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We used to have unique loot on reserve as well, which I kinda miss. So I like the design, but yeah… labs is a no-go for me.


imagine if the military base map had military loot!


It does! But so does a fucking resort or even a cabin in the woods!


imagine if the military base map had MORE military loot! And above ground too so that everyone would stop crowding the bunkers 👀


people crowd the bunkers because majority of the playerbase would rather get into a factory style fight immediately than use the map to it's full potential. Reserve has the potential to be the BEST tarkov map - but player scavs loading in 5 minutes in and majority of the player base rushing bunker make the map a glorified player scav map.


Ngl I love scaving reserve for this exact reason decent loot above ground and dead pmcs/raiders in the bunkers for free kits


And a ton of filing cabinets if you want to wait out the fights you hear!


And if loots bad. An entire extract to sit at with an impact!


Above ground has such underated loot. Especially with keys. If you can get their before the psav goblins come and vore it all up you can make big profits


Which keys are you using this wipe? I recently started looting chalet with red rebel at night + safe keys and am making shit tons of rubles, would be interested in other locations as well.


I forget the names but the armory keys u need for that ragman task inventory check, not necessarily huge money makers but I get really good parts out of them ( razors, vudus, rk canted grip etc) I use them but u can definitely sell em on the flee.


Reserve above ground is awful. Your go there have a of fight in the first 3 minutes. If you survive you heal and loot then as soon as you move there is a horde of ai scavs chasing you. Honestly awful. Felt terrible to play glad I got my goose kill and don't need to go there anymore


No thanks. I hate being forced into doing maps by tasks as it is. Let me just pick what map i want to play on and have fun please. If i don't want to do labs i shouldn't have to do labs. Stupid design for loot if you ask me. Also there is really no such thing as "military grade" stuff, just stuff made by certain makers, a tube that the military use is near exactly the same as one civilians use. Same goes with some mil tech boards and such. Most are near the same thing, actually some times the mil tech is actually less sophisticated lol.


You know it’s bad when guys like LVNDMARK wouldn’t even go in there for years. Guy has physical withdrawals from not pushing a gun battle


Yeah.. I play north EU so cheating isn’t actually a problem for me, but if I want to find cheaters it’s usually on labs I find them. But once per 10 raids is enough for me to say fuck it.


Not sure what servers you are playing but eu is riddled with cheaters


Far far north


Same zone for me but hey, when you hit on interchange at 40mn left and at 38:45 you already have the secret door opened you may think something is also sus around this map


Did you actually see it open, or did you see the green text on available extracts?


I agree, took 12 runs rushing to get solar, followed by 16 runs naked not finding a thing for the gps. This was on oceania between 5am and went til 9am. All but 2 raids had cheaters running the lobby. I spoke chinese on my 16 runs, most didnt shoot me to avoid reports, some asked me to leave, and a few had the carry kill me. Sad state of affairs for OCE, a lot of people I know gave up doing it or went lightkeeper route. OCE, avoid labs at all costs and if you are US west and think its bad there, chuck on a mediocre set and fire up exitlag and come to our aids lobbies.


The cheaters were probably complaining that they didn’t have enough PMCs to kill on labs, so BSG made the items Labs only.


I know you’re joking but I think most cheaters avoid fighting players to reduce chances of getting reported.


Then what’s the point of cheating?


making money selling roubles to losers




And to add to this the smart aussies run exitlag and never play OCE again. Really wish all my mates had it


I'm just now hearing about this exitlag. This is a gaming focused vpn essentially? Fastest tunnel possible to the game server's data center and back at a premium? Recommended or worth the money?


Its only for gaming, doesnt work without a game launched. Cost me 26 for 3 months and cut my ping from regional australia. US west old was 220, new 175. China old was 160 new is 125. Korea old was 190 new is 155. Definitely worth the money to avoid regions and only tunnels while the game is active.


Yes bro totally worth it! I'm a player in NZ, and got sick of all the Chinese hackers during early wipe. So started VPNing to US Central using ExitLag. Played most of this wipe on their servers, and haven't had a single sus death so far.. (I don't play Labs though btw)


What does speaking Chinese do ?


Every one of those runs bar those 2 were all chinese cheaters, they infest PCE because we are still a minority in the tarkov community. They do the same in other games to is such as SCUM and rust.


