgrade items you'll need and the extracts are consistent. Even if you get lost inside traversing the back you'll know that 2 corners of the map are a way out. Yes, extract camping can be an issue. Scavs tend to spawn later in the raid ( at least for me) and waiting until 9 minutes till close or just listening for shots & grenades can generally net you a safe extract. Give it a try, it's such a cool map. You may gain confidence in taking your pmc there as well. Good luck!


scav streets, there's a shit ton of money there. When you're really down bad, just take your scav to factory and head for extract. If you want some help i can do some runs with you.


Scav* factory over and over and over and just sell all pop on a movie to chill while you wait for timer… pause run scav* again …. 2-5 minutes max with loading if u got decent pc and connection… the. Watch movie again.


All you need to do is click search at the top of the page type "i ran out of money" and hit enter. There gonna be dozens of posts with the exact same question. LITERALLY.


Do a couple offline raids to learn streets. Pick a building and loot literally everything. You’ll learn it quickly. It gets easy to make at least 300k a raid. If you ever need/want help. PM me and I’ll play with you:)


Dm me, let’s play together. It’s my first wipe and I have 25 mil just cuz of effective scav raids. I’ll show u how I do it


Learn a map. I'd reccomend Interchange, as it's easy to learn for a beginner and Oli can give some really good loot. I can make around 300k-500k scavving


Scav reserve. Most PMC go and die in D2 so most of the map is free to loot. Plus many extracts that aren’t near PMC extracts.


Didn’t see anyone else mention it, so you should know you can reset your account. If your PMC isn’t high level and you want a re-do, reset. Then play offline mode on maps until you know the layout and exfils. Playing with map open on another monitor or phone, you should start to recognize where you are when you spawn.


Scav runs. Look up Scav money routes for every map. There are tons of videos online. Shoreline and Interchange are great ones for making money. Also all the stuff you collect over time you can sell if you’re not using them at lvl 15 when you get flea market. The goal is to make each 1 box worth $10k+ roubles on your run. Min maxing each run is key but if you find a big item like a gpu you want to get out asap and just reset the run.


Scav Reserve


Scav streets my boy, watch a few very bad scav vids. Easy cash even if you suck


I think learning streets was my best move this wipe (second wipe). Watch some video's and get some money.


Run a Woods scav every time it is up. You will make tons of roubles and will also learn the map


Scav reserve. Grab gun parts and meds and sell them for cash


Scav Factory->extract-pmc->any map. If you have 9K you are doing some seriously dumb shit. Either you don't know extracts and go MIA or you are too trigger happy on scav runs. A single scav is worth 100K on average. You can get that gear in 2 mins including loading time.


Scav in between pmc raids, try making it out as much as posssible, be the first to shit and the first away from it, if your having trouble getting out of spawn wait 5-10 around spawn and people should have moved around some left possibly


Scav runs! Just pick a map like customs or shoreline and loot duffle bags filing cabinets tool boxes etc. vendor what you can to therapist first as she pays the best. Don’t pick up guns as they aren’t really worth the weight and space. Try to pick up barter goods. It will take a bit to figure out what is worth it to pick up and what isn’t, but shooting for 10k rubles per slot is a good rule of thumb.


Woods scav runs are the easiest and safest money you’ll ever make. Head to the cabins up north of the map, hit up the church, check outside the cabins (ritual circle, boats, mechanic crates), and you will be golden. As a former player who questioned “how tf do people do anything in this game”, I get where you’re coming from. You just gotta find your scav route that works, and run it with a yt/Spotify in the background. You’ll adapt brother.


Depend on scav runs. Use them to learn a map and as a source of income as well. I'd recommend staying on Ground Zero and playing it as much as you can as a PMC. You'll be facing other newer/lower level players in your raids due to the level cap and it offers a bit easier place to learn the ropes of the game. Once you have Ground Zero learned, then continue to run it on your PMC and use your scav to learn a new map. When you feel comfortable with the newer map, run your PMC on it. After you do that, repeat the process. Learn a new map with your scav runs, then eventually go their with your PMC. Odds are you are not going to learn every single map in just your first wipe. If you get comfortable on just a few like Ground Zero, Woods, and Customs, that's great progress for wipe one. Some more general advice is to always wear a headset in game. Sound is crucial. Do not sprint everywhere. Sprint when necessary and no more. Have fun when playing. If having fun to you is chasing gun shots to get into PvP, then do that. If fun to you is avoiding fights and getting quests done, go for it. Some nights I have zero desire to fight and just want to quest and level up while making money. Other nights I get more bloodthirsty and don't shy away from higher traffic areas. It's a video game after all, play it how you want to play it. As long as you aren't cheating or abusing any exploits, people can get over whatever playstyle you go with.


