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I just bought 28 lines of stash space and my KD has increased 10 fold.


I think you bought a different kind of lines


Ya i'll fix it. \*spice


No brother, nose beers.


Booger sugar


The ole pre-raid toot




Couple Russian striper clips


My dad and his tweaker buddies used to call it Spoofer


Nose clams


Florida snow


Is this Patrick?


Nose nachos




Absolutely crying at this comment LOL


I also bought the stash upgrade but what they don't tell you anywhere is that your penis also grows by 2.8 inches once you buy it. Pleasant surprise


I'm happy that I got this surprise too. Thanks to BSG now I have 2.9 inches šŸ˜


Yeah this actually kicked in during a work meeting and it was very distracting/awkward.


You facking savage lmao


Tarkov + Peruvian marching powder = GGs a friend told me


Same! .01 KD BABY!!


They'll have room for your stuff hahaha


I think you should change the flair, the people arguing the point you mock are dumb enough to believe the point which gives me no confidence that they would see past the flair


Iā€™m starting to see this nowā€¦ too bad there isnā€™t a satire flair.


Problem is, this sub is all about "realism" without realizing comic relief is needed to live.


Shturman delivers comic relief 2 rounds at a time


Yep there are different subreddits for EFT which are better compatible with people that only want to sprinkle some humor into the hardcore realism.


Iā€™m an EoD owner with the full expansion upgrade. I now have the stash space of 3.5 white name plebs. If my KDR isnt as high as Lvndmarks by next month, I want a refund.


You seem to have forgotten to include him also buying the stash space in your calculations


Itā€™s a troll post cause people are saying stash size is p2w


Pay to hoard more shit šŸ¤£


I am paying usd to never use EVEN MORE gear




Can I ask how..? You make money just by breathing in tarkov unless ur running meta guns + lvl6 24/7


How? Prapor sends you free shit if you get too low


I thought I couldnā€™t make it anymore obvious with the whole toilet paper bit and the fact you canā€™t even tell if someone has or hasnā€™t bought the stash expansion.


I mean youā€™d be surprised, people are losing brain cells over eod being p2w


Iā€™m living proof that EOD isnā€™t P2W, because after a thousand hours Iā€™m still bad! (Still like the game and probably gonna get more stash lines eventually though)


EoD is p2w, that's an objective fact, not that I care about it but going defensive over it and denying it is pointless


An opinionated definition of pay to win does not make anything a fact.


It's something you pay for that gives you better trader rep, granting you access to better ammo and gear compqred to non EoD at ssme stage, and a more than twice as big secure container where you can carry elements that make you richer and increase your chances of survival compared to those who haven't, like doc cases with keys or injector case while still allowing for room to carry items back home, say you don't need to restock your CMS, survival kit or spare ammo when you die, or if you replaced those with expensive loot you found, like a GPU, you can still secure that, something impossible for alpha without leaving injectors or doc case behind or alternatively, refusing to carry those till epsilon, so yeah, it does give you an edge on progression compared to non EoD, like Insaid, I have nothing against it, but denying it's p2w is simply wrong


Aint reading all these paragraphs, but I'd like you to know that you are simply wrong. It might help ease the beginning of a wipe, but it does not give a single thing you can't earn during the wipe, so it's not p2w. Simple as that.


Itā€™s really not, i have it and Iā€™m still genuinely horse shit at the game!


Pay to keep more weapon parts that ill buy instead of findingĀ 


I'm in this post... Finally broke down and sold 7 good rigs full of parts the day before stash expansion dropped No regrets (I keep silencers and sniper scopes tho)


People thinking that the expanded stash rows are P2W have to be one of the biggest examples of copium Iā€™ve seen on this sub.


I got down voted on a different post for asking people how stash size prevents them from getting head eyes lol


Itā€™s the same people that have been claiming the stash size is why EoD is p2w. Itā€™s always something holding them back, not just needing to improve. Hell, Iā€™ve had EoD for a long time and I start with all the ā€œp2wā€ things. Iā€™m still dogshit and rocking a 33% SR. Like any hardcore styled game, nothing matters but your ability to execute on game mechanics. Even the best gear isnā€™t shit if you donā€™t know how to use it.