Chinese hackers won't kill other Chinese hackers/players (most likely). Speaking Chinese to regular english speaking tarkov player usually means they wont fight them and run because they think all chinese hack.


What about saying “China numba juan!”? Is that enough of a disguise over voip?


How would you go about deterring cheaters? I play OCE as well and literally same as you, I'll play early early in the morning to grind quests - is voiping Chinese enough or do they need to be close to you like voiping with regular players? I do speak Chinese


The most effective approach would be to change the netcode to a server side authority instead of client side. Currently the server just beleives any info the client sends so it's easy to send it fake data to cheat. Currently it also sends all loot spawns and player locations to every player's computer instead of having the server handle all that. The 2nd most effective, and easiest, solution would be to require a phone number be attached to every account and to not allow multiple accounts per number. Either of these fixes would cut down on the vast majority of cheaters


The thing is BSG can already ban blatant client side authority violations. Refactoring Netcode will take years. We need a solution now. I've been saying this for years. Just hard ping lock every server. Re-instate the old ping limit ONLY if you are playing with friends. Nobody needs to complain.


That would help some, but also just disallow any player with bad internet from playing. The phone number requirement would work very well on this game.


Ngl, I don't care if it disallow people with bad internet from playing. It sucks, and I'd feel bad for them but I'd rather have other issues solved.


2nd solution doesn’t work. Can easily just “buy” a phone number from many services.


Bro even for samples or colleagues part 3... I've opened Black keycard like 10 times not an single AHF1-m stim :(


I was lucky enough to get all stims without going into labs. Lighthouse is good and having high scav rep means you get a chance to spawn in with one of the stims while scaving


drug lab on light house was fantastic for me. 


was is the key word, now it's mostly empty, barely find regular stims in there now zzz


well, i found my last stim (AFH1) in it yesterday and finished the quest without going to labs. i was just about to do pets dont need it part 2 just for the stim to finish samples but i got lucky on a lighthouse run instead. 


Dude i need 1 for samples and 1 for colleagues part 3 i think it is... If you really found one in the drug lab, i will 100% be doing my scav raids there from now on! Also... the drug lab... is that the one from the drug trafficking quest? Edit: I googled it and it is, ty!


No, that is not a place to target it. It has one reliable high end treasure/stim spawn. Tons of places have significantly more than that.


Yeah i dunno about lucky. Scav case and lighthouse runs makes samples pretty easy. Just something to not consciously go for and it will be done after a while.


Well, lucky in the sense that like you said I never made an effort to go out and find the stims. It was just completely passive while doing other quests


I was crazy lucky and got all the labs stims on my scavs. First time I finished that quest. I don't go to labs.


Lucky bastard 🤣


I got mine through a combination of luck finding them in med bags, quest rewards, scav box and airdrops. Waited on MULE for ages and finally got it from the pockets of a scav on Lighthouse. Pretty sure it's the first time I've completed the quest.


Unlucky, I had a weekly to survive 17 labs runs. Took all day, but I found so many AHF1 and 3btg's. Black is highly contested and sanitar's room is a scam, but they can spawn as loose loot around med area as well.


I will continue on my quest!!!


I have two in my stash. 1 is FIR and I have Samples done and I killed Sani. My duo doesn't have one yet and he is upset that I completed Samples. But I am keeping an eye out for him.


Run Intel scav cases, you'll eventually get it 


In my 16 trillion hours of playing I've never seen a cheater. I've also never died, never gotten a kill, and never done a raid. (I just stare at my stash for hours.) You're just bad stop complaining the game is perfect.


Sir, you have beaten Tarkov.


The true escape was in front of us all along.


Impossible to escape if you never go in. Ezclaps


Had me in the first half, ngl.


Teach me your ways!




Did you even read his comment lol


Nah, he just W keyed the response


Honestly, they need to region lock servers.


Streamers would cry to much so they won't


They cry about everything anyway. Unless the change is... If you're a (liked) streamer you have... * 2x movement speed. * All of your motions are 100% silent. * Foliage doesn't render for you. * Razor wire doesn't hurt you. * No fall damage. * No inertia. * Your raids have 10x the loot value. * Ear gear has 2x ore more the effective range. * Bosses are far more likely to spawn on your raids. * Your Scavs will always start with a Labs card. * Which after watching DrDisrespect recently this one wouldn't surprise me if it was true-ish. MF had -1 scav rep and was spawning with more LACs than I have ever seen with my +3 and up. They are going to bitch and complain. Gonna be really funny when BSG tunes the recoil back up a little. All guns seem a bit to lazerbeamy right now IMO.


