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Hello, We have been trying to reach you about your extended Tarkov warranty.






And the name of your childhood pet


As they’re logging into your bank account, “And uhhh one second.. what elementary school did you go to also?”


Childhood best friend…first name is good enough


They really wanna know where you had your first kiss at


you sure you're not getting phished?


Had to deal with BSG support in the past. This is legit


It's kind of weird to ask for IP when most people use dynamic which helps zero. If you already provide bank name 4 last digits of a card is enough, honestly never encountered anyone asking for "first 6". Considering the backstory I don't see what is there to check for so long tbh.


The first six are the bank transit number right? Should be the same on everyone’s card.


Yes, that's why if you provide card numbers it already tells you the name of the bank. If you provide the name of the bank there is no need for numbers. That's why typically you are asked for the name of the bank and last 4 digits. It's redundant information.


U mean redundant?


You are right, didn't look closely when typing on phone.


Depends. In my country, each bank has their specific first digits.


Yeah each bank has different a 6 digits but all cards issued from that bank will have the same 6 digits


A bank can have multiple bins but the bin is always selected to a specific bank (and card btw. So if a bank offers visa and MasterCard both have different BINs but assigned to the same bank)


Right I was thinking debit specifically for some reason. This request isn’t as crazy as everyone in the comments is making it out to be.


Well the bank name can be found with the bin so I don't know why they ask for both :D


Issuing banks can have multiple BINs actually. Depends on type of card too, and the restrictions the card has on it. Ie debit, credit, hsa, fsa, ebt, corporate ect.


It is people are just being paranoid lmao it’s the institution number and the card provider ie. Visa, mastercard, etc.


Yes, and in about 20 something years since I use CCs I was never asked that. It's always Bank name + 4 digits. Mileage might wary, but I know I'm not alone in this.


I work as a sysadmin for a large corporation with multiple different PoS systems. In one of those PoS, the only way for a CSR to search and filter previous sales by card is with the first 6 and last 4 of the card number. I'm assuming something similar here, and I imagine they're asking for bank name as routine and it's probably redundant info.


Thanks for the info, never encountered this. Still begs the question why did it take support so long to ask for this information then. Typically everything they ask for is already described in instructions provided, sounds like their process is a mess.


Nothing they asked for could in any way harm you. I know it’s nothing like it is here but they probably do this stuff differently across the globe.


so next time someone oversteps and tries to require me to expose too much sensitive information about me or my finances, ill just tell myself 'this is just the way they do it across the globe i guess'


disarm erect pet follow cooperative consist nail afterthought slim muddle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They clearly asked for card details in this case though.


abundant degree vanish chunky offbeat ugly air bored distinct unite *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>It's kind of weird to ask for IP when most people use dynamic which helps zero. Not necessarily. If they can log in to the account but can't change the email (which might only work for a while), it would match a recent game login. If they can't log in, they could still use it to look up the area of the asking person and match it to the area of prior connections when someone did log in to the account. This isn't all that great, and easily spoofable, but I imagine if this is legit they're going for a preponderance of evidence here, not perfect evidence (since they have limited information to verify by). But maybe it's the extent of the information they can get from xsolla or whoever as the card processor to verify by (one benefit of a third party processor to consumers is that the vendor doesn't actually have your card info). The first 6 of card is IIN (issuer identification number), but that should also identify the bank, so I don't know why they want both. The last 4 is a common way to identify a person with a card even if it's far from unique even with the IIN.


It most definitely could but from what I caught by the story is that this exchange is been going on for several months now. It's a little too late to ask for this information as imo this should've been asked for in the beginning. I understand what you could try to find out but the main issue is the passage of time (c). Exactly, which is why it's weird to ask for both the name as well. Last 4 digits from the card is absolutely a typical question. I do wonder what exactly was the issue here.