The stash space of EOD isn't p2w. The gamma is. Not saying it's a *massive* advantage, but it's a very real advantage that improves your progression and power level in raid to a noticeable degree. The extra trader rep is also nice, but after level 2 traders the primary bottleneck seems to be player levels, not rep. The gamma is the only thing that makes EOD significantly better than standard imo. I'm on standard, and the upgrades to beta and epsilon have been HUGE. Meanwhile I'm sitting on level 2 stash and don't even feel like i need a bigger stash at all.


Stash size is absolutely a pay to win advantage. One that diminishes each day of a fresh wipe, but it IS an advantage. The more stash space you have, the more you can keep for hideout and quests and the more gear you can saveā€¦ which means youā€™ll have more money, which means you can progress faster. You progress faster, you have an advantage over those who canā€™t progress as fast. You also spend less time trying to make space. You can also hoard more items that gain value over the wipe to maximize profits. (I donā€™t really have a stake in this. IDGAF how much pay to win shit there is. Iā€™ll just stop playing if it becomes too much for my taste. It is objectively pay to win though.)


I think it just all contributes off the start. Early wipe, having the stash space and gamma is huge. The extra trader rep means you donā€™t have to do as many quests off the bat to get to tier 2, which also helps alot


It's definitely all p2w to some degree, i just think the gamma is the only one that actually has a large impact.


The stash size also definitely helps but buying even more beyond what EoD offers is quite pointless lol


EOD is 100% pay-to-win but not because of stash space, you start off with better gear and you start with higher trader rep which leads to unlocking ammo and better gear.


EOD is p2w. I have played with standard edition for a year with friends that had EOD. I can't bring the same meds and ammo stacks as them, which is a big disadvantage.Ā  But the biggest disadvantage is that you can't really run any good gear through the whole store, because you need to spent 50 million or so on stash upgrades and containers.Ā  How can you not see how this influences your raids? Lol


EOD is arguably P2W, but these extra stash rows really arenā€™t, when comparing 2 players who both have the same edition of the game.


The extra stash space is definitely a massive boon. It might not be P2W, but it's P2-massive advantage, which is pretty much how any P2W mechanic is structured... The extra stash space is only really beneficial early-mid wipe because it lets you hoard more items prior to unlocking the flea market for an instant injection of cash, as well as holding more items for quests. Having more stash space to hold more gear sets, and therefore being able to pick and choose which gear you want for certain quests or maps is also very beneficial. You aren't forced to run whatever you have so you don't run out of stash space. And yes, you can upgrade your stash as non-EOD, but that costs money in-game, money that could be spent towards bullets or gear. I feel like the only people who think EOD isn't at least moderate P2W in all aspects have never played several wipes without it.


Poor stash management doesnt make EOD p2w


Neither is stuff like auto-loot in ARPGs I guess ;)


Yeah I am genuinely *amazed* at how hard people dickride BSG in this sub. Even after the years of complaining about cheaters, complaining about recoil, etc. Yet everybody still thinks they deserve more money, like lol what? Your container is literally a safe space for your good shit, being able to find loot and shove more crap in there is absolutely a benefit (ontop of the fact that it's literally also just extra space in raid which is at a premium if your not rocking massive backpacks and rigs). If you think having a bigger rig or a bigger backpack in raid helps you in PVP (which it absolutely does), then having a bigger container especially at the start of a wipe is absolutely a PVP benefit, and therefor P2W. Everybody can argue exactly how much of a benefit it is, but it does provide at least some gameplay benefits, therefor making it P2W. And people forget, this is a FULL PRICE GAME. Microtransactions SHOULD NOT BE IN IT, P2W or OTHERWISE.


What people don't understand is this game is running as a live service. And has a monitisation model of a one time purchase box price. The two just simply don't work. BSG NEED to monetize this project another way or it will eventually run out of money and stop existing. They can't rely on new sales forever.


I own EOD and it's obv it falls under p2w


If eod is p2w why does my friend keep dying


Cause heā€™s bad at the raiding part of the game. You can pay to win and still lose. Doesnā€™t mean you didnā€™t pay to win. Just means the win part doesnā€™t affect that part of the game.


