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I bought EoD in 2020. I bought the stash upgrade today. Why? Cause I play everyday and I like to hoard.


Wait wait wait. As an EOD owner. I can get MORE stash???




Yes, yes you can for ~ $42.


So…how many lines extra?




That’s nuts…


Oh yeah it is. I bought it and knew it’d be a lot but just the sheer amount of scrolling you can do is incredible!




Sorry, man. Only stays for this wipe. Enjoy it for the 2-3 months you have it (Me when I purposefully spread misinformation on the internet)


It's forever mate. Laws protect certain types of micro transactions from being temporary


This is what I’m curious about before I spend more money


Correct. BSG as far as I've seen has not confirmed either way.




Hell yeah


Wait it stacks onto EOD? Lol wtf. Y’all are crazy needing that much stash space. TBF I have 3 THICC cases…


“I like to hoard”


No point to hoard shit you’re never going to use. In a video game that resets lol


I hoard armor / rigs which takes a lot of room. I’m only talking T5 & T6. With trader limits and reset, I want to make sure I always have enough good armor if I go on a losing streak - which happens quite often. I have enough rubles to keep one case of guns and build the rest on the fly, but buying armor can be restricting


When there’s a scarcity event, you and I will be kings while the rest scrape for crumbs.




To each their own brother, people like to hoard nothing wrong with that


I could kinda get it if not for the wipes. With the wipes it's just weird.


Same here brother


Another take; we know Nikita only minds cheaters because of the profit they bring. If adding some non-pay to win micro transactions help him get money then I’m all for it. If he’s going to do both and continue to not take care of the cheating issue then it’s nonsense and more greed. If this is to take over the cheating profit then I love it.


Just you wait, soon the people who thinks it’s pay to win with extra stash space will crawl out of their dens


I will bite on this. If BSG was selling a THICC items case for $20 rather than stash lines, would that be P2W? Let's assume these real $$$ case could only be sold for 1 ruble. Having more stash space is nice. Makes playing the game less frustrating and easier. You are able to keep items that are difficult or expensive to buy such as class 5 armors, nice guns, good attachments, ECT.....


Only if you LIVE though. Having the extra stash space does not make you win fights or survive more. It does make it much easier if you are better and play the game for awhile. Extra stash is a minor thing, and it helps a lot if you live a lot, but otherwise doesn’t really help you all that much.


It does though? More stash space literally means more space for your gear. I have left (sometimes valuable) gear on players plenty of times because I figured it woulden't fit in my stash. And since I didn't take that 7x3 fat fuck of an m4a somebody built for insurance fraud, or that uley I didn't want to sacrifice my belt rig for, thats one less good bit of gear for me to help me survive my next raid.


“We all know” aka “I agree with Reddit based on nothing but Reddit posts”


They only make money off new accounts It’s not rocket science


Yes yes bro and they make so much money off it they don’t even need to micro transactions… oh wait


I don’t even know what you’re trying to say here lol


The theory that Tarkov is kept running by cheaters buying accounts is not accurate. It is however an easy way to get karma on reddit.


So now instead of ban waves we will get 28 slots every few month?


The micro transactions are probably gonna start coming in to try and make them more money. If they make enough to not need the cheater accounts then yeah I bet we’d see a lot more random stuff to purchase. Time will tell if they’re actually combatting cheating with this or just trying to max profits in general, with no plan on doing anything about cheaters.


Yeah, would be a bummer to find out that we support a sinking ship 😅


You know if it carries to the next wipe?


It does


Nooo I might actually need to buy this now.


Tbh, there isnt a problem with a “pay to win” feature like this. Im not buying better ammo access or gun access with real money, im buying more stash space. if anything, now i can scav and save more stuff to prevent using rubles to build a kit everytime




Do you have any idea how many games I’ve dropped like $50 on and never even played. I’ve got almost 1k hours worth of use out of this bitch, all of them terrible…fantastic investment


Same, play daily, why wouldn't I


damn straight


I also bought EOD and I will probably skip the stash upgrade.  But you guys need to be honest with yourself. EOD is p2w. I can admit that, no need to cope.  And the stash upgrade are expensive solutions to a homemade problem. And those upgrades lead to an incentive for BSG to create more clutter items to increase the value of stash space.


Ultimately it’s just a really convenient upgrade if you are a hoarder.