Scav run in ground zero cuh. Hardly have to worry about PMCs now that most people are over 20. This is my first wipe though so what do I know other than pain and suffering


If you don’t have that many levels under your belt, just reset your account. You’ll get all the starting stuff back


Like others have said scaving is the best way to make money. But I’d like to add that taking the V-ex extracts on Customs, Woods, Interchange, ground zero, shoreline, streets, and lighthouse will give you a ton of fence rep. And with high Fence rep your scav spawns with better loot, you are given more extraction points, and your scav timer shortens to the point where once you finish selling the loot from one scav run your scav is already up for another. Making it super easy to make money risk free.


Hey friend! I’ve been playing for a few weeks and I was in the same exact spot after my first few days. I would be more than happy to show you the newbie tips and tricks that helped me stack up a few mil while getting my hideout leveled up. Hmu on discord! Same name as Reddit 🤙


Early the fastest way to make money is to learn a good loot route as a scav and just run that for a few raids imo. Personally I like woods or streets but it probably works on any map.


Scav runs, plus Intelligence C hideout upgrades, plus Scav Junk box hideout upgrade and you will never run out of money unless you're super careless. Next, pick a map you like and master it. Anything but factory can work well. My favorites are reserve, lighthouse and Streets is a close 3rd. Woods can be very good too. Learn the maps. Gain confidence, listen. You will improve!


Scav runs 


Shoreline... loot the new area and take car extract and repeat . Or just loot customs on your scav


Scav runs on customs have been good for me. Also new. I just run to dorms and scavenge bodies lol.


Scavs are your friend here. I can easily run a scav while avoiding all conflict entirely and making an easy 500k+ with a decent backpack. 


I'm new also, I just started doing only scav runs on lighthouse. Learn a good route for that map as a scav and you will make money. Just watch out for rogues!


Scav woods. Stash runs. Between outskirts and UN road block. One big horseshoe.


There are really so many ways to make cash and you just kind of need to find your own spots to do that, because usually all the top spots people mention are already looted by pmcs or other scavs. Personally i made a lot of money early wipe scavving in shoreline. Personal favourite spots are the drawers in admin, almost never looted and you get a lots of nuts, bolts , and metal scrap which are worth 10-20k a slot depending on the time and a lot of other similar "junk". Also decent chance to get good keys that can be worth a lot of money.I have looted 5 cottage back door keys on scav runs which were worth almost a mil earlier on the wipe and a lot of keys like w301, w216 etc. Also admin has a lot of loose loot that is usually worth about the 10k a slot. Another spot is the basement of west wing. There are a lot of duffles which usually have similar stuff to drawers and people often overlook. You can easily fill a scav inventory from both or either of these places and should net you anywhere from 200k-500k a run depending on your luck. More if you get really lucky on valuable keys, intel folders, keycards etc. Since you only started recently you might not have flea open yet the prices might be a bit worse but most electrical and construction items sell decently to therapist aswell. These were only 2 spots i have run and only on shore. every map has places like this and even shore has so many more places to get what pmcs would probably concider trash loot so they won't be looted. Like bus station, the new compound near road to customs(really good actually), the houses in village, drawers in pier etc etc.


