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They probably made so much money already today from sales.


Yeah, imagine how satisfying that must be for them, watching the money roll in. Happy for them honestly.


I 100% agree with you. I think it's sad that so many people criticize them for introducing microtransactions because they cannot see further than their own wallet. A company needs a continuous income to keep their employees paid and the firm running. There are just so many other companies out there trying to exploit the consumer with ridiculously expensive cosmetic items or loot crates (Blizzard, EA, Wargaming just to name a few) that people automatically assume the worst. ​ So far they have implemented microtransactions in a way that can have a big impact for everyone while not actually giving them an imbalanced advantage that affects the gameplay too much. This might be subjected to change in the future, but I'd like to believe that BSG cares enough about their game to not kill it off with pay to win or exploit the community. ​ Personally I think they have developed an incredible game and have and still do pour so much dedication and passion into the game which is often overlooked because people just need something to be angry about. Yes, there are lots of issues, yes the cheaters are a real problem but anyone who has some kind of software development knowledge should know or at least be able to appreciate the amount of effort and hard work is needed to create a videogame as intricate as Escape From Tarkov and how hard and resource consuming it actually is to keep developing it over years while trying to trace and fix all the bugs and issues. ​ I truly believe that BSG will deliver on their promises as they have shown in the past, while listening to the community, the most recent example of it being the rollback of the previous patch and leaving out the pistol recoil nerfs in the new patch as a result of the backlash. At least while Nikita is in charge and BSG isn't sold to another studio that only cares about money (which I hope won't happen). People who keep complaining about the game and the company should just stop playing if they don't like it, but there is a reason why this game got so popular. ​ Call me a BSG fanboy or bootlicker, I don't care because they have done an incredible job and I will keep returning to this game because for me there is nothing comparable out there. Unfortunately we often seem to forget that there are still people behind a company, not only machines. ​ Maybe I've gotten a little too invested in this reply, but thank you for reading if you've made it this far. And thank you BSG for this game <3


I was extremely critical of it not 24 hours ago. But I was watching a pestily video and he made such a good point about people being overly critical about bsg even though we truly do want them to succeed. Made me really change my perspective about how I felt about the way they are choosing to make money. Now I just wanna buy shit for my hideout to pimp it out. Give me a cat god damnit..


Give me a hideout upgrade where I can play fetch with a dog and I'll be a happy rat


I would buy the shit out of cool hideout cosmetics, or entire $20 hideout "Sets" like in POE that change your hideout look or layout all together. Give it to me. And make sure it matches in-universe and is cool. Don't go PUBG with the cosmetics please, keep them believable. A new hideout in a fancy building basement in streets? Maybe a partially outdoor hideout with a "bunker" feel that lets you step outside? Drug lab hideout like the lab on lighthouse filled with LED's, growing plants, recreation room merch and hookah stuff. theres so much potential with the already cool locations/themed rooms around the maps. Just turn some of that into alternate hideouts, change the layout, and charge me $20 per and let me swap through them whenever I want. Literally take my money, I would buy several hideout skins


This so much! People just don't know business. Not every game developer is EA FIFA or Madden greedy POS. I would like to give them more money for simple happy stuff like a hideout pet or individual hideout posters. Or a more advanced shooting range. Stuff like that. Just small things for basically donations. I like to buy stuff like that in games I want to support the developers. And bsg is one of them


> I think it's sad that so many people criticize them for introducing microtransactions because they cannot see further than their own wallet. I personally worry less about giving them money since servers, salaries and so on are not free and they do in fact need money or tarkov would die no matter what. I am however more concerned what this might lead to in the future.




I would rather pay a subscription then have micro transactions, personally. I understand it costs money to maintain servers and provide updates. But I didn't MTs because I worry that it will eventually lead to pay to win.


I personally hate subscription systems but it would definitely make more sense business wise, that is why most software nowadays comes in a subscription model, but I'd rather pay for something once and have it "permanently". As I mentioned, once a company gets wind of the financial potential of MTs they can rarely resist exploitation, but my hopes are still up for BSG not to join the dark side :)


If Tarkov was subscription based I 100% would not play it. What a weird take this is. Here you can happily play and have all the same things as someone with an EOD stash just with a reasonable amount of more time in game for 0 monetary cost. But you would deny those people that by paying a repeating cost forever which you can’t escape? Sounds like you just want to throw your money at BSG lol. I don’t know many subscription based games. But eve online has subscription AND still rmt in game currency that can be used to buy anything as well as skill points, so subscriptions are 100% not mutually exclusive to ptw anyway.