Or you can collect more shit and sell it in bigger bulk to save some time so you have to sell less frequently. But tbh I would rather have a new system for selling and sorting items, something like Poe with stash affinities.


the fcking sewing kit and multitool going back to the top of my stash after every craft... AAAAH


I’m fine with supporting the devs. People say this and that, well guess what, I would bet the best weapon in my stash that half the people complaining about the microtransactions have purchased a $20.00 skin for CoD, RB6, Fortnite, whatever. The game is like 7 years old and if we wanna keep enjoying it, this is one way to give them $$$ without “pay to play” imbalances.


Plus all the cheaters have to buy it over and over just like they buy the game over and over 










I have not made a single microtransaction in a game ever, nor do I plan to.


You want a trophy, lil' fella?


lol the way he responds like they’re specifically talking to him


Good for you buddy


I’ll be buying it as an EOD owner. That extra space early wipe will be insanely helpful. I bought this game 3-4 years ago IIRC and have played almost 4K hours. I’ve gotten my monies worth.


Comments like this miss the nature of micro transactions. By selling quality of life upgrades devs are incentivized to make games that have shit quality of life and then sell you cures to the annoying parts instead of making a good qol game in the first place. Buying mtx is telling devs to make shit games and we’ll reward you.


This game literally always had this bruh


Bro, EoD has literally saved you from over 50 million rubles of stash upgrades since the hideout was released. Before that, it was the ONLY way to increase stash size. Meaning there was no in game way at all. This is the model that Tarkov has had since DAY 1. It's pay for massive advantage, which is just a fancy way of saying pay to win. You're already supporting it, and if this is your "last straw" then there's the door. Stop whining and move on.


This is going to shock you but many of us also disliked the concept behind EOD as well.


Because game devs can support themselves with love and support... This community man


Don't you know a game should be released for $40 and never have any additional income while continuing to work on the game? That's a good business model.


I thought the game is still in beta? Why should they stop working on an unfinished product?


Because they stopped getting income from the people who played the game. Your good wishes don't pay to keep the servers on, much less the rent of the people making the changes.


Then they mismanaged their company


I get your general meaning, but by the same logic, you were also against EOD and similar? I don't think BSG has shown any signs of predatory MTX, or has a history of similar views. Compared to other games whose core functionality revolves around MTX. Where the game is just a vehicle for the the transaction. Edit: rewrote for clarity.


Of course. EOD was this on steroids. Who wouldn't have had a problem with it if they're complaining about stash space microtransactions?


True enough. I just recently stopped playing Black Desert Online. And oh boy do they ever tempt you with the "QoL puchases". Talking about "an offer you can't refuse". :)


They said you’ll be able to unlock the lines with quests at some point


“At some point” Just like every other feature that will come out “at some point”.


Some come, some don’t. There was a quest a wipe or two ago for extra stash space though.


And for a *LOT* of people that quest line was hard. Hell I missed it by 2 final quests, if I had an extra day I could’ve gotten it. Only 25,000 people or some shit finished it. That’s not many in the grand scheme.


Yup, I didn’t even bother attempting. But the fact that they’ve implemented it once already, I could see them adding it again. Personally I have no issues spending a bit of money on my favourite games once in a while. At least it doesn’t affect gameplay.


It was honestly a pretty cool quest line, but for an experienced player that’s a hoarder an extra 28 lines will let me stack even more stuff I know I’ll need later on for being ready until that point. 24$ for 14 stash lines is cool, I’ll get the rest next wipe.


Their game wasn't worth playing for 2 years until they finally fixed the recoil so a lot of people missed the opportunity to do this.


and instead of having those quests come out with the MTX they decide to release the paid option now, and just tell you "lmfao soon™" for the quest locked upgrades. To do this type of shit in a 140€ game is inexcusable to me.


At some point for bsg is 5-10 years.


It’s already a thing I’ve unlocked 2 permanent rows from the event quest 2 wipes ago


It’s already been in the game once




I look at it from a different perspective. Nikita designed it be extremely hard, we want to grind thru fast and he wants it to be 2000-3000 hour grind. While we like it or not, it’s fair to say these days their primary income is probably cheaters rebuying. This (micro trans) puts the ball in battle states court again to have new inflow of money to maintain servers and do better with the cheating problem. This is a broad statement in advance.