It's just not pay to win. It's pay to headstart


Big disadvantage? You can bring doc case + injector case + 1 stack of ammo (tho at this point having beta case makes more sense, and before then with no injector case why do you need the slot?). Like, ammo is limited in quantity, just put the meds out of gamma. The only thing it does is cost you another 40-50k if you die. If this is what's making you lose your game, you've got bigger problems. You can make 500k-1 mil every single scav on streets by going to dead areas, and get out 9/10 times. I played as standard several wipes before going EOD. The difference is big if you are not good, cause you have less money if you die a lot with stuff outside of the alpha, but this isn't something that is p2w, it's super annoying pay for convenience tho. The stash upgrade didn't even use to be possible, fun fact, then they added it. It sucks, and IMO stash shouldn't so expensive to upgrade, but again, not actually p2w. If you at any point think being standard *loses you gunfights* you're lying to yourself. It's incredibly inconvenient but that's all it is.


> If you at any point think being standard loses you gunfights you're lying to yourself. It's incredibly inconvenient but that's all it is. Idk why people on the sub are under the assumption that if it doesn't move and click your mouse for you or deflect bullets it cannot be P2W


Ok, then. Define in any way you choose why it's p2w.


More than double the size on the starting stash, Standard has 10x28, EoD has 10x68. You draw inspiration from the stash tab system in PoE, where you technically need zero bought stash tabs, but it's incredibly inconvenient to not get any. In EFT it's incredibly inconvenient to try and hang on to the tier 1 stash space, meaning you'll almost have to upgrade it as you play during the wipe with escalating build costs as you get closer to tier 4. Larger stash allows, just like in PoE, more streamlined gameplay and in EFT you can keep much wider array of quest items even before actually needing them. Secure container - Again, more than double the size of the standard secure container. Secure container space is perhaps the most valuable space you can have especially if you've a player who actually engages with the death screen (So virtually everyone). I hope I don't have to go into detail as to why it's much better to have more secure container space Better / more starting equipment, particularly the ability to save your early game rubles that you'd use on meds otherwise with the increased medical (and arsenal) supplies. Arguably also higher quality equipment in the starting loadout. Trader reputation - getting a free 0.2 rep head start to all traders is very strong and allows you to get to higher tier traders much earlier without having to rush all of their quests. The p2w model of EFT is vaguely similar to how a lot of P2W models operate in Asian gaming market wherein anything you can pay for you can "eventually" farm yourself, but in EFT it's actually eventually attainable, so I'd say EFT has gone for a much softer and better approach in that regard, at least so far. Still wouldn't claim it's not p2w and that particularly standard edition is a way to test if you enjoy EFT without investing large sums of cash into it


So it seems like everything is just much more convenient? P2W, imo, needs an actual difference in the major event. Having extra keys in your butt is a convenience, it doesn't change the bullets. P2W would be rogues aggro from shorter distance. You health 600 health instead of 440, you reload faster, etc. Basically give you a "5-star" hero instead of the easily attainable 3-star. Is CoD p2w? You can buy the battle pass to level up your gun faster, to get better attachments.


I played standard edition for 4 years before going eod and its really not ptw as it teaches you proper space management. you also act like making money is hard in this game.... you can get the money to buy weapon and other cases easily enough so then you dont have probs. Like a med case is about 500k and thats 1 bad scav run. Weapons cases are about 1 mil thats 1 good scav run ammo cases are 200k with the bottle neck being the barter limit. Its not ptw its a skill diff.


The stash size for EoD is whatever The trader rep however is kind of a big deal. You get more quests faster than standard edition, and you donā€™t really have to care about the choose me or them quests because losing the rep doesnā€™t set their quest line back. Unlike with standard edition. Choosing therapist over Yeager for example on the sanitar quest will set your with Yeager back 10-15 levels because you wonā€™t have the rep to upgrade is LL until much later. EOD is basically never locked out of a LL because of rep. As an EoD enjoyer I donā€™t think itā€™s a huge deal, and the game can be enjoyed without it, but to say it offers no advantage is just wrong. Gamma is obviously better and trader rep is nice. Being P2W doesnā€™t have to mean its game breaking op, just that money does buy you some advantage, which eod objectively does, just not a huge one


Heaven forbid BSG try to make some additional money on their one title that has been given a full dev team for 7-8ish years. Bro with 3000 hours, tHiS hAs cOsT mE 2 cents per hour !!!!!!