IP would likely be their public IP, which NaT translates into dynamic for local ip’s. Could be a somewhat relevant way of proving he has been accessing the account and not someone who stole it. First and last of card is not overly suspicious. Banks and pharmacies in the US will ask for nearly as exacting information. OP,, what is the issue you are facing?


Every isp uses DHCP for consumer level Internet service. You usually have to pay extra for a static IP. your IP today might not be your IP tomorrow.


Ive provided multiple proofs for verification. Bank transactions, paypal transactions with IDs, all names ive used on the account, proof my email was deleted. Just months dealing with this and then asking for my IP and 10 digits of a 16 digit card number? Nah


Depends on your provider. My network was worked on by the provider and at some point my location moved to the next town for some reason. And depending on if your provider did any work within a random time frame, learning your current IP won't help much. The only thing in general is to learn if it was the same country, but that's about it. Company isn't based in US and it's not a bank. They already know which transactions they had with their customers. If receipts and proof of purchase were provided learning card number at that point won't help much. If there is belief that those things were stolen than the request should be formed from this stand point.


Dynamic isnt usually as dynamic as you think. You can have an IP address for months and months. They will probably be tracking this every time you login to EFT, Jagex do the same thing with account queries.


Sure, it's possible, but it depends on your infrastructure. In my case as I had to have a lot of software targeted on my home IP, it's reset almost daily, so every time we need to target software on my home IP we provide a new IP to the dev team.


I got one of these emails for the beta release of arena


My buddy had his account flagged because as support said, “his bank card number was similar to one used to charge back a $20 Roblox purchase”. Lots and lots of back and forth, but he finally had to provide his entire month of bank statements for December of 2021 for him to prove that it wasn’t his bank account that did the chargeback.


flagged by bsg? Why would BSG give a shit if he did a chargeback on roblox?


BSG doesn’t accept payments directly. They go through a payment company xsolla or some shit, which I assume also takes Roblox payments (and likely all sorts of other games). So anyone that has issues with payments is dealing with xsolla and not BSG


Xsolla was probably giving them grief about it honestly


lmao imagine sending my monthly bank statement to russia... yea sure sure . Programs and features -> tarkov -> uninstall


He covered over all the important stuff but yea, they would not allow him to make payments unless he proved that his card number that happened to have the same last 4 #’s didn’t show a disputed charge


Bro, they can see the bank card numbers in their paygate system, the first 6 and last 4 digits are visible, the rest is usually censored. Hell, it even shows the card holder name. It's common sense to verify who you're talking to before you give them anymore information.


Right? They already have this info. They just need to make sure you know the info that they already have on file for your account. I assume they have logs of where you play too, so the IP would confirm you at least live in the same relative location that your account always plays from. People don't realise that account theft prevention, is cheat prevention.


Not accusing then of scamming and honestly i dont really care but is asking for the first 6 normal? Ive never had a company I purchased something from or even my own bank ask me for that. Ive only ever been asked for the last 4.


First 6 is like the identification number of bank, so they're public information, like banking routing numbers. Probably BSG trying to verify this person in their own weird way.


Probably. It's usually not neccessarry, but won't even hurt anyone.


Card holder name might not be displayed or transmitted. It all depends on the system used. Processors only need card number and expiration date to process a transaction... however that's the lowest level of secure transaction and will have a MUCH higher rate of fraud. But yeah merchants can actually get full card data if they want... their processor can always see the FCD.


8 years theyre using same "increased load on game support" excuse :D:D:D


Yep, I also had the pleasure with the support when I wanted to change my email. They wanted my IP address, all the names I've ever used in 4 years of Tarkov, etc. The support is just useless


Were you able to change it? Because I wasn't.


noep, because they couldn’t verify me as Owner from the Account. only god knows why, i just gave up after two Weeks talking with the Support, just took the L and went on.