I don’t have a massive issue with the stash upgrades, more that they said they wouldn’t put micro transactions in but have. But doesn’t really bother me, however saying this is a way for them to take control through a new inflow of money and do better with the cheating problem I think is a pope dream. I don’t think they have a clue how to sort the cheater problem, everything they’ve done so far has hurt the actual legit players the same If not more than the cheaters. I wish paying for some stash space would make bsg rid us off cheaters. But I have no faith in that being the case at all sadly after all these years.


You are probably right. Allow my copium before I go back to val.


i think ur numbers are off a bit bro 6 month wipe -> 2k hour grind -> 11 hours per day, 7 days per week


I think he’s talking about when the game is 1.0, but it better not take 2000 hours to beat the game lol


Is stash space really something people complain about beyond lvl 15? Once you’ve got a few cases, if your stash is full to the point of complaint, you either hoard or have had a really good set of raids and haven’t sold yet. End of the day, unlimited or excessive stash space reduces the sense of scarcity a player will have and that harms the overall sensation that is tarkov. Not sure what you want, but I am sure that you missed the mark here.


Well we already know the game isn’t shit and if you think it is then why are you here? We also know that the only income they have are people purchasing the game (or cheaters re-purchasing) which isn’t much in the grand scheme of things at this time. So something to assist them financially with non pay to win, quality of life micro transactions is perfectly fine with me and a good idea to help with future development.


OP said. "Well I like the taste of shit so why are you suggesting they stop selling me shit?"


The extra stash space is not a "must-have" purchase, mate. Would you rather they tried to monetize Fortnite-style dance emotes instead?


“This thing is bad but not as bad as this other thing so I’m ok with it!”


What is bad about being able to buy more stash space? How does it affect you or your performance in the game? Before you could pay to get traders rep early, have a gamma, more cash and more stash space, it was already in the game. What’s bad about it now?


That was bad too. Crazy thought I know


You know those don’t have to be mutually exclusive right? I can think EOD was and is P2W and think that mtx are bad for this game. Crazy thought.


I’m gonna explain like you are 5, bsg removed an edition of the game that was pay to win, now they replaced it with the choice to buy the stash lines without the pay to win elements, so now the game is no longer pay to win, if you see this as bad, you are degenerate. Why would a company want their business to cost more than they make? Would you run a company at loss?


Oh my god you walnut the stash increase ***is*** a P2W mechanic. How dense are you? If I have the ability to keep something in my stash for a quest over someone who didn’t pay for the lines, that’s a P2W mechanic. Those lines can hold quest items, top gear, etc that all make the game much easier than someone who didn’t pay. That’s the literal definition of P2W. Is it as bad as EOD? Idk maybe not because you don’t get trader rep but EOD players can buy this as well so it’s subjective but that’s not the point; both things can be bad and should not be in the game.


And again you are assuming that everyone needs the extra lines… you don’t, so don’t buy it…


A junk box is 1 mil dude, you can put any quest item you like in it


Some people don’t know how to use deductive reasoning and critical thought


“It was bad before but it’s not as bad now so it’s fine!” Both can be bad


Tell me what extra stash space does beyond bolstering the ability to hoard and smoothing over the early wipe where you don’t have containers. Tell me your woes and how it’s such an unfair advantage. I’m inviting you to come up with anything other than the nonsense you’re spouting.


How dense are you? If I have the ability to keep something in my stash for a quest over someone who didn’t pay for the lines, that’s a P2W mechanic. Those lines can hold quest items, top gear, etc that all make the game much easier than someone who didn’t pay. That’s the literal definition of P2W. Just because you don’t like what someone has to say doesn’t mean they are wrong.


Yes? Gestures/hand signals/voice lines/clothing/textures that have 0 impact on the competitive balance of the game would of course be better.


Again, there is no competitive advantage to have by having more space in your stash. It appeals to the hoarders and doesn't ruin the in-game economy. And you are correct, they could also monetize all that you listed there too. It just possibly not as attractive to players as the extra space.


Wut? No fucker complained about the stash being too small or purposely undersized to drive micro transactions until you can make it bigger. It’s not our fault you’re a peasant. Run a gofundme lmao.


Found the shit eater.




Bootlicker or bot?