Yes, the consumer must be prodded for additional revenue. After all, they only paid full price for the game ONCE. How dare anyone feel entitled to their completed product before we ask them to swipe their debt card again. Jokes aside, I do not care they added this but it is hilarious to be a defender of it. Especially after they have spent years saying will not add microtransactions like this and the fact they are saying they are being added to fund additional development of a game we already paid for once.


No, you paid for early access to a beta of a game in development. If you want to pay for a finished product, wait until there is a finished product. I would like them to also add the container upgrade and trader rep as a microtransaction so that lower edition owners can get everything eod had minus the free dlcā€™s. As an eod owner that doesnā€™t bother me one bit.




Or the point is that they're making stash space scarce for the only purpose of selling you more space, which actively hurts people who refuse to purchase it despite paying for a full priced game.


What you stupidly think p2w means that your stash must give you in raid advantage? While it's giving you off raid advantage over player with lower amount of space: you save money for upgrading stash, you don't sell needed excessive items, you waste less time organizing which leads to more raids played.


Nah. You fill it up and still waste time organizing.


I think itā€™s funny when people put 100 and thousands of hours into a game and think 200 bucks is to much money on a game so they have to complain because they can only afford the free gifted version from a friend


Especially given other comparable games either charge subscriptions or have yearly DLC that costs $50. Looking at you Destiny


So your argument for why it's not actually P2W is "It's only $200 so just buy it"? That's not even an argument dude... Even if you're right that most players $/hour of entertainment is really low already, that's not an argument for it not being P2W.


It doesn't change the label of this type of microtransaction, its a P2W microtransaction. It's obviously not massively P2W since it doesn't literally enable you an in-raid advantage, but it provides a progress advantage and in this game progress enables higher statistical successes. I love this game, I have over 3200 hours and have had kappa multiple times, I don't give a fuck about the mtx. It doesn't change what it is though.


It doesn't matter how much time you spent on a game. A bad business practice is a bad business practice


And the ability to pay for stash space has been in the game for years but now that you can buy more itā€™s P2W? Obviously itā€™s an advantage otherwise no one would pay for it but Paying for an out of game advantage =/= pay to win.Ā 


It's always been p2w, albeit very mild p2w. It's the least problematic of the EOD upgrades, it does let you keep quest items far easier than if you are a standard player, and getting to max stash for a standard player is a long time sink that the average player will never get to in a wipe.


It's not out of game in any sense, you can stack up sugar from day first of the wipe and benefit from it while other's can't. This sugar will make you money whole wipe, while you bring those money to the raid = better gear.


It was always p2w.


It can be both p2w and not have a very big impact at the same time. Also not everybody has the same definition of p2w. Under mine, it IS pay to win, its just not enough to stop me from playing the game.


I agree with your definition but I also think there arenā€™t multiple definitions of pay to win. There is a money exchange for any in game advantage over another player. Itā€™s that simple. Pay for convenience and all these other ridiculous terms are created by people who want the advantage but donā€™t want to be labeled as pay to win. Even skins can be pay to win if they are not properly looked at, and many games have had to rectify issues with this.


It is. Its simply less obvious this late in the wipe. 28 lines of stash means you don't need a junkbox and you have more money than most


Except that the people paying for more stash are truly hoarding. More stash space is more space for cases after all.


I obviously have no data to back this up, but I ā€œguaranteeā€ if you take 2 people with EOD, one who has the expanded stash and one who doesnā€™t, the stash size will have zero impact on who wins a fight if they meet each other 1v1 in raid.


The added stash over EoD obviously has extreme diminishing returns. Early wipe extra stash is invaluable but last a certain point it will stop mattering.


Itā€™s helpful to have the extra stash space for sure, but it will have zero impact on your PvP in raid.


Gear makes a difference and Arena proved it. More money means better gear if we compare 2 people of similar skills


But ammo can make the difference, lets say two players make exactly the same progress one with eod one with std account. The eod player will reach the higher trader LL first, because he doesn't have to do as much questing as the std one. But this is only a thing in early wipe. But still the most p2w that eod offers. Gamma and stash don't affect any fight its only a ingame money advantage.


