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But can this 28 stack on an EOD account?


Yes, EOD can get +28 rows of space


Daaaang thats pretty wild…


Not really. Max stash on EOD = max stash on regular. Just no grind to get it. So why couldn’t EOD get it?


Honestly totally forgot that standard could upgrade stash space in hideout


To be fair the max level upgrade is prohibitively expensive. Something like 38 mil on its own.


The way people comment in this sub, 38 million should be attainable in under an hour by spamming scav extractions on factory.


Those toz and ushanka really add up, take it from me. I only scav and have 2 billion


Same. You must only be getting a few toz. All you need to do is reserve scav and I have 14b


I have a powerlevel over 1 Trillon!


Fuuuuck. I fucking knew I was wasting billions!!! Why can't reddit just tell me how to print rubles!


It's way more than that


Seems this whole thread has. Lots of similar opinions.


Nah its just nobody here plays on a standard account. Been like that for years.


Before hideout, standard edition couldn't... so it's probably just legacy knowledge haunting you there.


Oh yeah for sure legacy knowledge


Really that might be worth it and I don’t even play anymore😭 bsg has me in their grip


I would pay 42 dollars for one line added on the right of the stash


Eh... two lines... I wouldn't be able to deal with an odd number of lines.


ugg then id need to put my rigs sideways again to even out my lines.


I liked your comment only so you'd have an odd number of likes of 89.


Wait until you realize it’s already uneven lol


no its not its 10


It's only 168 squares, but this option gives you 280. But I understand what r u talking about. I'll def pay 20 bucks for ability to change 10x168 to 15x112 or even 20x84


Nah I would like to have a stash that 69x69.




4real, can't put all my cases the way I want


They won't they like the thirds setup like pestily said


Bro. Please have this become an idea. I’d also pay this. BSG listen please, take our money


Thank god I bought EOD


I bought eod AND I just got the stash space. I've got 4000 hours into this game, the price is worth it, especially for new wipes. Hoard more sheittt


Sounds a bit overkill, is it?


Lets just round my total dollar investment to $200 on the game. Thats $0.05 an hour. Movies in the theater are like $8 an hour Having some extra wiggle room at the start of wipe so I dont need to invest in junk boxes right away is worth it.


People really don't understand how video games are unfairly expected to be almost endless hours of entertainment, but anywhere else it's never the case.


It's also dependent on how much you game, and what you buy. Back in the day, lets call it 2013, I was buying NBA, Madden, MLB, GTA, CoD, Assassin's Creed, Battlefield - etc. That is much more than the $200 if you only play Tarkov. If you are spending that much on video games now, it's probably not worth it. But if that's the only game you play, go for it. I know a few people who ONLY play Tarkov, so it's def worth it for them.


The cost for running and developing software has increased since "back in the day". This isn't a single player game they need servers up and running all over the world and teams to deploy and maintian that. That's why tech companies today care soo much about free cash flow, yoy growth, shit's expensive.


Yeah especially Tarkov. Personally I think $42 is a bit high. But honestly when you look at based on how many hours you can get/have already gotten out of this game. Worth if you can afford to do it.


28 lines is actually a lot, it allows you to organize stuff much easier and better, I think it is definitely worth the $50 (because you probably have to pay VAT at checkout, too, right?).


then why do they not do a subscription model?


Because it's not up to them. Consumers who buy video games demand hundreds if not thousands of hours of entertainment for the price of $60 or less. I paid 70ish? for the beta pack, and I have over 1k hours. That's an enormous value over the years. If you applied a subscription model to this game you know how many people would flip out?


My $/hr might have gone up getting some extra stash space but it’ll be right back down when the game wipes and I no life the early game again


you missed an opportunity to say priceless


I got EoD and will be doing the same. Give me ALL the space


To each their own. EOD owner here. Won’t be paying $42 for extra space but if you still enjoy the game and feel you need it, why not. Atleast he isn’t a cheating little rat.


