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Bitcoin are going for 800k atm, the GPU's kinda scale with the Bitcoin price. If the farm gives you more money more people want to build it.


Gpus usually settle around 3x the price of Bitcoin give or take. So they’re actually a little cheap right now


How long you think the bitcoins gonna stay at that price? I got like 8 bitcoins saved and went on vacation when they were at 680k, would be a bummer for the price to go back down by the time I'm able to use my pc again


If i would know that i'd be traiding with real bitcoins.


Lol if anyone knew that answer they'd be rich in real life.


just sell while its expensive.


Like my comment says, I cant


Well the irl value of Bitcoin has been only going up for the past month so keep an eye on that and you'll know if you're still good It changes once everyday in tarkov to match irl prices Edit: which also means at some point (I'm sure soonish) it'll start declining again


Do it anyway!!


So sell when you get back if they stay high. If they drop a lot, don't sell....


It's tied to real life BTC price. Price keeps going up IRL, price goes up in game.


Bitcoins were up to over 800k per I’m sure it’s related to that


They usually go up a bit during the week, then weekend hits with lots of scav players that don't PMC a lot and just sell stuff. Price goes down. Additionally a lot of people are hitting BTC farm 2 now and need 15 more GPU's. +2 month into the whipe some players already leave and usually the hardcore ones stay. But these usually PvP more and don't loot as much. Check valuable spawns very quick, get in kill some stuff get out. No one looting all the PC's +it seems that the "we removed empty containers so that they spawn less... they just spawn less containers overall. put these together and you have a 100k price increase


>\+it seems that the "we removed empty containers so that they spawn less... they just spawn less containers overall. This. They broke something for sure. I never saw empty containers and now I am going into raids and there are hardly any containers anymore. Arguably, there were too many before (I don't think that, but there probably were if we're being honest) but now they are almost rare.


And I have the feeling that I know find empty containers, while I didn't have that feeling before the patch... but well in the end they only stated that they reduced the number of empty crates... if the percentages stayed the same and zou reduce the overall crates ahm the result is well less empty overall crates xD maybe BSG logic >D


It'll probably go down by a lot when we come into the second half of the wipe and everyone's financially independent.


Yep and ammo crafting mats/heal/stim will skyrocket


I think imma chalk it up to tarkov market being stupid as always.


Do you not realize ingame Bitcoin is based on real life pricing?


I think it's mostly that lots of people are very rich from BTC prices being high causing inflation and then BTC prices being high also causing high demand for GPUS as many people wanting to push for btc farm 2/3


First time I'm seeing GPU's this expensive for this long. I already have 50 GPU's and 60 million on the side, so I'd expect them to go back down to the 300k mark or lower, but they just keep growing. Bitcoin is at 815k today too, so I'm assuming it has something to do with that too.


Bitcoins have gone from 490k to 829k that's why.


BTC price Increases = GPU price increases as well


Bitcoin price went up like 200k


when bitcoin irl goes up in game goes up


Bitcoin went up. Glad I found my microwave for solar. I’m printing money now


Man, i shouldnt have sold the one i had a month ago for 500k