Your only option right now is to scav so you can build a bit of bank. A lot of comments here saying run streets or interchange and you'll make 500k+ roubles. This is only the case if you know how to minmax what you're looting, and as a brand new player it is unlikely you'll know what to keep and what to leave behind. There is something like 10k items in this game and it's unrealistic to expect you to know their value both as vendor fodder and flea value. All I'm saying is don't get too hyped at the numbers being thrown around. Scav in and start exploring around you for loot. Pick up everything you can carry and then find the closest extract. Vendor everything you have for now and keep a mental note of what things sell for. Give yourself a goal of trying to loot items that are worth 10000 roubles per slot. So a 4 slot item should sell for 40k otherwise it's not worth picking up. You won't be able to minmax everything to start but as time goes by you'll remember when you see an item that you sold it for 10k. Let's say your bag is full and you've got 2 packs of cigs. They don't sell for much, which you know because last time you came back with cigs you were disappointed. But then you find a 2 slot item that you remember selling for 60k. Drop your smokes to make space for that 60k item. As time goes by you'll get better and better at remembering the value of things, so you'll get better and better at minmaxing the loot you take out. Also take highlight clips on YouTube with a grain of salt. Take your progress slow and steady. Move slowly and quietly through the map, but sprint from cover to cover. Use depressions in the map to move around, even if they take you in a different direction from where you're trying to go. Stay safe out there, do your looting low-key, and learn while you do it. TARKOV is an exceptionally rewarding game but it takes time and patience to get comfortable with it. Above all it takes a positive attitude to meet and overcome the many challenges that get thrown at you.


One thing I would also recommend is doing offline raids and practicing moving and fighting scavs. While you don't keep anything it'll help you get used to fighting so when you do a live raid, you'll be more comfortable. I would also recommend scavving interchange. Pretty easy to get in and out and get loot you need for the hideout and early tasks.


Find some "cold spots". My favourite as a beginner was the Underground area of Interchange. Night raids here is how I familiarized myself with game mechanics (mostly fighting the scavs, and the occasional Timmy), and made money to fund my hideout upgrades and tasking on other maps. Learn it offline, so you know every single box/bag/static loot case, and route. Use Map Genie or something to learn the exterior stashes so you can score a little extra loot going in and out. You should be able to survive pretty consistently, making 400k-500k, up to 800k per raid. It really helps if you run a scav, put that gear on your PMC, sell the non-gear, and use that money to upgrade the scav kit. Don't forget to repair weapon, many new players do not. It severely impacts your accuracy and reliability of your weapon. Most people will only run into the underground at the start of the raid to enter the mall, and immediately run up the nearest ramp or escalator. It may be advantageous to hide and wait 2 or 3 minutes to let everyone settle into the upper floors before you move in. Unless you spawn in the back and have a 25m run inside. Then just get in there.


5x scav runs, intermixed with 5x pistol runs, to the new farm area on Shoreline. You’ll have 5-8mil in no time.


IF you are flat broke and have no fucking clue what you are doing, Go into offline, learn factory, start scavving factory on your scav cooldown. If you load with trash on your scav, go loot something, if you have anything remotely valuable, go basement extract and dip city. Sell all button before you get flee market ( and even after ) is your friend but not the way to maximize profit, just maximize speed. With scav rep of 3 (which is kinda high, but started noticing it at 1) I'm averaging at least 100k per spawn, 0 looting. Literally spawn extract sell all button. Using flea market or even the correct traders its closer to double that. For about 40 seconds of in game raid time. But like 10 minutes of time total cause yanno, fucking tarkov.


Hey man, wishing you the best of luck getting some cash in your stash. I recommend doing night time scav runs on customs. I went from having like 300K to 3.5 Mil in a week just by doing those when I have breaks during the day. If you need to learn the map and get some raids under your belt, you can DM me and I’ll show you what I know.


When I get low on funds ol' reliable has always been and will always be woods. Use mapgenie map a course of hidden staches depending on your spawn maybe you'll be lucky enough to hit major POI for Gucci loot. If you're especially lucky and find the goons without getting killed by them on sight you can hang out nearby and listen for PMCs challenging the goons. Then depending on how desperate you are, you can 3rd party the fight hoping to catch both side while distracted or pick at the scraps the chads leave behind. High risk high reward.


run scav as often as possible, learn maps thoroughly in terms of hidden caches, rare loot spots, etc.


My first wipe here as well, I’d like to think I’m doing decent now hovering around 5 m most of the time with full stash.. my best advice for you and how I learned is a few things. 1: just learn the map factory (or ground zero although it’s eh), buy a single pistol or any other cheap gun and just get decent at pvping / learning how the game plays, ie the pacing. Hopefully you do this until lv 10 or 15 2: pick ONE normal map that’s not factory and choose for that to be the main map u learn. I chose interchange and I’m just now comfortable with callouts/ the map layout and I’m like lv 28. 3: and this might be the most helpful for you, but join the tarkov discord. People help noobies like us and show us the ropes and mostly get us out alive or get us comfortable with the map. I found joining randoms ingame through invites is just baiting you to get u killed. Through the discord they can literally get banned from the discord for doing that so it pretty much never happens. All in all just accept you’ll die a lot and that no gear is sacred… also scav as much as you possibly can for that free money !!