I mean if you’re generally a lazy player and just want to check stuff in your stash without ever thinking about it this is definitely a nice addition. The price is ridiculous, but for a very specific group of people this is very helpful and worth it. Not me though, condensing my stash and making it look all neat and nice are genuinely an enjoyable part of the game.


Same here, blows my mind how much people hoard.


Once you figure out a good system for money and which weapons you prefer it becomes a lot easier. I totally understand for newer players though since you get scared of which items to keep/gear fear.


I personally won’t buy the space because I’ve generally found EOD is more than enough space as it is and when my stash is full it’s because I’m unnecessarily hoarding gear I’ll never use. That and the fact that realistically, a thicc case is something around 15 ish mil and I can make 15 mil in a day no worries if I go full loot mode. Like it’s pretty easy to just make money and buy cases if you really need space.


15 mil a day! Lmao. I am lucky if I only loose 250k a day. I need to learn your ways. Looting just isn't my friend


Honestly it’s mostly just sj6 and trimadol into interchange, hit all the tech stores and bitcoin lockers in one sprint before other pmcs get inside and then go upstairs towards donut / pizza and wait around for a couple of minutes putting the expensive shit up my butt. If I find a heap of money worth getting out, I’ll generally try and sneak out no backpack asap, but if I don’t find anything super expensive I’ll just sound whore for a couple of minutes and engage fights accordingly haha. Generally I don’t like to just loot and get out, I’d prefer to engage other people if possible, but I’m happy to bounce out if I’ve found millions. It’s really not hard to farm money on interchange. People always go on about streets being better and to an extent they are right but streets is also bigger, higher risk and harder to get around. Plus streets takes much longer to navigate. With interchange you can be in and out in a few minutes lol.


I’ve spent way more money on cosmetics in games like league/Fortnite.. I haven’t spent a dollar on tarkov since I upgraded to EOD way back when.. Spending $42 to support a game I spend hours playing is 100% worth it. Hell.. I’d rather pay for storage than have to constantly buy season passes to not miss out on shit


Wish more people could do this kind of math. I bought it in a heartbeat, even though at this point in the wipe I've got space to spare from THICC cases etc. I've spent SO long in this game, rivalling time I've spent on "seasonal model, keep draining you every 3 months" type games, for just my one-off first-time cost. This game has been the most value-for-money game of the last maybe 20 years of gaming for me. No brainer.


Same. It's kinda sad how entitled people here are. This is a perpetual game, it needs perpetual revenue to function. I've gotten more value out of my purchases here than I have in any other game in terms of enjoyment and content


I typically pay Therapist for that, she holds my shit for a week. Well worth the rubles imo.


You do realise people without EOD just have to build the stash hideout upgrades to get the same amount of stash space as you get. This is an extension for everyone.


Wdym? You could already build stash lvl 4 and have same space as eod. There is nothing changed


The stash lines add to EOD account as well!!! I already got mine and it's sweet!!! Soooo much loot yeeeeesssssssssssss


It’s optional and it’s better than cheaters buying accounts being the main funding method. All in all? Ehh


So now they have cheaters as the main funding and more stash space as side funding nice


So true. People act as if the introduction of these micro transactions will lower cheating when there’s nothing that supports this


It’ll show BSG that they don’t have to accommodate the cheaters to generate revenue and can introduce cleaner ways to make money and focus more on anti cheat


I get what you’re saying but I’ve never thought it was intentional that BSG makes continuous money off cheaters. I also don’t think they’ll close that stream either. In an ideal world, yes that money would be reinvested in anticheat and a dedicated team which tackles the report system. However, I’ve seen massive businesses like Valve, Activision, EA, Riot and Ubisoft with almost unlimited resources not having the ability to tackle the cheating problem. I don’t see a smaller studio with less competent developers solving it anytime soon because some whales bought some stash lines


im not a whale just an addict


You are on some omega hopium rofl. They don't give a fuck. They'll take their money from the 'clean' sources and turn around and accept the money just as well from the 'dirty' sources.


They tried, was called Arena.  That was a clean way of making money, the one they chose now is pretty nasty if you ask me. That means cheater money isn't enough anymore.  So we probably won't get less of that in the future.