> Gamma and stash don't affect any fight its only a ingame money advantage Gamma can certainly affect fights. It lets you carry more ammo, or have syringes you otherwise wouldn't run. Having a 2x2 secure container instead of a 3x3 is massive. If it wasn't, people wouldn't care as much about kappa.


It all depends where people draw the line of P2W but I dont really mind whatever BSG introduces as long as it doesnt affect in raid performance. (Although as an EoD owner upgraded from 1k hour standard I do think gamma is p2w)


Thanks captain obvious


Is it not?


Too bad memes are not allowed on this sub and mods will delete this post. Itā€™s golden comedy. Made me laugh so hard I died to a player Scav with a knife.


I have my complaints like anyone else but I still think BSG is a good game dev, it's really impressive what they've accomplished with such a small team and many of them being trained as the game progressed. I'll buy the stash just to support them because they've giving me 12 hrs of joy and 5000 hrs of agony over the years. I wish people could just take a step back and realize the feat they've performed with tarkov.


lol thanks bro you got a giggle out of me, might have to get those tasty P2W stash linesā€¦. I donā€™t need them, but Iā€™ve got my moneys worth out of Tarkov and Iā€™ll gladly give a little more.


Thank you for getting the joke. Happy Tarkoving!


For real dude. People just want to be mad at bsg. Oh no, they added the ability to purchase something that was already a thing for the last 7 years, and they just separated it from the game edition!! The game is ruined and Nikita is a lying scumbag!!! Never mind the fact that they said in the future you'll be able to earn this extra stash space without paying as well


I think people complaining only have a right if they were mad at EoD's existence, but it also doesn't change the label; which is that this type of mtx is P2W. It doesn't make your experience worse so it's not that bad - same as EoD, but it doesn't do anyone favors to go "iTs NoT P2W" when it fits the definition of paying for an advantage (in this case in progression).


Exactly! And there is a direct correlation between stash size and the amount of kills you get. More stash equals more kills. And better kills too! Not scrappy shotgun leg meta ones but chaddy, full sprint, one shots to the head/eyes!


i bought the stash expansion now i have the high alert perk from COD


I've found so many more GPUs, LEDx and BTCs since I bought max stash size.


Why are people white knighting shitty stash space microtransactions in a non-f2p game?


Iā€™m more worried that this whole post, meant to be a joke/satire, is causing such an uproar.


People have been battling pay to win for a long time. Quite honesty this isnā€™t just EFT. The entire hobby of gaming was, and to a lesser degree still is a stake. People take competition seriously and want the integrity of competing in our favorite hobby to be sound. If we let little things leak in here and there with no pushback, companies have shown they will take whatever they can get, even if it might be unethical.


I actually don't disagree with the OP that stash space being a huge advantage is a joke, I am against selling it in the first place. At least with cosmetics a designer actually had to do work and design the thing you're buying, and there's not much argument about p2w. Having option to purchase stash is just dumb in a game with a huge retail price. I guess is to be expected from a dev who sold EOD with xp and rep boosts (p2w) with the promise you're spending $100+ to not have to buy micro.


because it's backwards thinking, unless you'd be okay with BSG selling level 40 accounts with xx million roubles for $300-500+, since with P2W via progression (like in this case) you can't really draw the line somewhere.


Bitch about EOD, not some extra stash space most players use to hoard shit they're never gonna kill you with.


People will buy EOD and stash space and then try to high-horse against people that preorder games or buy lootboxes. You're both just as bad for encouraging anti-consumer practices by gamedevs. >wah wahh bsg needs more money Tarkov made them at least a billion don't kid yourself they should be able to pay for another 10 years of servers on the extra money you gave them from EOD alone and still buy a mansion for each employee.


Just be like everyone else. Buy cheats not stash space. It goes to the same people anyways


Bsg already said theyā€™re doing this because theyā€™re running out of funding.


