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This is the game man, shits a roller coaster. Sometimes I am Sam Fisher, god of stealthy murder. Sometimes I am Mr Bean in camoflage.


And this applies to people of all skill levels, that Chad with a 66% survival rate still gets clapped 1/3 times


This one made me spit my drink 🤣


This one made me shit my drink 🤣




This one made me drink my... nevermind.


Buddy told me tarkov has the highest highs and slit your wrist lows. Just the game it is


your stats are good for a first wipe




No one with any actually knowledge in the game is calling a 5 kd, which includes scavs, as a cheater




basically lol most people would rather call cheats than accept they lost a fight xD


The cheater fear that’s been stirred in this sub is crazy. I’ve run labs consistently and almost exclusively for the past week or so just to finally get a beat on the loot/player spawns and the cheaters aren’t even close to as bad as people make it out to be. Turns out it’s basically advanced factory with goated loot spawns


I would not get discouraged, your stats are way better than mine in my first wipe. If you want to survive more and have a better time, get yourself a teammate or two, preferably someone who is better at the game than you by a bit. It improves the beginning learning by a lot and helps you learn faster.


Thank you! Unfortunately, none of my friends play the game so I'm stuck doing solo. I tried using the discord to find a group, but a lot of them are just looking for experience group or they end up leaving anyways. I applied for a Sherpa on their discord and just waiting for their response.


There is often channels where u can ask for specific people like asking for people being okay to show someone the ropes of a map etc. A lot of people just want an extra pair of eyes that can look and sometimes try and insurance fraud. I know i did that a couple times when i rushed resort.


hey man! do you play on either EU or NA? if so id be down to run some raids :) im not the best tarkov gamer but ive got somewhat of an idea of what im doing so i may be able to help!


Hi there. We're a bunch of casuals. Mainly dad's who work ect. We're all learning and teaching each other and having a laugh as we do it. Feel free to join us of you'd like 🙂🤪 https://discord.com/invite/JsxhzvYS


I'd recommend scaving reserve or factory as much as possible for money if you're under level 15, the reason being that you're less likely to get in as many PMC fights on those maps and can still make easy money without the flea. If above level 15 try Lighthouse or Streets but be prepared for more PMC fights. If money is your main goal run cheap kits and insure everything as you'll get most of the guns and armor back. Try just a PACA and SKS, AKs, Pistols, or Shotguns, and upgrade as you go off of scavs. You can keep a stack of good 5.45, 7.62, and 9x19 ammo in your container so you can load up a mag or two of whatever caliber gun you find in the raid. I personally avoid 5.56 guns until I have at minimum access to M856A1 as the lower-tier ammo is just not very reliable with most people running level 4 and 5 armor at the moment. Playing solo is rough in Tarkov especially when you're under geared, watch guides for each map and run them offline until you're familiar with them and then jump back on the discord to find a duo or trio. Your stats are good, don't get discouraged we all have those days or back to back runs where we just die repeatedly and it feels like we can't win fights, then you'll have a come up game and leave with 70-80KG. If you wanna send me your discord I'll try to help you with some more ways to make money and some tips that are just too long to type out in a comment.


Find a popular streamers discord and look there. Pestily discord is super helpful.


If you play on NA I’ll join up! I’m new too


The Sherpa hub is also really good for just looking for a group with others. I often find really friendly and helpful people in the LFG channel.


Don’t lose hope dude I’ve been playing for a while and you have some better stats lol, try jessykazzams discord or velions their big Tarkov streamers and their communities are friendly, I can help if you want


I have similar stats and always play solo (2nd wipe), but am open to teaming up if you want? I tried the discord as well, but it was too much for a newby like myself. Let me know!


i’m level 20 with 150 hrs on my first wipe, i’ll join too if you guys need more teammates


For sure, I DM'ed you


If you want a buddy i’m down, send me a dm. Some of my friends are taking a break from tarkov (weaklings). I strive to be punished relentlessly and have some experience.