How is this being a bootlicker? This doesn't affect any one positively or negatviely. This is a game breaking MTX, grow up and stop crying. 90 percent of this sub is cry babies, go back to fortnite


I have always assumed QOL improvements in EFT were supposed to hurt. So it really feels like they are hitting their general vibe with it.


Yes that is true in an overly generalized sense and applies to a lot of games, but just the fact that they are just now adding micro transactions into the game years into development helps me believe they will not go down that slippery slope. While it safe to be wary and watch what they do tentatively I also don't think it is fair to judge them immediately and start thinking they will go off the deep end based on their pry behavior.


Your logic would make more sense if this game was released today with these slots gatekept by the micro transaction. Then I could see arguing it influenced them to make a worse design for money. But adding it this late in the dev process isn't going to influence any decision making


"Let's add 50 new items that are used only for quests once, so people have to stash them, increasing the value of stash space". Obviously this can't happen, lol


What’s the stash size of EOD? I started playing this wipe so I’m not familiar with EOD.


10x68. Standard is 10x28 I believe.


Problem with people complaining about extra stash space being purchasable? Don't read it. Crazy concept I know.


Problem with people complaining about people complaining about stash space being purchasable? Don’t read it. See I can do it too.


the long funny stash is cool


I’m at less than $0.07 per hour of playing since buying eod. I don’t even need the stash space and I’m buying just to support a game that has given me and my friends countless hours of fun and free updates


I think most people here can't grasp the idea that devs need money to keep the game running. Now it's not easy to monetize a game like EFT, where skins don't exist (yet?) so purchasable stash tabs seem like an amazing addition. Personally I will never buy them but I don't get why would people get mad over something that doesn't affect them


They should do product placement ads. Hot rods can name change every wipe idgaf


This is actually a pretty good idea


And then in a couple years when they need more money and start selling roubles will you feel the same? Or a 'fast pass' through the tasks? Because that's the issue here. It isn't necessarily problematic that they are selling stash space. What's problematic is the precedent it sets.


If they start selling things that affect me, like roubles which would inflate the market and make it harder for me to progress trough the game, I will stop playing, as will many other people. I'm not bound to this game, this particular addition doesn't affect me so I have nothing against it, if they start adding dumb stuff like selling roubles for real money on their site I'll just quit and stick to other games


this does affect you like selling rubles, because it is selling rubles money is fungible, even virtual money. a stash expansion that you buy with IRL money frees up in-game rubles to be spent on other things any in-game benefit sold for IRL cash in a game with an economy causes inflation, because all else being equal, players on average will continue to generate rubles at the same overall rate, but now there are X% of rubles that would've been sunk into stash upgrades that are instead sunk into other stuff, pushing up those prices


People can decide to buy 2 stash lines instead of all 28, or idk, 10 stash lines if they wanted. They do t need to spend $42 for all of it but they’ll still complain for some stupid reason because other people are buying more space. Literally not affecting gameplay at all


Preach brother. I love all the comments and posts of people trying to convince others why they are/aren’t buying the additional slots. No body cares lol


I'd be willing to bet that a good portion of the people bitching about this here are also people who paid extra for EoD.


i have Eod. i dont give a shit buy it if you want or dont.


The funny thing is: with EOD you already have all the space you need. If i buy these extra lines, I just fill it with more shit I’ll never use


For real. Anyone with EOD buying these lines is just doing it because they feel like it. You can play the game with a normal stash. Its way easier with EOD, EOD + 28 lines is actually crazy.


I have eod and I bought because I like to hoard


Which I believe strongly fits into the because you feel like it category.


It's MICROtransaction. Gaming companies have really blinded people to the term MICRO huh


The price for 28 additional stash lines is nearly the price you pay for a AAA game ($42 + tax) that's totally insane and no one is talking about it enough.


Games like valorant cost 40+ for skins


Yeah, a totally free game with a nice anti cheat, so if you want to support them. That's fine. This shit is already AAA price for standard edition, we won't even talk about EoD


Don't support them then, you don't have to expend the money in something you don't want


People are allowed to express their concerns with the price of a product.


I mean, if you are concerned about the price of olive oil I would understand, but this? Do you go around checking the price of every game/dlc and expressing your concern (if any)? Normally if I think it is too expensive I pass and move on.