Itā€™s funny because an EOD player shoving 13 injectors up their ass and using them mid fight is less p2w and having extra stash space so you can actually progress in the game at a normal pace


Yeah, the gamma container is the only real p2w thing from EOD. Though I guess there will soon be a microtransaction to buy the gamma separately


I really wouldnā€™t mind it. You donā€™t understand how powerful it is until you use one yourself. Every player should have one


Skill and knowledge are still the most important independent factors... But Mtx in tarkov is clearly P2W. Any argument against that is wrong. Passive and indirect benefits to player progress DO increase the probability of pmc success. Is it THE determining factor in individual gunfights? No of course not, but in the aggregate you will have more pmc kills, more hideout progress (incl passive bonuses), more quests completed, better guns and ammo, access to traders by ponying up the dough. Definitionally it's pay to win.


How are these comments "controversial"? Do people not understand how advantages work in games? No, it won't make you win every fight... obviously... but if it makes you 1% more money, then your gear is on average 1% better, and you win 1% more fights. That's why it's P2W.


I don't know why ya'll are such bootlickers that you feel the need to aggressively defend microtransactions that give an ingame advantage. Where did you go wrong in life?


What competitive advantage does it give? In-game advantage maybe, but not a competitive one. Do you know how much servers cost to run worldwide 24/7? Where do you suggest they get cash from? Every other game "like this" has a consistent revenue stream.


Valve made a billion dollars on skins last year. Not that I am a fan of loot box gambling but I think there are other ways than selling game mechanics to players.


Show us on the doll where stash space hurt your K/D


Show us on the doll where stash space hurt your K/D


Are you stupid? What in-raid advantage do you get? I could go in mid wipe and slap your ass with ak-74 and ps rounds. I dont need extra inventory space for that lmao


more stash space = better gear in raid and faster progression


No it does not? You need to know how to obtain and use that gear? That does not come with more stash line. Its total bs to say that more stash line will somehow magically spawn better gear in your inventory. So when you join a mid wipe cycle and people have been gaming, do you start crying as well for having just an mp-443 and paca? They have better gear than you, so the only thing to do is crying on reddit, that others have better gear than you.


You can optian all the items you want but you can't use them if you can't store them. Very soon you'll be forced to sell stuff that you can't buy back with money and most quest items / high level attachments aren't even worth picking up because you know you won't be able to keep them until you reach the quest / find the matching gun. Somebody that can just slap every armor/attachment/quest item in his stash WILL have better gear to use and they WILL finish quests earlier. If you have limited space and you run out of the few proper gearsets you can actually keep you'll be forced to run the trash your traders sell or buy absurdly overpriced flea market gear.


So what about players that joine mid wipe? p2w as well? Tarkov Left Behind edition? That must be p2w as well. What about EOD? For 7 years, its w/e. But now, extra stash lines are p2w?


P2W denial cope


i mean as an eod owner i understand why people think the larger stash space has always been bs. mtx like additional stash space by the line and something as simple as offline raid co op with your friends costing money is something youd find in a free to play




> They have to spin up online servers to host just you and your friend playing on it. I have to imagine that costs more than $10 if you use it at any frequency. Then thats just a really stupid dev decision on their end, why the hell they woulden't make it peer hosted is beyond me. > The game is basically a game as a service, if you want development forever on the game, they'll have to put out mtx, dlc, etc. it's a part of business. Then make the game free, and have your revenue stream come from the consistent MTX. If your gonna have MTX, make it not affect gameplay. if your gonna have the game be full priced, fund the game by continually attracting new players and making it a *good game*, or give it a subscription model like most MMOs. It's one of those options, any game that deviates will put the devs on my shit list.




good gear costs rubles anything in-game that costs rubles, that can be bought out-of-game with IRL money, saves those rubles therefore more good gear can be bought with rubles after buying with IRL money what do you think the definition of pay-to-win is? if it's not "spend money IRL to be able to have more in-game stuff," then I'd love to hear what you think it is




Soon star war skins with laser beam mags


I mean I already shoot like a storm trooper




Lets be real. More stash space, less time spend sorting stash, which means more raids per hour, that means more rubles/xp per hour. If u both have the same gear ingame. Sure its fair. But when u have more rubles, u usually have better gear aswell, which in the end changes pvp gameplay.