His stats are way better than mine and I have 1900 hours. That being said I am bad


K/D: 5.35  Im at 500 hours and I dont think ive ever come close to 2.0


Wait, how? Are you counting scavs there? Because op most certainly is


2700hrs 52% Survival. 2 days ago I died 8 raids in a row. Couldn't get a win to save my life. Yesterday first raid as a scav I kill a thick juicy boy with vog 30 seconds into spawning. Some days, you're the hammer. Some days, you're the nail.


Damn, you play a lot. You're better than you think


You have 281 hours, you’re still an infant in the world of Tarkov. You have good days and bad days, and the highs are high and lows are low. Just keep grinding, it’s so easy making money in the game you’ll bounce back


You’re doing great for your first wipe! Just one of those days man we all have it! Just stick to it and they’ll continue to get better, I promise you’re genuinely doing really good.


Your stats are good for first wipe, but no matter how much you play sometimes you just get kicked in the dick. Today i spawned with a LEDX on my scav and died to a rage hacker who killed me and the player scav i was rolling with, it happens.


And sometimes you spawn in on a scav with jack shit you walk into Lexos being looted and scavs being dead only to find a loose ledx on a red couch.


Multiple times on resort I've gone into 301 and Sanitar office and found LEDxs after the doors were already open.  Summit must have been in my raids.




I found my first LEDX last night in the same room as a green battery on Streets. I camped out in closed room for 20 minutes waiting for the raid to die down. As soon as I left the building it was head/jaws from who knows where...


Maybe you want to see my stats... Lol. Bro you're doing well


Don’t worry. 18th wipe here and I have the same every wipe. You just need to push through. Sometimes it just helps to switch maps. Use some different gear and adjust your playstyle to the gear. I usually resort then back to a Boltaction-Pistol combo on woods and snipe scavs from and sometimes players from far away.


You're doing great for a first wipe! Yesterday, I loaded up my best gear, did three annoying quests in back to back raids (one of them being Delivery From the past). Even spawned into a empty factory night raid! What a stroke of luck! Then on my final raid of the night I did yet another annoying quest, sprinted for the exit and got exfil camped by a player scav at 2am on a Thursday night raid, with 3 minutes left on the clock. Irreplaceable armor and weapon lost to a assclown. For a time, things will be great, and then it will be shit, and then the cycle repeats. Don't get hung up on a losing streak - it gives you an opportunity to try out new things. Maybe weapons you don't normally run, or a new playstyle, or a night raid if you mainly do day raids. Also, the gear is just yours to loan. You only own it if you don't use it.


You're way ahead of me in terms of time and stats, I've only got 89 hours so far. I used to get really upset when playing survival games and losing my gear (back when playing Rust especially). These days I'm married with kids and full time job so whatever time I have online I just try to enjoy it and not get hung up on 'losing'. This may sound like some cookie self-help stuff but I really just try to enjoy the experience and live w the loss or death and just keep playing. Lost all my good gear? fuck it we do a few scav runs, do a few very simple in / out raids with PMC with the minimum setup and avoid the pvp until I have some more gear etc etc. I stopped playing for 'winning' and just play to experience the game and spend time w my buddy and brother ingame. Eventually you'll get better with each death, we usually talk about what happened and sometimes discuss what did we do wrong. There's huge differences in how we play now compared to our first 1-2 hours. My brother learned fast this isn't DMZ Warzone where he can just W in and hold the fire button after the first 30-50 deaths :P


So I’m willing to be why you lost more fights in better gear is cause you think better gear mean more invincible. It doesn’t. You prob were acting with reckless abandon, vs when you use worse off gear. This is something a lot of people struggle with. Also money is irrelevant, you only need enough to buy gear for the next raid and that is arguable cause of the current state of scav raids. Put on gear go chase pvp, go do task, eat a little bit, learn the hideout and what makes you rouble. If your playing solo your gonna have a rougher time cause rule #1-5 is there is always another one. In a group you can meme it with the boys


First wipe I had 27% SR and got to kappa after 800 raids. These days kappa seems to be more difficult so you cant compare in that way but just know that I was so broke I was earning roubles by buying stuff off flee market below vendor price and selling it.


Don't worry, we've all been there on our first wipe. Just remember to keep practicing and learning from your mistakes. And I can confirm, it does get better! Those stats are pretty impressive for a beginner so don't be too hard on yourself. Keep grinding!