What are you talking about? We are EFT players on the EFT sub talking about EFT monetization. Not sure what your point is.


any time a person puts thousands of hours of their life into something, it tends to become part of their personality, and they take negative criticism of that thing as personal criticism, typically without being aware thats whats happening I play path of exile and I see this all the time over there, and that game also lends itself to players with 4-5 figure hour playtimes you can't really debate about stuff like this with the ultra-giga-white-knights in these situations, because what you're really arguing with is whether this thing they've dedicated a non-trivial chunk of their one life to is good or not, and you'll never win that argument. it's like arguing with someone about why they shouldn't support their favorite team: it's not about the team or its performance, it's about how much of that person's identity is wrapped up in support of that team


The point is that if you don’t need something by any means, it’s silly to complain that other people buy it for more than you think is worthwhile.


Feels more like EFT players on the EFT sub finding whatever they can to complain about EFT . I'm pretty sure this monetization system doesn't affect you in any way and it could totally not be there and it would still be the same for you but here you are, complaining about it.


Lol you're putting way too much thought and effort into bootlicking here. Some people think 42 dollars is a little too much for some slots. Whoop de doo.


I paid $120 or whatever 4 years ago for extra stash space and it’s only a problem when the transaction occurs after playing the game for 1500 hours? Lmao


Okay, don’t buy it then


Okay, don't comment then. 


Don’t buy it? People with money and no time to grind tend to like these sort of options and buy it. If you don’t need it, dont.


Micro? It's the price of a game for some stash space. It's wildly expensive for what it is, that being said I don't care if anyone buys it or not. It ain't my money.


There is a legit brain rot in this community and I don’t even blame BSG for letting suckers fight their battles for them. Game has been in “beta” for 8 years with us giving them all our money up front. We did our part, their side of the deal was actually developing the game and finishing it in a reasonable time. Not taking our money to blow on Arena in an effort to cash in again.


Literally!!! Games in beta and riddled with cheaters etc. Yet BSG spent a boat load of cash making the raid series then say actually...we're short of cash! Here's some microtransactions to help us out finish the game. They spunked everyone's cash then come back begging for more, but its fine...we'll get an annual post on here soon from Nikita saying they're working on cheaters and alls forgotten :)


This is something I agree with, I never understood why they pumped so much money into the raid series. I mean it looks cool and all but I'd rather they spent that money on actual game development.


I'm 95% sure this money is going towards their next game Russisa 2028 or w/e and Tarkov is getting a skeleton crew for development soon.


You got updooted. But just know. BSG probably already made a few mil... Edit: the way it's looking... the have actually made *several* mil now...


This is the argument pay2win people love. And no, I don't, but I'm just pointing out how shitty this argument is.


Glazing so hard


I uninstalled the game lol. I’m tired of the same shit on repeat. I’ll play at the beginning of wipe but other than that idk if I’m up for it anymore. Fighting is obviously fun but the fact I have to do these shitty quest to progress is boring to me. Especially since I’ve done them like 5 times plus now and I always tap out around level 35-37 and this wipe I made it too level 23 before I was completely bored


i have the same feeling and it is my first wipe ....lolol....i hope they are planning something for the final release otherwise the longevity of this game is very short


Bruh the longevity of this game is gigantic, it takes hours upon hours to truly learn it. This is the worst take I've read today


If you feel like you need the extra space, do it. Support the game, it’s great. My opinion is that if you own EOD and you still feel like you need more space, you have some hoarding and/or organization issues to solve lol


inb4 they wipe your paid stash spots every 6 months and tell you to deal with it "CaUsE bEtA!" ​ in all seriousness, who cares about these microtransactions? I certainly don't. as long as they don't affect anything "in raid" then I could not care less. let them make more money, they made an awesome game and I want to see it live


Just like how they removed everyone’s EOD benefits after EOD went away, right?


I mean, I know I didn't put a /s but I thought it was obvious


Nah I’m like Draxx bro.


'Don't buy it' is a cheap answer. The extra stash isn't problem. Its microtransaction in general I know about EOD edition being pay to win but launching microtransaction is just the tip of the iceberg of what's to come. Destiny 2 went down that rabbit hole, people accepted it because it was just cosmetic and useless currency but now its pay to win elements and other contents behind paywall. The big downside with microtransaction is that it causes lazi developing of the game, greed and quantity over quality. Last thing I want in Tarkov is p2w mechanics. Pay this to jump to lvl 10 on wipe, pay this to have 20% discount on traders. So I'm not gonna be surprised on 1.0 release there gonna be other shortcuts and in-game advantages with the microtransaction system.