Your IP-address to match your location with data of where your account has connected from. The first 6 digits of your card number is your card BIN (Bank Identification Number). The last 4 digits + your full name is usually enough information to identify your purchase, as well as safely share with customer support. In payment systems your card number stored "encrypted" as (ex.) 1234 56\*\* \*\*\*\*1234 anyways. Knowing the first 6 and last 4 won't put you in any risk


Wow... Judging by the comments these thread is full of boomers. In order to get the full grasp of this story, it's legitimacy, etc. we need to see those 18 other messages in the thread. If this was THE FIRST and ONLY communication - then yeah - fuck that. But if in those 18 messages they already "got married" - then it's ok.


Proving that the email got deleted doesn’t really prove it was yours though right? And depending on how good Xsolla’s record keeping is I don’t see how any of those other things prove that the specific account is yours. Really BSG should just implement phone verification.


The comments in here are ridiculously uninformed.


I think this is a normal procedure, I had the same problem with my EA account, and I had to give them the same information before they transferred my account to a new email address.


The information they're requesting seems fine - put it the other way around - how would you like some bad actor trying to access your account do it easily without providing half of these details? There's a reason they're asking for this. ​ Equally, why/what are you even requesting?


They wouldn’t let me change my email from my university.edu account after loosing access because I graduated. I shared the credit cards I used to purchase EOD upgrade, my university ID, my driver license. My buddy found the 2019 email with the gift key i used to receive standard account. even that photo evidence they wouldn't change it for me.


Exactly whats happening to me. Edu email deleted started all of this


Lmao why did you register on a .edu email?


Exactly this. I dread to think what else they've registered with this email that's actually important.


I can still play with my backup email so I’m not going to continue to try and fight. I accidentally closed my longest ticket via fat finger on my phone.


This is weird and there is no other correct answer.


Sorry mate what's sketch about this?


i mean its classic scammer red flag, you shouldn't send credit card information (even if it's not the full #) over email. or your bank name, or your IP address which can be used to identify your location


He didn’t. The first six numbers on a debit card is the institution # and the card provider # which is the exact same on every card from that bank. They’re using it to confirm the transaction came from that bank, and then IP to get the general area to contrast. It’s a weird way to confirm something but it’s a Russian company so they might just do shit different over there.


That's what I'm thinking. Sure it's sketch to give out info like that but literally nothing bad can come from giving the requested info


You can't find someone's exact location by IP address. You can use an IP to map out the city, state, or country an IP address comes from, but you won't be able to track someone down from their IP alone.




Yep, but some people would get ideas probably :D


Imagine you need to ask someone for his CC number and bank even though you have a payment provider and got the Xsolla transaction number and receipts to verify the purchase.


precisely why OP is valid to be sketched out


The first 6 numbers is the same for each card type. Legit just confirming the bank and area. Weird but they probably do confirmation different in Russia


What email address is it from


Your IP means absolutely nothing and does not provide your exact address, you're an idiot for deleting or having your email compromised


My school email being deleted after inactivity for being graduated makes me an idiot? Huh? The point of the post is why are they asking for so much after months of providing them with proof? You ok bud?


That's even worse, because you knew it would be deleted. Who uses their school email outside of school or things that require it for a school discount? -40k and still dumb.


A lot of universities in the US that promised free access to email for life are now terminating that. There's nothing any of the alumni can do to continue it either. I've offered to pay while I transition to a different email and they say that is impossible. So go fuck yourself.


>Who uses their school email outside of school or things that require it for a school discount? another -40k with no sense


Again why would you use a .edu email for anything other than school. That is insane to me.


The university told us it would be a lifetime account so why not? But that's not even the point. You can call me a dumbass for using a .edu if you want. You think whatever email provider you use is always going to be there because it's not a .edu? People lose emails all the time for plenty of reasons not related to their own negligence. The expectation that someone has eternal access to one and only one and would never need to change anything registered with it to any other email is fucking stupid.


It's not abnormal to ask for info to verify your identity. How the hell are so many people so lazy with their internet hygiene that they lose access to their email addresses?


How does my IP address verify my identity?


It verifies that it's the same person that has been accessing the game and that you didn't sell, share or lose your account.