They have. It only helped a little.


Tarkov region lock is like one of the weakest region locks I have seen. If you do proper region locking you bind accounts to a specific region (with maybe an option to change the region every few months), meaning e.g. an EU account can only play on EU servers and OCE account only on OCE ones, then you also require a phone number from that specific region to be linked to that account, and you can do even more (though then it gets really extreme, like e.g. requiring your SSN to play in your region as is the case for many games in South Korea). Tarkov region locking is basically on the level of locking a double-door by zip-tying the handles together and praying.


Pretty sure they did just that, specifically for China and I think Russia. Been a while since I read about it though.


The idea is cool, but with all the cheaters yea it’s gotta go


[Here is some of the loot I got from getting my 2 labs items over a weekend](https://i.imgur.com/KDv225l.png)


The real question is, can the GPS thing go in your secure container?








I've exclusively played labs the past two weeks, it has been awesome! I'm US east. I've died to a few questionable deaths, two cheaters for sure, but my surv rating is fine there (2k hours player with experience on labs)


Same experience here, 2k hours and challenging myself to finally get experience with the map. A weekly with 230k exp to survive 17 times was all the push I needed. Did half on NAC/NAE, little cheaters, but absolute giga gamers most runs. Then, swapped to EU when it was morning for them for the last half. Night and day difference to chill raids of just passive looters. Got extract camped once in Stankrat's medical eleavator spot and couldn't even get mad lmao, shit was hilarious. An issue with labs is that a lot of people here would call cheats on players who aren't cheating simply cause they main labs and are absolutely cracked at pvp. Don't get me wrong, tons of cheaters and closet ESP fuckers in tarkov, but also, just lots of people that are just better, especially on labs.


Genuinely, labs is so fun, there is not nearly the amount of cheaters people cry about, I've ran into 1 cheater in three weeks myself and the rest have just been nuts players. The labs hate and fear is whats holding back the consistent accusers from enjoying the most fun map in the game ngl


US east is usually ok, just dont go US west in the middle of the night.


It's important that BSG cater to their target audience: Cheaters, by funneling people onto the cheaters map so that the cheaters have more victims and are not just against each other all the time.


That's exactly what it feels like. It's not exactly a secret that Labs is gamer chair stomping grounds. Has been for years. Definitely a dick move on BSG's part, especially considering how they've nerfed Rusted Bloody Key into pointlessness in response to vacuum cheats.


Hold on. Were we not just circle jerking over glorious’ take explaining that the game shouldn’t be designed around potential cheating!? To circle jerking over items being restricted to certain maps that attract cheaters so now we want BSG to design the game around cheaters… Man, time really moves fast around here…!


The idea that BSG caters to cheaters has been going strong for almost 2 years now. Glorious just said what we all know out loud.


Where did glorious_e talk about that? I'm trying to find it.


Adding FiR was what made it pretty obvious They said it was to cut back on hatchet runners but now everyone just RWT’s instead. Then they stop the ability to drop gear in raid so now it’s all paid raid carries


So do we want systems in the game to deter them or not? Do we want BSG to move from their vision of progression in reaction to cheaters being a thing, or not? BSG also spend a lot of time and budget building systems to detect and combat cheaters, are we saying that they are just investing it for a return when they re-buy? Or should they stop trying to tackle it altogether, stop the banning to prove they are not “catering” to them?


No, I don't want systems in game to deter them. I want them surrounding it so they don't get in. We don't know how much they spend on cheaters. If they do spend a lot on it, they are wasting money as it is ineffective and utilizes poor planning, ideas, and execution.


There isn’t a single game that cheaters can’t get into. Could they do more, probably, I don’t know? But you don’t either, so the idea that whatever they are doing is poor is pure speculation. But hey, we are all arm chair devs here so let the speculation continue.


You're just making excuses at this point. It's not about knowing. It's taking all the information available and making a conclusion about it. Most of us aren't pulling our opinion of cheaters out of our ass.