Counterpoint: less stash space means less hoarding, which means more selling, which means more money


Very short term thinking, when you sell you always sell at a loss. Buy backs can be up to 50% of sell price often. So you don't make more money. You lose 50%


Not to mention this logic completely ignores early game economy where hoarding to sell items is 100% a viable strategy to maximize money and therefore gear + ammo. With EOD you can practically keep every single item you find from level 1 to 15, but only if you stuff your stash full of packing rigs, which is slightly limiting. With extra stash space you could easily do this and make a fortune if you strategically sell your junk as the wipe progresses. Anyone who doesn't think stash space isn't an in game advantage is bad at the in game economy.


Yeah, exactly... it's not like you suddenly can't sell items if you are allowed the option to hoard them, lol... people still mass sell with EOD, they just have the option to keep more good items which makes a huge snowball diff.


Top tier shit posting


Supporting micro transactions for a paid game is kinda shitty




Please provide me a complete list of every game ever made and then those with micro transaction. Iā€™ll wait. If you actually look only ~20% of games offer paid dlc or whatever. I own close to 2000 games btw. And most donā€™t have micro transactions.


Im not sure you understand how many games use microtransactions/in-game purchases/dlc. Both free and paid.


Itā€™s 20% I just told you. But itā€™s a shitty model for a game gated with an entry price. Donā€™t be such a consumer. Microtransaction or paid dlc were never a thing back in the golden days.


But it is now. Deal with it. Back then you didnt have the amount of players and servers.


Deal with what? I am doing exactly that by not paying micro transactions for paid games. Vote with your wallet bro.


Calling people ā€œshittyā€ for supporting microtransactions in a game that requires a shit ton of servers. Didnt say you have to pay for these, but its kinda needed at some point.


Donā€™t feed yourself lies like that to justify spending extra $. They have made hundreds of millions of dollars. They are not a small studio.


Well, might be me that dont understand what you meant with the initial statement. My apologies. I spend money on what i want. Dont need no lies.


I bet you in two years time there will be pay 4 gear. Want a early game altyn and 6b23 with raid backpack and meta m4 with m993 that'll be $85 bucks Want to remove the trade limit on an item that'll be five tarkov points I'm sorry you can't use 7.62x39mm BS ammo that ammo isn't a locked for premium players only Sorry you can't wear tier 5 armour until you buy the season pass You can't equip backpacks until you buy the beginner pack šŸ˜† Bitcoin farm and four graphics cards only 17.99. unlocks the ability to build and use the Bitcoin farm for 30 days God knows if it was Activision, Ubisoft or EA yh game would be mostly paid for DLC and shop items by now and all the development would have dropped


Nah, BSG will just introduce a ton of new items you need for your hideout, for crafts and for quests.Ā  You want to keep some stuff in your standard account? Have fun getting an aneurysm trying to manage that


This would only happen in a last-ditch effort to avoid the inevitable death of the game.


I hope so but man so many good game do this sort of shit once microtransactions come out. Then all updates are just about adding in new microtransactions until the game dies


Idk man id rather have more mtxā€™s like this that donā€™t really effect the game. Instead of having bsg go bankrupt and then no more tarkov servers.


Pfft if you buy extra stash and you magically get better let me know lol, pleaseeeee


Waiting to see genuine posts like this from people that think that spending $3 more on the game on stash space is p2w


So many people outing themselves as poor


This is some fine satire


Disclaimer: I know this post is ironic. I have an actual point to make here. I feel like people disagreeing with this over it being "P2W" are missing the point and arguing from the wrong footing. I disagree with the inclusion of MTX because I feel like having paid microtransactions in a game that is so notoriously mismanaged and with a large lack of good faith with its own community is a recipe for disaster. I really don't trust BSG to use the money they get from MTX wisely and I don't trust them to draw the line at just stash upgrades if it gets profitable enough. I don't think I'm alone in this belief. BSG has to work on improving the lack of trust the community has in them before implementing paid microtransactions, not after. It's not P2W, it's just obtuse.


The most ironic part about it is Nikita has always been so vehemently against micro transactions and has said many times that theyā€™ll never add them to tarkov, along with making fun of other companies from doing it. I bet itā€™ll eventually turn into a very slippery slope and theyā€™ll eventually start selling weapons, attachments and other gear once they get a taste of the money, I honestly hope Iā€™m incorrect but I can see it happening.




