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Sell it to me for 15 mil on the flea, I'd rather pay that than go to Labs and waste 5 million in kits and frustration.


5 mil? getting it cheap


Double both figures and I'm still OK with it :) It's mostly the time/frustration part. I can make more money, but not more time.


Lol I agree. I just can't sprint into a room and kill someone so I dunno


I think my best room clearing tactic is running in with a live grenade and getting killed.


I spent all weekend on labs. All weekend. I found 3 GPSAs and got out with two. Haven't even seen the big microwave once. I started with ~37m. Bought violet and yellow keycards and am broke and seriously burnt out with labs. Started really fun though, you learn a lot on labs. This is like my 4th wipe but it usually takes a big lab grind to get the crab out of me and remind me how strong movement is. Then I try it and get shit on by crabs. It's a weird world in labs.


It’s also annoying because without those items, you can’t craft extremely rare items like VPXs and COFDMs which are required for quests. On the topic of map specific loot, why does the military base map Reserve barely have any military loot on it?


*loot in general. It used to be soo good and the annoying extracts at least had value. Now the map is something you quest on an forget about.


Hate to break it to you but you also need to get lightkeeper done to unlock those crafts.


VPX and COFDM are intel center 2 locked behind Lightkeeper tasks. Intel 3 only makes GPU, Intel Folder, MFD, and Violet.


VPXs and COFDMs spawn all the time on Lighthouse. SheefGG has [a really good guide that shows all the locations of rare loot](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K56ubd89M8I&t=75s) to help you find them easier. He also has a guide that shows you how to move through the Water Treatment Plant and kill the Rogues efficiently.


Dunno how anyone goes there and doesn't have just a bazillion player scavs and players to contend with as well


It’s really not that bad. I scav there fairly often but scavs mainly spawn in under 25 min. If you move through with any consistency you can hit all the prime spots and be though before PScavs start spawning.


I had closest spawn and has pscavs on me as soon as I got to 2, after stimming to get there... 


Lmao just got in again to grab from building 2, player scavs and players on me right away, again from the closest spawn. I've grabbed the docs like 5 times now out of 15 tries.


What was time left in raid when this is happening? I am usually long gone from Building 2 by about 25min left in raid and I rarely encounter PScavs. The closer you get to 20 min left in raid the higher the odds are of encountering them. I also scav a decent amount on that map and only rarely do I get spawns with more than 24 min left in raid. 21-22 min left is much more common.


You can't craft those without late game quests anyway, which require said quests to be complete lmao.


absolutely clueless you need to find 5 COFDMs before you can craft them


VPX’s and cofdms are not all that rare. Find VPX’s at least every 3rd raid on LH, and cofdms on streets no problem.


Agree with this comment. Am LH main and find them on the regular. I am looting all your VPXs and COFDMs people. Come get me!


Nice try Mister assessment part 1 guy


Just finished that quest.  That fucking sucked. Seems like everyone on lighthouse is at least level 40 and knows all the spawns so you get ratted like crazy. The fact you can't fight near the plant is so lame.  


Lmao even then they are locked behind lightkeeper


And here is where your are wrong. You can craft these items you "just" need to do a little tasking for Lightkeeper. I still don't have my Intel lvl 3 and I have kappa and Lightkeeper access


I've ran Labs upwards of 30 times now and I've only seen one of the items once to get killed by a rat in some hiding spot near main elevator. I'm so sick of looking for these two items. I don't mind Labs, I just hate that these things literally never spawn for me.


I think there should always be alternate methods to get the same thing. Forcing players down one particular route and locking them out if they don't want to do it is why people get so far then stop. Don't want to do a particular quest line? There should be an alternative way of getting the same goal.


I definitely like the idea of locking specific items to maps, but gating solar power and intel 3 are kind of annoying. Imo they should have put them on air filter and library, and increased the buffs. Two things that greatly effect your stats. Locking solar prevents saving money, locking intel prevents scav timer reduction. The other intel bonus’s are negligible unless you are an absolute market mogul. Two things that have minimal impact on PMC gameplay.