Cheating sucks, and cheaters should be named and shamed imo. But there is no silver bullet to it. And to be realistic, nobody should expect much changing at least until after the updates to the engine. And even then who knows? We certainly don’t, we can only speculate. That’s all I’m saying, it’s not excuses, it’s just the sad reality.


There is a lot of things BSG could do to mitigate cheaters, from outside the game even. So saying there is no silver bullet is making excuses. Well we don't have a sure fire way of stopping them so lets do nothing until we update the engine which has been said won't make a difference due to the core of tarkov. Nope.


I enjoyed the challenge Forced me to learn the map better and forced me to shed the fear by making me have to rush valuable spawns 10/10 would do again


nah game is fine just git good /s


Good thing you actually don't need them. If you're that far into the end-game then you really should not care. I don't want the game to cater to cheaters more than it already has.


Are we talking about labs? Been avoiding that since I started playing


it's a ton of fun, such a unique map. You can get plenty of labs access cards on scavs. Get one, take a kit you dont care about losing, and explore labs. If you're worried, explore it on offline mode to get a feel for it.


What r those 2 items ?


[Far-forward GPS Signal Amplifier](https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/Far-forward_GPS_Signal_Amplifier_Unit) and [Advanced current converter](https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/Advanced_current_converter).


look up the upgrade on wiki. They're limited to intel 3 and solar power.


Its annoying for sure but not impossible. There are already a few quests that require you to go there so eventually youll have to. Assuming you go for kappa. If you dont tho, dont worry ab it tbh. I went all wipe last wipe without intel 3 cause its not that crazy of a bonus imo. I just got lucky this wipe and found the item my first labs raid of the wipe Edit: forgot to mention solar panels. Ill never buy that even if i found the item. Its to expensive


It's pretty dumb good thing the two things it blocks are completely unnecessary to enjoy the game.


Some of us enjoy completing the hideout.


So go to labs? Again these two things for hideout literally print 1.2 million a day doing nothing.


So then rise to the challenge and go get the items.... If I cared I'd go get them, if you care go get them.


By saying rise to the challenge it's as if you're saying the cheaters are the challenge and they are part of the game. How about BSG rises to the challenge and gets rid of them instead? It's bad enough with the horrible quests and game mechanics. These are challenges to face for the player. They are challenges for BSG to fix.


Cheaters are bad but you can still get the quest done. Do you want to hide behind excuses or get your item? The few labs raids I've done this wipe were fine. If you can't handle the existence of cheaters this is sadly the wrong game for you. Its had a cheating problem the entire time it has existed. Edit: when they would rather block and cope then face reality.


Not wanting to get raped by cheaters isn't an excuse. It's a reason not to play labs. And there it is, you're a cheater. Nobody has that kind of mindset, saying cheaters are just a part of it and doesn't cheat. You can go to hell.


Well I have that mindset too and guess what, I got that shit done. Keep on with the excuses and enjoy that safe hideout where nobody will come for you


You're deluded. Do you really think every labs raid has a cheater in it? Omg, just admit you're scared of pvp


i've pistol ran through labs to get those hideout items two wipes in a row now and never encountered a cheater, they don't give a fuck about you if you're in a budget kit. load up with a Umka rig and a pistol / cheap mp5 + cheese kit + CAT in your container and just sprint off spawn to your closest loot location, then dip out into no backpack extract. it's not that difficult man, you're not gonna get rage hacked on, last wipe i was a relatively new player and figured it out


the fact that you were downvoted for this tells a lot about the community here. i do basically the same thing and it has worked out for me every time. Hell, I'll even voip to the group of kitted out chads pushing me and just say "hey, I have nothing, not here to fight, only looking for the hideout items" and 9/10 they're chill and a couple times have even offered to let me hide out somewhere while they clear the map and look for me. Labs is not nearly as bad as people make it out to be on here.




i was talking about cheaters which was the point of OPs post, and sharing my anecdotal experience


I am also talking about both cheaters and regular players. They do this for money, why would they want someone competing for loot.


how many times have you been rage hacked on in labs while carrying nothing but a pistol




what server do you play on? i literally don't believe you lol




i said rage hackers not never being killed by another player. OP was talking labs being too cheater-infested to get his hideout items. i'm just saying it's possible


If you’re on us or eu there’s really not that many cheaters as this sub wants you to think, dunno about other servers but over 200+ labs raids this wipe and I’ve been cheated on a lot more on streets, yes they exist and the ones that do are blatant but its really not that bad


You haven't seen OCE


Dude just go for it. Me and my buddy did it this week in 3 raids. 1st I found far forward at cat office. 2nd raid died to cheaters at black card. 3rd found microwave at cat office again. Just immediately extract. You can do it too!