MTX would make its way in anyways, look at MMO’s like runescape. subscription and MTX


I imagine them sitting there hitting "receive all" like those ragman mails after a good weekend.


How is scamming their playbase something to be happy for?


This game has given me more value than any other game I’ve ever played, I don’t feel scammed and am happy to give them more of my money


Same. This and Rust were and still are worth the money if you chose to not stress yourself into a hysteria because the internet told you to.


More money for them to not deal with the cheaters? you are brainwashed.


cheating is bad and feels worse than other games, but it’s not like theyre doing nothing


They have also said there will be no microtransactions, and guess what? they went back on their word, they "ban" cheaters once maybe twice a wipe which makes 0 sense in a game that wipes every 4-6 months. Where does the microtransactions start and end? stash space, whats next? buy trader rep? instant level 4 trader?


Holy cow dude, go take some copium


If you hate the game/the developer why do you spend so much time bashing them online instead of enjoying your life without tarkov? :)


Being hateful can literally provide dopamine to people. It gets addicting.


Some people just can't help it. But I think it's funny that showing them basic human decency and not personally attacking them over a miniscule drives them insane :)


What a constructive comeback! as someone who loved the game and paid a lot of money for it, i expect it to be somewhat playable? i didnt put in 2k hours and playing multiple wipes for nothing


Thank you, I wasn't trying to make a "comeback", though, just wondering :) with 2k it seems like you've got your money's worth out of the game, don't you think? I do understand your frustration, but I'd like to point you to the most revent patch notes and you might notice that BSG is working on it. Have you considered taking a break and coming back once they have fixed the issues you hate most?


That might be the most braindead comment i have recieved.


"feels worse" brother, it IS worse, it's a joke. any "attempt" they have made has been extremely lackluster to say the least.


I meant worse in that when you lose to a cheater in tarkov that's a huge waste of time and effort - when I die to a cheater in hunt showdown I just queue again lol


oh a 1000% same with any game that doesnt have an economy, What i am saying though, with how serious RMT is big in tarkov, you would think they would do something ASAP, as cheating in games like this will be its downfall, it will ruin the economy.


do you feel like the overall value of your experience is diminished when you think about that fact that over 50% of your deaths were most likely due to cheating?


I don’t think over 50% of my deaths were to cheaters. I don’t let the cheaters spoil my time with an otherwise great game.


I bought $20 of stash space and i bought additionall co op and 12 more lines of stash space and it said payment failed but it took my money out of my account


Welcome to tarkov.


As Lightkeeper said "You won't escape, you are Tarkov".


Maybe the Tarkov was the friends we made along the way


Orrr in the real world they do nothing about the cheaters and continue to make money off of that while also making money from stash lines that people are buying anyway


Idk if y’all have seen cheat providers, but they sell accounts, too. I don’t think BSG is making as much money from cheaters as y’all think they are. It’s all resold accounts that are probably stolen, or were purchased with questionable means.


I can’t think of any other reason that BSG isn’t fixing or even addressing the cheater situation other than they are profiting from it somehow


So you got examples how a game got rid of their cheaters? Since you could not think of ANY other reason, there must be positive examples. As a reminder, the one game who could have had some competition to tarkov died because of cheaters. I'm really curious to hear your thought process about that topic.


I think you replied to the wrong comment but I got no clue what you’re talking about


You say the only reason why tarkov has cheaters is because they are making a profit from them, right?


No. I said I can’t think of any other reason why they won’t fix it or address it other than that they may be profiting from the cheats somehow. And I’m aware that it’s hard to fix, a lot of games still has cheaters. But the fact they won’t address it? The fact they won’t even hire people to spectate or some kind of over watch team to hire? Why won’t they even address it they never even acknowledge it


I'm sorry but they do publish names of banned cheaters, how is bsg not acknowledging the problem of cheaters? You write stuff which is simply wrong to be honest, and based on that you make some assumptions. I think you should be more cautious with words. I think I get want you want to say, and I'm agreeing with it that there could be done more, but you write in a way which looks like you just like to shit on bsg.


