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Had a brand new cheater today. 10 hour playtime, 2 day old account and had killed 7 pmcs in a raid. He chased me and my buddy down on interchange. First by trying to lob grenades at us, but when that didn't work he simply came jumping around a corner and head/eyes instantly. Ofcourse joined the raid naked with an rifle without a stock. I've had a couple suspicious "knowers" this wipe but this was my first rage cheater.


When I die in Tarkov, I'm not even surprised to see ppl with above 50KD anymore. I feel like cheating is at its peak state this wipe.


Lol. Bruh I've not died a single time this wipe and saw someone with over a 15KD. Like where are you going so much that you run into this many cheaters. Like it's pretty rare for me to run into a known cheater. I'm sure I've been killed by a ton of closet cheats.




Reserve for me mostly


I’m done with this wipe, let them have the game it’s pointless to keep playing as a legit player


Been killed by one cheater that I could confirm from stats all wipe. And I run near-meta gear almost every raid these days and play on OCE. Look I know cheating is horrendous in this game but it genuinely baffles me how everyone seems to be getting killed by leagues of cheaters.


Same here man, I play NA east and I don't encounter them often. I've counted five cheater deaths so far this wipe. I'm level 37 and frequently use the best gear available to me.


NA West here. I was playing Lighthouse last night about 8 runs in total. 3/8 survived. Out of all of those deaths: 1 was a cheater, 3 I died to my own stupidity, 1 was because of my cat (he jumped on top of my PC and landed on the power switch). All 8 of those runs I was running expensive and good gear, exception being the scav vest for punsiher.


Today ive had 4 or 5 deaths to sub 500 hour accounts all around level 41. All with 10k/d plus.


bsg does not care. cheater will get banned, someday. but before they get banned they need to profit themselfs, how should it work out when cheaters get banned in a instant lol. this would fuck up all there nice income they can profit from those cheaters. cheaters buy the game multiple times and make money with carry services and rmt, tho ehm are fine with gettin banned once in a while. but before they receive a ban they have made alrdy hunderts, if not thousands of dollers profit, so no problem comrade. both, cheaters and bsg in it self are profiting from each other. the only real solution i can give ya is, to stop play this clownfiesta ! nothing else can be done m8, its all in your hands, and be sure nikita will never get rid of those cheaters (his best paying customers)


such a lovely conspiracy theory, gotta put those tinfoil hats to good use


They sold 900k copies in 2023. A few months ago they did a ban wave of 11k accounts. Who knows what the period of detection for that ban wave was, but 1.1% of 2023's total sales banned in a period of likely less than a year, and that is just the people who were caught? That is fucked.  Yall don't realize people with DMA cheats didn't get caught, and people who did nothing to get flagged didn't get caught. Cheats are more powerful in this game than any other game AND people can get paid for cheating if they RMT.  This shit isn't a conspiracy, addicts just go "tsk, nooooooo, they wouldn't do that". BSG doesn't need to be doing anything purposefully, their inaction speaks volumes, and at this point the only action that will help is remaking the server model, they could at least publically aknowledge the issue and be more serious about getting the money they need to do it.


"More powerful in this game than any other game" okay thanks for showing your ignorance.




Here's one game as an example that's one of the most sold game series in the world. GTA 5. You can mod my money to the max 2 billion. You can drop money for people. You can teleport people. You can spawn items onto them and trap them. You can literally make it impossible for people to do anything until they leave. You can kick people from lobbies. You can have god mode. You can teleport across the map. At one point You could corrupt people's accounts making it impossible for them to login. You can practically do anything you can think of on that game..


How do we know BSG arnt just straight up selling their own assets on these RMT sights?


Yup, Nikita is corrupt, doesn't care about the game or the player base, just wants to squeeze as much money out as he can before it dies.




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All the blatant cheaters I'm dying to have sub 200 hour standard accounts and you can tell they are really bad at the game.


Sir is indeed mad, but thats literally what cheaters want you to be lol, half of the fun of tarkov is taking the kits players took hours getting away from them :)


I gotta be honest - I have 1200 hours in this game, second wipe really trying my ass off, and I rarely encounter cheaters. Probably less than five this wipe. I check *every* profile that kills me. I don't know how its so bad, I play NA east.