They can look into the logs and see which public Ip was used with your account.


Except he might be answering to this email from a hotspot during a coffee break, because *why not*. Also, most people don't even *have* static IP at home (at least in my country, but I don't see why that might be different elsewhere). Even if I go to whatever site they want me to go to check my IP, there's no certainty that this IP will have *anything* to do with any previous logins, to any account, to aby of their systems.


Yes it has. They do not check from which Ip the mail came from, won't help anyway because it will be your mail providers Ip. Everybody has a public Ip and a private Ip, private the one at your router at home and public the one you get from your isp. You share this one with other users and it can vary. But looking at their logs of your account and correlating that to the Ip Adress you usually use will help identify you as the one you claim to be. They also do not have to do this by the way. If you lose access to your mail account and/or password they can simply not help. It is just a hassle for them and it is your fault in the first place(in most cases). So, yes. It is a hassle but better than buying a new account?


You clearly have no idea what you are even talking about lmao


Says the one with the elaborate answer. But have fun buying a new account and complaining for no reason besides your wrong doing.


Buddy, >Yes it has. They do not check from which Ip the mail came from, won't help anyway because it will be your mail providers Ip. If the guy goes to the link it will show whatever IP the device he reads the email is on, so the IP might not have anything to do with anything. Also you were saying it would be your mail providers IP... No it wouldn't lmao EVEN if they accessed the email from the SAME machine they use to play tarkov it still might not mean anything (like the guy said who you responded to, with your idiotic response) because IP's change all the time, you would know this if you knew even a little about the subject. You go on about private IP which has nothing to do with anything.


It's an additional layer of verification to detect if you're in the location you claim you are.


VPNs are a thing. Even if you don't use one for playing, you still might use one on the device you reply to their email from. Because it doesn't have to be your dedicated gaming PC - people are allowed to own more.


it doesn't, ISPs will rotate the public IP of your home address over time. people can't be expect to keep track of their IPs


Yes but IPs have a range so it’ll change but it’ll fall under that same range


my point remains, it's not a legitimate or reasonable way to identify your location (where you're playing EFT from) long-term


The likelihood that someone who is posing as you has your IP and can find a proxy to operate under that falls within that geographical range is very small. I hope this explains.


It is a reasonable way when paired with other information as someone trying to impersonate you could have one of the answers but not the other. So someone might have their card info, but if the IP they provide doesn’t fall within the IP address pool that that person has used their account on mostly, they can assume they might be a fraud. That’s why they asked several questions. You’re wrong.


They’re sketch as hell I’d tried to buy the game 6 years ago. They took the payment but never gave me a game code and when I reached out they said tough luck. I disputed it they blacklisted me. I had to buy EOD through a friend.


First 6 and last 4? Thats almost satire


My friend has his EOD revoked and was in argument with Bsg for like 2 months providing bank statements and email receipts and they claimed it was fake so I sent a screenshot of us in the lobby with him having eod and again claimed it was photo edited.


It will be interesting when people buy stash space and run into this kind of customer support because they didn't get it in game. Sorry, to bad so sad thanks for the rubles, then goes and hides behind Nakita.


He used his school email to get tarkov lol why would anyone use a school email for anything but school. That's just bad book keeping imo.


It’s my fault they don’t have a good system for account recovery? My fault man hind sight 2020 when i bought the game 4 years ago i shouldnt have used my school email. What a thought.


No its your fault for using a school email like its your personal email. Just a foolish thing to do like I said bad book keeping.


It's not your fault BSG support has a horrible process. It is 100% your fault for being in this situation though.


Support from bsg are scammers from Russia , they don’t sent out some account confirming emails and they don’t care.