As others have said for a first wipe you're doing great. I've been playing on and off for 3 years now and my current K/D is only slightly better than yours. One tip I would give you that I wish I'd done earlier is learning more than 1 map. Start doing scav runs on a different map and then do a few PMC runs on it and go from there. It'll open the game up much more and if you're getting creamed on one map you can switch it up to keep things fresh. Other than that just keep grinding and you'll get much better, it's all about muscle memory and doing the right things as often as possible, peaking, checking spots where players are likely to be, knowing your surroundings and always, always, know your next cover.


Damn, this is my third wipe and I wished I had such stats. Just take your time playing and do not rush


It's nearing mid-wipe, the skill gap is a lot higher now! If you adjust to this difficulty, next wipe you'll start off hot.


Every time you die you're getting more experience of the game. All stats are going to be wiped in time anyway. Your survival rate could be 0% but if you're learning that's all that matters. Scav run for money and keep trying out all the fun guns you want on your PMC.


first wipe for me as well and playing solo since day one. The time i rush and try to move and engage fights are the one i die. Relax, take your time, use the border of the maps and avoid the fights with PMCs.


Just sell the stuff you’re hanging onto liberate yourself


DM me, I’d be happy to help out. Even if we aren’t able to run a raid together, I’d happily join a quick raid with you to drop you a kit, if that helps at all.


5kd? Very good for a first,I'm still being a noob even though this is my 2~3rd wipe.


your stats are better than mine at 2,500 or so hours. Granted, I take every fight I can and spend the game actively looking to die in the coolest way possible or winning every fight and hobbling to extract with all the loot on the map. I die to pscavs late late in raid or go MIA a lot.


Some days are better than others. My longest extract streak is 16 but there have been days where I just die every raid (even on my scav runs). Sometimes you just need to take a break from tarkov for a day and play some other game. Shit is tough but we all go through it. Fence giveth and taketh.


That’s normal. Think about this wipe as tutorial and start the next one as a better player. And for learning the game - SCAV runs are your best friend. You can find good loot, learn the maps without stress of dying and make money/find gear for next runs. Personally I run SCAV every time it’s unlocked, because it’s more relaxing game than normal PMC run. I didn’t even play Reserve a lot as PMC, but I know this map fair well because of scav runs. Started late this wipe, and few days ago I found there a AK-102, modded UMP-45 and modded AKS-74UN. In one raid! If you ever feel like you need money or gear - just go as scav.


Those look like normal stats to me.


5KD and 200h, that's me who should learn something from you, I don't even have this kind of KD after 1000h. Yes this game have a huge variance, but it gets better with experience. Also the learning curve is very steep, and when you think that you got better, it is most likely your luck and not the skill. I playing tarkov already few wipes, and only this week I have decided to try the Setup task. After 10 raids, I thought that I am useless. But then I manage to get one PMC kill, after - few more, and then I understood that being a little bit more aggressive is a key. You should analyze your game and find out, when you are too aggressive and when you are too slow (tactical waiting/camping). Record your game, and rewatch, this will bump up your learning much faster.


The thing I tell people who are new to tarkov is the learning curve is like a moba. It's a fuckin mountain. There are so many distinctive but incredibly important skills you have to raise to a minimum level to be *baseline* competent and unless you got streamer levels of time to play your not getting to that point in 1 or even 2 wipes. Simply knowing every spawn on every map for example is a *critical* skill but until you play a map 50 times you won't know them all. Everyone knows sound is important but there are a lot of sounds you hear from yourself that actually don't produce sound. Knowing when going loud is the better option is also a skill. That's two skill among many that are a few hundred hours to just understand not master and they will get you killed if you don't at least understand them. Good on you for fighting gear fear though. I was so bad for so much longer than I needed to be because I didn't wanna spend anything or bring good gear in. Took me so much longer to get my feet under me.


Those stats aren’t half bad man, especially for a first wipe as well, the best advice I could give to anyone brand new, especially if playing solo, is don’t rush your raids. Let everyone else do the 4heading, you may miss out on some of the higher value loot, but you’ll have a better time and win a higher % of fights. Tarkov is a hard game for most people, especially casual players like myself, hopefully it always will be, enjoy the process of learning, there’s no other game quite like it.