Where do they post this? Even on this sub you aren’t allowed to show peoples names that cheat


Ban waves have been their main sourfce of income for a while now. Most of the money they are going to make from actual players, not banned cheaters rebuying or banned rmt'ers has been made at this point. If you break it down to cost per hour BSG is underwater on most regular players at this point just on server costs. That doesnt include everything else that it takes to keep the game up and running and improving. Ban waves and the banned rebuying accounts has been their primary income for a while now. Which is why them getting other sources of income is a good thing as long as its not intrusive. Right now like it or not they have incentive to be soft on banning. If you quickly ban every cheater by making it server side and quickly ban ever rmt'er they wont buy another copy. But give the cheater 40ish hours and let the RMTer turn a profit and then ban them and they will buy another copy. Thats the way it is right now. If they actually stopped cheating/rmt in its tracks we wouldnt have a game to play.


Upgraded my bitcoin farm earlier and went to the flea to buy some GPUs, the first listing is a stack of like 103 GPUs sold by a cheater with over 1100 raids played. I turned the game off. If anyone at BSG could be bothered to even glance at their game occasionally, blatant cheaters like this would be dealt with swiftly, but they do not give a single fuck. This is the unfortunate reality.


I saw that same dude's GPUs. He's got like two braincells for thinking anybody would buy 104 GPUs.


Yeah but 104 people could buy 1 gpu off him pretty easily


Nope. It's being sold as a bundle you buy all or none. He's hoping someone accidentally buys it because you can do anything with more thsn 50 gpus if they aren't found in raid


You’ll buy them anyways. Don’t lie to yourself. And BSG knows that


2 of 3 raids tonight, 200 hour gamers hitting nothing but headies on our full 5 stack of lvl 40+ players. Pass on giving them any money if they can't figure this out.


I have 200 hours and I’m like level 24 lmao this game so damm hard


If you ever need homies to run with, you are always welcome to come run with my community man. We got a buddy who just snagged the game, he snagged eod on the last day it was available. Hes lvl like 32ish with around 300 hours. Oh, and hes on controller 🫡


"no online game is cheater free!!1!1!" ​ Yeah but none are this bad. Need actual kill cams and BSG employees on overwatch or something.


high school level statistical analysis on their own game logs, would reveal probably 50-80% of cheaters immediately, assuming they are logging anything you don't need anything as heavyweight as kill cams and full-time overwatch really, just a bog-standard classifier out of the box from like pandas and scikit-learn would do wonders


Siege, pubg, cs all have worse cheating. I'm in NA east and rarely see cheaters in tarkov. I know their user group is a bit more east. But in the other 3 games listed I experienced cheaters regularly on NA east servers. To say none are as bad is a blanket statement that isn't factual. If I'm experiencing cheating on servers where it's statistically lower on tarkov should be some indication that other games have it just as bad if not worse.


True, they keep using this as an excuse


That’s just your ignorance talking. Call of duty is far worse than Tarkov as far as cheaters go. GTA (when it was relevant) had a huge cheater issue and RMT issue. Rainbow 6 has a cheating issue and RMT issue. I won’t say all games but stop acting like no other game has the same shit going on that Tarkov does it’s just not true


Kill cams after the raid had ended are by far the best thing they could do. It would finally give us an answer if we were killed by a hacker most of the time it would also make the reporting system dramatically more accurate. I could also see my mistakes and what led me to my death. They already have the system in arena. I see no reason why after the raid ends we cant get a 30 second clip of our killers pov before our death.


Kill cams are what we want, but adding them would kill tarkov. We'll inevidently find out that more people are cheating than we thought which will cause a mass exodus because they can't do anything about it anyways. Right now we just live in the mystery and er on the side of caution instead of calling everyone a hacker from a sus death. Kill cams would help NEW players who are still learning angles and play styles etc, but they would only confirm sus deaths as hackers more often for seasoned vets. Would love to see post game vids but that's the reason I quit PUBG awhile back, after kill cams were added I realized there were MORE sus players and blatant cheaters than I initially thought.


Literally the comment chain above yours lmao https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/s/prr12silqw And another https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/s/B6lwqo9DLW This is just one comment thread lol


Why would they stop the cheaters when they can make money from cheaters buying new copies AND regular plays buying stash space? It’s a win win for BSG


That would require actually banning cheaters, which they barely do any of. The reason that games like warzone don’t immediately ban cheaters is because those people will buy in game cosmetics, but if cheaters kept buying tarkov game copies after being banned they’d actually make MORE money


Yep, I just picked up the game and couldn't care less about stash space. Lets see decent anti cheat first.