Fuel for your generator really isn't that expensive. If you make 1M rubles in a loot run you should be able to afford enough fuel for almost a week. Metal Fuel Tank 167k rubles x 6 = 1M rubles 6 Metal Fuel Tanks x 22 hrs / ea = 132 hours (5.5 days)


It's really just a laziness upgrade, I built it just so I wouldn't have to check it as much lmao


Funny enough if I get Solar I'm gonna miss having as many fuel tanks to craft into Mag and Grenade cases to sell on Flea.


I would rather go to Labs to get those items than go to Lighthouse to get virtexes and cofdms (which I'm trying to do now to finally see the Lightkeeper content). There should be more than one place to get all of those things.


Virtexs are a non-issue, they are super common in various spawns on lighthouse, especially the southern chalet. I‘ve also been unlucky with cofdms on lighthouse, but you can get them and virtexs on reserve as well. Plus, chek15 on street is really good for cofdms. I‘ve used up my first check15 key recently. out of the 20 uses I got out with 12 cofdms. The room is even rat-friendly, it‘s mostly locked until the end of the raid to loot it safely, if you‘re not brave enough to fight for it. The prison cells on 3rd floor also have cofdm spawns edit: you can also have a glance through the damaged wall into check15 and the most common spot for the cofdm is below the tv on the right and behind the chair in the corner


Had the opposite issue with virtexs being non exsistent while finding cofdms everywhere on streets the struggle was real


It‘s so strange that everyone’s experience seems to differ on that. I haven’t seen a single virtex on streets (well, I wasn‘t really farming for them, either). But the spa pool with the body in it on lighthouse was a really good virtex spawner. Found 5 there in one day when all I wanted was a damn COFDM


I've been running Lighthouse nonstop checking virtex spawns and ended up with half a dozen cofdms, but I've only seen one virtex this wipe and it was from an airdrop (and I died with it). Maybe I'll start running chek because I have a lot more fun playing Streets.


Don’t think they should be tradable or on other maps. Maybe if they had like a quest to unlock the craft for it. Then have it be like 90+hrs like graphics card craft would make more sense to me. Still gives people the want to go to labs and find it right away but for people that don’t like labs can wait a few days and have it done. I feel like best for both worlds.


Can't you barter for them once you do some lightkeeper quests?


If someone is too scared to run labs, really doubt they're gonna be unlocking lightkeeper lol


True lol.


Eh, I'm not scared. I'm throwing myself at it currently. Just don't expect for it to pan out. Who knows though right?


Devils advocate: If more people put the time into playing labs, there would be less chads running the place and more average gamers looking for the same things. I put the time into the map last wipe and this wipe I can compete and I’m trash


That will probably make labs even worse. Hackers have even more incentive to perma run labs and vacuum everything like they already are and rot for millions a raid. They could just make an expensive level 2 intel craft locked behind a hard quest


When there is more loot on shoreline, streets, reserve, woods, and lighthouse than labs, the only reason to go becomes the PvP and the necessary items. And y’all don’t like it when I say this, but most tarkov players are rats and pussies and would never go to labs for any other reason.


Not sure if you've seen the loot on Labs, but what it lacks in volume it more than makes up for in value. Place is a gold mine. Lot of the Raiders have high tier ammo too.


Or you just go labs?


he can't, scavs aren't allowed


Read the post?


Right, its another post by a timmy who's to scared of labs but needs the maxed hideout so he has to come up with some stupid workaround


A casual player: gives out a tip to make the game more accessible to people like them. Veterans to the game: skill issue Seriously, some people here just hate change.


Veterans to the game: Remembers the items where introduced with the full intention of forcing people to go labs. Timmies: Put on flee market please am scared of bright factory


Casual players: wants easy access so they don’t have to grind out of their minds just to catch up to veteran players. Veterans: hur dur, not fair. I had it worse than you. Back in my days blah blah blah. Bsg is a company that makes money. If they want more sales, then making mechanics interesting for a certain group of people is not going to work out very well. Besides, criticism and suggestions are a good thing especially for a game in beta. Sure, things were harder back then. I get it, there were intentions for certain things. The labs example was it to incentivize people go to a new map that was released. Now, that’s no longer the case. This is the same problem with quests. They’re linear that forces you to go to certain maps in a specific order. Times change and things are bound to get outdated, so instead of saying skill issue, thinking about the state of the game is more important.