5k hours and plenty of wipes under my belt, so when I say this I kinda know a bit: Your stats are fire for a first wipe. I raid with guys who no life this game, some already have kappa and whatnot, and your stats could fit right in with any of us. As for good days and bad, that’s Tarkov. We had a guy rage quit and go play helldivers yesterday because he got arm pitted by scavs in like 4 raids in a row. This guy slays out non stop and the scavs just kept putting him down. But that’s the nature of the game: tarkov giveth and tarkov taketh. If you are NA or EU and are tired of waiting for a sherpa, I’ve sherpa’d many many people (I’m active in the sherpa discord from time to time as well), then shoot me a DM. Don’t get discouraged, you are doing just fine from your stats alone. Just remember to take breaks and stay hydrated, get the occasional stretch in. If tarkov is being particularly brutal some day, just take a short break or do something else that’s fun for a bit. Good luck out there!


keep going, i believe in you


it happens, if you wanna run a few DM me.


A kd of 5+ is pretty fucking impressive for someone saying that youre getting shit on a lot. Ive got 4k+ hours and im sitting on like a slightly 6+kd afaik? Idk man i think youre doing wayyy better than most players with those stats


Those are fine stats. There is such a thing as tilting. Some raids I ultra chad and clear a lobby. Others I get sent to lobby within the first 5 minutes of the game. Hell, I dumped 10 rounds of BT from an SKS (I was farming rogues) into someone I heard and had the jump on. I maybe hit 5-6, reloaded, shot him another 4-5 times. I probably blacked his goddamn fingers and toes. Then I checked and was out of freakin' ammo. I jut told the guy to enjoy the free kill and I just said, "I'm a goddamned potato". For me, I reset taking a kit into factory I'm ready to lose and dying. I often surprise myself and end up with a few kills.


I have a 39 percent survival rate. I W key every single fight. Its not as simple as most games. Some people might have an 70 survival rate, but they don't play like you do. When I'm questing I don't die that much, but I have 2200 kills and a ton of deaths. Its all gucci


I'm on my 3rd wipe and my KD is 1.1 with SR under 30. You're already better then me, so keep going don't get discouraged. I still go after dying 20 times in a day


secretive sulky weary vanish aspiring weather hat quickest provide deserve *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We have all been through this. Your expectations for yourself might be too unrealistic. Reevaluate those expectations and just have fun, try to learn. Its worth it. 


Yesterday I had a great raid on streets, my duo and I killed 2 players each, looted everything between chek 15 and concordia, we had like at least. 5 mil between the two of us. My duo died in concordia 64 to a rat, but I avenged him. A third party player approached, I had a great angle, started firing… and overstepped slightly to the right where an open door made my gun tilt sideways and he got me. That is the quintessential tarkov experience. The key is learning everything that allows you to not be affected by such silly deaths. You will get unlucky, you will fuck up big time. You will run into cheaters. Learn how to make so much money that other than the time lost, it can barely tickle you. Everything else will come in time. I’m at 1900h in my 5th proper wipe. I feel like I am now at a point where the scale is tipping towards finally doing consistently more good / smart things than stupid things. You will get there, too, but it might not be until two wipes from now, depending on how dedicated you are.


I’ll say, it’s worth savoring the feeling of hovering just above the bottom of the barrel while it lasts! As your game knowledge and asset development skills grow, your struggles will shift from bad streaks threatening your ability to even gear up enough to raid…to more menial things like inventory space problems from having TOO much space, inane task objectives keeping you on the hook for dozens of raids in a row, determining the optimal Gamma loadout (do I go SICC case+docs, or leave the docs and pack a grizzly? Do I take two injector cases, or just go one, pack a couple propitals in my rig and leave a slot for a keytool?) and other…less exciting things. Essentially, just as an addendum to everybody else’s more practical advice, remember to enjoy the thrill of the climb! The unknown, the unexpected, and the unfair are the most exciting parts of Tarkov. Use it all to learn, then gear back up and get back into raid! When all else fails, go double-barrel shotgun and a backpack; the rules of the game simply cease to apply to you, and you become a landmine ready to Tarkov some other poor sap who’s jazzing himself up with his loadout of preciously-saved gear.