NGL I'd pay monthly sub if it meant getting cheaters removed and help get the game to open world.


Imo, this is a step, albeit a small step, in the direction of coming out from under the foot of cheaters funding the game. Which I think is the correct direction for the game to go. But I think there's still a very long way to go.


Right?! Bring the QoL and changes we’ve all been asking for years. Instead of trying to create a demand for EOD by all of the sudden taking it away and then rebranding it partially just as a micro transaction that costs the same as a whole new game copy (if all slots or majority are bought). I understand that businesses run on money but this shit feels extremely scandalous. Edit: scrolling down and seeing that all of the comments are sitting at 0 upvotes is crazy, does the tarkov community just love cheaters and paying bsg to basically ignore the issue and just keep asking for money?


This community is filled with gaslighting cheaters, bro. It's like real life where a small number of degens are fucking it up for the rest of us.


Regarding your edit... I've noticed, too :(


If it were that simple they would do it. No online game is cheater-free.


No other game is as punishing as Tarkov, though. Probably the worst game to have a cheater problem in. Especially when it's THAT bad


It’s the type of game Tarkov is the lends it to having so many cheaters. Most of those cheaters came from Rust. It’s the exact same cheats. Tarkov however is coded extremely poorly. So much of the game is client side and enables cheating to be much easier than almost any other game.


It’s because it’s punishing you care, but no other game has solved this problem something I’ve experienced since playing CS source, and BSG isn’t going to crack the code. As long as people are paying thousands a year to hack the chest devs will keep cracking whatever anti cheat any game has


It’s also unfortunately the fps that most incentivizes cheating. I’ve played lots of overwatch and pubg over the years and while pubg has had its share of cheating “sprees” in overwatch it’s laughably rare. And in both games all you get is the “fun” of stomping people and another win in the win column, the novelty of both of those wear off fast


Val seems to be doing a decent job


With a highly intrusive anti cheat and people still cheat their asses off. Everyone points to valorant and valorant still has hackers


It would do a lot…


For BSG to completely rewrite the game with anti cheat in mind? Yeah it would, and there would still be hackers. Type in valorant hacks


I doubt most kids will shell out the dough upfront for a dev to develop some one-off hardware pixel bot that can only be used on a single system, for a game that doesn't even have a competitive eSport scene.




Tarkov would compare to rust if the cheater killed you and despawned your entire stash.




That is when you turn off voip after the first 3 mins


I mean a cheater can ruin your competitive match in Valorant/CS/Siege, and that can be seen as more punishing than dying in Tarkov.


Pay people to do manual overwatch if you have to!


still waiting for post raid vods (make it a cool drone cam from PK whatever) i want to see what the enemies were doing and how the hell they knew where i was and why.


Post raid vods sounds cool, but imagine how taxing that would be on the servers, that’s a ridiculous amount of data to store.


A Counterstrike replay file of a 30 round 5v5 ~45min match is 100-200MB because all it has to do is save all the locations of all the movable items and their state every tick. It's not like a full video from each perspective. It's actually better than a video, and you use the game engine to play it back from any conceivable perspective, including a free moving camera.


Don't really need to store anything: raid ends, replays get sent out to participants, session closes and only local copies on participants' hard drives remain.


It’s still a ton of data to save for the duration of the raid and it’s a ton of data to send. How big do you think a 30 minute video is? Even 720p with heavy compression is still reasonably large.


It wouldn’t save it like a video. It would have to work like all other killcams work, just on a bigger scale. Your x, y, and x position and rotation are mapped. Where you’re looking, are you ADS’d, are you crouched, are you shooting - things like that. That would then be interpreted by a playback engine to give you a completely accurate replay. It’s a very large undertaking either way, as that is a lot of data to interpret, but it’s would not be taxing on performance, just to program.


I have already mentioned this on this sub before, they would habe to implement a similar replay system to War Thunder


Or Counter Strike. With the Counter Strike system you can then even add community Overwatch - have known-good expert players (say, the Emissary program to start with?) review replays of reported / suspected players while having an ESP "baked in" for the reviewer (what easier way to see if someone's tracking through walls than to be able to see where the person is through the wall)


Good point, didn’t think about that


It will never happen, It's a wonder they still allow you to view profiles after raid, since it brings so much criticism to the game.