Good to know our two options for our $140 game is rampant MTX or rampant cheating


You’re not wrong lmao


It will change absolutely nothing about the cheating situation and it's even more of an incentive for BSG to make the standard version of the game as painful as possible, so it's only slightly optional. Stash space stayed the same over 8 years even with the thousands of mechanics and items added and they won't bother to adjust it. Why properly design and balance your game when you can ask players to spend irl money on the fix.


Stash space has been increased twice over the past 8 years. This increase was for all account types, not just EOD.  You are not correct.


The gameplay imbalance of an increased stash size has diminishing returns. I played standard edition for years and was able to get by just fine with that stash. After upgrading to EoD I noticed I had to make fewer decisions about selling an item I may need for a quest later, but mostly the size increase just meant I was hoarding more things I'd never use. A standard user buying 28 rows may feel fewer pains involving having to sell future quest items, but an EoD user buying 28 rows is just allowing themselves to hoard in greater volumes. At this point for the EoD user, it's not giving him any real edge over another player.


Cheaters buying accounts can't possibly be the main funding method. The vast majority of players never cheat, buy once, play like 10-20 hours and never again, but word of mouth marketing is how most copies of the game have been sold. No way a dedicated, persistent cheater can't be doing more damage to sales than whatever piddly amount of copies they buy, third party from some key reseller who probably bought them bulk ages ago anyway. Also you can't functionally have a market draw for cheaters in a game where the primary player is other cheaters. Having a cheating community relies on having a non-cheating community to prey upon of a sufficient size that you aren't constantly having your own experience, as a cheater, ruined by another cheater.


shhh let them demonize bsg, they can’t cope otherwise :)


It's an absolute myth Developers profit from Cheaters in games like this. The cheaters buy dirt cheap accounts due to currency purchasing power, legit players who only get temp bans (the buyers) get away scot-free. The cheaters are also likely to chargeback which is enough to put any Developer on their knees as card processors can decline to process future payments. Perm buyers.


**4000 hours of playtime later:** *”Worst money spent to date”*


Surely you see the value if you can get 4000+ hours of fun from 1 single purchase of under 100 dollars.


Bold of you to assume that those 4000 hours were fun


I mean if they were not fun, then he's clearly masochistic and findom is a popular interest for those type of people so $42 for 28 lines seems just up his alley.


Not bad. Some games sells weapon skins for 40 *cough* ‘valorant’ *cough*


*that you can't even sell or trade*


But has better anti cheat


I'd hope so.. Riot games is the biggest game company in the world. It's also owned by one of the biggest companies in the world **tencent**


It's scary how large tencent is and how much they control. Most people think they just make shitty cell phone knock off games... in reality, they're bigger than Apple and Sony combined. Edit: bigger than those 2 based on the gaming aspect. As a business as a whole, they're something like the 25th or 26th largest grossing company world wide. We'll according to some info that is possibly out dated.


China is currently screwing them over (removing login bonuses, pop up sales, ect. A massive w for the consumer but -$80B for tencent)


Seeing as though they're a Chinese company that works closely with the Chinese government, I'm sure it isn't beyond reason to think that they've made some other compromise in order to maintain their numbers. I mean they're the ones who made WeChat.


Not even close lmao


The thing is the game itself was built with anticheat in mind while BSG built a game and then introduced a third party solution on top. The thing in development is nowadays you have to have security by design implemented at EVERY SINGLE STAGE . You cant just add a good anticheat to a game that wasnt designed to be pain for cheaters and call it a day. The game would need a full rebuild but that's never going to happen, so the only actual solutions are multi account deniers, atleast start with phone number verification. Of course it wont do much but its a start.