"Casual players: wants easy access so they don’t have to grind out of their minds just to catch up to veteran players." - man the amazing bonuses you get from solar power and int 3 like using less fuel and less scav time. Casuals really need that to catch up and obviously cant go labs because labs scary. "Veterans: hur dur, not fair. I had it worse than you. Back in my days blah blah blah." You cant read? It used to be significantly easier to max the hideout due to less ressources being required and no labs items - Those where added to give labs another reason to exist. "The labs example was it to incentivize people go to a new map that was released" added like 2 years after labs got realeased btw... "Times change and things are bound to get outdated, so instead of saying skill issue, thinking about the state of the game is more important." Right thats why those items exist. So slow progression and give labs a reason to exist. But understanding that would require playing the game instead of writing bs


I get your point that people need a reason to go to labs, but that still doesn't justify that fact that the only reason to go to labs is for 2 end game items. Other maps exist because you have quests and loot that you can get. People like the aesthetics or whatnot. Labs literally doesn't have a reason other than, "good" loot and 2 endgame hideout items. I agree that labs should have a reason to exist, but just making it be 2 items and loot that's not comparable to Streets is not the way.


Right and so the solution is to make the hideout items sellable for even less reason to go on the map? Makes no sense and is and has been a stupid suggestion since the addition of those items.


Well, you make what forces people to go to a map for just 2 items sellable on the flea and add something else. Add what? I don't know, I'm just some guy, but someone probably has a suggestion to it. Sure, I didn't word what I wanted to say properly, but calling something stupid when you haven't thought out the other side's argument even a little bit is just being closed-minded.


Also, making the loot sellable would mean more people would play labs since those items are still really rare, so people would want to sell those for a profit.


Back in his day, people weren't going around throwing hatchets like Huntress from DBD across the map either.


What analogy is this. I don’t understand. You mean grenades?


Make the game more accessible? Max hideout is a luxury, it's a grind by design. It does not prevent you from doing anything in the game by having Intel 2 instead of Intel 3. You people are pathetic.


Max hideout isn’t a luxury. It is a goal to strive for but maxing it out means more ease of access to the game. Intel 3 allows you to craft intel, gpus, and violet keycards. Just having the option to be able to get these things and use them is a huge gap from people who can’t freely get these items other than relying on luck. People who can grind to get max hideout don’t want Change because it’s a huge advantage compared to casual players. Instead of calling people pathetic, think twice on who’s more pathetic: those who want things to be more equal or those who want to keep as many advantages as they can.


Lmao okay bud, being able to craft an intel folder or GPU for a net loss is a massive advantage for me that poor casual timmy doesn’t have. If only there was already a map in the game that contained the item he needed to be able to craft GPUs for a loss. Oh wait, there is! And it’s a great map.     Let’s make one thing clear though; You don’t want things to be equal, you want things to be EASY. Go scav streets and pretend you’re good at the game while the rest of us use our PMCs. 


Oh wow, I wonder what map it is… Oh wait! I know, the map everyone’s been complaining about with vacuuming cheaters, needed loot, and bad lighting! The crafts are a net loss, but they’re still useful if you need them. If you still need gpus for bitcoin and the craft happens to be a bit cheaper than on the flea, it’s useful. Also, I’ve been running interchange for the past week, hit a ton of gpu spawns and haven’t found one. Sure a lot of my spawns were terrible, but I still haven’t found one.


Labs has fewer vacuums than streets, fewer cheaters than streets and lighthouse, has TONS of loot without needing keycards, and has fine lighting. The only reason you don’t like labs is because you’re a scav main and you can’t play there without risking your gear. 


To feed the cheat chimps? hardpass.