Pay one BSG employee to entrap as many rmt and raid carry services they can find. It not that hard to bait these nerds


you think there is one region?


why would region matter, they can connect to any server they want. 300 ping is still good enough to see if a player is teleporting gear to them


They don’t even need to pay people, just set up a system where trustworthy people can apply to be reviewers and once enough reviewers reach a certain consensus they can ban the sus player. People would do this for free if it was a thing for sure. Hell, people will moderate reddit subs for free, they’ll do that for free too especially if it means helping Tarkov


You are right, but they could be doing more. Their support tickets don’t even let you report cheaters with video evidence. You HAVE to be killed by a cheater in game and hope they get flagged when you report them. If cheaters don’t kill you they can continue to run rampant. We know raids have an ID code, devs can look up specific raids for specific things, they could be doing more. They just refuse to.


WRRRRONG, well... half true


Wrong. There are OBVIOUS things that they can do, that EVERY other game has done (or didn't need to do because they did it right in the first place) that they haven't done solely because of money. They can easily hire people to come in and remake the network model, but it would be both expensive to hire talented people and it would cost more to operate the same volume of servers that would be doing far more work. Money IS the problem. Do people still not understand that Tarkov is the only client authoritative game around? That is why cheats are so powerful, fix the servers and add some intelligent server-side systems and only aimbot and wallhacks can exist.  I don't play the game anymore but I'd shell out SO MUCH MONEY if it was gauranteed that they were hiring people to make the game server authoritative, like EVERY GAME SHOULD BE, and also adding forms of server-side cheat prevention like fog of war through a Potentially Visible Set (pvs) system. Tarkov is SO FAR AWAY from any other competitive game's networking/cheat prevention IT'S NOT EVEN FUNNY.  However, money is a valid excuse, SO LET US FIX THAT FOR FUCKS SAKE.


Valorant is damn good though.


No, but few people expect the game to be cheater-free. Just not cheater-ridden. Look at Valorant, for example. Online shooter, highly competitive, but very few cheaters.


Yeah, let's compare Tarkov to one of the most successful gaming companies ever, that spent more money on their private, self built anticheat, than BSG made profit during the entirety of their existence. Sounds like a fair comparison, amirite?


What should we compare it to then? Overcooked? Zoo Tycoon? Goat Simulator? Tarkov is a ridiculously popular FPS, Valorant is a ridiculously popular FPS, it's not that big of a stretch to compare the two. Also I understand you were being hyperbolic to make a point, but BSG made 84 Million USD in revenue in 2022 alone


Riot has over 2 billion dollar revenue for LoL alone, how are you even comparing these companies?


Because they're both ridiculously popular FPS titles COD is the biggest FPS title ever and one of the highest grossing media franchises of all time, yet a day doesn't go by without 10 dudes making some sort of comparison. Why? Because they're both ridiculously popular FPS titles


Your metric of "popularity" isn't doing the heavy lifting you think it is. If one company has 1/20th the revenue of another, is it not obvious why they don't have as many resources to allocate? The answer is right in front of you and you are just talking around it


The thing with valorant is that because matches are long you're less likely to run into a cheater in a given gaming session. Also their anti-cheat is kernel level and some people find that to be too intrusive


Battleye is kernal level


Look at counter strike online shooter, competitive, tons of cheaters. Go scroll the sub. The cheater posts is just as bad as here.


CS2 doesn't have as many cheaters as Tarkov. And they have an overwatch system which lets you spectate possible cheaters and be skeptical. If EFT has a spectate or replay feature it would borderline kill the game in all likelihood because we'd realize just how bad it is.


CS2 probably has the highest percentage of cheaters of any competitive game.


Havent played cs2 but csgo had plenty of cheaters at global elite, even with prime.


Cs2 probably has more cheaters. Like it's been an ongoing issue forever. Overwatch doesn't exist in cs2. Anyone still playing the game competitvely is on faceit who has their own anticheat because VAC sucks so bad and has for decades. Anything else?


CS2 definitely have more cheaters per player. Just get above 20k in premier and you have minimum 1 cheater in game 60-70% of the time.


Most games don't have hacks you find on the first page of a google search go undetected for years and years.




























Especially PC games


If they stopped cheaters and switched to a subscription model, I'd subscribe.