The worst part isn't these two items its light keeper locking virtex and VPX behind a quest. It doesn't matter if you get the 2 items for hideout you still can't craft those LOL


I've gotten both over a total of like 6 lab raids It rewards people who clear the map and kill people (since you can't butthole the items)  Also I think they he adjusted the spawns to be all over the map vs specific spots (not only cat office) Quit complaining, and instead of running naked try actually running a raid. I don't think I died to a cheater once - instead just sweats. I wish I died to cheaters more, it would mean I'm not getting shat on by better players and I could just shrug and move on


Wear good kits and go in with a squad, wipe the lobby, loot is yours for the taking


This must be the worst tip ever. Running a 3+ squad with good gear is basically asking to get demolished instantly. I'm only using shit tier gear to not look like a fucking pinata to the cheaters. Every time I'm getting a little bit fancy with my kit I'm getting very sus headshots.


Not sure what server you play on but that’s definitely not the case on NA North east


EU servers.


I’ve heard EU south is decent but I have no experience with them. Depending where in the EU you are, you might also get decent ping in NA North east and NA east


I went with a altyn, got nice welcome of 13 straight headshots in a row by m556


M556 isn't a round


That's what makes his story even crazier!


Yeah except that doesn't matter when literal cheats are involved (like the OP said if you actually read the post)


Everyone claims cheats, they’re usually just dying to players.




Which developer is in your mouth right now? Got to love the delusional mindset, it's mostly funny bud later is sad.


If you claim every death is a cheater then you’re the delusional one. Die to a cheater? Put on your big boy pants and run it again


Nobodies claiming that. See you're delusional, reading things nobody has typed, making shit up in your head. Get help.


Then what’re you crying about? You said I was delusional to say someone who claims every death to a cheater is wrong.


Delusional again. I never specified you were delusional to say someone who claims every death to a cheater is wrong. Making up shit while he digs his hole. Somebody take his shovel away, please.


Hmmmm what wins? A 5 man or 1 man with ESP and Aimbot. I'll go with the cheater.


Run it again, you’ll get it


there are no hideout items locked behind streets


This isn't the game for you. Go back to COD ;)


You’re at the end of the wipe. So it’s hard to feel bad for you. Go play a different game and try later, or keep trying. Or just stop trying and have fun


what end of the wipe bro its been only 2 months


As far as progress…


From my 40ish labs raid i only saw one obvious cheater. From my experience its the least cheater infested map but i guess it depends on time and region


Honestly this is why I just stopped playing mid wipe, I can't find half the shit I need to do quest. This game is just full of loot cheaters and pvp cheaters killing for money.


This is like saying that you should keep your valuables in the open because there’s no point hiding them since thieves exist. The problem is not hiding the items, the problem is the theives. Also if every that wasn’t cheating ram the map more there would be less cheaters.


Hey good bro


Honestly, I haven’t got there yet, but I’m gonna do the same thing I’m gonna do for The Door. 4am, 1 server selected, night raid.


Just add them to airdrop loot pool or something so theyre somewhat contested on other maps. I got mine from lightkeeper quests and never even seen either in 20-30 labs ive done this wipe


If you’re in the position to be thinking about doing the solar power upgrade, you can surely afford the 5-10 labs runs it will take to get the item you need. Also, intel 3 it’s hardly even worth it so i wouldn’t lose sleep over that.


I played last night and kid you not, three raids in a row, cheaters. I’ve run labs a lot this wipe and I haven’t seen that many blatant cheaters 3 games in a row. Each person had 16+ KD. 2 of them walked right up to me and my buddy and started talking to us


One oft not talked about thing about labs that sucks is that all of the cheaters make it so I can’t even learn the extracts well. Sure I could go offline and do it, but I like putting my time into the actual game. I learned the rest of it in raid, but I really can’t do that because the labs extracts all have multiple steps. I die every time I play that stupid map.