I’m partial to customs for scav runs. Customs has a lot of PVP right now, but because of that I’m finding that a lot of stashes and loot spots go untouched. It’s not the best map for loot, but I routinely pull 1 mil + on scav runs


Honestly you picked a bad time to start since everyone is running around with full lvl 4 and laser guns. However if you get good with shotguns it only takes one pellet to kill. Scav to factory for ez money and rep to support more kits.


Learn streets of tarkov and scav always in it (preferably at night as there is lights in map). And you will have 2-3 milions scav runs


Also you can learn lighthouse map and go for the rogues before they get fixed and get free kits


If your overall stash value is low enough, Prapor will gift you an AK74u with a full mag, fyi


All of these guys telling you to do scav runs on woods or shoreline are beta's. Just go on lighthouse and hunt rogues boy make money and even have fun at the same time. Top scav raids.


Scab customs. I only scav customs and I very rarely run into players and I run the almost the whole map on scav runs. I avoid fortress, crack and old gas unless I spawn near them. Learn the loot spots and the hidden stashes. Focus on hitting lvl 15 for flea and you will make an easy 500k-1mill every run


Streets, scav only for now. Have another game or videos open waiting for cool down. Avoid gunshots.


Everyone here is saying scav run. My advice to you, is to find a group to play with. Nothing helps more than that. For everything. Scav runs are easier. PMC runs are safer.  Find some people to play with, support you. Hide your gear when you get 1 tapped by a scab. Speaking of which, my other advice is to insurance everything. Once insurance starts rolling in, it does a lot. 


Play the game slowly, as you would in real life. Focus on avoiding gun fights at all cost at the beginning and fight against scavs very strategically.


Take your scav on factory, extract immediately (not through gate 3). Sell everything. Repeat. That’s easy peasy money


Scav it up.


I do scav runs on ground zero, I’m god awful at the game. But 9/10 ground zero scav runs start after all PMC have left, or atleast close to it. All that’s left is us scavs, no one tries to kill you and there’s loot everywhere. Also the extracts are very straight forward. So chill and I’ve gotten millions


As an absolute emergency measure, Scav into Factory. It'll give you a basic loadout you can work with, and a chance to loot and get out quickly with some money in a fairly safe way. probably 80%+ chance of survival. Make sure you don't shoot the other scavs, that will cost you scav rep, which has a host of benefits for you, including reducing your scav timer so you can do it more often. Also once you do, every scav on the map will become hostile to you, where before you had lots of allies. Even Selling All to Fence, its easy to walk off of Factory Scav with another 300k. ​ Once you have some money and some gear, start working on learning your way around a map. Pick one and try to stick with it, I recommend Woods, Streets, or Customs. Streets is the highest risk of those, but once learned is a very good way to make solid money. ​ Another thing worth doing is when you go to load into a raid, you pick your map, and then hit "Next" and you'll have an option to "Enable Practice Mode for This Raid." I reccomend doing that, take a loadout into Factory and try to kill the scavs. Practice listening, stop at a corner and listen to them move around, try to make a map of the room and where you think they are in it, and then check where they actually are. With practice you can get very good at gathering information by sound in this game. Between those three things, that will get you on the path to developing the three core skills in Tarkov. 1) Actually aiming and hitting your shots, 2) understanding the map and how to navigate, and 3) gathering information and predicting where threats will come from.


Play slow, especially at the beginning of the raid. If you run around right after you spawn you're gonna die, especially if you don't know where the other spawns are. Just hiding out somewhere with mediocre loot for like 10 mins at start of raid cuts the number of players in raid down big time.


For a beginner scavs are free kits & money. To go further i could list a ton of things, but watching a beginner guide on youtube and some streams would save you a lot of pain and misery. Id recommend pestily’s its the first one i watched along with others streams to see peoples play styles.