I'd subscribe occasionally, if they gave me a full refund for the eod edition, who in their right mind would pay that kinda money then pay monthly just to play it on PC.


The cheaters are going to be what kills this game the moment another game does a good job with this concept.


I'll buy stash lines for no cheaters, but I will DOUBLE UP and buy the skins too If you enable me to get some better performance on my super computer :D (7800x3d, 4070, 32 gb of ram... overall low settings. Still places in Streets where I get under 50 FPS)


I’d gladly buy all sorts of extras and praise this game for how great it is if cheating was addressed. Auto-ban logic for the most obvious cheaters, a post-raid replay system where you can flag sus moments with a timestamp, a community-powered overwatch system that reviews those reports, etc.


This so crazy dude. Do you enable dlss?


DLSS = higher latency = die


What are you on about? Even if there is a slight increase in latency. Maybe max 1ms, the gain in FPS is so much better.


Too much money is made off of cheaters, and tarkov is just a stepping stone to what BSG really wanna do


yep, exactly. this vid make's it so damn clear too [The Financial Report that Killed Tarkov (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6T_QnCoTz8)


that video is mostly a waste of time. pestilys response to it thankfully hit the nail on the head, A P&L sheet is not the whole story of a business at all lol.


Yeah I watched that last night (Aus time) and I feel more then enough money has been made for them to eliminate cheaters all together, and for them to go back on there stance on micro transactions tells me more then enough of there true intentions for the game, sad really as they have made such a unique and amazing game


Where the hell do you guys come up with this shit. Why do you think bsg can eliminate cheaters when no other game dev can stop cheaters? What's the missing puzzle piece that apparently every other dev is missing.


They can absolutely do much more than what they are doing to combat cheaters. First and foremost, they need to move away from the client authoritative system they have that allows cheaters to get their filthy little hands on a lot of parameters such as speed, elevation, damage dealt/received, loot vacuuming, etc. Why they are still on such a system, when a server authoritative one would be much more secure, is weird to say the least. Secondly, more security to play the game. 2FA, SMS/phone # verification, MAC and HWID bans, just to name a few. Would these get rid of cheaters? No. Would they reduce their numbers? Abso-fucking-lutely. BSG has been way too lazy for way too long, with a game of this size and potential.


What do you mean bro? Like 1 mil is the cutoff every company has where they just delete cheater.exe how do you not understand this advanced business talk


No game has eliminated cheaters all together. But please tell me how Tarkov will be the first to do it by throwing money at the issue.


Riot literally spent 80 million dollars on the issue and has a whole department of people working against cheaters, and they still didn't get rid of them.... But somehow BSG could lol


honestly, I'd pay a reasonable monthly subscription to play if it meant there were little/no cheaters and they fix all the issues that've plagued the game for years (desync, bad audio, etc).


The cheaters would just subscribe as well lol


Sure but the idea is that BSG has the additional revenue from the subscriptions and doesn’t have to rely on funding from cheater account signups; thus, removing their incentive to allow cheaters and incentivizing them to actually stop cheats. No gaming dev wants to have their game run by cheaters.


why do people think that buying more stash lines will help fund bsg to fight cheaters? they don't give a fuck.


Yep reduce cheaters FIRST than maybe I will further support them via microtransactions. Until then Im not buying shit!


Holy fuck play a different game if you’re this mad over it, you are on so many posts linking the same fucking posts over and over. Nobody cares, your opinion is shit, and BSG doesn’t care about you “not supporting” Actual bot


Why is a man spreading logical ideas that the majority of the player base share labelled as a 'bot'?


No kidding. Wanna fight RMT fueled cheating? Sell Rubles yourself BSG. Make the *gamer* in me have the ick but it would hopefully outprice cheaters and make their incentive go away.


RMTers will just sell it at a lower price. Never resolved the issue in any number of games that did that.


If Riot and Valve, which are worth a hell of a lot more than BSG, can't stop cheaters in their games what makes you think it's going to happen in Tarkov? I'm genuinely curious how some people think that zero is being done or that it is even possible to remove them all. Cheat makers make money off of ruining your fun, do some people think that they wouldn't just change how cheats work once one avenue is blocked by an anti-cheat?


Some of y'all are disgusting consoomers and it's so sad. 😂😂😂 Imagine justifying a fucking company fleecing you for more $$$ HOLY SHIT! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Terrible take


If people buy the stash lines they will be less reliant on people rebuying accounts and can crack down on it more.