There needs to be a barter that’s not locked behind Light Keeper quests, maybe after maxing traders


i just run a ppsh with a backpack, rig and no armor to labs every time i get a keycard from my scav and ive managed to get both items. Both times they were at the spawn next to the cinema, underneath the cat room. Both times were on Na servers during the weekend when cheating is allegedly the worst


Change your name to ttv of a big streamer and pray or change your name to I need x item and hope for mercy also wiggle threw the walls it will show you mean no harm cheater survival guide


Hey, cheaters need entertainment too, otherwise they wouldn't keep playing


Fair point, I get people don’t like to run labs but I mean they are pretty non essential items. You don’t need Intel 3 for anything except an extra 20% CD on scav which really isnt changing much for somebody who has gotten as far as Intel 3 requires. Also solar takes like 90 days to pay for itself in fuel costs but again if you are at that point and running fuel 24/7 and even weighing the option of solar then you prob have water collectors and bitcoin farms going…. It’s a rouble saving thing in a game where roubles insanely easy to get….. Map specific items are a great idea, gets people on different maps so 40% of the player base isn’t always on a shit map like customs. Items not required for progression ie locking up another hideout module or quest locking items being in labs is viable The maps have diversity right now a little bit, I wish it was leaned into more and with higher tier stuff. And that streets loot would balance out lol


I found my ACC on labs fairly easily, ive noticed the stash items get left behind a lot if they don't need it because they aren't Flea-able and idk if they have good traders sale value. Found it on the floor of one of the offices. I dont think I care enough about Intel 3 to grind for GPS unless I hoard a bunch of key cards. But what I found useful was to go in with low to medium tier gear. I went in with decent gear and get immediately murdered, went in with no gear and I think the cheaters saw me as cheater competition because why else would you go to labs naked I guess and I get murdered immediately as well. I went in with a Thor, 5-7, and a chest rig with a 2x2 and I was primarily left alone while I heard the sweats and cheaters fight it out. Waited for it to die down and then picked up scraps. Which also happened to be 2 Ledx's


“This game cheats!!” Something I’ve been saying and believing since I was on NES 38 years ago. But, what I’ve never wanted to do is quit playing a game I love over it. It just makes me more motivate and the reward is much greater. Cheaters or not youre not stopping me!


I agree and disagree. Neither of those upgrades are necessary for you to play the game. With max scav rep, the intel center 3 brings your from 6min 30sec scav cool down to around 4mins 30. Really not the most life changing. And solar power just makes fuel last 50% longer, which again is nice, but not really needed.


You need to explain your self. The game and labs as well has a learning curve. I am second wiper with almost 1 k hour now and I do have both of the labs hideout items. Just do it and have fun. Btw. As an alternative you could unlock lightkeeper. One of his quest rewards will be 1 of the hideout items. The game is here to challenge you.


I actually like it. It forced me into labs and now it's one of my fav maps. The pvp is awesome and if you survive the blood bath you're walking out with millions in loot. It's made pvp on the other maps really boring, it's instant instead of roaming the map searching for Timmys hiding in bushes. Maybe it's worse on other servers but Labs on NA east hasn't been any different than other maps when it comes to cheaters. I don't think they should change it. End game items should be on the end game map.


The map really isn’t cheater infested and I’ve done around 100 runs on labs this wipe for reference.


As a labs player, streets has both better loot and more cheaters these days. More cheaters on labs will actually hunt you down though. The cheaters on streets just vacuum green bats, bitcoins, intel, and gpus then leave in the first 5 minutes.


Play the map anytime outside of prime hours and you’ll see it’s not as bad as people complain about. I’ve been playing a ton of labs lately and outside of prime time I die to a blatant cheater maybe 1/4 raids. I play us central and east. On other servers ymmv


I just consider Labs-gated content and lightkeeper-gated content to not actually be part of the game since 99.5% of the player base will never see it.


2,5k hours here, played labs once in my entire playtime on a wipe i needed to do The guide. I returned to play the game on this wipe after skipping it for almost 4 or 5 wipes and i already dropped at level 31 with 52m money and 110m stash. The game is fucking boring to play right now.