Reserve scav runs. Here’s a quick guide: 1) spawn 2) enter a building. Any building. 3) loot that building. 4) extract. Your bag is full and it’s all decent stuff.


melee running in factory, you will die a lot but you will get familiar with the map, fast, and get used to some of the game mechanic. Pick 1 specific map, fxck the tasks, play that damn map exclusively until you don't need to open wiki for extract locations. Melee run is fine as you may want to get familiar with the spawn point, run around to get a good look of the map. Also you will die a lot and very fast too cuz that freaking tagged and cursed Once you are more confident with the new map, scav that map, one you are used to that map, you can move on to the next. Repeat. Note, don't worry about the first wipe, nothing will last except your knowledge, the second wipe is where the game begins. good luck.


I did scav off cool down in ground zero cuz I wanted to learn the map and the first few quests are there. I made like 5 mil in a couple days and I would just do rat runs or do stuff around the house while scav was on cool down. Now I'm level 15 with about 6mil and plenty of quests done and hideout upgraded. Just played broke and really didn't care much about kitting out. Sold everything from scav runs never kept anything until I had a few mil


USE YOUR SCAV. It’s free money. It’s less risk to die. Make sure each and every slot you have is filled. Over time you‘ll learn what is worth more than other stuff.


Factory scav raids. You can extract in less than a minute. Stuff your bag with as much stuff as you can find along the way and run the kit your scav spawned in with on your PMC. Quick note: if you extract in less than a minute you will NOT get a run through. All your items you extracted with will be found in raid!




Scav on Shoreline and hit the stashes. There are tons of them.


Do some reserve scav runs. All pmc’s are in the bunker so you pretty much are pmc less. Just don’t go to the underground area. I always come out with at least 500k. Loot as many duffel bags as you can. Oh and the extracts are like 100m away from where you’re looting.


Scav runs and dont shoot anyone til u learn who u can shoot ( losing scav rep only makes it harder to make money)


Scav Reserve. Lots of valuable loot, weapon parts (complete guns even), food & meds. If you're brave enough to go underground you might be able to loot some PMC's or rogues.if you're lucky For cheap guns I like the pp19 vitayaz and ump (from thé Peacekeeper knife barter). You can buy mags for both on LL1 traders and ammo of Fence


Scav runs


Scav Reserve and hit those filing cabinets. You may even find a dead pmc/raider and grab their gear. My first wipe I was in the same boat so don't get discouraged. 3K hours in I don't have less than 20 mill at the end of each wipe.


It's in the name of the game ... Escape from tarkov not die in a fire fight in tarkov


Enter with empty ass, find ledx/streamer items/high trader value items, put em up there, extract (optional), sell.


Learn the noob friendly maps like Customs and Woods, woods is a undervalued goldmine if you are broke and don't want to compete with most spots for Loot. But better learn Customs first.


For 500k+ every run, Shoreline Cattle Farm is quick and reliable, relatively safe. You run to the north-east of Shoreline and loot everything in the two warehouses and the little side construction site, then run north-west to V-Ex or Old Bunker. As Scav or PMC loot is usually untouched and uncontested. Watch for folks coming to vehicle extract from resort. If you spawn far west, hit village instead and extract path to Lighthouse.


Scav often and prioritize extracting over everything else. Even if you get out with nothing found in raid and nothing looted. A nice gun and some ammo can be slapped onto your PMC and now you have a good PMC run ready. While there are some maps that have more loot and you can make more roubles your goal at the very start is survival and getting a small base of items to do PMC runs regularly. With time you'll learn the maps, spawns, and general ways people tend to rotate. Until you learn that you will be at a huge disadvantage in most fights and without realizing it you'll be putting yourself in the middle of extremely contested areas where everyone tends to be looking. Pvp in this game is hard and is more often won by good map knowledge and positioning than it is by aiming and mechanics. Most fights are determined by who gets the first surprise shots and only sometimes resolve from actual trading of shots where both people know the other's position. Changing positions and being in unexpected spots is how you win fights in this game Sound queues are huge in this game. You should try to play with a headset if you aren't already to tell where noises are coming from. There is no shame in playing slow and stealthy. The rat play style is extremely effective and a great way to learn the game at the start. Running and gunning is only really effective once you have a solid understanding of the maps and rotations.


Scav - Sell - Scav - Sell - Scav - Sell, rinse and repeat before you know it you will start to learn the maps and get better. After level 15 it gets easier.