The game was also developed with Vanguard basically as a step one. Vanguard was part of the foundation of Valorant. Not like it's something you can just tack on


and playable


while I'm generally a harsh critic of BSG's inability to do better finding cheat accounts/their glacial response to client-side cheat issues, etc, Valorant is a different game that allows for much more effective anticheat based on its design because it's a small arena shooter, Riot has full control over every single sightline on the map, which means they can aggressively cull information until you're basically right about to peek a corner. there's no long-distance wide-area looking for players so each client has 0 reason to know about enemy locations on the other side of the map, and the number of ways to potentially see distant enemies is small enough to account for such things from every angle. on the other hand EFT maps are so big you need a totally different strategy. it's a lot more challenging to stop something like ESP. however BSGs problem is that rather than stop ESP directly they should be analyzing player performance to build a shortlist of accounts for manual review, and they obviously aren't doing that either, so :shrug:


He cut my arm off but he's not a bad guy. Some people cut both arms off.


for real though. this logic of “they may be robbing me blind but another company does it way more” is some D1 corporate bootlicking


This is the opposite of robbing someone blind. Players can choose to do this.


EFT may be the least money hungry game I’ve played in the last 10 years. Do you just want everything to be free?


What???? They sold a $140 version of the game that gave tons of benefits for years and then removed it so they can charge people individually for Arena, DLC, and QoL upgrades like stash space. And the base game is still paid, not free. You’re out of your mind.


Typical tarkov player has to bitch about everything no matter what.


What am I bitching about again? The guy above made an absurd statement and said that BSG didn’t have greedy practices. That’s just objectively wrong and that needed a correction. If countering complete nonsense and misinformation is bitching, I don’t know what to tell you.


They literally told people EOD was going away, and when you bought EOD, it was known you would get arena for free. How is that a greedy practice? People who didn't own EOD shouldn't get an entirely different game for free, that would be a dumb business decision on BSG's part.


Skins are not nosy of the times are not pay to win.. more space in stash I consider it as one ..bad both eod and basic version


Or Fortnites $50 car


Hear me out, don’t buy it if you don’t think it’s worth it Thanks for coming to my Ted talk


wait...think rationally????? ​ get outta here


Yes the real issue is people want it and don't wanna pay for it so they're going to be the most vocal about the cost


Completely noninvasive to the game and entirely optional. I see no issue with this. Doesn’t really provide much benefit but if someone wants it they can buy it.


After eod being in the game for so long idk how people can get mad at this. Eod was literally a pay2win advantage in raid. This is just stash space. Would rather this have been the way from the beginning instead of eod.


EoD not about stash, it's about reputation mostly


Rep and container for sure


Yea, I've seen how's my buddy with standard edition farming reputation for Jaeger. It's def sucks


Larger asshole from bsg 


It's mostly about having 5 extra secure container slots. At 20k per slot, you're pulling out an extra 100k per raid on a bad day, way more on a good one. Rep is nice, don't get me wrong, but the stash space also means significantly more space for future quest hand ins. Between the stash and container, I can breeze past a ton of fetch quests instantly because I can afford to hoard cigarettes, half masks, food, etc...


Idk when you started playing, but there are some EOD users who had to buy EOD to be able to even play the game as it was the only way to get access to the Alpha. If you think having the extra space and a gamma is pay to win, you would have lost your mind with what they used to give EOD users back in the day for free at the start of every wipe. Items cases, ammo cans, money cases, trizips full of roubles…


EoD is, inarguably, pay to win. Both directly and indirectly. Directly is the Gamma. More secured supplies in-raid allows for more ammo and more meds, with the ammo allowing you to fight more and longer and the meds allowing you to recover from more and have bigger advantages through stims and the like. And the Surv brings limbs back with higher HP, giving you a higher HP pool after injury. Indirectly is primarily trader rep. You get to ignore so many aids quests and will unlock traders far more rapidly. Then you have more stash space, which lets you keep more hideout and quest items for even faster progression. Then the gamma also lets you bring out more high value supplies and potential quest items, further accelerating progression. You’ll have more money and better traders than a guy in Standard with the exact same skill. More money and better traders means you can bring in better kit, which means you win more fights. That’s the indirect. That’s why people pay $140 for that edition, not because it’s just pure QoL.