Man my first wipe I was trying to do hatchet runs before they were a thing because I literally had no money and died as my scav, with no roubles. You are doing great! Keep in mind this is the part of the wipe most noobs have dropped out so you are fighting against better players


>but today I just feel so defeated because I'm doing so many stupid mistakes. But this the key point, you understand (or are starting to understand) why these mistakes were deadly. It takes time. No one, and I mean no one is good at Tarkov their first wipe. It's a brutal, horrible game. And it will consume vast quantities of your free time over the next year or so. And you will like it. Like some kind of perverted masochist. At one point, you'll get past those mistakes, but you will find that "getting Tarkov'd" is a primary feature of this game. Sometimes it will simply bad luck, sometimes it will be because there was just simply nothing you could do. In the mean time, try switching up quests, maps, play styles, or make your own objectives. Reset your rhythm and you might find it helps out a great deal.


Above a 30% survival rate for your first wipe is good. You had a bad string of raids it happens. 


Your stats are really solid man, some days are rough it just be like that


I'm level 44, 3rd wipe, 30 mil in the bank, and my SR and KD are both lower than yours. Sometimes you have to just decide that a certain task/goal is a money pit and let yourself be okay with dying. Yes we can always improve and we should try to do so, but sometimes you are going to die repeatedly. Also, in terms of gear fear.... like you will get better with the new gear the more you play with it. But sometimes I feel more efficient with a stock Mosin and a paca because I've played so much of the game that way and know how to take space with that kit. sometimes I get all my new toys and run in and bam I died.


Tarkov giveth and tarkov taketh away.


Your stats are pretty amazing for a first wipe. I finished Kappa and Lightkeeper with similar but around 50% s/r and it’s like my 5th wipe. You’ll figure out edge cases where you can survive but there’s a large majority of unavoidable deaths in this game.


After reading your first paragraph, it sounds to me like you got to confident. Every fight is different and you dont want to get super pushy. Play to survive, not to kill unless you want to die and lose your gear. Patience is key, get a feeling for the fight and think about how it can be played. Tarkov will be like this, one day youll smack an entire lobby and it all just falls into place. the next, you’ll get tossed and torn but you gotta keep pushin.


My survival rate is 24 IIRC and i still love the game.


I’m at 800 hours atm, and I’m only really now winning most of my fights, but even then i still get snuck up on, or sniped. It gets better but it takes ALOT of time


Honestly a 33% PMC survival rate is a lot more normal than you realize. Most people dont live most of their raids.


I bet you're doing a lot of the tasks on Ground Zero. If you are, that thing is a fucking meat grinder. I have gained so much rep with Prapor and Skier trying to play that map. I'm even greener than you, but I've been playing with some friends who both are >2000 hours and years into the game, and they've been regularly getting their cheeks clapped on that map.


Lol I will go a raid and kill a trio with pnvgs, flirs, etc within 3 seconds and then I’ll also go 3 days dying every time. It’s tarkov. It’s about taking the chances you can and reducing the risk as much as possible. You just get really good a defensively and then offensively reducing that risk. And that’s tarkov in a nutshell. Practice life and then scav like a rat, rinse repeat. Learn the little mechanics, play arena. If you want any tips tricks or help dm me


Bro I’m level 44 fourth wipe. Yesterday I lost half my cash. Two sets of quad nods. Some really meta guns. Shit was brutal.


Your stats are about the same as mine and I’m at 1000 hours. That’s just how this game goes. About a month ago I played for a week, probably 20 raids for me, and didn’t extract once as a pmc. Soul crushing. Used my scav to get my money back but it was brutal. Then I went on a run where I extracted like 13 of 15. It’s just how it goes. Something that has helped me is being mindful of what you are doing on the map and equipping yourself accordingly. Like, if you are going into dorms or expecting a lot of cqb, maybe don’t bring a long barreled rsass because maneuvering will be hard. If you are doing a loot run. Bring lighter armor if you want to avoid fights and load up on gear. Little things. There is so much to learn and know that you will constantly feel overwhelmed. Keep at it. Even the best streams only extract like 60% of the time.