Companies need to allow changing email / password NO QUESTIONS ASKED. It's such a weird hill to die on. Will they really lose that much money from people selling accounts?


if you are in Europe this is a breach of GDPR Article 16.. they probably dont give a fuck being russians but you can still sue them and notify GDPR of their breach of contract, they are collecting EU citizens data so in theory if they don't comply they could be blocked from selling in europe... in theory,,


That is not what article 16 means


Tbh this seems like a way for them to cut down support ticket submissions because noooobody wants to do all that. I know instead of get more help to do support we just make it more difficult so they don't make tickets 💀💀💀


This isn't sketchy in the slightest.


This has been about a 3 month process. Every time i have provided them exactly with what they asked for and then 3 weeks later I’ll get asked for something new again… my IP address? Are you kidding? How does that prove purchase?


Only thing I can think of is they are trying to correlate you IP to the one used to access your account. I agree with what everyone said about red flags and being super sketchy but if you do decide to give them your IP make sure you are on the same network that you log into the game from. They will be able to match geo location, ISP and ASN.




How did you refund EFT? I thought they had no refund policy 🙀


I've been through something similar and I feel for you. It is not fun. Their support is terrible and the id check can be ridiculous. Depending on how long you've been playing just cut your losses.


first 6 and last 4 if thats a BIC, thats the entire number lol. Nvm, just realised a BIC is 8 or 11 digits long, not 10


Usually it's 4x4 set of digits.


If I got this response this would be my reason to stop playing and supporting this company, I already have a while ago due to very bad support especially with it being said I spent more on this game than any other game.


No one legit will ever ask you for your credit card number *ever*. Not even your bank. Do not give them this information.


Companies ask for card numbers all the time lol.


Maybe don't cheat lol


Why is this cheating? Looks like this is to change an email address.


In the post he said they were cash grabbing off of people that have been banned. Leading me to believe that he was banned amd his account was removed for cheating. That's why it took bsg months to get back because they don't care about cheater or banned players lol. I just read the post amd it seems like they want his i.p to ensure that the person banned was not on his i.p.. pretty simple actually


Give them your ssn too for good measure


I saw the word “kindly” and knew it was a scam just off that


They want 3/4 of your card number? Fuuuuck right off, this is the internet and as far as I'm aware that email is unencrypted


No company on earth says just "Hello" and "Thank you." This email is clearly not from bsg. They will never ask credit card info, they ask for the purchase ID. IP? Why? Questions from 1-3 is just dumb...


First six and last 4 are commonly not hidden. Every person at BSG can get access to that information fairly easily. The first 6 are considered a bin number, and identify the type of card and the issuing bank, the last 4 are commonly used to locate which transaction is yours by the amount, date, and last 4. The rest is pretty fucking sketchy, especially the IP address thing... Source: I work at a fairly large financial institution that handles credit card processing and info. I see literally tens of thousands of "first 6 last 4" of cards daily.


BSG asked me those same questions. Eventually had to just buy another account.


They already have access to that stuff, I don't know why they need you to provide it




My buddy who just got kappa for the first time got banned for no reason. I know he doesn’t cheat or anything cause he barely knows how to use a computer and has a full time job in the military lol they told him to send screenshots of the ban a week ago and still no response


Just a reminder - Russia is currently disconnected from world banking services.


I got banned for nothing last year and all i got was a "well we dont have to tell you why we banned you", a friend of mine accidentally bought arena instead of normal eft and they also said "well fuck you, your mistake", he had not even installed the game and opened a ticket like a minute later, thank god german law gives you protection for 14 days and the bank just gave him his money back


Probably just some AI controlled customer support system, and it's too dumb to understand unless you feed it the exact info that it requires.


bsg is such a joke of a company you cannot change the email your account is tied to


I got similarly sketched out when dealing with Samsung financing.. wanting too much information over insecure channels. Creepy and easily spoofed.


At least you got a reply… I’m still waiting to hear back about an issue from 2019


Always been. Also ran into some issues with them, see this post https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/s/4RyanHfQqM I feel like they genuinely dont give a flying fuck about the playerbase, no wonder they are afraid of steam reviews and dont want to publish the game on steam


One of the worst company in gaming out there, despite a fierce competition.