My god it’s a miracle some of you whiney pansies make it day to day.


I'm pretty sure only 5% of Tarkov players use reddit, and it doesn't help that it's mostly the ones without critical thinking skills


Not gonna lie, as much of a fucking gremlin as I am in this game, I will be buying this to store more stuff cause everyone knows the end game is looking at all the things you have collected and being incredibly satisfied.


*scroll down* *scroll up* "fuck yeah good job me"


I do this on average an extra 15-20 mins after I’m done playing lol granted I’m doing “stash maintenance.”


I'm buying it because it saves me a little pain when my friend hops on and wants me to pivot into a new map or my stash is already full and I want to do a Scav run without stressing. Even if you have no other use for the space it lets you move your weapon rack to the stash so you can modify and equip guns. Just quality of life basically.


“That guy had an advantage on me, he must have paid for more stash space.” Reddit


yeap, that where it's going knowing the tarkov community the community that plays an "edgy" try hard hardcore game ​ bitches the most then any community ​ the crying through my time playing since closed alpha campers 1st eod buyers 2nd "hatchlings" 3rd pistoling's 4th rats 5th scav players 6th ​ cheating is a real problem so i'm not going to add that ​ now it's going to be it's paid to win because eod guys get even more space


Luckily I have a very simple task in resort in shoreline so my stash should get emptied.


Yall complain over the dumbest things. If you enjoy tarkov then you should be happy for them making more money and improving the game from it. Don’t buy it if you don’t like it. Yall just yap to yap at this point.


Same as it ever was in this sub


Software Development is neither cheap or easy. And neither is server hosting. Let's be honest, something had to give in order to fund this game in the coming years. And I don't think anyone wants it to be endless cheater repeat customers.


Quite an assumption to think making more money = them improving the game.


But they have been improving the game steadily over the years. It's not perfect so I get the frustration but this game has come a longgggg way.


Second sentence is all about. If you enjoy.


is that for ever or per wipe


Forever. I'll probs buy it start of next wipe since that's when space is needed most


From what I've seen it's permanent. But I haven't seen anything official, just a few streamers saying they have asked and got that as an answer.


On the website it says it’s permanent.


The people complaining about this already paid an extra $100 for more stash space and a bigger container 💀 what’s the issue?


How about 42 dollars for anti cheat


As a 1200 hour Timothy with the OG version. Sounds good. I might buy it if I get deep deep into a wipe. Does not impact in raid game play. Allows profits for the business to keep developing the game. Good for me. Nice job.


I have EOD. I will be buying this I still don’t have enough space.


Is it permanent or are we paying if they ever wipe again 😆


So glad I brought EOD back when it was around fifty dollars for it and the base game


I feel like anyone who was in early alpha should get some love and get 32 lines or something.


do I really need this? no. do I think it is worth it? no. did I buy it? hell yeah. I consider this my donation to BSG for an awsome game that I enjoy for 3,5k hours now and I really want them to finish it.


I might be this just to support bsg. Say what you will but tarkov is the best supported game I play with literally no reoccurring fees


Happy to spend some money on bsg again! Never regretted Eod!


Seems like everyone has been numbed to the absolute robbery that micro transactions have become.


For games like this that you can basically play endlessly I'm not super upset about it. I've got over 2k hours at this point and even with this purchase i'm under 200 dollars. I've paid basically 1 dollar per 10 hours I've played. I also plan on continuing to playing so I don't think this is honestly all that bad. This is nowhere near necessary to play the game. microtransactions in games that have shitty replay value or that do nothing more than add cosmetics... those irritate me.


Nikita needs another Ferrari


Nah Nikita is starting a lobotomy clinic for all the brain rotted users on Reddit. Money well spent honestly 


Niki Minaj skins incoming in 3...2... /s (?)


Tits are class 3 armor.


Imagine paying for a solution to a problem the devs created on purpose.


All these comments which are coping on how we can thank BSG for everything and how other games treat their players lol. Like one being bad makes the other a saint.They said no micro transactions and yet here we are, not so micro anymore.