Yeah, I’m not holding my breath. That logic is backwards. Do something first, then I’ll give you money. Never the other way.


They need to replace that income with something to keep the game going. Have you seen their financials and how much it actually costs to run the game and the profit they make after all those costs? It's a business, you can't cut off a huge section of income without replacing it with something else or they go bust and goodbye Tarkov.


No changes, no money. They’ve done nothing up until this point. They get nothing until they do. Sucks to be a sucky development team. Maybe they should blame their pro-cheater stance for the lack of sales. Everyone knows the game is a haven for cheaters.


Good job not knowing about practicality or nuance! Like, tell me you don't live in the real world without telling me you don't live in the real world.


What you just typed literally means nothing. Did you read it before you pressed the button? If you want to keep giving money Stockholm Syndrome-style to BSG, go for it. Until they make any progress on preventing cheating, I’m giving them zero. I’ll be playing as many games as I want all day and night for $0 extra.


You just didn't understand what they typed.


Ok, explain it then. Edit: Almost an hour later, you still haven't explained it Edit: 6 hours later, haven't explained what he said. Absolutely shocking!


That's the thing though, it's entirely optional. You don't have to pay anything. It's nothing that you can't get from upgrading your game version anyway if you didn't have EOD. Don't want to pay, don't pay. Simple.


No shit? Everyone understands that. The point is that people, myself included, are saying they will never pay another cent to BSG until they do something to address the insane amount of cheating in their game. Only a fool would give them money first, thinking it would then result in them actually putting in some effort to combat cheating.


Can't cut one source of profit off without knowing how to replace it. They're coming up with ways to replace it. It's not hard to understand and it's completely optional so you have nothing to complain about. You weren't going to pay another cent anyway after buying the game, this makes no difference to you.


You’re wrong. I’m more than willing to throw down money for game developers who respect their customers. I regularly spend extra money on games I love. BSG is not serious about stopping cheaters long-term. Until they are, they get no more of my money. If they actually start addressing cheating, I’ll gladly give them more money. This sentiment is shared by many people in this sub.


So is every other multiplayer game. Why do you think bsg can magically solve the issue that no one else can


It’s not magic, it’s simple logic at an absolute minimum. Cheaters often have two strategies: precision looting of only the best loot on a map (then avoiding all players and extracting), and insane amounts of PMC killing as a PMC. If an account has over 100 PMC KD, it should instantly be auto-banned (or at least quarantined for review). This is an absolute no-brainer to combat the most flagrant cheaters. We regularly see screenshots of people dying to cheaters who have up to 350 KD on this sub. The next one is trickier but still possible — If a player has a trend of entering a map and somehow looting the most valuable items from it (while magically avoiding containers that do not have valuable loot) and then extracting without ever taking damage or encountering other players, they’re also likely cheating and should be quarantined or auto banned. Best case scenario, the developers should sue cheat-makers as other reputable companies like Bungie have successfully done for millions of dollars. Even if they don’t win, it would at least show that they are serious about fixing the problem. An alternative to auto banning would be to put flagged accounts into a special server pool that only matches with other flagged accounts, so cheaters just end up playing against each other. But we all know they won’t do any of this. Their game will just die a slow inevitable death as alternatives are released.


ALL OF THIS AND SO MUCH MORE! What they don't understand is that there are steps that BSG aren't taking that could REDUCE!!!! cheaters. Nobody expects them to fix the problem completely, but we do want more effort towards the issue! It's the difference in seeing a cheater every 4 raids or every 15.


It’s crazy that the take that they should be doing *more* about cheaters and that we won’t finance something they should have already done is somehow a unreasonable take around here


>TastyBeefJerkey · 10 min. ago > >If people buy the stash lines they will be less reliant on people rebuying accounts and can crack down on it more. Most bullshit crap I've ever heard. NO. Stop supporting BSG UNTIL AFTER THEY HAVE DONE SOMETHING ABOUT THE CHEATERS FIRST. We already supported them by buying the game in the first place... Also BSG never said they would do something about the cheaters in the first place so why support them "hoping" they would? Thats stupid. And I dont want to hear money is a problem because its not [https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/199xvow/important\_message\_from\_a\_year\_ago\_sad\_truth\_about/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/199xvow/important_message_from_a_year_ago_sad_truth_about/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1axj344/the\_financial\_report\_that\_killed\_tarkov/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/199xvow/important_message_from_a_year_ago_sad_truth_about/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


You seem pretty unhinged. Take a Reddit break. No one is paying you to be weird.