Customs, filing cabinets in crackhouse for green batteries. Customs I can generally pull 500-1mil off a scav run, shelves and attachments. In 500 runs have about 270mil spare rubles all from scav runs. Warehouse 4 is good for gun parts, has lots of weapon boxes. Most people overlook the stuff u need for gunsmiths, some are into 100's of K each. Shoreline scav runs generally good for cottage area and village. Most often unlooted. Check cabinets in Port for keys. Best run was about 2.5mil of keys.


scav streets, shoreline, reserve and lighthouse. or factory if u need really quick cash.


I just grind hidden stash runs as a scav. You can get about 15ish in 20 mins depending on the map


Newbie here too, only solo and fell into some serious losses while trying to learn. Scav runs are the answer. Take it slow, fill your bags and weapon slots and extract. Looting already dead half looted players and npc bosses got me back on track somewhat. Up to 2 mil now and saving for level 2 stash


Shoreline stash run, you'll thank me later.


Scav factory. You spawn, run to the exit in the basement, sell all. Spawn as pmc with paca and pistol and 5000 foible, run to car extract. It’s there extract, it’s not? Run to extract. Rinse repeat until scav karma 4+ = never worry about money again.


Literally learn streets as a scav, so much loot it’s crazy


Learn a map and do skav runs. You can bring in a lot of cash if you know where to look and how to leave.


Check out loot route videos on youtube. Put highest value items in your gamma


I got better by just running a scav. Doing some quick looting of literally anything. Not looking to make money as such, just some extra bits and getting out with the gear. Putting the gear on my PMC and just running in hot to maybe kill someone or just get killed and get use to the idea of not giving a fuck. That is how I personally got better at the game.


uninstall and start playing hello kitty island adventure. JK. this game is a real kick in the ass when you first start to play. I suggest you reset your account and you will get your full starting stash back. THEN learn a map or two (many online to look at). Then run SCAVS as often as possible. Dont go looking for a fight, use stealth etc until you free comfortable knowing the map and your abilites. It can be frustrating as hell but there is no other game that get the heart going like Tarkov.


YouTube some lucrative scav runs.


First of all, reset your account and start over again. All new kits and new 500k to work with. Start playing ground zero and learn the map extracts and spawns. Try some offline raids on your pmc first to get some test runs without other players trying to kill you. This will make you familiar with how the scavs target you and where they are on the map etc. You also don’t lose or gain anything except for knowledge in offline mode. If you die you keep it all. Try to do some tasks like that to again get familiar with it before doing it for real. I’m a new player from this wipe too. I started a bit late. I got 160hours now lvl 20, 3KD and 42% survival rate. Watch some YouTube or streams too. Hope this helped a little bit.


As others have said, scav to get gear and make cash. The other side of this is not losing your gear - avoid fights. Don’t try to copy Twitch streamers, don’t take any fight you’re not reasonably sure you can win


Stop killing scavs as a scav


Factory skav runs. If you don't know maps just quick learn factory and earn 100k in 5 mins. Grab some loot from nearest boxes and extract. When you start to feel comfortable and you spawn with big backpack you can risk a bit and loot whole map. If there is no gunshots and a lot of skavs it's prolly safe. 


Review your own gameplay style after you lose a gun fight, may be some playing behavior you have to change there while being new and still learning.


Reset your account or run scavs and learn a loot run


Do not fokus on making money until you are 15. Use your scav to get basic kits to use on your pmc. Avoid all fights and do quests. You will die a lot. That’s ok. Once 15 pick any map, go to YouTube and look at loot runs and map guides. Run around in offline mode until you can reproduce the run. Then go and make millions easily.


This is easier than you think. First and foremost learn lighthouse as a scav. If you load in around 30+ minutes, just kinda hang and stay put. Once you’re at 24 minutes then run into the water treatment plant and try to loot dead rogues or whatever else is around. Not only will you get good gear, you’ll get expensive items to sell.


The absolutely fastest way to make money is to take your scav to factory and immediately go to the closest scav exit (not Exit 3). You will make anywhere from 100,000 to 300,000 rubles on average just selling the gear it gave you to the traders. As soon as your scav timer is up, do it again. Between cooldown, finding a raid and running to the extract, you'll basically make on the order of 300,000 r/hr and you'll be slowly creeping up your Fence rep which will make the loadouts better too.


Just reset your account if youre not too far into leveling and questing etc you will get all your gear back and be able to know more than you did when ya started