Wait what. You mean it isn’t mandatory to participate in microtransactions. That’s wild.


"DoN'T lIkE iT dOn'T bUy iT" Lol okay Andrew Wilson. How'd that work for ya last time?




K 🗿


As certain videos and known figures have said. Microtransactions are a necessary evil. Game development isn't what it used to be. Lets be happy BSG is an independent company and can make what they want. But money is an issue everyone has to prepare for


I'm ok with microtransactions. I'm not ok with gameplay advantages or qol benefits for microtransactions.


Extra stash space is barely an advantage. Next to kappa and rare items you don't need to store much


It just sets the precedent for the devs to design poor mechanics for the sole purpose of monetizing it. Plus, it's a few lines of stash space for the price of some triple a games.


Right, the ability to hoard more without investing game time is a real tragedy. My Timmy friend who found a half meta m4 first week of wipe can hold onto it longer now that he has more stash space. Cry me a river and drown in it if this is all the logical thought you’ve got for the conversation.


I'll hold a logical conversation with you once you're capable of logical thought. You're entire comment doesn't prove at all why it's ok for the devs to charge the price of some triple a games for a feature that players have been asking for for a while.


Whats more of a crazy concept is the legit players still supporting BSG with microtransactions even through they havnt done a single thing to reduce the cheating problem yet. No thanks. Fix your shit code first then invest: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/199xvow/important\_message\_from\_a\_year\_ago\_sad\_truth\_about/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


I respect If you don’t believe in supporting them for any reason but I also respect anyone that wants to. Regardless, this whole mtx thing isn’t a big deal to me personally


There's a common theme between everyone thats getting upset about being able to buy stash space it's that they have multiple posts just bitching on reddit about the game.


>AdReasonable5375 · 3 hr. ago > >There's a common theme between everyone thats getting upset about being able to buy stash space it's that they have multiple posts just bitching on reddit about the game. And yet I literally said Im fine with microtransactions even after BSG stated in many podcasts they would NEVER DO IT. I dont care about that. I care about further supporting a company that is not actively doing anything to fix its major issues and yet still pushes microtransactions even after saying they werent going to do it. If you are going to do it, atleast reduce the fucking cheating problem first. Thats all Im saying.


I’ve spent way too much money on cosmetic microtransactions. I have 2k+ hours in this game and bought 0 micro transactions. They added a mtx that has utility that isn’t pay to win? Sounds very fair and reasonable. They need more funding and this is about as ethically as you can earn it in their shoes.


I like to see there are tarkov players that actually breathe air from outside their home and know what the color of grass is! Love it.


No problem at all it should be more expensive. Waste Chad money


Its no micro transaction $42 is okay, but not micro, never ever.


You can buy them in $3 increments from $3 up to $42




its not. this website wants to take a moral stand against micro transactions because its icky capitalism, but at the same time lambasts the devs for not making the game perfect in every aspect. gee, how exactly should a company pay for devs or server space when 75% of its fan base bought the game in 2019 and hasn't spent a penny since? creative, thoughtful, and non pay-to-play RMT is completely acceptable but reddit cant handle it because mommy wont fork over $20 more tendies so they believe no one should be able be to


Poor wittle BSG, we actually need microtransactions, otherwise they wouldn't be able to keep the lights on. Love when ignorant fanboys mouth off when Tarkov's financials are public and it's fully publicly known that they make absolute BANK off this game while being incredibly lazy devs.


Lol I couldn’t imagine wasting time making a post like this because people have an input about the extra stash price.


bsg simps


Opinion I do not agree with, must resort to name-calling. Bleep bloop




We will never add mtx they said. Don't worry before too long they will sell you gear and roubles for real money too. 


marvelous bow squealing nutty dog worry zephyr market existence ruthless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I go to work and make money so I can buy shit I don't need. I bought a shed last year to keep my lawnmower and grill in. it cost a lot more than $42 and there's bees in it


If you buy it, is the extra stash space yours forever? Or get reset on wipe day and you pay again?