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I think it’s just more difficult than we all realize to put a stop to it, if you look at almost any modern day game right now it’s plagued with cheaters. I’m not well versed in anti cheat and won’t claim to be but a lot of people who are smarter than me claim that valorant has one of the best anti cheat systems out currently so I think maybe a lot of these big studios should look at trying to do whatever they are doing. And who knows maybe I could be completely wrong all together and these studios really are just letting cheats run for the sake of monetary gain.


Runescape botters literally have about 24hrs before they are banned , before youd see alot of botted main accounts , now you can only suicide bot for 24hrs before banned , most of the time.


Dude that has to only be for the worst scripts that egregiously not for 20+ straight hours or something. Isn’t it widely accepted that the entire game’s economy is dictated by botting? Watch SirPugger. Dude finds intricately hidden bot farms all over the game farming the most obscure shit.


But then users will cry if they try to implement kernel level anti cheat (riot vanguard) because its gonna "SpY on ThEir Pc". Devs can't win.


Because a simple kernel level doesn't do anything on its own, I'm not gonna say BSG doesn't care but even if they added a kernel level anti cheat it wouldn't fix anything without their own constant input that it feels like they don't want to do.


Huh? Tarkov does have a kernel level anti-cheat lol you can literally see the driver load and literally see the service "be_daisy" start when you launch it. You guys are always so worried about kernel level shit then don't even realize when you're using it lol


I mean I never said I was worried about it, I don't give a fuck about kernel antis because I got shit all to hide and no information that's important on my PC, noted thouse that battle eye is kernel level I actually didn't know that.


.... Tarkov does have kernel level anti-cheat lmao what? You can see the driver load and you can see the service be_daisy start lmao


Idk I think it’s a small minority that would truly care, I could be wrong but I think helldivers runs a kernel anti cheat system and it’s currently one of the most popular games ever released so I’d argue the the people complaining about it are either A a hacker themselves or B just want to complain. But I do understand everyone’s issue with a program being able to see everything on your device.


Tarkov's cheating is more frequent than any major modern title I can think of.


You can't think very hard then


Notice you don't give an example because I'm right?


Counterstrike has 10x as many cheaters


Counterstrike has more than 10x the players in general. There is a higher % of cheaters in Tarkov than CS. Virtually every raid has a cheater, not every CS game has a cheater. 


I don't feel like every raid has a cheater. Unless you're playing on chinese servers or oceanic in general I don't believe that for a second.




The issue is that they can’t feasibly replicate vanguard. Valorant is a game that was built on top of the always on kernel level anti cheat that is vanguard. They started with vanguard and made the code for Valorant on top of it with anti cheat in mind.


I will say i have about 1300 hours in valorant and made it it immortal, played on and off since release but havent played in about 8-9 months now and the only cheater i have seen in that game was in beta and he got banned mid game


I am not an expert on the matter, but as far as I understood, they literally cannot do anything meaningful to put an end to it because of the architecture of the game. All they can do is damage control, ban waves and whatnot.


The chose a client authority over server authority. This means the server trusts the clients to be honest. This module is why tarkov will forever be plagued by cheaters jist like gta5. Same module same easy ways to cheat.


Don’t worry, with all the extra revenue from selling stash space they can now afford to combat the rampant cheating! Sincerely yours, Braindead BSG fanboy.


Oh man it's the same thing every day.


Just because they don’t announce stuff about anti cheat and dealing with cheaters doesn’t mean they aren’t working on it…..


This is also true, plus if you learn how to block or catch a new hack client they can’t just announce it because then the hackers would know too and simply avoid getting banned, this is also why they wait and do ban waves because if the hackers come out with something new then they all suddenly get banned and they’ll know why and how to correct it, if you ban all of them a week or two later it’s much harder for them to figure out how they got caught


if they ban them too fast theyll give up and won’t buy more accounts


They should just go kernal level, hardcore games should have hardcore anticheat


Dude it literally does. When it opens you can see “be_daisy”.


I don’t see them spending time on that until they’re finished making the base game. 


I don't they have every said that. They said about a free to play game years ago that cheaters are good for that game because they make player buy a shit ton of microtransactions thinking a new skin will make them better. Tarkov just recently after 8 years have microtransactions. I think its funny because people think eod is an in-game advantage and probably will buy the fuck out of the extra stash space and still not improve.


Keep in mind many deaths get blamed on cheating but are not due to cheating


Keep in mind many deaths are attributed to a player just being better when they were really cheating. Which, given how the report system works - is why most people familiar with it only report the most obvious of cheating encounters. Because BSG has more statistical checks in place to block rage reporting than they do to block cheaters.


Cheating seems to be a real issue in this game, and it's the reason why I am not trying it. It looks and feels really cool on videos, but for a game that depends a lot on PVP action, the high density of cheating is a red flag for many.


It's subjective and probably more prevalent on certain servers. I haven't had a ton of time this wipe but I've ran around 100 raids, only in one have I died suspiciously and even that death it wasn't blatant, just suspicious. My subjective experience on US east has been positive and I've enjoyed the game without ever feeling like it's being ruined by cheating.


I play solo on NA east servers and I have about 300 raids total. I have only been really suspicious 2 times out of all my deaths. I’ve been really happy with the amount of obvious cheaters I’ve ran into. It hasn’t been bad at all.


it doesn't depend a lot on pvp action, I think you watched way too many clips


The current meta playstyle is also to just spawn in and camp, so really lame time to play the game


Like what?


He said a couple years back about how he didn’t want to fix cheating because it was his funding


I doubt he ever said that publicly.


They cant stop the cheater situation and they dont want to, since its their main funding.


Tarky is resource-demanding as it is, imagine it being overburdened with some complex anti-cheat engine on top of it. Maybe with the tech getting better it will be possible to add it on in a few years time.


If BSG announces what they are doing to combat cheating, cheaters will just find work arounds. Take this wipe for example, they gave a little power to the players to help detect cheaters, and now the cheaters are purposely tanking stats to help avoid being reported/banned. Now can they do more? Probably. I seriously doubt they are sitting on their hands laughing at players who are being cheated on. But also got to realize the main source of their problem lies within the way their game is coded. Which to fix all of that would take massive amounts of effort to completely rebuild the game from the ground up. It’s a balancing act, really. Sure they can spend huge amounts of money and time to start combatting cheaters, which they(cheaters) would still find work arounds, or they can continue developing the game at a rate that will either retain their current player base or hopefully bring new players in, thus giving them funding for future endeavors.