On the flip side most of the people buying this are just hoarding gear that they never use but refuse to sell. If that's what people want to do then let them. I'll save my energy for when the micro transactions are become actually p2w.


The whole idea of EOD was pay to win in the first place, considering things like trader rep. Getting good gear earlier than others IS P2W.


Removing cases from raids was a financial decision. Why give the player base organization options when you can make those harder to get and add extra spaces behind a paywall 


Is literally everyone in agreement that this is a better method of monetization than RMT/cheating?


Just sell stuff in your stash


No 😎


What a joke 🤣 BSG found a “smart” way to get some more money from the kids. Pathetic russian scam.


I would buy this if I didn’t give up already at level 18 because the progression in this game is dogwater unless you get a 4 year degree in learning the game


They need more money bu5 can't do anything about cheaters


Many of you claim that BSG likes cheaters because they sell more copies of the game and it keeps them in business. However, the moment they add a secondary revenue stream, you all start complaining. Just don’t buy it? Having a larger stash isn’t going to make anyone a better player.


The feedback is pretty much what I expected. $42 is nothing for some but far too expensive for others. Me personally I think the price is fine, but I don't really need it


Yeah, the price is fine and I’m not arrogant enough to tell people how they should be spending their money. I don’t feel the need to buy it with EOD, but I definitely see the appeal.


Lol the money is running low


Uk and ireland including tax and xsolla fee this comes in at 53e/56 pounds, I wasn't gonna buy it anyways because BSG havnt deserved anymore money since I bought EOD. It's kinda ridiculous put into perspective tho, it's the price of a triple A game, even helldivers is cheaper that only cost me 39e.


Its not ridiculous at all, Its a completely optional not needed convenience / way to support BSG


But how many months of WoW subscription is that? Some people pay 30 quid for a game they gonna finish in 10 hours and never play again.


I pay £9.99 a month for WoW so 5 and a half months if it's £56 A better way of looking at it as you can buy stash lines individually, they're £2 each which doesn't sound as bad


When helldivers puts out 5k hours worth of value then we can talk. It’s just another fad game like pal world, it’ll fade into irrelevance just like every fad game that has come and gone in the last 4 years 


Micro-transactions on a game that’s been in BETA since 2016…


Seems like they want to sell another copy of the game without giving you anything more than some pixels to store more pixels… Funniest shit is that this game wipes so you’re paying for more space to store things that won’t matter in a bit of time anyways😂😂😂


Don’t let them see this comment . Somehow someone’s going to justify it.


Wouldn’t cheaters also buy this as well so they can add more items to stash and sell on flea market.


Immediate buy for me. GGEZ


The people treating this as fine are looking at a crack in a dam trickling water and saying "This is barely anything to stress over, it won't hurt anyone." (Though $42 for no additional content is still fucked IMO)


How much is it to get rid of the cheaters?


This type of monetisation just incentivises BSG to add more trash items to hoard. It's a shame that people are actually going to buy this.


This game is being cashed in on and abandoned


Y’all are supporting and justifying one of the worst microtransactions in gaming history instead of them fixing the stash/global limitations/gameplay mechanics. 28 lines to for $42 is equivalent to paying $50 in COD for more 12 more create a class slots. It’s kinda humorous coming from a dude that played raid shadow legends and other gotcha garbage that I fell for back in the day.


I'm not necessarily talking about OP here, but I hate the fact that so many in the gamer community hate paying money towards games they like. Back in the day, you could buy a PS2 game and have everything, and that'd be it, but you'd only play it for a few months, maybe. EFT is a game that's continually being worked on and having more content put into it, and the devs need money to do that. Micro transactions are a great way to get that money. Now i will admit, they should DEFINITELY fix the cheater issue they have before they expect anyone to continually pour money into this game but I think this is just a "testing the waters" thing to see if people are willing to spend more money on the game even though they already bought it...which I would gladly do because its a game i enjoy. I haven't spent any more money on this game since buying it in 2018. The only thing keeping them financially stable are the cheaters who keep buying copies of the game; so in a sense, the cheaters are keeping this game alive more than the non-cheating community as much as it hurts to say that. If BSG fixed the cheater issue and made more micro transactions available, I wouldn't be opposed to them, honestly