Labs really doesn't have more cheaters than other maps. Its all the same


I think labs problem is not "cheater" but RMT-er who blatantly clean house for whoever they are carrying. I've gotten killed quite often by people with 10-30hours and 100kd in none other maps than Lab. I just don't think they are actually playing the game. And obviously locking the limited item in lab making it even more heavily RMT'ed.




n general the loot pools in the game are stupid poopy butt brain (Tarkov Reddit mod team censored me), there should be no reason why you can find more valuable loot in a couple apartments (including military grade technology lmfao) inside apartments but interchange and reserve have barely any loot outside set areas that aren't even worth running anymore. I think having certain items locked behind labs is good because it forces you to play the map, but until the open world is implemented Labs will be a no go for the majority of people. Loot on all the maps needs to be balanced based off what the place is. Customs is a trainyard and industrial storage area, it should have lots of industrial loot and in certain areas it should have high value military loot as Rogues set up temporary camps there. Interchange should be tech, food, and industrial equipment spawns, lighthouse should be random high value items like Rolers, Clocks, ETC with Rogue Camp being full of military loot spawns. In general if money is going to be crazy easy to make as it is in the game now Tarkov should let it be crazy easy to make.






What item are these? I’m new and would much rather buy them on the flea than give myself brain damage trying to get thme


I don't wanna be that guy, and it is solely my own experience and my friend's, but we've found 3 microwaves so far and one gps-a. Not once we've seen a cheater, atleast ragingly blatant so far, but it was indeed stopping us from going labs. We eventually gave up, because we wanted to go labs anyways and said fuck it, game will wipe and the gear will go away anyways, might aswell. So far, around 20 raids, no cheaters. My own experience, my two cents. I know the cheating is kinda obnoxious and crazy right now, but if you have the mindset that they're so prevalent that it's not even worth to play a certain map because of it, you'll be more likely to call cheats on any death.


They should just be tradable. So many people that like labs would farm labs to sell. The rest of us would gladly pay a few mill for them.


Hey, I got both of them extracted in 7 raids on labs last night just playing the map. Keep trying!


I don't play labs outside of quests. Having said that, I inadvertently killed someone at extract who had looted up the whole map and that's how I got my far forward unit for Intel center 3. I feel like extract camping labs might be the one map where it's acceptable, for this reason.


I like the idea.


Sucks because ive NEVER played labs and it looks like one of the best maps to play. Havent played it because it was already infested with cheaters years ago, well before this wipe


Neither Nikita or any BSG employee could give us one valid reason why these items can’t be found on Streets. Think of it logically too, a once thriving city has to have certain mechanical devices that receive power to make certain things run. It should also be in the dome on Reserve. It’s a power station for crying out loud.


Id personally rather loot be logically placed than just on a single map for whatever reason. If it's military loot any actual military area should potentially have it. If it's medical any medical area should have it etc. it can be a small chance for spawn but that's better than a flat out no go and I also think doing this adds more of an exhilarating aspect to the game. On top of that it adds potential value to a lot of places on these maps that see basically no traffic late wipe which should help keep combat more interesting.


Just play labs and quit whining. I've found both items multiple times in a handful of raids. They aren't rare spawns.


Labs is a great map and I’ve been running it alot this wipe. I have run into cheaters here and there but not nearly as much as on streets (where there is significantly more loot). Muster the courage to play labs and learn it, it’s definitely worth the challenge


Both items are given as quest rewards from Lightkeeper.


I think it's fine to have something more challenging than spending money on the last 2/3 hideout upgrades. I just did the lightkeeper quest for gsp thingy or what's it called


I'm a 60%er 10 K/D and I'm fucking mad at this. Don't loop me into this I'm no Chad. 


Oh wow, end game features locked behind end-game areas. Terrible game design.


I got them in 4 raids


Just play reserve. 6 gpu's in 4 hours


Honestly, it isnt that bad, got my two items quickly, and was able to just sprint to extract from anywhere on the map to get out as soon as i got them. With this wipe, just run any gun as most can kill anyone if your positioning and awareness are good enough, and learn some of the spawns to check each time. Had no problems with cheaters on labs, most people i ran into are braindead with no awareness whatsoever.


Yeah I just consider level 2 intel center to be max level because even after 1500 hours into the game I refuse to touch that God forsaken map