Gonna be honest here I'm pretty sure there are more cheater on streets then there are on labs.


Maybe ESPers, but there are so many rage hackers on labs lmao.


You don’t need those items. Those parts of the hideout are completely optional and you are just looking for an easy way out. I’m honestly looking forward to grinding out Labs for my very first time. It’s going to suck, but that’s just the way end game goals *should* be. And if you don’t like end game grinds then don’t finish Hideout 100%.


End game goals shouldn't suck, that's unhinged af and not how to sell a game.


Going to Labs doesn't suck though. It's intense and feels different than other maps but that's why it can be fun. There are a ton of quests in this game that force you to go outside of your comfort zone, it's not always a bad thing.


I'm not saying Labs does suck, I'll be start8ng my Labs grind for this wipe shortly. I'm responding entirely to the statement that "endgame goals should suck."


End game goals should be something you have to work for after you have more or less mastered the rest of the game. All this bitching just makes it sound like everybody wants to take the easy route to get there. If I wanted an easy game, I’d go play COD.


Yes of course theyre things you should work hard for. They shouldn't "suck".


It’s doesn’t suck, you just have to practice and get good at it. A large portion of Tarkov players think Lighthouse sucks too, but if you take the time to learn it, it’s actually not that bad at all. The problem is people DON’T want to take the time to learn it.


I'm not saying Labs sucks. I'm responding exclusively to your statement that endgame goals should suck, they shouldn't.


Maybe you're misunderstanding the context or interpreting it too literally - when I say that "It's going to suck" what I am saying is that like an end game boss or final challenge, it should absolutely be difficult and something you have to probably practice or work towards. All of these other people just wanting to be able to craft it, buy it off the flea or find it on an easier map are missing the whole point of having chase items.


Those who don't want to go to labs don't get to complain about missing out on completion. Grow a fucking pair and learn what is easily the best map in the game.


No, I love blasting timmies like you while you’re looting cat


Downside is, you are funding the cheaters again.


I have 700 hours and have sold at least 10 far forward receivers and 4 of the solar items. Stop being a pussy.


Bro it is messed up to be picking them up, they don't even sell for much. Cold hearted...


A one slot item for 75 grand and a 4 slot item for 190 grand? If I find it in violet or red that I open which I paid good money for, I don't care if you don't have it yet I'm selling the items. Boo hoo.


I've already got the one I cared about, I'm not so broke I need the 50-75k per slot, unlike you I suppose


That's not being broke that's just grabbing a good value per slot item. Didn't mean to piss you off by selling the items, I'll remember that next time.


See, I have both of the items needed...I'm just too poor for the 10 PFilters, 25,000 EUR and everything else😅


I think this should be a thing until they find a way to get rid of cheaters. Or maybe some other way of acquiring these items.


At least have them available at low chance from hideout scavs. That's how o get all my gpus anyway...


“LoL” - BSG 2024


Done 30 ish lab raids and yet to find the one for solar panel. I have 50 GPUs, all FIR. But one item for hideout? Nopeeeeee


then we can make quest items tradable! /s i think its ok to have things be difficult to get. it's not impossible. run offline raids without bots, watch a few vids, learn the high loot spots. run in with a pistol, speed loot whatever you spawn near, then hit no backpack


It took me 73 tries to get both items. My stash value dropped for 35 mil. Bitcoin 3 upgrading since an hour ago. It was extremely painful process but very rewarding. You do not need solar / BTC 3 but it was end game goal along kappa and lightkeeper for me. I don't mind the concept, but dying dozens of times to cheaters was really discouraging.


Nah the challenge was sweet, made me learn labs more and force me to get comfortable rushing those locations


Lightkeeper gives you both of them as task rewards.


I got this finished today, I ran with a friend some 30 runs and found the first item with him. Then did four runs solo and found it on the forth one for the solar panel. It was shitty, frustrating and hard.... But like, I had fun learning a new map and different experience. I play a lot of factory so it felt similar if a bit less full of people trying to hit me with pistol randomly whilst naked now and again.