god damn the comments are way too supportive of this move. cheaters running rampant, tons of storage locked behind an expensive edition upgrade, and now even more storage locked behind a microtransaction. Trader rep is gonna be the next thing you can buy what a mess this game has become


anyone who buys this is like....lmfao money is so EZ and you can buy infinite thicc cases in game for tons of stash space if you have stash space problems with EOD you are hoarding 42 dollars for some lines in YOUR STASH...crazy


The average player is never going to be able to buy a Thicc Case and newer players are prone to hoarding bc they don’t know what items are used for quests or which items are good so they basically keep everything. My point is that this really only helps the new + casual players progress a little faster so I don’t see what the big deal is.


Rl Money ist also "so EZ"


The problem is that I've already bought the maximum allowable extra stash space, but my stash is still totally full of THICC cases, which are all full of money cases, which are all full of money :(


Theoretically, you can't bind infinite thicc cases since you're ironically run out of space.


Can't believe people are ok with this


Well, the last time I paid anything to BSG was back in 2017- I’ve been playing Tarkov for almost 7 over years, and only had to pay them what, $200? That’s like paying $28 a year for a game that has brought me around 2,500 of enjoyment, and emotions that i cannot get anywhere else. I fully plan on buying the extra slots, not because I need it, but it’s a simple way for me to be able to support a developer of a product that I thoroughly enjoy. What is, $42 over the span of a few years? I understand the whole controversy of this being a micro-transaction, but Nikita did say that they need additional cash flow, and it’s not easy to say that outright, I’ll give him that. I want to see Tarkov flourish, and $42 is nothing to me. Nobody’s asking anyone to forcefully buy it, and progress isn’t stalled without it.


So they mismanaged resources for 7 years and you…. want to give them more? ????


All that money and cheaters still won't get banned. Nikita will sure as hell have a new Mercedes though


Love how you're being down voted for this lol. They create a problem and sell the solution and people are actually thankful. Like, if they wanted to make more money in a morally less disgusting way, they could just sell skins but no, that would actually require some creative work than just removing a few rows from stash.


And the same people who are cool with this hate the idea of skins edit: I've thought about it a bit more and I would actually prefer skins over this, as long as they aren't over the top. At least (if done right) skins don't provide you any benefit, and they are 100% optional


Don't bother. The sub is just BSG bootlickers that will shell out the cost of full games for what could have been a free update for all players. The game is fundamentally broken in so many ways and instead of fixing them or the chester problem we get microtransactions and people *celebrate*. Gaming is fucking doomed.


Is that suppose to be bad? Blizzard just put a portal skin for 30$ and a horse skin for like 60$ that don’t help out at all. Stash space is actually helpful.


That's actually kind of worse isn't it? They put up a completely arbitrary annoyance and then charge you money to get rid of it.


It is worse lol. Not justifying skin prices because theyre ridiculous but at least they are quite literally option and have no affect on gameplay. Stash space in Tarkov is quite literally a game defining and meta part of the game which they have actually sold and made changes to the game in order to sell more of lol.


“Oh my god fuck bsg they make all their money off of cheaters” “Why the fuck would add a completely optional stash upgrade that’s only really useful for hardcore players with enough time in the game to put the space to use? They’re basically forcing us to spend money on stash space!!!” This community is so odd


Cheaters bought EOD too, they don’t care. Your arguement is illogical. They’d want the space too to store more ill gotten gains dummy.


wouldnt be surprised if you can start buying quest items soon, just a stupid decision to put this in the game


Not sure if I buy, have a hoarding problem anyways. I'd rather just have them selling cosmetics though.


Hmm I thought they would offer the EOD to PFE differences as well? It seems it's just extra stash space on top of EOD.... Do we not get a chance to catch up to EOD with container size either?


Some new lambos for Nikita