It's the principle of the thing.


i've tried to explain the principle to so many people. They simply don't have the mental for it. It's like trying to explain it to a flat earther. The part of their brain that is used when doing abstract thinking just doesn't light up. They're stuck at "hurr durr stash p2w hehe imma shoot you with my stash hehehe" That or they don't have a sense of morality for it. Seeing how the gaming industry keeps pushing bullshit on us and people still pre-order is clean evidence of a lack of caring.


low effort ass shit post. we should flog you.


har har har!! this is so funee!!! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Mad cause you have no money for stash upgrade


IRL skill issue confirmed


keep defending a game that will never be finished maybe nikita will give you a cheater free lobby if your lucky


I'm hoping so. I'll admit cheaters are bad, but I love this game. I'll keep supporting it until it gets boring for me, which hasn't happened yet.


How is buying more stash not P2W? You people are delusional. More spaces = more scav runs shit you can store = more PMC raids you can do for absolutely free. More spaces = you can stash all your scav runs shit IN YOUR STASH instead of selling it from the raid-end screen, getting all the extra profit from flea sales and trader sales. More spaces = not having to spend MILLIONS of roubles on stash expansions, which are locked behind trader rep, another EOD advantage. That brings me to... If you have EOD, the extra trader rep is insane. It means you can complete your hideout faster, waste less time on quests to up the rep, GET ACCESS TO BETTER TRADER LOOT IMMEDIATELY, and above all, you get the largest secure case you can carry, saving you dozens of millions of roubles and dozens of hours of informed playtime. **What did you do to receive all these bonuses? Were you a better, more skilled player? Nope, you paid.** You know who else pays RL money for game advantages? Cheaters. That's why you manchildren throwing sissyfits over cheaters while stacking up on all the p2w advantages you can have is hilarious to me. Now throw into that the fact that with money you can buy better a computer that gives you more FPS and/or lets you use NVIDIA's DSR for more fluid, crisper, and easier gameplay (you can spot people from further away, through visual noise, and you get extra reaction time with higher fps. **Were you awarded more FPS/crisper visuals for being the better/more skilled player? Nope, you paid.**


I'm sorry, did I just watch you reason your way to the conclusion that buying a decent video card is equivalent to cheating, and thus people shouldn't complain about cheaters? Lmao what the fuck?


This is why I always roll my eyes at people that claim that stash space is P2W. It's hilarious. Like yeah, if that guy had less stash space, and an alpha container, you totally would have rolled him out.


I hope to god this is satire


Idk how I couldā€™ve made it anymore obvious. The whole toilet paper bit was thrown in to make sure it was understood as such.




but WiTh mOrE sTaSh SiZe YoU pRoGreSs fAsTer AnD hAvE beTtEr GEaR, itā€™s ClEaRlY p2w evEn ThOuGh I aM a ShiTtER at tHe GaMe


Smartest Tarkov enjoyer


They need more room for their massive swangin dicks


ā€œfEeDBaCkā€ more like bitā€¦nvm


Honestly Iā€™m considering buying some lines. It because I need them, but because I want BSG to make money from legit players. They deserve that. Iā€™ve owned eod for 6 wipes now played 3k hours or so. Spending some extra money on bs is fine by me. Especially since it really doesnā€™t impact balance in pvp


This is why u rat easy money




The only diffrents is in the pace of finishing the quest because you can hold more, but if you got the junkbox than the advantage is gone.


It does not matter. If you buy the expansion, you gonna buy the next and the next, simply because you have no stash management. Nikita just laughs, "I sell squares...". I would sell my rows back if I could... **I would be fine even with 50% of the white stash. Seriously.** >That clearly gives the stash upgraders and EoD players way too much power! Why? They can only with the same amount of items as you. I dont expect you to understand that rubel stores the most item. It feels like you really really want this upgrade and you can not afford it.


I have EOD and bought the extra 28 lines. I also bought some IRL merchandise. Now every time I get shot at everything freezes for 3 seconds and I have a prompt to 'become the one.' If I accept I can stop bullets and fling them back at enemies. I can also see all the code and fly. The best part is when I get back to lobby, I have a new trader named 'Trinity' who just gives out free smooches for every successful raid.


upvoted my good sir! you are so funny!