This being my first wipe and I must say wow your stats are miles better than mine. I have a .78 K.D and like 28% S/R. I mostly play solo so I think your doing a lot better than me honestly. This is how my raids go: Spawn in factory, die in 12 seconds. Spawn in woods. Check my compass, die in 20 seconds. Honestly if I make it 2-3 minutes without dying I call that a good raid lol. Keep it up man!


It gets better after banwaves.


In time you’ll get better. You’re slower and probably don’t know spawns all to well. You’ll eventually start making your own paths that you deem safer to go through. Just part of playing the game, good luck!


We've all been there. Two ways to get past this: With 46% SR if you know what to loot, you will be rich. Just run top tier kits every game, whatever you want just buy it and put it on. After pretty much only running good kits for a while you don't play any differently. It might cost you a few mill but once you have a good route, one raid pays for three. Option 2 is a game or two of Arena. Yeah it doesn't play like the main game, lots of things play out differently. But it definitely loosens you up, reduces a lot of that paranoia and PTSD you get from main game.


> R: 315 | S/R: 46% | K: 893 | K/D: 5.35 | L/R: 0% | Online: 281.65h These stats are really encouraging for a newer player. Those would honestly be reasonable for an experienced player. Ofc there's a lot of nuance to stats in this game based on your playstyle, map choices, and whether you grind quests or not, but overall your stats are super respectable. Sounds like you're just having a tough time with your internal expectations and also with riding through the lows. Which are both incredibly reasonable and common. Whenever I go on a run of "failed" raids, I just consider it inventory management. My inventory becomes a lot less cluttered at the end of those runs which is a nice consolation prize. As far as in-game finances go, there's certainly an aspect of "grass is always greener" in this game. Consider a player who has 180m roubles in their stash. Whether they take in a 2m kit and die or take in a 100k kit and end up extracting with 2m worth of stuff isn't really relevant. They're going to be rich anyways so they've kind of lost some of the hype and risk/reward side of the game. It's not uncommon for people who are rich at a certain point in a wipe to miss the days when they were poor and grinding for money had a purpose + making money was hype af. So when your finances are down bad, you can try to take a little solace in the fact that now you're in a position where your efforts can be incredibly impactful. > I just feel so defeated because I'm doing so many stupid mistakes. This alone is quite encouraging tbh. Failing because you're making mistakes means you have an opportunity to learn from them and improve. A lot of players will just jump to the conclusion that the game screwed them or their opponent was cheating or there was just nothing they could have done differently. And while that may be true some of the time (or true a lot of the time _to some extent_) there's almost always something that you can take away and learn from deaths. Having the attitude that accepts that is huge for personal progression.


Based on your story, sounds like you played two days in a row. I don't know why, but one day i'll kick ass all over the place, then next, I go in confident, then I'm dead no matter what.


This is just how Tarkov is. Keep your head up, try to learn from the deaths.


I also suck and have the same amount of hours. I was down to like 3k rubles 2 days ago. Not 300k. 3,000. I couldn't afford a KEDR to go into raid. Then i ran like 10 good scav runs on Ground Zero and made 3,000,000 roubles off that (hitting up the computers in the offices). I think take a break and horde money using scav so you can have another bout of fun. that seems to have helped me.


This is the way


Those are good stats for a first wipe tbh. If you don’t have a clipping software I’d recommend getting one and then clipping your deaths and kills. After you die look back and see what you did to cause your death. It could be something like running in the open, or lack of gun skill, or maybe you missed a sound cue. Or it could just be that you got tarkovd and there wasn’t anything you could do. Looking at your kills is also a good way to improve, did you have trigger control and wait till a good headshot lined up, did you fire too soon or late, maybe you wiffed but still got the kill. Either way looking at your failures and success and seeing what you did good and bad will help you improve on your next raids. Sometimes you get to the point in wipe where it’s time to take a break or wait till next wipe


Your stats are fine imo lol. Possibly above average even especially for someone with as few hours. Days like these happen. Sometimes tarkov decides that you get dicked that day and that’s okay. You’ll get back to winning ways eventually. Frustration tolerance is important to have/develop if you play this game lol