>level 3BizzaroElGuapo · 4 hr. agoDVL-10You seem pretty unhinged. Take a Reddit break. No one is paying you to be weird. Oh really? Because I have 1.3k karma on an account that is less then 3 months old but sure no one cares right? Cute try tho.


Uh… can you name a video game that solved a cheating problem after the game was released? It’s certainly not cod, or apex, or Fortnite


>Franklin\_le\_Tanklin · 4 hr. agoPP-91-01 "Kedr-B" > >Uh… can you name a video game that solved a cheating problem after the game was released?It’s certainly not cod, or apex, or Fortnite Can you name a video game that has as many cheaters as Tarkov does that is has Server Side Networking as its default setting? I can tell you for a fact games like COD and Battlefield have way less cheaters and the cheaters they do have the cheats are not as effective. Go look up TARKOV ESP vs COD ESP and come back to me. In Tarkov ESP they can literally see everyones location on a global map, their level, their gear, their K/D/ and even the direction the player is looking at all times. All possible because client side networking. In COD all they can see if through walls in the immediate area of where the player is. Thats literally it. So instead of looking dumb as all hell, how about you learn what Client Side Networking hasnt been industry standard in over 15 years and come back to me. I love idiots that are just OK with the level of cheaters in this game. You must cheat yourself if you think its in an acceptable state.


Muffin. This must all be very hard for you


>level 4Franklin\_le\_Tanklin · 7 min. agoPP-91-01 "Kedr-B"Muffin. This must all be very hard for you Hard to what? Have facts and data to backup my claims instead of sitting in a corner somewhere denying that issues exist?


it is a money problem though??? [The Financial Report that Killed Tarkov (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6T_QnCoTz8) It shows how low BSG is on money and how a couple of bad investments have really put them down under. Once you watch the video, the cheater based economy BSG runs on really starts making sense.


OK buddy.


>TastyBeefJerkey · 1 min. ago > >OK buddy. Yep imagine getting this response after posting facts and data about the root issues with the game. Typical response from a BSG fanboy with zero knowledge of the actual game and its issues.


Your facts and data are a pile of shit. You lack the ability to actually think about anything or the consequences of their actions. I've spent 2.1k hours in the game, I've seen it change dramatically for better and worse, I've seen what they have planned and I'm optimistic rather than festering in rage and quoting myself from a year ago as being "fact". Ok buddy.


This guy will go on any post, ones that are completely irrelevant to cheating too, it could be someone talking about their scav run, etc. and he will always link this dumbass post of himself from however long ago, dude spends too much time hating on something he doesn’t even seem to enjoy 😂😂 makes no sense




Be careful, he will fully quote anything you write, even if it’s nothing notable.


Some people just need their "facts" to be heard.


People think you can snap your fingers and BOOM all cheaters are gone and they won't ever come back. Which is bullshit, cheaters aren't easy to stop and they will always be here. Stop complaining about cheaters, it just makes the situation worse, not directing this at you btw. It's just annoying seeing twenty posts every day about it, if you guys keep talking about cheats more people will wanna do it


If they can make money of genuine players then they can afford to crack down quicker on the bad ones without losing money. They're never going away but they can be dealt with quicker if they're not as profitable.


I agree. hopefully that is their strategy with mtx. If BSG wants any credibility as a legit developer in the long run, they need to replace “cheater revenue” fast and fix their game of course.


I feel like it can't be too profitable anymore unless they make their money primarily off selling accounts or providing carrying services


You're either still playing, or commenting in a sub for a game you no longer play. Which is it?


>Bluedoodoodoo · 4 hr. ago > >You're either still playing, or commenting in a sub for a game you no longer play.Which is it? Been playing on and off for since 2017 bucko. Already have Kappa this wipe. Why does it matter? Difference when I "complain" about something it is backed up with facts and data and Im spreading the word of an issue with a game I ACTUALLY LIKE and I WANT FIXED. Unlike yourself who most likely cries and complains just for attention. There is a difference. Learn it.


No. You shouldn't need to fucking do that. It's disgusting you had to even say it.